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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

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'Ah friends. The proverbial mixed blessing. You love em but sometimes you can't help but want them to shut up.' Mitzu texted back quickly barely even needing to pay attention to the lecture humming barely loud enough to be heard.

Ivan stood in the background making sure that miss Shima was comfortable and had all she needed for the class before settling once he knew she was fine. But he would still react once she needed something his stance never once really relaxing. Sure he looked relaxed but he wasn't. Be would react to anything she could possibly need him to do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Luna
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'I so agree with you, at least tomorrow I will have you and have some sanity when im around this idiot, how I havent lost it yet is beyond me' he texted back with a smirk on his lips as Tamaki comtinued to ramble on and on not noticing that Kyoya was not listening at all.

Shima smiled when she felt the comforting eyes of Ivan on her form and it let her relax a little knowing that anything should happen he would be there to help her. She tensed when two girls walked up, she knew these girls all too well and they were far from nice."Hmm shame that you got such a bad...injury it looks like you wont be participating in the next modeling show" one girl said snidely obviously there to cause trouble
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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'Everyone here is mad. I'm mad, the students are mad, and even you are mad Alice. :P' Mitzu grins as she sent the text as she answered why he hadn't gone insane yet.

Ivan glared at the child messing with his charge then smiles kindly yet there was a serpatine feel to it. "I would most appreciate if you didn't bother the young miss I am looking after. Please refrain." He asked kindly but there was a tone there as if he were saying: 'do so or face repercussions'.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Kyoya chuckled and texted back "Imust be lucky then if I had gone madcondering with my family problems and the host club" he send back at her with a smirk ignroing the looks Tamaki was giving him

The girls scoffed at him "And who are you to talk to your higher ups servant" the same girl glared as Shima shifted obviously very uncomfortable before she texted Mori to the situation, just as she sent it the other girl took her phone ignroing Shoma's shout of protest "What could a loser like you be sending" she looked and glared at her "Takashi-senpai, how many time have I told you to stay away from im, that he was mine" the girl in anger threw her phone to the ground breaking it making Shima start to cry
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

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"Last I checked I didn't answer to you. I serve the Hizari's and they trusted me with her care." Ivan responded going to Shima and wiping her tears as Mori came into the class getting the request for help having bowed apologetically to his teacher and had ran here. It hadn't been that far but he had pushed himself to go faster. He glared at the girl who dared to not only brake personal property but also say that he was hers. Last he checked he belonged to himself and he would never belong to such an ugly person. He didn't need to say anything his stormy expression said it all.

'Sanity is so boring isn't it? I am so glad I never had to experience it. Your ignoring your friend by texting me aren't you? Naughty. But I feel special, you'd ignore him for me.' Mitzu sent looking at a girl who asked who she was texting. "If it were any of your business, which it is not, I still wouldn't tell you." She said softly a haughty air coming over the actress.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Shima looked down at the floor as the girls glared at Ivan "It doesn't matter who you serve, we are still higher ups and you serve all your higher ups" the girl who broke Shima's phone said hauntly not noticing that Mori has arrived in the room. "Yeah you stupid servant" the other girl said, the other people around them except Hikaru Kaoru and Haruhi started to whisper making poor Shima shake. Mori had quickly texted Kyoya what was going on.

Kyoya smirked when he received her text and texted back 'Indeed you are special to me and ignoring the idiot is worth it if I get to talk to you' he said and it vanished when he received Mori's text 'Come down to Class 1-A we have a problem' He texted Mitsu again. 'There seems to be a problem in class 1 A you think you can ditch your class to see what it is' before standing up and excusing himself to go see it
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

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Ivan rose an eyebrow at seeing Mori-san at the class realizing that he had called in reinforcements. "Oh? So I am the one lacking intelligence? How quaint. And yet the only insult you think to throw at me is 'stupid'. Isn't it rather dangerous to use ones entire vocabulary in an entire sentence?" He asked to buy time.

Mitzu stalked out of the class room making an excuse her stride fast as her thoughts were solid on making someone pay for the break in her rather fascinating conversation. 'I'm on my way. Don't mind me of I start to mutter to myself in Italian.' She had sent before walking. She had to remind herself that harming other students was not okay and to keep a calm head.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Kyoya arrived at the class and watched in frowning at the sigh of Shima crying with her phone broken at her feet and Mori standing over her protectively glaring at the two girls who were obviously causing trouble. He easily recognised them as Ayanokoji friends and that made him scowl almost but hide it under his cool mask. One of the girls raised her hand and slapped Ivan "How about you just leave us and this little bitch to this" it was the one that called Mori hers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

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"Oohh. A tough girl." Mitzu purrs not even bothering to hide her anger at having someone that had hit another human being no matter where in society they were. She was smiling that cold princess grin and people close moved as far in their desks to get away from the combined dark forces of the Shadow King, Mori, and a Hizari. People knew to anger a Hizari your life was basically over as you knew it, for they knew how to take people down with just six words or less if they felt particularly impressive. "You alright dearie?"
Ivan caressed his cheek having had worse as a boy and nods. "Just a physical abrasion milady. I fear though that Miss Shima's phone has been destroyed." He says once more wiping Shima's face free of her tears.
"Oh? Perfect." Mitzu says with a grin that put to mind a shark smelling blood readying to attack.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Luna
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The girls shook upon seeing her but one of them was brave and glared at her "Why bother with a loser wannabe model like her, I mean look at her, she will never be great as her mom nor as beautiful as her" she said haughtily flipping her hair making her friend pale looking at her but said nothing against what she was doing. Shima continued to look down at her lap
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

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"Is that why my grandmother is adamant that only Shima be used for her new line? How peculiar. Kyoya dear, what is this one's name?" Mitzu asks with a demonic smirk. She was glad that the other girl wised up but she was still going to be in trouble. She picked up the pieces of the phone and took the USB card. "I have a computer freak as a friend. He can get all your files, pictures, everything of worth and put it in a new phone for you dearie." She says sweetly to Shima caressing the girl's head like an elderly sibling.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Shima nodded looking up at her with red rimmed eyes as Kyoya grinned "One is Ayame Kinoshi of Kinoshi Fashion and Modeling, she is the youngest of five siblings. Her company is the rival of Shima's family but her family has a good friendship with hers" he pointed to the one who wised up."The other is Mini Hakuto is Hakuto Modeling who is also a rival of Shima's family and also a rival to the Hitachiin family and dont have very good relations to Shima's family, both are in league with Ayanokoji's family" he said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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In quick successful movements, Mitzu took her own phone and took quick pictures and had the phone back to her fingers. "Bullying Classmate For Laughs." She said the four words the capital's being heard the famous six words or less dripping from her voice. "I wonder just how the modeling world will treat that?" She asked rhetorically. For with everything going on, bullying was NOT accepted. A modeling agency will drop dramatically if its model resorts to it. Sure, some places were mean but there was some things a decent human did not do. The pictures were of the girls, the remains of the phone, and of Ivan's slapped cheek. All she had to do was press send, which her pointer finger was currently resting on innocently. Just a slight pressure and it would be sent.
Moro watched curious to see the infamous Hizari wrath in action. Once burned, it didn't die until those who lit it suffered. And it was on one hand, very simple to do if you knew the Hizari's values, but also difficult as hell to know what sparked the infamous temper for they didn't allow people to get close but for a few select people. He went to Shima and silently thanked Ivan for watching over her and gently caressed her face to completely clear it of tears.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Shima looked up at Mori her eyes rimmed wit a darker red than her own red ruby eyes and she smiled weakly before looking down at her own broken phone picking up only for it to completely fall from the wires and small circuit board that powered the cellphone and she held it close to her chest hiding her eyes with her orange hair.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

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Mori placed his hand over hers silently conveying that he was sorry for her broken phone. And not to worry for Mitzu had given her word that all of the data could be saved and gathered, and that a new phone would be given.

"Now, leave. You did enough damage today." Mitzu says putting that small amount of pressure on her phone and then pressed a few buttons. "Hey I need your help." She said into the phone rolling her eyes with a grin. "Darling you know I love you. Now can you help me out?" She asked with a small laugh. "Good. I'll deliver the phone to you then." She said hanging up and walked over to Shima. "May I have that please?" She asked kindly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Shima looked up at Mitsu and nodded handing her the remains of her beloved phone as the girls scoffed and walked away ignoring everyone else who was looking at that entire scene. Shima held to Mori's hand tightly as she struggled not to cry again "My mama gave me that phone for winning my first model show at the age of 14" she said in a weak and low voice but everyone could still hear her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

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"I'm sorry for those ignoramous idiots who did that. It seems even with the fabulously wealthy we can't escape petty things like in commoner schools." Mitzu says shaking her head putting the remains into a bag from a pocket, glad she was instinctually prepared for anything.
Mori held onto Shima's hand gently allowing her to put as much pressure as she needed.
"I do apologize. It was my duty to make sure miss Shima's first day from the hospital went by without a hitch." Ivan apologized.
"No, you were told to make sure Shima was alright. You are doing great Ivan. You could not have predicted the petty feelings from a horrid female." Mitzu adamently denied softly caressing his other cheek with a small smile. "So don't beat yourself up alright?" She asked kindly. She then typed in Mori's number from Kyoya's phone into hers and placed her phone onto Shima's desk. "Here. Take this for the remainder of the day. I will get your replacement by tomorrow, and I hardly use mine for much." She says with a small smile to Kyoya. That text conversation was the most she had used her phone during school hours. "And its really sturdy. So you won't have to worry about another student breaking it. By the way would you like the exact same model or more like mine where it won't break?" She asked curiously so she can get it for her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Luna
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"Can I have something in between, I always used Iphones so I am used to them more than other types of phone" she said taking the phone into her hands to look at it. Kyoya looked at Mitsu and then started to write in his notebook and went somewhere to call someone. Shima watched him before looking at Mori her face stained with tears before turning her attention to Mitsu.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

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"Of course you can. And I will also get a protector thing for it too so that it is even more protected." Mitzu says tilting her head curiously wondering what the Shadow King was up to. She smiles softly.
Mori wiped Shima's face clear of the tear streaks with a tissue. He saw how Mitzu liked Kyoya. And he could see that his status or his families name meant nothing to her. Since her family name was just as popular. He was goad for his friend, he found one of the rare rich and famous people that didn't let their fame and riches get to their head. And in this school, that was indeed rare.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Shims smiled softly when she felt the softness of the tissue against her tear stained cheek and she looked up at her crush "Thank you so much Mori-senpai" She said with a soft smile. Kyoto hung up the phone with a devilish smile on his face as he looked at Mitsu "Shima won't have to worry about those girls the head master has agreed to expelled the girls from bad conduct and bulling of other classmates which are against the rules her at Ouran"
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