Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Angelo sighed smiling as he watched the sparring match finally end knowing that their jonin instructor was going to win but it was still fun to watch. Angelo got up and followed the others into the cave just sticking near the wall and watching everyone, Angelo had a habit of being the wallflower when it came to other people. Angelo could be sociable if he wanted to it was just that Angelo wanted to examine others to see who he would be able to trust in the future, it all came down to how they walked and how they carried themselves and things like that. If anything Angelo didn't want to show them to much until it was needed to since Angelo didn't want to seem like a show off to people that he was going to be studying with later on and for a while. Angelo would work hard to restore his name in the hyuga clan someday so until then Angelo would simply go with the flow of the others wondering who would try talking to the quiet kid with the straw hat while they go down a dark cave...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mochin


Member Seen 8 mos ago

Leiko ignored most of what Mokyou was saying, the girl had a habit of talking more then was needed, and especially during a fight there is the need to keep things short. "Damn, why use that jutsu allready" She cursed to herself as Mokyou used her katon: goukakyuu no jutsu to launch a large fireball at them. Leiko calculated she had a few more seconds to finish her attack before the fireball would reach them. She gritted her teeth in annoyance, as Izumi blocked each of their strikes with ease. Leiko waited for both Izumi and Ryu to jump away from the approaching fireball, before she would move, she wanted to see what direction Izumi was going before jumping away without thinking. She took a few steps towards the fireball to gain momentum before she jumped over the fireball, clearing it by one a small marging. She kept a relaxed but serious expression on her face while she was in the air, she obviously meant to have such a small marging and she kept paying attention to her suroundings as she was trying to find Izumi.

As Leiko landed, she quickly scanned around her to find Izumi, to only notice the jounin as she was about to put a hand on her back. A small hiss of pain escaped her lips, as the hand just touched her back and the lightning chakra entered her body, cancelling out her raiton no yoroi technique. "Arigatou, Izmui-sensei." Leiko replied in a slight mocking tone, as she turned to look at Izumi, but those who listened close could also hear a hint of gratitude and sincereness in her voice. She wasn't used to hearing words of appraisal, atleast a sincere one, she heard fake ones all the time from her fellow clan members. "I will show you a one sided fight when I am done here." She grumbled softly, almost to quiet for anyone to hear.

Leiko raised a eyebrow as she listened to Izumi's advice, looking at her as if she had heard the worst idea ever. But her expression changed as she processed Izumi's words. The woman had a point, book study's were never on of her strengths. Leiko softly bite her lip as glanced at Mokyou, she was clearly still thinking about how to proceed from here. She wasn't used to asking for help, so Leiko stood there for a few seconds of indecission, before she turned away from both Izumi and Mokyou, as she gave up on asking right now. She would spend some time thinking about how she should handle this.

Leiko strided confidently towards the cave entrance, which was behind the waterfall. Which shouldn't have been that suprising, considering the name of the village they were heading to. As she walked through the cave as one of the first of her group, she glanced at her fellow jinchuuriki and Mokyou.
First of there was Ryu, who was a kenjutsu user like her. But he allready possed a poweful blade, and she really wanted to learn more about it's forging proces. But besides that, he might turn out to be a good sparring partner since they both use kenjutsu, and thus is he able to help her further her techniques.
Then there was the boy with the strawhat, she hand't heard him introduce himself yet, but she would probably learn his name later. Further more, were his skills still a mystery so she had no idea what to think about him. But so far she had decided it wasn't worth too much effort yet to learn more though, mostly because she wasn't the type to ask people questions about their person. Not because she was shy or anything, but mostly because she couldn't be bothered and then they wouldn't ask those question of her either.
Then there was the boy from Sunagakure, if she saw his headband correctly. Everything about him was still a mystery aswell, but then again he had only just arrived when the hidden entrance opened. She noticed Ryu talking with him, so she might ask him about the boy later on.
As last we had Mokyou, or momotan as most called her. Leiko liked to annoy her by using her given name, and not one of the many nicknames that the girl had. Leiko allready knew some of the girls skills, since they knew each other from before coming here.

Leiko was pulled out of her thoughts as she reached the end of the cave, and came to the entance to a massive and ancient temple. At the entrance were several very old man standing together with a few woman who looked alot younger. "So I guess these are the other teachers Izumi-sensei was talking about. Some of them look like they would fall over if you looked at them wrong. But I need to have faith in Hokage-sama's decision of sending me here." Leiko thought to herself as she took in the view of the massive temple infront of her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Natori was calm the first time Ryu approached him. Though he had remained utterly silent. The reason wasn't rudeness. It had just seemed his sparring session hadn't quite finished. So he waited. He was thinking. What could he say? What could he do? How much should he divulge? He was a little unsure overall to be quite honest. He still didn't even know if he could trust anyone. Even IF he could trust them, who would he actually like? He sighed. This wasn't his idea of a good time, nor would it ever be. Still he couldn't dwell on the subject much longer as the shaking ground and opening waterfall brought him back to his senses. The sparring had finished and the young man from before was back. Well, he could at least introduce himself as they walked into the cave. Or maybe it was a tunnel... Oh well... Point was that he could do as Ryu said.

"My name is Natori. Natori Abe." He spoke in a rather calm, if somewhat monotone, voice. He was at a calm pace choosing not to stick to the walls. They could have been lined with traps. Even if they weren't he and his sand could defend more easily in the wider area. Though if Ryu had kept close, he'd likely have protected him too. He had no reason to trust these people, but he also had no reason to let them die if they went south. They could be bad, or good. Only time would tell. "As you can probably tell, I'm from Sunagakure. And as one might suspect of the Village Hidden in the Sand, I possess the one-tail beast. Though from what I've heard he prefers his name, Shukaku." He sighed. He had no real basis if that was his actual name or not, nor did he know if the beast preferred it. After all, he'd never actually had any contact with him. He only had information from stories.

Still, once again he was pulled from his thoughts as they neared the end of the tunnel. It was much more than he'd expected. The instructors, the temple. It was rather overwhelming, though it didn't show. This could turn out to be much more interesting then he'd though. Especially, since he could possibly learn more here than he could anywhere else in the ninja world.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

"Nice to meet you Natori, I hope we can get along in the days to come." Ryu nodded with a grin, before looking at the other Uchiha girl, the younger sister, Momotan is what he believed the elder called her.

"Oi, Momotan wasn't it, come on lets get some training in." He shouted back, before marching confidently through the entrance and to the tunnel, giving a quick glance to all the instructors. They all seemed rather skiled, if their posture and presence was anything to go by, and he couldn't wait to get started. he made sure to seal his blade back up, as he didn't like having it out when he didn't need it. While it was cool that the blade stayed heated, it made the thing a walking fire hazard, and very dangerous to lug around in the open.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Natori nodded calmly. "I hope so too. Not only as Jinchuriki but as ally shinobi." He said as he briefly turned his attention to Ryu, taking note of the sword before returning his gaze to the instructors. He was curious as to what they might say. He wanted to know if they would be beginning today. Would the training start on a strict basis right off the bat or would they be allowed time to settle in for the day. Either way he would be prepared. He wasn't so sure all of the other Jinchuriki would be prepared however,. Still he did have higher hopes for everyone then he might lead on if he were questioned on his thoughts. He also understood that things likely wouldn't go exactly as he may wish they would in the near nor far future. Hopefully, he could get used to the change from his original "habitat" of sorts.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Yatogami Akio
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Yatogami Akio Scarlet Speedster

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Right on. I quickly follow the rest and carry my dual swords, what is with everyone and swords? Not that it would make me look unique or anything but even Leiko wields and so that boy. I just stick with Leiko, "Still can't believe you here, my sister from another mother. Yes, I did that on purpose, I've been practicing rapping on teasing people, Kumogakure style, the black people there are awesome. "Hmm what is called, more like you must call me Momo-sempai since nee-san said that I'll look after you hahaahahahahaa! And then the Uchiha girl let it go into her head, Izumi didn't say that way but more like Momo interpreted it wrongly and twisted it.

"I got nicknames for everyone, in case we forget their names. Remember when we were kids, I used to call you Lei-Lei? HA! That was gold, right Lei-Lei and everyone goes hey hey, big sister Izumi made me your Sensei but I'm still your friend-sei, Lei-Lei. OH GOSH! That's cute, it rhymes so well now hell yeah! Now that's plain annoying.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Angelo listened and watched smiling at everyone including that girl that she calls herself momo who looks like she wont know how to shut her mouth which Angelo finds somewhat endearing in a sense so Angelo has learned a little more about the people he is probably going to be partnering with.

All the masters stood ready the first 3 were the main branches of shinobi arts including a tai justsu instructor. The tai justsu instructor was a woman looking about in her early 30's wearing a green tracksuit with a emotionless look on her face that said "don't push me or else." Angelo got a little chill just looking at her however from the ninjustsu instructor who looked like he was in his late 40's seemed calm and almost looking forward to seeing all of the students with his beard you really got the sensei vibe from his demeanor. Then their was the genjustsu instructor who looked like she was in her early 20's although if its her genjustsu and she's older you can tell either because she's really good or just that young, with a face of a come hither look she would send most men on their knees begging for her love.

the ones behind those 3 were the sub branches of the shinobi training the finjustsu instructor behind them looked like he was deep in thought looking at each of the students wondering if any of them would be his inspiration for a masterpiece and their talent for the craft of writing a new seal type knowing that above all he was the one that would have to unlock their beast seals in a different ways depending on what they had to contain their tailed beasts. Then the kenjustsu instructor next to him looked board out of his mind looking at the students knowing they probably had to to easy for to long and just looking at him a person could tell he was a former samurai the way he carried himself. Then as one would expect for the kind of training everyone would go through their was a medical ninja master smoking a cigarette looking like he was just waiting for someone to get hurt so he would do something around here.

It was the ninjustsu instructor that spoke first "welcome young jinjurikie, this is a safe place for you all to learn to train your tailed beasts this temple was hidden centuries ago and is the perfect spot to train all of you in the upmost of secrecy all of you must learn to harness your tailed beasts and each of us will train you so that you can become great hero's of your villages one day. Know that all of your villages have agreed to this training for you because your all still young and have time to learn to harness your powers so if a dire situation presents itself you will not be taken control of by your beasts and cause a rampage."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mochin


Member Seen 8 mos ago

"Me neither." Leiko replied with a soft sigh. "Izumi-sensei, must have requested that she came here aswell. Maybe it's for the best, so she can train with able shinobi, and she might learn something. If she is able to be quiet long enough to hear the lesson." She thought to herself as she looked at the girl who was walking besides her, allready knowing it was Momotan even before she looked. Just based on her voice and the annoying way she tried to rhyme. "Asif I would ever call you that, Mokyou-san." Leiko replied with a soft chuckle, knowing full well that Momotan disliked to be called that. "Besides, you know full well that Izumi-sensei said something else. But if it needs to be like that, I won't even consider asking you." She continued with a huff, as she looked away from the other girl. Slightly unsure what she would do next, since she had been considering asking Momotan for help. But she would never call Momotan sempai, she would die of embarrisment if that ever happened.

"Don't ever call me that here again." Leiko hissed in a low voice as she forcefully grabbed Momotan's arm, not really meant to hurt her, but more to get the girls attention and to make sure the message got through. "I had hoped she would have forgotten that nickname, I would just die of embarrisment if the others found out." She thought to herself as she let Momotan go and looked away as a small blush appeared on her cheeks. It's not as if she really hated the name, not that she would ever admit that to herself. For now Leiko wanted to make sure that Momotan wouldn't tell anything that she would find embarrising. Considering that Momotan managed to say more words per day than the everage book held, she would have her hands full on that job.

Leiko looked over at the six people who were standing infront of them, she guessed that they would be their instructors. As she looked at each of them, she could probably guess some of the specilizations just by their appearance. First of all was the woman in a track suit with a emotionless expression on het face, she would probably be their taijutsu trainer. Then there was the man, standing behind the first three, who was obviously a kenjtusu specialist, probably a former samurai judging by his state of dress. Leiko looked at the man who was standing closed to them, as he started to talk. "I am sure I speak for the rest of our group, As I thank you for welcoming us here." She replied to the man who spoke to them, with a tone of respect in her voice. "I am Hotaru Leiko, I look forward to learning from you." She continued as she made a deep bow towards the instructors, clearly showing she had learned how to act properly. Not that she respected all of them yet, but she atleast learned how to fake it. Afterall, it could be a invaluable skill once she becomes the clan head.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Ryu almost cursed when he took a second look at one of the instructors. It was obvious from his stance, this guy was a former samurai, which meant more abusively strict kenjutsu training, if his last teacher was anything to go by. He unconsciously straightened his back, his mind gong back to his time with his last kenjutsu instructor, a time he fondly remembered to be Hell on Earth. Moving on, he looked at the others, taking in their appearances, not to judge them as they wouldn't be here if they weren't the best, but to see if any of them would be difficult or him to work with. Of them all, the genjustu and fuinjutsu ones looked kinda iffy to him. The fuinjutsu guy looked less interested in teaching and more interested in making more seals, so he didn't know how good a teacher he would be, and the genjustsu teacher looked to be a rather tantalizing distraction. The person picking the instructors did now their were going to be teenage and pre teen boys coming here right. How were they going to focus on her teachings, if they couldn't stop focusing on her.

Either way, he simply gave a simple bow at the end of he ninjutsu instructor's speech, waiting to be addressed before he spoke. He was also slightly surprised at Leiko, s she sounded like she respected these people. Either she was more mature than he thought, or she was fakingit.. Considering what happened outside, he figured that she was faking it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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In addition, Izumi added. "These will be your Senseis for as long as you stay here, I am Izumi Uchiha your proctor and observer for each of their session, I will also be your final obstacle for the program once all of you have mastered the power of the tailed beasts. For beating an Uchiha is a requirement and the testament of your full power as not only a host but individually as well. My sister, Mokyou Uchiha is also an obstacle for you hosts, she will be your Junior Sensei and 'student body' for this camp. She may be talkative and pain in the ass but never judge the book by its cover." She reveals the main reason why she's here, it's not because she asked permission but all things are true and true.

"Once you graduated and become Chuunin, I will be in charge of handing out special missions. In Chuunin, you will be paired into a two man cell. More information will be given as you progress. Promotion is mandatory and special, those of you who are skilled enough will skip Chunin Rank and proceed to Jounin Rank. The higher the rank, the more difficult your mission is. She added.

"That will be all. Are there questions? She asks.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Angelo shook his head as the teachers then made an announcement "you not be given le way with any instructor each one will drill you until you meet their standards no exceptions. Even if you couldn't do them before what we are about to do to you now will make that change, as jinjurikies you all have immense charka stored inside your bodies with the help of the taijustsu master-" My name is kagura hiraki (just made up the name) and what I will do is condition all of your bodies into hardened steel so that you wont feel so much pain when your using the tailed beast chakra when im done with you babies you will be able to handle a shiriken to the chest and still be fighting!" she said with an almost evil laugh The ninjustsu master sighed softly and continued "well that's what shes going to try to do anyway, it will simply help you bodies handle using the chakra later on. For now though you must all go to the finjustsu master so he may put a special seal on your bodies for your training." Then the finjustsu master grinned widely "ah perfection I get to work on their seals now, so who is first?" He asked with an accent that Angelo couldn't understand but Angelo decided to make himself noticed and he walked over to the master and lifted up his shirt to show his seal which contained 3 distinct dots above it marking him as the 3 tails jinjurikie "ah a good seal now then" He said as he got his fingers to glow with chakra before he pushed his fingers into his gut and turned clockwise then counterclockwise before he expelled a large amount of chakra covering Angelo body in an instant before he pulled his hand away then within seconds Angelo groaned loudly having a hard time even standing up straight straining to simply keep from falling on his face. The ninjustsu instructor explained "what Mario sensei did was put a new seal on Angelo, think of it as a weight seal constantly making Angelo's body heavier and heavier. This is a quick way of gaining muscle mass since your biju will repair your bodies constantly their is little risk involved. Everyone must get these seals before they start their training since this will half your training times"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

"I guess I'll go next then, seems likea great way to train. Also my name is Ryu Kaguya and it's a pleasure to meet you all, I hope I get to learn a lot from all of you." Ryu said, giving them all a bow as he walked up to the fuinjutsu master. He takes off his shirt, showing his seal on his back, which seems to be a bit more stylized then Angelo's. The person who made it designed it so that it vaguely resembled the four tails himself. "Lets see what this gravity seal can do, I can't wait to start training."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mochin


Member Seen 8 mos ago

_"Hmm, so that's the reason why Momo-chan is here. But why though, if we are able to use even a portion of our biju's chakra, we will be able easily beat her. Unless ofcourse she has learned how to control the Biju with her sharigan, but I thought those were just rumoers though." _Leiko thought to herself as she listened to Izumi's speach about why she and Momotan where there. _"It seems that once I am able to beat Izumi-sensei in a straight up fight, I will be promoted to Jounin. I have to become the strongest here and show them that I am worthy for the promotion. It will bring me a few steps closer to my goal."_ She thought to herself as a determined look graces her face. Leiko gulped softly as she listend closely what the teachers had to say. She really hoped that Hiraki-sensei wouldn't test to see if their muscles were strong enough to repel metal that is travelling at a heightend speed, but as far as she could guess the woman was crazy enough to try it. A small smile of excitement crossed her face as the man who spoke to them first started talking to the fuinjutsu teacher, she had been hoping they would have a fuinjutsu master here, now she couldn't wait to learn from him. Especially as she saw how their fuinjutsu teacher was able to apply a seal to Angelo with just chakra and some hand movements, she really wanted to learn how she could make seals without drawing the sealing array first. But that excitement quickly turned into fear as she heard the description of the seal. _"B-b-but that sounds like a gravity seal..."_ She thought to herself, slightly scared as bad memories of several years ago came back to her mind. Leiko watched as Ryu walked up to the man and casually take of his shirt, she stared at the boy for a moment as he was getting ready to receive the seal. She stared slightly because of the way he just casually took clothes off infront of a group of stranges, but mostly to see how the sealing would effect him. "Just go, it's no big deal." Leiko mumbled softly to herself, as she was contemplating about getting the seal. Not that she really had any choice, she couldn't really afford to show her weakness towards the other students who she had just meet today. Besides what kind if fuinjutsu master would she make, if she was scarred of a seal. "Ne, Mario-sensei. By what factor is the gravity seal going to increase the strain on our body's, with this seal?" Leiko asked the fuinjutsu teacher, a sliver of fear crept in to her tone of voice, while at the same time showing that she allready knew something about fuinjutsu aswell. She removed her vest and held it in her left hand while she turned with her back towards the man. With a slight hesitation out of fear and her personal insecurity's about her body, she pulled the back of her t-shirt and fishnet shirt up, while she used her left arm to keep her chest covered. After this a seal of two small flaming tails that turn into two spirals that twists into each other, is revealed on her right shoulderblade. When Mario's hand would touch her body, a small shiver out of fear will run through her, as she did her best to hide it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Ryu let out a low whistle as he sneaked a look at Leiko's seal. He had to say, it sure was a cool one, and a lot more in line with his tastes than his own. It covered a great deal of his back and lacked any sort of vagueness as to what lied within. He didn't hate it, but he didn't love it either. "That's a cool-looking seal their Leiko, whoever designed on has a real eye for art. And not only that, but I think it fits who you are a lot more than mine does." Ryu said, noticing her apparent fear and discomfort and seeking to dispell it with some small talk and banter. He wondered what got her so shaken up, was it the gravity seal? What could have happened to make a student of fuinjutsu afraid of a seal. That was a story he was keen to here, but maybe after they all got better aquainted.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

The finjustsu master gazed at the 4 tails jinjurikies seal and it seemed that whoever drew it tried to be an artist at some point with the detail they put into making his seal look the biju inside the child then as the young woman came over she asked what degree the gravity seal would be applied and from what he could tell the woman wasn't very confident she could handle the seal. "do not worry young one as the ninjustsu instructor said their is little risk involved when done by me. The seal I am putting you will make your weight doubled" he said as he did the same thing lighting both his hands fingers with chakra then he put them into both the children's seals doing the same hand motions before the big chakra dispersal on their bodies as he pulled his hands away and seeing them feel the effects of the extra weight on their bodies...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Natori watched and listened calmly as each instructor spoke. It was a training regiment that he couldn't say he appreciated or even liked, but he did intend to apply to it. And soon one, then two and then three of his fellow Jinchuriki made their ways to receive the gravity seal. He paid close attention to each. The two males showed no signs of fear or discomfort before the seal applied. The discomfort would, however, become apparent after. However, the female displayed very very subtle hints of fear. He almost couldn't tell. Of course, he could because he was paying such close attention to everyone. Still, he wouldn't say anything about it. He didn't know her well enough too do so after all. Natori glanced around at each instructor for a moment once more and then figured it was about his turn. He closed his eyes and took a breath before walking forward. "I suppose I am next Mario-Sensei." He spoke calmly as he stood before the man. He removed his upper layer of clothing and for a moment, it seemed as though he had no seal. That is until his skin began to fall apart. At least that was how it looked. The "skin" Began to gather at his feet taking the form of sand. As the second skin peeled away into it's true sand form eventually his seal came into view. The primary part of the seal laid over his heart. The markings were rather tame save for what appeared to be an open mouth with sharp teeth and fangs around it as though a beast were attempting to eat it so as to reach his heart. Upon closer inspection there appeared to be eyes just over the maw of the "beast" but that wasn't an accentuated detail. Extending from the primary seal were various markings, resembling the curse seal marks of the Shukaku's body, stretching out to Natori's left arm and downward towards his wrist. These markings also reached around to his back slightly ending just over his left shoulder blade. The creator of this seal had many things in mind upon it's creation, but as to what those things were Natori had no clue. He doubted that anyone would know and the artist simply left the somewhat complex seal and design. He never explained, nor did he seem to intend to. Being that it worked well, nobody questioned him further. The Kazekage, Natori's adoptive father, even praised the design thinking that it would look somewhat cool when he got a bit older and bulked up. But as of now, Natori generally kept it covered and hidden with his armor of sand. He stood before the fuinjutsu master, the upper layer of his clothing in his hand as the sand swirled about his feet slowly. Being that it was a seal and not an attack of any form the sand likely wouldn't react to it. And thus he waited to experience the same discomfort that the other's did. Though it might have been on a somewhat smaller scale being that he was used to putting on extra weight in the form of his sand armor.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Ryu knees buckled after the seal was applied. God damn, this was heavy. It wasn't completely overwhelming, but he felt like if he moved an inch he would fall to the floor, which would hurt. "This is going to be absolute hell to train with, I can already tell. I would try to walk right now, but I would probably end up falling on my face." Ryu started smiling, unable to help feeling excited. He loved to train himself to his absolute limit, then train beyond it, and this felt like an excellent way to do it. "So then, when do we start, and what do we start with?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mochin


Member Seen 8 mos ago

"Uhh.. Thank you." Leiko replied softly as a small blush appeared on her cheeks, she wasn't really used to have people look at a body part of her like that. After a few moments she turned her head and looked at Ryu's seal, afterall he did the same thing. "Baka, what makes you say that. Not every person's body is made for such large pieces, but yours looks like it was matched perfectly with each other." Leiko commented as she looked away from the boy. "Besides, it's obvious that the artist has spend a large amount of time to get such astonishing details in." She continued, she has always liked art in general and especially those which are seals aswell. Leiko listened to Mario's words, which helped a small amount to relax her. But she couldn't stop herself from shivering a little bit as his hand touched her seal and she felt his chakra envellop her. The effect were almost instant. Even though this wasn't nearly as bad as her first experience with these seals, she was still almost unable to stand. _"How are we able to train like this, I can hardly stand up straight."_ Leiko thought to herself as she pulled her clothes back to it's place. With a large amount of effort she was able to put her vest back on, although it was a slow proces. Leiko did her best to hide the strain this seemingly normal task put on her body, but she wasn't nearly as good at it as she thought. Leiko watched as the last boy stepped up to get his seal, at first she was shocked as his skin started to peel and fall off. But as she watched it turn into sand as it fell, the shock turned into awe, since carrying around that layer of sand over his body couldn't be easy. Her gaze went from the main part of the seal, before following the markings that spread out from there. It was clear to her that the artist who made that wasn't really sound of mind as he created that. "Don't be such a baby." Leiko teased as Ryu said he didn't want to try and walk as he was afraid that he would fall. Which was a real posibillity for any of them. She put in alot of effort as she did one small step closer to Ryu, while a grin appeared on her face. "See,it's not that hard." Leiko continued as she put another small step forward, which would almost send her falling to the ground.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Seeing Leiko take a step made Ryu feel something, a fire in his gut he never felt before. He couldn't, no, he _wouldn't_ let her show him up. She was, what, 3 years younger than him. Through a burst of will power, he managed to take staggering three steps towards her. A smile on his face, he stared her, his eyes seeming to burn like molten gold.. "I think we have ourselves a little rivalry, or at least, that's what I'd like to say. But then, that means I'd think besting you would be a challenge."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Then the child from the sand village came over obviously they made it look complex in its design and sighed knowing he had put on his sand armor which was normally used from the sand village or more specifically from one of the old kazekages known as gara. "your seal will be heavier child of the sand" Mario said as he did the same hand motions and as a result the seals were even heavier then most of the others. FF>> 1 week it has been a week since the seal was applied and now Angelo has gotten used to it or at least as used to it as he could right now. He was able to walk and move normally with some effort and he still had trouble getting off the ground once he was on it but overall it was a great improvement since he first got the seal. The sensei's gave everyone room in the back of the temple so they would be the very last if someone found this place and tried to attack them. If their was an attack their was a secret emergency exit for all of them to leave and head to a meet up point that was discussed during the first days of attendance. Angelo believed that they would start their training today so he started walking to the bathroom and he brushed his teeth and changed before walking to the training yard on the left side of the temple...
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