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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Think of a world where the originals were gone, no more Nightwing, Starfire, Raven, every last Titan, gone. Now imagine the many fallen Titans becoming martyrs of inspiration for other young heroes as time moved on, each earning their right to be called a hero. A few of these new young vigilantes have taken justice into their own hands, dealing with the criminals how they see fit, being branded saviors and even outlaws. These brave few make their mark on the world, whether it scars or heals rests in their hands.
1)What the GMs and/or Co-GMs says goes, our words are law.
2)Chev and I hold the right to change the rules however we please when needed.
3)No Mary Sues, No OP characters, No Power Playing and No God Modding.
4)Do not argue with the GMs or your fellow members. Sure they happen but we are all civil people here and thus it is required that all disputes are as such. If there is too much of a problem PM a GM and we’ll handle it.
5)Treat all of your fellow members with respect. This means that we ask for you to interact with them and be nice. We do not want any hostility here unless it’s in the IC.
6)Originality is our focus, so no exact copies will be accepted in this RP… EVER.
7)Please post at least one paragraph in your posts, this is five GOOD sentences or more.
8)This RP will be a bit darker than most of this nature… Characters may, can and most likely will die once you get attached to them at almost any time. So keep a backup character in mind.
9)Cursing and romance will be allowed, but we will have limitations on such. PG-13/Teen on them but if you want some “special character time” fade to black.
10)No Text Speak and no L33t. ! c2N’7 evn R33b 7!$ $h!7… dn’t p$t !T
11)Do not advertise other RPs here.
12)Do not kill other player’s characters without their permission first.
13)3rd person is the best for this, they are not you and your are not them.
14)Have fun and enjoy the RP. :D

CS Format
Hero/Villain name:
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

I would like to add something to the rules if I may. I can't stand when people write for there Charatcers in 1st person, they are not you, you are not them. 3rd person is the best for this.

Also I will have my CS up later.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

3rd person only as a rule? Sure
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Lol I love how you quoted me. :P
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hah, I bet you do :3
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

You gunna post your character anytime soon?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Yep, might bring in two characters of mine that I never really got around to enter
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name:Cassius Hale
Hero/Villain name: Recluse
Age: 18
Race: Human

Powers: Superhuman Strength(Can lift 25 tons) Enhanced Speed(70 mph at sprinting pace) Superhuman durability, Danger Sense, Wall Crawling(He is not only able to stick to surfaces using his hands and feet but his back as well. The strength of the attraction between himself and the surface he is clinging to is considerable, with an upper limit of several tons per finger. If he does not detach willingly but is pulled off by force, the surface usually breaks still attached to his body. He can also run and jump up surfaces) Equilibrium(He can maintain perfect balance on any surface he sticks to, like high wires for example) He can also eject venom tip bone spoke from the underside of his wrist at its height.
Skills: A unique understanding of conventional forms of technology and computers. He was able to create his own martial art thanks to his danger sense
Weapons: Web-ejecting gauntlets
Gear: His suit is made of a material that is both durable and flexible; HOSB threat level four and NIJ vest threat level 2 meaning it's resistant to stab and spike weapons along with armor piercing rounds. His gauntlets are "revolver action" switching to whatever web fluid he chooses(Tazer, Incendiary, Freeze ) His mask as a number of vision fields(Infared, Night Vision, Thermal, Normal of course) Voice Modulator, Spyder Bot capable of bypassing many forms of security
Personality: Cassius Hale is as quiet as they come, only speaking when the situation requires it and even then he tries to refrain. He hides his emotions, making his social skills nonexistent. Despite this, he has a good nature and isn't likely to let anger get the better of him, but he will take down an enemy at any cost no matter what the action does to his reputation.
Background: Cassius' father was a scientist named Marcus Hale, he was a man obsessed with cracking the code of the meta gene. He began to come to conclusion that abilities like the control of energy or manipulations of shadows was a goal larger than life. He began to view the heroes and villains who received their abilities from animals. Amazed at how powerful the heroes proved to be he quickly got to work on his newest experiment, he had number of subject animals and insects to choose from. He saw promise in using spiders, he took the liberty of "acquiring" the arachnids from a science museum.
He began studying the DNA of the spiders, removing the appropriate traits and characteristics to form a DNA strand, multiple to be exact. Eager to test the results of his work but unwilling to test the airborne serum on himself he decided he'd use his wife, Laura Hale. He talked her into being tested and quickly led her down into the basement that very day. A cylinder shaped pod awaited her, the single door opened and she stepped in. As she did, the door shut behind her and the red colored gas quickly began to fill the room. Laura began to panic as she took a breath in, the gas filled her lungs and began to burn like an intense flame, she begged and pleaded for Marcus to open the doors. He kept telling her to stay in just a little longer, that "little longer" was an hour later and her screams had already gone silent.
The scientist came to grips with what he did, he killed his wife but he couldn't just bury her body, he needed to figure out what had gone wrong. He purged the room of the serum and got her out out the chamber, had her lay on an operating table, and began to take blood samples as well as tissue samples. Several weeks passed and to his knowledge he perfected the serum's concentration levels and dosage. He last option to test on was his sixteen year old son, Cassius. Tell the boy that it would be possible for him to get powers was all the incentive he needed to give him. Cassius walked into the chamber, not really being off put by the gas that entered the room, he took steady breaths. Through the course of fifteen minutes, the serum had been absorb into his son's body.
After removing him from the room for tests, his body showed no clear signs of rejection. He amazed at how his son's body had retained everything, he exhibited abilities that even he couldn't have foretold. Marcus taught his Cassius everything he needed to know about the technology he'd be giving him. He failed to keep his greatest failure a secret from his son, Cassius reacted with anger. His father tried his best to reason with his son but failed, in an attempt to gain power of his own and keep his son under his control, he loaded six cartridges of the concentrated serum and activated the chamber. There was a reason his wife died from high dose, the serum corroded her lungs like venom would and it did the same to him. Cassius lost everything to gain his powers, he swore that he'd use them right.
Real Name:Mason Wilson
Hero Name: Fracture
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Human

Powers/Abilties: Inhuman Speed, Agility, and Strength, Enhanced senses
Skills: Adept with several Fighting techniques- Judo, Sytsema, Sambo, Dim Mak. As well as sword techniques- Kage No Kame, Kendo, Kenjutsu, Battojutsu.
Climbing/Parkour- He can climb buildings tree etc with an exceptional amount of skill
Weapons: Katana, Kunai, USP MATCH Handgun, Smoke Bombs, Fragmentation Grenades, Flashbangs.
Personality: Mason isn't much of a talker unless he himself is approached with words or the situation demands it of him. When it comes to certain situations he is a smooth talker, suave and well mannered like his arachnid counterpart, making them a persuasive pair.
Back story: tbr
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Name: Azalea Andrews

Hero/Villain name: Voltage

Age: 18

Race: human


Powers: Manifestation of lightning as well as manipulation of electricity. She can also detect the electromagnetic waves that role off all living things however she cannot detect them individually, they tend to get clumped together when in large groups of people. She can tell generally where the waves are coming from but the more people that are around her the harder it gets.

Combat- hand-to-hand, minor sword play
Non-combat- Music, acting (making her an amazing lier), dance

Weapons: small dagger she usually used to conduct her lighting and electricity through.

Gear: none

Personality: Azalea is generally reserved, afraid that letting out to much emotion will cause someone else to get hurt unintentionally. She tends to keep to herself most of the time but will communicate with others if she feels inclined to.( As she develops and improves her ability to where she feels she can control it she will open up a bit more. )

Bio: Azalea grew up with her mother and step father. She never knew her real father, she only knew that he was someone get mother never wanted to talk about. She also knew that both her mother and herself had their names legally changed so that her father couldn't find them.

As she grew up her step father taught her all she needed to know when it came to fine arts. He was a fine arts professor at the local college and had been teaching Azalea vocals, acting, and dancing since before she could remember. As a result she had won many awards in said aspects of performance. She began to learn instruments such as the piano, the violin and many others by the time she hit middle school but none of them really appealed to her.

It wasn't until her first year in high school that her powers began to show themselves. It started out small, knowing when someone was creeping up on her was the first thing to happen. It was quickly obvious to her parents that she had an acute 6th sense, though they all thought nothing of it. The next thing to occur was the occasional electronic shorting out in her hand or near her, this of, course was also brushed off. Of course unruly hair was what came with the shorting electronics, as her hair would always stand on end like a static covered ballon was over her head.

Her parents didn't start to have real concern for what was happening to there daughter until it got to the point were nobody could touch her without being shocked. From there is escalated quickly, though they still weren't entirely sure what was happening to her. However, one day, Azalea had become aggressively angry with an ex boyfriend and had shoved her hand out to keep the boy away from her. Without knowing it she had sent a small bolt of low voltage lightning into the boy's shoulder. He ended up hospitalized though was eventually fine.

By her junior year in high school she was considered a loner and a freak, she had bottled up her emotions to attempt to control her still developing ability, and had quit all aspects of preforming. When she turned 18 she dropped out of school, left her home and began life and a vigilante, more or less. She took random jobs from unknown sources to get money to survive and still does to this day, now five months after leaving home.

Other: She got the scar on her face from a particularly nasty job that she avoids telling others about. She usually keeps the scar covered with a bandage.

She doesn't have an official costume she simply wears a yellow bandana with holes cut in it as a mask along with black combat boots, ripped blue jeans and and black tank top with black fingerless biker gloves.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I like it
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

I know you do.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Oh yeah? :P
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ScarlettWaters16
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ScarlettWaters16 Level 80 Assassin Badass

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I'm going to whip up two characters if that's okay.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Go for it
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Yeah? :P
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Interest here now.

Cs here soon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Yeah...didnt I just say that?

We need to stop we are filling this thread with usless stuff. We will continue this in PM.

Anyway. Why don't I have co-GM status? Like the heck man, this would even be here if I hadnt brought it up...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CallaLily
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CallaLily The Flower Girl

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I'm interested in this, I'll get a character sheet up soon
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ScarlettWaters16
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ScarlettWaters16 Level 80 Assassin Badass

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

First one. I'll put the second one up in a little bit.

Flash Jones

Hero/Villain name:




  • Teleportation- Flash has the ability to transport himself from one area of place to another area of place. The problem is that he needs to know where it is that he is going. Which means that he has to have been there before or has to have seen it before. He can teleport with others as well as long as they are touching some part of him when he teleports.
  • Smoke Manipulation (Typhokinesis)- Flash has the ability to create, shape, and manipulate smoke. Just like a smoke bomb, he has the ability to create smoke screens so his team can escape. He also has the ability to suffocate someone under that ability as well as poison or blind them. He can solidify the smoke for a short amount of time to create a weapon for himself or he can do blasts of smoke in large packs that allow him to knock over opponents.
  • Fire Creation- He has the ability to create fire out of mid-air. This is more of a developing power rather than a full on power like he has above. This will develop into something more later in the RP.

Since he grew up with an army father, Flash is great with hand to hand combat as well as being able to use multiple different types of guns. His father also trained him on how to use knives, mostly throwing knives. He is also very intelligent.

A pack of six throwing knives tucked into the inside pocket of his uniform; a .48 caliber pistol on his hip

His uniform is not one of the most likely choices for a uniform. He wears a long black, leather trench coat that he enlaced with Kevlar. He tends to where dark black gloves with the fingers cut off that protect his hands from getting burnt if he manages to create fire. He has a leather hood on his coat with a piece of fabric that comes up around his mouth that acts as a gas mask to protect him from inhaling his own smoke.

Flash is a fun loving guy, no matter what background he grew up with. He loves to mess around and does not take much seriously. He is the guy who always tries to lighten the mood in awkward situations. He is quite intelligent, but he does not act like it at times. Because he was an army officer’s son, he is more used to taking orders than giving them, but he can be a leader when he needs to. He is very cool under pressure and tends to be able to work problems out quickly. He is assertive and knows what he wants, but is almost never angry or sad. He seems to only show one emotion. Only in dire times does he actually become serious.

Flash grew up on an army base not too far from the city. His mother was an army nurse while his father was a sergeant. He was woken up every morning by his father and forced into physical training, but he didn’t mind. He just was glad that he got to spend time with his father. He would train with a different regiment every day and, as he got older, he began to practice shooting guns. By the time he was fifteen, he was a sharp shooter. He had his father to thank for that.

Whenever he was not training with the army, he was with his mother, learning about medicine and practicing healing techniques. This was where he figured out that he had powers. He was clearing up an area when a nearby candle tipped over and caused a small fire to start. He tried to stomp it out, but it just grew. He held out his hands to stop it and sucked all the oxygen from the fire, creating smoke in his hands. He then realized that he was different at that moment, but he knew he could never reveal it to anyone.

He figured out that he could transport at sixteen years old. He was in one of the shooting courses, one of the ones where you had to run from one section to the next and not shoot the pedestrian. He had run the course so many times that he knew exactly where he was going. He began running the course and began shooting, but when he snapped his fingers, just for fun, at one of the cardboard targets that he shot, he disappeared and went onto the next area. No one else saw him, but he was now scared of what he was becoming. He feared for shame to his parents and a loss of job for both of them. So, in the middle of the night when he was seventeen, he snuck out of the base with just a backpack and one of his father’s old pistols.

He got his own place, using some money that he had saved up for being a helping nurse in the army, and he began to look for jobs. He got into crime fighting when a young man was being mugged in the street. He used his smoke to give off a screen and helped the man get away. Unfortunately, the muggers saw his face and cornered him in an alleyway a couple weeks later. He beat them easily, with his army training, but then realized that he needed a costume. But he was short on funds at that time. So, he wound up stealing the trench coat and ripping the Kevlar out of one of the bullet proof vests he had brought with him. He has been fighting crime ever since.

He sometimes smokes when he’s nervous or annoyed or angry even.

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