Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jb
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Jb Because we're here lad

Member Seen 5 days ago

In His Name!

This RP is now accepting new characters


- A jaunt of daring and do within the Warhammer 40,000 universe and setting.

- 'Grimdark' is the watchword of this RP; expect it to get gritty, gore-covered, and downright filthy at points. If you are easily offended or distrubed, then I'd recommend you do not participate in this RP.

- This will be an ongoing, pretty sandboxy RP, I shall be more-or-less guiding where it goes but the majority of the actions and reactions shall be up to the players and to which I shall respond accordingly.

- Our tale takes place in the most up-to-date period of 40K timeline, the beginnings of the 41st Millennium.

- Humans or near-human characters only, I will allow cybernetically enhanced characters of course I.E. Adeptus Mechanicus and so on.

- All characters begin as Inquisitorial Acolytes beneath the Inquisitor Adamare Von Libervitz, my own character who shall very rarely be involved in anything himself, however, everything your character does or tries to do will be noticed and could well count for or against you at a later date. Promotions within the group of Acolytes can be gained, superior weapons and so forth gifted out, but they have to be earnt.

- I would appreciate dedicated players of a high casual to advanced level of writing, while I do not expect novels, I do expect detailed character profiles, one post a week at least, and the ability to use your own initiative if I should become absent and so on.

- Character sheets will be accepted based on merit alone, not 'first come first serve'.

- The tale shall begin on an unknwon world, Algarv 5-70, where we can gather, interact and so on. If you have any idea(s) of your own that might spice things up, please feel free to talk to me, though I make no promises that said idea(s) shall be implemented into the RP. I want this RP to be fun, and for all to enjoy it, so do feel free to ask questions and the like.

- I fully expect, and intend, for characters to evolve over time during this RP. An example might be that someone loses a limb and seeks a bionic replacement, whether they get one will be both up to me as GM and the participants as a whole; character sheets will then be edited to show any changes, as with a TT role-playing game, and just remember that every action will likely have some form of reaction; it will be up to the player themselves to keep their sheet up-to-date as the RP chugs along.

In Character Info:

This is the forty-first millennium, and if the Great Crusade was the golden age of Mankind and their space-faring voyage amongst the stars, then the current millennia is most certainly the complete reverse. In this universe, at this time, mankind stands upon the precipice of annihilation from a myriad of enemies both within and without - Xenos raiders, warlords and diplomats each seek to assail or undermine the God-Emperor's decaying and corrupt Imperium in any way that they can, heretics and worshippers of the Ruinous Powers plot the downfall of all that they may well of held dear, and even the Inquisition, those most loyal and incorruptible servants of He on Terra, commit genocides and the death of worlds at the merest whiff of such things.

All across the vast expanse of billions of worlds, held within the slowly dying cradle of the Imperium of Man, uncountable numbers live and cease in a darkness bought about by their own kind; Tyranids strip entire systems of life, Greenskins cleave apart any who stand before them in a tide of blood, and insidious Tau and Eldar follow their own pathways to some unforeseeable ends. Yet it is the Imperium which is its own worst enemy, keeping knowledge and and truth from its citizens, acting as an ever-present threat over their heads and always its agents and executioners there in the shadows.

There are those that transcend above this, men and women, scions of noble houses or individuals of varied extremes, that are gifted an Inquisitorial rosette in the name of the God-Emperor himself. These Inquisitors set forth to save the Imperium in their own unique ways, using any and all methods arrayed before them, and to carry out the Emperor's will across all places within the Imperium as well as those yet unknown, gifted with authority equal or above all others.

Inquisitors are truly exceptional individuals, standing alongside, often above, the most influential and powerful of the Imperium’s servants. But few operate alone, for the galaxy is too perilous a warzone for a single man or woman, even one of their standing, to face without allies. Throughout their career, Inquisitors will form their own cadre of agents of various roles and functions in order to achieve whatever goal is put before them.

These agents fall into two classes, known as Acolytes and Throne Agents.

Acolytes are initiates into the Inquisition's service who may eventually become Inquisitors themselves one day if they perform well and please their master; Throne Agents are mature Acolytes who have served the Inquisition and a particular Inquisitor for years and sometimes decades. They are among the most powerful beings in the Imperium of Man after an Inquisitor himself. Some of these agents are common tools used throughout the Imperium, including priests of the Ecclesiarchy, Astropaths, Servitors, Tech-priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus, etc.

Others may be more subtle and even serve a more specific role, such as high-ranking members of the Administratum, the apprentice Inquisitors called Interrogators, elite members of the Imperial Guard like Storm Troopers or the Adeptus Arbites' Judges, and the highly-trained Assassins of the Officio Assassinorum's four temples or various Imperial death cults.

Any member of any organisation within the Imperium that can help in achieving an Inquisitor's objective will likely serve a purpose for the Inquisition at one point or another. Some may be used briefly for special tasks or one-shot missions while others may serve alongside the Inquisitor for the duration of their career.

Over time, older, more experienced Inquisitors will have built an extensive network of spies and agents that make seeking out and destroying threats to the Imperium all the easier. The number and type of allies an Inquisitor surrounds himself with depends on many factors. Perhaps the greatest factor is the mission the cadre must perform. A mission involving infiltration and fact-finding requires a different range of skills than one where combat is anticipated. Thus, some cadres are made of up warriors and assassins, while others feature tech-adepts and sages.

There are, however, some Inquisitors who, for whatever reason, have less choice in their allies.

Perhaps a newly ascended Inquisitor has only a small pool of allies on which to draw, or one of a more radical bent has, by way of his viewpoint, fewer willing to aid him. Many Inquisitors favour a small, permanent group of highly trusted allies, with a balanced range of skills, while others maintain a large pool of retainers, selecting the most appropriate on a mission-by-mission basis. Although the Inquisitor is the leader of the cadre, its members are often every bit as important to a mission’s success or failure.

An effective cadre is a tight-knit group, each member able to anticipate the thoughts and deeds of the others. Inquisitors rarely find themselves with a surplus of what they might consider friends amongst the Inquisition, for Inquisitors often end up in opposition to one another. However, within his cadre, he may form relationships, even friendships, not possible otherwise.

Ultimately, the cadre ‘belongs’ to the Inquisitor rather than to the Inquisition. His enemies are his cadre’s enemies, meaning the fates of all involved are entwined for all time. Furthermore, most Inquisitors gather individuals with a similar philosophical outlook to their own. Should an Inquisitor’s factional leanings cause him to be denounced by his fellows, the same fate befalls all of his allies. Thus, the cadre is bound together by a common cause. The tragedy is that many cadres fall apart if the Inquisitor loses his life in the execution of his duty, often finding themselves severed from the greater institution of the Inquisition. The fortunate are able to call upon other Inquisitors known to be allies of their erstwhile master, perhaps becoming part of a new cadre, but for others, a far darker end awaits.

This is where you come in.

You have been chosen to take up the mantle of an Acolyte, though you do not even know it yet, you have been chosen to give up your former life and to be lifted from the mire of what and who you once were. You have been chosen to fight the shadow war that had been raging since the time of the Horus Heresy, and to serve as one alongside a group of individuals that you have never met. Oh, and you will serve! Serve, fight, and complete whatever task you are given, and one day maybe recieve the rosette and with it the limitless authority of and Inquisitor.

Remember this above all else - everything you have been told up to this point is a lie.

Out of character info:

Welcome, one and all, to the grim darkness of the future where their is only war!

As part of a group, you shall be forming a group of select Acolytes around the Inquisitor. Exactly how you are perceived by he and the others of the group will depend on any number of factors - species, armament, religion and more- but no matter what scuffles occur and what friction might develop, all of you are there willingly. That being said, I have no doubt that each and every character will have their own agenda, motives and overall goals in mind, and I would hope for nothing less.

To begin with, as stated above, we will have a short 'gathering of the clans' - basically getting everyone together - on Algarv 5-70, from there we shall go ahead with a narrative and see where it takes us.

I expect everyone will have some knowledge of Warhammer 40K, but for those that might lack a little, I have always found warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Warhammer_.. to be one of the best places to look. Just make certain that the information has a source, otherwise it is very likely fan made and therefore not canon.


- Sort your squabbles out in private. If you persistently disagree with another player or they're grieving you, involve me. If necessary, I will get the moderators involved.

- No godmodding (controlling someone else's character).

- Try to post at least once a week, let me know if you can't post soon, and please try for at least three paragraphs.

- One character per player.

- My decisions are final (although, if you feel they are wrong, I will be happy to discuss them over PM).

Character Sheet

Character Creation - All Important

Your character profile will be the main source of information for everyone, myself as GM included, and anything you put in there should have some thought given to it because it shall define who they are, how they cope and generally everything about them. For example, a former missionary from a Feral World turned group medicae would likely be somewhat versed in the Imperial Creed but likely to have a somewhat rudimental (tribal) knowledge of medicines, they may also be looked down on my characters from more decadent backgrounds.

Please submit your character sheets by SATURDAY, JANUARY 2ND. Post them in a private message to me first, NOT the Character tab or OOC thread.

The character is all important, so please try to take your time writing it, read up a bit/ask questions if you are unsure about anything, and don't hurry yourself.

Name: Your character's name. A pretty obvious one, so enough said - though do try to make it match with your character I.E. A highborn Terran would not likely be called Ergak Facepummeler, a Hive Ganger on the other hand...

Alter Ego(s): Any false names used by this character.

Homeworld: Please select a homeworld - this list can be used to help; (wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Class_(planet)) much like the character's occupation, it should have an influence on the type of person/character that they are/have become.

Background: A sketch of your character's life and history, preferably until a couple of days/weeks/months before their choosing by Inquisitor Von Libervitz (I'll do all that in-character!). Here is where you get to really flesh them out! It could complement your choice of homeworld, bring with it distinctive quirks to your character - the way they act, dress, most anything really - where they born into nobility? How was their upbringing? It will also determine what weapons, armour and the like that they use and favour. Give me three solid paragraphs, at least, please.

Current Role: What 'class' of Acolyte do they currently fit into within the group? Are they a skilled Assassin from one of the many Death Cults of the Imperium? A veteran of the Imperial Guard perhaps? A zealous Hierophant and preacher of the Emperor's word? Maybe they are a desperado or outlaw, outcasts from normal society but certainly with their uses! Even a Chirugeon, skilled in the uses of medicines and way sof the flesh, a Guard butcher or a high-class surgical genius?

Skills and Aptitudes In which area(s) does your character excel? Are they masters of defence, or perhaps wielders of psychic powers beyond that of mortal understanding? Social 'grey men' or refined gentlefolk of renowned finesse, both in and out of combat. Years in the Guard may well have caused them to excel in fieldcraft, or an upbringing on a Forge World made them tech-savvy to the extreme. On the other hand, do they know any languages, are trained in the medical arts etc.

Gender: Obvious.

Appearance: A written description of your character's appearance. No pictures. Please include here any weapons they may have, and any armour or clothing as well.

Try to take into account all that you have written above - are they a Guardsman that favours the standard-issue las-gun? Perhaps a Feral Worlder who loves his club/large axe, which he carries everywhere, as well as the furs he insists on wearing over his flak-armour as a reminder of home.

Nature/Personality: What kind of person is your character, what do they hate and what do they desire? As they have never met the Inquisitor, or one another at this point in time, we shall work that all out IC and then update profiles accordingly.

Miscellaneous: Anything you want to mention but haven't been able to cover yet.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!

The Emperor Protects.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jb
Avatar of Jb

Jb Because we're here lad

Member Seen 5 days ago

Emperor's teeth!

Is there not a man or woman here that can resist Star Wars for one moment, instead to spray some heretical brains against the walls?!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jb
Avatar of Jb

Jb Because we're here lad

Member Seen 5 days ago

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