Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollo26
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

So I see there is no Shadowpine Prince, I would be happy to make one if you would allow me?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Germany was outgunned in World War II- their designs were not so great, they didn't have efficient armor or ample supplies for tank construction.

Of course, they were smart, and thus the crappy tanks with pretty good guns wiped the floor of everything else.

I would like to 'claim', since we're doing this, the smartest-people, and the most powerful army. Not the most advanced, not the richest, but the smartest. They ended up making most of the scientists that everyone else relies on for their fancy stuff, they produce a great deal of goodies for everyone else to buy up- they make a lot of money, but they spend a lot of money.

Future plans include Niklas König working in joint with his father to hold the royals of every major kingdom in the world as hostage, while simultaneously invading all its neighboring countries. Like a modern-day WWII, except where Hitler captured all the major leaders of all his enemies in one go, you know? But right now, he's just the representative of Königreich der Welten.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Next character! Male this time - oh, and I realized that Delia (and this new guy) don't have partners. Should I do something about that?
And if we're 'claiming' stuff, I lay claim to most insanely screwed royalty and most violent and morally questionable military! xD

Karma Kennen of Verenoblitus

"Indifference to me, is the epitome of all evil."Elie Wiesel

Karma Maximus Kennen

Nickname: Savant / Faker / Loser / Dumbass / Asshole & and other insults courtesy of Delia

Birth date and age: October 31 (19)

Sexuality: Asexual

In Depth Appearance:

Karma is slightly taller than average, standing at 6'2", with a body built for fighting. His dark brown hair is short cropped and practical. His body is littered with scars and burns, proof of his lifestyle. His nose is slightly crooked - as if it had been broken and then re-set into its place. He has a permanent smile on his face that rarely seems to go away - though that's helped by the scar on his lip that tilts it slightly upwards. His attire consists of jackets and long-sleeved clothes, most likely raglan-sleeves. He rarely wears anything that shows too much skin, to hide his scars.

• Apathetic • Easygoing • Meticulous • Paranoid •

Karma at first, seems like an easy going person, that likes to have fun, relax, and is a bit of dunce - and he is - but that is only because he chooses to be. He becomes an easy going, fun-loving person, because he like being like that, not because he is. Karma, ultimately, cares little for social norms and values, only abiding by them to make his mother and Delia's lives easier. He has no conscience, nor can he feel guilt; if the situation so requires it, he can compartmentalize like a machine: There is only him and his objective, and anything in between is either an obstacle to or a means to achieve it. He understands why people feel emotion, but cares little for the action itself. That aside, he is also a meticulous planner, always looking for possible outcomes, or sometimes even impossible outcomes, with a healthy dose of paranoia to keep him aware of his surroundings at all times. For Karma, fulfilling his objective is the key, and afterwards, everything else is for his enjoyment.

  • Delia
  • Games & video games
  • Mind games
  • Psychoanalysis
  • Sleeping
  • Eating

  • Delia
  • Being forced to work
  • Lectures
  • People getting emotional in front of him
  • Being stared at

  • Delia becoming like himself
  • Forming relationships
  • Peace


Before the end of the war that gave birth to the Verenoblitus Empire, Max 'Magnus' Veren was the Loyalists premier general, and often seen leading the Loyalists most successful victories - of these victories, a handful of them were bloody, violent, and ended horrifically for the opposing side; roads were strewn with the body parts of enemy forces unfortunate enough to be caught by mortar shells, still living soldiers drawn up and hung by their genitals, and a myriad of other atrocities. Such tactics struck enemy moral low, and often times opposing garrisons would simply surrender out of fear, not even bothering to put up a resistance.

These tactics earned the ire of many nations - and even some of Verenoblitus's own subjects - who denounced Magnus as a human right violator. The Emperor has since taken all complaints with silence, seemingly not concerned with the reaction these strategies had garnered.

But there is a reason he does not speak. He cannot defend these actions because he knows that they are not something to be defended - but at the same time, he cannot reveal that he was not the one behind them.

Thirn Gabriel Kennen, at the before the war, was the daughter of a farmer and serf. Life was never easy for them - her story was one of hundreds. After the Oblithus Kingdom was broken into a hundreds of pieces, several nobles - particularly the previous retainers of the Royal Family of Oblithus - began autonomously managing their own piece of land. Some, after realizing that no centralized government existed, realized that now no one could hold them accountable to their actions but themselves. In typical human character, many of the dukes abused their new found freedom.

Taxes increased drastically, tribute from peasants became increasingly regular - and expensive - and the rights of serfs were disappearing rapidly, becoming slavery in all but name. Thirn was one of the unluckiest ones - she had the curse of being born beautiful. At a time where sodomy and rampant abuse of power were prominent, those that were born attractive, found themselves doing exactly that - attracting; more often than not, they attracted the wrong attention. In the particular duchy where Thirn lived, the warlord in charge had an insatiable sexual appetite - age and gender meant nothing to him, his only desire being that he be serviced by the beautiful and attractive. Thirn caught his eye as she was at the market one day, and it wasn't long before he found out who she was and demanded she be sent to his manor. Despite his promises of wealth and comfort, Thirn new what awaited her - the life of a toy, who would be played with until her owner grew bored and tossed her into the streets, most likely pregnant and scarred. Thirn decided that she might as well take that step first. The day she was to be hauled off to the manor, she poured hot cooking oil on herself. Injured and scarred, her lord no longer wanted her, and she was free - or so she thought. The duke did not take rejection - or any rejection at all, for that matter - in that manner kindly, and punished her. She was imprisoned, her family hanged, and the rest . . . is better left unsaid.

It was under these circumstances that the Loyalists under Max's command found her after successfully conquering the territory of the duke. Brimming with a fierce determination, she quickly joined their ranks - and quickly, proved her worth. In combat she was a vicious, remorseless, and savage killer. Anything that could be used to kill was used - anything that could be done to kill more was used more often. Oftentimes, Thirn even injured her own comrades. Her blood thirst escalated to the point where Karma Oblitus considered pulling her away from active duty, only to be halted by Max. Max saw something inside her, something he feared and admired, something he could use.

He promoted her to his lieutenant, and just as she was in combat, so she was outside of it. It was Thirn who came up with the most brutal of Loyalist victories, and it was Thirn that led them. Despite her mental state, however, she found herself admiring Max - admiring, and grateful for. The two eventually became bosom friends, war comrades who understood each other, even if their mentalities were far apart. Friends who had gone through life and death together, equal times brushing it, and dispensing it.

It was from the companionship of these two that Karma Kennen was born - so named after Max's sworn brother. He was conceived before his father was proclaimed emperor. Usually, this would be a problem - it would create problems with who would inherit the throne later on - but, not in Karma's case. Thirn, even before his conception, had vowed to assist Max in all his endeavors, all the way to the grave - whichever of them went first. That she had his child changed nothing, he was simply an extension of that vow; a blessing to help her fulfill it. Since he could talk, Thirn had been training him, preparing him for the day where he could serve Max to the utmost of his ability. He trained and studied war, learned to read people, and manipulate them at will, and at young age, participated in skirmishes - illegally, of course, but no one would question Thirn, now commander-in-chief in Max's place. He never spent much time around other kids his age, and the most human interaction he's had were with battle-hardened officers under his mothers command.

When the time came to present him in service to the Emperor, most of the royal court knew of his bloodline. Reactions were strong of course, with most of them being outrage and an immediate call for Karma's exile, but all those cries went silent as both Emperor and Empress welcomed him into the court with no reservations - for what reason, one can only guess at. Karma, fully expecting to be put immediately to work in heavy combat areas was surprised by the first mission given to him by the Emperor:

"You see, my daughter is two years younger than you. Most people are too nervous to talk to her, let alone play with her, and those that can are usually too busy. I thought that someone like you might be able to keep her company," said the Emperor, in his deep, compelling baritone.

His first job was to babysit.

After all those years of training, suffering, and being bathed in blood, he was now a babysitter. Karma wanted to lash out at the Emperor, and he certainly would have, until he saw exactly what he was babysitting.

Perfection. Perfection and innocence, rolled up into a tiny and adorable face that was staring up at him curiously. The moment Karma saw her, every instinct in his body screamed at him that she was someone that had to be protected. She was innocent to the world, and more than that, she was a target. Someone like her, who had no idea about the lengths human depravity could go to, was the best kind of target - for kidnapping, for death, for being broken - and this made Karma realize something . . .

Babysitting Delia was probably going to be a lifelong job, and undoubtedly, the most difficult one of all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ayzrules
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ayzrules CEO of staying up all night

Member Seen 15 days ago

I would say that Mei'An is one of the most culturally advanced, what with ideographs and oriental art styles and all
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Love Me Dead
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Love Me Dead that one guy

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Akoni Kelekolio of Hawilunia

"I'd rather be short than stupid you ignorant bastard."-Me

Akoni Kahoni Kelekolio (Ah-Kon-nee Ka-Ho-nee Kell-e-ko-lee)

Nickname: Aki (Ah-key)
Birthdate and age: April 1st 18

Sexuality: Bisexual

In Depth Appearance:
Being around 5'5 he is usually shorter than most people around his age, yet it doesn't bother him one bit. His deep brown eyes make up for his height being beautifully piercing and the way he holds himself intimidates others when he is trying.

• Humorous • Cheerful • Smart •

AKi is a very clever individual and takes pride in his learning. He feels it is wrong to judge things before you know about them and is overall a happy person. He has a good sense of humor and can range from a people person to a complete loner depending on the mood he is in. He is usually the happiest while swimming.

  • Beaches
  • His home
  • outdoor activities
  • Dirt, mud, just overall getting messy
  • Swearing, he has a nasty habit of swearing in both English and his native language
  • Pineapples (I love pineapples shhhh)

  • Cold weather
  • Dressy clothes
  • Anything to do with princely things
  • Having servants

  • Snow, he has a small fear of the cold stuff for some reason
  • Sharks, he has a scar on his foot from being bitten by one
  • Babies, infants freak him out

Biography: As a child he was always very close to his father whom unlike most Kings was a very active person who taught his son how to swim. His father got into a boating accident a few days after his eleventh birthday devastating the young boy. Falling into a depression and grew closer to his mother in grieving the loss of his father. Growing up he was forced into more prince like things which he didn't care too much for and still kept most of his daily activities, swimming and boating mostly. His native island usually keeps to itself tired of being screwed over by other kingdoms for it's natural resources. As a result of being a more solitary kingdom their culture is very much their own and not influenced by other places. (Think very Hawaiian)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

My opinion is that you are good, that you are accepted. I'd wait for the others' opinions/demands/screams, though, just in case because I'm insecure and non-confident in myself :D

@Love Me Dead
For one
That name is giving me a headache when I try to pronounce it xD
For two
I dunno about the other two, but I would recommend maybe adding a bit more to your biography and personality.

And my English teacher is shouting at you in my head right now, so I will recommend one thing, that she keeps mock-screaming at us about: Sentence fluency and repetition! I don't mean to be a grammar nazi, but mix up your sentences, make it interesting, you know? Instead of starting three sentences (in your personality) in a row with "He...", try and mix it up a bit, yeah? Just a tip, don't mind me if you don't wanna.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Love Me Dead
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Love Me Dead that one guy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Edited it
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
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Sugar and Spite ☣ Hurricane Eyes ☣

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

@Love Me Dead

I'd say your approved.

Well hey there. you could go ahead and make a prince, though I'm not exactly sure if he would be paired with the Princess of Shadowpine. I sort all of the names into a randomizer xD
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@HaleyTheRandom what about my new character? :3

Oh, and what about pairings for my character(s)?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Otome Otaku
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Otome Otaku Too Obsessed With Otome Games

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hiya! I'm thinking of joining, so I really hope you're still accepting people! Sorry I just get nervous, even though I do see the 'accepting' part in the name...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Otome Otaku
I believe we are still accepting, yes. I don't see a limit as to how many people there can be on one time, so unless @HaleyTheRandom speaks differently, I'd say you're good.

Welcome to the 'Guild, btw.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
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Sugar and Spite ☣ Hurricane Eyes ☣

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

@Otome Otaku

As a matter of fact I would be happy to accept you as the last member of our little group here. Feel free to go ahead and make your character(s).

@TheHangedMan Let me add see who is and isn't paired up yet. Thinking about adding an official list to the OOC to keep up with things...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@HaleyTheRandom Okay~ so, should I take that as both my characters getting a pass? :D
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Otome Otaku
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Otome Otaku Too Obsessed With Otome Games

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@HaleyTheRandom Is there a specific gender I should do? I could make either male or female to make things more even if you would like.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
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Sugar and Spite ☣ Hurricane Eyes ☣

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

@TheHangedMan Both characters are good to go ^.^

@Otome Otaku If you could make at least one male that would be AMAZING.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Otome Otaku
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Otome Otaku Too Obsessed With Otome Games

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@HaleyTheRandom Alrighty then~! I can do that!
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
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Sugar and Spite ☣ Hurricane Eyes ☣

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

@Otome Otaku Thanks so much dear ^.^
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Love Me Dead
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Love Me Dead that one guy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@HaleyTheRandom Just a question
Are you going to pair up the new characters?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ayzrules
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ayzrules CEO of staying up all night

Member Seen 15 days ago

I am back and currently am in progress of creating a post, it should be up sometime in between tomorrow and thursday
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Also, excellent post, btw.
Quite enjoyed it.
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