Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@You Ghetto fools!

Kurisa continued to sip his water as he watched Utaho dispatch of one of her lackeys, friends...whatever she saw them as. The way she had done it was pretty brutal but still...in a sick way it was necessary. To be honest...she probably had it better than the rest. While Kurisa and everyone else had to survive this shit, she was now in an eternal sleep. He then let out a deep sigh as he thought to himself. "How many times will we have to do this? What will become of us?...Can we be considered Saviours? or are we going to just become Murderers. We can try ignore this but it will come back to haunt us eventually." Kurisa took another sip of his water before screwing the cap back on and placing it down on the table.

Utaho then came over and asked Kurisa where they went next...well...there was only one way out of here. Kurisa wanted to say something to Utaho about what just happened but that'd be idiotic, especially with how she was...besides, He had never seen a soft side to Utaho and so he was unsure if he could do anything to make this bet-what a stupid fucking thought...make what better? the fact she just killed one of her friends? yeah...as if that will happen, still...if the chance came he'd try do something, anything to make sure she didn't go insane due to this...in a weird way Utaho was about his only friend in this room...hell this whole School. I mean they weren't chummy but still got along...most of the time "We get out of here...My dad owns a Garage in the city, perhaps we can make our way there...see if there is anything we can use. Like a car or something...Saves us walking and gets us around faster."

After he had finished speaking he heard Yukito speak to Utaho, asking if there was another way. Kurisa looked at Yukito almost giving a look to say What the fuck dude!? Like why would you ask that? If there was another way surely we would have taken it. Inside he knew Utaho would likely fly for that guy and Kurisa for once...prepared to stop Utaho from kicking the ever living shit out the guy. Even if He got hit it was better him than that guy...Kurisa could take it. That was when Kenny came over and pulled on Kurisa's arm, that was when Kurisa looked at Kenny and watched him mime some shit...it was a little difficult to understand but he got the rough idea. Kurisa then nodded and stood up from his seat as Kenny walked over to the cart. He then looked at Utaho and spoke just loud enough that really only she could hear "I know what you likely want to do...but just this once...Leave it. Let's just focus on getting out of here...if you still want to kick the shit out of someone later then you can kick the shit out of me. I don't give a shit...aslong as we get out of here now." Kurisa looked at her with a serious expression to show he wasn't fucking around right now...

He then took a deep breath and walked around the table and to the right side of the cart with Kenny, grabbing onto it. "Someone get the door and get ready...we're getting the hell out of here. We likely wont have long..." He knew Kenny had basically mimed this already but just in case no one understood mime Kurisa felt it was necessary to say the plan...at least the plan he understood was going to happen. The second that door opened they would be ready to take those fuckers down and get the hell out of here...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raining
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Raining It's Always

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"I'm not going to sit in a stuffy fucking room, nor are we going to throw one of us out there to get screwed by pixelated bukkake." Megumi replied in a rather stern voice, "We're going the other way, and hopefully something else can distract them... There has to be another set of stairs close by, there can't be only two." She ran a rough hand through her hair and turned around. She started a slow stroll back down the hallway as she thought about several different paths this decision could take.

At this point she had realized how trapped they were in this tiny environment, yet death could not be the only option for them. "This is bull... Why did it have to be here? Out of all the places, the apocalypse decided to start while we were all still in school..." If only they had been outside, or at home, where they at least had a chance to flee the dangerous area to a safe haven. Megumi had thought of this once before, yet she hadn't really delved on those thoughts and merely pushed it away. Now, these thoughts are really getting to her. What if her brother had actually died?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Aki was still shocked by Megumi's sudden personality change. He expected more ruthlessness like her brother or class, not the mind of a sex expert. Well she chose to find a different way, which was fine, so he simply followed behind her. While still laughing inside at her angry sexual rambles. "You must watch some messed up porn." Aki said laughing a bit, as he looked back at the stairs. "Maybe we shouldn't be walking so slow? I mean its not like they will get up in a hurry, but slow really isn't the best in some situations. As for the stairs, I've only ever used the ones we've tried getting to, so if there are extra then that would be great."

Aki looked at the blood that sprayed the walls and ground, showing just how bad the attacks have been, possibly hinting at most of the school being dead by this point. Their survival probably being the fact they were on the roof when it struck. it also was the worst place to be since they would have to trek all the way down, just to get out. Hearing Megumi, he frowned a bit at what she said. "Would it have mattered that much? Well it might have for you, but for others it would still be a horrible situation." Aki spoke, hinting that her family probably had the weapons to defend themselves for a while, while others would turn on each other just to get what they needed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@the usual bunch

Utaho was trying hard to keep her wits about it, and things weren't pretty in her head, and then, the fucking four eyes had to go and say that. Fucking SAY it. And Kurisa trying to appease her just made it worse. She turened around, dropping the hammer inside her right hand, curling it up into a fist and aimed a punch at his face that would, at the very least, send him back some ways and make him fall on his back, at least, that's the effect she hoped for. "THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW!? IF THERE HAD BEEN ANOTHER WAY, I WOULD HAVE DEFINITELY TAKEN IT! BUT... BUT...." Even if it was Utaho the one we were talking about, it was just plain impossible for her to continue her tough girl act. Tears started rolling down her cheeks, as a flood.

"Do you expect us all to die here?! I refuse to let that happen! Even if it was Ami we were talking about! You bastards.... what can you know when you are just a bunch of stupid fucks! All of us knew this would happen eventually. I refused to let my friend become a man eating monster. That's all there is to it. If you want to call me a murderer or whatever, I don't care. It was for her own good, and I won't let any of you fucko's tell me the contrary." Wiping away her tears with her arm, only to find new ones appearing right before the last ones, Utaho tried to regain her cool. Kirari was in a similar state, though she had already passed far the point of crying and wailing for help, and merely spaced out while looking at Ami's body.

After breathing hevily and panting while she cried, she finally calmed down, as tears stopped coming out of her eyes. "Let's just get out of here. I'm sick of this place. I'm sick of all of you people. I want to get out of here as soon as possible. I don't care what we do after this. Let's jsut bail from here and never look back, I don't want to ever look back at this thing. It fucking makes me sick." Utaho stood up and got the hammer back into her hand, ready to bust out of there anytime now. A little bit more composed now, she turned to see Kenny and nodded at him. "I don't like how this guy looks, but his plan seems good enough, bust that shit down right now."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@the huge ass group

Shoske finally rose from behind the computers, wiping the sweat off his forehead with his sleeve. His breathing had calmed down compared to before. On his shoulder was a thick make-shift rope made of wires and zipties. The first reason he had gone behind the tables was to have a small panic attack, but he didn't want anyone to know that. He looked around the room, his face becoming grim at the sight of a dead girl. He had heard some of the conversation but refused to believe it until he saw it. He tried to prevent himself from throwing up at the sight and was about to until he heard a small commotion going on. He turned watching as the weirdly masked guy was playing charades with Kurisa? The fuck are they doing?

Shoske then noticed Something going on between the same delinquent girl and another guy who Shoske didn't even know was there. Shoske dropped the rope without even thinking. He jumped over the table and ran to the two, pushing the male with glasses away from the punch and taking it himself. Of course, he was only trying to save the guy and not take the punch himself. He flew back a few feet, crashing into a cabinet and falling onto his ass. "Aw fuck that fucking hurt" Shoske said, rubbing his cheek. Thanks to his hard head, he wasn't as hurt as the other guy would of been. But that punch had knocked some sense into SHoske, his eyes widening as he now realized what the other guy was telling Kurisa.

Shoske quickly stood up, wiping his mouth which had some blood on it. "Listen to me, I know none of you know me but I don't give a fuck about that. Because we're all afraid and we aren't thinking rationally" He glared at Kurisa and the masked person "If you do what I think you're going to do, you will kill us all. I'm not sure if Im right, but from what I've seen, noise attracts those things. And we've been making a hell of lot of noise" Shoske shrugged in the end, walking back over to the computers "But it doesn't even matter what I say, cause I doubt any of you will listen. Go on ahead, but I'm getting out my own way" Shoske picked up his rope and his metal pipe, walking back over to the window. Shoske looked for something sturdy to tie the ropes on, finding something bolted to the ground. He began to tie up the ends of the make shift rope onto it and waited for them to execute their escape plan before attempted to escape his own way.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


After claiming her weapon, Akane turned to veiw the rest of the group and their actions. She idly stood by and watched as Kurisa attempted to claim down a blonde-headed girl, her eyes slipping to the center of the attention: the mutilated corpse. The sight was grotesque, but Akane didn't show any evidence of caring. As far as she was concerned, this was the only way to stop the spread of this disease. From what Akane had observed up until now, the cause creating those things seemed to act just like an infection, but one that can only occur through direct contact with those infected through a bite or such.

Looking back up towards the hot-headed blonde, any sympathy Akane would of ever felt for the girl dissolved the second she attempted to act violently towards someone for simply asking a question. Sensitive subject or not, there was absolutely no need to act the way she did towards the young boy... He was naive towards what was going on it seemed, which was certainly nothing to hurt him over. Akane's brows screwed together as a scowl overtook her gaze, but her eyes soon darted to the short one who saved the young boy from danger. This Akane respected. She listened to the boy before planting her left hand on her hip and choosing to impart a few words. "I agree with the boy, acting this way is counter-productive. I'm pretty sure everyone in this room is sick of this whole situation and wishes to leave here. Irrational behaviour will get us all killed, you people need to think if you want to escape alive instead of acting on instinct." 'I refuse to let these invalids drag me down with them. Perhaps this is my cue... maybe.' Returning her eyes back to the short boy who had began setting up his escape route, Akane thought to herself, devising some sort of plan of her own.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hibiya
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Hibiya Secretly super cool. I know. Super cool.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Yukito's eyes were wide open. When Shoske pushed him back and took the punch for him, he cringed, staggering back. "Th-thanks... Are you okay...?" Instead, the other walked away, probably not hearing the glasses' quiet voice. Yukito gulped, a panicked expression on his face. There wasn't much he could do against the zombies, and definitely nothing he could do against Utaho (who was almost definitely extremely angry at him), or her white haired lackey. He quickly glanced at the recently killed girl's corpse, a shiver going down his spine. "I-I'm sorry... F-for saying that and for your friend..." The meek boy bowed his head, with his usual worried frown. Even though people were getting ready to go, Yukito hadn't even gotten through what was going on, not even Shingen dying. Stuck with these strangers in a zombie apocalypse also wouldn't be ideal; they probably didn't trust him. Maybe that was the main objective as of now, gain their trust. Another idea? Ditch them and go, but after thinking over the consequences, it probably wouldn't end out well. "I-I'm sure someone will find a cure, and no one will die to those things anymore..."

Yukito backed away, and sat in one of the workshop chairs. The boy frantically tried to remember any of his parents' advice; to help him, give him hope, or even confidence that he would make it out alive. "You can always do it, just work hard. Too much relaxing will make you fail." He just sat there, resting his weapons on his lap as he thought away. Occasionally, he took a look at the planning group, to see a time when he could contribute to it. "All I need to do is find Mi and Paneru, then all of us can go..." He frowned, and bit his lip. If they were already dead, what was he going to do then...?

Weapon: Hammer/Crowbar
Hits used: 0/0
Hits left: 12/10
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


"Hey," Mi said hesitantly. Looking towards the guy who was heading towards her. Mi tightened her grip on her false weapon. She didn't fully trust this guy. Sure he was alive but was he nice. Or at least not a huge douche bag. She hoped that he wouldn't make a move on her bags. Sure Mi could try to get him a weapon but if he tried to steal her medicine. Then it would be over. That was her gimmick. It was what made her useful.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raining
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Raining It's Always

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"I don't watch porn, I study it." At least that's what Megumi called it. She didn't necessarily watch it for the pleasure, but more so for her own twisted humor. Megumi found it funny that the actors would release such fake and obscene moans.

"But enough about sensual desires, I suppose we can pick up the pace." The young girl shrugged her shoulders and began a light jog. "Our location could either be a blessing or a curse. 1/3 of the population has probably been infected, maybe even more if it spread quickly enough to other continents. If you look at our flight statistics, business people travel practically endlessly, and multiply that with a bunch on a plane. It would all estimate to about 1,000 trips per airplane. It's even more with car. Now if you think about that with the virus, it would take at least 14 hours for it to land in America, and even less with Europe. If all of those people on a business trip were to have come into contact with the virus, it would easily spread and cause worldwide panic... We were not lucky, because most of the students have already died and it was all because of our need for race survival and carelessness. We would be better off anywhere else, because when you get down to it, we're just teenagers."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Of course you do, next I'm going to find out Kurogane like pink items and rainbows when hes not around you." Aki said, mentioning the vast difference in personalities he had saw her have. Although now that he said it, he did have to wonder what Kurogane was like without his sister around. If she was tame and more classy with him around then turned into a vulgar spewing porn watcher without, then would it be crazy to think he would act different?

Well it didn't matter, he nodded in agreement to moving faster than slower yet then stared in confusion when she began doing that math crap. "I thought it was obvious that I'm shit at math, so I'm just going to guess and say, that you are saying we are pretty much fucked, in terms of humanities survival." Aki said, making her explained version more stupid for his own benefit. So when they came back to where they were before, a zombie was there shuffling around until he spotted the two of them and came growling towards them. Aki saw that this student must of been infected by getting his leg bitten, as his right leg had a large chunk of his flesh missing. So instead of further damaging his weapon, he kicked at the right leg hitting the bone that was showing, flinching when he heard the snapping sound of it. The monster did fall to the ground and that's when Aki would curb stomp on its head, only furthering to stain his pants red. When it stopped moving after the fourth stomp, he looked down the hallway where every zombie went down before towards the screaming student. He knew there was another set of staircases over there, but that was dangerous and stupid, so the only other hallway was the straight one they saw once they came down the stairs. "Well not much choices." Aki mumbled as he started his jog down this hallway.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raining
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Raining It's Always

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Kurogane is serious most of the time, and he's like... A mother bear?" Megumi mumbled. She shook her head lightly and continued on her way. "Well... Anyways, my prior statement dumbed down would be what you just said. But we're only fucked if we don't try hard enough."

The young girl watched as Aki disposed of the lone corpse in the hallway. This floor was presumably safe since most headed either up to follow the loud noises, or down to feast on the remaining students. Natural selection was on the tail of those who were weak.

"Pick the safest staircase and go, we don't have much time left!"

At the point, Megumi wondered if her brother had made it out alive. It had been so long already... He should've made it back to her by now. And what about the others? That Reiko girl and Paneru? They all could be dead. And the only reason why Megumi was alive was because she was dragged away at the right time. Soon, she would be leaving this school, and most likely without her brother.

"A fraction of us will make it out alive, so make this count."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"If we don't try hard enough? Easier said than done, were just teenagers what are we going to do? At this point all we can do is survive and hope whatever this is is blown away. Hopefully not blown away with actual bombs." As they continued on he couldn't help but look back and frown at her. "The safest one? No I thought one with a few dozen would be lovely. Of course I'm looking for the safest one." Aki said resisting from yelling that for obvious reasons. Luckily for them, they came across another said of stairs that was seemingly void of the zombies which made him pump his fist in victory, two floors down and two too go.

He carefully walked down them, and what he saw below was much more gruesome. He saw some fresh kills, that being the zombies eating some dead students, if he hadn't attended this school he would of been sure the color of the floors was naturally red. If things were going to be this packed, then they were going to need better gear or at least some weapons in case things went south. Leaning over to Megumi, so their voices were kept as low as possible. "Hey you are in the disciplinary thing right? Does that place have a meeting room? Maybe we can use some of the things you guys confiscate to use for distraction purposes, or something? At this point, we need distractions and a bit of them." It was worth a shot, either they needed an armory or they needed helpful distractions and he doubted they were going to have another willing case of student screaming and drawing them all away again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raining
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Raining It's Always

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Megumi rolled her eyes and headed down the staircase which was presumably empty. She leaned against a wall, her body leaning back so that she was hidden from the view of the undead. The young girl looked over at Aki, nodding in reply as he mentioned the meeting room, which they ironically had. "It's on this floor, lucky for us. Follow me."

She made a small gesture with her hand and began moving down the hallway, going through the emptier ones and steering her way through various routes, practically going around the whole school just to reach the club room of her disciplinary committee. Of course, on the way they couldn't get away blood free, so a few hits were wasted on two stray corpses that just so happened to get in her way. Blood stained everything, even the students themselves. All Megumi could see was red...

"We're here." Megumi said. The young girl sifted through her duffel bag and pulled out a small key which she slipped into the doorknob of the club room. She slowly pushed the door in and let out a sigh of relief when she found it empty. Inside of the meeting room was an oak table with three chairs and a sofa lined with decorative throw pillows. Underneath the windowsill sat a second duffel bag with gym clothes that probably didn't smell too fresh and other items which were currently unknown to her.

"Make do with what you find."

Megumi emptied her own duffel bag onto the floor and examined the current items; An unfinished lunch, mechanical pencils, markers, school books, and fresh gym clothes. "I left my bokken at home, damn." At least she had another pair of clothes, this uniform was too flimsy as it is.

She took her sweatpants and slipped them underneath her skirt, making her feel much more comfortable and a little more protected.

Metal Piper-Hammer thing which will probably be tossed for something better in a post
Hits left: 5
Hits used: 2
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Aki nodded as she began to escort them to her group base, doing their best to avoid the zombies that were scattered about. Having to only take out a couple, which she did easily enough with her pipe hammer. Aki did what he was told and followed along, soon enough they made it to the room. While she searched for the key Aki rammed his scalpel hand into one of the zombies head the got too close, and jammed his hand out of its skull. It slumped to the ground while its blood poured onto the hard floor surface. Megumi got the door open and once in, he closed the door behind himself and sighed in relief himself. He looked around the room and dropped his bag to the ground. Opening it, he poured the belonging to the ground. He threw away most of the text books only having one left, while the rest were mostly his game devices and his sewing materials, plus two extra scalpels. Once this passed through his mind, he stuffed the sewing materials back in his back faster than he took them out. His bag was big enough, and lighter without all those textbooks.

Standing up he walked around, while ignoring Megumi putting on pants, which now that he thinks about it is incredibly funny. He shuffled around to finally find a box actually two boxes of items that were confiscated. He didn't see any form of weapons that could be used. Unless he was going to read love notes to the zombies. But he did find duct tape and two air horns, those would be great distraction items! He also found fire crackers, yet sadly no way to light them, so they were useless for the most part. Most of it was no good, simple personal belongings: skateboard, love notes, cell phones, his game system that he thought was lost...... These assholes.

Putting that aside, he couldn't find much use for most of the confiscated items. So picking up the duct tap and two air horns, plus his game system he went over to his bag and stuffed one airhorn and his game system away, while leaving one airhorn out with the duct tape. "So any other hiding spots you guys have for confiscated items? Or was that all?" Aki asked looking over at Megumi, while thinking if his question could be taken out of context.

Weapon: Scalpel claws.
Hits left: 5
Hits used: 1
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 7 days ago

Things were heating up a little with that punk girl punching at the guy with glasses only for the other short male to intervene and take it himself. Ironic how that same guy was gonna take a beating shortly before all this happen. It was only expected that everyone would be scared or freaking out with this sudden, dangerous situation they were all in, but unlike them it didn't really bother him as much.

Not like this was the first time he had to deal with surviving on his own; only this time it was the undead instead of being out in the forest and hunting for food.

Everything turned to shit real fast and would only get worse as time passed and they were all just students who never dealt with this kind of stuff. So what was there to do other than trying to survive? which was the only thing that mattered at this moment. To survive and get out of this school and...then what?

Well, he would think about that later, but right now he would at least help get this group out of the trapped room. The male with computer wires seemed set on climbing down from the windows and he had no intention of stopping him.

Adjusting the backpack to secure it on his shoulder then placed himself against the cart besides kurisa. They would have to be fast as he turned his head to kurisa and gave a noticable nod to show he was ready. He exhaled slowly then slammed his foot down, pushing the cart as hard as he could. The cart charged towards the door and just as someone opened the door, slammed into the small group of zombies surrounding the doorway.

The force of the cart knocked them back into each other, sending the rotting ghouls sprawling against the opposite wall or to slam onto the floor. A sickening crunch of bone from one of the wheels crushing a zombie's ribcage leaving it trapped beneath the cart and Kenny motioned for the others to get moving. He then turned left, heading the opposite direction of the others, running past growling zombies reaching at him as one had caught his pants and started to pull his disfigured face in to bite. Slipping the backpack from his shoulders, he flung it at its head, knocking it away then quickly ran on until he was free of them.

On he ran down the hallway, having decided to try and find Reiko and make sure she was safe before he would work on getting out of the school.

weapons: hammer, paper cutter
Hits used: none
Hits left: 12/10
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raining
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Raining It's Always

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Ah yes, I almost forgot." Megumi mumbled. She strolled over to the couch and began removing the cushions, revealing two more boxes of confiscated items. "These are for the more dangerous ones, brass knuckles and such since there appears to be affiliated gangs at the school." She explained, dumping the weapons into the floor. "Pick your poison."

Megumi and her brother would usually keep these items instead of turning them into the school themselves. They kept the weapons as trophies of sorts, that and they didn't want to start unnecessary problems in the school, such as murder, or gang fights. With the whole system now shut down, Megumi didn't have to worry about keeping all of these weapons anymore.

She slipped a knife into the pocket of her sweatpants and slung her duffel bag back over her shoulder. The redhead then removed her pigtails and bundled her hair into a messy bun so that her hair wouldn't get caught on anything, or grabbed. Soon, Megumi might actually have to cut her hair.

She tossed aside her school skirt and stretched in her pants, feeling rather free in them.

"So, how will we leave the school? Obviously we can't run off via foot, so a vehicle will be required to make an escape."

Metal Piper-Hammer thing which will probably be tossed for something better in a post
Hits left: 5
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sure enough they did have more hidden items, but what she pulled out seemed more like a black markets dealer den. She and her brother got all these weapons from students? This seemed like the school from the manga Beelzebub. Well he already had his scalpel claws, so brass knuckles were useless to him. That and they were more for stronger people who could actually crack a mans skull with one. Plus it gave them more chance to bite him. He held up what would look like a gun, but was nothing more than a toy, this made Aki looked up questioningly at Megumi before putting it back in the box.

After a minute of rummaging, he just took a pocket knife with everything else being really pointless. Unless he was winging something with enough force in itself, it was pointless taking blunt weapons. As he stood up he saw Megumi changing her hairstyle followed by tossing her skirt aside, which again gave a questioning look followed by a shrug as he gripped the pocket knife and went over to the door, opening it and with the coast mostly clear wrapped part of the duct tape around the air horn which released that loud ass noise instantly. Aki cut the duct tape, and like a grenade, threw it down the hallway, and closed the door. The noise was still pretty loud and so was all those growling noises that walked past the room and off towards the sound. Aki gave it a minute, since that noise was still going on and peeked out the door. Their hallway was clear, but the other one showed just how many would have torn them limb from limb. And people say supports were crap in games.

Aki opened the door and went away from the big herd that loitered the west hall to get towards the noise. Considering the stair case was next to his class's room he knew where to go, not without interruptions though. One of them stumbled out of the b class's room while another from the closest c class room. Aki pointed at the farthest zombie for Megumi to take down while Aki took out the closest one. When Aki went to jab the zombie stumbled causing his fist to miss. Aki stumbled back himself as the creature nearly bite him. It was enough of a fright he quickly checked to make sure. He again threw a jab this time hitting, and piercing through its eye and to the brain. He could feel the eye liquid on his fingers, which made him shudder as the zombie fell to the ground.

Weapon: Scalpel claws.
Hits used: 1
Hits left 4
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raining
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Raining It's Always

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Megumi shrugged her shoulders when he didn't reply and simply followed behind him after sending out that little distraction-which was rather smart for someone like him-. She jogged down the hallway, making sure her feet didn't make too much noise as she went along behind her fellow student. With her pipe-hammer clenched tightly in her hands, she ran forward past Aki to violently swing her weapon upwards towards the shambling beast. The audible noise of bones breaking reverberated through Megumi's ears, playing like music as the corpse fell to the ground. With the heel of her shoe, she slammed it onto the exposed head. Brain matter oozed through the broken parts of skull and mixed with the rotten blood of the dead. "Ah fuck." Megumi gagged and placed the sleeve of her sweater over her nose to prevent her from inhaling the stench of rotting meat. It was as if gas was trapped in these things, yet it hasn't even been a single day. The biology of these things were so odd.

"All of their organs must have shut down... I wonder if they really need to eat flesh at all?" Megumi shook her head and continued on. Her fingers gripped the bottom of her pipe as she had realized how weak it grew, it was only a matter of time until it decided to break on her. "Just a little longer."

Metal Piper-Hammer thing
Hits left: 4 plz
Hits used: 1
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Not sure on that, your guess is as good as mine." Aki replied, as he caught his breath a bit. Her earlier question still ringing in his head. At the moment he had no answers for it. He always got picked up after school, so if any vehicles were outside they were probably already taken. And if some were around then it would still be useless since the students would carry their keys around. And Aki knew for a fact he could not hot wire anything, and he doubted she knew as well. So while it may have been bad to think, he had to have hoped someone died behind the wheel of their car so they could take it.

"Lets keep going, were almost there." Aki spoke as he continued on down the hallway, it was good to know those air horns lasted a while as he could hear its faint sound still. They did reach the stair case and with nothing there he began to silently walk down the steps. With them now being on the first floor, all they had to do was get to the front entrance, hopefully Aki could save the air horn for then. "So even if we do make it out.. Where should we even go? Considering if were lucky enough to find a car with the keys magically in." This question showed he heard her earlier one, just showed he really had no good answer for it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raining
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Raining It's Always

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"I suppose if we do manage to get out of this place, we should attempt to find somewhere to stay just for the night." She murmured, her shoulders shrugging as she headed down the stairs. "My house is far from the school, so even with transportation it would take quite a while depending on the stray cars and walls of corpses." Megumi scrunched her nose up as she thought about possible transportation and routes they could take. "We could break into a house, since there isn't any law holding us back anymore. And for transportation, we can either contact someone if the cell towers aren't down yet, or try to break into a car and pray that it would let out an alarm."

Her father had probably fled to safety, or hid in the comfort of his luxurious manor. For now, Megumi would have to roll with Aki and whoever else they run into on their way to temporary shelter.

"We can't stay outside for the night, so in the end we may actually have to resort in breaking in, or at least resting at someone else's home."

Metal Piper-Hammer thing
Hits left: 4 plz
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