Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sylvar


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

As she hurriedly steps through the door, I can tell I've flustered her in exactly the right way. Pleased with my success, I go about my business in finishing my shower.

I wonder if I pushed her too far, though? She seemed to have been enjoying herself just as well as I was, so I suppose not.

As I retrieve my things from the bench, still musing about the fun I'd had moments before, I stumble across Aayla's things. An idea blossoms in my mind...

She is so lucky I like her... I think slyly, noticing a few solid objects among her folded pile of robes, figuring they must be fairly important considering their shape and weight. I put on my sturdy leather harnesses, pick up the rest of my things in one hand and Aayla's belongings in the other, careful not to undo the folding. All set. Time to unbalance a Jedi... again.

All dried and dressed in nothing but my restraints and blindfold, I make my way to Aayla's room and knock firmly, devilish grin spread wide across my face.

"I have your things here, Aayla. Seems you left in quite the hurry..." I say suggestively, waiting to hear her reaction when she opens the door.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by sleeping valor

sleeping valor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Back in my room, I hurried over to where I had left my other belongins, and pulled out a slave collar. It was the very same I had worn all those years ago. It was like Wolfe's, only it had been custom made to look fancy and decorative. But it's appearance meant nothing--it was the thing that had kept me from my freedom.

"Put this on, Aayla." My master had said--though he was not my master then--holding it out to me. I had panicked, begging him not to send me back to slavery, prepared to run and find some way to survive on my own.
"If you wish to learn the ways of the Force, you must put this on."
I had not understood.
"You have a great sensitivity to the Force--had you been brought to the temple as a child you would have done very well, I think. But you have felt powerless your whole life, and so you want to be stronger for yourself--not for others. Your emotions run deep. It will be difficult for you to find peace with the Force. You are afraid of being weak, and afraid that weakness will cost your your freedom. If you cannot overcome this, you will fall into Darkness, Aayla. This collar represents all the things you fear, all of your weakness. You must overcome it."

Sitting down on the floor, still wearing only the towel, I put on the collar. My master had the key, so it would not lock. And the shock unit had long been disabled. It was just a symbol now. I shivered at the sensation of the smooth, cold metal against my skin. I leaned back and rested my head on the bed. At first I had hated wearing it, which was exactly why Master had forced me to. Eventually a day had finally come where I could put it on without biting back anxiety or fear, where I could wear it without being filled with anger and resentment. A day had come when instead of bringing back unpleasant memories the collar helped ground me. Now wearing the collar helped remind me I was no longer the fearful, weak girl I'd been. Or so I'd thought.

I thought of the evening's encounter. Was I falling into Darkness? What did it say about me that I had enjoyed seeing Wolfe on his knees, begging? Was there some evil desire for power lurking in my soul? No. That couldn't be right. I'd never felt like this before. I thought of any of the people I knew and took no pleasure from thinking of them in such a position. I even felt disgust at the idea. What about Wolfe had triggered this new desire? I decided I needed to properly meditate on the matter. I stood and dried myself off, pulling on my other set of clothes from earlier. Not as comfortable as my robes, but they would do for now.

I knelt and breathed slowly, thinking back on the day I had had. Wolfe, a Sith, had come looking for me. Had I been afraid? No, I supposed not. If anything I'd felt relieved. Master had said he would return for me when his mission was done. Yet here I was, still waiting far too many months later. Stuck hiding from an enemy I was not sure would ever come looking for me. I'd been trapped in limbo, waiting for things I couldn't be sure would ever come. Now I could move forward. Even knowing I was being hunted had been better than not knowing.

I thought back over my interactions with Wolfe, after freeing him from the poachers. When I'd first met him he was the enemy; I'd felt certain he would turn on me, kill me, the first chance he got. I hadn't felt any strange stirrings over excitement over having Wolfe at my mercy then. It had been a necessity to be able to control him. I'd been relieved he seemed willing to cooperate. I did not enjoy inflicting pain in others. When had I stopped being certain his betrayal was inevitable? When had these unfamiliar desires started to develop?

It probably been when he offered to wear the blindfold, I realized. He'd offered to give up control of his sight willingly. The idea had been so strange and yet fascinating to me. It wasn't a cruel desire. He'd been willing.

I was only half relieved. I'd just discovered I had an unusual fetish I'd been unaware of. And stuck on a ship with a man who apparently had very similar tastes and wasn't at all shy about it.


Even if the rules did not forbid pursuing please, attachment was forbidden for Jedi. Attachment to a thing or person made you fear losing it. Fear was the first step on the path to the dark side. Or so I'd been told. Repeatedly. But I was already afraid, I realized. I'd run from the shower, and from him. Fled from urges stronger than I'd experienced before and the sensation I they were making me lose control of myself. I frowned. How was I supposed to deal with that?

I jumped at a knock at the door.

"I have your things here, Aayla. Seems you left in quite the hurry..." I could hear the suggestive tone in his voice that told me he knew--or guessed accurately enough--the reason I'd gone. Feeling exposed and a a bit sheepish, I opened the door.

"Oh!" Wolfe was still very undressed. For some reason I had not anticipated he wouldn't be dressed… well more dressed. The harness was… interesting. I'd seen it earlier, but not quite like this. I felt warmth and a pleasant stirring in the pit of my stomach.

"Thank you, Wolfe," I managed to say, though not as smoothly as I'd planned. Catching my eyes wandering, I forced my attention to the hand holding my things. "I'll, um, take those," I said holding out my hands for my things, then I noticed the blindfold. Was he still wearing it because I hadn't told him to remove it? I felt a bit pleased at the thought. Damn. He was very good at this.

"You, um… you don't have to keep wearing that, you know," I said.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sylvar


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The door slides open, and I hear a satisfying "Oh!" Purrfect... Sounds like I had the desired effect.

"Thank you, Wolfe." She stammers out, and hearing her struggle to completely keep her cool sends a pleasant fog through my mind, even as I hold her belongings forward to be taken from my hand. "I'll, um, take those," Perhaps she's forgotten that I can't see where her hands are...

"You, um... you don't have to keep wearing that, you know," She finally remembers.

Removing the blindfold I say gratefully "Thank you." and, seeing her outstretched hands, I pointedly place her belongings in them now that I can see. As a final touch, I place the blindfold on top like a cherry on a cake.

"If there's anything else I could help you with, I would gladly be of service." still grinning slyly as I've been from the moment I knocked on the door.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by sleeping valor

sleeping valor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

He really was going to keep wearing that until I told him to take it off, I marvelled. Why did that make me feel so... flattered?

He handed me my things and I accepted them mutely. He placed the blindfold on top and looked up, surprised, not entirely sure why he was giving it to me. I could see amusement in his eyes and he was grinning slyly. I felt like was starting to melt from the inside. I was hot and bothered--in more way than one. I looked at my things, like I was inspecting them to make sure nothing was missing.

"If there's anything else I could help you with, I would gladly be of service," he offered, still grinning. The suggestion was rather obvious. I felt so warm I would have thought the shower was still running and the steam was rolling right into my room. I bit my lip.

He's definitely doing it on purpose, I decided, a bit annoyed to realize I was being toyed with. He was teasing me. Wasn't I supposed to be the one calling the shots?

"Thank you, Wolfe..." I heard my voice shake a little. To give myself a moment to regain my composure I gently placed my things on the floor to the side of the door.

When I straightened, the next words came out steady. "But I wouldn't want to impose," I said with a polite tone you might use to tell your host you didn't want them to get up to get you another drink. "I'm sure you're tired."

And then I added "I'm sure I can manage on my own..." while giving him my own sly grin.

Why did you do that, Aayla? Stop playing with him. He's much better at this than you, I scolded myself. Though I didn't feel annoyed anymore.

"Goodnight," I added cheerfully, finally able to meet him eyes properly. And if I kept my eyes on his face I wouldn't have to think too hard about how little he was wearing, or how hard it was going to be to banish the thought of him from my mind when I tried to sleep.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sylvar


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

My eyes on the glint of an odd collar that I spot glinting on Aayla's neck, spotted as she bent over to put her things down, almost make me miss her following words...

Manage on her own can she? I'd like to see that...

My thoughts fog again momentarily, instantly seeing a range of possibilities unfolding before my eyes as the pretty Twi'lek finishes with a cheery "goodnight". This, I am unsatisfied with.

Slowly stalking one step forward, and then another, I slide my hands up the sides of the door-frame, carefully flexing my powerful limbs as they reach the top and rest there in a faux-relaxed state.

"Well, considering the extravagant show I prepared for you, would it not be fair for me to get one as well? Show me, then, how well you can manage on your own..." I practically purr out in a low, sultry tone.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by sleeping valor

sleeping valor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Wolfe moved closer, filling the frame of the door imposingly while at the same time looking utterly relaxed. I almost stepped back instinctively, but managed to hold my ground.

"Well, considering the extravagant show I prepared for you, would it not be fair for me to get one as well? Show me, then, how well you can manage on your own..."


I'd been making it up of course. I'd never... I'd just wanted to tease him a little. My mind churned, somewhat distracted by Wolfe's looming presence.

"You invited me to that 'show', remember?" I reminded him, crossing my arms over my chest. "And I distinctly remember thanking you for your little show by helping you with your back," I said with a matter of fact tone. I let my eyes deliberately flick downwards towards the obvious evidence of his arousal. "And it seems to me you enjoyed that quite well."

I met his eyes again. "Is that's why you're still here? Do you need me to help with that, too? Surely you're not so helpless?"

Wolfe all too happily admit he needs some help and Aayla gives into temptation. Some hours later, our heroes fall asleep in each others arms.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by sleeping valor

sleeping valor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

And so our first day of adventure comes to an end! Wolfe has (seemingly) failed in your mission to capture the Jedi hiding on Cholganna and Aayla has managed to get yourself un-stranded from the hostile planet. Our two adventurer's have formed an unlikely alliance and are leaving the wild edge of the galaxy and headed for civilization. You will arrive at the nearest hyperlane in approximately 48 hours.

End of Day 1, Chapter 1

Day 2
Chapter 2 : Close Quarters

Aayla it is late morning when you wake up, encircled in Wolfe's arms. He is still asleep for the moment.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by sleeping valor

sleeping valor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

My first thought as I started to wake up was "It's warm". Months on Cholganna and I had become accustomed to the cold. For a moment I wondered when I'd gotten such a soft blanket, but my brain quickly supplied the memories and my eyes snapped open and I found myself looking at the wall mass of black and blue fur that was Wolfe's chest; I'd apparently snuggled up to him in the night. I could feel his arm encircling me.

For a moment I let myself relax, enjoying the feeling of warmth a moment while I search my feelings. I felt… refreshed. Whatever had happened the night before, I felt better for it. Serene, even. I almost sighed in relief.

I turned my mind to my current situation. I wasn't on Cholganna anymore. I had things to do. Though first I needed to get up. I wondered if I could slip free without waking Wolfe [4]. I moved very slowly and managed to slip out without causing too much disturbance. However just as I was sliding off the bed Wolfe shifted and I froze--like a guilty child caught trying to steal a cookie. A moment later I realized he'd just shifted in his sleep.

Quietly, I gathered my abandoned clothing and slipped out of the room. I needed a shower, and some food.

Aayla you got out without waking Wolfe up, but your confidence is shaken. You have a disadvantage on all rolls for the next hour! Wolfe you sleep (*roll*) another hour and a half.

Half an hour later I was thoroughly showered and feeling very relaxed. Warm water was such a blessing. I put on my Jedi robes and sabre, slid my vibro knife into my boot and tucked the control the Wolfe's shock collar into a pocket. Confident I had the most essential items on my person, I gave myself a quick tour of the ship while I hunted for something to eat.

That done, I found my way to the cock pit. I knew how to get into the system now, so I pulled up the Holonet. It was time to discover what had become of the galaxy.

By the time half an hour had passed I knew little more than before. There was a Sith running the Empire and it seemed like no one knew it. Worse, it seemed the situation for the Jedi was worse than before. It seemed sheltering a Jedi was a terrible offence in the eyes of the Galactic Empire--one for which many had already been punished. The news used euphemisms but the words dripped with the weight of innocent blood. And there were now "Inquisitors". A terrible thought crept into my mind and I felt ill. I had been so taken by my own needs, I had forgotten who Wolfe really was. A Sith. Perhaps one of these "inquisitors", even. How many of my comrades had he hunted, killed, or even worse, before me? Whose blood was on his hands? He'd said he was sorry, but he hadn't denied contributed to the hunt either. And I had...

It was a shock, to realize I'd let such an important detail slip my mind entirely. Between Wolfe being nothing like I expected, and my own desires, I'd been blind to something I might have done well to ponder. I had not asked Wolfe what he had done for the Sith, or why he had turned to the Dark Side. I knew very little about him. Why had I not sought to find out?

I sighed and put the thoughts aside after a moment. I had other things to worry about and Wolfe and I had agreed to cooperate. He was no longer my enemy, at least for now. I sat back in the pilot's seat and considered my options.

One thing was very clear to me: I needed to find out what had become of my Master and his mission.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sylvar


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I slowly fade into wakefulness, feeling lonely for some reason, until I realize that my new friend is actually no longer close to me.

Noticing this makes me feel just a bit lonelier...

Get up.

Forcing myself to move, I sit up slowly on the side of the bed. I wonder why she had gone... I suppose she just didn't want to wake me.

The thought cheers me, but not completely. But enough. Grabbing a clean set of my robes, as my last pair were still soaked in octopus blood, I begin my morning exercises. Stretching and rotating my limbs, I sink into the familiar routine easily, quickly forgetting the lonely feeling as I recall the experiences from the night before. Careful Wolfe... I caution myself, deciding to focus more on the feelings I felt than the actual experience. I was conflicted. Initially, I had intended simply to seduce her, to gain her trust. But now... it felt wrong. The thought of turning on her, after all the honesty she'd given me...

The loneliness started to well up in my gut again, and I quickly quelled it with the thought of Aayla wrapped in my arms, breathing heavily and then softly as she drifted off to sleep after our exertion.

Mistress will not find out.

Then the thought of Aayla brought me back to reality as I finished the last of my exercises, realizing that I actually had no idea where she was on my ship at this instant, and I really hope she knows not to answer any long range communications...

The thought galvanizes me, as I stalk out of my room and towards Aayla's, where I knock and wait for a response that doesn't come. A minute whisper of panic is squashed as I tell myself that she's probably just figuring out the controls, so I head up the lift to find her there at the console, a bit more relief than I expected washes over me.

"Good morning, Aayla." I grin in her direction, knowing only that she's there by the sound of the ship's controls in use. I'm still wearing the blindfold, hoping to continue to impress her with my determination.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by sleeping valor

sleeping valor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Good morning, Aayla," I heard Wolfe say moment after hearing the soft noise of the lift arriving.
"Good morning..." noticing he was still wearing the blindfold I lost track of my thought for a moment. "...Wolfe."

Wolfe has a grin on, though something about his body language didn't quite match the expression. He was also still wearing the blindfold, and I instantly felt a little pleased. I noted how different he looked in his robes than he had the night before... At the thought I flushed a little. Good thing he can't see me.

"I hope you don't mind I was trying to get a feel for how things have changed," I said carefully. Then setting that aside. "I was thinking we should discuss what's going to happen when we get back to the hyper-lanes."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sylvar


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hearing the familiar little sound of the chair turning as she paused a moment before saying my name was quite satisfying. Thinking of satisfaction brought back instant memories of the night before...

~ahem~ I catch myself, then considering her question seriously.

"I'm honestly not certain... Giving it thought, I think the best course of deliberation would be to consider how we would appear in public, and perhaps even multiple disguises, depending on where we might be heading. What do you think?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by sleeping valor

sleeping valor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"That's a good point. A disguise would be a wise plan," I admitted. My robes were very comfortable, but hardly practical. Being identified as a Jedi would be disastrous. It was why I had adopted a different outfit during my stay on Cholganna. The robes would have been too much of a giveaway.

Then I wondered how long "we" were going to be travelling together. Did Wolfe want to return to Mistress and his work? He'd only really offered to cooperate because he had "failed his mission". I'd taken for granted he'd given up on that mission and that was why he was so willing to cooperate with me. But if he changed his mind? Or his mistress called him back? She was most likely the one who had turned him to the Dark Side, and I knew of the strength of a bond between an apprentice and their master. Just how much power did she have over him?

And even if he didn't return eventually, how long would it be before they came looking for him?

I realized planning further without knowing where we stood was unwise. I knew where I needed to go--he was a man my Master often dealt with due to his missions. He specialized in dealing in hard to find information. If anyone would know where I needed to go next, it would be him.

Not that I had met the man in person. His dealt with his clients via secure com-links one had to acquire from his agents. He was a very careful man. One who would not appreciate me bringing his dealings with certain Jedi to the Empire's attention if it could be avoided.

I sighed. I needed to ask him.

"Wolfe... why did you join the Sith?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sylvar


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"I knew this question would come. Now... I'm surprised I didn't give my answer to you more thought ahead of time. I suppose I might have wanted to be honest when you asked." I look away slowly, pensive. How to word this... "Have you heard stories of the Sith beforehand?"
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