“RUN!” Bullets from the automatic pistol pelleted the ground just inches from Corbin’s outreaching arm, his fingers fumbling to grasp Karri’s cotton shirtsleeve. “Run damn you!” the gaze from her deep green orbs burned deep into his, her fearful but stern face etched forever into his memory. His failure to pull her to safety weighted heavily upon his soul.

“KARRI!” The crackling voice of a tormented soul broke the plastering pelts of the heavy rainfall; tears streamed and cleaned the grimy cheeks of Corbin while forcing himself upright from his hellish nightmare. “Karri,” trembling hands came to a rest upon tightly clenched eyelids. “Why?” His body jerked with the occasional sob escaped from the upright fetal positioned Corbin. Karri’s last moments on this earth filled his mind’s eye relentlessly. “OH GOD WHY NOT ME!” He sobbed into his covering hands, “Why not me!” His words faded into the sounds of his own sniffles.

By the power of Zeus or whomever, the clap of thunder that shook the small station brought Corbin out of his moment of tormented flashbacks to the current situation of him being carefree in choosing a place to rest. Quickly he pushed himself up, stood for a few moments listening to the musical thumping of rain upon the aging roof. His eyes darted over the small room, taking in the view with each streaming stem of lightening that the storm provided.

Death wish? Yes maybe, tired of this way of life? Most assuredly, was the thinking process of Corbin while he moved to the bay window and looked out over the land. His mind still jittery with the thoughts of Karri and the pain of not being able to reach her in time. He closed his eyes and brought his fingers into clenching fists while he fought the pain, fought trying to stop the images of the bullet riddled body of Karri that his mind’s eye kept playing.

A deep breathe, a small exhale, opening of the eyes brought Corbin back once more from his past. He forced his mind to think about the people he just left behind on the hillside. There was a saying that there is safety in numbers, but for him, it seemed like that was just the opposite, however, Karri’s last request to him was to make sure that he stands up and make a difference in this hell hole. He gave his word that he would.

He looked back over the land knowing well that the people on the hillside would not attempt to travel in storm with the increase threat of the Langue rising up in the soften earth. They would find cover and hold up till the break of dawn, he also knew that with this much rain, they would not stay on the hillside either, they would be traveling by the road till the ground hardened up so all he had to do was keep an eye on the road and wait till they showed up.