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Emma sighed as she carried the last of her boxes into her dorm room. The 18 year old had just arrived at her new college dorm and was trying to get settled in. She had just got off her flight from Scotland,where she was from, a few hours ago. Emma had managed to get a full scholarship at an American college and took the opportunity right away even though she was scared as hell to be so far away from home.

Emma came from a rather poor family so getting a scholarship which included spending money in it ,that she wouldn't have to pay back ,was a huge help. Emma was born and raised in Glasgow and had a strong Scottish accent. She was coming here to study Sociology, Philosophy and History, though Sociology was the one she loved the most. She was a bit of a nerd for it loving to learn about the effects society can have on people and the effects people can have on society and also learning about the nature, nurture debate which she was definitely on the side of nurture for the most part at least.

Emma was a nerd in many other ways as well. She loved movies, books and video games, in fact most of her spending money will probably be spent on them. She spends most of her time reading or drawing in her sketch book. She has always loved drawing ever since she was a little kid, in fact until she was about 14 or 15 she was dead set on going to art school, however she soon found out how competitive it is and not having a completive bone in her body she dropped that idea.

As she carried the last box to her room she was dressed in black skinny jeans, a grey guys t shirt, a burgundy guy's hoodie, a pair of guys cookie monster boxers and a pair of old school vans. She always dressed kinda butchly. She acted butch as well. It was all in an attempt to hide how scared sand sensitive she could be at times. She always joked around instead of talking about her feelings so whenever opened up to anyone. Her skin was pale, eyes blue with bags under them as she never sleeps well. Her hair was brown and in a short pixie cut. She was a rather short girl but quite curvy with a size D chest and big hips. She also tried to look butch to seem a bit stronger and more mature as even though she was 18 with her height and childish features she could barley pass for 13. She would seem even younger if it wasn't for her developed chest.

As she started to unpack her boxes she thought about all the stuff she had to do ok arrived in America check, unpacking in process, next I have to go to the dorm meeting, get my time table from my RA, try not to cry myself to sleep and some how manage to get good grades and maybe make some friends she thought.

Emma was really scared about being so far from home. She had never lived away from her parents before and to be honest was quite dependant on them. hell she could barley work the washing machine.

There was also the fact that even though Emma acted like she was strong and didn't care what others thought she was still a shy girl and really did want to get a friend or tow... or maybe a girlfriend she thought to herself but quickly shock that thought off. There is no way anyone will want to date me, anyway all the nice lesbian and bi girls are probably taken they all were back home anyway Emma thought to herself as she pulled her teddy bear out of her bag. No one wants to date a 18 year old who still sleeps with a stupid old bear she thought as she set her teddy bear under her pillow.

Emma was given her bear when she was just a baby, she has always been very attached to it though told everyone she flung the old thing out when she was 9 and thought she was too old for such things. There was allot of stuff Emma thought she was too old for but still loved: video games, comic books, cartoons,lego, stuff toys in general, Disny movies, sweets and most of all the affection she craves. Emma's family were very loving and caring but from a young age Emma pushed away all physical contact from them thinking that as the eldest child she shouldn't need that stuff...however she did. One of the reason Emma still slept with her bear was her need for a hug. She may not want to admit it but she wasn't the big butch girl she made out to be she needed other people.

Emma's final worry about college was her dyslexia. Emma was a very bright girl and did well in her exams however her spelling was terrible, in fact until about the age of maybe 13 she could barley read or write. She had came on leaps and bounds but her spelling still wasn't at the standard it should be. Spell checker helped allot but without her parents here to read over her essays once she was done she was worried her grades would suffer, she really needed a proof reader.

Soon Emma had completely unpacked with all her cloths away, her bear hidden under her pillow, her precious laptop that could run all the games she wanted set up on her desk and all her other stuff was on the small book case her room had. Even though she knew she couldn't Emma couldn't help bring her Harry Potter books with her as well as a few dvds, her kindle, a small box of lego and a few more of her favourite books. It was a bitch to get it all here but she had managed it. She was lucky she had a room to herself, which she only got because of her special scholarship she was in one of the fancy dorms.

Now she was unpacked she headed out into the hall timidly knowing all the students had to go to their dorm meeting. The college had an RA system which meant each dorm had one or two pupils who were paid to keep an eye on the new students, make sure they follow the rules and make sue everyone was settling in ok. Each dorm had a big meeting on the first day where the RA would go over some rules and give each member of the dorm their class time table.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sweedishdelight
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Belle walked down along one of the long hallways of the campus dorm holding a large binder holding a thick selections of papers all organized for anything that would come up. Often enough the fresh college students would be lost or have little instruction and it was her job as the Resident Assistant to make sure they felt at ease and of coarse kept out of trouble. When in college Belle didn't honestly expect to be an RA, she had been concentrating on her own studies but she had become so easily persuaded by a good friend of hers, Anna.

Anna was a polar opposite from her, a complete and utter party girl who used to her RA abilities to have a little casual fun and bend the rules where Belle wasn't exactly a hardass but she tried her best to make sure it was a safe place for everyone. Being an RA had some pretty sweet perks including free room and board, her parents had wanted her to live on her own originally so it worked out for the best having her own room + having it for free, the downside was constantly having to deal with unruly residents and on occasion having to deal with the police if things got out of hand. If you could handle the stress then it was a great experience.

Stepping down the hallway Belle couldn't help but chuckle under her breath watching the exasperated girls wander down the hallways, some carrying what seemed like an endless amount of luggage and more than enough in a daze. Handing out sheets of paper to each confused female she could she made her way down each long corridor making light chat with a few girls who seemed terrified. It was important for these girls to attend their welcoming meeting today so they knew the guidelines of living in the dormitory and what the consequences would be... Unlike Anna Belle wouldn't let rolling a keg of bear while sneaking in several boys from the other dormitory fly.

Clicking her tongue Belle saw a girl she hadn't familiarized herself with yet and she stepped down the hallway holding a friendly smile. "Hi there, I'm Belle your RA, I just wanted to invite you to our dorm meeting which will be in a couple hours in the main room downstairs." The young woman reached her hand into the binder pulling out a sheet of brightly colored paper and handed it to Emma. "Is there anything I can do for you, or any questions?" Belle asked warmly. The young woman was wearing a light blue skirt with a white sleeveless shirt having the college name written across it and her hair was held back with a high ponytail, she also had two streaks of blue paint across her cheeks, it wasn't her typical look but it was easier for new students to track her down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RPcat18


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Emma jumped as Belle appeared out of no where. She looked like a timid little cat as she looked up at Belle who was a bit taller than her. For fuck shake get a hold of yourself you can't shit yourself every time someone talked to you she thought to herself and straightened up trying to look as tall as possible.

"Hi...ok yeah I was just heading down there anyway...I'm Emma by the way." She said. Picked a great time to forget how to talk to people she thought annoyed at herself for being such a klutz when it came to social situations. "It's nice to meet you"She said trying to fix this her Scottish accent very clear to Belle.

She took the paper and looked it over even though she already knew when and where the meeting was as she had made sure to look it up online in advance. All the dorms had a dorm time line online like when any meetings would be on or if there would be free condoms handed out or something.
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"I really like your accent," Belle complimented with a warm smile but let her gaze fall over Emma, she must not have been from around here for sure not just because of the accent but because of the way she looked and held herself, she held an also frightened look in her eyes and body language but didn't look like she would be shy and nervous. "Anyways, I'll see you down there." She chirped before turning and heading down the hallway pleased for meeting someone else, if she made a good impression with these girls it would be easier to make sure their was less trouble later on and it was easy enough to tell who would be trouble and who wouldn't.

Making her way downstairs she raised a dainty eyebrow as she caught sight of Anna who gave a wide grin. "Belle!" Anna ran over eagerly her arms wrapping around Belle's neck and she pulled her against her chest. "Whoa Anna, calm down, I just saw you yesterday." She laughed as she pulled back but gave her friend a smile. "I know but still, I missed your face." Anna smiled cheekily before turning her head. "You should see some of the boys this year, I had to stop by and check in with Dean at the boys dorm, it was heaven." Anna fanned herself off and Belle chuckled as she began walking with her friend to the main room. "You're hopeless, you know that?"

"Don't act so Sandra Dee with me Belle,' Anna teased as they fell into step. The young woman had long flowing black hair with grey blue eyes, to compliment her face she had a gorgeous body that boys and men a like had an appreciation for and Anna knew she could have them wrapped around her pinky finger. "It is my job to find you some hot ass this year and don't you dare tell me you'd rather be single... Your the only girl I know who wants to stay in and watch movies by herself on a Friday night." Anna sighed.

Belle shook her head, rolling her eyes she looked over at Anna. "I'm not looking for hot anything," She began holding her binder even tighter against her, "You know I tried dating first year and every guy you set me up with was just too much. I've never had someone take me out to dinner, tell me they pay for college with pornography and than try to get me into bed, it was ridiculous." She stated but in all honesty that date was the tip of the ice burg, she had gone out on dates with at least eight guys that year that Anna had persisted and insisted on but every date was worse then the last, finally she had decided against it all together.

"I need to get ready for our meeting." Belle told Anna with a small smile as they reached the main room and Anna smirked. "Fineeee, but you're missing out, I'm sure lots of guys would be all over you." Anna grinned slyly causing Belle to roll her eyes once more. Walking from Anna and getting to the front of the room she began organizing her notes preparing for when the students would begin flocking in, soon after that the meeting would begin.
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Emma blushed a bit at her comment about her accent. "Oh jeez um thanks I think I just sound miserable and aggressive but I guess I grew up around this, so I'm used to it. "She said as always never good at accepting compliments and always putting herself down.

"Bye"She said smiling at her slightly. She couldn't help but look back at Belle as she walked away. Jeez she is pretty...probably straight and if she isn't then she is definitely seeing someone...she is way out my league anyway Emma thought as she turned and walked away.

Latter that day she was sitting waiting for the meeting to start. The meeting was being held in the main room which was basically a big living room with three big sofas, some big comfy chairs, a big TV and a lovely big fire place. Emma had found what she kinda wanted to be her spot for the year, she was sitting in a big comfy chair dark red chair right next to the fireplace, it had a light next to it and was a great spot for reading.Emma sat there holding a pillow in her lap as a kinda security thing.

Soon the room was filling with students most of whom wanting just to get it over. The rules were fairly simple, no drink, no drugs and no boys after lights out.
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Belle had waited until the room filled out quite a bit before getting to the front of the room and she gave the room a bright smile. "Hello new students and welcome to your first year of college, my name is Belle and I am your Resident Assistant. I know you all must be really excited to look around so I won't keep you long but as your RA it's my duty to tell you the rules of staying at our on campus dormitory," Belle began to explain seeing a few girls already texting and others looking completely bored.

"So to start out I think many of you know that college is a time where a lot of people let loose and that is awesome but we do have something called quiet hours. On the weekends we require you to maintain a a low level of noise from 2AM to 11AM and during the weekends 10AM to 8AM. This doesn't mean you have to sneak around but just watch how loud you play your music and such." Belle stood up and picked up a box that contained rolled up shirts.

The young blond began to walk around handing out a few shirts as Anna took over, "Hey gorgeous girls so in your rooms you have to be aware of fire hazards and not have these items in your rooms; no candles, incense, space heaters, microwaves, 6-headed lamps, smoking in your room, halogen lamps, extension cords that run under rugs or furniture, toasters, toaster ovens, electric blankets, paper lanterns,"

Anna continued to speak as Belle handed out the shirts, there were at least twenty and having one more shirt she stepped over to Emma and handed her one flashing her a warm smile, Emma seemed nice if not a little lost but at least she seemed to be paying attention. Jogging back up with the empty box Belle could see the expressions of the girls who seemed to be losing their minds with Anna's listing of the rules and Belle chuckled.

After a few minutes Anna switched out with Belle who gave another sweet smile. "Remember girls, if you need anything at all please contact either myself, Anna or one of our other RA's who will be more than happy to talk to you or help in any way, we don't bite." Belle said with a playful wink but Anna grinned. "Hard!" She added causing Belle to shoot her a playful glare laughing before turning back to the girls. "Enjoy your time here girls, you're free to go."

Watching as the girls began leaving Belle turned to Anna. "Do you always have to make everything so sexual?" She questioned shaking her head but Anna just giggled. "It's not my fault you don't let anyone see your other side, you might get a nice slice if you lightened up." Anna grinned smacking Belle from behind before jogging to the other side of the room before Belle could smack her in return. "Byee!"
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Emma smiled up at Belle as she passed her a shirt. "Thanks"She said looking the shirt over. The shirt had the college logo on the front and on the back the dorm name. It was just a free t shirt all the students got for kicking about in.

Emma giggled a bit at Anna's comment. Emma was a nice girl and very innocent when it came to real sexual experience but she was very curious and did have a bit of a dirty sense of humour.

Once the meeting was over everyone left the room but Emma who was sitting next to the fireplace reading "Fangirl" by Rainbow Rowell. She heard Anna and Belle's conversation and thought Oh she is single...probably straight though.
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Belle shook her head watching as Anna left, the black haired beauty was insane as they came but in all reality Anna had been a pretty good friend to her, funny and sweet but after being together in college since first year Belle still hadn't really opened herself up to Anna, she could barely take anything seriously let alone Belle's problems and thoughts. Raising her eyes from her binder Belle caught sight of Emma sitting in one of the large chairs reading a book and raised an eyebrow, why was she still here? It wasn't that big of a deal but Belle was surprised, most of the girls were out exploring the campus, meeting other girls or settling in where this girl was in the main room reading a book, interesting.

Pulling her gaze away Bella found the cardboard box and carried it over to the side of the room beginning to reach up and pull down a couple banners and decorations, it would be easier to take them down now since the meeting was over and sometimes the girls grew restless and excitable deciding to make a mess of the decorations. Belle reached up on her tiptoes with her t shirt riding up and exposing the smooth arch of her back her skin a cross between pale and a light cream soda like tan.

Managing to pull down the banner Belle looked over her shoulders still seeing Emma sitting in the chair. Folding the banner up and putting it in the box she decided to step over to Emma. "Hey Emma, can I get your honest opinion on something?" She asked with a sweet smile. "Do you think I should leave the banner up for a few more days or take it down?" She asked referring to the banner hanging out in the middle of the room that said 'WELCOME STUDENTS' in bright colors in well done calligraphy, although Belle wouldn't admit it she painted it herself.
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Emma looked up a bit as she saw movement just in time to see Belle's back as her shirt pulled up. A blush appeared on Emma's cheek unable to look away. When Belle turned around Emma tensed jeez I'm such a pervshe thought.

Emma looked up at her and then at the banner "Oh um well it's a nice banner but you know everyone who needs welcoming is already here so maybe you should just take it down. Would you like a hand?" Emma asked wanting to be nice and figured she had nothing better to do, she was too tiered to go explore and had no friends yet to hag out with.

She stood up to help as she did it was clear she was very tiered, she hadn't slept the whole flight here, there was huge bags under her eyes.
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"Yeah that makes sense," Belle agreed with a smile and placed her hands on her hips as Emma asked if she needed help. "That would actually be great, I'd really like to reuse the banners for next year and don't want to tear it down by accident, I'm clumsy enough to do that." Belle laughed and reached down a hand to Emma to help her from the large chair knowing it could be exceptionally comfortable and once you sunk down into it's warmth it could be a challenge to get back up. As they headed to the middle of the room Belle couldn't help but smile, Emma's accent was really interesting to listen too and pretty cute, Belle had always had a thing for accents.

"So tell me about you, where are you from? What are you into?" Belle asked as she reached up on her tiptoes to peal back the tape from the banner hanging trying her best not to tear it. She got off the several peices of tape and lowered the banner on her side before reaching a hand to her face and tucking a lock of stray hair behind her ear.
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"Hm I'm clumsy to don't know how much help that will be." She said with a chuckle. She looked shyly at her hand but took it anyway. Emma had sensitive skin so moisturised allot, which left her with baby soft skin. Her hands were very soft and fit nicely in Belle's. It felt rather nice to Emma to.

Emma being a bit shorted climbed up on a near by stool to reach the top of the banner. "Oh well I'm from Glasgow, that's in Scotland and um I'm into allot of stuff but I'm studying social sciences. What are you studying?" She asked not much wanting to tell her about all of her nerdy interests.
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"Well, I guess we'll just be a hopeless mess together." Belle giggled as they began to take down the banner and brought it was with ease. The banner was made from a thick paper that was easy enough to fold, bringing the peices together she began to tuck it into itself and raised an eyebrow. "I thought I recognized your accent," Belle commented as she put the banner into the cardboard box and rubbed her hands together getting off the bit of dust left behind. "Hmm... Social sciences, very cool. I'm actually hoping to major in art but am also looking into accounting, something to fall back onto you could say." Belle sighed heavily as she turned around not being able to help but roll her eyes. Her parents had the idea that art was a ridiculous career choice and coming from both her father that was a judge and her mother who worked as a lawyer they expected more of an academic route from her.

Turning back around Belle raised an eyebrow. "So, I hope you don't think I'm nosy but why aren't you out checking out the campus? There are a lot of extra activities you can get into," Belle shook her head with a slight chuckle, "I'm sorry, I'm being such a nag." She smiled showing off her straight white teeth, compliments of thirty six months of braces.
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"Oh art cool...I was considering art school for a while before I realised how competitive it is. Now I just draw for fun." Emma said as she helped her put away the banner. Emma had always loved drawing and art ever since she was little but soon found out she didn't want to do it as her job...in fact she had no clue what she wanted to do after college. At the moment Emma was just studying whatever she enjoyed most and that seemed to be social sciences.

"Oh I guess that's smart.I should probably take a few classes n that or businesses they are useful things to have, even though they bore me to tears"She said joking lightly.

As she asked about why she wasn't checking out the campus Emma realised perhaps she was being odder than she realised not doing so. "Oh um it's fine your not being a nag it's just I just got off a 7 hour flight and my first class tomorrow doesn't start till 11AM so I will have time before that to look around. "She explained. Emma didn't want to walk around college meeting people when she was so tiered, she wanted to look at least mildly presentable when she meets new people and also if she was being honest she was kinda scared so putting it off as long as she could. She was rather impressed with herself to even be talking to Belle like this.
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"It never hurts to draw," Belle commented with a soft smile before pulling down a few streamers and she turned her eyes to look over at Emma. "So why did you decide on social sciences?" She asked curiously as she pulled down the decorations and tossed them into the cardboard box. Although Belle was an RA she wasn't completely used to being around the company of another person for this long without feeling completely uncomfortable, but Anna wasn't exactly the soft spoken type...

"That's fair enough, plus there are like half a million kids outside right now, looks like a tornado touched down." Belle chuckled as she finished packing up the decorations and began to close the lid of the box. "I have to take this but you should stop by my room sometime, maybe watch a movie and destroy a bowl of popcorn?" The young blond suggested with a warm smile picking up the box and balancing it on her leg as she waited for an answer. Belle rarely had people into her dorm but thought it would be a good idea, Emma seemed nice and maybe they could be friends?
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"I don't know really I just enjoy learning about ideas about our society and interactions between people. I don't really have a job in mind or anything I'm just doing what I enjoy the most." She said with a shrug.

When Belle offered for her to come to her room sometime Emma looked shocked. The only real reason she had been so relaxed talking to her was in the back of her mind she was thinking she is only talking to you cause she is your RA she won't be your friend however this suggested differently. Emma bit her lip kinda nervously in a cute fashion for a second before a smile spread across her face."That sounds great, I have quite allot of movies with me we could watch though." She said playing with the sleeves of her hoodie a bit. She looked rather adorable as she stood there looking like she was homeless or something and Belle had offered her a place to stay. She definitely seemed grateful.

"What kind of movies do you like?" Emma asked suddenly worried about bringing the wrong kinda movie if she asked her to bring something.
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Belle nodded thoughtfully and flashed Emma a smile. "I like the way you think. If more people did what they enjoyed this world would be a lot less grumpy." She chuckled as she balanced the box looking over at Emma and seeing a bewildered look on her way, surprised for sure. Maybe she shouldn't have asked her? A moment later Belle felt more relaxed as Emma smiled and agreed to come over even asking what movies she liked. It was probably strange to be in college and not out partying but the young blond was more than content to stay in and not get into trouble. Often enough she would get into her bed and watch movies, she had watched so many.

"Well, I don't know... I like a bit of everything." Belle said with a smile and suddenly pulled a small pen from her side pocket and stepped forward taking Emma's hand with her own, writing her cell number on her her hand she stepped back with another smile. "Why don't you surprise me, how about tomorrow night? Come on over at say... Seven?" She suggested while holding the box. "Just text me if you can't come, I'll supply the popcorn." Belle winked before heading from the main room with the box needing to drop it off. Emma seemed pretty nice and sweet, but she definitely loved that accent, too cute.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RPcat18


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"Ha ha yeah but probably less functional as well." She said thankful that some people grew up knowing they wanted to be things such as doctors and worked hard to reach that goal.

When she took her hand she tensed a bit and her whole face went a bright shade of pink. She tried hard to look casual but she couldn't control the cute blush on her face. She nodded silently for a minuet before she found her voice. "Oh yeah sure that sounds great um see you then." She said and just watched her as she walked away. She couldn't help but have a cheeky little peek at her ass, which only made her blush more.

After that Emma rushed off to her own room. She was exhausted but still managed to spend a good amount of time thinking about what happened and all the stuff that was going to happen tomorrow. Ok all you have to do is figure out your way around college, find class, don't act like an idiot in any of your classes and go to Belle's and try not to scare her off...ah fuck I'm done for she thought before she fell asleep.

The next morning Emma gowned as her alarm went off not used to the time difference yet. However she sighed and made herself get up giving her teddy bear one last squeeze before hiding it back under her pillow. Emma then went out to pick out the outfit she had already decided on for her first day. The outfit consisted of a pair of black skinny jeans, a pair of black and white all star converse, a grey shirt with black buttons, a burgundy v neck jumper and a cute little black bow tie with little white dots on it. Emma had a huge bow tie collection and wanted to wear one on her first proper day of college. Once she was all dressed and looking very dapper she pulled on a casual black blazer style jacket and grabbed her satchel which was black and leather and had all that she would need for today in it.

Emma made her way around the college. She was glad she had waited till morning now as it was allot quieter than it had been last night. It seemed some students had already had a chance to go out partying. It took her about an hour but soon she had a pretty good idea of her way around the college. Emma then headed for a quite bite to eat which included a coffee to wake her up and headed to class.

Her classes for the day went well she knew allot of the stuff already. However she was already given an essay to do which of course with her dyslexia she was worried about. Being a bit of a nerd once her day of classes were done she went to the library and studied a bit making a plan for the essay as she did. Then she headed for a quite bite to eat before heading to her room.

Once at her room she freshed up a bit fixing her hair again as it had went a bit curly looking as the day went on because she had naturally very curly hair. She then dumped her bag and picked out a selection of movies. The movies included Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban (her favourite of the Harry Potter movies), Whip it, Batman The Dark Knight, Stepbrothers and The Nightmare Before Christmas. She figured this was a good range and there would be something Belle liked there.

Once she had the DVDs she took a deep breath and started to head to Belle's room shyly. She was both nervous and excited for this and was fidgeting a bit as she walked. She got to her door at exactually 7 o'clock and knocked shyly after taking a deep breath a small nervous blush on her cheeks.
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