Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by kryusa
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kryusa The Ditzy

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Asha smiled at how Siku was absolutely gushing over the little fox; it was fun to see her have fun and just let go once in a while...she was one tough girl, but the brunette knew that everyone had a vulnerable side and the other girl was showing some of it right now. Since Siku was occupied with the sabre fox, Asha decided to try and look for some of the items Katsu said he would like to take. She looked around and was a bit frustrated when she couldn't find what they were looking for...ah well, Katsu should be able to find them eventually.

The brunette gave up after a while for looking for the items and let Katsu and Hiresh search for them as she watched Siku talk to the fox and find the toys he was going to take with them. The smile never left her face as she observed until she was addressed by their cop friend.

"Oh! Well, I just think that life isn't always going to be settled in a peaceful way, so I do understand the need for violence every so often. I just try to avoid really hurting someone, y'know?" Asha replied, looking up at Hiresh with a small smile. A small giggle escaped her lips when he mentioned air benders typically being a bit prude and cleanly. "Yeah, I dunno, I just never really bothered with anything that was too excessive if that makes sense....Balance in all things." The brunette nodded when Hiresh questioned whether or not she was from around the area. "I grew up on Air Temple Island, yeah," she said, cocking her head to the side. Did she really seem all that different from the other air benders?

She glanced up at the ceiling when she thought about how much impact growing up in certain environments could have. Asha looked back over at Hiresh and thought about him for a moment. She wondered if he was always so stoic and ruly, or was it because of his job? Perhaps both? Maybe she would ask later...because right now it seemed that Katsu had found everything that needed to be grabbed and they needed to be on their way.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Katsu was trying his damnedest to ignore Siku's teasing, but his ears still burned a brilliant red when he heard her taunting him. He knew doing that was a bad idea in front of her, but there was no way he could not show Koinu his affection, he adored the little guy more than anything in this world. They had traveled all the way from home together, he was the one constant in the Avatar's life, how could he not love the Sabre Fox to pieces? Biting his tongue he went about gathering up a change of clothes for himself, which funnily enough comprised of all of the same outfit nearly; he'd actually bought his clothes, but because he was too impatient to try more things on he'd just bought a lot of what he knew worked. There was a little variation, like one black jacket instead of brown and some blue pants, but really it was all the same. Piling his clothing on the bed he placed his picture alongside them, wondering where his bag might be now.

"Hm? Oh yeah, thanks," the thief mumbled, accepting his backpack from Hiresh. Ugh, was he really having to thank an officer for helping him? It felt humiliating in a way, having to accept aid from someone who just as well might have locked him away before this afternoon. Stuffing his clothing and the framed picture into the bag he added in a few miscellaneous items as well, stuffing the worn piece to the brim before pulling the drawstring shut. With that out of the way he slung the bag over his shoulders, turning around and blinking confused seeing Koinu sitting before a mound of all of his toys. Heh... Suddenly indulging the young fox's need to play was catching up to him, he never had been able to tell his companion 'no'. Looking over at Siku when she pleaded on Koinu's behalf the thief couldn't help but smile, amused by how fallen for the Sabre Fox she had become. "Yeah yeah, we just need another bag is all," he replied, looking around the room and finding none. Instead of using a bag he grabbed the pillow off his bed, pulling the case off and tossing it to Siku to use, "Just put them in there, it's the only other thing I've got. And before you freak, it's clean."

That should be everything they needed, or rather everything he needed. Would Siku and Hiresh need to go grab anything as well? It was only fair, yet he was skeptical if they had the luxury of time to do so. It wasn't like these two couldn't come back to Republic City if they needed, he was the only one of the group whose head was on the proverbial pike. Putting a hand on his hip, Katsu gave his room one last look over before letting out a sigh of resignation, figuring this was the last time he'd be in here, at least for a while. "No use in putting it off, we should get going..." Off to Air Temple Island, home of the neat-freaks and the strictest benders in existence. Sheesh, it was hard to believe that Asha was one of them, she was almost out of place with her behaviors. Seeing that Koinu was more than aptly handled by Siku, the thief left the room first and headed down the stairs to the entrance, figuring his pet was more than okay with the Water Bender.

Koinu's eyes shined excitably at seeing all of his toys being tucked away, tail wagging like a dog's as he bounced on the spot. How wonderful, he was going to get all of his things, not just his favorites! He could play all day long with his master now, and even with the nice smelly lady too! Watching as the items were placed away he turned his head when Katsu left the room, tilting it slightly as he wondered what was bothering him; the Fire Bender had mannerisms that Koinu had picked up on over the years, and whenever his master got sad his eyes would kind of close up and the corners of his mouth would just barely pull down. Yeah, he noticed it, nothing got past him! Before Koinu could go racing off to try and comfort Katsu however he found himself scooped up by the girl again, squirming slightly before glancing up at her. Did she know he was upset? Letting out a soft yip he reached up with his little paws, pushing on her shoulder as best he could to try prompting her along. Poor master, he needed some play to feel better!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Scout
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Scout Sentinel

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Hiresh laughed quietly to himself, "A monk of moderation in moderation... Clever." His eyes rolled when he noticed Siku's plea for the fox's toys. Really? It wasn't like they were going on an expedition. They just needed a few days of safety to sort things out. Even if he was the Avatar, Katsu was indeed free to choose his own path. It was rather amusing to Hiresh, however, that he thought he could avoid this one. Like he was the first Avatar to try. Even Avatar Aang returned with destiny at his doorstep. The metal bender wouldn't stop Katsu from going his own way, but he certainly wasn't going to let the boy stop him from doing at least this part of his job. They'd need a statement on the attack and Katsu was not only a witness, but the victim.

As they were setting out, Hiresh took to the Avatar's side, thinking how best to go about all of this. "Do you wanna press charges, Katsu? You're technically a victim of assault and if you so choose, the police will investigate. of course, I've no doubt the owners of the restaurant will be wanting them for destruction of property anyway." Out of respect for Katsu's wishes, Hiresh had decided to completely disregard his status as the Avatar from a professional standpoint. On these grounds, he was a citizen who had been attacked for a potential kidnapping during dinner and nothing more.

Siku squeaked slightly when the case was thrown at her. The first thought that came to her mind was a plea that it wasn't covered with drool stains. But for the second time today, she was surprised that Katsu was cleaner and more disciplined than he liked people to believe. One by one she began to stuff the toys into the cloth casing and let Koinu pick one out before lifting him back in her arms and joining the others for the door. She noticed the boy's shoulder's were slightly hunched, his posture and usual headstrong attitude seemed kind of... repressed, now. Feeling the sabre fox's urging, she rolled her eyes and gave him his toy. She couldn't very well go and talk to him now, Hiresh was doing his cop thing... whatever it was.

It didn't seem to take long for them to get to the ferry and Siku happily found herself at the helm, giving Koinu the chance to stay with her or go with Katsu before looking out to the open waters. The only thing in view was Avatar Aang's statue and Air Temple Island. She didn't take a pose or stance, but she felt a certain meditative peace here, overlooking the sea with the moon in the air. It felt like power; It felt like home.

About halfway across the water, she decided to leave the front and find Katsu. It was a small boat, so it really didn't take long, and his spirits didn't seem to be much better. "You'll get to go back, y'know. It's not like we're leaving forever or anything - just... need to figure out what's going on, yeah?" She rubbed the back of her neck with a half-smile of reassurance.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by kryusa
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kryusa The Ditzy

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Asha giggled a little and nodded when Hiresh commented she was a monk in moderation. That did seem to be how she was, wasn't it? All of the monk's teachings were not lost on her, but she did prefer to live life how she wanted to for the most part. Being cleanly was nice, of course, but getting dirty every now and then was life...and she kind of liked it, it made her feel free...as an air bender should feel.

Once everything had been procured for Katsu and his sabre fox, they were back out on the streets again, on their way to the ferry that was patiently awaiting Asha's return. She always appreciated Bo, the captain of the little ferry, as he never once complained about waiting up for her; he seemed to be content with reading his books and smoking his pipe. He always gave her a smile and greeted her, and no matter how many times she would apologize for holding him up, he would wave her off with a smile.

When they got to the ferry she gave Bo a big smile. "Good evening, Bo! Or night, I should say...thank you so much again for waiting up for me. I hope you don't mind but I brought some company," she said, looking up at the old man to catch his expression; he had a big goofy smile on his face, so she figured it was fine.

"The more the merrier, little air bender! Bring 'em all aboard!" Bo said, inviting everyone on with the wave of his hand.

Asha smiled as everyone got on board the ferry and as they went across the expanse of water, everything seemed calm and at peace...it felt nice to be amongst the water at night, with the moon watching their backs.

Soon they arrived on Air Temple Island. Asha gave Bo a friendly good night and he did the same to them before tying up his boat. "Okay, guys, just follow me, we'll go a bit on the outskirts of the main part of the village, that way we can maintain some privacy." The brunette knew that Katsu wasn't going to want the whole island to know of his presence, so she figured a little cot near the ocean would suit them all well. Plus, if all of the kids seen Koinu in the morning they would all freak out and try to smother him; she was trying to look out for his well-being, especially. It wasn't everyday people got to see a sabre fox.

They made it to the place Asha had talked about and looked back at everyone, scratching her head a bit. "I'm sorry, I know it isn't very big, but I think it should be fine for tonight, right?" She asked, observing her group's reaction to her decision.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Katsu was all ready to go, however reluctantly, once all of his things were gathered. It was going to be really upsetting having to leave everything behind again, and with a melancholic cloud overhead he wondered if he might ever get a chance to settle down. Packing away the last of his personal belongings he would take the thief slung his back over his shoulder, giving his room one last look around before mentally and emotionally preparing himself to leave it for some time. Getting a rather odd offer from Hiresh out of nowhere he turned to the metal bender, frowning and giving his head a shake. "And what? Have to appear in court? I know how that stuff works, if I press charges then they'll want to talk, and if I have to meet someone I'm bound to get attacked again. So no, I'm not pressing charges," he answered stiffly. With Siku's plea to bring more of Koinu's toys along, Katsu threw her the pillow case to use, it being really the only thing they had for it. Once the toys were packed away they finally left, with him giving the room one last glance before locking and shutting the door.

Getting to the docks without being seen wasn't too hard, as Katsu was quite good at slinking around the city. What he wasn't so confident about though was having to wait for a ferry to arrive, feeling fair paranoid the entire time they waited. What a load of crap, having to be worried like this. He'd had life so good for a while there and now he was getting depressed and feeling like he should be watching over his shoulder, just how he was before he'd left home. When the ferry finally did arrive he wasted little time in boarding it, glad to find the officer minding the boarding station either didn't recognize him or didn't see him. It helped too that it wasn't a regular commercial ferry, it seemed to be a private one for those at the Air Temple itself. The old man piloting the craft looked harmless enough, if a bit strange in how okay he was with three strangers randomly tagging along. Keeping his things securely in his grasp he moved to the furthest edge of the vessel, content to be alone for now until they reached Air Temple Island. He had hoped to be alone for the entire trip there, save for Koinu who sat dutifully at his feet, but Siku saw fit to come over to him and try striking up conversation.

What was she trying to do there? Perk him up? Some simple words weren't going to brighten his mood, certainly nothing as hopelessly vague as 'figure out what's going on'. Staring straight out into the water as he had been, arms folded on the rails, the Avatar let out a sigh before shifting his weight a bit. "Have you ever had to abandon your home before? And I don't mean move, I mean have to leave and never think of going back,' Katsu asked, his eyes half-lidded as he stared down at the waves the ferry made, "Or have you ever had to leave your family behind, just so you could have some peace? It's not a matter of getting to go back, it's whether I can ever feel safe or content where I end up. It's not like I loved the idea of totally leaving my family, you know, I had to do it." Sighing somberly he pushed himself up from the railing, turning around and looking at Siku with almost a tired expression. "Listen... I appreciate you trying to give me a pep talk, but... Just don't, okay? I have no use for empty words right now, and if it's all the same to you I want to be alone."

When arriving on the island proper, Katsu could count himself lucky it was so late in the evening; a few lights were on here and there, but for the most part it looked like people had either turned in for the night or were getting ready to do so. With hardly anyone out and about they should be fine in regards to drawing attention, albeit that all depended on where they ended up going. Thankfully Asha seemed to have thought that through in advance, and a small building far from the rest of the homes would be theirs for the evening. Simply nodding to show his appreciation, the Avatar followed the rest of the group down a winding path, cutting through a small grove of trees before reaching the place in question. It was certainly small, but then so too had the room he'd called his home for the last few years been as well. "Yeah, it works, thanks Asha," Katsu replied taking one of the straps of his bag off and adjusting it to hang on one shoulder, "So we're all sharing the one place?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Scout
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Scout Sentinel

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Hiresh scowled, shaking his head. Don't talk to me like I'm stupid - I'm just doing my job. I'd have advised against it anyway... But he kept his mouth shut and continued tagging along, keeping himself ready for another attack. Seemed like those guys might still be regrouping and getting back on the prowl. Even on the boat, Hiresh had to keep alert.

Siku blinked and shook her head, "I... Can't say that I have, Katsu. But..." She shrugged and followed his gaze out to the water, "I mean... All things considered - are you ever in real danger? I might have made fun of you, but you're a really good fighter and you managed to hide for a long time... You even told me you liked how you were living, right? So... I think you could find something like that again. You're adaptable, it's a good trait to have. I'm not," She said with a small laugh, "I know water is supposed to be the element of change, but... God if something breaks from the norm, I have a lot more difficulty taking care of it than I like to admit..."

Finally, she nodded and sighed, "Just because you don't assign them meaning, doesn't mean they're empty," Siku said softly, pushing off of the railing and finding her own place on the boat to wait. Finally, they were on the island and Asha led them to a small hut where they were going to be staying.

Siku looked to the small Airbender and around the room, "Hey, Asha - for those of us actually allowed to be out and about, is there a bath somewhere? In the hut or outside... I could really use a wash and a change of clothes," She confessed, looking herself over with a frown, Papa's gonna kill me...


Nothing got by Hideki tonight. No, he'd been in Republic City for weeks now; the other Grandmasters of the Lotus had all agreed that, despite his opposition, they would move to retrieve Katsu and safely return him to the compound. It was time for his training to resume, he'd had his fun and Yakedo had been putting it off long enough. They knew he was safe, they could get to him, but the Grand Lotus continued to encourage him living a life of his own choice, learning his own path. Their biggest argument against him was Katsu's turn to thievery - it wasn't fair. After such a sheltered life, of course he turned to debauchery and mischief. Katsu never stole something beyond a petty little trinket and he was just rebelling. There was no harm in it, really. The operation was tonight and the Lotus had eyes everywhere. The problem? Hideki didn't trust a majority of his agents.

The Grand Lotus was not a part of the operation itself, but he was in Republic City to oversee the immediate events. For about two weeks, he'd been here, keeping his eyes peeled for anything he could. But on Air Temple Island, he had his own connections - both White Lotus "auxiliary" agents and old friends - which he needed to touch base with. The news reached him in minutes - one of the members of the squad who'd been turned on in apprehending Katsu got to the island quickly. He was an airbender, which lent itself to his speedy arrival. Hideki took the news is stride; he was prepared, this was why he was here. In that precise moment, he decided it was time for the Lotus to dissolve and would be doing so in the coming weeks. Now, however, he had to take care of Katsu. The next news came from Bo, not more than an hour later, to tell them that he'd just transported several newcomers across the water to the island - one of them matching Katsu's description. One of the nomads spoke up next, having recognized Asha's description, he told the Grand Lotus exactly where he figured she would take them.

The small band of "fugitives" weren't hard to find. Hideki strode down the small path leading to the hut with conviction. Arriving at the door, he lifted a hand and knocked thrice, "Katsu, it's Master Yakedo. I think we need to talk..." He said, confident that Katsu would recognize his voice in the same moment and if not, he'd see him when the door opened. "Without your friends, please? Take a walk?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by kryusa
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kryusa The Ditzy

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Asha giggled a little when Siku had asked if there was a bath or something that she could use; they all could use some soaking after being in the sewers for such a long time. "Sure, there is one in the hut, just let me go and start a fire outside, it will warm the water up." Asha smiled as she went to go to the door to go out back and start the flames, but was interrupted by three knocks on the door and the sound of a man, asking for Katsu.

The brunette cocked her head to the side and quickly turned around and looked at everyone else. How did someone know they were here? Were they that noisy coming down here? Asha was at a loss for words, as she didn't want to tell the man no, Katsu wasn't here if it was someone who Katsu held in high regards...she was just downright confused.

"How did anyone know we were here? Ugh...did Bo tell them?" Asha smacked a hand against her forehead and puffed her cheeks out in irritation; if something seemed suspicious at all, of course there would be someone to snitch. Bo wasn't a bad person by any means...so someone must have asked him for information...someone must have known that they were coming over here in the first place.

"I'm sorry, Katsu," She whispered before standing back from the door to let Katsu make his decision on whether or not to take the old man up on his offer.

She briefly wondered what this Yakedo man looked like, but was also scared that this man was going to force Katsu to do something he didn't want to.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Katsu could see what the Water Bender was trying to do for him, he wasn't blind, but no words were going to cheer him up right now. Whether he went back to his home in Republic City wasn't the question, it was whether he ever could have a peace of mind again. He'd thought perhaps foolishly that he was free from the White Lotus, free from their prying eyes, yet evidently they'd known he was there all along. What had they seen? How much of his life had been observed? Feeling uncomfortable he crossed his arms tighter, grabbing at his biceps as he looked out over the water somberly. "That's just the thing though, I hid. All I can do is run and hide..." Katsu responded, sighing as his eyes drooped half-closed, "Adaptable or not, it takes time, Siku, and time may not be a luxury I have if they're after me..." The clock was ticking to get as far from the White Lotus as he could, and he doubted that just being out on the island was going to be enough. How long until they made it out here, he wondered. Minutes? Hours? The discomfort of being hunted made him terribly anxious and paranoid.

The girls could go bathe first, Katsu was in no particular hurry. At current he was simply sitting along the wall of the hut, legs crossed and away from everyone else. Only Koinu kept him company for the time being, curled up in his lap and occasionally lapping at his master's hand or nuzzling against him to try and cheer him up. He felt even worse than he already did upsetting his pet, if such a thing were possible, but he couldn't do much to lift his mood. What a lousy day this had turned out to be, and he'd barely gotten to say farewell to his gang either; a few members he wouldn't miss too much, but most of them were quite close, like family, and it hurt to have to vanish for an indefinite amount of time without saying goodbye. He didn't know who was going to run things in his absence, but he knew he couldn't worry about that now, it was well out of his hands.

Katsu's eyes had begun to grow somewhat heavy from exhaustion when he heard Koinu yelp in alert, lifting his head and frowning disconcertingly. Was the White Lotus here already? Damn it all, they had only been here for about half an hour, how had they been tracked so quickly? Holding his pet against his chest protectively he rose to his feet, eying the door uneasily as he pepped himself up just enough to fight. Expecting the door to simply be blown down he frowned when someone instead knocked, eyebrows raising hearing the voice on the other side. Master Yakedo? But how? When? Of course the old man somehow found him, he should know better than to think he could escape Yakedo. While he held no personal grudge against his former teacher he felt wary due to his association, and therein of itself was enough reason to not respond at first. Looking over at Asha when she apologized he shook his head, a hard line forming on his lips as he slowly approached the door. "Don't be... Not your fault."

There was probably no helping this confrontation, and it was best that he just go along with it if they really were here for him. These three were already in the thick of it, he couldn't well get into a brawl and start destroying things to save his own skin, not on the island. Pausing at the door briefly he psyched himself up for potentially being taken away, inhaling deeply before finally reaching out and opening the door. Katsu expected an entourage of White Lotus, yet to his surprise only Master Yakedo stood there. A bit baffled by this he stepped out of the hut, looking around curiously as Koinu seemed to be sniffing the air for the same purpose. When neither could find anyone else he relaxed, if only slightly, looking back to the old man warily. "Okay, I'm coming, but you had better not let your goons attack them, wherever they are. They have nothing to do with this." He felt crappy enough already, no reason to get someone else hurt because of him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Scout
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Scout Sentinel

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Siku smiled brightly, "Thank you, Asha," She said, leaving the room to prepare for the bath. Closing the door to the bathroom behind her, she shed her clothing and folded it neatly, setting it aside. It was unlikely that she would ever really get that smell out of them... A shame too, she really liked them. The girl looked around the room and found a towel, wrapping it around herself as she gave Asha and the water a few minutes to start heating before reaching out and dipping a toe in.

"Gah!" She exclaimed, keeping her voice low despite the shock. It was so cold - maybe Asha forgot or it was taking longer than usual. Siku hated to be impatient, but she really hated the feeling that those sewers gave her, so she took a deep breath and brought her hands together and low before swinging them out wide and up to her sides, releasing the breath. The water hissed as steam filled the room. A bit more motion and the steam thickened to a fog-like mist clouding the entire bath. Of course, that was only the surface of the water; the bender had to spend at least another minute focused on the entire bath to get it heated. This wasn't like firebending - water could be cooled in an instant, but heating it took time and concentration.

Finally, she felt comfortable enough to set the towel aside and lower herself gently into the bath, letting out a long sigh of relief as the water gradually engulfed her entire frame. She tipped her head back and gently submerged the rest of her body, spending a moment under the surface to ensure that her face and hair were soaked properly. This was paradise - she was so content that she hadn't even heard the knock at the door at the front of the shack.


Hiresh stared daggers into the door as Katsu answered it, but the face on the other side was an unfamiliar one to him. The White Lotus might be an official organization, but that didn't mean they broadcast all of their information to everybody. The earthbender only relaxed when Katsu displayed at least a modicum of trust for the man. Yakedo... Where had he heard that name before..?

Hideki, on the other hand, watched Katsu's apprehensive approach, allowing the boy all the time he needed. Of course, he lowered himself to a knee and offered his hand to Koinu, giving the small Sabre Fox a chance to recognize his scent. When Katsu finally agreed to join him, Yakedo smiled and gave him a small bow, "Thank you. I promise no harm will come to your friends here. I only know of your arrival because... Well, secrets of the trade." The Lotus teased, though it was hardly a secret... Obviously, somebody on the island had told him. Nobody would be caught being the one who didn't inform the Grand Lotus on any news they had.

Once he and Katsu were taking their stroll, leaving the shack behind them, Hideki took a few moments to collect his thoughts before looking down to his young trainee. "You left without finishing your training with me," He observed rhetorically. "Was my teaching style not to your liking?" The discussion was more of a pleasantry, but one that he wished to have nonetheless. "I know I'm a bit stern, but firebending is an art that we cannot take lightly..."


Again, Hiresh let out a slightly irritated sigh, watching as the door shut. If that guy took off with Katsu, he could kiss being a cop goodbye... Forever. Looking over to Asha, he shrugged, clearing his throat a bit awkwardly. "So... Airbending..." He observed with a nod, "Cool..." There was a brief, but incredibly awkward pause which followed as he scratched his neck, "You can handle yourself in a fight, I noticed. How far along are you in your training, then?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by kryusa
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kryusa The Ditzy

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Asha watched the whole scene unfold between Katsu and his Grand Lotus guy and shifted her weight from foot to foot, an unconscious fidget she did when she was uncomfortable. Koinu seemed a bit uncomfortable as well, but also knew who this man was and wasn't immediately trying to bite the older man, so she figured it was okay for Katsu to be alone with the guy...even if she didn't want him to.

She straightened up when she remembered that she had forgotten to heat up the water for Siku. "Ah! Be right back!" She yelled, before running outside the back of the hut, fixing the fire wood and lighting it up, watching as the flames slowly caught onto the wood. She sighed a sigh of relief and silently apologized to Siku for the wait, not knowing that the water bender had already heated up the water for herself.

Just as she was going back into the house another thing sparked her memory and she quickly ran into another room, sifting through some drawers. "Aha!" the brunette exclaimed to herself when she found some clothes for Siku to wear; they weren't anything fancy, but it was enough to be considered clothes. She seen Hiresh look a bit uncomfortable as she ran through the hut on her many missions...She was about to open the door to the bathroom when Hiresh began to try and talk to her. This distracted the young girl and she simply set the clothes in front of the door on the outside, not realizing that she hadn't said a word to Siku about it.

She walked back out into the main room and couldn't help the small giggle that escaped her lips. "Thanks, your metal bending is pretty awesome, too," she replied, sitting down on a cushion on the floor to continue the conversation. "I don't know how different it is for other forms of bending, but air benders start out learning their craft at a really early age...so I guess I am proficient at air bending? What about you, Hiresh? How far along in your training are you?" the brunette watched as the older boy seemed a bit awkward at trying to keep conversation.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Katsu couldn't say he was thrilled to be speaking with Yakedo, but it was easier to just give the man what he wanted then to expect him to simply leave without a word. After making doubly certain they weren't being watched he stepped out of the hut after his former master, keeping Koinu in his arms as they started down to the beach. What an awkward way to meet him again, on the run like a common criminal; his livelihood as of late was theft, so in a way the shoe fit. "Secrets of the trade? You mean someone couldn't keep their mouths shut," the Avatar replied, frowning as he looked down at the ground before him. Who had it been? Someone on the island? One of the guards back at the docks? Their captain on the way over? He couldn't possibly know, nor was he all that surprised he'd been sold out. Far as most people knew he was just a criminal, so if someone of authority came asking for him they would turn him in without hesitation.

Their walk was a silent one for a short while, and the distance between themselves and the hut grew steadily as they moved along. If not for the lanterns burning along the path and the lighthouse illuminating the sky it might otherwise be a pitch black walk, with the stars providing minimal night on a cloudy night. Just what did Yakedo want with him after all this time anyways? Had he known what was going on and now was here to lay down the law? There were a good number of people that Katsu was confident he could escape from, yet this old man was not among them; Yakedo was renown for many reasons, least of which was his ability to seem to know everything ahead of everyone else. Realistically he knew it to be an elaborate network of informants, but it was still impressive and intimidating nonetheless. Just how much of his life up until now was known by this man?

"You had nothing to do with it, old man, it was the other White Lotus members there with you," Katsu replied stiffly, furrowing his brow as he looked ahead uncomfortably, "They were bastards, pushing me way harder than needed and treating me like there was something wrong with me. I know training wasn't meant to be easy, but they treated me like I was a stray dog or something. No way was I going to hang around and just take that crap, and I don't care if leaving meant my training was interrupted." Yakedo had to be aware of what went on, if not then than certainly now. No amount "perks" was worth that treatment, and truthfully he was happier with less, living in the Panther Lily District as he had been. Slowing to a halt when he was chided for neglecting his Fire Bending training, Katsu held Koinu closer to his chest, biting his lip for a second before looking up at his former master, the light of the lanterns flickering against his pale skin. "Look... I get I left my training early, but I have been practicing, whenever I could. And what's this we business? I'm done with the White Lotus, especially after today. The world hardly needs an Avatar right now, so just leave me alone and let me live my life, got it?"
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Hiresh nodded, "That makes sense, but you guys have a lot to learn there too. Earth bending takes a lot longer, but really it's just pushing around rocks. It's more mental than anything else. In Zaofu, you should see some of the softies... Some of them live so freakin' pampered that they don't shift a chunk of earth until they're like fifteen or sixteen. It's sad, and they don't even seem to care. I remember learning about Kuvira in school, and I was no history buff, but they talked about her mastery over bending... How far it got her. And while I don't think she was a good person, I think there's a lot we could learn from her, y'know? That's the kind of strength I want," He said ambitiously, realizing that he was kind of going out on a tangent.

"I'm nowhere near a master yet, but to achieve that takes a lot more than being a good bender... Got a long way to go, but I'll get there. If you're ever in Zaofu, ask for the Sudhirs - I keep in touch, I'm sure my family would be happy to have visitors. Not a lot of people go to Zaofu anymore, even though they encourage tourism nowadays. It's a once in a lifetime trip, I promise you that."


Within minutes, Siku felt the temperature of the water leveling out and heating back up - which was good, as warming an entire bath took a bit of concentration and only lasted a little bit. Thankfully, Asha had managed to get the fire going outside and it began to warm up properly. The girl sunk even more deeply into it, until the water was just below her nose, the current around her gently swirling as she idly twirled her hand. Something in the back of her mind tugged at her... Was she forgetting something? No, probably not. It must not be that impo- CLOTHES. Her eyes widened in fear and embarrassment as she realized what she had forgotten and the kind of situation she was in now. Her face turned a hot shade of red as she sunk all the way to the bottom of the small pool and remained there, almost pouting, for as long as she could hold her breath. She sighed and began to wash... Time to face the music. Katsu was going to pay if he said a single word. As she stepped from the water, the girl swept her hands downward, clearing most of the water from her skin. She then put her hair up in one towel, as bending the water from one's hair was far less effective at maintaining a clean and proper look unless it was an emergency (ie. sewer water), and wrapped the other around her entire midsection. Didn't the air nomads use longer towels at all..? Ugh, this was a nightmare.

The girl leaned out of the door, poking her head out just a little bit. Down the hall, she could hear Asha and Hiresh talking. Just when she was about to call out to her younger friend, she saw what was lying on the floor and was probably felt more relief wash over her in that instant than she ever had before. Swiping the clothes (no vambraces or hip guards), she shut the door and put them on, removing the towel from her head before stepping out of the bathroom and simply disposing of the slightly tattered, disgusting outfit she was supposed to wear to a nice, friendly dinner.

The true surprise came when she noticed there was no sign of Katsu... "Thank you, Asha... So much," She said sincerely, obviously meant more for remembering the clothing than anything else. "Now, where'd that ass run off to now?"


Hideki nodded in understanding, letting Katsu get all of his thoughts out before making a clear and measured response. "I'm not here to take you back, Katsu," He started, "I'm here to let you go. The White Lotus was institutionalized for the best of intentions, but it's been that way for too long now. It was great for the time it lasted, but everything changes and I know the organization can live on as it used to. They pushed you because for the past century every Avatar has needed to learn their crafts quickly and then pick up on the finer details later. Not since Avatar Roku has an Avatar had the time or ability to learn the elements one by one. I know you were already starting to bend earth before you left and I don't doubt you've evaded finding a master since then... As you were wholly uninterested in learning anything from anybody except yourself," The Grand Lotus gave his charge a cheeky smirk.

"... Katsu, the White Lotus you know, and the real White Lotus are two different things now. The men who came for you today, apparently only a few of them were mine. I apologize... Deeply, for my oversight. I don't know how we were infiltrated, but I suppose I have placed too much trust in the rest of the administration. Unofficially, as of today, the White Lotus will no longer be. I've already placed my resignation and I'll no longer be the Grand Lotus by tomorrow. Of course, they'll want to keep careful eyes on me, so I have to be gone by tonight."

The firebender paused and let out a slow, pained breath, "I'm sorry Katsu, but... You will too. And I really hate to say this, but your friends in there are in danger if they stick around Republic City for more than a couple of weeks as well. You'll be walking on eggshells while these people, whoever they are, are looking for you. The ones who defended you in the attack tonight are going to be witnesses - witnesses who actually know what happened in that restaurant. They'll need to gather their things and leave too, save for Hiresh. He'll be staying. I have some contacts on the force and I'm sure they'll actually want his help..."

"This isn't a suggestion. I know I'm not the boss of you and I know you don't want to hear it, so I'm not going to tell you which path to take. Even if the world doesn't need you to be an Avatar now, it needs you to exist and survive in case it does... Mankind cannot maintain this balance without you, Katsu. This peace... It could last days or centuries - but it will never exist infinitely. That is why we need you. It isn't a burden you've asked for, but it's the one you bear." Hideki's gaze was truly apologetic; he knew how difficult it must be for Katsu to handle a lifestyle he never chose. But that didn't mean he could abandon it, "In the end, it's up to you, but staying and fighting just... isn't going to work. I don't know how far up the chain this thing goes and I don't know how powerful they are. I think today, they relied on the element of surprise. I know people at the Air Temples, if you'd like to progress your training. If you'd rather just leave and move on, that is entirely your choice too. But do not abandon the people who helped you survive tonight - promise me that. Those men would have easily overpowered the few loyal members of the White Lotus had it not been for Hiresh and Asha. They would have given chase had Siku not been right behind you. Of this, I'm sure."

Now that he was finished with the long-winded, sincerely apologetic explanation, Yakedo gave Katsu the chance to say anything he wanted to before they were once again the presence of others.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by kryusa
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Asha smiled when she noticed how enthused Hiresh was as he talked about earth bending; he really seemed to love the craft and wanted to become one of the best. She didn't know Hiresh all that well and was happy that she was getting to know him better, even in the face of future danger. "Wow...yeah, I am grateful to have been able to train at an early age. The sooner the better, right?" the brunette said with a small giggle.

"The Sudhirs, huh? I will keep that in mind if I go...but I hope we can all go together sometime," Asha replied. She had a strange sense that they were going to be together for quite a while, but didn't want to just out and say that. She didn't want to worry Hiresh over those kinds of things that she only had a 'feeling' over. These feelings were sometimes right, but the future always had a chance to change, so she mostly kept those thoughts to herself. She supposed air benders could have spiritual connections that ran a bit deeper than other benders, but she didn't want to be too confident in that type of thinking; it could be dangerously miscalculated.

Asha heard Siku come out of the bathroom and thank her, for which she smiled a huge smile and clapped her hands together. "Of course, Siku! Sorry for starting the fire outside so late, someone kind of came for Katsu..." she said, her smile faltering a bit. She wasn't sure if this man was out to harm him or not, but judging by the way that both Katsu and Koinu perceived the man, she felt that he was harmless, at least for now.

"They went out for a walk on the shore," She added, not sure what else to say, since she didn't know the man personally. She just hoped that Siku wouldn't go out and follow them; she was worried too, but she knew that Katsu needed time alone with the man, to talk things out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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"As if I had a choice on that, all of my teachers there were awful," Katsu remarked, frowning as he looked out towards the waterfront, "They were impatient, like they expected me to pick it up right away just because I was the Avatar. Fire Bending is easy, Earth bending I've been practicing, but even then it hasn't been much. So yeah, I'm my own teacher." He still really didn't understand the finer points of Earth Bending at all, and he likely wouldn't until he got a proper teacher; Republic City probably had a whole slew of potential masters for him, but with the recent events driving him from his home he couldn't well go seek them out now. Hearing Yakedo make an apology for everything that had happened, the thief showed little interest at first, perking up only when he mentioned his resignation from his position.

"What...? You're disbanding? But then... What's going to happen to the organization? And what do you mean it's two separate things? Just what's going on?" This was all horribly confusing, there was the overwhelming notion something bigger was happening and it was frustrating that he didn't know what it was. Furrowing his brow as he folded his arms he tried to think of the fights today, trying to pick out anything that might support what his former master was saying. Sure, he'd dealt with some lousy White Lotus members before, but they'd never tried to borderline kill him. Was it really possible that their organization was so corrupted? And why target him like that, what were they after? None of this made any sense, his head was beginning to ache simply under the pressure of trying to understand it all.

Unnerving as everything else already was, what Yakedo had to add to it made Katsu feel a hundred times worse. Hearing that his friends couldn't stay at their homes either made his heart sink, his breath catching in his throat as he stared down at the sand at his feet. So not only could he not go home, but now neither could they? Sure, maybe he wasn't exactly close with any of them, but he knew how lousy it was to not be able to go home and would never wish that on anyone else. What was he to tell them then? 'Hey, sorry you got mixed up with me but you're not allowed home anymore! Also your family might be in danger!' Great way to thank the people who had helped you escape capture today, there was no easy way for him to tell them this. "Great... So I ruined Siku and Asha's lives then, all because of being the damn Avatar..." Katsu said, his tone thick with disdain as he clenched his hands into fists, "See? Every time word gets out what I am, something bad happens. I had to leave home the first time, now other people are paying for it too. This is why I shouldn't be the Avatar, this is why I can't be the Avatar. The world doesn't need one, and all I've done so far is cause trouble for everyone."

Tch, just a suggestion, sure. Siku and Asha could be dragged off and interrogated, maybe worse if they stayed, like hell it was just a suggestion. How awful he felt for uprooting their lives like this... Yakedo was telling him everything he knew already too, just how much he owed to the others for making it out today. Sure, he could fight off a few members on his own, but goodness knows how many there had been and how well trained they were; chances were more likely than not that he would have been beaten and taken away were it not for their intervention, and for what? He was just a thief up until earlier, a common criminal and a punk who stole because he thought it was fun, so why did they stick their necks out for him? He didn't deserve that, and after forcing them to leave their lives behind he definitely didn't deserve it now. With an unbearable weight setting upon him, Katsu slowly sat down in the sand, pulling his knees up to his chest and wrapping his arms around them as he stared out at the ocean for a silent moment.

"It's all my fault... They're going to have to run away because of me, they don't deserve that..." Hiresh could stay, but he was likely going to be in danger now because of his involvement. What if something happened to him? Katsu knew nothing of the people that were after him nor how strong they might be, but there was a very frightening and real possibility someone may be killed to get to him. The thought of anyone having to suffer for him to remain free was a gut-wrenching thought. "Wait! My parents!" the Avatar exclaimed, getting to his feet abruptly and looking at Yakedo frightfully, "What about them, are they okay?! Have these people done anything to them?!" No no no, they had to be okay! But they had tracked him all the way here, tried to capture him in broad daylight, so what stopped these people from going after his family? Trembling slightly he felt tears threatening the corners of his eyes, reaching out and grabbing his master's shirt, "Please tell me they're okay..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Scout
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"Disbanding? Not so much. They're likely going to move on without me. It's my hope they won't look at this as abandonment and more as a professional accident. I've been getting the feeling my Grand Masters don't want me in charge anymore either... Rather than wait for the coup, I'm getting ahead of it." Hideki nodded solemnly and watched Katsu over, "Katsu, I can't say enough how sorry I am for all you went through - that I couldn't be there for every minute of your training or oversee how they all treated you. I wanted you to have the organic life, so I made sure they didn't catch you when I knew you were planning to leave... But like I said, the White Lotus is about the preservation of balance... and years ago, somebody decided that the only way to do that was to become your caretakers and trainers... I can't see how that's possibly the right route. The Avatar has always found their own path, and I want you to do the same, Katsu."

Yakedo placed a hand on Katsu's shoulder as he lamented for the events of the day and shook his head. "Listen to me and listen good... You have no control over these things. And no Avatar would be where they got to alone. Nobody ever has - not truly. Asha and Siku will be more than fine... They may have difficulty adjusting at first, but Siku is both an amazing probender and a powerful young woman. And air benders begin their training young - Asha may be far from a master, but she's certainly a very talented young girl. She's also reaching an age where it will be left to her whether she wishes to remain at the island, go at her own in the world, or move to one of the temples to continue her training... Or any of those. She's adventurous at heart - some of the elders here on the island think that the world's a bit small for her," The Grand Lotus smiled warmly, "They will be okay... I really have a confession to make."

He sighed and met the Avatar's gaze seriously, "I know Siku's father. When he told me how excited Siku was to be here in Republic City, I put in the recommendation for his spot on the council. I'll admit, I didn't think Siku would even come to know you at all... But I'm glad she does - I'll speak with her father myself. In fact, I'll be with you tonight, to help you gather her and Asha's things. You don't have to leave today, like I said, but they need to be ready." Katsu's thoughts moved on their own rather quickly and Hideki cleared his throat, "No, hush, Katsu... Your family is fine. They're taken care of, they never lived in the compound nor did they need protection from my guards. They've their own in the Fire Nation and there is little they could offer to this other group... whoever they are. They worry about you, yes, but they're likely less aware then these renegades do."

It didn't seem to take long, but the two had returned to the small shack sometime during their walk and Yakedo sighed quietly. "Do you want to speak with them, Katsu, or do you want me to?"


Hiresh rotated a couple of stones hovering over his hands, calming him down. The Avatar... This delinquent was the Avatar... It was crazy. He nodded to Asha, "Yeah, I don't get much time off on the force, but if you're ever going out that way, I'll see if I'm off, maybe I'll see you guys there. You airbenders travel a lot, right? So I'm sure you'll get to see it. Wonderful place."

Siku then came out of the bathroom and Hiresh looked over to her, "Yeah, he went with a... Yakedo," He said, recalling the name before straightening up. "Yakedo! He's the Grand Lotus. God, I was trying to figure out where I'd heard that before... He leads the entire... thing, the Lotus. God... Stupid..."


Siku nodded to Asha's explanation, "Wait, wait... Yakedo? Hideki Yakedo?" She perked up with a bright smile, "Uncle Yakedo? He's one of papa's friends - I used to see him all the time when I was little, but he's been really busy lately..." She nodded, "Good - I'm glad he was here. If anyone knows what to do, it'll be him. He'll get the whole thing figured out."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by kryusa
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kryusa The Ditzy

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Asha smiled over at Hiresh and shrugged, "Most air benders do, but I am not of that age right now. The elders like us to wait until we are a certain age so that we have all the basic training down. They don't want really young kids flying around..." she replied with a small giggle. She could understand why the elders didn't want young children running around out on their own, but it was kind of nice to be able to adventure out alone at times.

"Yeah that would be awesome! We could all go together and have fun," The brunette said in response to Hiresh. He seemed to really love his job but it appeared that maybe he did want a little time off to go and do as he wished. Asha frowned at the thought that people were so tied down to their jobs. She remembered hearing about the past and how most people traveled around the world, their job unable to tie them down. Maybe she only liked the thought of travel because she was an air bender.

Asha looked up at Siku and cocked her head to the side. Uncle Yakedo? So she knew that man. "I hope he will help Katsu find out what to do from here on out," she said with a nod of her head. She obviously didn't know Katsu very well, but could tell that he was a nice person and only wanted to live life how he wished. She moved her gaze over at the door as she heard mumbling of voices and footsteps from outside the hut. "Oh! They must be back."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"Heh... And here I was thinking I finally got away from it all... I was never free, was I?" Katsu asked bitterly, giving a short, curt laugh before looking away. "It's not like I have a choice in the matter do I? My own route was going to be to live how I wanted, but obviously that's not going to happen anymore. Fine... If I have to do this then I'll get it over with." At the very least he supposed he'd do his training if he must, but after that it was back to doing what he pleased. Just because he was the Avatar didn't mean he'd be behaving like a saint, not so long as he wanted to have fun and live as a thief. No doubt there would be complications in the days to come, but he did really hope he could return to that life, or at the very least something similar to it.

Being consoled and told his friends should be able to handle this did little to alleviate his stress; handle it or not the fact remained the same, their lives were going to change drastically because of him. Maybe he just didn't want to deal with the guilt, but he'd prefer to go this alone than drag anyone else along with him. Talent meant jack all when you had no desire to train, he was a testament to that much. How much motivation might the others have, he wondered, once they were made to leave their homes and follow him wherever he went? That was a lousy part of it too, they basically were going to end up shadowing him, whether any of them liked it or not. "They could stay and train... Then they could protect themselves," Katsu suggested lamely, knowing even as he spoke his words were moot. The members of the White Lotus, or what formerly was the White Lotus anyways weren't pushovers; the men they had fought today must be out of practice or something, he certainly didn't think he was capable enough to take on a handful that easily.

The mention of family brought a horrid realization to the Avatar: what had become of his own family? Neither of his parents had any part in this, yet if these people were after him it was only natural they may go through his mom and dad. Fearing for their lives he nearly had an episode when addressing Yakedo about it, feeling a proverbial weight lifted from his shoulders when he was reassured they were okay. Releasing the old man's shirt he nodded his head slowly, managing a faint smile as he closed his eyes, "Good... Good... I'm glad to hear that..." In the state he was in Katsu loathed to face the others, but knowing they had to be informed and given the news he couldn't well put it off. Following alongside Yakedo they made way back to the hut, pausing outside the door and looking at the handle somberly. "No, let me do it. It's my fault they're in this situation, it's only right I'm the one to tell them."

Taking a deep breath Katsu opened up the door slowly, partly hoping that everyone might be asleep and he could put it off. When he stepped inside however he saw all three of them sitting there, feeling himself becoming uneasy again as they all looked at him. Sending one brief glance back at Yakedo he swallowed nervously, closing the door behind himself and forcing a smile as he stood along the wall. "Hey... So uh, about today..." he began, having to avert his gaze as he rubbed at his neck, struggling to find the words to break it to them. "Those people that attacked us, they're dangerous, and they uh... Might try coming after you, which means people might get hurt. So uh... Oh jeez..." Shaking his head disdainfully the Fire Bender let out a deep sigh, rubbing at his head before glancing between Siku and Asha respectively. "You two have to leave home and come with me! I don't even know where we'll go, but we can't stay here. Hiresh is safe, but we can't live in or near Republic city, at least for a while. I'm so sorry things worked out this way," he added, bowing down as he'd been taught as a young boy, holding the pose as he felt his eyes sting slightly again, "You can even just leave me after we get away, that's fine. I just can't let either of you stay here and be hurt because of me, so we have to leave tomorrow."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Scout
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Siku nodded enthusiastically, "He will. He's brilliant," She said without a modicum of doubt. The door opened and she beamed at a man she'd known most of her childhood, giving a wave. "Uncle Yakedo, how are you?" She asked. The man gave her a somber smile and replied with a wave, but gave no more. He was going to respect Katsu's wish and allow the boy to speak.

Once he'd said his piece, Siku snorted slightly, a grin on her face. "Yeah, right, and as it turns out, there are two Avatars. I'm the other one," She said, waving her hand and looking to the Grand Lotus. "Hideki has a plan to get this all straightened out, Katsu. No worries," She reassured him, shaking her head, "Besides, you're the Avatar. People can't really run you out of town, can they? They'd sooner move the whole town than you." Her eyes caught the look of sympathy coming to her from Hideki and she furrowed her brow... He shook his head.

"N-no... Uncle Yakedo, we've... We've guards and officers and all sorts of things at that house - nobody would think of coming after us..." She couldn't help but blurt the first things that came to her mind, "What kind of danger could I possibly be in?! Or Asha, for that matter? We were just witnesses! We didn't even know he was the Avatar!" She stamped her foot to the ground aggressively, "Send them here, after me, I'll tell them myself. I'm not afraid of those... Bullies." That was... the dumbest choice of word she thought she'd ever made.

Hideki's face became serious as he stared her down, "That's the understatement of the century, Siku. You're not staying here and you're not staying at home. I'll help you guys get back to your house to get some things and talk to your family, but you're not going to stay in Republic City. Not when nobody even knows who the enemy is. Hell, apparently they've been under me for years and I didn't notice it. So no, I'll not let you be subject to this place. At least if you leave, they won't have any clue how to find you. Here, they can easily surround you and ambush like in the restaurant. Nobody knew anything was going on until you were all attacked - they could do that again, with more people... stronger fighters. They'll learn from these mistakes and not make them again," He explained flatly. "This is not up for debate, do you understand?"

Siku's gaze remained defiant as she squared off with the man... "Ugh! Fine." She looked at Katsu and saw the desperation on his face. It was his fault, she knew that, and he knew that. Pointing it out now would only make things worse. So what did she do? She lied, "Stop apologizing. It's not your fault, it's theirs, whoever these people are. The world just forgot how stupid it is to piss off the Avatar... And they certainly don't realize how stupid it is to piss me off." She took a breath, sighed, looked to Hideki once more and nodded, "Fine. I need to grab some things from home too, then."

Hideki hesitated and rubbed the back of his neck, "It might be better if I go alone and get them, I know what you're looking for..."

"No. I'm not disappearing without a trace." Siku glanced to the side, "Sesi wouldn't forgive me if I did, anyway..."


Hiresh remained a silent observer through the exchange. He didn't even know that Hideki was close to their family, but something caught him off in Katsu's explanation. "Wait, wait... what do you mean 'Hiresh will be safe?'" He asked after Siku's exchange with Yakedo. "So it's too dangerous for a talented bender and swordswoman of high esteem, but for a single cop living on his own, it's fine? Look, I don't want to leave either, but... Why am I allowed to stay?"

The Lotus nodded, "You're correct. Under normal circumstances, I'd probably have you leave as well. However, I have no doubt the chief will want you helping the force get to the bottom of this, at least here in Republic City, to stop anything like it from happening again. My recommendation carries quite a bit of weight, I'm sure you're not long for guard duty either way."

He then turned to Asha, "Are you okay with this? I'm sure we could speak to the other elders of the island... And even if you're not a master, I'm sure at the very least, Katsu could learn the fundamentals of air bending from you. Nomadic at heart; from the sounds of it, you've been itching to leave for a while anyway, right? What better way than with the Avatar?" Asha's youth made her both the biggest liability and the probably the easiest to convince that this was fine. Not to mention, folks of the Air Nation who were part of any monastery didn't usually have too many problems leaving home and making a brand new one. However, she was young, which meant she might just be as hard-headed as Siku. Katsu had to be ready to deal with either of them, at least until they separated. If they did.

The Lotus looked to all of the people in the room... Children, all of them, even Hiresh in his eyes. "I promise, as soon as we can, I'll find each of you and personally see to it that you're safely returned home. And yes, Siku, we'll go and get your things... Soon. Once everybody's ready to go - we're not coming back here, so... Asha, gather anything you want to pack."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by kryusa
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kryusa The Ditzy

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Asha watched as Mr. Yakedo and Katsu came through the door; Katsu looked rather unsettled as did the older man, but not as much as the boy. She cocked her head to the side in curiosity, wondering just what had transpired between the two as they took a walk. Her gaze flickered between all of the people in the room as they talked, things becoming more and more clear with each word.

"So wait...those guys think of Siku and us as accomplices? Yeah...I suppose that makes sense," the brunette said with a small shrug, getting up from her seated position and dusting herself off. So they weren't allowed to be in Republic City anymore because of some Grand Lotus members who turned bad? She sighed to herself before looking at the others and putting her hands behind her back.

Her gaze settled on Hiresh, who seemed a bit put off by being left behind in the city; she certainly hoped he would be able to join them sometime in their travels.

"I'm fine with leaving. Air benders are taught to leave worldly possessions behind and be free," Asha replied with a small smile. She tried to live by those teachings, but there was one possession that she just couldn't possibly leave behind: A plush Catowl stuffed animal. It was her most prized possession and she wouldn't leave without it. She looked over at Katsu and smiled at him, hoping to convey that she was honestly fine with what was happening. Life was constant, so that meant things were subject to change.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Katsu really didn't want to have to tell the others this, but it felt better if he did; Yakedo was essentially a stranger to them far as he knew, it should come from someone they knew at the very least. Like before when he'd tried to tell Siku he was the Avatar, she once again did not believe him. Sighing to himself he looked at the Water Bender somberly, watching as she looked to Hideki for confirmation and her expression immediately changed. Just as he had worried, she was not taking the news of having to leave well at all, fighting against it however she could. Ashamed of bringing this upon them, Katsu looked away from the group and closed his eyes, letting his former master explain everything while he tried to brace for the inevitable guilt-ing he was going to get.

Cringing when he heard Siku snap, Katsu finally and reluctantly turned back to face her, his expression one of pain and apology. There was nothing he could say to make this better, not to Siku or Asha or anyone. Families were going to be disrupted because of him, and they may not even be able to say why they were leaving; reasons like this were precisely the reason he had tried to keep his true identity a secret. Matters were made worse when Siku tried to play off his role in all of his, his chest feeling tight as he shook his head wordlessly. No, it wasn't their fault, it was his, all his. If he just hadn't been born, or had just sucked it up and stayed in training then none of this would be happening. No bystanders getting hurt, no friends losing their families, and no one would be at risk because of him. It was a selfish reason that he was here in Republic City to begin with, and it was that selfsame reason that had ruined things for everyone now.

Today had begun with Katsu not giving much care for anyone else in this room, but now he felt terribly guilty and in service to them. Even if Siku could bring things with her, or if Asha said she was fine with leaving he sincerely doubted that both were a hundred percent okay. It was his fault this was happening, and as such he should be trying to correct things to get them back home, but how? What could be done to help that along? At most he could try and protect them, something he'd done marginally back in the sewers. The world may not need the Avatar right now, this much was true, yet these two girls could probably use him. Wherever they ended up then he'd be certain to keep them out of harm's way, safe from anyone that might try to do him or them harm. A burden perhaps, but one he should have to carry for his role in all of this.

"If there's anything I can do for you two, anything at all, just name it..." Katsu offered weakly, looking between Siku and Asha. Hearing a soft whimpering he glanced down to his feet, watching Koinu as he rubbed against his leg, begging to be held. Smiling sadly and obliging his companion he lifted the small animal up, hugging him before letting out a sigh. "I don't know where we can go... But I know some people in the Fire Nation, maybe we can start there? Unless you don't want to travel all that way." Of all the nations, the Earth Nation was probably the closest to them, if he had to guess. As things stood currently the nations really weren't quite as dividing as they had been in the past, but they still existed in at least name. "I'll uh... I'll try and get in touch with someone, so we have a place to stay. If you think that would be okay, Yakedo?"
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