Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

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Michiko noticed that the CTU had left and Luna was going a bit crazy *whatever happened to her must have been bad* Michiko thought as she watched Luna and then noticed the CTU had left so Michiko had decided to walk to the Surfus and say to lard "I finally got your darn stuff" and pushed the cart towards him passive aggressively
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

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Her hand being grabbed only served to feed Luna's presumption that she was being taken by the CTU, however her fears faded - though only slightly - when she heard the voices of Jasper and Michiko. The pounding in Luna's head was hard to bear, and she felt sick, which seemed to make her think she had somehow been poisoned, most likely as she was unconscious. She blinked as she was put back on her feet, and she almost toppled over, only stopping herself by placing one of her hands on Jasper's lower chest for support.
"Ugh, I don't feel good." Luna mumbles, closing her eyes halfway and groaning out as her injured arm begins to hurt.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silverfox


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"No wonder. Your going to have to get stitches on that wound of yours." Jasper says lightly taking Luna's arm and puts it around his neck so she can more easily lean against him. "And in case your wondering no the CTU did not capture you. In fact their leaving the ship right now."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by sheeplon
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sheeplon Living Sludge

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Hearing the Zenohunt come to, Minan turned his attention away from the captain. "Luna, you look wonderful, as always." He grinned, standing up and stretching. "Jasper, maybe you should think about helping her in? The sooner we can all get settled once more the better." It was rare to see the alien get impatient, but standing there with an injured crew mate wasn't doing much helping anyone. Walking up to the two, he shook his head. It was useless to ask if she was alright - Even if her pride prevented her from saying anything, she obviously wasn't. "Do you remember what happened?" It was a long shot, but maybe she would remember at least something.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silverfox


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"You could help me carry her you know! I'm not the strongest person alive." Jasper snaps glaring at Minan. His back and shoulder was beginning to cramp up quite painfully. He shifts Luna's weight a little to try to ease the pain.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

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"M-My wound is fine." Luna lies, before releasing a huff. Suddenly, her face turns a dark red colour as she hears Minan's comment. "T-Thanks Minan, but..." She reeled over as if she decided that drink from earlier would now live it's days on the ground, but she held her stomach. Closing her eyes, Luna took deep breaths as Minan asked her if she remembered what happened, and she metaphorically clawed at her mind in order to collect what happened into a basket and deliver it to her lips. A final deep breath, and she began to speak.
"I... I sort of remember. I was walking to find a shop for some... That doesn't matter. But, I was walking, and I saw a poster of us being wanted on my phone, and then there were guards. Four of them. I escaped, but one got me, I lost my phone, and I stabbed him. I then ran, shot the other three, but got hit. And then it went black." Luna suddenly reels forward again, as if she is going to hurl.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silverfox


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"You being fine is as likely as me giving birth to my mother." Jasper says to Luna when she tells him her wound is "fine". He patently listens to Luna retell what happened to her for he also wished to know. "I wonder how much worse this get? A lot worse most likely. Curse my bad luck." He mutters softly under his breath.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by sheeplon
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sheeplon Living Sludge

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Minan laughed at Jasper's comment, seeing his struggle. "Maybe you should work on it. Or are all humans like that?" Though he was smiling, it was a serious question. He never did know much about humanity. Taking his upper arm wraps off, he took it and tied it tightly around her wound. He decided to help the struggling human, just taking their place so he didn't take the injured arm. The height difference between the two made it almost comical. "Ah, don't be like that." He lightly scolded her trying to say she was fine as he shifted her weight onto him. "You had an interesting day, if nothing else." So much for not causing trouble, but he couldn't entirely blame her. This whole situation was a strange one.

At her own pace, Minan took Luna up to what the crew had more or less designated as the infirmary. He took off his article off of her and instead replaced it with gauze bandage. "I am not an expert in the medical field, so I can't help too much with this." He commented. Of course his makeshift first aid wouldn't do a whole hell of a lot, but something was better than nothing. Really, he was just stalling until someone more qualified got there. The T'Vao then turned so he was facing her face to face, then shook his head. She really didn't look good, even when he considered her arm. "Luna, are you all there?" To say the least, she seemed out of it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silverfox


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jasper growls at Minan's words having to resit to urge to punch him in the mouth. "I hope a Snoop snake bites you." He spits thinking of the deadly snake native to Domta. When they reach he watches Minan try to help Luna. "You need to tighten the bandage and put pressure on the wound to slow the bleeding, and you didn't even try to clean the wound. That's just asking for it to get infected. You also need to give her a lot of water and other fluids if she is to replace the blood she's lost." Jasper said crossing his arms remembering all his mother's words when it came to healing, and the many medical books he had read in his life.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by sheeplon
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sheeplon Living Sludge

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Minan turned to the human, grinning broadly, "Jasper, my dear friend, I just had an amazing idea. You're going to love it." He walked over, placing his hands on his hips. For a being that appeared male, he had a pretty feminine walk. "I will readily admit I know nothing about humans, or human like species, such as the Zenohunt is. Or, for that matter, anything medical. Apparently you do - Take over." He clapped his hands together, making the whole situation much more dramatic than it needed to be. "A simple solution, yes?" The more he talked, the more his accent slipped through, hard accents forming on vowels.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silverfox


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Your the one that needs to learn. If you are to ever to learn "anything medical" you need to do it your self. I can tell you what to do so how bout we do it that?" Jasper proposed not moving from where he was. He groans shaking his head. "Cantha punitse." he said to himself speaking in his native language. He looks up looking Minan hard in the eye. "In case your wondering cantha punitse means dancing spiders in my native language. Yes I know how stupid that sounds. Lots of people have pointed that out and if I hear one more person say it they are going to get a black eye. No questions asked."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

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Michiko decided to run back to the group after grabbing a medical kit from the ship. "I don't really know if anything in here will help but every little bit counts I guess" Michiko said as she held up the medkit to the group "now I don't know crap about being a medic but I think that she's posioned and desperately needs a doctor. like right now" Michiko told the group with a urgent tone in her voice *god this is my fault only if I found her quicker* michiko thought in her head frowning
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silverfox


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"You can't just shove medication in her. For one she's not human. Her body most likely will react differently to it. Second we don't even know what she poisoned with. You can't fill her up with 20 different antidotes in her and expect everything to be alright. Another thing you think she poisoned so we don't even know if she needs an antidote!" Jasper princes the bridge of his nose closing his eye. "Why can't we have at lest have one decent medic here and not just a bunch of people who are trying their best?Ugh!" Jasper pushes Minan to the side and undoes the bandage on Luna's arm and gets a cloth with he wets with some water and proceeds to quickly clean the wound. When he's done he re-wraps the wound with a fresh bandage making sure it's tight enough not to cut off her blood flow but enough to slow the bleeding.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

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*that pissed me off.* Michiko decided to slap jasper in the face "get a hold of yourself you moron! thats why we need to get Luna to a fracking doctor!" michiko yelled at Jasper with a angry tone "acting angry and yelling insults won't do shit to help her!" michiko at jasper then looked at minan "If I'm correct they're should be a medical Clinic nearby and it shouldn't take us too long to get her there before Luna dies" Michiko announced to both of the two people *note to self. don't get injured near these people*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by sheeplon
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sheeplon Living Sludge

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Minan could stand there for the day arguing this with Jasper. He loved a good debate, and while potentially frustrating, the human seemed to be able to provide that. He almost continued, stopping at the last second and shaking his head. Sadly, now wasn't the time for that. "Alright, fine, yes." He gave in, frustrated. Minan was useful for many things, but this certainly wasn't one of them. He walked back to Luna, giving her a smile. Of course she got stuck in between this argument, right? "Barring English, I do not go after other cultures. It does not make sense to me, as my planet does not have that, but I'm sure my language has worse." He almost wanted to test Jasper, to see if he would follow through on his word, but decided it would be a bad idea.

The next thing Minan knew Michiko was in the room, and the two were arguing over what to do with Luna. He glared Jasper as he was pushed to the side and they took over, but turned his frustration to the woman once she decided to get confrontational. "Dai, we cannot just take someone who shot 3 guards to a hospital. We could all easily be detained, and I'm not letting my work go because of this." He snapped. His current status as a pirate was nice and all, but his affairs at home were what really concerned him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silverfox


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jasper grabs Michiko's hands and says in a oddly calm voice "The entire crew's pictures just popped up on every screen 20 minutes ago. This is bad. If we were to go into a clinic ,which with out a doubt has it's fair share of screens ,what do you think would happen hmm? Really think about it because I think I know the answer. We would be put in jail for crimes against the government. What do you think about that?" Jasper hears Minan comment. "See? Even he knows we can't do that." He adds on his voice still creepily calm.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

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"you do have a point but its either go to a hospital and risk capture or Luna simply dies and we ride off into the space sunset to find some planet that may or may not exist. Frankly I would prefer getting captured" Michiko explained to jasper. absolutely noone in our little squad of outlaws known how to help luna. *wow stay hidden for a little bit or save your friend and risk getting captured* michiko thought "also if i'm right theres a 75% chance this little space station is surrounded with space ships. if we attempt to escape by ship theres a 95% chance of us all dying"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

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Luna had managed to hold her stomach as she was transferred into the ship. She felt broken, fragmented, the pain in her arm turning from a scream to a metaphorical hurricane that propelled all thoughts of pain straight into her head. As her wound was cleaned and bandaged, she let out several yelps and whimpers, which continued as the trio argued about taking her to a medical clinic, or something around those lines. It would be a horrible dishonor for her to go to a doctor, as if getting injured was not already a dishonor in itself.

"Y-Yagus, yereall, mi yoka." Luna's voice came out in the form of a whisper and in Zenospeak, as her mind felt so fragmented she could barely remember that she had to speak English to be understood. The tears in her eyes told the story otherwise, however these were blinked away. As they argued, Luna decided she would just head to her quarters and pray that she would get better, and apologize to Zariana for the dishonor of being wounded. She began to slip away, her feet taking light steps as she carefully slipped out of the infirmary and walked down the hallway. Walking is a bit of an understatement, as it was more stumbling than walking. The stumbling ceased as she fell over with a yelp in the hall, landing on the ground, the wound beginning to leak a bit of blood as Luna whimpers.
"Zariana, forgive me for such a dishonor!" She yelps out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silverfox


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jasper notices Luna has left a few seconds he hears her yelp. He sighs softly and goes to her. He gently picks her making sure not to disturb her wounded arm. "You haven't dishonored anyone." When he speaks his voice is soft and kind. "We all have our limits and you have just met one of yours."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

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"M-M'i a gabi disrahono ot yam dablooelin." Luna says, the poison that she had gotten was affecting her ability to speak in English majorly. Parts of her mind were telling her that pirates were bad, and that she should kill Jasper. Other fragments told her that she herself was a pirate, and in fact was with them, and therefore she was not to kill them, and others told her just to run and hide. Her hand reached for her clicker slowly, and she reached up with it as if to strike Jasper with the weapon. Her hand quickly lets go of it, and it drops to the ground, clattering as it impacts the floor. Luna begins to breath heavily, her eyes widening, before her body went limp, her eyelids closing. She was still conscious, and was muttering things in Zenospeak, tears rolling down her cheeks.
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