Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PetiteAmbivert
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PetiteAmbivert The Smol and Angry

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Solaras looked at the adjacent wall to the first offending wall and seemed to accuse the second wall, teh one farthest from Joran's direction, of the same crimes as her skin tinged another shade again. Pretty? She thought to herself Why does it feel so different when he says that?

"Oh come on Smuggler, I think you're taking this body guard guise up a bit too much hahaha." She tried to laugh off the churning in the pit of her belly. The way he said it...it sat funny with her.

Solaras pushed off the ground and stood with a hand extended to him to help him up. "Oh noooow its starting to weird you out." She sarcastically questioned as she pulled him up. "If I leave this room for 5 minutes to actually brush my hair are you going to be alright?" There was a tone of teasing in her words but she was mostly serious. As much as she wanted to actually brush out her now probably kinky and frizzy hair she didn't want him having another episode and potentially making things worse.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ThatArceusGuy


Banned Seen 11 mos ago

"Someone has to watch your back, since you are probably a major target now. At least it could be someone like me... On second thought, maybe I should let someone else do it." Joran teased softly as he stretched a bit from where they had been sitting on the floor way too long. Looking over at her, he noticed the slight pink hue to her face, but said nothing of it.

"Yeah, only now. Everything else has been perfectly normal, just as normal as starting an international war!" Looking directly into her eyes he could sense that what she was saying had two meanings to it. "Nope, I plan to have five more force episodes while you go in there and brush your hair. Just like the last two were definitely intentional." He rolled his eyes and shooed her off towards the bathroom. "I'll try not to destroy everything with the force this time, I promise."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PetiteAmbivert
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PetiteAmbivert The Smol and Angry

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Solaras straightened her clothes a moment after staring at him with a look that said nothing more than, 'Really?' in such a sarcastic tone it might be taken seriously.

She exhaled before reaching up and pulling down the mess of a bun that was her hair. She moved to the bathroom and brushed her hair out with somewhat of ease; the occasional curse coming from her when she got a brush through a knot. "You know one day I'm just going to chop all of this damn hair off." She grumbled before stepping back out with her hair replaced in a far neater looking bun and her clothing set just right. Almost like a casually dressed Knight.

She looked around the room with a smirk, "Oh would you look at that you caaaaan be left alone for more than five minutes." She was teasing of course but he was strong enough to take it. So leaned on the doorway, "Where did you want to go?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ThatArceusGuy


Banned Seen 11 mos ago

"Definitely serious. I plotting every single thing to this point, just so I could get you alone to see your bits." Joran rolled his eyes as he looked towards the wall, and lean against the wall. Listening to her complain about her hair, he only chuckled softly as he knew she wasn't going to do that, unless his vision was wrong.

That or she has a super power to grow hair back incredibly fast. Which wouldn't surprise him at this point. Not much would surprise him at this point. Running his hand through his hair, he could only think about the fact that he was now being drawn more and more deep into things that he never wanted to exactly be involved with. He didn't mind being an agent in the background, but now his face was a major factor in this war, as he was one of the ones now associated with the war.

"Do you think if this war really gains steam... We will be at the fore-front, since we technically caused it?" He asked, completely ignoring her statement. Some of the darker moments of the images in his mind were stuck there, one of which him being at the helm of a ship. Something about that made him uneasy.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PetiteAmbivert
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PetiteAmbivert The Smol and Angry

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Solaras stopped what she was doing immediately as Joran asked her about the future of the war. Did he regret being apart of it? Was he going to flee? Her teeth clenched together as the sudden bubbling anger rose up in her. He had to have a reason for asking such a thing.

"It all depends on how Supreme Leader wants to go about his will. Will we be in fights? Yes? Will we be on the front lines? Perhaps not. I cannot speak on both of our behalf's as we have different uses and meanings. I am meant to be Snoke's weapon- I will be fighting some very gruesome battles. You will likely remain behind the scenes, keeping the machine that is The First Order, in check." She paused before finally saying, "There is a reason I said I would likely be dead within five years, Joran Jace. I know where my use is and my use isn't long term. Perhaps it is unfortunate but I've accepted that. Your use is making sure that The First Order is kept well filled with soldiers and others to be trained and groomed into being Force Users as well....it is our place."

Solaras knew her words were harsh and that the could sound almost cruel but this was not a matter to sugar coat or to lie about. Above all else loyalty was key in The First Order- without loyalty things would begin to fall apart in the worst of ways.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ThatArceusGuy


Banned Seen 11 mos ago

"Don't get me wrong, I'm in this to the end, but I just realized, I can't go back to just being a behind the scenes player. My face is going to be plastered everywhere now. You know that just as well as I do. I guess this means I'm going to be charging the front lines along side you. It's harder to do my job in a scenario where everyone knows who you are. Unless I get a face change... and I kinda really like this one. It suits me." Joran waved his hand across his face as he sighed. "I mean, this handsome face is now high up on the First Order's list, whether they want that or not. You at least have a mask you can hide behind."

"I might supply the troops, but that's certainly going to be much harder now, unless I got to some back-water planets that no one cares about, where we'll get some starving kids off the streets. It's not going to be the greatest play for me anymore. Maybe I should take up more of a morale-boosting approach? They see me on the front lines, someone that doesn't have to be there, but is willing to be there. I'm sure the New Republic will also be affected by the presence of someone they deemed a politician for the Order to be on the fronts." He looked over at her and shrugged softly.

"Oh well, just food for thought."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PetiteAmbivert
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PetiteAmbivert The Smol and Angry

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Just because you were seen with me when I made the public announcement of breaking that shit treaty does not mean you're going to be with the Troopers on the front lines. Yes, those who were after you before should likely know where you are now but if they are competent they will not go for you. I'd think that your place would be above the others pulling the grunt work to get the younglings into our ranks." She didn't even respond to his comment of his appearance. The First Order was all she knew for most of her life so things like this were quite the important and serious matter.

"Morale boosting I could understand but I do believe Snoke put you at my side for a reason when I'm not hiding behind my mask." There was a sizable bit of venom in her voice at his accusation of her hiding behind her helmet. She continued without missing a beat, "You know how scenarios play out in the real world- not the political world. I can almost guarantee I will have to be the one to make the connections an quell fears from now on- you're mission is to make sure I make it back to The First Order. I may be a knight but I have a squad for a reason."

She seemed to deflate a bit as she moved across the room and pulled on her black slippers before bringing both of her sabers towards her and holstering them to the small of her back. "Come on Face of The First Order- we need to leave here." She threw one of his jackets towards him before she pulled on a cloak that seemed to engulf her form almost like a shadow. "Lead the way." Sol stated as she held the door open for him to leave through.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PetiteAmbivert
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PetiteAmbivert The Smol and Angry

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Joran lead the way with a smirk and a snarky little comment that made Solaras roll her eyes for what must have been the thousandth time that day. So much had happened in such a short time within that room and the moment they left was the moment a weight felt as though it were lifted off of each of them. It wouldn't be until much later that they would return sassing each other about who the front end person was checking out that they came back to a holomessage on the communicator.

A young storm trooper came before them on the screen with stiff formality. "The mission has been deemed a success and your mission status has now changed. Return and report all finding as soon as possible." Thankfully the message was sent not too long before they'd returned to the room. They both moved quickly and efficiently to put away all equiptment, broken or not, into their respective cases and load themselves as they had when first arriving. Solaras' cloak was now pulled hood up to shield her face while Joran simply kept his head down.

They'd arrived back to the ship with few words to each other; Joran waiting outside for a few minutes while Solaras changed into her Knightly attire, helmet secured in place. He'd soon realize that she hid every aspect about herself with this attire, down to her curves and voice. Her boots gave her an extra inch and a half of height while having been designed just right to appear as though she were far more muscular and masculine than her actual form.

They took off with little more than a few words between the pair. The ship was downloaded while they made their way to the inner sanctum.

Solaras removed her helmet as was custom, her face devoid of emotion and her eyes dark and cold with her hair looking an inky black in the dim lighting. Her eyes were forward, his lingered for a moment on her face before turning towards the massive man now projected before them.

"Tell me what your mission revealed." Snoke's words clearly had a meaning focused upon Sol's attention.

"Though the days were wrong the informant was correct in their words of there being a meeting. This mission also revealed more of Joran Jace's Force Sensativity. It appears that he has the ability to project his conscious self into another location. We do not know the distance nor do we know how powerful that ability is." She spoke as though he wasn't within arms reach of her in that very moment. Her and Snoke's gaze never breaking.

"Projection ability?" Snoke leaned back in his massive stone throne at though he were in thought; the silence was thundering. "Continue to train him, my Knight." Snoke's massive form looked to Joran. "What else is to be reported?"

Joran seemed to hesitate for a split second before focusing in on the sole things in his mind-the faces of the Resistance he saw and their words. "While I was out of my body I could hear what they were saying. They know about Brendol Hux and his son but that do not know where he is located." Snoke grimaced at this, a scraggly white hand coming to rest under his chin as the frown seemed to grow larger on his face.

"Kylo Sol, prepare yourself and retrieve Hux and the child from Son-tuul. Take them to Starkiller Base and ensure they are fully informed of the present situation." He returned to his prior placement on his throne with hands at rest on either side and head back. "Go."

The pair was left with themselves in the darkness. His head tilted towards her with words on his tongue only for them to fade away with her receding shadow and form. A long sigh escaped him before he too left the chamber. His brows knit together in mild irritation as he realized she wouldn't wait for him to catch up. Thankfully, with his longer legs, he caught up to her pace only for her to promptly stop and face him with fierce precision. "We leave in the next standard morning."

With that she was gone and moving towards her chambers and Knights.

The Following Morning

The following standard morning came, Solaras already clad in her black attire and her things loaded onto the M5 Epsilon Class Carrier. It was a sizable black colored carrier capable of transporting multiple peoples. She would already be in the captain's seat with a holopad in one of her her gloved hands punching in calculations and numbers;pausing to adjust knobs or key in numbers into the control system as she waited.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ThatArceusGuy


Banned Seen 11 mos ago

The entire night Joran had thought about the meeting, how she practically treated him like he hadn't even been in the room with the two. Did she really think so lowly of him as to not be willing to talk to him? A little bit of anger had carried over into his sleep, and his dreams hadn't helped him any.

When he had awoken the next morning, he could feel the dream had just been screaming. Solaras and Joran screaming at each other, and it was clear that she didn't see him as anything more than just another solider. So maybe that had something to do with his mood as he entered the ship and noticed her taking the captain's chair. That was fine with him, as he placed his four duffel bags full of gear he could possibly need.

The place they were headed was one of those planets he didn't want to visit, as he hated swampy places. Whatever he wore was going to be completely unusable after this shitty mission, but he knew how important Brendol was to the cause. So he sucked it up as he walked towards the front.

"All good back here." This was completely abnormal with Joran, as he had been one to be boisterous and not hold back in anything he did. This was subdued, as he softly placed a hand on her shoulder and gave it a squeeze. "I think I'm going to hangout back here and meditate."

There was a sense of unease inside of him, as he didn't know what to do when it come to ever situation that they were in. He didn't know how to control his powers, and she was suppose to be helping him with that. Thought they both knew he was far too prideful to outright ask her for help, especially after last night.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PetiteAmbivert
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PetiteAmbivert The Smol and Angry

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Solaras barely acknowledged Joran's confirmation upon things being ready. Her body tensed under his touch as he lightly gave her shoulder a squeeze. Her lungs stopped their intake of air as she tried to simply ignore the pain that shot through her body at the simple action. Instead she just nodded her still helmeted head.

In a few simple motions the starship purred into life, the entry door closing and airlocking as it's tether was released. She expertly pushed the starship into flight and off of the Destroyer's hangar and into the outer side of space. As soon as she had punched in the proper coordiances she reached upwards and released the helmet from her head. Her hair was still harshly pulled away from her face-a place that she some how not been subjected to the brutal sparring sessions she had the night before. The rest of her...it wasn't so lucky. The rest of her body was covered so all else were none the wiser.

She pushed off of the Captain's seat before moving towards the back of the ship with her steps far lighter than before on the Destroyer. She carefully eye'd Joran's body as he sat down meditating. She could sense the discourse in him, or perhaps it was her own, as she approached him. Her hand lightly touched the shoulder blade on his left side, "Sit up stra- aaah." It was a breathy sound but one full of pain as Joran's right hand snapped out and vice gripped her forearm. Solaras felt her lungs stop once more as the pain from the grab shot through her elbow and shoulders. "Joran." She croaked out as she began to shake under his hand.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ThatArceusGuy


Banned Seen 11 mos ago

Meditation was not for Joran, it was not his game. It would never come naturally to him, and he had accepted that long ago. But right now, he just wanted to make sure he was calmed down. That was before he felt something touch his shoulder, which sent his instincts into overdrive as his hand slapped down on her forearm. His eyes didn't even immediately open as he was lost deep inside of the chaos that strew through his mind.

Though her voice was what brought her out of it. The way she had spoken his name startled him as his eyes ripped open from how deep a tranc he was in. "Don't sneak up on me." He quickly let go of her arm as he looked up at her, with a hint of an apologetic look to his eye. There was no way that would have normally hurt her though, which worried him a little more. "Are you alright?" He asked, now looking into her eyes, trying to see if she was going to give away anything.

Something wasn't right between them, as he could feel the harmony that was once there had been scattered to the wind. Whatever chemistry they had prior to this point had now seemed to be strained at the moment. "Sol.... What's wrong?" He asked softly as he put aside his own anger at what had happened the day before, because her well being was more important to him that his stupid ego. He slowly moved his hands to her arm, far more gently than he had when he'd grabbed at her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PetiteAmbivert
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PetiteAmbivert The Smol and Angry

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Solaras took a quick half step away from the meditating man with her eyes downcast as she quickly gave, "I'm sorry." She turned her body in just away for him to not to be able to see see the uncontrollable shaking of her hand. "I'm fine." she turned away from him fully as she moved to one of the wall units and pulled out the medical box. Her right arm hung at her side as she tried to dig through the items looking for bactapads.

Her eyes were burning with frustration and anger, all focused in upon herself, as she struggled to keep the pain at bay. Unlike most Sith, she didn't use pain to fuel her power so for her pain was annoying and actually hurt her. She visibly jumped as he touched her arms, flinching away from him. "I told you I'm fine!" She exclaimed with too much force. She couldn't even look at him. He was the reason she was like this. He was the reason she was in pain. She should hate him and despise him but she wanted nothing more than to cry and have him wrap his arms around her. Why? Why did he make her so weak?

She tried to distract herself with doing what she was doing before. The gloves on her hands were removed to show red angry knuckles- two of them split on her right hand and one on her left. Solaras glanced towards him with drawn eye brows and a frustrated frown, "Please either look away or help me..." She spoke so softly before staring back down at the box. With shaking fingers she unbuttoned her outer layer- stripping down to the black tanktop under all of her knightly attire.

Her body was covered in bruises of all sizes and colors. Some far more prominent than others. Most were focused upon her forearms and shoulders. There were a few on her neck and upper arms and it would be very true to say she had far more gnarly ones on her chest and ribs but those were hidden. Slowly she rose her right arm to apply the bactapad to the reddened section in which Joran grabbed. She tried as hard as she could not to look towards him because she could only imagine what would happen if they made eyecontact.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ThatArceusGuy


Banned Seen 11 mos ago

The way she pulled completely away from was something he wasn't use to seeing her do. It was almost as if his hands touching her caused her more pain. She moved towards the medical supplies, something that confused him more than anything, before she started to strip down in front of him. His eyes widened a bit as he could see the bruising all over her body, her knuckles looked like they had been broken at some point the night before.

No words were exchanged as he slowly stood up, and moved over towards her. His hands expertly grasped what she was working on softly as he moved behind her. Slowly, attempting to not cause her anymore pain, he started to apply the bactadpad to the worse spots all over her back, making sure that he moved her tanktop just so he could access the worse bruises.

The anger that was coursing through her was in his mind completely directed at him. The way she had screamed at him was more than enough to cause his mind to start to feel that dread sink back inside of him. His obvious existence had been offensive to her, and now she was trapped with him. Of course the hotel had been a one off experience. He'd caught her off guard, and now she was paying for that. Maybe he should just have forgotten everything he knew about the situation.

No words come from the smuggler as he continued to apply the medication to her body, his eyes held no emotion to them, yet his entire body language pointed at his own self-loathing nature coming to the forefront. He had never had any feeling like this before, but the person in front of him had been hurt, and he was blaming himself for it, not even knowing any of the details about what had happened.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PetiteAmbivert
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PetiteAmbivert The Smol and Angry

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The silence was deafening in her ears as he silently aided her. However, he was terrible at masking his emotions. His loathing and anger and confusion and sadness sent chills up her spine...or perhaps it was the cold bacta he was applying to the bruises on her back from a dirty shot she'd taken from a kick with a boot. Solaras' hands were now covered with bacta and small bandages.

She hissed at one point when he touched a particularly sensitive point, he was trying to be gentle and she couldn't knock him for that.She balled her fists in front of her as she tried to calm herself.

It wasn't working.

"Say something." Her throat felt like sandpaper as she hung her head with her back to him. "Just make some dumb joke about stripping or being alone or about the stars or something. Just say something." There was quite a bit of bitterness in her voice.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ThatArceusGuy


Banned Seen 11 mos ago

His hands were covered in the bacta by the time he was through with her back, but that didn't matter to him. What mattered to him was to reduce the swelling of her back. She actually made an audible noise when he had applied a smaller amount of pressure to make sure the bacta would do it's job. This worried him more than her just being this badly beat up.

Joran could see her tensing up, her fists balling as he sighed, not knowing what exactly to do in this scenario. She was now yelling at him to say something, to make jokes, to just say something, but his throat was completely constricted, something he had never experienced before in his life. Standing back up, he moved to the front of her body.

"Who did this?" Was his chosen words, as he slowly rolled the front of her shirt up to just under her chest, now his focus on her stomach, his hands trying to softly work around the bruises, hoping not to hurt her. "Hands on my shoulders." He knew she would need to grab down on something, or else she would probably dig her fingernails into her own hands, which would just do more damage to her hands.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PetiteAmbivert
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PetiteAmbivert The Smol and Angry

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Those were not the words she was hoping he would say. She didn't answer him for a long moment. She didn't answer him as he touched her in a way that should make her blush. She didn't answer him when she lightly placed her hands on his shoulders. Solaras just didn't answer him as he touched her skin and her muscles tensed into a singular flat mass. The muscles on her abdomen clearly visible as she saw white before her eyes. Another choked pain filled moan escaped her as her hands gripped down on his shoulders. Far from her hardest grip but a grip none the less.

"The others." She started. "They accused me of being distracted and being soft in the middle of training. They challenged me to a sparring ring..." Joran would know a sparring ring being something like a fight club. No weapons just physical action. Typically one on one and when the challenged was defeated it was over. If the challenger fell then another challenger would step up and the fighting would continue.

The silence returned a moment before she flinched away from his touch as he applied a bit more of the cool bacta to her flesh.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ThatArceusGuy


Banned Seen 11 mos ago

Joran's hands slowly glide over her soft skin as he could feel her grasp bearing down on his shoulders, but it hadn't been bad enough for her to really try and rip his shoulders out, so that was something. Slowly he looked up into her eyes and sighed a soft sigh. "How bad are your legs?"

Hearing how it had been her own Knights, his own anger had started to boil his blood, but he was keeping his cool. His own blame was on him, as he knew he was the reason she was weak. Why wouldn't it be his fault , after that night he had caught her off guard.

Softly he leaned forward and placed his lips against the biggest bruise on her stomach. He knew it wouldn't magically make it go away, but he wanted her to know just how much her wished she didn't have to feel the pain she was in. "Couldn't get me out of your mind?" He tried to joke, trying to be normal for her sake, yet it come out so half hearted, that he could feel the loathing nature his voice had taken, evident that he was in a loop of mentally berating himself.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PetiteAmbivert
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PetiteAmbivert The Smol and Angry

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Not the worst they've ever been." She quietly responded before a quiet gasp escaped her as she looked down to see him pressing his lips to her middle section. Her muscles clenched harder and her senses spiked. Self conscious thoughts came to mind for a split second before she crushed them under the heel of her mental boot.

"I couldn't get my mind focused enough for them to take me seriously. It won't happen again." A wisp of the Force fluttered through her as her hands removed themselves from his shoulders. She took a half step away from him with a glassy eyed smile. "Thank you." She looked down and away from him as she pulled on another layer atop her under shirt. "Have you brought cold weather gear with you?" It was an attempt to draw away from the situation that clearly bothered Joran. She didn't understand it now but for some reason him being upset made her upset. She'd never been like that before- not for anyone.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ThatArceusGuy


Banned Seen 11 mos ago

"Of course I brought cold weather gear with me, I'm not an amateur." For some reason Joran's voice didn't hold the same tone it normally would. Slowly he moved back to his feet as he sighed softly, moving to excuse himself from the area they were in. He felt it was his fault she had been distracted, something that she wouldn't openly admit, but he knew in his bones that was the case. His body language screamed of the fact that he was doing the blaming for her.

Opening his bags, he tossed her some spare gear he had specifically got for her as well. "It's hand tailored to match the normal attire, but more thermal than yours probably are. I didn't know if you were going to wear something different or needed anything." Now he felt like an idiot, since he knew she was going to be prepared, but something just told him to do it anyway. "I always like to over prepare for missions." He tried to cover the fact that he was worried about her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PetiteAmbivert
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PetiteAmbivert The Smol and Angry

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Solaras wore a sour look on her face as she listened the tone and pace of his words, he was clearly upset. Words died before they could even reach her mouth- she had no idea what to say. All she knew was that she didn't like this feeling and tension between them. It made her skin crawl and her body feel numb. It almost made her want to lash out and cut him down to make this foreign feeling go away...almost.

She snapped out of her frown worthy thoughts as Joran's voice snapped her back out of reality as she caught the dark gear he threw at her. She caught it with ease, turning it over in her hands slowly. A little flutter went through her a she carefully folded it up and set it down on top of one of her own bags.

She silently returned to the main cabin where she calmly sat down-smoothing her clothing out patiently. She glanced in Joran's direction. "Sit." She calmly and quietly stated. She waited for him to be seated before speaking again. "I'm going to show you how to properly meditate.Sit with your back straight and your legs crossed. Take your shoes off if you need to. Forearms resting on thighs with hands in your lap. Do whatever feels most comfortable for you." Solaras knit her fingers together in her lap ever so slightly with her thumbs above her fingers-also lightly crossed over the other. It looked as though she could fit a ball between her hands.

"I want you to take a few long deep breaths." She spoke very clinically and almost like a teacher would. "Relax your muscles and close your eyes. Continue to breath." She followed in suit of her own words. She took a few long breaths in through her nose and out through her mouth, her chest expanding and collapsing methodically and rhythmically. "Let the Force flow through you. Feel it through out all of your body. Let it fill you to the brim with each breath." Her own aura of Force would feel much calmer around Joran now, gently surrounding his own form as if trying to help ease out his own Force Presence.
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