Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As the canister was teleported to Hawaii it seemed broke as it hit the floor unleashing the strange creature. It started to move untill a curious teenager came upon it. He tried to poke it with a stick. The creature went right up the stick and attached it's self to the teenager. Then then started to envelop the poor boy. It grew bigger and bigger still looking like a blob of flesh. As it continued to grow it's other objects around it also started to form again in the fleshy substance. Finally it started to harden in a sphere form. At this point it was now staying this way as flashes of light could be seen from the inside. The sphere was as big as a 30 floor building now. Though it took about a day for it to reach this size. Many of the police forces had been trying to break it but to no effect as it's shell was rather hard.

Lance looked at Richtofen with anger in his eyes. "GET OUT OF MY OFFICE YOU PARANOID IDIOT!" Lance yelled with great hatred at the doctor. Lance had no time for paranoid people and putting the building on lock down would esentially mean they would be locked in as well. As he finished yelling at Richtofen he saw the alarm go off. There was another kaiju sighted. This one in Hawaii however it didn't seem to be active yet. "All Kaiju fighter students Get the planes now! We are going to Hawaii." Lance yelled over the intercom. He would stay in the control room to watch the battle and order the students from there.

Once the Kaiju Fighters were in Honalulu and prepared the yellow sphere began to move a bit. The other objects around it also started to crack. There was an explosion then as the shell burst open on all five of the shells. From one was a giant Pac-Man it was pixilated a bit as well made of many cubes. The other shells also opened. These were the ghosts, Inkie, Blinkie, Pinkie, and Clyde, each of them not quite as big as Pac-Man but still quite big. The ghosts rammed themselves at the kaiju fighters. One of them sent Cia flying as it rammed into her with great force. She was able to land on her feet thankfully her shovel still in her hands. This wasn't going to be an easy battle that was for sure. Though Pac-man himself was moving rather slowly but the ghosts were protecting him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Xartarin
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Xartarin US West Coast

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

After bolting from the warehouse to the transport planes, Akiba once again decided to forgo reaching the ground once deployed, and was once again suited in the Mark 1 Rodan gear. From his angle, supposedly safe far above the attacking Kaiju, Akiba couldn't really see where the Kaiju touched ground, and their appearance was confusing enough as it is. There was no way for Akiba to tell whether or not the pixellated Kaiju were hovering or sliding along the ground some way, so it wasn't obvious whether or not Akiba was safe up there.

It also seemed like Cia was having trouble getting through the ghosts surrounding Pac-Man, so there was really no time like the present to test his limits. While flying circles around the kaiju, Akiba dipped down to aim the cannon at the ghosts before dipping up again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

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Akane Yashiro


"Please Sensei Yashiro-san!" begs Felix as he teacher boards a transport plane, "Let me fight along side you guys! Why should I stay back here at base?"

Ms. Yashiro sighs annoyingly as she made a stern look at the boy.

"You were late for the first battle." she says sternly, "Even though I let you off the hook on your report card, doesn't mean that you're punishment free. You are to remain here until we come back. Though you're allowed to participate in the next battle."

Once she enters, the loading door begins to retract and secure the plane.

"Wait WAIT!" Felix continues begging hastily, "I'll be good I promise Ms. Yashiro! I won't be late again, just let me-get-on-the-plane-with-you-guys-so-I-can-FIGHT-ALONG-SIDE-YOU-GUYS~HEY-HEY-HEY-HEY-WAIIIIIIIIIIIIII~!"


Too late. As the door slams shut, the pleads of the young warrior was reduced to a muffle. Ms. Yashiro sighs once again as she begins putting on her additional battle gear.

"Patience Felix..." she talks to herself, "You'll get your turn... just not now."

The plane's engines begin to hum gloriously as the ship takes off to Hawaii. She senses a tough fight ahead of her... onewhich Felix may not survive if he participated in it.


A metal thunk rocks her whole body as Akane touches ground after being dropped from the airplane. Her grey, metallic armor gleams in the spotlight of the moon as well as the bright blue cannons that were near her waist. Just the sight of this pixelated blob, along with its colorful bodyguards, was most utterly repulsing to her... yet strangely nostalgic. Thankfully everyone was inside a kaiju safe-bunker, so there should be no civilian casualties to be have. She looks ominously at the thing as Cia takes a beating with Akiba circling it from above. She aims at the kaiju and its guards as she fires a total of 8 rockets from her front 2 cannons wanting to at least distract it from the others and give them time to attack.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheRebelKnight
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TheRebelKnight Corporal of Resistors

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Richtofen growls as he turns and heads for the door, he reaches to close it when the alarm goes off and Lance calls the team. After getting off the intercom Richtofen begins chuckling. He then looks over his shoulder at lance "Hm." he begins trying to act like he's thinking" This is odd. Two Kaiju attacks within this short amount of time. I thought you said that wouldn't happen" Richtofen's arrogant smile begins to show. " Well, this probably could've been prevented if, I don't know say, someone rushed across the building to tell you" he pauses" Oh wait, that's what I did, and you didn't believe me. I hate to say it, lance" he pauses again and his full arrogant smile is revealed " I'm kidding, this is the best. I. Told. You. So." Richtofen then walks out of the room, closing the door behind him, laughing like a maniac as he leaves the office building.

As he continues on that happiness and arrogance wears off and he begins to get angry thinking about lance's stubbornness. " That man is an idiot" he grumbles as he continues" Why is he in charge? I mean I could do so much better than him, I'm smarter, not as stubborn, and could probably lead a team better, but I can't since I don't know the frequency of the radio waves." he continues on talking to himself " If I could just get my hands on a radio I could find the frequency to radio the team, but they all just left for a mission and lance won't let me have his rad-" Richtofen stops mid sentence as he sees Felix get left behind and sees his chance." Excuse me young man!" Richtofen yells running over to the student " Hello, my name is Dr. Heinz Richtofen, I'm one of the head scientists here. I see you are on the team that fights Kaijus and I was wondering if I could borrow your radio for awhile." Richtofen pauses to come up with a lie to explain why" Y-you see Lance told me I need to be in communication with the team the mission and since my radio won't arrive for sometime he told me to find someone who had one... So I need it for the mission" Richtofen stands there with a friendly smiling hoping to fool what he hopes is a naive boy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

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Felix Matov

Felix sighs in sadness and insult as the plane takes off and heads to Hawaii. It didn't make sense to him. He really thought he was off the hook, but yet this was not the case. As he was going to walk back to his quarters, he was stopped by a doctor who called him in.

"Hello," he says "my name is Dr. Heinz Richtofen, I'm one of the head scientists here."

"O-Oh hi," Felix answered, "I think I heard about you before."

"I see you are on the team that fights Kaiju and I was wondering if I could borrow your radio for awhile."

Felix pauses to look down at his radio on his chest.

"W-Why do you need it?" asked the boy curiously.

"Y-you see Lance told me I need to be in communication with the team the mission and since my radio won't arrive for sometime he told me to find someone who had one... So I need it for the mission."

A regular person could perhaps see through such a lie as this, but Felix, who is in quite a depressed mood, did not bother to check him out. He sighs as he unclucks his radio from his chest and just simply gives it to him.

"Fine." he says handing the radio to Dr. Richtofen, "J-just give it back to me when your done...

Felix then slowly heads to his quarters.

"I'll be in my quarters..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 18 days ago

Devvis still sat fixing his mechanical features but he waited for anyone to speak but no one did he found this slightly odd yet he dismissed the though when he was distracted by some loose wiring in his arm cannon which deeply confused him he began to work on the wiring.

He thought about how the mission had gone and he smiled because he was satisfied with how everything had turned out, he liked that he could have thrown Jaque and now he realized the man or rather the young man was underage.

"No matter..."

Devvis thought to himself because he wouldn't take the young man out he would bring him some beer in private.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cia was blown into a tree that thank fully stopped her from going any further. However this did hurt her quite a bit. Cia stood up after taking a deep breath. This wasn't going to be an easy fight that was going to be true here. She leaped up at a ghost knocking it back towards Pac-Man. She then started to run after it her shovel growing larger as she bashed the ghost hard enough into Pac-<an that the impact actually hurt Pac-Man.

After Pac-Man had taken this hit it seemed to crack. Then a layer broke off of it as it became even smaller than it was before. It hadn't been moving much so far but now that it was smaller it would start it's attack. It had lost a life but it was still alive. His mouth opened wide as he started to inhale. The inhalation started to suck up the trees in the surrounding area. It aimed it's inhalation attack at Akane attempting to suck her up and eat her. Two of the ghosts came in from behind in an attempt to block her from escaping. Pac-Man wasn't going to go down easy. And now he was starting his attack.

The other two ghosts were going after any other Kaiju Fighters in the area trying to back them into the inhalation zone that Pac-Man was creating. Cia stood up again as a ghost rammed into her back. It had hit her enough that she started to get bump into the inhalation zone. Cia was able to dig her shovel into the ground to keep herself from being sucked up.


"Putting us on lock down wouldn't help to prevent this! I suggest you shut your mouth before I shut it for you." Lance said to Richtofen as he left. He was beginning to hate Richtofen more and more, and if he wasn't careful Richtofen would be fired and dropped on the streets. Lance gave a sigh as he left his office to go help with the battle. Lance had his bucket under his arm again, he never left it behind. The bucket started to emit a green light again. And yet again the Strange Man appeared, no one else could see him though as he was an illusion that only Lance could see, and effect of the buckets ability to make people go mad. "That man is really getting on your nerves isn't he?" The strange man said to Lance with the same usual smile on his face. Lance said nothing to him even he knew that this man was an illusion but he couldn't get rid of him. "It won't be long now untill he's pushed over the edge, then maybe you will finally get to unleash me. Have me devour his mind." Lance looked to the man then looked away and spoke. "Richtofen is mad I'll say that, but I won't let you out just because he angered me. I will never let you out, that would spell death for us all." Lance said as he entered the situation and control room.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheRebelKnight
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TheRebelKnight Corporal of Resistors

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Richtofen runs back to his lab, where his assistance team is waiting around for the new Kaiju's death to help move the organs. "Gentlemen, I need a few things moved... I'm relocating" he chuckles. A few minutes later the men leave in trucks with all of Richtofen's organic materials from Kaijus as well as all materials in the lab. They aren't stopped though due to them coming and going on the property as they please. After a bit of driving they arrive at Rictofen's mansion and transport all materials to his lab in the basement. Once completed they call him"It's done, sir." one says over the radio.Excellent, now it's time to start my plan!" he exclaims as he sits down in a chair outside the building since his lab is cleared out. He plugs in a headset to the radio and turns it on.

"Hello? Hello." he starts off, then begins hearing combat in the background."Yes... If anybody heard that, this is Dr. Heinz Richtofen. I'm taking charge of the team via radio by order of Lance" he stops and wonders if Lance could hear this."I don't have eyes where you are so I need a member of the team to describe the situation, I will aid in anyway possible" he begins walking to his car and starts it up, ready to drive off. " If and when a member of the team gets a moment please respond to my earlier statements, I'll try to get to a monitor before the battle ends so I can see actual live footage."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

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Akane Yashiro "KIRYU"

Direct hit! The missiles had hit their target, causing the massive big-pizza-like ball of pixels to loose a life, getting slightly smaller in the process. However, it wasn't done yet. It then began to inhale and swallow Akane while the ghost blocked her escape! However, it seems as if they forgot one single place of escaping...


Kiryu revealed two twin jet propulsion boosters from her back as their hums suddenly roar into a massive blast of heated-gas. With that, she was boosted high up in the sky, avoiding herself getting eaten by Pac-Man. She leaps a safe distance away with another mechanical thunk. She escaped turning into pixelated mush! But by seeing how Pac-Man got smaller after getting hit, it seems like he'll be easy to defeat after all.

"All units." she speaks in her comn, "Direct fire on Pac-Man! The more you hit him, the smaller he gets! The ghost shouldn't be too much of a problem as long as you guys attacked with long range weapons, otherwise they'll block your way of escaping!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Xartarin
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Xartarin US West Coast

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Akiba heard Akane's instructions loud and clear, having taken a moment to retreat to a safe distance from the ghosts surrounding the kaiju. He could see the Kiryu suit flying nearby, though not exactly near enough that he could give Akane a hand-wave. "Glad to see Kiryu isn't getting rusty," Akiba said, confident enough in his comments that he left his comm on.

'Well, if shooting the ghosts doesn't matter, I need to change my tactics,' Akiab thought as he flew higher into the air. As always, the fact that the maser cannon was on his back provided a limitation combat, and once again Akiba was about to make an assumption about this kaiju's movement ability. So far it seemed rather... two-dimensional. So Akiba's current strategy, now that he had reached an acceptable height, was to dive straight down towards Pac-Man's head and fire, and pull up at the last moment.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The ghosts blocked the attacks from far away a few hit pacman but they only knocked off a few pixels from it. Pacman then charged straight for the ground troops who for the most part got away. However two of them were eaten by Pacman. You could hear the crunching of their bones as pac-man crunched them in his mouth.

The ghosts at this point started to go higher in the air. They could fly and weren't going to give up protecting Pacman. The ghosts flew at Akane and Akiba trying to hit both of them towards Pac-mans vortex. While Pac-man himself couldn't fly he was getting lighter.

Cia heard over the radio what Richtofen was saying. "Can I have confirmation from Lance himself about this?" Cia asked into her microphone. Cia had never heard Richtofen take over before during an attack like this. Something wasn't right.

Lance meanwhile had heard Richtofen over the radio. After Cia spoke over it he picked up a radio himself. "This is the last straw Richtofen, If your really going to keep this up and try to ruin a mission and get my students killed then you are fired!" Lance yelled into the comm. He wasn't about to let someone take over for him. "I swear if you aren't out of this building within 20 minutes I am going to punch you out of here myself." Lance said as he headed towards Richtofen's lab, his fists clenched in anger.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheRebelKnight
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TheRebelKnight Corporal of Resistors

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Richtofen hears Lance as he pulls into the airport to fly to his isolated mansion where all Kaiju specimen were now. "This is the last straw Richtofen, If your really going to keep this up and try to ruin a mission and get my students killed then you are fired!" Richtofen chuckled when he hears Lance say that" Oh thank you so much Lance, finally I have an excuse never to see your stupid face ever again! " he chuckles again."I swear if you aren't out of this building within 20 minutes I am going to punch you out of here myself."" Oh, don't worry Lance, I'm already long gone, and hopefully far enough to wear I never have to see you again." as he gets on the plane, he writes down the radio frequency and then picks up the radio again. " Well Lance, this is goodbye.... For now." Richtofen laughs maniacally before crushing the radio, rendering it unusable.

As the plane takes off Richtofen sits back and relaxes, even drinks a glass of wine for the first time in a decade." Mmm, this is great " he smiles and looks at the bottle " 1939, a great year for the Fatherland. I'll gladly drink to the men from then. Without that Kaiju organization I can finally do my studies as I please. I can even experiment on humans!" after a few minutes he finishes the bottle off they arrive at the island. As Richtofen steps off he uickly freezes in his tracks, eyes wide." T-the voices... they're back" they whisper in his ears, but he tries to ignore them. " Dr. Richtofen, it's great to see you again, sir" His house keeper, Charles, stood there in his best suit waiting to welcome his boss. Richtofen walks up and shakes his hand and they bothe begin walking to the mansion. " Is the project ready?" Richtofen asks as they walk into the building and then to the lab.Ofcourse, sir, after all you you gave me an order, and I did it since that is my job. The two walk in to see a 27 year old man strapped to a table with lots of syringes filled to the brim with odd liquids. "P-Please help me!" the man yells on the verge of tears, scarred to the bone. Richtofen walks over to the table and picks up a syringe"W-Why are you doing this to me-" " Shshshshshshh. Save your voice, your going to need it to scream..." an evil smile comes on Richtofen's and the man's eyes widen with fear and he begins to struggle. As Richtofen inserts the syringe the man screams in pain and as Richtofen inserts all the liquid at once and the man's screams stop and his vitals stop. Richtofen stares at the man and then pulls up a recorder " Test 1, 20mL of Kaiju blood insert all at once into human veins causes death... CHARLES BRING ME ANOTHER TEST SUBJECT, I need more...."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Xartarin
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Xartarin US West Coast

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

That was one hell of a surprise, Akiba didn't think the ghosts could fly. One of these days they were going to run into a Kaiju that couldn't fly or shoot anything, and then Akiba would finally have the upper hand. One of the ghosts hit Akiba in the side, flying up when he didn't expect them to. Akiba spun through the air as he was knocked towards Pac-Man's suction, but activated his jets anyway, as he was only rolling horizontally and blasting forwards would still send him away from certain death.

Flying close to Pac-Man as he only narrowly saved himself from being swallowed, he could hear Pac-Man devouring some of the ground troops. 'This is no time for these distractions!' Akiba thought as he was still trying to outmaneuver the ghosts. Assuming they would chase behind him, Akiba tried to circle around to get more shots at Pac-Man while the ghosts trailed behind him. Over the comm, Akiba announced, "I think this is the time where we should be coming up with a strategy to beat this monster!"
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