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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celina looked at him longly, staring before thinking.
"If your so much in trouble like that... I..." she says, then shaking her head a bit. What was she thinking. Seriously... this guy might have stole all his life... but...
"My dad is the manager of a zoo... though I don't know if he could get you maybe some kind of part time job if needed... like cleaning up the zoo and such. And theres also a school here... but I don't think they would actually take you in if you don't have any passport and such..." she says, unsure. Her dad did need some people to help out with feeding of the animals and such, as well as guarding so people don't act stupid and go in the cages.
"But for the zoo thing... it would mostly be basic jobs I think... though you will need to not go and steal..." she says.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gambit
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Gambit The Artist

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Lino was taken aback at the girl's suggestion. She was offering him, a total stranger, a potential job? He would have never expected the girl to tell him this. "You mean it?" he asked. Lino looked at the girl, still not quite believing his ears. "Wow, yeah I would definitely take you up on that offer if it is no trouble for you or your family, and as long as my lack of documents wouldn't be an issue. I'm not sure of the laws in this country. And of course, I wouldn't dare to steal anything," he said. After everything that he had done before, now that he had a second chance, he was only stealing order to survive, not for profit. If this deal actually worked, he wouldn't even need to do that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celina smiles slightly, and breath deeply.
"We did just move here and needed to get some people for the zoo. Although I just hope my dad would understand though. And paper work wise... that might be a slight issue... I feel like we might have to pay under the table a bit if it were the case... or..." she though before looking at a distance.
"We could see about a contract like document. Theres usually less regulation with those as I heard my dad say once. Though it would be good if you could get some paper work from somewhere..." she says calmly. Yes.... she was offereing a total stranger a job... but he didn't seem to have any other choice in life at the moment. No where to go, obliged to steal to survive... And even if people would take pity on him, he didn't have any documentation and might be shipped back to where he was if no one helped him. Then something just hit her... but that one might be more complicated unless.
"And we might... be able to get some of your papers here... and I said might... We did do that with some people when we opened the new zoo..." she says.
"But like I said, I might be able to... no promiss.. its my dad that needs convincing." she says
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gambit
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Gambit The Artist

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"Alright," Lino said, though slightly nervous about having to convince the girl's father, but hopefully they could work out some sort of deal. "Wow, and it would be really great if we could get some new papers. Then I might even be able to go to school and everything." Lino smiled at this new turn of events. Maybe things could actually work out for once. "So think we could go talk to your dad then?" he asked. "Oh, and what is your name by the way? Mine's Lino."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Name is Celina... let me make the call first..." Celina then says calmly, before getting her cellphone out.
"Hey dad... you know when you told us that you were looking for some people to help out in the zoo... I... might have found someone... and school is out today... mind I come over?" she says. She waited a bit, staring blankly.
"Yes he does seem old enough to work, although he is kinda out of money and in trouble." she then says, as she listen to the phone.
"No it's not a hobo that I found on the street that was asking for money....' she says, shaking her head, before putting a hand on her phone to stop sound transmission.
"Sometimes... Ugh..." she says before going back to the phone.
"I will explain everything when I get there.... alright?" she says. A moment pause.
"Alright.... love you dad." she says before breathing deeply.
"Well, he agreed to meet up at least. That is the first step.... now the second step... Fallow me... Also.... where you from... we might be able to get your papers like birth certificate and everything here...." she then says. She hoped she was not doing a mistake here. Although with how her dad kinda forced them to move away here... he kinda needed to repay a bit for that. She did lose contact with her friends because of this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gambit
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Gambit The Artist

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Lino chuckled nervously upon hearing the snippets of phone conversation. It looked like he would definitely have to impress Celina's dad to get him to hire him. "Well, that is good at least," Lino said, following Celina. "I am from America, New Hampshire. Lived in a suburb outside of Concord. And I am 16 by the way, that's old enough to work in this country right?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Teknonick
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Teknonick The Dance!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

A young girl nearby stands eating her bread sticks, listening to everything that was going on. She appeared to be very short, and wearing very casual but dirty clothes. After finishing off her current bread stick, she decided to walk over too the two of you and make herself seen. She quickly tossed one bread stick up in the air for Lino to catch, while eating the remaining one she still held onto.

"En passant, je entendu tout... et... Je pourrais vous tourner si je voulais... mais... Je ne vais pas." she laughed after speaking perfect French. "It like seem you need help, maybe?" she said, having a little, but no too much, trouble with English, while biting into her bread stick and finishing it off while she waited to see if they would answer. After finishing, she wiped off the crumbs onto her jacket, and reached a hand out to Lino. "My name, is Boice. Your name? I didn't hear very well." she said, then looking over at Celina and reaching for her hand, while still reaching for Lino's. "Yours? Cel... some. I didn't catch other part."

"But yes, I know paperwork system, and can help with that. Sixteen is old enough, just working age, perfect. So your birthday nineteen ninety eight year? Just one year before me, that's funny!" Aurore said as she skipped backwards while flailing her open hands around. "So, you two want help? I can do it, I know how to do some. I've done it before, could be done for tomorrow, even get money too." she said, waiting for a reply for her to just cutoff anyway. "BUT- but, I do for free! I like helping, you are also in trouble, our kind needs to work together." she said, using her hands to help signify her words, meshing her fingers together as she said 'together'.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celina listened to what was being said by that new girl, staring at her before sighing slightly, shaking her head.
"I would have preferred that his paper work be done legally... but I think for now we need to go the other way around for that... Until we can get every single files and such in order... which might take some time." she says, breathing deeply.
"And names Celina... but it's not really illegal in my part that much. I believe in second chances for people..." shes says calmly, looking at Boice, but shaking her head a bit.
"If you can help him, that would be nice. I usually don't like going against the law system but..." she says, her voice rather quiet so no one hears her.
"We don't really have any choice at the moment anyway." she then says before thinking a bit.
"And money wise.... ugh.... I feel like your not really gonna go legal with that either... but it would be better to do a loan right now until he gets his money from the job in this case." she says to her. She breath deeply. If her dad would know about what she was going right now... He would not be proud... but she was helping someone change his life...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gambit
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Gambit The Artist

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Lino reached into the air and caught the bread stick the girl tossed to him. He looked at her quizzically before quickly eating the food, starving at this point. "Lino, and thanks," he answered the girl, Boice, shaking her hand. She seemed pretty nice, but he wandered exactly what her motivation was in offering to help him. It seemed sort of suspicious. He listened as Celina spoke. He waited a moment, thinking things through, before he spoke.

"It would be nice to do things legally for once, though I don't really see a way to do that quite yet at this point either. It would be safer to not have to steal in any case. I would have less of a chance getting caught this way. And I am not so sure that I can get any sort of legal paperwork without my parents around." He sighed. What was he getting himself into? He didn't want this to turn out like Concord. But it didn't look like he had any other option.

"I'll take you up on your offer," he told Boice. "Can you tell me though, how do you have access to all of this?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Teknonick
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Teknonick The Dance!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Illegal? No no no no, it's more like taking from rich and giving to poor. Not perfectly, but, kind of." she had a sort sad face from Celina's words, almost as if she was actually hurt from them. "Besides, legal system not so good anyway. And, if you want legal later... that happen too. I don't know, think of it as... uh... saut tôt. Kick start. Then it all go away when you want real legal. Plus, legal takes too long... you'd starve before that could happen." Boice said.

When Lino accepted her offer, she smiled at him and walked up, forcibly grabbing his hands and shaking them. "Good! Good! I won't let down, I promise." she said, taking a step back. "How do I have access? I know things. I've learned from friends, help me out of bad spot. I ask them for extra after they help me, so I use it and help other. Like you!" she said. "But details, leave that to me. I'll handle that, I'll do it later when I get back. But, before, mind if I tag along? Not much to do than bug food stands. Especially bread stands."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gambit
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Gambit The Artist

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Lino chuckled at how enthusiastic Boice was. He wondered what her story was, and who those other friends were. "Sure, yeah I don't mind. I'd rather not mess with the bread stand anymore either," he said with a slight smile. He was still not sure about all of this, but for now things were starting to look up. And like Boice said, he could always try to get legal paperwork later.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celina listened and sighed slightly, before looking up.
"Just... don't go and take from my father's company... Already that they just started expending their zoo franchise..." she says calmly before starting to move.
"Cause yes... he is the manager of a chain. The big boss sent him here... and I was forced to fallow. Ugh... Sometimes I wish I could have maybe hid in America... but here I am." she then says. She was not too happy about having left all her friends back home. Her dad did have to repay her anyway for that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Teknonick
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Teknonick The Dance!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Boice chuckled and smiled after Lino said he didn't mind her hanging out with them. She then looked at Celina, and nodded. "No no, I be good, your father company be okay. Zoos are cool, I like zoos. They have animals, and animals are nicer than humans." Boice nodded. "Sooo... what do Americans do for fun, other then steal bread on any empty stomach?" she smiled more, raising her hands in the air and resting them behind her head.

"Welcome Sam!" William said as he came to a stop before you, standing with Garsin. "There's a lot to explain, but hopefully you should just know these things as time passes. All of our memories will combine slowly, allowing us to understand better... but sadly, only since before the tower was activated, so we cannot use it as a form of communication." William said. As scary as the thought of minds combining may have been to you since before this weird incident... it somehow just makes sense, and you know it's the best way for things to go.

"For now, we're on our way to a tower. Our enemy, XANA, has activated one, and we have to stop it. I also believe we might run into those others that wish to stop us... but, XANA is a bigger threat, so we may need to work together to defeat him. I've exhausted my ability to activate towers, so we will have to rely on them to do that for us. And afterwards, we can just leave. There won't be any need for us to stay after that." Wiliam tried explaining as much as was needed at the current moment.

"Anyway, let's head out! We've got a way's to go until we reach the tower. I'm not very good at aiming, so I fear I've set us off on the opposite side of the sector, not even counting the Forest Sector we just came through." he said, already walking in the direction he could feel the pulses coming from. He waved the two of you on to follow after, as he started into a sprint.

"Wow is right. Just take it from me, you do not want to spend your life in here." Aeilta said as she walked off, trying to feel where the tower was coming from. "This way." she said after finding where it was coming from. She sprinted off in the direction she felt the tower pulsing from, not even bothering to turn back to see if the others were following. "Careful guys, I see several monsters up ahead, and three more off in the distance that seem to be joining them shortly after you get there. I think they're mostly those Little Mini-Crabs... something in the middle... and some new monster, I can't tell what it is though. Oh, and a few of those Big Cube-Things. Two." Josive announced from up above. "Yes sir mr. bossy pants." Aeilta saluted into the air, with an added roll of her eyes.

After a short sprint, the three of you made it to a point where you could see the tower. It was as clear as day, with no monsters around. Off to the right of the tower, you could see the bunch of Little Mini-Crabs, all circulating around what appears to me a miniature tower. Next to them is also a giant black ball, just sitting there. The two Big Cube-Things standing just before the Little Mini-Crabs, so you'd have to get through them first. "So then... what's are game plan?" Aeilta asked, looking between Bella and Flippy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Gambit
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Gambit The Artist

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Bella looked at the monsters after catching up to Aelita, not sure what the best course of action would be. Why aren't they guarding the activated tower? Bella could see all kinds of weird objects over by the monsters; she wondered what they were for. "I say we should just go for the big tower," she said. "Maybe if we get over there fast enough we won't have to fight all of them at once."

"Well, pretty much the same things people here like to do I think. I used to be a musician," Lino said, musing about his old hobby. "A pianist, plus some guitar. I played all kinds of styles; it was my favorite thing to do when I got home from school each day. Wow, it's been so long since I've played, wish I could take it up again," he said as they walked down the street. "So what do you two do for fun?" Lino asked Celina and Boice.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celina listened and breath deeply, looking down a bit as she walks.
"Usualy I took care of animals in the zoo, especially foxes. I do love animals... but I also..." she says, before breathing deeply, shaking her head. it was awkward a bit for her to actually say this cause people don't expect a girl to be into that...
"I also play...video games... shooters and other games..." she then says, a bit embarassed.
"Kinda awkward... I love nature and I love technologie at the same time..." she says. Indeed it was strange, for her at least. She usually balanced between the 2... She sighed slightly. She just hoped they would not look at her awkwardly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jollan
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Jollan "let's devide by zero!" / (queue apocalypse)

Member Seen 8 mos ago

"I have an idea," Garsin said as the jogged along. His cello floated around from his back and hovered next to him. He reached out and plucked a string and waited as the bow materialized in the air before him, he then started to think over a simple melody composed of all higher notes, and the cello started to play. Due to this he started to become lighter and his speed increased. He looked around to see if the others were getting faster as well.

"Haha, I haven't moved like this my whole life!" he exclaimed. If this worked, wherever they were headed this would get them there a lot faster, hopefully making up for William's inaccuracy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by gamer5910
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gamer5910 The Son of Death

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Flippy took a few looks at the monsters wondering why they weren't at the tower or attacking them. After clearing his thoughts and hearing Bella's idea he finally spoke "I like your plan Bella we bomb rush the tower and cut down any enemy that stands in our way." Flippy said as he drew his sword.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gambit
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Gambit The Artist

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Video games huh? That's not too unusual," Lino commented. "I used to have friends in school who gamed," he said as they continued through the town. "Nature is cool too of course. Speaking of, how close are we to the zoo now?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Teknonick
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Teknonick The Dance!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Huh, yeah, is kind of weird... two opposites. Can't say I care much for video games!" Boice said, trying to hold back a slight laugh. "But I like nature bit. Not sure there is some person who doesn't." she added, taking each step big and slowly as she focused on what she was saying. "Me... not much. I used to just watch others play sports, back when I hung out with the others. Now just wander around, and people watch. People are exciting! Just to guess what they do next, or how you can do something that change them."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celina breath deeply as she continued to walk, seeing the zoo at a distance, with her dad in front, waiting. He gives a hand sign to her, and Celina then waves back.
"Hey dad!" she yells, before looking at the group.
"Well... its time for you to give a good impression Lino." she then says.
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