Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jig
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I was literally about to ask after the very thing. ^^
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 3 days ago

Tempted to do this RP and bring in an older version of Kyle.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheMaster99
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

*Edited several times for formatting
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jig
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Jig plagiarist / extraordinaire

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

NB: I wanted to embed this in hiders, but I couldn't figure out for the life of me how to get the hider for the image to sit inside the hider for the main body of text and I thought not having a huge image was probably more important than hiding the whole thing so whatever. Here it is:

Name: Albert Aldenberg
Age: 37 (born 1962)
Gender: Male
Nationality: Dutch

Blood Purity: Pure-Blood

Marked? Not marked


Personality: Albert is, in a word, stern. At Hogwarts, it was often remarked about him that he was destined to be a professor, given his studious, contemplative nature - and his complete lack of patience. He is socially conservative and fussy, obsessed with little rules and social graces, owing to his background: living in dictatorship under an immortal magical bigot is in no way an excuse for not being dressed appropriately. Chivalry and honour are important to Albert, as pretentious or patronising as they may be to others. Respect for the fairer sex and a refusal to use the Unforgivable Curses (including Legilimency in Dutch traditions) are the two of the more obvious examples thereof.

Despite possessing what could be considered a commanding presence, Albert is a quiet man, who will observe and assess from a distance, offering his thoughts only when they are vital. As a result, he often comes across as cold and aloof, though he would not consider himself either of those things. He is cautious in the extreme, and never takes action unless he knows what he is doing: because of this, he can be considered stuck in his ways, and can be, frankly, frustrating, as he obsesses over minute, often insignificant details.

Because Albert has quite obviously had it ingrained in him to be a proper gentleman, many attribute his protective nature to this. However, this is not, strictly speaking, true; he is genuinely a very caring person. Those in the Ashes will know him as a fatherly figure who will be the first to think of the safety of everybody else. He is constantly conflicted by his desire to protect everybody and the inevitable fact that he cannot.

Awkwardly for somebody combating Voldemort, Albert is indeed a carrier of several prejudices typical in the wizarding world and is highly politically incorrect. He will defend the term ‘Mudblood’ (though perhaps is wise enough not to use it) and will refer to the muggle-friendly as blood-traitors and any not-entirely human Being as a ‘half-breed’. He believes muggles are stupid (while completely ignorant of their culture), and is even rather iffy on the topic of muggle-borns. He will treat them perhaps too kindly as though they are in some way disabled, and does believe that, although not personally responsible for their own existence, their induction to the wizarding world is damaging to the social order: according to him, the far-right uprisal is at least in part down to the destabilising effects of relations with muggles and muggle-borns.

  • Wand Technique: Albert furiously studies his skills with a wand, and, as such, his power and finesse are almost peerless (especially among his own age group).

  • Defence: Albert is highly defensive in combat. His shield charms are second to none, and he has taken the time to learn Occlumency

  • Arithmancy: always helps with planning. Never helps with anything else

  • Formality: Albert is a highly-trained formal duellist. Unfortunately, most actual duels are not formal: while he’s bowing, the opponent has probably already cursed him. While obviously he has since learned not to bow and to break the rules of a formal duel, he is still used to battling in very sterile environments against particular tactics - which is often more a hindrance than a help.

  • Flexibility: Albert is not flexible. While he may be described as a powerful wizard because of his aptitude for magic, he would never be considered a brilliant wizard, because he doesn’t have the creativity to interact with a given scenario off the cuff.

Wand: Oak, Dragon Heartstring, 15”, Unyielding

Bio: The Aldernberg family is an old Dutch wizarding family comparable to the Blacks or the Malfoys in England. Powerful, rich and conservative, the only great difference was that the Aldenbergs had no great historical desire to affect change in the Netherlands. Despite being Dutch, Aldenberg children were typically Hogwarts-educated, to the point where the family had manors in both countries. Despite being officially Dutch, Albert has spent almost as much time in England as in the Netherlands, and considers himself a national of both countries.

Attending Hogwarts, Albert was very much a model student on paper. Though his background and inevitable prejudices occasionally caused friction between himself and his peers (especially in his house, Hufflepuff), it was noted that he was somehow as tolerant as he was prejudiced, and therefore real trouble was rarely caused.

Upon leaving Hogwarts, Albert almost immediately turned around and walked straight back in again. After a few years researching Arithmancy in the Netherlands, he accepted the post of Professor of Arithmancy at Hogwarts in 1983, where he remained through thick and thin - both accepted and not quite accepted by both sides. The Order of the Phoenix trusted Dumbledore’s judgement that his prejudice was not a lost cause, while the supporters of Voldemort saw in him and the Aldenberg family a perfectly respectable wizarding tradition. Therefore, while he was not invited to join the Order, his name was known to the Ashes, and when Umbridge began her axing of the school staff, he remained until the school’s closure.

During this period, the changing nature of the school began to open Albert’s eyes a little. Although he had sympathies with the political leanings of Voldemort’s followers, the methods were unforgivable. He remained in the school as long as he could to protect his charges, and, eventually, to leak information to the Ashes, and, when the school was finally closed altogether, he joined the Ashes as an active member.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Doused


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NAME: Tanya Pieters

AGE: 25

GENDER: Female


BLOOD PURITY: Muggleborn



PERSONALITY: In school, Tanya was the student known for being too curious for her own good. She was the one who would question the teacher, not for the sake of intellectual pursuit or debate, but to simply see how far she could push him or her. Not knowing what's around the corner or what is locked away in a secret chest would drive her mad. To Tanya, rules are meant to at least be bent to point of breaking, if not broken whenever possible. She is carefree enough that punishments or volatile reactions seem to simply slip over her head, and clever enough that she would find a way around anything that didn't.

This however doesn't mean she's not loyal or brave enough to stand her ground. Because she can be, although it might take awhile for her to lay down her life for someone due to some trust issues. Because she tends to have a lot of acquaintances and only a few close friends, when she does defend someone, it can be nasty and dangerous to be at the receiving end. Instead of constantly standing up for those in need, she likes to watch how events play out, and sometimes even provoke situations if it will make things more interesting.
Although this type of almost childish behavior can seem naive, and well childish, it's a kind of defense mechanism for Tanya. Deep down she understands the gravity of the situation, but until it becomes truly dire, she will often remain light-hearted even in the face of danger.

SKILLS AND TALENTS: Magical: Tanya is more proficient at various jinxes, curses, and some hexes. Her style of spell-casting is often indirect, creative, and quick to counteract, though not always disciplined. Skilled with flying a broomstick.
Nonmagical: Surprisingly athletic, though sometimes a bit of a klutz.

WAND: Maple, Unicorn Hair core, springy, 11"

BIO: Tanya is the child of two muggles, who were quite dismayed when their six year old daughter began performing accidental acts of magic all over the house. Although no one in the immediate or extended family knows it, Tanya is the great grand daughter of a witch, on her father's side. The parents tried to be skeptical about her powers and blamed them on anything other than magic, even resorting to the possibility of ghosts. But, they gave up on logical explanations after Tanya managed to grow her hair out nearly ten feet so she could climb out her second story bedroom window. After that, her parents did their best to keep her powers hidden until she came of age to attend Hogwarts.
Tanya was sorted in Slytherin and instantly almost all friends made on the train were lost. In her spare time and sometimes during class, Tanya did her best to explore every inch of the castle. Her grades were mediocre at best and hardly any of the friends she made were from her own house. Among others, Tanya was somewhat confused at first as to why she sorted into the house of ambition and power. But soon she realized that she didn't quite belong in any particular house anyways. After awhile she let it go and decided to accredit the hat's choice to her pranks and small rebellious streak.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Corsair
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

By nationality I was just listing those I'd accept - basically, British, any other European/Commonwealth Country, rarely American/Other. Sorry it wasn't clear -- I blame writing it at 11 at night!

Tempted to do this RP and bring in an older version of Kyle.

You should, Kirah. Do eeeet. (I'm bringing in Siobhan for Character #2.)

Also, I'll fully check over the character sheets later to accept them, but I can say they're looking good for just a skim!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jig
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Jig plagiarist / extraordinaire

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

McHaggis said rarely American

This amused and pleased me in equal measures. :P

In other news, I think I'd like to run a second character:

Name: David Howell
Age: 27 (born 1972)
Gender: Male
Nationality: British

Blood Purity: Muggle-Born

Marked? Beyond being on the Muggle-born register, no.


Personality: David comes across as chirpy and cheerful even in the face of adversity. He has a great sense of humour (and a particularly dark one) and is more than happy to take a joke himself: he’s used to it, having been the obvious butt of jokes for most of his wizarding career. Because of this, he is fairly likeable, if not especially impressive.

While he projects an image of self-confidence and bravery, this is bravado. Underneath he is a disquiet man with many insecurities, not least about his own shortcomings as a wizard and his status as a second-class citizen. For all his happy-go-lucky projection, he is hugely bitter on the inside, about being constantly passed over or considered unworthy, confused by the fact he knows he considers himself unworthy as well. This bitterness manifests itself in an unexpected cruel streak every so often.

Because of his treatment by the Order, he is very untrusting, and, in turn, naturally deceptive. He does not tend to confide in anybody, even in the other members of the Ashes, even though he is often forced to rely on them because of his own magical incompetence. Despite this, he is not gushing with intellect or strength of character, and so he can be quite easily bullied into things, and, because he relies on his not-always-reliable instinct rather than actually thinking critically, tends to be easily manipulated, too.

  • Magic(!): Despite being an indisputable wizard, David grew up in the muggle-world, never had any great aptitude for magic while at Hogwarts, and fled the school before completing even his OWLs. Inevitably, he is really not the world’s best wizard, and tends to avoid actually using magic. He is capable of most basic Charms and has been taught a decent selection of Hexes and defensive spells by the Ashes, but it’s best not to rely on him for anything magical.

  • Apparition: Never even got the chance to take his test, and so has never learned. As a result, he relies on other members of the Ashes to apparate with him or create a portkey for him just to get around.

  • Seer: Despite divination typically being considered a load of hooey, David is a seer. He tends not to make formal prophecies and he cannot force himself to see something. Instead, he will ‘see’ events as they unfold, rather than knowing precisely what will happen, and subconsciously informs his good instincts - which manifests as being quite lucky in day-to-day life.

  • Dark Arts: Because David’s spells typically tend to lack any real oomph, he has been secretly seeking ways to level the playing field. One of these pursuits is the Dark Arts, which feel more holistic and intuitive to him, rather than the intricate nature of ‘normal’ magic. While he’s hardly at Voldemort’s level, he is making some decent progress and is already capable of some rather nasty bits of magic.

  • “Bluff Magic”: On paper, David should never win a duel. His magic is frailer and less consistent than most wizards. Instead, he basically cheats. Instead of really actually thinking about what he’s doing and duelling ‘properly’, David just shoots whatever the hell he can create at a target and hopes for the best. This is normally a healthy mix of harmless sparks, random Charms, and legitimate hexes. Because they’re all half-formed and random, he can launch an absurd amount of individual spells with decent accuracy at a given target. The target is typically forced onto the defensive, because any one of those spells could be the end of the duel if they hit. While David has never actually won a fair duel in this way, he has also managed to force those one-on-ones he has been in into a stalemate.

Wand: 8¼”, maple, coral core, pliable

Bio: David is a complete immigrant into the wizarding world. He and his parents (who owned a small restaurant in Durham) were all completely shocked to receive his letter of admission to Hogwarts, though they later agreed that they had always known that David was in some way ‘special’. He had always been incredibly lucky, almost uncannily so: his mother had even begun to buy lottery tickets on his advice, and, almost every week, they would win a small but respectable sum. The child also had a knack for knowing things he had no real way of knowing.

The fact that David was not just a wizard but a seer to boot was only revealed in his third year, when he took Divination as a subject, and his natural gift was given space to breathe. It’s just as well he at least had Divination (as not-proper a subject as it was considered) because he was a walking disaster area wherever a wand and actual spellcasting were concerned. Non-directly magical subjects such as Portions and Herbology were fine: Charms, DatDA and Transfiguration were only just passable.

In his fifth year, David made the decision to leave Hogwarts. The increased pressure and danger for muggle borns, even within its walls, had become too much for him, and so he fled. It was not, however, even particularly safe for him to return to the muggle world, as his identity as a muggle-born was known to students and so he was taken into the custody of the Order of the Phoenix (while in no way permitted to participate, being both underage and under-competent), presumably partly to prevent his ‘instinct’ being captured by the enemy.

Growing resentful of the Order’s treatment of him, David eventually joined the Ashes when they splintered off from the Order with whom he has remained to this day.

Other: Ravenclaw
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 3 days ago

McHaggis said
You should, Kirah. Do eeeet. (I'm bringing in Siobhan for Character #2.)Also, I'll fully check over the character sheets later to accept them, but I can say they're looking good for just a skim!

How old are you bringing her in at?
Edit: And did Kyle go good? Or did he stick with the family since this is an AU I'm really tempted to go for he stuck with his family.
Edit2: Which would then sort of make him an enemy...and it's kind of hard for me to see him actually being evil.
So a good Kyle then.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Jig - I was originally going to have an absolute ban on America because Europe isn't as well-represented in RP, but I'm soooo glad it seems everyone's going for a whole cast of different nationalities :D

@Kirah - Somewhere between the ages of 27-30, I was thinking, since my other character's going to be late thirties/early forties!

On a side note, guess who lost the nearly-complete OOC typed up last night? Yep. I'm working on that for a bit, then I'll switch to accepting folk.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 3 days ago

Okay well I'm sold. I'll get Kyle updated to fit this CS today.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jig
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

McHaggis said On a side note, guess who lost the nearly-complete OOC typed up last night? Yep.

Oh god, we've all been there. I recommend typing everything on Google Drive. Can't lose it on there.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Why is it that the website goes down at the worst possible times? Did the whole accepting thing, anyway, while I was waiting:

– LUTHER CUNNINGHAM is accepted! I really like that he can use muggle combat as well, it's quite refreshing! I hope I answered your question in nationality though – so if you could choose whether he's British or German at some point? Also, repentant Death Eater <3

– ALBERT ALDENBERG is accepted! Man, that picture is dapper as heck! Plus, old-fashioned duelists sticking to the rules are super cool! Also, I'm guessing that his wand reflects his personality? Neat!
– DAVID HOWELL is accepted! D'aww, he's precious! I wasn't expecting a seer (totally forgot about it) and I also like the idea that he's not so good at magic so he just makes it up as he goes – 'Bluff Magic' seems pretty original!

– TANYA PIETERS is accepted! OHMYGOSHSOCUTE– Ahem. She's an interesting character, especially being a Muggleborn in Slytherin and her unique spell-casting style. Loved the part about growing her hair out when she was younger to climb out her bedroom.

– JIA SHANG is accepted! She seems awesome as heck, and her hard-working nature reminds me of McGonagall which instantly makes her a 10/10 badass. I'm really interested in the Mysterium Cabali – maybe we (or you, heheheh) could bring them in for a subplot at one point?

Adored all the character sheets, guys!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheMaster99
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TheMaster99 Benevolent Cyberpunk

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Right, I forgot to update that this morning when I added his strengths/weaknesses haha. Edited to reflect that he is in fact British. Is there an ETA for the OOC thread?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 3 days ago

NAME: Kyle McCarthy

AGE: 34






PERSONALITY: Kyle comes off as dangerous. In a way he is. He sometimes will act like he has the weight of the world on his shoulders, but he doesn't belittle people for their own suffering. In most cases he won't talk about his own.

SKILLS AND TALENTS: Kyle has a near perfect eidetic memory, which comes from training. Animagus (Panther). Patrous also a Panther.

Weakness: Kyle has a need to protect. He'll always be the last to retreat to make sure everyone get's out okay. This has gotten him close to being killed a far amount of times.

WAND: Rowen, 11 2/5, stiff, pheonix feather

BIO: Kyle comes from a family of Slytherins. They all supported Voldemort from the beginning. Kyle though broke out of that cycle. His childhood had been a series of dangerous and deadly pranks to train him for a war he had wanted no part in. He learned the spell Protego before any others. Growing up in the middle of a war Kyle became hard and wary. He started collecting dark detectors and had moved out of his family's home by the time he was 16 and started training to be an Auror, once he was of age. After the attack on the office he left seeing that it was too dangerous to be against Voldemort and working in the ministry "You're too visible". He has spent the last ten years doing what he could for the Order (until they fell), he the joined The Ashes.

OTHER: Kyle considers all of his family dead. They aren't but to him they are and he has no allegiances to them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

– KYLE is accepted! Eeeeeee it's an adult Kyle looking as suave as hell!

As for the OOC... give me fifteen or so minutes. I promise a whole ton of spelling mistakes with it, free of charge.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 3 days ago

McHaggis said
@Kirah– KYLE is accepted! Eeeeeee it's an adult Kyle looking as suave as hell!

I love older Kyle.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

OOC here guys! And I spelled it right this time!

Would you guys prefer to have an character storage thread elsewhere or just copy-paste them into the OOC?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Bump! We're still accepting folk, and the more the merrier!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 3 days ago

Mchaggis I may make a second character for this...depends on how I feel tonight...or what happens with plot in the future....I'll let you know
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