Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AgentFallenSoul
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AgentFallenSoul The Forsaken

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Miharu Ogako

162.56cm (5'4 ft)

68kg (150lbs)

Physical Description:

Magical Abilities:

-Ogako's Lightning-
Her main magic, is lightning manipulation, she can shoot a fire like breath comprised of lightning. When released it causes thunder to sound for miles. The lightning is a red and black flash in color and stronger than ordinary lightning. When it comes into contact with a surface or object, instead of just a simple electric shock, it sets it on fire (This effect does not translate over to Living beings). She can send it in blasts or waves of energy, coming from the spikes on her back in place of her wings(Only in dragon form). In the most extreme cases she can engulf herself in lightning and form a living lighting bolt of sorts.

There is also a final move of sorts in which she needs to charge in order to start the move, it forms an orb of pure lightning around her and the people around her, then lifts them into the air and begins to lash out in concentrated atacks. It's a much more powerful form of her lightning however it's also much more taxing and by far will cause her to pass out from energy use.

(Hidden Power)
-Shadar Ubu-

Shadar Ubu for the user allows the user to harness Shadow like forms, becoming a shadow themselves or "Mimicing" the form. Inheriting all of the Ogako bloodline power, being the last of her blood line, Miharu has access to both her Highest Shadow Form, and Lowest, both being strong, but lowest is used for more practicality and combat. Her in her Lowest Form, her body is shaded with blackness, her eyes turn from her gold eyes and red irises to pure white circles. Her body retains a humanoid form but a cloak like shadow grasps her body and makes her appear legless and a single slender body. Besides her change in appearance, in her lowest form, she is able to disappear into the darkness around her, travel on the ground as a shadow would, she retains her speech and able to talk to people around her, but it becomes more of an echo and a harmonized voice, even when she yells. She is also able to revert between her physical body and her shadow body, meaning she is able to use her shadow body partially while still in physical form, forming lance like shadow weapons, or shields. Granted while she can do this, she is unable to use her strongest form.

In her Highest Shadow Form, her powers are amplified exponentially, BUT she is stuck in that form for the remainder of the use of her power, she is unable to use her lowest form at all until the sunrise of the next day appears. If she uses her highest form, she retains all of her lowest form abilities, but there is a catch. She is unable to communicate to people around her, nor can she touch living organisms. However, she is able to teleport from shadow to shadow within a 50 meter radius. She also can not directly attack, this form is purely for travel, use in combat is almost useless.

Miharu is a natural flirt. She'll call people 'hun' or 'hot stuff' even if she barely knows them. Nothings wrong with a compliment, even if she's complimenting the enemy. Compliments tend to make others feel good about themselves, so whats wrong with that? A bad thing about this though is that people generally read too deep into her flirtatious ways, and often get disappointed when they find out she's not trying to lure them into her bed. As long as theres no touchy touchy, there will be no smacky smacky.

Now Miharu has a lack of patience. It can be seen as a negative trait in many aspects. But when it comes down to it, Miharu doesn't like to wait or be waiting on other people. She has this weird thing with regret. The 'I wish I did this when I had a chance' is almost like a pet peeve of hers. She doesn't want to have thoughts like that, and it pushed her to being impulsive or spontaneous if you want to call it; so obviously she would come to develop impatience with that mindset. She'll burst into meetings or disrupt your heart to heart, it doesn't matter to her when you've kept her waiting long enough. She actually admires people who have patience, this is probably why she likes hippie like people. Because aww heyy maaan, everything's all cool with them.

When Miharu sets her eyes on something she will become determined to get it. Whether learning a new trick or technique or to simply gain something from someone. It would take some rather large emotional strain to kill her determination inside. This determination inside of her will push her forwards to stand up for herself or for another. Sometimes her action displayed while being determined are described as 'Bold'. Miharu has learned that she can achieve great things through her determination. With that she still clings onto this determination to overcome obstacles and challenges.

it's to be revealed :P
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by RyuShura
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RyuShura The Muted Dream

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Name/Moniker: Yuuya Sasayaki

Height: 183.6 cm (6'3.5 ft.)
Weight: 88.3 kg (194.7 lbs.)

Physical Description:

Magical Abilities:


A very rare form of magic that is only available to his bloodline, allowing him the ability to detect all manners of vibrations and manipulate them to varying degrees. When he was in his prime, his control over such a magic was renown to all of the Draconis Race. There was almost nothing he couldn't perform with this magic, from near instantaneous long-range teleportation by opening two points in the space around him and pushing his body through, to even causing the space around him to slow down to an absolute halt as though he was stopping the very trickle of time itself.

However, in his present state after he had been forced down onto Edolas, he's noticed that his internal reservoir of Magnis had greatly diminished due to the injuries taken, which also in-turn affects his ability to utilize this skill. While he still isn't someone to be laughed at or taken lightly, his power is nowhere close to comparison to what it had been before.


Not much of a conversationalist and greatly disliking the presence of others, Yuuya is the type that tends to simply stick to himself and set out to complete tasks all on his own. Maybe it was a mix of pride and confidence in his own abilities, he doesn't really know, but from his own experience, it was a certainty that he can only depend on a very select few in this world. One bad impression can put a grudge between Yuuya and another person, and such a stigma wouldn't wear off easily either. There have been times he would even ignore the person he considered his 'only friend' for days on-end because she had done or said something careless that annoyed him past a point.

It wasn't that he really wanted to keep things like that, it was that his memory wouldn't allow him. Being able to recall almost any instance in the past wasn't always as useful as such a skill sounded. It meant that he wouldn't be able to easily overlook bad things he'd experience, not that he liked to make repeated mistakes anyway, but not having any freedom from all the past memories had always put a noticeable coldness to his personality.

There isn't much redeeming about this harsh-tongued individual, and even hearing him utter a compliment was seldom and rare. Though that also meant that he would not stop at something until he felt satisfied with it. If he sees something wrong, he wouldn't hesitate to speak out his thoughts or act upon his will. There was really no point in with such a useless pause. If there was a problem, he'd set out to fix it, simple as that.

Sorry, this is a secret.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RainbowReindeer
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RainbowReindeer trash

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Race: Carcharodon Xanara (Great White Shark)
Name/Moniker: Sylvia Arturius
Height: 5'9" (175.2cm)
Weight: 175lbs. (79.37kg)

Physical Description:

Magical Abilities:

Partial Transformation: In the water, she 'flips her tail', which is long, dark and powerful; the transition between human skin to fish tail almost indistinguishable. Clear lens appear to cover her eyes underwater and gills form along the black lines on her neck. Her jaw expands, allowing for more than one row of teeth to form. Her senses are extremely heightened in this state and she truly becomes the king of the sea.

Physical Magic: Years of practice has given Sylvia the ability to effectively fight on land. She's agile, has a strong sense of smell and can pack quite a punch by using her magic to aid her physical strengths.

Water Magic: Although ægirsfólk typically use physical-type magic, Sylvia has a rare form of magic that runs through her mother's bloodline that will eventually allow her to control water. However, she does not know she has the power to do so. Whether she uses the water's powers to protect or to destroy in the future lies in question.

"I can already feel the blue waves nipping at my sides, waiting to pull me under a deep dark hole. I suppose I’ll just have to learn to breathe again..."

Despite being a predator, Sylvia is an amiable person who keeps her feelings locked away. She speaks and laughs freely, and is known to be brutally honest and ever-enduring. She does not complain, or whine, or wish for a better life and chooses to look at the present. However, Sylvia does not form attachments easily. To those who manage to worm their way inside her heart, expect lots of shy love.

Sylvia has always longed to escape her body. She doesn't particularly enjoy being part-shark. In fact, she harbors 'romantic' ideals of ripping away her blades and running away to the warmer waters. At her core she is a ponderous creature, always locked in an almost trance-like state of thought. Some would call her a daydreamer from first glance, but a closer look would reveal that there is much more than just recipes and imaginative folly going on up there. To call her 'klutzy' would be completely wrong as she is actually quite intelligent and aware.


Sylvia's parents both come from a pure-blood line of sharks. It is even rumored that her father's line, the Arturius, had evolved from the megaladons. Long story short - the Arturius are known as the 'royalty of the Northern seas' and they control a small nation state to the North. Despite being small and very inclusive; every man, woman, child and elderly are deadly fighters.

Like everyone else, Sylvia was born and raised to be a fighter. It was common for young adult Xanaras in the Arturius clan to become mercenaries. However, Sylvia was royalty, the youngest and the fiercest. She was attuned to the sea like no other; it was apparent that the seas flowed deep within her veins. Her father favored her over all of his other children and while Sylvia basked in love and attention, it would soon backfire on her horribly.

With ægirsfólk, their culture is simple; if you want to be the top, you fight for it. On Sylvia's 25th birthday, her older siblings had beckoned her to swim with them. Thinking that this was perhaps the swim that would change her relationship with her family for the better, she naively went. After all, they were of her blood and Sylvia loved each of them despite their obvious contempt towards her. She was wrong.

Sylvia can only remember her heart shattering into a billion pieces when her older brothers and sisters circled around her, their sharp teeth and blades flashing in the dark water. The want to live trumped her love for her siblings. She killed them all, leaving their corpses to wash up in some distant shore. Sylvia managed to swim back home, her body mangled and her eyes glazed over. Her father was away on business so it was her mother that had to deal with the fact that her youngest daughter had killed all of her siblings. Sylvia's grieving mother turned her back on Sylvia and when her father came back, he only stoically patted her back and declared her the heir to the throne the next hour.

The children who had once crowded her scurried away in fear. Her friends left to become mercenaries and the others either hated or feared Sylvia.

She felt dead inside.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by swampogreknight
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swampogreknight Da Realest

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Race: Light Elf
Name/Moniker: Kyros Andronica
Height: 6'0
Weight: 170 lbs
Physical Description:

(just pretend the picture is an elf) Missing his left leg, but has learned to move quickly despite this.
Magical Abilities: Skilled with fire magic

Quirks/Personality: Kyros is very confident, particularily with women, almost obnoxiously so. He can be very competitive, and hates to lose any sort of competition. He can sometimes act stuck up, as he is quite rich.

Backstory: Kyros was born to a poor family shortly before the dragon war began. Most of his early life was consumed by farmwork, until he watched his father and his older brothers go to war against the dragons. Once he reached the age of 18, he joined the army, and spent many years perfecting the art of fire magic and sword fighting. Throughout the war he watched his family fall one by one to the dragons, and it seemed that as quickly as he could make new friends they would die at the feet of the winged beasts. He was one of the few soldiers to have survived the entire war. He fought on the side of Kenomo during the second civil war, but was taken prisoner by the Shadowmares. After being involved in a prisoner riot and escaping the Shadowmare prison, he was branded an outlaw. For 50 years he worked with different bandit groups in the wild, until he was granted a pardon and he returned to the city. He has been working as a mercenary since then, and is always looking for a way to fuel his love for war. He is currently 300 years old.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Race: Human
Name/Moniker: Sir Sings-a-Lot
Height: 5'7
Weight: 140 kg
Physical Description:
Wears armor when outside and light, maneuverable, leather armor when inside his quarters. However, he always wears his signature helmet as per his Order's custom.

Magical Abilities:
Sir Sings-a-Lot has the ability to breathe like dragons. He could spew burning flames or chilly blizzards from his mouth with an inhale and some concentration. The fire breath can be continuous and stream for over two meters or it can be a large fireball. The blizzard breath can be a continuous stream that will freeze the target's body until it stops functioning or it can be a fast wave that will flash freeze the target but the ice case will break after a minute or two.

He could also spew out a powerful force that blows away most things that isn't big as a boulder or isn't nailed down.

Sings shares this ability with another Lot Order knight: Sir Talks-a-Lot.

Sir Sings-a-Lot has a friendly, polite and overall chivalric personality, ready to spring into action if injustice is happening. When not doing knightly things, Sings can be found idly singing various songs sometimes with an instrument or performing at a joint. Some of his songs are very alien but Sings will happily assure you they are real songs.

As per his Order's customs, he is forbidden in engaging in romantic relationships and Sings will gently let down any woman who is interested in him.

Rumors say he is a cultist of Kthanid, an eldritch god but Sings will deny this.

Sir Sings-a-Lot is a knight of the Lot Order, a band of knights who use verbs for code names. The Order has been founded right after the Edolas Civil War and its members swore an oath to serve the Order and the small house of Vinderion from where the Order was created. In return, the knights are given immunity from time so they could serve until their bodies fall on the battlefield. However, the Second Edolas Civil War saw the deaths of many of the knights who fought for Kénómo. Because of that, some of the knights decided to journey across Edolas to look for potential candidates to be part of the Lot Order.

Sings is one of these knights, using his singing skills to attract people into becoming interested in his Order. However, the requirements for being a Lot knight are very rigid and quite offensive: One, you must be a human. Two, you must be a male. Three, you must never engage in a romantic relationship since love distracts. If any one of these requirements are broken, the spell that makes the knights immortal from aging will not affect you.

Of course, the search for candidates is always second to performing righteous deeds.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Orior
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

There’s a whole lot of pain in your bloodline
But there’s a whole lot of strength in the sunshine
Lean back let the new day greet you...

Dark Elf

Iouril (EYE-or-el) Ranuu'Laer

Physical Description:
6' 1"
140 lbs.

Magical Abilities:
Iouril is a blood mage, meaning that his power comes from physically using his blood. The many knives on his person are more often used on himself than enemies. Dark rites and self-flagellation happen often in his particularly malicious style, and more often than not injuries benefit him instead of his opponent. Golems, hexes, and body control are the staples of his routines.

Iouril is a man with an identity crisis. Born to a body showing the sins of his ancestors, it would seem that he is inherently evil. This is not true. The man struggled throughout his childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood with his morality and self-worth. He seems to be searching for penitence for crimes he himself did not commit. His magical abilities put him at odds with this, and you'll find him calling his art "disgusting and unholy" as much as his light-marked brethren. He doesn't have much of an option if he wants to defend himself, however.

He has a calm demeanor, is congenial and works well with others, which is surprising given his heritage. He isn't too social, and he doesn't have much of a sense of humor, but his tendency to invalidate his own feelings gives him great empathy for others. He's easy to get along with, even if he doesn't give much precedence to his own opinions.

House Ranuu'Laer is a prevalent force in a few of the smaller Nations near the northern end of the continent. Powerful magic-users and forceful negotiators, they were and still are an up-and-coming power house thanks to an influx of followers in the few decades. Comprised mostly of dark elves, many of its members were hardened veterans, wizened magus, and notable scholars. They made their influence by selling the fruits of their magical abilities and intellectual pursuits, even so much as so that certain small Nations depended on them for the military might of their blood golems. They are like mercenaries, but the diversity of the jobs they take elevate them from that status.

The "mother" and "father" of this family are Iialve and Suthis Ranuu'Laer, respectively. This House was actually started centuries ago by these two and their close relatives, and grew slowly, member by member, at first. Other dark elves were drawn in by seemingly loving dynamic of this group, and were slowly ingrained until they became something akin to cultists. In the past, people were rarely brought into the House, they were born into the family. In the last few decades, a displaced war party of dark elves from a Nation leagues away, who had been defeated by the nearby Clan of Light elves, found solace in their home. Among them were warriors, magics, healers, scouts, and war maidens; their numbers increased twofold.

Approximately 26 winters ago, the family was blessed with a magnificent holy child. Mother and Father had a son. Ask now, and many deny this, though at the time the house had been in uproarious celebration. All were glad to have this child. And while yes, he was royalty, they knew they had to work to make him strong. None questioned his start of academic and physical training at age five. None questioned his isolation from the family. None questioned the fact that he had not been seen in public after he was a toddler. This was Mother and Father's holy child, and they knew how to raise him.

For as long as he could remember, Iouril was practicing. His academics, his combat training, his magus training, that what was he knew. He awoke, he went to class all morning, he ate, he trained, he bled, and then he slept. By the time he was 12, he had been honed into an unquestioning tool. He knew only his parents and instructors. He parents loved him very much, or so they said, and that was why he had to stay and train. To be strong. It is an ugly world, they had told him, and he believed them. He had no other options presented to him. When his youth was coming to an end, his parents released him to the public with a different identity, and used him as an agent in their own city. Meeting others for the first time, and finding that this "family" of his was not nearly the people he thought they were, and he became slightly dissociative in his childhood home. With perfect service and no complaints, his parents easily granted him many freedoms and privileges. One such privilege was being able to join the two on their trips away from the lands of the House.

These trips proved disastrous to his parents' intentions. He was still quite young and impressionable at this time, and after a while of being prompted by others his age, he started running off on the trips, only to return to harsh punishments and threats. However, over time he grew more independent. He hated his family; his vicious mother, his evil father, and the monsters that taught an innocent child to cut his wrists and summon monsters. Eventually, on one of these trips, Iouril left and didn’t return.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AgentFallenSoul
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AgentFallenSoul The Forsaken

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Physical Description:

Race: Halfling (Feline Xanara/Draconis)
Name/Moniker: Eri Ogako
Height: 5'5" (165.1cm)
Weight: 140lbs (63.5kg)

Written Description:
Eri has a huge X scar on the side of her right side stomach, she had obtained that from a brand that she had fallen on, she really was stupid and a klutz when she was younger. She has a dragon mark tattoo near her waist on the left side of her belly button, it swirls like a spiral and extends to make about 10 CM diameter of the spiral. She also has one thing that one will ever see or she will hide as long as she humanly possibly can. The tattoo markings of the friends she had watched die when she was younger, wanting to get this tattoo in memory that life is not always as nice as people give off to believe. They have the names of each individual and complete a circle on her back. She keep this tattoo as a reminder that the world is cruel, not so nice as everyone would like to believe. The Tattoo looks like a seal and is at the diameter of 21 CM in a circle on her back with dragon language writing in and around the marking.

Magical Abilities:
Eri are able to demonstrate a natural aptitude for the ways of the sword. She is able to wield a sword with great proficiency in speed, power, and skill, allowing herself to perform feats such as stopping and deflecting bullets, decimate large objects or areas, cutting through hard materials such as steel, and even hold back her strength to deal damage to their foes without killing them. Eri is also able to operate with little or no effort, deliver skillful strikes to weak points with great precision and cut only and exactly what they want. This ability also allows her to become naturally skilled with multiple swords or any bladed weapon regardless of shape or size to suit their needs in combat. Eri is incredibly fast weapon control may allow them to bypass obstacles in order to cut their intended target.

This is only one half of her full ability, second being enhanced condition, being already put at a huge disadvantage when it came to using a sword for combat. Eri is at the peak physical and mental condition of her human side. She can achieve great amounts of strength without any super-/unnatural methods. This usually entails that she is are faster, stronger, more intelligent and overall superior to a regular human being without being obviously supernatural. Eri is capable of running at the speed inhuman, her stamina much like her inhuman speed is extremely increased. Her strength while not overly inhuman, she is able to carry 400 pounds of weight with her arms. She has increased hearing, not super, but better than the average human, and her sense of smell is also increased. She basically has the ability of a super solider, gained from training with her father and being the daughter of an elder dragon. She also wears an eye patch over her left eye, this allows her to fight at a huge disadvantage making her even better in the way of the sword and hand to hand combat. This means when she takes the eye patch off, her combat skills and swordsmanship sky rocket to the levels never seen before.

Beyond her power with bladed weapons, her main magic is oriented to her own body. Being the Halfling she is, her body cant form magic outside of it, instead she's able to control magic within her body. Allowing for extreme speed and strength as well as powered punches and kicks.

Eri is...cold when around people she doesn't know, she doesn't mean to be cold or anything like that, it just out of habit and safety for herself. When in the presence of others she is in particular quiet and keeps to herself unless spoken to, it's just been one of things that she developed from being alone as a child. If she happens to smile at you with in a day of meeting you, that means she has taken quite the liking as she doesn't do that quite often, if ever. When around strangers and friends it gets awkward for her, because one moment she is nice and the next she could be quiet and to the point. She is what anime people call a Kuudere, someone who is extremely cold to others until opening up to them. In battle especially or on the way to battle she is extremely quiet and thinks to herself, occasionally smiling at a friend and saying something nice to ease the mood. In short, it takes a lot to become someone she calls a friend and even harder to get her to say she loves you.

Talking to friends she is exceptionally flat toned and her jokes are pretty crude humor. It does wonders when making jokes funnier because of her tone, she personally doesn't realize it but apparently it is quite funny to hear her talk to good friends around others, changing from her normal flat toned voice to an almost normal person. She has this sort of thing she does where she'll just be quiet and the next moment she'll start talking out of the blue to her friends, she even does it in the middle of important things. Like mid crisis and they are getting a mission that could win the battle she'll just out the blue be like "Hey you wanna get like…food after this?" And she doesn't do it on purpose it just her mind is so scatter it's just comes out. There is a completely different side to Eri though, when it comes to her "humanity" she does what she needs to, which means if you stand in the way of her keeping friends or comrades alive you will get killed. She doesn't have a side that she picks from really, she is both good and bad when needed, making her...a very interesting individual to say the least.

OHHHH this one is seriously twisted, but cant be revealed yet, sorry ^-^.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sublimation
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Character Sheet:
Race: Light Elf
Name/Moniker: Meryl Elluv
Age: 21
Height: 187 cm
Weight: 76 Kg
Physical Description (Picture isn't mandatory but it would be nice!):

Magical Abilities:
Timeless Arcana
A magical staff passed down from one magic user to another. The staff in Meryl's hands is just over a thousand years old and has undergone dozens of repairs and restorations. It remains capable of existing so long through how it is preserved by magic from far back. The staff itself is composed of light willow wood but is blessed by an immortal effect and regeneration. The blessing of immortality causes the wooden staff to appear to be a metallic black shade instead. The staff's main and most significant ability is its ability to absorb memories and knowledge, with the additional power of being compatible with all types of magnis. Through a specialized ritual, Meryl can imprint his memories and knowledge within the staff to be accessed later on. However, the staff has restrictions on it that cause one to be unable to access knowledge too advanced to prevent misuse of spells or abuse of knowledge that one does not understand. Due to this, Meryl only knows a few minor utility based spells which he still uses to great effect. By flowing his energy into the staff and calling on a specific set of knowledge, Meryl can cast spells he has never used before that were made by those before him that have been imprinted onto the staff. It is a magical artifact that is priceless and extremely valuable if it was actually able to be reliably used. It forms a connection with its owner and only activates in the presence of the magnis of its owner and those the owner designates. Even then, it restricts so much of its knowledge that instead of becoming a wealth of powerful information, it is instead a wealth of minor and offensively ineffective spells.

Torchlight - Forms a glowing orb at the tip of the staff to use as a flashlight and guide
Reinforcement - Strengthens objects temporarily, increasing their durability. A wooden staff can become as hard as iron with this spell. The spell only lasts as long as the arcana is touching whatever it is reinforcing. Reinforcing living beings is not possible to Meryl as of now.
Magnetism - Causes a small area to become magnetic, drawing in metals.
Flash - A burst of light that blinds things in an area for a few seconds is emitted from the staff.
Adhede - The arcana becomes an highly adhesive object, causing things to stick to its surface upon touch.
Fix(Glass) - Fixes broken glass if it was shattered in a five minute time frame.
Illusion - Creates a realistic illusion unable to move or really affect the world, like a holograph.
Absorb - The staff draws out and absorbs liquids that Meryl specifies through touch.
Shock - A minor electric shock is carried out to a target in the form of a base ball sized sphere of cracking energy. Non lethal and doesn't do much other than seizing muscles and causing good pain.
Celerity - A blessing of speed that lets the blessed one run faster. Meryl is most adept at utilizing this spell, and has practiced and refined it to the point where he can use it without pausing to access the arcana's knowledge base.
Calculator - The arcana is a good calculator. Nifty tool.
View - The arcana can project a small screen on a flat surface to show whats happening in a certain area within a thirty meter radius, sort of like a crystal ball.
Acceleration Gate - Creates a transparent wall five meters wide and three meters tall that speeds up anything that passes through it by three times for two seconds at most.
Clamor - The arcana emits a screeching, awful sound that can harm the ears if one listens to it for long.
Muffle - Enforces deafness for a second on a designated target the form of a pellet of pink energy that travels at the speed of an arrow.
Snare - Creates a circular invisible trap on a surface a meter in diameter. If someone steps on it, their foot becomes stuck to the surface as if it was super glued to it.
Enhance - Enhances the effect of the next spell cast.

Meryl is a suave, analytic and opportunistic being who is best described as being adaptable. He holds a fine eye for human observation, and can discern and analyze the statuses of others with a remarkable empathy. He has a manipulative and sly nature to him, willing to abuse twists and turns to accomplish his goals. He is skilled at putting up false fronts to adapt to situations, allowing him to edge into most situations to eke out advantages and information. Meryle is pragmatic and calculating for the most part, but does hold a distinct morality that many would characterize as noble, even if Meryle himself is fain to admit it. Meryl is a naturally observant and perceptive individual, and works on the philosophy of "observe, not see". He does not casually let the world pass by him, and instead commits his attention to every detail with meticulous excess. Such fine detail mongering and intuitive observation allows Meryl to slink past most trouble, but it also causes him to appear rather insensitive. Regardless, Meryl exhibits an innate nobility of character that often gets him into conflict with the front he attempts to maintain. Of course, he is still ever the wily trickster and sly in every sense, but a dignified core hampers any real degeneration into artifice. Meryl observes an incorrigible apathy and lackadaisical method of living, taking things in stride and never really attempting to actively exert himself.
(Don't Luv me senpai)
Meryl was born in the society of light elves on the gutters. His family occupied the lowest rungs of the social order, and were known deceivers mistrusted by all. Meryl inherited their knack for trickery, but could not attune himself with their utter lack of ambition and vice and thus dissociated himself from them as soon as he could at the age of thirteen. After abandoning his home, he worked around in the ordered society of the elves as cheap help and labor, becoming temporary assistants to many people of many trades. From his times moving around and eking out a bare living, Meryl learned the ways of the world and became convinced more than ever that he would set himself to a path of greatness most apt to sate his ambition. Unlike the countless other young children that fortune does not favor, Meryl received a boon in the form of being chosen by a shabby looking magic user who desired an apprentice. The man was an adventurous human that lived like a freeloader, doing odd jobs with his magic and concerning himself with a vagrant life filled with both hardship and wonder. Meryl joined this man and continued the legacy of the arcana as a result.
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