Roseburg, Oregon

A young woman came close to running into Sif, and he was more then a little surprised. She had somehow approached from his blind spot while he was looking around. She seemed upset with him, and muttered something along the lines of "Your clothes make you better then everyone else," and Sif immediately misunderstood what she had been implying. "Oh no, I wear this because of my father," Sif explained with a patient look about him, though admittedly a bit apprehensive.

"My father says, Sif you must wear nice clothes, bring home pretty American girl, and I say, Father it will impress no one, I will get funny looks, and he replies Nonsense! Woman love man who wear suit, ask mother," He continued, his Korean accent heavy on every word. Truthfully he understood English pretty well, but writing and reading were worlds apart for Sif. His strange way of speaking had kept him from going to the eighth grade a couple years ago, making him older then almost everyone in his Sophomore class. He didn't recognize this particular girl, but he was bad enough at names and faces that it wasn't very surprising. Sif could've met her plenty of times and have no recollection of it.

As Sif spoke he examined the girl, and thought she looked pretty peeved. What that his fault, or was it because of how difficult high school seemed to be. It probably wasn't Sif, so it was understandable that school was just difficult today. It could make anyone moody, even Sif. Truthfully he just hoped she didn't hate Asians, and if she didn't maybe they could be friends? He had high hopes for a guy who had a total of two friends. Sif relaxed a bit, as he didn't feel like someone was spying on him anymore. The halls were empty except for the two of them, which was a godsend in of itself. He didn't like big crowds. He immediately had delusion of a grand friendship between the two of them. . .

"I must go home, sorry for misunderstanding," Sif said, looking worried again. The clouds that had been approaching before were getting closer and closer. They seemed like they were just about to burst, and release a drenching shower. That seemed to be an omen, or maybe Sif was just superstitious.