Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Vivian was starting to enjoy the way the group was going. Their half elf sat alone at a counter however. Not surprising, from the way he sounded and acted he must be more used to working alone. She looked to the door and the two guards. Then to the bartendet. She finished her wine and decided to move to the bar. She didn't take a seat though. She just leaned which caused her cloak to open. Revealing a hand crossbow on either side of her. Right above her long swords. What was also revealed was on her belt. A row of six viles with a dark black liquid. The viles had the design of a black widow on it. "Good sir, someone like you would be the best person to ask this..." She said. "What can you tell me about the dunes north of here?"

The bartender looked up at the ceiling in deep thought then looked to her. "Can't really say much except that Gnoll's have claimed it as their own." He answered. Gnolls, she hated gnolls, they stunk and they were just to ugly for her tastes. If dogs could walk on two legs and were as tall as a average human, maybe bigger. That would be a clever discription one could get of a gnoll. She actually kinda wanted to get going actually. She found herself a window and could see the night was coming upon them and she smiled. "You know,.. It is almost nightfall, perfect time to get moving if we wanted to travel in much cooler circumstances." She said. She then looked to the group and sighed. "I will be going to collect our wagon. We can sleep out in the sands. Shouldn't be too bad. I will event take first watch." She did not leave it up to debate. She moved for the entrance and exited the tavern. This would give her time to poison her blades or bolts. She will be useing them shortly. Hopefully not on the half elf but on Gnoll's.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Salrynn
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Salrynn Pretty Reckless

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Ellyn quickly picked up her harp with precision and stalked Vivian to follow her out in the dunes, hoping she can help in any way possible. Hell, she could even entertain her while the two were walking. 'hopefully nobody saw me but Vivian' Ellyn would think as she followed her.

'Excuse me...! would you like some help!?'
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Brink_
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The bushes rustled with birds. The slope of the ravine, ending in an emerald green expanse of water, was overgrown, a dense mass of tamarix and acacias, a perfect place to nest and prey. No wonder, then, that they were full of birds. Stubborn larks, doves, and storks chirping, every sound resonated, every moment the sonorous wail of a crow. Buzzards warning of rain, though Barrats, instinctively glancing towards the sky. There were no clouds. But the crows were calling. They could use a little rain at last. The place in front of the ravine was an excellent post, giving potential for a successful hunt, especially here in the desert, a wild stretch full of beasts. The few traders who occasionally strolled past rarely hunted, and men even more rarely dared to venture here. Here, an avid hunter of meat or hides itself became the object of hunting. The creatures here, thirsty for any liquid wether it be water or blood, had no mercy for intruders. The trio had experienced this first hand.

In any case, animals were not lacking near this oasis. However, Barrats, Fel, and Roals had laid in ambush for nearly all of noon and still they had not spent a single arrow. They could not hunt on your feet here – a drought had prevailed for several months leaving the leaves crisp underfoot, dry branches creaked with every step, despite the presence of the lake. Under such conditions, only stillness in the ambush could lead to eventual success and reward. A mosquito delicately landed itself on the neck of Barrats's bow. Unflinching, he watched it as it folded and unfolded its wings, looking simultaneously at his bow, a new acquisition, which he had still not ceased to find pleasure in. Although he was a beloved writer and up-and-coming statesman by trade, he loved a good weapon, and that weapon which he held was the best of the best in such dire times.

* * * * *

From a mound of brush, a twig snapped. The birds launched their furious noise. The larks and storks broke into flight, their tail feathers flashing white. Barrats gasped. Finally. A crow squealed. Again, a twig snapped. He adjusted the worn-to-a-shine leather protector on his left forearm, held together with a bunch of grips attached to a loop. He plunged a hand into the quiver on his thigh. Instinctively, out of habit he inspected the blade tip and fletching. The blades, along with the bow itself, were a result of their latest experience with bandits – he choose on average just one out of ten offered to him - but he always feathered the arrows himself. With most commercially available ready-made arrows, the feathers were too short and arranged directly over the pole, while Barrats applied his to find in a spiral, lying no shorter than five inches.

He readied an arrow onto the string of the bow and looked out over the ravine inbetween a patch of verdant palm trunks with clusters of dates which stood out from the rest of the trees. The larks flew not far away, resuming their song.
Come on, little deer, she thought, lifting and stretching the bow. Come on. I'm ready.
But the antelope moved away from the ravine, towards the marshy springs flowing into the water. The young antelope rose from the valley. A beautiful beast. At a glance it could weigh forty pounds. He raised his head, pricked up his ears, then turned to the brush and crunched a few leaves.

It was easier to shoot it from behind. If it weren't for the trunk covering his target Barrats would have fired without hesitation. Upon hitting the thigh, it would sever the artery, and the animal would fall soon after. He waited, not releasing the chord.
The deer again raised its head, took a step, went behind the trunk – advancing slightly. Barrats, maintaining the bow at full stretch, cursed silently. A shot from the front might fail: instead of planting in the lung, the tip could pierce the stomach. He waited, holding his breath, feeling the salty taste of the chord at the corners of his lips. This was one, almost inestimable advantage of his bow - a heavier weapon or one less perfect, he could not have held for so long in suspense, without the risk of hand fatigue and poor accuracy in his shot.

Fortunately, the deer lowered his head, nibbling a few blades of grass that sprang from the moss, turning sideways. Barrats breathed calmly, aimed for the chest, and gently released the bowstring with his fingers. But he did not hear the snap that was expected of the ribs pierced by the arrow. The deer jumped up, kicked and disappeared to the sound of dry branches and trampled leaves. For a few heartbeats Barrats stood motionless, like a marble statue of a petrified goddess in the forest. Only when all the noises had subsided, he removed his right hand from his left cheek, lowering the bow. Noting the escape route of the animal in the corner of his memory, he sat quietly, propping his back against the trunk. He was an experienced hunter, he had trotted in from the woods since childhood, having shot his first deer at eleven, and a fourteen-horns stag - an extremely happy hunting omen - on his fourteenth birthday.

But experience had taught him that pursuit of a wounded animal was pointless. If he had hit well, the deer would had fallen no more than two hundred paces from the escape route. If he had hit badly - in fact he could not rule out such a possibility - rushing could only make matters worse. After a flight in panic, a badly injured animal, undisturbed will slow its pace. A hunted animal will race at breakneck speed and not slow down for quite some time. He had half an hour at least. He stuck between her teeth a blade of grass he had pulled from the ground and returned to the makeshift encampment his compatriots had organized at the end of the slope.

* * * * *

The two of them said nothing, just watched as Barrats dismounted, then led his horse to the water and retrieved the leather bucket so that he could drink. For a moment or so the only sound was the soft bump of the bucket on an underwater rock as the liquid was fetched, then the slurping as the horse drank. Barrats drank too. He sipped then gulped, wetting the sizable beard he'd acquired from the two week journey and wiping his face. He filled his flasks and took water to the two other horses, making sure to tether them both. When he looked at the duo they were curled up asleep, their heads on their packs, robes wrapped around them, hoods pulled up and arms resting on their provisional pillows. Barrats took a blanket from his own pack, found a spot on the other side of the lake, and laid down to sleep, intending to wake up in time to find his target again.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kronshi
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Elis took the man's hand and climbed his way up the stool. "Well, I noticed you band of weirdos gathering here so I thought I'd check it out and I wasn't disappointed. I've already met a woman with a beautiful voice and face and a gentle giant."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fatal Error 1337
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Fatal Error 1337 The Wrathful

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Would appear the drow wishes to travel at night." Bjoric grumbled "Bloody deep dwellers." With that he finished off his food and drink, dropping from his stool and brushing the crumbs from his beard before taking up his pack.

"Shall we?" he asked those who had gathered at the bar before making his way to the door.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Brink_
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Barrats reached for his bow but in two strides the thief reached him, swiping his blade in a wide arc that opened the high-blood's neck, slicing the weapon in half and shortening his headdress with one cut. There was a soft clatter as Barrat's bow dropped to the ground, followed by a thump as his body joined it. He twitched and gurgled, his blood blotted by the sand. Without taking his eyes from Fel and Roals, who bleeding profusely now, limping, and out of breath, the attacker dropped to one knee and drove his blade into him, silencing him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Afina
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Sana took a deep breath and held it for a moment as she awaited Hughs reaction, studying him closely and hoping he would not turn the halfling into kindling as he did the bar stool earlier this evening. As he spoke and helped the little one to a seat she finally released her breath through parted lips and chuckled slightly, shaking her head as she did.

Resting on her elbows, she found herself forced to stifle a yawn, letting her head fall down slightly as her hair covered her features. The day had been long and she wanted nothing more than to get some rest but it seemed that wasn't an option. Some had suggested wait until morning, others wanted to set out right then. Sighing inwardly she did as best she could to shake off the fatigue of the day.

Looking up, she reached out and caught the bartender by the arm. "Something with enough kick to give me enough energy to fight a hoard of orc," she said through gritted teeth before she released the man from her grasp.

He nodded quickly before he moved to take care of her order. Coming back quickly he rested down a mug of a black steaming substance. Tossing some coin down on the counter, she picked it up and began to sip it carefully. It was thicker than she had expected and much more bitter. Cringing at the taste, she shook her head slowly from side to side as she tried to deal with the taste in her mouth.

"Ugh," she muttered before taking a deep breath and downing it quickly. A full bodied shiver ran through her as she swallowed and pushed the mug away. She hadn't reacted that way to a drink since her first taste of ale a friend had attempted to make when she was younger. Even if the drink didn't do anything to wake her up, the taste alone it left in her mouth would keep her awake. She suddenly had the urge to scrape the residue off her tongue with a dagger.

"Yeesh," was she could mange to say as she glanced back over to Hugh. Rising from her chair, she adjusted her belongings, blinking a few time and vowing that was the last time she would ever touch that stuff. She stood there waiting for the others as she drummed her fingers on the wood of the bar top for a brief moment before heading over to Bjoric and nodding slightly as she stepped out the door and into the brisk night air.

Pulling her mantle close and her hood up, she glanced toward the skies. Tonight had turned out to be nothing that she had expected and she had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach that this just might be the best day she would have for some time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Warrior in the Shadows
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Warrior in the Shadows The Unknown One

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Hugh was delighted at the conversation with the Halfling, but it was to be interrupted by a slight change of plans. "Well, I should have expected this change." He stood up, stretched, and downed his lager, as Sana downed some other strange liquid. He chuckled at her reaction, "I might suggest tobacco next time."

With that, Hugh stepped up to the Halfling on the stool, turned, and motioned towards his back. "If you would like the rest, you may use me as your great and powerful stead!" He grinned over his shoulder at the Halfling. Having had sons of his own at some point, Hugh was very fatherly to smaller and younger creatures. "I will warn you, though, I do have to pick up my horse right outside."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Vivian smirked and quickly turned into smile as the young surface elf followed her. "Perhaps, you could help me." She had to sigh as she moved along. Finding her company was growing as they joined. She really wanted to see what was pulling their wagon. When they made it out she found the air temperature outside began to change. The sand turned darker as the sun crept ever closer away until it was night. She liked the coolness of the night. The dwarf was used to scorching eat sense he likely spent most of his life near a forge anyways. As she walked she moved so that Ellyn would stand beside her as they walked. She turned her head slightly rather enjoying the elf's companionship. " If my mother saw me right now she would take my head off for traveling with you" She said. She then sighed, "I am happy to have left that life a long time ago. Perhaps life here will change things." She sounded hopeful. She was running from the life of the drow of the underdark. She also prayed quite often, that the horrors of that place would not come running back after her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ryu
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Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

... Should I? Varis asked himself as he saw his allies getting up and moving over to the door, one by one as they followed the drow -- who Varis had by now identified as the party leader (although wasn't certain himself). He scoffed as the thought came to mind. A drow, someone renowned for their villainous ways, renowned for their ways of brutality, renowned for their ways of inhumanity seemed to be the party leader of this horribly dysfunctional group (albeit everyone seemed to be getting along with each other but Varis).

"Reminds me of that other drow father had supposedly met," Varis muttered under his breath, saying the word "father" with a type of angry scorn. He began to look back onto the story that his "father" had told him once ago, trying to remember the other drow's name. Of course, nothing came to mind but the first letter of his name starting with a "D." Varis gave out a small chuckle as his attempts to try to recollect his memory ended in utter failure.

"D stands for Drow, I suppose," Varis said, this time just slightly louder before grabbing the cup of water and drinking it hastily, turning around on the stool as he placed the cup onto the counter with a bit more force than he had anticipated. Hurriedly, Varis raised both of his hands towards his head as he walked out of the tavern, placing his hood over his head as he was just halfway towards the exit. He then looked over to his left, and with his left free hand, grabbed the dagger that laid pierced into the table, hastily taking it out and placing it in its small scabbard as he exited the tavern, making sure to keep his distance away from his new found "allies."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fatal Error 1337
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Fatal Error 1337 The Wrathful

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Bjoric hustled to catch up with the elves, pack clanging loudly as he slowed to a walk. "Ye know they canee see in the dark aswell as ye and I." he huffed to the drow. "An any wee nasties out there are gonna see the torches miles away." Hee pulled his hammer from his pack, resting it on his shoulder to try and balance the loads.

"By the way lass, ye hardly seem the kind to go off into the wild on an adventure. What'r ye running from something?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Salrynn
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Salrynn Pretty Reckless

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Ellyn looked to the three, smiling softly at the the trio as she giggled to herself. 'well sir, I am kind of running away from my past... but that is not the point, now that I am out here I might also note my travels for more ideas of songs and poems.' after explaining that she looked all around as she felt the winds picking up, some of the sand even blowing over her face.

Despite the sand Ellyn seemed to enjoy this walk with her three new allies, which she hopes will bring these three closer, maybe even finding out more about each other which Ellyn would love since it could bring her out of her shell a bit. 'so...' she mumbled 'what do you think of everyone else?? seems to be a very unique group!'
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Vivian, almost thought the dwarf was talking to her. Well the first part he was koind of but the second was directed at Ellyn. She noticed the dwarf's complaint that the others can't see in the dark. She shook her head and turned her head to the side. "I have a spell for that,... I can summon lights that will move along with us if we need it. Then again perhap's the moon will give us enough light. Plus we have you dwarf. You will be scarier then any creature out there anyways. Less smelly too." She recalled the idea of Gnolls and shuttered. She felt her skills were enough to take a group of them down however.

Then they came upon the stalls at the main gate where their wagon was. The wagon was in pretty fair condition and the animal to pull it was a camel. Thats good, a horse would have been problem matic. She turned to face them looking at their faces. "Those who are too tired to walk or anything sit in the back and try as you must to sleep and the rest can try and find a place to sit. I will take the reins and who ever feels like sitting next to me can do so. She climbed up onto the front of the wagon using the foot holds. A man approached the wagon after she did so.

"Um pardon but this is reserved for..." She cut him off by handing him the note the wizard told her to hand to him and simply nodded and walked away. She leaned back amd waited for the others to hop onto the wagon feeling the cold breeze of the night. It felt really good compared to the heat. Yeah the group could see in the day, but the heat would have slowed them down.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kronshi
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Elis hopped up on the man and pointed forward, "Onward my loyal steed, to VICTORY!!!" Elis laughed as Hugh carried him out. "And don't worry I won't steal your stuff while I'm up here."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Warrior in the Shadows
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Warrior in the Shadows The Unknown One

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Hugh stepped off, the little halfling accepting his offer for the ride. He hugged the little ones legs to his sides, and strode out into the crisp night air. He breathed it in, taking a huge breath of air, and exhaling. "Let the adventure" He said, seeming happier than ever. He strode up to his large draft horse, unwrapping the reins from the rack it was tied to, with one hand and pulling it along. "Come along now, Rodger. We've got a journey ahead of us."

Hugh walked briskly, leading along his horse and carrying the halfling at the same time. He caught up with Sana, "Would you mind leading my horse along? my hands are a little full. Just tie his reins to the wagon." He said, shifting Elis up on his back, as though he were a backpack.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Salrynn
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Salrynn Pretty Reckless

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Ellyn looked at the wagon with a big cheery smile on her face, looking forward and actually feeling excited about the journey ahead. She stepped into the wagon slowly and observed what was inside. Ellyn then notices a comfy little spot which seemed perfect for her, it had a little desk next to it and she could write her poems on them!

'Oh! this spot seems perfect!!!' she projected in delight as she sat down there and instantly placed her harp softly on the desk. Meaning she claimed that little space.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Horrid
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Drizzak leapt from the stool as he noticed the rest of the party leaving, toppling it with a loud clatter as he ran out the door. The bar staff could be heard outside the bar giving a sigh of relief as the dragon had finally left their presence, demanding nothing of them but their attention. The red of his costume almost shone in the light of the moon as he barreled toward the wagon, nearly colliding with one of the wheels as he failed to stop himself in time and went skidding around to the other side.

"We go! We smash! We burn! Ahahaha!"

His laughter was shrill and maniacal as he mounted the wagon and attempted to climb forward to the camel, where he soon found himself standing atop one of its humps. The creature didn't seem to mind too much. It must have been his domineering sense of majesty. His face almost split in two as he pulled an excited grin, jagged teeth glinting in the moonlight. The dark was nothing to his goblin eyes, as he was naturally a creature of the dark. He could see the road and the rest of the group around the wagon. It was almost like being in another raiding party, except everyone, or mostly everyone was taller than him. Drizzak was rather tall for a Goblin, but he usually paid no mind.

The dragon-goblin pulled the hood of his costume up once more before checking his bag and crossbow at his back. Still there. Still safe. He roared as well as he could, looking back at the others before pointing ahead.

"We kill dogmans, we eat dogmans! Yes? Hahahah!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Afina
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Sana wandered into the night towards where their provided items were being housed. She didn't mind the night so much, the sky was clear and even though she was no elf nor dwarf, she knew once they were away from the lights of the city the moon would provide light making the movement of shadow simpler to see if danger approached. Glancing over towards Hugh she smiled and nodded, taking the reigns from him and patting the beast gently before she continued on her way.

"Seems you have made a friend," she said as she looked over to the Hafling and chuckled. "Reminds me of when I was young and my father would carry me," she said in a soft reminiscent voice as they continued forward, eventually coming to the others.

Looking over at the wagon, she tied off Hughs steed before removing her pack and letting it drop off her back. Picking it up, she slung it into the back and rested it on the seat closest to the back. Glancing over at Hugh, she questioned him. "Would you rather I keep him tied up here or not? Didn't know if you cared to ride from this point or not."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Warrior in the Shadows
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Warrior in the Shadows The Unknown One

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hugh smiled at Sana's comment. "I'm sure I've made a lot of friends!" His grin was as charismatic as ever. They came to a stand still at the wagon and Sana tied off his horse to the wagon. "It's alright if he stays tied up. He could use the rest from bearing my weight for so long." Hugh replied.

Rodger the horse was proud and older, the perfect equine companion for Hugh. The horse put its head down and munched on the small amount of grass that grew up from the street. He ripped the grass from the ground, making a good amount of noise from his feasting. "A damn fine horse." Hugh muttered.

Hugh, with the halfling still on his back, sat himself on the edge of the back of the wagon. "On another thought, I feel tired too." He attempted blinking away his sleepiness, to no avail. "I might actually have needed some of that stuff from the tavern." He said, to Sana. He was thinking of his pipe and tobacco as an alternative to stay awake. It sat in a saddle bag on his horse, but he would still require something to light it with.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Afina
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Sana nodded and climbed up into the wagon, setting herself across from Hugh and ensuring she would have quick access out the back. If things went down hill fast, she wanted to be to put her bow to use quickly. As Hugh suggested he may have needed some of what she had her eyes widened and she moved quickly, covering his mouth with the palm of her hand and shaking her head rather adamantly.

"NO!" she attempted to scream but it came out in this half squeaked panic. Freezing in place, her hand still covering his lips she turned her head to the side with the most comical expression of ~dafug was that.~ "Was that my voice?" she asked in the same mousey squeak and a quick look of panic swept her features as she turned her head back to lock eyes with Hugh.
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