Name: Ra's Al Ghul

Age: Unknown (Over 100 years, access to the pits of Lazarus.)

Gender: Male

Appearance: Black and grey, windblown hair, short sideburns, short facial hair. Clothing;

Biography: (A paragraph, minimum.)
Said to be born over 600 years ago in the Middle East with a forgotten name, presumably what was then Saudi Arabia as a commoner, strived to explore medical science. Exploring the deserts to find new ways to heal the injuries of the people of his kingdom, Ra's fell upon one of the legendary, biblical Lazarus Pits. Ra's abused it for his own immortality taking on the name Ra's Al Ghul or Head of the Demon, laughing at death many times while allowing it to fuel his cause of killing all of the 'impure' in the world. Criminals, corrupt politicians and so on. Today Ra's Al Ghul battles the Batman whom is stopping what he thinks is true justice.
Personality: Despite being a villain, Ra's intentions are quite good, wanting to erase all crime from the world and restoring the Earth to it's former beauty by destroying what the industrial boom era brought in such as factories, corporations and such.
Abilities & Skills:
-Skilled Martial Artist
-Trained Batman
-Skilled Swordsman
-Genius Level Intellect
-Prime Human Condition due to use of the Pits
Weapons: Ra's carries his iconic sword made of gold and silver. It seems to be in the style of a Schimtar.