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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Erion felt the earth start to shook, and frowned at this. He then got his own fencing sword out and pointed towards the direction of the disturbance.
"I have a bad feeling also.... Whoever just did this.... is probably not friendly... maybe we should go and check it out... but be on our guards for this." he then says, unsure right now. Who could have even gone and do something like this anyway A rock slide... Was it with explosives.... probably not cause they would have heard the blast from here.... what could have done something like this.

Celes looked at the 2 headed human and then shivered as this. Not only was this weird... but with what they just did to the other human.
"Let her go... or we will fight you." she says, not sounding too confident right now. She then breath deeply and took a bit more confidence inside of her before using her ground magic to help Papyrus out on freeing Skylar, moving the dirt and possibly the stone to free her legs. She hoped this would work... she didn't want to have to fight, but with how many people were with them right now, well, maybe a fight won't happen. But it was weird to see a human able to use magic like that... unless it was not a human but a mosnter that looked like a human.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

When Skylar had her feet sunk into the ground, Undyne was quick to prepare her energy spear. She launched spear after spear around the human's feet, circling her to ensure that she didn't accidentally stab her with a spear. That would not have been good, and Frisk would not have liked that, if they found them, of course. Shehad never encountered this monster before, but she was well aware that this wasn't going to be a battle to take lightly. even papyrus, the smiling doof that he was, must have figured out that these girl monsters were bad news.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The ground started to shake, and everyone seemed to head to the sound. I, however, felt as if I was going to be needed underground. "I'll catch you guys later. Sans'll tell you stuff... maybe," I said to the group. Dang, I kinda needed that soul jar... ah, well. Maybe I'll find one underground... or, maybe I'll just try to do this without one I thought as I flew back down and headed in the only direction I could. There was some sort of two-headed creature there, as well as Skylar getting stuck in the ground, and everyone trying to help her out. I decided to just pick her up, and fly her over to safer ground. "There ya go," I said as I tried to figure out how to make this thing peaceful... if it was possible. The creature, whether it was human or monster seemed to revel in, er... changing things. That didn't bode well for us, as, for all we knew, that thing could do that with magic... and then what? Would we ever return to what we were before? Was this creature a victim of the same magic, herself? I tried to say something, I tried to ask a question, however, the moment I heard Mettaton say that this was a filming area, I froze up. "Uh... um..." I ended up muttering instead of my actual question of 'Who are you? What are you?'. I then tried to use some sort of magic, but I was too nervous, as instead of the usual (though unimpressive) cloud of fire or lightning... nothing happened. That dang camera... it's making me freeze up! I can't do anything while it's being filmed! I just feel like I'm being judged whenever I'm in front of one of those... that everyone's watching, and judging me for my actions, or lack thereof. I think as I just stand there, doing nothing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Chen grimaced internally as they rocketed down the hole. He wasn't expecting such a fast descent and was unprepared for the sudden stop at the bottom. He took a minute to reorient himself and breathed in and out deeply. "That was fun!" 'Your death will be very painful.' Chen followed Mettaton and stopped at this unusual scene that was laid out before him.

"Why is everyone so tense?" He asked innocently, meanwhile he subtly shifted into a fighting stance as well. His posture was turned sideways in regards to the enemy, leaving less room to hit him. His heels were slightly off the ground, making sure that he could push off in any direction as quickly as possible. He had crouched slightly so he could grab his dagger faster. But his face suggested complete ignorance and naivety.

'This is pathetic. If everyone attacks at once than this monster would be destroyed easily. Why would they try to talk to it when it's clearly hostile? It's stupidity at its finest.' Chen wanted to shake his head in disappointment, but that could tip them off. He needed them to believe he was on their side. At least until he could get to Frisk.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


I walked in with Skylar to see the source of the cackling torturing a poor froggit. I looked at the beast and was about to say something when Skylar piped up, and got sunk to her ankles for it. Needless to say, I already felt unsatisfied with this creature, and I stood, looking at the creature. "You'd better let her go, unless you want to suffer the wrath of..." I said, looking dead on, and thinking of how the others might react if I went full-out. "My jokes!" I finished, reaching into my jacket and pulling out a book of jokes, opening it and tossing it aside after pulling out a book on quantum physics, and then pulling a joke book out of that, and so on and so forth, until there was a considerable amount of hollow joke and quantum physics book spines at my side. I cracked open the book, and coughed, before finally deciding nothing in there was correct for the situation.


Alphys almost fell down when the earthquake happened, but was able to regain her balance. "Woah! I-I'd say that tremor definitely ranked a 4.3 on the Richter scale!" Alphys said, looking in the direction the king pointed his trident. She kind of shuddered at the thought of something specifically causing an earthquake that wasn't converging plates and subduction, and said "Y-yknow guys, this is a pretty big mountain range, I'm sure w-we're close to a plate boundary, so it probably just was... an... a normal earthquake."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Underground Search Party-Ruins

Skylar looked up at the two sisters to see them grinning with a raised hand, as though they were ready to send an attack at her. It also seemed as though they hadn't noticed Sans either. But they stopped, lowered their hand, and looked in surprise when Papyrus came in and spoke up. After Papyrus offered to tell them about his greatness and said that he was going to help Skylar, they looked at each other before directing their attention to Mettaton. After the robot spoke, they tilted their heads in opposite directions, and they answered the star...

"Mettaton? Hmm...Never heard of you!"
"It's quite arrogant and rude of you to assume that we would want some contraption's autograph,"
The two seemed to ignore Celes call after a passing glance in response to her warning.

While the two answered Mettaton (possibly giving him a verbal burn while doing so), Skylar saw that Papyrus's bone weapon, Celes's magic, and Undyne's energy spears did the trick in breaking up the stone (without breaking her feet), and allowed David to pick her up and fly her to safer ground (she did have to lift her legs up a bit so she wouldn't touch the spears and take damage). After David set her down, she thanked the four of them, "Thanks guys!"

Skylar looked to Sans when he spoke up, catching that he was serious before he whipped out a joke book and Quantum Physics book. She snorted and had to try to keep herself from laughing. She was honestly not expecting that.

Apparently, the sisters didn't expect that either, and Beatrice had started laughing, while Wilma scolded "Sister! That wasn't funny! That wasn't a proper joke!"

After Beatrice calmed down, she said to Wilma, "Sister...we have new play mates! Maybe we should continue the games deeper in the Ruins?"
"Sounds like a superb idea, Beatrice,"

The two of them disappeared, and as they vanished, Skylar called after them "WAIT A MINUTE!!!" However, it was too late. They were already gone.

She muttered "Drat!" She wanted to ask about their comment from earlier...

"Another Human"

Was Frisk in the Ruins? Did the twins hurt them? Or did they escape from their clutches? Worried questions fluttered through her mind. But she quickly shook it off and she walked up the stairs. She was determined to find Frisk now. She winced at the twinge of pain she felt in her ankles, but she tried to ignore it and not worry about the condition of her feet despite due to being stuck in stone a few moments ago.

Surface Group-Forest

After a few quiet moments...minutes...fifteen minutes after Alphys spoke, a figure stepped out from the trees and into the clearing where Asgore, Erion, and Alphys stood. The figure was a very young appearing woman with long platinum blonde hair and lilac eyes. She wore a pair of jeans, a black T-shirt, and sneakers. She was covered in dirt and she was carrying a large messenger bag. Her eyes scanned the three figures while she chewed a piece of bubble gum. She spoke up casually after a quiet moment, "Huh...I was told to expect company, but I certainly didn't expect the King ASgore to be here," She mispronounced Asgore's name, accidentally making the first part sound much more inappropriate than it really was.

She introduced herself "Name's Annie. I suggest you guys get out of here. I have my orders to seal up the Underground, and that'll take a lot of my creations," She studied the hole behind the three and she added "OK. Maybe not a whole lot of explosives...but still..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I tried to say 'you're welcome' or 'no problem', but, again, I had this haunting feeling that Mettaton was watching, so, trying to stay out of the shot, I simply nodded to Skylar, hoping she'd get that I meant it as a way of saying either of those two things. The seemingly endless stream of joke books and quantum physics books created so many questions that I couldn't ask thanks, again, to the camera. I didn't really know WHERE that camera was, but I had to assume it was near Mettaton, given that he wouldn't dare be out of a shot... unless... he was the one filming. No... if he did that, he'd have everyone 'miss out' on his 'beautiful face', and I knew he would never do that to his fans. The twins seemed more than happy to leave us alone for now, and that had Skylar shout at them... that's right, they apparently saw another human... ANOTHER. That meant that, yes, someone WAS down here, and, whoever they were, even if they weren't Frisk, they were still worth finding. I took a look around this place, and noticed something... the ruins really got a lot darker, and a lot more worn-out since the last time I was here. I actually visited this place for a short time after it opened up to the public, just to see where the queen lived all this time, and it seemed a lot cheerier than it was now. Time is a cruel beast, isn't it? I thought to myself as I tried to move on, though, the fact that there was a camera directly in front of me made that nearly impossible for me. Chen asked why everyone was so tense, but I could almost tell that he didn't mean it... of course, that was just my suspicions stemming from his lie from earlier, rather than any actual deduction. I tried to answer, but, as usual, the camera stopped my words in my throat, so, since I felt like I couldn't talk, I didn't even bother to turn towards him, and more or less just made sure he wasn't behind me... the last thing I'd need is a dagger in my back.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes heard what the 2 headed human said as it left. Another human? Maybe it was the person they were looking for... but she hoped that, seeing how that person was about to hurt that frogit... She hoped that the other human was alright. She kept moving and looked around the ruins. This... was the place the queen had been hiding all this time as she heard, away from Asgore, probably cause of what happened before. She heard stories of what he did, as well as the other humans that fell down. She felt sad for what happened back then. No one deserved to die like that. She breath deeply as she looked forwards from the ruins.
"I sudgest we keep moving and try to find Frisk.... before that freaky 2 headed human goes and hurt them or something." she says, trying to sound confident right now, but having a bit of difficulty with that.

Erion heard what the human named Annie said, and frowned. He had his fencing sword still up.
"We can't let you do that. There are people that went down there to try to save a human. We can't let you blow up the entrance and doom them down underground. Please understand. Our friends are down there. I don't want to see them die cause of this. Maybe you could blow the entrance after they get back with the human we are searching for, but not right now!." he then says to her, worried, hoping she would understand.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 9 days ago

Going from trying to break through stone one chip at a time, to having Undyne's magic spears pierce the ground, the taller skeleton had to hunch over to cover Flowey...well, it was certainly a shock, his eyes bulging out of his skull, but at least his friend was free! Dispelling the summoned bone, and checking to make sure Flowey was alright, Papyrus righted himself and took a moment to finally yell at Sans, "SANS, WHILE I WILL ADMIT, SOME OF YOUR JOKES HAVE PRETTY GOOD COMEDIC TIMING...AND I AM STILL WONDERING HOW SO MANY BOOKS CAN FIT INSIDE OF EACH OTHER...BUT THIS WAS REALLY, REALLY NOT THE TIME FOR SUCH JOKES!"

Letting out an exasperated sigh after a minute, Papyrus looked around for the two people who had greeted them rather surprisingly, but they just about fled when he did, "OH NO! SEE!" Eyes bulging out of their sockets again, "YOUR JOKE HAS EVEN DRIVEN THE TWO OF THEM AWAY, THEY EVEN HAD TO DISAPPEAR MYSTERIOUSLY TO MAKE THE SITUATION LESS AWKWARD! QUICKLY, AFTER THEM! WE MUST SHOW THEM THAT WE ARE NOT ALL ABOUT BAD JOKES, WE ARE ALSO ABOUT BAD PUZZLES!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Chen wanted to sigh at all of this stupidity. He decided to walk forward towards where the weird monster(?) had run off to, they likely knew where Frisk was. He took out a notepad and began writing down random bits of information about the environment and various "important" things. He had to keep up a cover after all. Chen looked at Papyrus and smiled.

"I love bad puzzles!" 'I hate puzzles. Almost as much as I hate you, you moron. I can't wait to kill you.' Chen continued to walk forwards and tripped over a joke book that Sans had thrown. A snarl crossed his face for a split second, quickly replaced by a look of confusion. "Wait, what?" He got up and saw that the ground was covered in joke books and quantum physics books.

"Are these real? Where did all of these joke books come from... oh, right." Chen looked at Sans with a smile. "You should really be more careful where you throw these mister. Someone could get really hurt." He smiled as he said that, then continued to walk forwards.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Undyne wasn't quite sure what do do or say. Her fires had been stoked for battle, but the monster just up and left! At least Skylar was out of the ground, unharmed, Undyne hoped. Frisk may have been a wonderfully nice kid, but just like papyrus, that kid probably had a fountain of power just waiting to be tapped. Any also just like Papyrus, they kid was going to get themselves killed with a smile on their face.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Underground Search Party-Ruins

Skylar looked to Celes and Papyrus as they spoke and she nodded to them, answering "Yeah, let's get going!" She looked to Chen who had tripped over the books, missing his snarl for the split second. She didn't answer his comment about the bad puzzles, but she did answer his question that was directed at Sans, "Yeah, those are real books. Don't ask where he keeps them though, 'cause he's not going to answer. Trust me on that," That was one of her first questions when that topic was brought up in the early months after the monsters just came back to the surface with Frisk, and to this day, she still didn't know.

She then led the way as soon as everyone was ready (and as she did, she couldn't help but make the pun, "Well, that was quite a rocky situation, wasn't it?"), and after walking through the small room with the buttons on one side, they entered the room with the three rivers and waterfalls, and two levers on the walls (the yellow writing once left by Toriel was scribbled over by red and blue crayons). Skylar ran ahead eagerly, only to find that the passage was blocked by what seems to be an innocent wooden door. Skylar looked to see that there was a note on the door, and she took it off to read it out loud to everyone,

"The door is locked!
What a shock!
To continue on your merry way
You must find the key,
In this simple game of Hide and Seek!

Skylar at first decided that maybe she should jiggle the doorknob, see if it was really locked. Unfortunately, the door didn't budge after she twisted the knob. She sighed. She really didn't want to waste too much time, and she had a feeling that it may take a while to find the key. She asked out loud "I wonder if we can break down the door...?" The door wasn't alive, so it wasn't like she would be hurting anyone...

She got herself into a martial arts ready position, and after a couple of steady breaths, and a glint of determination in her eyes, she shouted as she side kicked the door, "HAAIIIIIIYA!!!" Her foot made contact with the door and there was a loud resounding sound. For a moment, it looked as though something was going to happen and the door would suddenly break down, like in an anime. However, the door remained intact. Her kick had no effect. Instead, it felt as though she had just stubbed her toe, except that the pain affected all of her right leg. She widened her eyes trying to keep tears back, and she held back a scream.

She said to everyone before they could ask "I'm OKAY! TOTALLY! OKAY!" She hopped away from the door on her left foot, not caring how ridiculous and hilarious she looked as of right now, and she said to the others as she hopped away from the door "Let's...split up and look for that key! It has to be somewhere in this room!"

She couldn't help but think to herself as she hopped "I should've thought that through...Ow...That hurt...Of course I'm not strong enough to break down a door..." As she thought, she didn't watch where she was hopping, and she fell into a river with a "Woah!"
She sat in the water, after righting herself from the fall, and she spat out some water that managed to get into her mouth, making her image even more comical.

Surface Group-Forest

Annie looked to Erion when he spoke up, and she raised an eyebrow as she popped her bubble gum between her teeth. She was skeptical as she answered him, "That can't be right. Didn't you guys get the warning to stay away from the Underground? Nobody should be there as of now. How do I know you're not lying? It's gonna take a lot more than words to convince me," She drew out some small dragonsnap fireworks and she warned Erion "You better make my time worth wasting since I'm on a job here. Either you show me proof that there are others down there, or you guys leave and let me do my job,"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Erion looked at the person, and frown. He though about it, before remembering that robot.
"You want proof? There was a robot that went down there, I think his name was Mettaton, and it would surprise me that there would not be a kind of tracking device in him." he says before looking at Asgore.
"You got the number of that person that called before for him and that helped me fix him? Not sure who it was." he then says before looking at the other human.
"Also, multiple monsters went down there, 2 skeletons, one I think was named Papyrus, another human girl, my monster friend Robert and a goat girl. If you do this, your gonna be murdering them. I will not let you blow up this mountain." he says to her seriously, his blade still up right now. Maybe he could end up knocking her out if she did try to blow up the mountain. He hoped he would not have to do this. He definately didn't want this to happen right now.

Celes saw what Skylar did and tried to do with the door. Trying to kick the door open like that... only to have her fall down down, unable to break the door and also get hurt. She looked as at her before she fell in the water. She moved to her and then helped her up, using her own water magic to heal her leg slowly with a gentle jet.
"I guess that did not work... it was a good try at least. We need to find how to oepn the way though." she says, before looking at Chen and frowning. Something about him... made her want to get everyone to attack him. She did not know why. She was just really untrustworthy. She just hoped the whole group could take him on.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


I looked at the scribblings on the wall and at the door. I could have easily broken it down, or just have teleported to the other side, but... while everyone knew of my teleportation powers, I didn't want anyone to know that I could destroy something in a heartbeat. "A game of hide and seek?" I asked as I watched two of the group try to kick it down, failing in doing so. I smirked, and I looked about. "Hide and seek..." I said, pondering where they might be. I went back a room, looking all around for a key or something to unlock the door.


Alphys looked at the worker and then back at the group, who had most of their weapons drawn, so she nervously drew hers, and was a little shaky. She accidentally fired off a beam, and screamed as it went off and took a hefty chunk out of a tree, and she looked at the group and then at the workers, with beads of sweat on her forehead and an apologetic smile across mher face, hoping that the workers wouldn't become hostile from the accident.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 9 days ago

Smiling brightly at the human’s words, “YOU TOO LOVE BAD PUZZLES? WOW, THE TRAIT O A GOOD FRIEND, INDEED! STICK AROUND ME LONG ENOUGH, HUMAN, AND YOU WILL FIND THaT THE BAD PUZZLES NEVER TRULY END! NYEH HEH HEH~!” Expression faltering some as he rolled his eyes at Skylar’s use of puns…geez; this is what happened when people spent too much time with his brother! Papyrus would have to teach them all the joys of puzzles, one day, hopefully soon.

Papyrus watched his friend proceed, enthusiastically attempt to kick down the door, and then hop around with one foot injured. Looking on with concern, now, patting the side of the flower pot, “PLEASE, NO NEED TO BE OVEREXCITED ABOUT SEEING OUR NEW FRIENDS AGAIN SO SOON…AS WELL, THIS IS A PUZZLE! YOU DO NOT KICK DOWN PUZZLES; YOU MUST SUFFER THROUGH THEM AS PER TRADITION! HERE, LET ME SHOW YOU HOW THE GREAT PAPYRUS GETS THESE PUZZLES DONE!”

Coming up to the door in full confidence, dusting off his battle body, and then looking around…Papyrus extended an arm out and knocked on it, looking left and right again, ”ARE YOU HIDING BEHIND THIS DOOR?”
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Chen smiled and followed the group. On the inside he was creating more plans, backup plans, reserve plans, and a desperation plan if it came down to it. As he followed them he suddenly realized something very important that he had ignored for a bit. The flower was alive. He began staring at it and followed it's swaying motions as Papyrus did his weird little march to the locked door. 'What are you? I've never seen a monster quite like that... It looks killable.' Chen breathed in deeply as Papyrus made another comment on bad puzzles and suffering. 'I can get behind suffering. Yeah...'
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by KaiserElectric
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KaiserElectric Spaghetti Enthusiast

Member Seen 1 day ago

"So....it was YOU who enacted this devious plot to kidnap Frisk!" Sethlan accused his opponent dramatically. His opponent, a straw dummy he had propped up with a iron bar, said nothing and continued to stare blankly at him with his button eyes and crudely drawn frown. If he squinted a bit though, Sethlan could pretend it was sneering.

"No matter!" the scrawny pangolin said, his tale swishing around excitedly. "Your evil ways are no match for a hero as great as I am! Prepare to fall to my trusty swo-whoah!!!" he announced triumphantly, his last syllable interrupted as he drew his sword and nearly tipped over trying to maintain his grip on the giant blade. With a somewhat squeaky battle cry, he made a charge at the dummy, half-carried by the weight of the unbalanced sword, made a might swing, and missed his straw opponent by a mile. The sword flew out of his hands and embedded itself in a wooden wall already full of holes from his "training sessions" and he himself toppled head over heels into the dummy with enough force to knock it's head off and into the air. Skidding to a halt on the floor, he made a painful yet triumphant noise when the straw head landed squarely on his own head. Slightly dazed, he scrambled to his feet and held the straw head out and shook it a bit to simulate it talking.

"Noooo, how can this be!" he mumbled out the side of his mouth in a defeated tone. "Even my amazing skills in magic were no match for this incredibly heroic and dashing swordsman! I am now dead, blegh!" Chucking the head aside, he ran to grab another straw dummy with a missing poster for Frisk taped over its face. "Wow, Sethlan, you saved me! You're such an amazing and cool person, let's be best friends! Oh it's no trouble Frisk, all in a days work for a great hero like me! After all, there's no one anyway as tough, manly, and awesome as the great Sethlan Ca-!"


"Ooh, the muffins are done!" Sethlan squeaked excitedly. Dropping the Frisk-dummy like a sack of potatoes, he darted to the kitchen and tossed on a pair of oven mitts over his heat-resistant gloves. The pleasing scent of baked ants and chocolate mixed with the usual odor of the forge in his house as he brought out his freshly baked muffins. Sethlan had started baking after moving above ground in close proximity to the new home of the spider clan, and he loved it almost as much as working on his anvil. It was like forging, only you could eat what you make afterwards! Well he supposed you could have eaten a sword if you really wanted to, but it probably wouldn't taste as good. Sethlan didn't eat swords regularly enough to know.

Munching happily on one after it cooled down, he briefly considered baking another batch for Muffet's monthly spider bake sale before he felt a slight tremor. Startled, he poked his snout out of the window and saw a flock of bats in the distance, rapidly heading away from the forest where the old entrance of the Underground used to be. He was ready to ignore it when he saw a suspicious line of broken boulders, leading directly to the forest in question. Sethlen knew that only one particularly angry fish woman could be responsible for such a senseless slaughter of innocent granite, but what was she doing in the forest? Mulling the facts over in his head, the whole situation clicked into place upon looking at the discarded dummy with the Frisk poster attached to it. If Frisk was missing, then obviously Undyne was out looking for them! And after a tremor like that, surely she and whoever else she was with were in a dramatic fight to save Frisk from certain doom! "Sorry delicious muffin," Sethlen said triumphantly, setting it back in the tin with a flourish. "I have some heroing to do!" With a heroic dash and an equally heroic stumble, he ran back to his workshop and tossed on his buster jacket and tool belt/rucksack and wrenched the sword out of the wall, sheathing it in the large scabbard hanging behind his back, and charged out the front door. Five seconds later, his door opened again, and Sethlen ran into the kitchen and dumped the tray of muffins into his belt before running back out and starting towards the woods for real.

Sneaking his way up through the trees, or at least sneaking as much as he reasonably could with the large sword across his back, Sethlen approached where he though Undyne would be with excitement welling up inside him. Images of himself heroically saving Frisk and being praised by Undyne, Asgore, and all of their friends for his heroism filled his head, and he couldn't help but smile as he went towards wherever he was going. Still munching on his half-eaten pastry, Sethlen began to hear voices ahead and paused to listen, hearing someone mention the name 'Papyrus'. Suddenly, there was a scream and a blinding red light that burned through the tree right next to his head, singing his snout and reducing the muffin in his hand to dust. With an equally audible scream, Sethlan's attempt at a heroic battle cry, he grabbed his sword with both hands and in a blind panic charged out of the woods right at the girl with the platinum blonde hair.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 1 yr ago

We continued on, only to find ourselves stopped by a crude wooden door. Skylar tried to kick it in, and I tried to tell her that I have fire magic, but I froze up, and said nothing as the door completely resisted her attempts at breaking it. I then finally managed to say "I can probably burn this door, I have fire magic," I then tried to focus... and finally used some fire magic against the door... which reflected it back to me, unfortunately. Thankfully, my own magic doesn't really do that much to me, and the whole thing was just mildly annoying. "Alright, looks like we have to play their game," I announced to the rest of the group, as Papyrus explained how rude it was to skip other monsters' puzzles. I looked away, as I pretty much did the same thing, and tried my best to look for any sort of key that might fit, though, I also made sure a certain someone wasn't trying to sneak up on me and backstab me... in the most literal sense of the word. In particular, I tried to search the levers whose writing has since faded, and been replaced with a child's writing... somehow, I figured the key might be in one of those... or, perhaps, I just needed to check behind the waterfall. I'd do that next if the levers weren't hiding something. The levers themselves seemed to be completely stuck, as in, whoever switched them last time must have done so very strongly... or... maybe I was just too much of a wimp to actually switch them, myself. Hmm... anything in this one? No... maybe the next one? I mean, there really isn't much here, save for the levers, and waterfalls... I thought as I continued to check the tiny holes that the levers were situated in for anything shiny.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Underground Search Party-Ruins

Skylar stood up shakily and she looked as the water jet healed her leg, the pain going away. She smiled to Celes and thanked her for the healing. Celes' statement about finding a way on how to open the door was quickly answered by Papyrus, who was scolding Skylar for trying to find another way around the puzzle instead of just solving it. Skylar smiled hesitantly at the scolding and she watched as Papyrus tried knocking on the door and asking if it was hiding behind the door. Skylar chuckled "That...would be kind of an unfair puzzle if they hid the key behind that door..."

Skylar looked around the long hall they were in now, and she noticed that Sans wasn't in this room. She figured he must be looking around as well, if he hadn't teleported to the other side of the door already. She noticed that Chen seemed to be in his own little world. She didn't bother him as she looked around the hall they were in, trying to find the key.


What Skylar hadn't noticed however, was that after Papyrus knocked, there was a sound nearby. It was the sound of gears spinning for a good few minutes, before a loud "KA-CHUNK!" could be heard. Apparently, knocking brought them one step closer to solving this puzzle, but it wasn't apparent in this long hall.

The louder noise caught Skylar's attention and she turned around from the area she was searching and she asked "What was that?"


In the room Sans is in, the sound of gears could be heard, and all of the bricks in a section of the Ruins' Eastern wall, moved and rearranged themselves to show a dollhouse, with white walls and a blue tiled ceiling. If one were to look inside, they would find a key...and a human girl (clearly shrunk down to the size of a doll) stuck inside.


The levers in the wall didn't budge a single bit, but David would definitely find something in one of the holes the levers were situated in. That something was a page crumpled up into a ball. The page was beige and clearly old. The writing on it was clearly written in pen, and if one took the time to read it, they would find that it was a journal entry, detailing the writer's day with their occupation as a doctor, and their anticipation and joy at the fact that they were going to be a Father soon.

Surface Group-Forest

Annie blinked at the human's answer, and she started to ask "Mettaton? You mean that new robot supersta-AH!" She yelped as she ducked out of the way of the red blast that came from the gun that Alphys was holding. Annie looked at Alphys, her eyes now showing horror, and she asked in pure shock, "Did...Did you just try to kill me?!" Before Annie even got her answer, she heard a yell, and she turned to see a pangolin monster...charging right towards her with a sword raised and ready to slash at her!

With widened eyes, she moved out of the pangolin's way, scrambled her way up a tree, and she accused the group in pure shock that turned into anger "You really are trying to kill me...They were right...! You're all just a bunch of bloodthirsty maniacs! I won't forget this!" After she spoke, she pulled out five black marbles out from her bag and threw them as hard as she could towards the ground, causing the marbles to explode and cause a smoke screen to blind everyone around her. She used the smoke screen to help her flee from the group and the area.

As soon as the smoke screen cleared, the area was empty except for Erion, Asgore, Alphys, and Sethlan. Annie could be seen running away from them and towards the town at a distance, and her figure growing smaller as she continued.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

When Erion saw Alphys accidentally shoot... and the Pangolin monster rush out of the wood, he frowned before seeing the girl and hearing what she said.
"Wa..." he tried to say, before being blinded and coughing heavily. When the smoke cleared, he saw the girl at a distance run. Something in him... was building up high. He was usually calm... but this... this just made him lose his temper. This just made him break. He looked at the Pangolin monster, mad, then at everyone else. His voice.... could be heard about a good mile away.
"Good freaken going! I was trying to be diplomatic here and what happens?! She though you guys were going to attack her! Now we are going to have even more trouble trying to get monsters and humans to be equal! There goes part of the image of equality between the 2 races! There goes a chance to talk this out and be able to stay in good terms!" he then said, breathing deeply afterwards, ventilating as he calms down, although... red in rage. This was not like him, but something like this.... made him lose his patience completely. Soon, he calmed down and drop his blade.
"I... I am sorry... " he says, breathing deeply and calming down.
"It's just that... I was close to getting her to understand... and that this happen..." he says, trying to calm down, trying to get back to normal right now. Soon he was back to being calm, just breathing deeply right now.
"Next time, be more careful... " he says, before looking at the Pangolin monster.
"And if she ends up blowing the mountain down, don't ask why cause that was a bad impression of monsters you gave here." he then says.

Celes moved around to try to find the key also, looking around, only to hear the gears and then fallowing the sound, looking away as she then moves towards the east, wondering what was there, having pin pointed the sound. She breath deeply.
"I could have tried something if the door was not locked from the other side, but it would probably not work...." she says, making a vine grow from the ground, making it move using her fingers. She sighed. She wished she could help more right now, but she didn't know what to expect. Just then though... it felt like somethign was vibrating. Someone that was screaming on the surface. She did not know why. It felt like small whisper for her cause of the distance, but she still heard it.
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