Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Heat
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Heat Hey, nice marmot

Member Seen 3 mos ago

The action begins.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vilhelm
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Vilhelm Batshit Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sooooo. Is nobody else gonna post, orrr?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AdvancedJ3lly
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I should have a post up today.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by agentmanatee
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agentmanatee Servant of chaos

Member Seen 3 days ago

I'm gonna have to drop from this. As exited as I was for it I just don't currently have the time. I'm sry, have fun!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Heat
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Heat Hey, nice marmot

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Sooooo. Is nobody else gonna post, orrr?

I was waiting to see who else would post before moving it along.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AdvancedJ3lly
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sorry, but I don't think I'm going to get that post up until tomorrow.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vilhelm
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Vilhelm Batshit Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sooo. If nobody else is gonna post, I might post again. If it's alright? Wanna keep this going, Mass Effect is all kindsa fun~
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by baskets


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sooo. If nobody else is gonna post, I might post again. If it's alright? Wanna keep this going, Mass Effect is all kindsa fun~

I think that might be a good idea, just for the sake of keeping things moving somewhat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vilhelm
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Vilhelm Batshit Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

There we go.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Heat
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Heat Hey, nice marmot

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Hope you still are all with it, sorry for the wait, got hammered by work and such. Working on an IC post.

Also have reopened character applying.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ArkmageddonCat
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ArkmageddonCat That One Guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I was about to say the status says "full", but then I saw the recent posts, and then I saw you changed it. XD

I'll be in touch
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Plank Sinatra
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Plank Sinatra the reaper won't come when you're ready for him

Member Seen 8 days ago

EDIT: withdrawn profile
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Geardirector
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Geardirector The Mild Mannered Cyborg

Member Seen 1 mo ago

This looks interesting, I'd like to give it a shot.

Before I write up a profile, though, I'd like to ask; would it be okay for a Vorcha to have Biotics?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rowdyruff
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

If you'll take me, how do you think I should approach jumping in IC wise?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Heat
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Heat Hey, nice marmot

Member Seen 3 mos ago

This looks interesting, I'd like to give it a shot.

Before I write up a profile, though, I'd like to ask; would it be okay for a Vorcha to have Biotics?

Yeah that'd be alright.

If you'll take me, how do you think I should approach jumping in IC wise?

Summarize what your character was up to right before the fighting began then have them get in on it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ghosthands
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Ghosthands Regional Manager, / Darth Maul

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Jek Laeron




Jek is of the slender, wiry build typical of salarians. His skin is a greenish-grey, and dotted with darker scales around the chin, forehead and cranial horns. His large dark eyes have a sharp-witted gleam.
(I'll try and do some vector art at a later date.)

Freelance hacker/saboteur


Sentry Turret
Snap Freeze
Arc Grenade
Drill Ammo

M-90 Indra Sniper Rifle
M-5 Phalanx Heavy Pistol (with laser scope as in ME2)
Both weapons are modified with Ultralight Materials in order to minimise weight.

Jek makes use of Jormangund Technology's Crisis Armour (salarian form factor), giving him protection from a variety of hostile environments. As a salarian, he is rather fragile, and his kinetic barriers can only compensate so much.
The modified Archon holo-visor he wears is an excellent asset to a tech expert such as himself: it links to his omni-tools to project a variety of useful readouts and HUDs for almost any situation.
Casual wear: a simple salarian jumpsuit.

Dual Savant omni-tools
3x grenades

Jek Laeron is a perfect example of the salarian gearhead. A consummate tech specialist, he has encyclopaedic knowledge of an impressive array of technologies: besides being your go-to guy for a hack or bypass, his rigorous STG training and natural talent make him adept at repairing systems (or the opposite), modifying equipment, rigging explosives, piloting vehicles…

Among those he has worked with, Jek is known for his dry and acerbic wit. In most conversations, his particular brands of sarcasm and cynicism quickly make themselves known. This often grates with those around him, but he makes up for it with an unflappability and level-headedness that allow him to remain cool in even the most heated of situations. Jek considers himself very much a professional, and doesn’t hesitate to remark on this quality (or the lack thereof) in others.

Jek’s morality is somewhat hazy. He will kill in cold blood, and has a disregard for law or authority (especially when they get in the way), but he does operate to his own code and disapproves of excessive cruelty or violence. He is not a greedy man (unless rare tech is involved) and a job’s pay doesn’t matter much to him: he’s in it for the challenge.

He talks in the clipped tones common among salarians, occasionally dropping pronouns or articles in the manner famously exemplified by Mordin Solus.

Showing promise from a young age, Jek was enrolled in the salarian military, where his talents got him assigned to the Special Tasks Group. He graduated second-best of his class from the STG Academy (top place was claimed by a certain Corporal Kirrahe) and his skills were quickly put to work in the field.

Jek’s last mission for the Group was an operation against a hacking collective who had been disrupting an influential dalatrass’ financial transactions. His team was dispatched to locate and neutralise their base of operations. They were successful, but during the latter stages of the mission Jek discovered several surprising files on the hackers’ mainframe. These files proved that the very dalatrass who had ordered the operation had been using a backdoor to funnel considerable sums of credits out of various government funds, including welfare and the military, into her personal accounts. Before he could copy the files, his oblivious teammates wiped the databases (as per their orders from, of course, the dalatrass), destroying all proof of her corruption.

When Jek’s appeals to have the dalatrass investigated fell on deaf ears, he took matters into his own hands and exploited the same backdoor to drain every last credit from the dalatrass’ accounts, returning the stolen funds to the government and donating the rest to a slew of charities. The dalatrass was unsurprisingly furious, and even Jek’s hacking skills weren’t enough to remove all traces of his ‘theft’: he was caught and court-martialled.

Stripped of his rank and dishonourably discharged, Jek left Citadel space for the Terminus Systems, angry and disillusioned with authority. At first he tried to find work as a hacker-for-hire on Illium, but the dalatrass had contacts there and he was soon driven off-world.

He wound up on Omega, where he found his skills to be quite welcome (at least, as welcome as anything is on Omega). Jek found that the kind of work available on the lawless station actually suited him far better than the banality of white-collar crime: he enjoyed the danger, the thrill, and the challenge.

Jek has been taking jobs as a freelancer for the last six years, hacking, slicing and shooting his way across the Terminus Systems. He’s turned down several offers from Eclipse, leery of getting involved with the merc gangs, but has nonetheless made enough of a name for himself that he has recently been contacted for a mysterious, high profile contract…

(Note: if there’s anything I need to change, please let me know.)

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Geardirector
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Geardirector The Mild Mannered Cyborg

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Name - KRONN

Age – THIS MANY SUNS *holds up fingers* KRONN’S HEAD NOT POP (Five years old, already a grown adult by his short-lived species’ standards)

Species – VORCHA (Vorcha)


Appearance - KRONN BE VORCHA-EST VORCHA OF ALL VORCHADOM (If there was ever a prime example of the Vorcha species, Kronn is it: His limber, deceptively frail physique is framed by razor-sharp claws and teeth. His tan-colored skin is scarred in many places, and his big, devilish eyes are orange-red. He’s tall for a Vorcha, and is dressed in their usual attire: Equipment belt with attached sash, with pouches. Kronn’s Vorcha adaptability has tailored his body for the purpose of killing: lightning swiftness, immense regeneration capability and extremely acute senses.)

Occupation - KRONN KILL BECAUSE KILL (Mercenary)


Powers - FLY-KILL (Biotic Charge)

BURN-KILL (Flamer)

KILLBOMB (Lift Grenade)

NO-HEAD-POP (Barrier)



Weapons – BOOMSTICK (M-22 Eviscerator)

HEADPOP (M-6 Carnifex)

Armor/Apparel – KRONN NO WEAR ARMOR, BECAUSE HE BAD (While he wears the aforementioned belt/sash apparel, Kronn doesn’t wear any protective attire, he’s never needed it before, and probably won’t now.)

Equipment – KRONN HIT HARD WHEN HE IN YOUR FACE (both of his weapons are modded with melee damage enhancers; shotgun omniblade and pistol melee stunner, respectively)

Personality – GRAAAAAAAH, YOU DIE NOW (Like most Vorcha, Kronn is so fixated on violence that it’s nothing less than his primary form of communication: him trying to tear up your face is just his way of saying hello. The lust for battle and blood so common among his kind is no less present in Kronn. Him taking credits for killing people is simply a matter of practicality; the credits, ideally, go towards getting food (mostly) legally and keeping his equipment in something approaching «shape». Kronn is curious about the wide world he’s been thrust into, and wants to know how many different creatures there are out there in the galaxy, and how fun it is to kill them. Fiercely independent and self-assured, Kronn will only respect someone’s leadership and judgement after they have defeated him in a test of physical strength. Until then KRONN DO WHAT KRONN WANT.)

Bio – KRONN KILL LOTS BECAUSE IT ALL KRONN DO (Kronn was an orphan on Heshtok when he was kidnapped by the Blood Pack, and brought under heel. Kronn, however, was not meant to be just another disposable bullet sponge, like most Vorcha under the Blood Pack were. Instead, he was brought in as a test subject for a project run by a few scientists the Blood Pack had kidnapped/bribed/paid in order to create a supply of Vorcha biotics to serve as shock troops. While the project yielded little to no results (as could be expected by skipping the usually deciding step of Element Zero-exposure in the womb), the project did have a few successes, Kronn being one of them. It wasn’t long before Kronn’s newfound power gave him enough courage to escape from the Blood Pack’s control. Lots of killing was involved, as anything involving the Blood Pack usally is, and Kronn escaped into the galaxy at large to kill on his own terms.)

Here you go. Let me know if there's a problem.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rowdyruff
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Will there be a need of pilot if they ever have to depart from Omega? Because I can make a character with piloting capabilities as well as with a normal class etc.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Heat
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Heat Hey, nice marmot

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Will there be a need of pilot if they ever have to depart from Omega? Because I can make a character with piloting capabilities as well as with a normal class etc.

Nope. I plan for the whole plot to take place on Omega.

@Geardirector Character is accepted, please post the sheet over on the characters section

@Ghosthands Yours as well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Geardirector
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Geardirector The Mild Mannered Cyborg

Member Seen 1 mo ago

@Rowdyruff Character is accepted, please post the sheet over on the characters section

Am I correct in assuming you actually meant me?
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