"Ten crates of food and water, twelve bales of engine fuel. The three...ummm passengers below in their coffins. A crew of twenty. Our deck gun is settled in. Our glim-light mounted atop the bridge. We are ready sir." The First Mate, a dangerous looking sort of man, tall, scarred, angry looking but with a wit, charm and personality that is positively beatific. The First Mate looks up at the young man leaning on a railing along the bridge deck looking down at the cargo deck below, "Very good thank you. What about our crew? How many are old hands and how many new?" The first mate checks another page on the clipboard he holds, "Ummm twelve stand from the old crew sir. While the others are new comers. A few just coming out to zee for the first time in fact. They might expect your welcome when we set zail." Konrad Ward nods, "Alright I'll give them a welcome later once we put hull to the dark waters. For now, prepare the cargo, make sure it's all strapped down." The First Mate made a salute then trotted off. Konrad gave a nod. As experienced as he is, this is the first time he'd going to be the actual captain of his own ship. It'd likely turn out to be a voyage to remember. He'd never had the chance to make it up to Venderblight before. As he leaned there the speaking pipe that lead down to the engine room hummed. He got up and went back into the bridge room. Tapping the pipe then speaking, "Bridge, everything ready to go down there?" The Chief engineer called back, "Aye sir. Ready to set zail on your command." Konrad nodded slowly, "Very well. Wait one." He took a step to his right and spoke into a pipe that carried his voice ship wide, "This is the Captain speaking. All crew, secure cargo, cast off all lines, man the watch posts and ready the lamp and deck gun." He looked out over the deck. Waiting and watching.