Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WhenBooksFly101
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Rala watched the grey male step foreword and nodded, smiling slightly in return to his. Hearing the hungry protests of the hatchling she snapped her wings open, "Once we arrive I would be happy to hunt prey for all of you.....in return for the help you have given...." She glanced to the golden male, then to the grey, "And to help the little one."

Flicking her tail with a small snap she snorted and turned in the direction of the rock formation. It was a few miles away; an easy distance to cover while flying. Thank goodness her sister Stormy was healed and ready to travel.

Looking up Rala gathered the muscles in her hind legs and wings, before launching herself upwards. The wind created by the strong thrusts of her wings rustled the grass and she soon hovered a little ways above the others, "Follow me."
She shook her head and breathed a small cloud of smoke; awaiting their flight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AcaciaMalikov
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Rustled his wings lightly as he grunted, he'd been flying for two days running and barely had a rest, the ache that shot through his joints was reckless, though he managed to suppress a visual on his appearance. The dragonlet barely focused at this as she playfully hissed at the other dragons before munching down on those solid spines, the young were always oblivious to the hard life, but she was happy and that made the grey father proud enough.

As Rala took lift he was quick to follow, powerful wings sending a testing gust towards the two still grounded before his hind legs tensed and kicked upwards, with that same motion the powerful wings went from raised high to thrusting towards the earth, head raised as he moved to allow access of lift to the remaining pair.

His eyes glanced towards Rala as he raised just above her and sat nearby, a soft voice being used as he smiled partially, "Thank you..."

"Thank you, for offering such help," he would then slowly drift off giving further distance, the little creature on his back quitting the mouthing as she leant slightly off to the side and smiled at the dragoness her father spoke to, poking a tongue here and there, before almost loosing grip, wide eyed, pursed lips and the funniest sounds a dragon could make as she scrambled back up and hunkered down as she did on the many journeys her father carried her through.

All Ace could do was chuckle as the young one sat and pouted at him for a moment before glancing down at the two they waited for.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by wildhearts
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stormy nodded and with small but powerful wings launched her self in to the air. she hovered for a minute, then flow to rala's side, muzzling her sister.

she looked down at the male on the ground. then back to the male in the sky."i don't believe I go your name, sorry."she half smiled, showing off her fangs that hung down at some what of an odd angle. they were made for hooking her pray, mainly large fish or small farm animals.

as she waited with the other's the sound of thunder rang froth. the small of rain was stronger now. and just off in the valley the first sign of rain pelted the trees and other life forms.

its cold misty rain storm's gale force winds could be felt from were the dragons were. its cold wind was biting to the bone.
"we should go, like now.."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Galderon springs his wings open once more and takes to the sky with the other dragons. He can already feel the rain drops getting bigger and bigger. The storm is practically here! His body then begins to slightly radiate in a faint light, as a result from his "solar energy" within his scales.

"Agreed..." answers the Gold dragon to Stormy's remark and flies with the others.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WhenBooksFly101
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Rala banked left and soared towards the East, "This way." A smile grew on her face secretly because of the true gratefulness in the grey male's voice. She wondered why all dragons didn't treat each other with such goodness......helping them rather than threatening to kill.
She glanced back at the two males. But Stormy was right.....she really had to stop referring to them by color, "So....what are both of your names?"

She already knew the hatchlings; "Diamond"....
Flicking her tail she nodded, "I am Rala; that is my sister Stormy." she gestured to the other dragoness.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AcaciaMalikov
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Began to follow the large dragoness, tail dragging behind him as his limbs pulled in towards his body, forceful wings digging at the air with every powerful flap to keep him moving, as he glanced at the others he felt almost like he was a part of something once more.

"I am Ace, and this is Diamond," he gestured partially towards the hatchling, as he recalled saying her name earlier infront of everyone he kicked himself in the butt in his mind, and all he could think was 'duh, they already know stupid'.

As he listened lightly he smiled, "Those are lovely names, I shall remember them both for their kindness" the dragonlet upon his back began to fuss lightly, the cold was picking up and she began to complain with high pitched squeals and screams, she never spoke a word, almost like she didn't know how at her age.

She was after all just a baby as she pressed in to the large dragons figure. Gripped tightly as her mouth spread wide with each vocal, children were certainly a handful it would seem. One minute they are happy, the next killing off eardrums with tantrums.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WhenBooksFly101
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Rala nodded but kept her attention on the landmarks below, the rocks were up here somewhere.
She glanced back at Ace long enough to smile, "Thank you; you have a nice name as well."

Suddenly, she caught sight of a ridge sticking up out of the forest to her right. Going wide eyes she let out a small sound of approval, "There it is!"

She dove down as the first few raindrops began to fall from the sky; the clouds overhead and thunder sounding in the distance. Then with a crack, a bolt of lightning erupted on the horizon and tickled the hilltops below it. The air was warm to breath yet crisp with electricity; it would be unsafe to remain outside.

Dipping down close Rala led the way to a large rock face; swooping around until she found a dark crack on the south side. Running sideways it created a shelf inside the rock; the perfect place to hide form the storm.

The female flew in closer and spread her wings so that she could glide slowly downwards. Reaching out with her talons she grabbed onto the rockface, then clambered into the cave. It was big enough for all of them; perfect.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by wildhearts
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stormy smile lightly at the young about ace's back. she was like her at that age you could say. but with joy filled relief she landed in to the cave. her cold storm eyes looking over every thing. nothing would get past her.

the wind howled in rage at the sign of losing the dragons and the rain lashed at the stone.some cold drafts made it in to the cave. stormy cuddled closer to her sister, seeking warmth and a stone to fall back to.a small little whimper came from her as lighting flashed and thunder rolled
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AcaciaMalikov
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Followed suit as the pair of siblings found their way amongst the rocks crevice. He'd begin his descent and as rain began to catch up attempt to latch onto the rocky surface bellow the entrance, sharp talons scraping and leaving partial marks as he began to scramble his way upwards. The young on his back well attached as she watched the things around them, still complaining as she began feeling the chilled water upon her scaly flesh.

As Ace reached the crevice he'd draw himself inwards, heading for the back corner as he shook lightly, wings tucking close to his body as he looked towards the sisters, they were as attached to eachother as his mate had been with her own. Before long he'd lower to his stomach in a laying position, glancing over his shoulder as he smiled lightly to the shivering hatching, "Come here, you." he puffed towards her.

While staring off with bright eyes at the other dragons within the dry crack, the pale little figure began to shift and slide, rotating so she was going bum first before dropping to the floor with a thud, a very graceful landing it would seem. Though she barely seemed to care as she climbed over one of her fathers large limbs and once on all fours curled up close to his chest in what seemed like a very very safe spot.

Ace merely smiled as he lowered his head and nudged her, thick nasals blowing a heavy breath upon her to warm her up from the sudden gusts outside and he flickered emerald sights upon Rala with that same grateful look.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WhenBooksFly101
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Rala smiled as Stormy came close, reaching foreword to nuzzle her and offer a wing. Laying down she chuckled, "The storms still concern you, don't they?"
Curling her tail around herself the female shook the droplets of water from her neck and let out a heavy breath. Lowering her head she settled down quietly.

Glancing over at Ace she caught him staring and tilted her head, then smiled at the youngling cuddled against his chest. She had always liked hatchlings.......they gave her a warm loving feeling. In sweet innocence they played and talked....such adorable souls.

Rala turned back to the entrance of the cave and watched the rain fall heavily downward. It was as if a waterfall had opened; covering the outside world in wet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by wildhearts
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stormy made a puffing sound. "not that much!" and brave puffed out her chest. But as more thunder rolled and lighting flash in one quick rolling sound, yelped and dived under her sisters wing.

"ok so maybe a little!"she half smiled to her sister. eyes the color of a sea before a storm smiled up at rala. stormy say that her sister was looking over at ace and his young. she kind of smiled.it was nice to see a male so kind to his young.

it was a rare thing, sea dragon, or the ones that lived by it, never got to know there sires. the mother did all the work. yes they had mates, but the males were more of the out in the world kind. they would fight for food and such, if a young sea dragon did see it sire, it was because the mother was unable to hunt. stormy had only seen her sire once, as her mother was ill and could not get the fish of the sea in her ill state.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WhenBooksFly101
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Rala chuckled, eyelids low, "I see."
She had gotten over her fear of the storms long ago.....but only because she had been trapped in one. After sitting in an open plain for nearly three hours against the wind and rain, she had overcome her childhood fear. That was only a few months after she had left her mother's den.

Looking up she glanced over at the golden male. He had not told them their name....but she waited patiently. He seemed like the older wiser type who preferred to keep to himself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Galderon and the rest finally land at the site of the cave. The golden dragon's wings flap calmly as he makes way for a soft landing. Once he lands, he slowly enters and inspects the cave, sniffing it to make sure everything was clear, in addition of the faint light illuminating from his body. Once he knows that everything was clear, he makes himself comfortable and yawns, shaking his wings of the rain droplets. He glances at the other dragons with a wise look.

"Everyone get comfortable..." he says to the dragons as he adjusts his position near the mouth of the cave, "The storm should be over by sunrise. Get some rest young ones, for I will guard the mouth in case un-welcomed visitors approach."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AcaciaMalikov
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AcaciaMalikov The Wolf Within

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Ace smiled lightly as he glanced about, wings tucked closely around his form as his tail wrapped around to once side, the little creature between his forelimbs yawning widely as she curled up snugly tight to the grey dragons chest.

With a light puff of breath he'd lower his own head and completely cover the hatchling from sight though without crushing her in the slightest. He'd take another look at the settling figures within the crevice and with a hefty sigh he'd allow his eye lids to slide shut, readily dozing off after his long journey.

He'd await for the storm to end and night to pass before awaking, but for now he'd savor the ability to just relax and go limp.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WhenBooksFly101
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Rala wished her night had been peaceful; tucked safely away in the crevice of the ridge out of danger. Her sister was by her side and they were accompanied by two strong males.......but that did not deter the dreams....

One moment, she lay in a bright meadow amidst a patch of wild flowers, but hunched down as though ready to pounce on something. Moments like eternity passed before she moved, and when she did she leapt out and tackled what looked to be a tiny dragon.

Pinning it to the ground she leaned back to examine her catch, which looked back up at her with innocent eyes. It was a hatchling......barely 5 years old....
The tiny thing was a young female with dark blue and black mixed scales; colored like her.....and...with the same characteristics.

Rala stared with wide eyes as if she was looking in a mirror....yet from long ago.
The hatchling made a small purr, but spoke easily, as though she were older, "Stick together Rala; they're coming."

As sudden as prey bolting in fright the little one's face flashed to one of horror, and she screamed; a sound that made Rala jump back in fright.
Falling back on her haunches she watched her younger self thrash about for a moment of ear splitting cries, then heard the sharp whistle of an incoming arrow. Whoever had shot it aimed true, and it came with a dull thud into the panicking child. But in that moment all went black, and Rala awoke with a sharp cry in the crevice of the ridge.....in reality.

Panicking for a moment she tensed and glanced about with stricken eyes; talons ready to slash any foe to come near her and lips curling up in a quick snarl.

But eventually she noticed her surroundings and the other dragons sleeping nearby. Sunlight hung at the corner of her vision signaling the start of a new day.
Rala began to relax; breath quickened and heart pumping with the lasting effects of her nightmare.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by wildhearts
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stormy made a grumbling sound as her sister moved beside her. the sound of the storm was starting to fade, the rolling thunder made its way fare of in to the hills. the lighting moved to torment others in its wicked path.

snorting she opened her stormy colored eyes."rala, wake up.."she said nuzzling her sister.a small smile came to her fanged face. the light gray light filled the sky as the sun started to come out. dawn was here.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WhenBooksFly101
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Rala turned to look at her sister. Obviously her quick outburst had done something to awaken the dragoness.

Taking a deep long breath, she let her wings settle against her sides, "I am awake......I think."

Rala moved to her feet and stood before flicking her tail and inhaling once again. The images of her nightmare still burned against her eyes. What did it mean? The arrow in the dream meant the presence of humans......had she dreamed about them simply because of what happened to Stormy?

The other dragons were still asleep, thank the skies. She didn't need to ward them off, or frighten Ace's child.

Stretching out like a feline she sighed, "You and I should go hunting, Stormy. Bring some food back to our.....guests....I suppose we should call them."

She was still pretty hungry herself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by wildhearts
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stormy made a little purring sound and jumped up. much like a young cat."can we?!" she was happy to have some sister, sister time with rala. after so many year, and not seeing her.

the storm was gone now. and the dawn light just started to come up over the tree tops. the air had that new small to it. some drops still fell from branch's and such. but it was over all beautiful
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by wildhearts
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stormy smiled."we may get a nice elk, if we play this right." her stormy blue gray scales shined in the light. she couldn't smell any humans or any other dragons besides the ones in the cave with her and rala.

"come on silly." she snorted jumping out of the cave and opening her large wings. the thin midbrain on her wings, made her stormy colored wings look all most like the white crest of a wave.
her keen eyes looked out at the evergreen trees and leafs. with the fine morning dew and mist, that curled around the world in a haze, the young dragoness spun around in the mist. it swarmed around her wings .
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WhenBooksFly101
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WhenBooksFly101 Lover of all things awesome!

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Rala smiled, stepping silently over to the edge of the cave and fanned her wings open. The light gleaming through the mist bounced off her mixed colors and made each individual scale sparkle.
The world was particularly beautiful this morning.

Shaking her head and snorting the dragoness leapt from the ledge into the open air; fresh and cool in her lungs.
Rala nodded to Stormy's mention of hunting an elk, before swooping over away from the ridge towards the forests, "An elk would be a sizable meal.....it would work for now."

Her tail whipped out behind her and she glanced to the other blue dragon.
Her dream still clung to the back of her mind.....haunting her with the images of her child body being wounded by the human's weapons. Rala still couldn't tell if she dreamt it because of her sister's run in with the humans the day before, or not.

Pulling her thoughts to the subject of hunting Rala tested the air.
It wasn't long before a prey animal's scent reached her senses, making her eyes go wide with bubbling excitement.

Large wings out to their full extent she glided down towards the tree tops, "Follow me."
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