Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by hawaiian
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Kyle followed the headmistresses instructions and went inside finding the dorm rooms fairly easily. He pushed open the heavy wooden door and looked around and seeing another student already lounging on one of the beds. " hi im kyle" he said tossing his suitcase, which he wasnt sure how it got herr since he didnt have it with him when he entered the picture, and began lugging through the clothes and plqcing them in the drawers at the foot of his bed. " i hope they dont make us wear tacky uniforms" he added as he stuffed his shirts into a drawer and used his body to shut the overstuffed drawer
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aphelion
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Aphelion The / LION

Member Seen 1 yr ago

River (Featuring Lady Violetta, Drake, Arabella, and Aloyious Pippins)

River stood quickly when she saw a woman dressed very much how she imagined a witch would dress. She frantically brushed the dirt and grass off of her bottom, making sure she looked presentable. When Lady Violetta asked them if they were alright, River let out a small burst of laughter. "That was so cool! It was like an invisible roller coaster!" She exclaimed, then realized she didn't answer the Headmistress appropriately, and she smiled apologetically, "I'm River Cade, of the Basic Academy uh... Ma'am." She stressed the "Ma'am" somewhat awkwardly, not knowing if she should call her Lady, or Headmistress, or just something respectful, such as "Ma'am".

River took a moment as the Headmistress turned to greet another student so that she could look around at her surroundings. She noticed that the boy the Headmistress was speaking to was kind of cute, and seemed to be somewhere near River's own age. River whistled innocently, tearing her eyes away from his face, hoping that he was too distracted by the Headmistress to notice her gaze on him. Next to River was a girl with long hair in two braids. 'She seems sorta outta it.' River thought, placing a hand on her chin.

"Students of Basic Magic! Please stand next to me and this young man. We shall shortly go inside to begin our orientation."

River was pulled out of her thoughts as she scrambled to get in line by the Headmistress, and found herself placed next to the cute boy. She tried to look everywhere but at him, attempting to make herself look less conspicuous by whistling in a light tune and rocking back and forth on her feet. She looked up to see a new arrival falling from the sky, and thought he looked rather comical as he landed on his rump. River let out a small, unintentional snort in the middle of her whistling. She did like his name however, Aloyious Pippins. Her mind went directly to her favorite hobbit, in one of her favorite movies of all time when she heard his last name. She grinned widely at him.

"Please follow me and we shall start our orientation. This end of the Academy is the Basic Academy."

And they were moving, following along behind the Headmistress as she guided them through huge, oaken double doors. River listened as closely as she could to the explanation that Lady Violetta was giving, but she found herself gazing in awe at one thing or another.

"You see, this castle is sentient which means that it can sense various things and feel things."

"Woah! This place can feel us?!" She didn't really care much for buildings, but even she had to admit that this place was freaking amazing. She shuffled into the Lecture Hall, her eyes on everywhere but where she was walking. There were desks lined in rows, and the ceiling was high vaulted, making River a little more at ease. Buildings usually made her feel claustrophobic. She sat at a desk in the front row, leaning back in the chair, causing the front legs to lift up off the ground, and rocked smoothly as she listened to the Headmistress.

"Any questions so far?”

River was now sitting straight up in her chair, her mind going a thousand miles a minute. River's hand shot up and stayed in the air as she spoke. "What do you mean, this new world? We're not on earth anymore? We're gonna be explorers? Is the Magic Core in our bodies?" She couldn't seem to stop herself from asking a tirade of questions, and looked embarrassed when she realized other people would probably want to ask some themselves.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RainDash
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RainDash Turnabout Luckster

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Drake listened with only half an ear to the headmistress. He scanned the building and tried to memorize the layout. Suddenly the girl next to him was sitting and they were supposed to be asking questions. To be honest, he didn't have many. Even if he did, the one he wanted to know had been asked anyway. There wasn't a point to speaking up. That was okay, he was used to not speaking a lot anyway. So he pulled out a small mechanical pencil and a piece of paper and started to draw. He drew a dragon head, a magic wand, an eye, anything to keep his hands busy. Sitting still wasn't his forte, and he needed to keep his hands busy. So he drew, which was the least disruptive thing he could do at the moment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

“Yes this is a new world. Actually the galaxy called Milky Way is your galaxy and the galaxy that this planet is in has yet to be named. In fact, the planet has not been named. The only thing that has been named is this island. I named it Sanctuary because so many people are tormented when they are different from anyone else.
I’ll show you the Galaxy and the vortex that brings the two galaxies together.” Lady Violetta spoke as she took her wand out of her equipment belt. She drew with the wand:

“As you can see, this is your Milky Way Galaxy and here is the sun. The sparkly area is my galaxy. Twice a year for about a month, a black hole which I call a vortex, opens up and connects the two galaxies. I hope everyone understands this.”

“About being explorers. Yes, if you qualify, you can become one of my explorers. Or if you prefer to go back home and not come back, then you do so. Each time you go home, you have the choice to come back to Sanctuary or stay home.
The Magic Core is what enabled you to travel through the picture. Not everyone has a strong enough core to be able to travel through the picture. That means each one of you is a very special person indeed.
Any other questions before I go on?” Lady Violetta put her wand back into the Equipment Belt.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thanatosDefiant
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Aloyious takes a seat right behind a bespectacled boy with somewhat greenish looking hair, and prepares to hear what the headmistress had to say. Aloyious listened to Lady Violetta intently, all of this was a lot to take in all at once for him, although, it was all incredibly interesting to him as well. He especially liked the idea of being able to traverse the lands in search of all the secrets in the world. It was almost guaranteed to be an amazing adventure, although, the thought of being named a Governor also sounded and getting the chance to be helpful in ways other than being a guinea pig seemed somewhat interesting to him as well, albeit not very much when compared to being an explorer. Perhaps if he worked hard enough, he could one day become very adept in using magic, he could certainly think of many different ways magic could prove to be very useful to him.

Also, the fact that he was one of the few who were able to get through the core made him feel very good about himself, he had always thought of himself as being a bit of a bore and never thought there was anything particularly unique about himself. But he supposed that he couldn't be that special, if several others were able to do the same, but he chose to stay content with being at the very least a bit special. As he continued to listen to Lady Violetta he found himself very unsettled because of how far the school seemed from Earth. But he thought that it was not all that much of a trouble as long as he was safe from peril. He didn't really have any questions, and if he did, he wouldn't really have enough courage to ask, this school seemed so unfamiliar to him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Lady Violetta looked about the room and decided that no one else wanted to speak so she went on with her lecture.
"I will pass out these small boxes. They hold an equipment belt and robes so that you can to protect yourselves while in lab class. The robes are of the magical sort and will stay clean. The equipment belt is issued to each of you. Each belt will have two pouches and two slender tubes. One pouch will be used for your own snacks and the other one will be for snacks for your pet. One sleeve will be used for your wand and the other one will be a guide stick for your pet. Both you and your pet will be frequently hungry. You may eat in all classes except labs. The pets will be in your room during labs so that they will not get into the way. It might be dangerous for all of us if one happens to become scared for some reason.” Lady Violetta spoke as she passed out the boxes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aphelion
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Aphelion The / LION

Member Seen 1 yr ago

River was flabbergasted at the amount of information, at how far away from home she was, but she wasn't afraid, or nervous - she was ecstatic. Adventure had her name written all over it, and she already felt cramped up and somewhat claustrophobic from being in the building for just this introductory lecture. She was starting to get somewhat fidgety, so to stop herself from tapping her feet against the ground, she sat cross-legged in her chair. Her knees bobbed instead, but she didn't seem to notice.

When the equipment belt was shown to all of them, River mused for a second at it. "Ma'am," She said with a raised hand, "Will our wands all be different from each other? And what do you mean, pets? Are they magical too, like us?" She looked around at the other students, wondering what kind of Magic Core they had. At the mention of food however, her own stomach rumbled audibly. "I could eat a whole dragon." She grinned at the boys next to her bashfully, a rosy color rising on the apples of her cheeks as she ruffled the back of her hair.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Lady Violetta enjoyed students who had questions and loved to answering then.
"No, River. At this time everyone will get a basic educational wand to learn how to use the wands. Next semester, you will have a second wand to use and that wand will pick you. It is a very interesting process to see the wands choose who they will assist. Those wands will be of different woods and fillings. They are also sentient.
Now the pets will be chosen not just by yourself but the pet will need a say in the matter as well. Pets are of the magical sort but there will be canines, felines, avian and reptilian. There will several examples of each species in the groups and each group has more than one type of .... Let me tell you what is in the feline group as an example. The felines are Firecats and Shadowcats. There is a Gold Lion which is very difficult to raise. Each one of these has special needs so you must choose not only on the type of creature that you prefer but also how much time you want to give to the pet. Some pets can be left alone more easily than others and some like the Gold Lion needs a lot of attention." she explianed patiently.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aphelion
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Aphelion The / LION

Member Seen 1 yr ago

River's imagination ran wild as the Headmistress named the three felines, her interest particularly catching on the Gold Lion. She fantasized running through an expansive forest, light dappling the forest in shades of lush green and soothing yellow. By her side was a brilliantly golden maned lion, loping with ease over thick tree roots as large as her body, wind pulled at her hair underneath the sky blue bandana keeping it in place.

She shook her head lightly, chasing away her imagination so she could pay attention to the Headmistress. Her stomach rumbled ominously for the second time, and she wondered if anyone else was feeling peckish. She tried to ignore it. Something occured to her as she stared at Lady Violetta. "Um, ma'am? Are you and Lady Alvina the only teachers here? What's the difference between the students in the Basic Academy and the Draconic Academy? Are our Magic Cores different?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RainDash
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RainDash Turnabout Luckster

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Drake didn't really have anything to add. All of his questions were answered or currently being answered. He doodled a lonely looking face, but quickly changed it so no one would see. He was used to this. Just... existing to no real end. He was special, but no one cared. He got attention only when he spoke up, but he knew attention was just a fleeting thing, so he kept his mouth shut and examined the equipment belt. Maybe he'd find something that he'd enjoy, or maybe he'd just decorate the belt. Either way, at least it wasn't going to be routine.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

“Your next two lessons should be fun ones. Each of you will receive a Personal Laptop System or PLTs. Your Personal Laptop System or PLTs will be a valuable tool.
You will have an independent study to fulfill called Mythical Creatures. And you will pick out your very own baby pet to study and care for.
Before anyone asks- NO. No you cannot use it to talk to anyone on Earth because it will not reach that far. We are in a different Solar System than the Milky Way.”
*Hands out boxes with gloved hands*
“DO not pick up these boxes until you are told. They are super sensitive to touch. In fact, believe it or not, these LTPs are sentient. That means that it can think and feel on its own. I want to have you to be the first ones to touch them barehanded and imprint your aura on your own laptop. After your initial Imprintation, the PLTs will only work for you.
Now that each of you have a box, you may open the box carefully and do not drop it.
The case is opened from the front like so. When it is open, you will see the screen, the keyboard, and some new features. Keep the protective sheets on the areas when they are not being use will make your PLTs working at its peak. For the moment, please remove the two handprint sheets then place your hands on those two pads like the picture that was on there. Leave your hands on the pads so that the PLTs will register your unique Aura. After that is properly done, your PLTs will only allow you to enter information on it. You will know that it is done because it will begin to ask you a series of questions starting with your name, age, gender, likes and dislikes.
After you have filled out those questions, you may open the folder up called Mythical Creatureology. You will find all of the pets that you may have along with a short description.
Desired Name:
Student / Citizen Rank:
Talents: (your first 3 magic types which you are born with)
Skills you have acquired:
Certificates you have acquired:
Chosen Career:

Possible Careers to choose from in the future:
Archives Specialist
Exploration Team- crew, medic, cook, 1st and 2nd mate, cabin boy, captain, navigator, cartographer

Ranking system:
a) Newbie
b) Level 1
c) Level 2
d) Level 3

*NOTE: You do not have to actually fill out the form unless you want to do so. Just mentioned that you filled it out.*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

*Assuming that everyone is done and I want to get to town*
"Let's finish up so that you may choose your rooms.
Now find the folder that is called Mythical Creatures. Here you will look through the pet list to find a pet that interests you. After lunch we will go to town and you will be getting a pet of your own. I also have a list of items for you to purchase through your student account.
You will go into town for your new pet. I have a book located in the PLTs for you to scan through to see what you may have. Please choose wisely for you will need to be able to handle the pet for the rest of its life. They are sentient creatures. They will be either your friend or foe. You will have fun with them; have a lot of frustration, and work. Physical and paper workwise. In this book is an example of each creature and what is known about them. There are recommended tips to use. Each week you will turn in your paper work to me. However, we do not use paper here for normal work. Each of you a now have the specialized laptop. You homework will be on that laptop as well as your book will be in the case. While we are at lunch you may look at these pets. Please log off your PLTs and close them for it is time to go on the tour. I will give you a short tour. Later on you can visit the game floor but it is closed for the first two days of orientation.
“Each block of rooms is enclosed for a reason. The reason is for the protection of young pets that will be with you frequently throughout the day. This is the main Community Area.
As we leave from the Lecture Room, you will see the Research lab. In this room you will find scales, measuring tapes and testing equipment. This is where you will be for your independent study for Mythical Creatures Class. Of course I shall be around to assist you and answer any questions that you may have. I can offer various suggestions and tests to determine various things. But you must think of the idea. The reason is to make each of you think. This world will one day be expanding and you will be the ones who will be the explorers to new lands.
Next room is the dining room. As you can see there are many tables and you may move them around except for my table. Food will appear on your table after I ring the bell.
Most of you will use this area. It is the Student Lounge. It has various chairs, sofas and tables. On that buffet will be various foods that you may eat when you are hungry. You will be frequently hungry for magic will take a lot out of as well as the stress of what you are going through. Your pets will take a lot of care as well. You will not be pushed to do much the first 3 days besides moving in, getting to know each other, finding your way around town, and learning about your chosen pet.
This door is an automated sliding door. As you can see, it is blocked off from the third area. This is my office and the infirmary. That spot on the floor is where you ‘float up to’ wherever you are going. The Castle is sentient and will recognize each of you after this introduction ride. It will allow you to get on certain floors but not others such as my floor. Follow my example and join me on the bedroom floor, please. ”

Lady Violetta stepped up to the railings, placed her hands on the banisters before speaking:
“Lady Violetta to the Students Bedroom Floor, please.”
She rose up in a neat spiral until the students could not see her any longer.
“Step to one side, please as you arrive." Lady Violetta spoke as each student arrived. Once everyone was on the bedroom floor, she spoke to the group.
"You may have any room from 1 to 6 that you like. Your room is sentient as well and will recognize your Aura after you place your two hands on the handprints on the chosen door. You may go inside and see what I have done for you. All rooms are the same. Everything is in pale blue but after lunch, we shall go into town and pick out new things. You will have a list to fulfill and a specialized cart. The cart will have a special device that you will use to claim a cart. Again the process is the same as your PLTs.
As you place the items in the cart, just scan them. It will highlight the items as you scan them. The aisles will be placed by each item on the list. If you want an item that is not on the list just type it in the search bar. Anything that is related to the item will show up. On this trip, I am allowing you to have extra items and everything is money free. After this you will be given an allowance to use for your own things. You don’t even have to return the cart for it will teleport itself back to your room when you press the return button. You have 10 minutes to choose your room and place your belongings in there. As soon as possible, meet me in the dining room where we shall eat at a long table." Lady Violetta instructed then stepped aside to allow the students to find the desired room.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thanatosDefiant
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Aloyious was a bit overwhelmed by all of the information that was being given to them. He now felt more excited than ever! Especially after hearing of the Golden Lion, while it was true that it would be exceedingly difficult to raise; he was sure that if he just gave it enough attention all of his hard work would pay off in the end. He watched as she explained how they would be able to choose their own rooms, while it didn't really matter all that much, he felt as if he was obligated to choose room number 1. It had always been a lucky number for him, and he would always choose it if he got the chance; he always was sort of superstitious. He still had his PLT in his hand and with the new information that they were in fact, sentient, he really didn't want to make it angry on his first day, that would be a total disaster. He awkwardly put his hands on the door's hand prints; being careful to not let the PLT fall off and the door opened.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RainDash
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RainDash Turnabout Luckster

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Drake followed behind the others. Geez, for a magic school he'd thought that by now he be able to talk to the other students and at least get to know them before being swept up into a sandstorm of information. Oh well, there was no fixing that, they needed their gear to learn and stuff first. Still, he was kind of excited about the drawing pad that was on their computer thingee. Drake put his computer thingee on the floor and his hands on door number two's handprint things. When it swung open, Drake re-shouldered his belongings and headed inside. He mostly just chucked the bags in his bed, considering that they had about ten minutes before they had to be back downstairs to go into town. Maybe he'd pick up a new sketch pad, his was looking a little ratty.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Lady Rosewoode was walking about and saw Aloyious chose room 1 and noted it in her PLTs. Drake choose room 2 and was noted in her PLTs.
"Remember to bring your PLTs if you wish to get any freebies. The store owners will give you exttra things if you remember your PLTs. PLTs is your passport to this world of magic. Be sure to get a bookbag that will suit your needs. It is better to get a bigger one than you think that you need. I'll see you two at the stairway in... 7 minutes." Lady Violetta smiled warmly at her students.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aphelion
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Aphelion The / LION

Member Seen 1 yr ago

River took the PLTs offered by Lady Violetta, turning it this way and that in her hands before setting it down on her desk. "So weird!" She said, poking the box with a finger, wondering how a laptop could feel. When she remembered that the Castle was sentient as well, it didn't surprise her that they could make laptops the same way. The fact that it was her own, and would only work for her, interested her greatly - and gave her a tiny bit of satisfaction.

When told to, she flipped it open and removed the protective sheets covering the hand print panels, then gingerly placed her hands on them, trying not to hurt the PLTs. It whirred to life, the panels underneath her hands glowing vibrant green. 'Is that the color of my Aura?' River thought curiously, leaning her head down to peer at the panel from the side. All of the sudden, it began asking her questions.

She filled each out succinctly, pausing to think about what her magic types would be. She remembered the woman in the shop back on earth telling her she had "affinities for earth and air", but the woman didn't mention the other one. As if to answer her, the PLTs filled out the last magic type on it's own: plant. River blinked her eyes in surprise, then leaned close to the PLT and whispered, "How did you know that?" When the PLTs didn't respond, River pouted her lips. "Helloooooooooooooooo?" She said in a drawn out whisper, poking the screen tentatively.

When the Headmistress told them that they'd soon be able to decide on their pets, River perked up, closing up her PLTs and sliding it securely into the tote-bag slung over her shoulder. She skipped along behind everyone, peering into each area curiously to map out the school in her head.

Finally, they arrived at the lift machine that would take them up to the other portions of the Castle. Waiting for her turn, she stepped on it and found herself unable to resist doing a Superman pose, her arm outstretched above her as the other hand gripped the banister. "RIver, AWAYYY!!!" She called out. When the lift didn't move, she gave the banister a pat and said, "Ahem. I mean, River Cade to the student bedroom floor."

The lift started promptly, lifting her away. "Ohhhh my globbb! This is globbing amazing!" She laughed giddily, stepping off of the lift when she arrived and gave Lady Violetta a smile. "This place is pretty great - Oooo rooms." She stopped mid-sentence and ran over to room number 3, pressing her hands against the hand-print modules. They registered her Aura, glowing vibrantly green just as the PLTs had done, and the door slid open to admit her.

She gave the door an affectionate pat and walked in, looking around the room. Inside, there was a closet with several shelves and space to hang clothing, and a large window on the far side of the room, directly across from the door. She grinned, imagining adding her own touches to the blank slate, and unpacked everything from her tote-bag into the closet, except for the PLTs. She retreated from her room and went to stand next to Lady Violetta, waiting for them to head to town.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

"All ready to go, River? I hope you have your PLTs. And if you want your PLTs to speak to you, you have to name it something special. It sensed your Auras that you are born with. While it is not programed to talk, it will send you messages. Read the manuall that is in the folder called 'Your PLTs and what it can do for you'. You can change your room color and much more. The longer that you are here, the more secrets your PLTs will tell you." Lady VIoletta advised to River.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RainDash
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RainDash Turnabout Luckster

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Drake, startled and surprised by River's sudden appearance remembered his PLT. Drake hurried back to his room and gabbed it, stuffing it into his bag. "Sorry! I'm kinda scatterbrained!" he yelled, trying to apologize to the machine. While it couldn't respond exactly, he still knew it could think. He couldn't imagine having to be locked up in a box and taken care of by someone like him. Being forgotten was just a situation that made the person or people involved feel like they didn't deserve anything. He hurried back downstairs, his PLT in a bag he'd rapidly emptied and slung over his shoulder. "Sorry. I can be a real idiot sometimes…" he said to Lady Violetta.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thanatosDefiant
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Aloyious did not have much need to unpack his things; seeing as he actually had a small amount of things with him at the moment. Or one thing to be precise. All he had with him at the moment was a purple toothbrush that was safely inside of his pocket. He never really had much stuff as the shop his parents managed only made them enough money to get by each month; they seemed rather content with it though. He had been glad to hear that the robes he would be given were able to stay clean without being washed; he had a very limited wardrobe as well; as all of his clothing was usually bought several times larger than his actual size, as to not spend an unnecessary amount money on stuff that he would outgrow in a few years time. He had observed the room, everything seemed homely he could get used to sleeping here, but now was not really the time to observe everything; he really wanted to get that golden lion. He heard the headmistress explain the monster manual in the PLT; he would have to check that out later. Figuring that there wasn't much he needed to do right now he decided to stood next to Lady Violetta with the others, 'they sure are a colorful lot...' he thinks to himself quietly as he observed Drake and River.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

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