Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Platinum Cobra
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Platinum Cobra Gamer4Life

Member Seen 2 days ago

Drip, drip, drip.Water rained down outside and some of it was getting into the house, landing on the fair face of Aphrodite. While usually she wouldn't mind and just enjoy the cooling sensation, it had woke her from a very good dream. She had been having a lot of good dreams usually, though she always woke up confused afterwards. Today was no different, Adley had somehow taken over Aphrodite's mind and she didn't know why, it had only been a few day since Adley had come over yet Aphrodite wished she would have stayed longer then just dinner. Hearing the storm raging on outside made Aphrodite jump with a start as the BOOM! echoed in her small place. Jumping out of bed, literally, she ran and instantly put some little pebbles into her bath.

It bubbled almost to the point of overflowing, but stopped just short and then settled down. The freezing cold water she had left in from the night before was now scolding hot, a trick she learned using certain herbs that were not easy to come by. Though it was worth it now to use one, with how frigid the morning air was Aphrodite could use something to make her smile and lighten her day up. Suddenly her mind went to what day it was, Thursday. She had been supposed to meet Adley and go around town together again. Some part of her felt saddened not only for not being able to go out, but for not being able to see Adley.

What were these feelings she was having for her, Aphrodite barely knew this woman and she couldn't make out this weird attraction she had towards her. Slipping off a loss fitting shirt she stood stark naked and stepped into the tub, letting the scolding water burn her skin slightly and turn it soft pink. Sinking her head down like an alligator with the water stopping just below her eyes she relaxed with a sigh.

There was nothing better to her then a hot bath, it felt marvelous and she looked out the window seeing the rain hitting it. If it was any other day Aphrodite would be in pure heaven being able to be alone and work on her potions and swordsmanship. Though Adley had changed something about her, she felt more lonely then ever when she was alone. Adley seemed to make the loneliness she felt inside of her go away.

Having heard Adley was staying in a hotel somewhere in town Aphrodite decided to take a big risk and go out so that she could see her. Something inside of her wouldn't feel right if she didn't, Aphrodite usually listened to her instinct's. Until she was ready to go though, she decided to stay in the bath and get nice and clean. She was nervous, nervous then someone just going to meet a friend.

Aphrodite wanted to look perfect, her mind was wandering and it got worse as the silence started to consume her. It was a dreadful place, where once she found solitude lately it had become a prison with nothing but silence. When Adley had come over it had been filled with talk and laughter from the 2 hanging out. That was what a true home needed, this place was a cold prison now to Aphrodite, but she was to afraid to go out and find somewhere new and better.

Stepping out of the tub the water beaded and dripped from her skin. Moving over to her table not caring to put on anything to cover up she rubbed a salve all over her body. It wouldn't be visibly only giving her skin a small glow, but it would make her smell of flowers. She hadn't even showed Adley her secret potion tables. Aphrodite thought it would scare her away knowing she was always thinking and using ingredients in weird ways just to see the outcome.

Finally satisfied Aphrodite moved over to her closet and got dressed, thinking about finding Adley and having tea she got dressed in a simple low cut shirt and pants. People in town had always thought she was easy, and she had heard the term slut thrown around even though Aphrodite had never been with anyone. It didn't annoy her, they just didn't understand what she was going through, nobody did. As she slipped the clothes and covered up her body she looked outside and saw the rain was coming down lighter then before. With a quick grab of a coat and scarf to keep her warm, Aphrodite opened up her door and felt the sudden feeling of staying inside.

With a deep breath she forced herself out step by step towards town, she couldn't stand the silence anymore of the house.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by lydyn
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lydyn Meow!~

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Adley had been staring out the window for a while now, in fact for so long that one of the barmaids had poked her, nearly making her jump out of her skin. With a light chuckle, she told the concerned woman that she was fine, that she just had some things on her mind. A smile was given before the maid went back to serving, giving Adley another chance to watch the light rain outside. It was beautiful in many ways, how the sun was peaking through the clouds just enough to make the streets shine gently, reflecting a pretty dull blue that masked over the entire area. The wood on the buildings darkened and it gave a cozy feeling to being inside with the fire and hearing the relaxing dots of rain splash again the window pane.

Though it did distract her for a moment or two, her real thoughts and focus were on the nights before. She strangely hadn't seen the elf since that night, so instead of moving on (not like she had much to do but wait the days away anyways) she just kept replying that night over and over in her head. She hadn't remembered the last time she enjoyed herself so much and now, for some reason, everything felt different. She was nervous about seeing Aphrodite at all and even a tiny part of herself wished she wouldn't show up. Hoped that she was just disappear like other people, so Adley could move on and keep herself in the comfortable bubble she had experienced most of her life - loneliness and depression. Most her wanted to see the elf again though.. and most of her wanted Aphrodite to tell her that she had feelings for Adley, so she could quickly return the feeling.

Too much though, seemed to hinge on what-ifs. What if Aphrodite didn't want to move? What if the elf was afraid of magic? What if she did travel along and found out what Adley really did? What if she got mad at Adley for lying? What if she didn't want to live that life? Adley had never thought she'd find a connection with someone so quickly and strongly. When she accepted the job of being a wandering Harper, she never once believed in the fact she might find someone.. she always believe she'd be alone, which was perfect. Now though? Her stomach was churning nervously was a flock of butterflies. She pressed the side of her face on the glass and sighed and just went back to one simple thought - she wanted Aphrodite there with her right now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Platinum Cobra
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Platinum Cobra Gamer4Life

Member Seen 2 days ago

Aphrodite walked in the rain all the way to town, ignoring every sensation her body had telling her to go back. That Adley wouldn't go through a pouring down rain just to see her, though something in the pit of Aphrodite's stomach drove her forward. Just to be able to see Adleys face was going to make the whole effort worth it. Though, she didn't' really know where any of these feeling's were coming from and why she seemed to be so obsessed over Adley. So many things were new to Aphrodite, she had never felt this way before towards someone, she didn't know what to do.

With only her jacket keeping her relatively dry and warm Aphrodite continued on through the mud, soon she was able to make up the light's of the town and she all but ran towards it. Now all she had to do was find out where Adley was, hopefully her new friend would be excited to see her and not ask questions about why, even though they had only known eachother for a short time, Aphrodite would trudge through mud and rain just to be able to see her.

With the last image of Adley sitting on her couch with a glass of wine in one hand and a bright smile on her face in Aphrodite's mind she went and started to look. There were only a few hotels in town that she new about and it worried her that maybe the reason that she hadn't seen Adley was because she had already left and moved on to another town. Was she already hanging out with someone else, loneliness creeped back into Aphrodite's mind and she wanted to just sit down and cry at the fact that the woman who had made her act in such a way as to fight through rain to get to her, something she had never done before, might be gone.

Just as she was about to get up she saw her, leaning against a window and starring out into the rain. Aphrodite wanted to jump with joy and she felt her heart do a complete 360. All the loneliness and everything else left her instantly like the mud on her boot's. The rain seemed to just wash it all away, walking into the bar she went over and since the door was behind Aldey. Aphrodite was able to sneak up on her, or she thought she did at least.

With a gentle tap on the shoulder all Aphrodite could think about was throwing her arms around Adley and pulling her into a hug just wanting to feel her in her arms. What was this weird feeling that was coarsing through her as Adley slowly turned around. Temptation to actually tell her how she was starting to feel, or whatever she was starting to feel. Was it Aphrodite just being nervous, in either case she couldn't exactly back away anymore.

It was all or nothing now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by lydyn
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lydyn Meow!~

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Adley felt another tap on her shoulder, though she had been a bit more mentally prepared for the physical nudge. What she hadn't been prepared for though was the sight of a soaking wet Aphrodite, causing her to gasp slightly before adorning a bright smile across her lips. The girl practically leaped out of her chair and paused, considering the elf for a moment before grinning again and saying, "well, what better way to dry you off.." She smirked before giving the elven woman a tight hug, causing her clothes to become damp in the process before pulling back and biting her lower lip. Adley was wearing a plain red shirt today, with a black thin coat that was both short-sleeved and unbuttoned, as well with a darker red skirt and black leggings, topped off with a pair of shin-length boots giving a decent indicator that she might have been planning to outside. A blush crossed her cheeks before finally pulling all the way back and clearing her throat. It was even harder, it seemed, than ever to hold back the micro-expressions expressing how much she wanted to be around Aphrodite.

Without giving her companion any room to consider what was going through Adley's mind, she suddenly said, "Oh! We need you get out of those soaking wet things!" It had always been very much in line with the scholar's attitude to phrase things in such a cute manner, a part of her charm if you would. She quickly grabbed the elf's hand for a moment and tugged her along until Aphrodite was walking on her own, opting to let go and resort to motioning her along towards the stairs leading up. They too were caked in small drops of mud, though there had been a rough carpet laid out to get rid of most of it so guests didn't completely dirty up the hallways. As they got upstairs, with Adley glancing back with a smile, she went to the second door on the right and turned the key quickly.

Opening up the doorway, she waited until the elf stepped in and closed the door behind them, revealing a modest inn room. It wasn't too fancy, but the bed looked comfortable, had a small area for keeping items and a wardrobe, with an added night desk. Quickly, Adley darted to her wardrobe and started to sort through it, the two of them almost being the same height, though Aphrodite was perhaps an inch taller. Coming out, she handed her a plain short sleeve shirt and a pair of thinker leggings, smiling happily the entire time, making it obvious that she had been excited her friend came over. "Here.." Though the tone had pointed towards an obvious bashfulness, now that they were alone.. in private..
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Platinum Cobra
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Platinum Cobra Gamer4Life

Member Seen 2 days ago

Aphrodite couldn't help but get a bright smile on her face at Adley's reaction, though the last thing she expected was to be hugged. As soon as she felt the tight embrace Aphrodite's own arms went around Adley's. Anybody looking at them it would look clearly like they were in a relationship. Aphrodite's heart was beating wildly as Adley pulled away, "We had plans, I wouldn't miss them because of a little rain." she said happily. In her mind though Aphrodite knew she would brave far worse just to be able to see Adley, though where that thought and strong feeling came from she didn't know. Getting a good look at Adley for the first time she saw what she was wearing, "You look great, I am so sorry I got you wet." she said blushing as she saw the red materiel go darker from the water that had been transferred from Aphrodite's clothes to Adley's.

The moment she said they had to get her out of them and Adley was pulling her upstairs, Aphrodite's mind was wandering wildly and she was slightly nervous. If Adley gave her some of her clothes, then Aphrodite would have to change and Adley might see her...naked. It was a tempting though in the very back of Aphrodite's mind, though to her. Her body was nothing special, as soon as the were alone Aphrodite could tell some of Adley's emotions using her gift, she was excited to be able to see Aphrodite. "You really don't have to, I will dry soo..." but she never got to finish as Adley was pushing some clothes into her arms.

With a sigh Aphrodite looked around but couldn't see anyplace where she would be able to change without being seen, her face heated up and redness appeared throughout it. "I uh..." she stuttered more nervous then she thought. Finally she sighed and the clothes fell from her hands, reaching around she undid her coat and let it fall to the floor. The mini dress she had on not covering up very much. But even with a coat it had manage to get soaking wet with how much rain was outside, "I am a bit self conscious...can you not look directly at me please." she said biting her lip and knowing that was all she wanted.

Stupid...stupid..stupid...no look at me...want me like I want you.Aphrodite thought to herself and undid the dress letting it fall to the floor.

(Go to PM)

Aphrodite got dressed in the small outfit and even though it was a bit of a tight squeeze she managed and actually felt much better with the warm clothes on. "Well what do you think?"she asked standing there in a blue sweater and a long black skirt that fell to the floor.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by lydyn
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lydyn Meow!~

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Adley didn't have much time to turn away or even let the words soak in before the elf had dropped all of her clothes to the ground. It was hard, feeling obligated to respect her space and yet not at least peek. Her cheeks ended up in an uncontrollable red, no matter how much Adley wish they hadn't, her eyes shyly bouncing between looking away and looking at Aphrodite. It hadn't been so much the bare skin that made her heart jump, though she was very appreciative of the elf's physical beauty, but rather it was how she seemed to stare back at her - that look she was given. It was almost, at least to her, like she told Adley not to look and then dared her with those piercing eyes to look anyways.

Being alone in a room, after seeing those expressions on the elven woman, and then watching her get dressed in her clothes. Not to mention how adorably sexy the outfit made Aphrodite look - it was enough to practically break away any hesitations as she gave the elf an obvious shy smile while biting her lower lip for a moment. "Um.. you, uh.." She brushed her hair out of her eyes for a moment, but mostly kept herself all tighten up against herself before bashfully shuffling her feet over to the bed to sit. "You look really pretty...." After a notable pause, she sighed and gave that same shy smile again. "Then again.. you've always looked pretty.. but.. that outfit looks really nice on you.." Adley had no clue where this was going anymore.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Platinum Cobra
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Platinum Cobra Gamer4Life

Member Seen 2 days ago

Aphrodite hugged her arms around herself as she watched Adley's expression, it made her blush get darker and her heart start to race faster as she could almost feel the mood in the room change. As if the very air itself was becoming static, the look Adley gave her, the blush on her face. Everything pointed to maybe they were thinking the same thing. Though Aphrodite wasn't about to put everything on the line, she had been wrong before with her ability. She wasn't about to rely on it again, she was only semi good at reading people after all.

When Adley called her pretty though and then continued on Aphrodite raised her head and slowly moved over, "Thanks, I am glad you like it. Though it's probably just your outfit, you make.." she said and paused locking eyes with Adley. "everything look good." Starting to rub her arm out of nervousness she realized at the last second when she set down her hand had gone and rested on Adley's leg. Oh my god what is wrong with me... she thought to herself and pulled her hand away. "S..sorry. I wasn't really thinking." she said not really knowing how she would even explain that sort of thing.

Something is definitely wrong with me, we just met only about a month ago. Yet this woman is different then everyone else, she seems to genuinely be interested in me. She did say before she likes other woman, yet I have never tried anything like that before. Though she makes me want to...so badly it makes my stomach go into a knot. God what is wrong with me. Her thought's were taking over and she hadn't realized there had been a silence going on in the room.

Standing up causing the sweater to tighten around her chest as it was a bit small she smiled, "Well, did you want to get into some dry clothes as well. After I got you wet I would hate for you to get a cold because of me, or we can go down and sit by the fire in the bar and have a drink. I don't think I will be going home anytime soon." she said her eyes for a flash showing she didn't want to go anywhere except where Adley was.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by lydyn
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lydyn Meow!~

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The whole exchange, everything that Aphrodite was doing, seemed.. suspect. Adley wasn't any expert at reading people, but the elf was nearly being as obvious as Adley was being, which meant - was there really something between them? Adley may have enjoyed being more passive and she knew her place in a relationship and what she wanted, but it didn't mean she didn't have confidence. Confidence enough to give Aphrodite a curious, sweet smile as she tilted her head. With all her fumbling and shyness, despite Aphrodite also being confident enough to socialize in a crowd, Adley felt like she needed to push some buttons - test it and see where this would go.

Besides, the Harper liked being in a such position during relationships, so it served as a dual purpose. "I don't mind either way... whatever you want to do is fine with me.. if you'd rather sit here and talk..." Though the confidence was there, Adley still couldn't help but be a little bashful, a little shy in her expressions. "I'm just happy you're here.." At that, Adley bit her lip softly, curious how the elf would take that. She also quietly wondered if Aphrodite would've caught something subtle - she never really complained about her leg being touched, after all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Platinum Cobra
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Platinum Cobra Gamer4Life

Member Seen 2 days ago

Aphrodite looked at Adley with a small shy smile, "Whatever..I...want." she said as if she didn't really know what to do with the information. The way Adley bit her lip though made it hard for her to think of anything else she wanted to do, sitting back down her hand almost went to Adley's leg again before she caught herself, what was wrong with her? she couldn't seem to go 5 minute's without wanting to touch this woman in some small way as if to see if she could get more and more bolder. "Are you really?" she said a bit surprised that Adley would be happy she was there. It was obvious she was but somehow hearing her say she was took on a whole new meaning to Aphrodite.

Everything seemed different and all Aphrodite could think about was how she had felt when Adley had suddenly surprised her with a hug, it had been the most contact they had, since they had become friends. It was different, yet enjoyable. Aphrodite gave her a bright smile though her eyes showed nervousness. "Let's just stay up here and talk, then it's just...us...without anybody else. The way I prefer it."

Her words were probably a bit to bold, she didn't even know where they had come from. She had just spurted them out of her mouth at random as if her mind had lost control and spoken exactly what she was thinking without a filter. Thankfully not exactly what she was thinking or the situation might be alot worse. Eyes looking at Adley's she wondered how she would react to it and quickly started forming words into a small explanation of everything.

Every since Aphrodite had that dream about Adley...everything was different between them. Even with Aphrodite trying hard not to make it so it was obvious. Aphrodite was attracted to Adley, there was no other explanation for it. Yet Aphrodite thought it was more then an attraction, the problem that was slowly consuming Aphrodite's mind. How much more?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by lydyn
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lydyn Meow!~

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The comment made Adley grin, giving off a shy but cute smile as she then shifted her body to face Aphrodite, pulling one leg onto the bed and bending it at the knee as she laid her hands on the semi-lap she had created. "Just us? I like that... so what are we talking about?" With the elf growing bolder, it was easy for Adley to naturally hook onto that and give her even more ground, urging her in subtle ways that she wasn't even aware of completely. All she knew was, her heart was racing and she could feel her cheeks heat up, even though she wasn't sure if the pink glow was obvious or not. She wanted this to go somewhere, she wanted to tell Aphrodite she fancied her, that sometimes she daydreamed of cuddling or kissing and just being in the elf's arms. It was so odd now, though, to be so admitting of that - but all the signs were slowly showing her that maybe, just maybe, this might work out the way she wanted!

At the same time though, despite her own confidence, she felt a storm of butterflies in her stomach. She felt her limbs growing weak and shakey, nervousness settling in behind the passive boldness, a feeling of almost wanting to just hide away - but did she want to hide away in a closet or hide her face in Aphrodite's chest? Maybe she was feeling a bit of both. She didn't have much luck in situations like this, but there was this connection between them or so she thought. It could've been her imagination though.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Platinum Cobra
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Platinum Cobra Gamer4Life

Member Seen 2 days ago

Aphrodite smiled as she waited for Adley to get comfortable, it gave her time to see her reaction. How happy it seemed to make her and how her eyes seemed to not move from Aphrodite's. Could there actually be something there? was everything she was seeing true or was her skills not figuring everything out right. Maybe she was to emotionally involved in wanting to see things, getting a bit bolder she smiled brightly and her eyes fluttered for a second. "What does it feel like to kiss a woman." she blurted out. Quickly covering her mouth she shook her head. "No..no that's not what I meant. Sorry, just am nervous for some reason is all." Looking at Adley with wide eyes she didn't speak for a moment, "What I meant to say is how have you been the past few days, I missed being able to see you. I even came into town once but you weren't here. I thought...well maybe...since you came over to my house you didn't want to see me anymore."

Looking down a bit saddened, "I had been thinking I did something wrong, or something. Till I remembered you wanted to meet today, but it just seemed like a long time. I missed seeing you...I mean..I missed talking to you. You seem to be the only person who doesn't want something from me like the rest of the man here. You seem, different." she said her voice as soft as a whisper at the end as she was sinking back into her safe place of loneliness. The walls were going up again and she seemed to be almost backing away, though something inside of her stirred and she knew she couldn't shut Adley out like she did everyone else. Not if she even wanted there to be a glimmer of something between them.

Once that thought it her, the walls crumbled away from around her. You could almost see the changed as she smiled brightly, "How about we get some wine brought up for us. We can put a blanket over us and enjoy the company, I can't think of a better way to enjoy a rainy day." she said. Though her mind was going to the dirtiest places it had ever been, well alright there is one thing she would rather do with Adley in a room..by themselves. Now..now Aphrodite, don't go to fast. Your not ready for that big of a leap yet. Her emerald green eyes found Adley's, she wasn't going to shut Adley out. Adley was the one person Aphrodite knew she couldn't shut out. Not if she didn't want to be trapped in a pit of depression and sadness the rest of her life.

Instead of running away to her home and crawling into bed, all she wanted to do was crawl into bed with Adley and hold her. Feel her soft breathing and warmth. Aphrodite didn't know where these strong feeling's were coming from, but Adley was the cause of them she knew that for certain. Adley was the only one that had been able to get her out of her home..in a storm no less..just so she could see her smile. Aphrodite didn't know what exactly she felt towards Adley, but she knew what she wanted to do.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by lydyn
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lydyn Meow!~

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Adley light tapped Aphrodite's leg reassuringly, giving the elf warrior a happy grin. "Silly, why wouldn't I want to see you anymore? I love our time together.." It seemed strange in a way, but Adley almost seemed more confident than Aphrodite did at the moment, but perhaps it was because Adley had started to get more hope or maybe she was more sure of what was going on than the elf was - at the moment. Either way, she continued, "you're really special and an amazing woman. Why anyone would treat you badly is beyond me." Ending the sentence, she decided to get more comfortable, which meant not only shifting but also scooting closer to her friend.

"As for you question... um..." Adley bit her lip softly, looking down both in thought and bashfulness. "Believe it or not, I have kissed a guy before and I can tell you this much. A woman's lips are much softer..." Again, she could feel her cheeks just glowing before looking back up and brushing some strands of hair behind her ear. ".. and who's going to call for the wine? Though, is it bad that I would rather hot chocolate?" Adley gave Aphrodite a cute, innocent look, though it was obvious that it had been partially playful in it's nature. Adley continued to push the limits, seeing how much of what she was sensing was true. If the elf was truly not interested or not into women, the act would shatter eventually with Aphrodite telling her to back off, but as of right now? This was kind of fun...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Platinum Cobra
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Platinum Cobra Gamer4Life

Member Seen 2 days ago

Aphrodite's face grew red at the feel of Adley's warm hand patting her on the leg, all she wanted was for that hand to stay there and maybe pull her close. Though it didn't happen, Adley's words made Aphrodite look at her and she smiled..."I love our time together as well, I wouldn't have gone out in a storm to see just anyone." she said finally her eyes innocent yet showing something more behind why she had actually come. Aphrodite's hand moved over to Adley's leg, if she wouldn't leave her hand on Aphrodite, Aphrodite would just have to leave her hand on Adley. She left her hand a bit high up on her leg, around mid thigh. Eye's looking at Adley, though not in her eyes. All Aphrodite could see was her lips, when Adley spoke about how soft a woman's lips were compared to a man's..it drove Aphrodite insane. "I...I wouldn't know... I have never kissed a woman." she said her face showing she would clearly want to though.

She was losing track of everything, time, her emotions, sooner or later Aphrodite would just have to go for it. Though something was holding her back. The simple though of maybe Adley was just being a really good friend and talking to her. Even when Adley had been calling her special and amazing, Aphrodite had even started leaning in slightly though she managed to pull back hopefully before it was noticed. She wasn't ready for something like that...yet. It was a big leap to put yourself out there and Aphrodite was having a hard time being able to do it, to many instances were going through her mind that ended badly.

When Adley mentioned hot chocolate though, Aphrodite smiled and nodded, "That sounds like an amazing idea." she said knowing she had only mentioned wine in hops the alcohol, while not as effective to elves, would help calm her nerves. Though Adley was excited and Aphrodite noticed she hadn't said no to them snuggling under a blanket together. "How about I go get the hot chocolate for us and you can get a blanket for us to get under when I return." she said not realizing her voice had come out a bit playful at the end like it might lead to something more.

Aphrodite had seen Adley's playful, innocent look and it made her just want to lean over right then...go all or nothing. Her hand had even started to move up her leg slightly as if preparing for it. Though suddenly there was a knock on the door and Aphrodite's eyes shot towards it and her hand moved away. "I will get it." she said smiling.

Getting up from being so close to her friend/the woman she had feelings for, was hard though Aphrodite managed. Going over to the door she kept her hips moving, maybe Adley would notice. She thought and pictured Adley just pushing her against a wall and kissing her. Though the thought was a pleasant one, Adley didn't seem like the kind to do something like that.

Opening the door she saw it was just the innkeeper making sure everything was alright, apparently lightning had struck close to the building so they were going around checking guest's. "Everything is fine, though could we get 2 cups of hot chocolate sent up please." she said with a normal friendly smile. With her skill Aphrodite could easily tell the woman's demeanor changed as if Aphrodite had annoyed her. Aphrodite didn't know that the lady was a Harper and was really coming to check on Adley who hadn't been seen in awhile since Aphrodite had shown up. The lady was to short to look over Aphrodite's shoulder though, "Is Miss Adley alright as well?" the landlady asked curiously.

Aphrodite moved to the side.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by lydyn
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lydyn Meow!~

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

'Was she just about to..?' Adley couldn't believe it, both blinking in surprise and feeling her cheeks grow a hot red. If she was, it was one way of telling Adley she liked her romantically! It certainly wasn't the way she had imagined it though, being kissed before any words were spoken about it. Then again, maybe it was just that Aphrodite wanted to kiss her.. perhaps it was more lust than actual care? That thought sent a shiver down her spine, causing her lips to frown slightly. It wasn't so much that it was bad to do such things, but Adley knew herself, she needed that emotional connection to be there or she wasn't interested in lying in bed naked with another woman. Maybe it was something Adley should try and sneak into the conversation?

Though Adley's thoughts had been elsewhere, the voice of the woman snapped her back, making her realize she did miss the touch of the elf. Shaking herself from it a bit, she stood up and smiled to the woman. She didn't recognize her, however she did spot the Harper pin attached to her shirt, Adley's own just below her left shoulder - making it easy for both to know they were Harpers. "Oh yes, I'm fine.. just enjoying company with my friend.. was there something you needed or just being friendly and checking up on us?" She asked it in a polite, but playful manner, despite the woman's own irritation. She wasn't the inn keeper from downstairs, seeing as she was a woman and they had never spoken, but she did notice her from working in the kitchen of the mini-tavern area. She hadn't known an actual Harper was working here, only of the Harper-friend in the inn keeper. She must've been the local Harper keeping watch on the area and of course, she knew Adley was here - local Harpers knew their areas inside and outside.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Platinum Cobra
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Platinum Cobra Gamer4Life

Member Seen 2 days ago

Aphrodite just stood to the side watching as Adley spoke and moving a bit closer to Adley as she just wanted to be near her, her presence was comforting to Aphrodite and it made her smile. "I just wanted to make sure everything was alright because of the storm and all, I will let you guys get back to your time together." the lady said before walking off. Aphrodite went over and shut the door, "That was interesting, though I don't think she will be bringing us back that hot chocolate. I will just go down and get it for us, I won't be long." she said with a bright smile. "I wouldn't want to miss time to spend with you while I have the chance." she said a hearty smile and playfulness to her voice. She could see in Adley that something was being pondered in her head, what it was Aphrodite couldn't tell but it was interesting to think that it might be something to do with Aphrodite.

With a last smile and a small wink Aphrodite went downstairs, she pictured the things that Adley might be doing upstairs and somehow her mind went to romantic things. Maybe she would be up there with a flower or waiting laying across the bed, none of it mattered. It was what she said whenever Aphrodite entered that got her heart moving faster, she confessed to having feelings for Aphrodite just like Aphrodite seemed to be having for her.

It was an interesting thought though one she knew wouldn't come through, Aphrodite decided she would have to tell her eventually. "Tonight, will be the night...it has to be." she said knowing she couldn't go home without knowing. It would slowly start to eat her up inside till she was nothing more then a hollow shell. The more Aphrodite waited the more chance she would have that Adley would leave one night to continue her business and Aphrodite would miss her chance.

Aphrodite got them 2 cups of hot chocolate just like Adley wanted and got some chocolate chip cookies as well in case they wanted to snack on something, then she headed back upstairs and knocked on the door with her foot. "Can you open up please, my hands are full."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by lydyn
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lydyn Meow!~

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Then hurry up," she teased Aphrodite as she went outside the room. After a few moments, she took in a deep sigh and rubbed her forehead. She plopped back onto the bed and brushed her hair with her fingers, thoughts swirling around in her head. It was hard to deny that the elf was now starting to flirt with her and while it filled her stomach with more butterflies, she still felt that nervousness, unsure of what was going to happen. Her thoughts just kept her occupied until a knock at the door made her jump.

"Hold on!" she yelled anxiously, quickly darting to the door and opening it as the elf came in. She quickly closed it and looked Aphrodite over for a moment or two, really admitting how beautiful she was. Before too long however, she cleared her throat and followed after Aphrodite like a little puppy as she began to speak. "So, um.. Aphrodite.." She paused and quickly thought, 'shit, now I have to say something!' She hadn't been sure what she wanted to say before she spoke and huffed slightly to herself, blushing. "A-about the kissing.. thing.." Adley started to move her hands a bit as she spoke. "Um, like... I guess.. uh.. like, I love kisses.. and stuff... but a lot of people think it should lead to the bedroom. I guess I'm a bit different? I'd, uh.."

It wasn't hard at all to tell that Adley was suddenly full of nerves as she continued to stand in front of the warrior elf, her hands moving and fiddling with themselves as she spoke, her gaze darting between Aphrodite's eyes and the ground. ".. rather.. cuddles and romance and stuff first. I..." She finally takes a deep breath and giggles nervously. "I don't know what I'm saying.." She finally gives her a bashful smile and quickly sits herself on the edge of the bed, biting her lip, wondering what she just did.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Platinum Cobra
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Platinum Cobra Gamer4Life

Member Seen 2 days ago

Aphrodite smiled seeing Adley, walking inside Aphrodite went over to the bed listening to Adley stumble through her sentences and it only made Aphrodite confused. "Alright, good to know." she said giving her a curious look as it had seemed to be completely random that she would bring it up. Though Adley seemed to be nervous about something, that much Aphrodite knew for certain and she wondered if Adley had been able to tell Aphrodite had been about to kiss her before they were interrupted. Maybe that was why she seemed to be acting a bit strange and nervous unlike she had been before.

Grabbing a cup of hot chocolate she went over standing a bit close to Adley and smiled happily as she handed her the steaming cup. "Careful, it's hot." she said and when Adley took the cup and their finger's touched Aphrodite felt the same feeling in her stomach that she had when she decided to walk through the storm just to be able to see her. "How about I get the blanket and we can snuggle up and just enjoy the sound of rain outside and talk." she said happily finding it was turning into a setting perfect for what Aphrodite wanted to do.

Going over Aphrodite looked around through the only closet reaching up onto a high shelf and feeling around. The action caused her shirt to rise up and show her stomach, though she finally grabbed a blanket. "Found it." she said and pulled down a plain light green blanket that looked like a small comforter. Shaking it off over to the side she got all the dust off first, since it seemed to have been up there for awhile without any use.

Aphrodite thought she could have just offered to get under the cover's of the bed and they could enjoy the warmth, though she thought that might be a bit to bold being under a bed with her. It was more easier to ask about a blanket, Aphrodite turned and went over climbing onto the bed and grabbing her hot chocolate cup on the nightstand, carefully she managed to get the blanket all situated for 2 people, it was a bit big so they didn't have to be super close to eachother. "Come join me, and relax. It's just me here." she said turning her head her hair falling across the side of her face as she looked at Adley.

"So, Adley?" she asked and her eyes shone slightly in amusement. "Since we haven't even known eachother that long, I know it is normal for me not to know alot about you. But what was your childhood like?" she asked trying to completely steer the conversation away from kissing, sex or anything that might make Adley nervous again.

Aphrodite was nervous enough without having doubts. She wondered if she should tell Adley her secret and it could make it easier.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by lydyn
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lydyn Meow!~

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Adley decided to be quiet from then on and just watched Aphrodite, happily catching sight at the show of skin and thinking how beautiful she was and thought about how it'd feel to cuddle up to her side. She kept patient until the elf was finally settled and set her cup down just long enough to slip under the blanket. Grabbing her hot chocolate and sipping it, she looked over at Aphrodite with a gloomy expression at the question, letting out a slight sigh. "Lonely," she said quietly before taking another sip of the chocolate drink. She hated thinking about those times or really any time in her life, because even with the acceptance of her Harper brothers and sisters, she still had the hardest time even making true friends which made for a lonely life. It was just especially hard to think about back then, because it's where it all started.

Surprisingly, she boldly decided to scoot so close to the elf that she was nearly sitting against her, biting her lip for a moment. "I guess you can call me the black sheep," she continued, making the closed distance seem natural, her gaze mostly on her own lap or cup. "My family was more akin to simple things in life, like farming and growing crops or running an inn - which isn't bad in of itself. I always wanted to see and learn more though.. shifting through books all the time and the like.. I suppose you can say that's how I ended up being a scholar of sorts. I just enjoyed learning and the more obscure and exotic the topic was - the more interested I became. When you have a family that believes cutting wood builds character.. well.. I guess I always had trouble feeling close to them.." Her entire expression looked sullen before pursing her lips and glancing up to Aphrodite with an obviously face smile.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Platinum Cobra
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Platinum Cobra Gamer4Life

Member Seen 2 days ago

Aphrodite listened and felt Adley move close to her, a bit to close but something inside Aphrodite liked that she had moved so close to her. Listening to her sad tale, her arm went around Adley and she pulled her a bit closer. "I know what it's like to be alone, until I met you I was alone as well. My parent's never wanted me to meet humans or anyone really that was outside of our race. So with my books I ran away thinking I could live on my own. I didn't do to bad now that I think about it, but at first it was hard trying to figure out things. I poisoned myself by accident more then once." she said looking down at her. "Then I met you and I don't feel so alone anymore, but only when your around. You seem to make everything better, it's why I braved a rainstorm..." she said pausing as thunder could be heard in the distance.

Aphrodite didn't think she needed to continue as she looked into Adley's eyes, suddenly Aphrodite could only think about Adley and how close they were. How nice it felt and how her arm was around her. It was a feeling she wanted to last forever, feeling her eyes slowly closing she felt Adley acting like a magnet that was pulling her in. This time there was no knock at the door, or anything that ruined the moment. It happened fast but to Aphrodite it was to slow, feeling their lips gently brush against eachothers. Then Aphrodite was kissing her. The feeling was indescribable as a warmth Aphrodite had never felt before flooded through her body.

Suddenly Aphrodite's eyes grew wide and she pulled away brushing hair behind her ear and looking away her face a dark red, "I..I am so sorry. I..I shouldn't have." she said knowing she would never regret doing it and all she wanted to do was do it again. The part that was afraid was taking over her mind, what if now that she had kissed her, Adley never wanted to see her again. Aphrodite didn't know if she could take the rejection, though slowly her eyes looked up at Adley's. "Please don't be upset and never want to see me again."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by lydyn
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lydyn Meow!~

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Adley bit her lip as she was pulled closer, feeling her heart flutter for just a moment, making the feelings of loneliness slowly fade away in that moment. Aphrodite's tale was a sweet one though the mention of poisoning herself made her giggle slightly, however as the her companion started to lean in, she tensed. Her mouth was slightly agape, realizing that Aphrodite was leaning in for a kiss, but honestly who could deny a kiss from a beautiful elf maiden? So Adley happily accepted the press of lips, returning it slightly before it was suddenly torn away from her.

Her cheeks flushing, she couldn't help smile, though a flash of concern crossed her face at Aphrodite's plea to not leave. Pursing her lips for a moment, she quickly took a drink from her hot chocolate and leaned over to the nightstand to put it down. She settled back next to the elf and looked right at her, adorning a smirk. "I had a suspicion you fancied me.." she jested, her cheeks glowing even more. "A kiss from a stunning woman like you? Now why do you think that makes me upset?" Aphrodite had sparked her heart, making it easy to flatter the elf and return the affections. "I'm glad you kissed me.. I wasn't sure how to let you know I fancied you too.. besides, I think I was waiting for you to go first." Gently, Adley rubbed her cheek against the shoulder of the elf and smiled up at her.
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