Amber smiled looking around the festival happily, it was her favourite festival of the year where the flowers were in full bloom. Her blue eyes searched the stalls for her favourite treat as she almost skipped through the crowds enjoying the music of the band that was playing outside. The music was definitely catchy and some might even call it enchanting singing in a quiet tone enjoying herself completely. Amber was a young woman still and worked in the shop in her village helping with checking the supplies and also putting together things people and ordered. She wore a plain green and brown dress, it was her favourite and also her best dress so she kept it in good condition for such special occasions as this. "Ah there it is" she said and went over looking over the shoulders of others to be sure there would still be one left as she got there, she was lucky there was one left and smiled happily as she turned around and crashed into someone giving a light groan she looked up. "Sorry, wasn't looking where I was going" she gave a quick smile and then headed off finding somewhere just on the edge of the festival to eat her treat, it was a simple candy apple nothing very fancy but she really did love them.

"Hey miss, you never did apolagise properly for running into me" said a strange man with a sneer just as she finished the apple and looked to him frowning. 'Yes I did now leave me alone, I don't know you and I apologised then and there you will not get any such services as that from me" she growled a little clearly able to see what he wanted. This only aggravated him more. "Why you-" she sighed "and if you have time to think of such things how about you put such energy into actually treating a young woman nice instead of demanding such favours or even thinking of such things at a festival meant for all to enjoy" They looked at her a little surprised by the young woman's comments that and she'd stood up to them clearly not feeling like being messed around by them at which one of them grabbed her arm and she frowned trying to pull it free.