Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

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Age of Imperialism 2.0: TURN 4| January, 1920 (Week 7) (Turn 4, Part 6 of 12)

Friday, February 26th
CENTRAN: A diplomat named György Andrássy in the Second Boletarian Republic releases his Treatise called The New Nation. A political documentation on Western Centran politics and the inevitable rise of the Second Boletarian Republic as the greatest nation the world has ever seen will inevitably inflate Boletarian nationalism. The book is intended to be published in every bookstop in Boletaria and even Prime Minister Lodzinki has an early copy.

György Andrássy, circa 1921

Saturday, February 27th
I Imperial Corps of the Osladian Empire conducts maneuvers on the border of the Hurzland. These maneuvers, mostly armor maneuvers with the new O-265 Strovna and Mulnya-205 tankettes are half military and half political. Pro-Osladians in the outskirts of Hurzlandian towns crowd the dusty roads and wave Osladian flags as the tanks pass. Osladian tankers, considered the best in the world, wave from their cupolas as they pass by.

I Imperial Corps before maneuvers

Sunday, February 28th
FARESIA: The 30,000+ soldiers of I Infantry Corps of the Imperial Republic of Fuso finishes establishing it's garrison throughout the city. Equally distributed, the city of Wuwei is a bastion of life in the Yuxiang territory. Held together by a fragile supply chain to the west, the city slowly started to turn about. Fusan soldiers patrol by day and night. Crime is handled with ruthless efficiency.

Wuwei, February 1920


Monday, March 1st
Off the coast of the Kingdom of Soroya the destroyer Snellius, while on coastal patrol, strikes a mine left over from the Terrible War at 1157 hours. By 1213 the ship's bow is dipping beneath the waves and she's listing to port. The captain reluctantly orders abandon ship and the 119 men are rescued at 1321 by the Rotte, who was also on patrol just up the coast.

Snellius sinking, approximately 1218, March 1st, 1921

Tuesday, March 2nd
Sitting on a mostly inactive tectonic plate, both the Republic of Kalpia and the Republic of Soreno had been wary of earthquakes for decades. The Mistburn Quake lasted only minutes, but the destruction it wrought was visible from Mistburn to Soreno. Hundreds were dead. Thousands wounded. The Hazgurk Factory Complex in northern Kalpia was torn asunder, with 1,200 workers trapped inside.

North Mistburn, 1921

Wednesday, March 3rd
The nation of Aydina, stuck straight between the growing Grand Survaek Empire and the Empire of Mille-Sessau pledges that that it will not join the Tervasan League (further threatening Sessau) and draw membership of the Tervasan League of other Tervasan states if Survaek promises not to further increase the size of the Survaekom Imperial Army.

Thursday, March 4th
Civilians from the outskirts of Wuwei are admitted to see General Tujoki in the I Infantry Corps headquarters in Wuwei. They inform him that huge Yuxiang Clique soldiers are headed not to Wuwei, but around it, in a huge encirclement. Given that for reasons unknown General Tujoki never ordered scouts abroad or a frontline stretching beyond the perimeter of Wuwei, he was completely oblivious to this.

Marching Yuxiang Clique soldiers, March 1921
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Chairman Stein
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Chairman Stein Some Sorta Seminarian

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The Osladian Empire

God Save the Tsar!

Firelight and Moonlight

Anton and his wife had arrived at his uncle's villa on the coast of the Chaegon Empire only that morning, and were met with a joyous welcome from the Grand Prince, his wife, and his daughters. The women had gone to bed, and now only Anton and his Uncle remained in the study. Anton studied his uncle carefully for a moment, and neither man spoke. Andrev's eyes were focused on the fire, and he sipped his wine slowly and without much thought.

"So, how is Oslograd this time of year, my boy?" He said finally, turning his eyes to his nephew.

The Tsar almost flinched, for Andrev had been so quiet until now. "Cold, same as it always is." he replied, and Andrev chuckled.

"Oslograd is a beautiful city, but not one that changes. I remember when your father and I were boys, we'd run through the palace courtyard while father spoke with his own Imperial Cabinet. We'd build castles of snow in the winter, and then snowball them and pretend we were knights sieging a city and winning glory... Your father was always obsessed with that... Glory."

Anton remained silent, turning his own eyes to the flame as it cracked and crinkled quietly.

"I loved your father, he was my brother after all. However, we shared very different paths in life. I'm not sure either of us were truly made for Tsardom, not like your grandfather was. He was bred to be Tsar, a giant of a man with integrity and care for his people. That isn't to say that your father didn't care for his people, he certainly did, but he showed it in a much different way."

"And what way would that be, Uncle?"

"As I said, he wanted glory for Oslad. He dreamed of being like the Tsars and Emperors he had read about in history books, leading knights clad in shining armor and smiting his enemies with divine justice. The irony of it all being he never served a day in the army, never did he have to fight in battle or take a life. I did, I gave years to my countrymen." Andrev leaned forward, his eyes misty and his tone cold and serious. "Did I ever tell you about Verkhiriv?"

Anton shook his head, and his uncle sighed. "I thought not, well... Verkhiriv was a village in eastern Tangaria, near the border with Korenia. That border was often a nuisance to the bureaucrats in Korenia and in Oslad, because the Tangar chiefs didn't respect or care for the integrity of borders. In their culture the sky is the only border for a Tangar, for the sky is where the eternal gods roam. Regardless, I was part of a cavalry regiment stationed in eastern Tangaria, my duty was to ensure the border was kept safe and that neither Korenians or Tangars fought or crossed each other."

The Grand Prince leaned back and finished his wine, turning the empty glass idly in his hands.

"It was summer, a few years before you were born, and we received word that a Tangar bandit group we had been hunting had just returned from Korenia and was in Verkhiriv. We armed ourselves and left our outpost, by nightfall we were on the outskirts of the village. We dismounted and scouted the perimeter, the village was quiet and campfires surrounded the place. We counted no more than twenty men, at least half of them armed with rifles. We planned to wait until most of them had gone to sleep before we'd sneak in and make arrests, and that's what we did."

"Then what's so special? You arrested the bandits." Anton asked, and Andrev simply shook his head. "It didn't play out that way?"

"No. As we encircled the village, one of our men on the other side must have alarmed the few guards still watching over the village. Within seconds utter hell broke loose. Gunfire broke the silence of the night and you could only see silhouettes in the dark, their guns only revealing them for a few moments. We rushed the village, sabers and pistols at the ready. I took one by surprise and grabbed hold of him with my empty hand, he fought back and slammed into me, knocking my revolver to the ground. We wrestled for dominance, and I had to headbutt him just to get him off of me. He went for my gun and I knew I wouldn't be able to stop him in time. So, I unsheathed my cavalry saber and struck him once, then again, and again after that. I must have slashed that dark form of man four or five times before he finally stopped moving, and it was only then that I realized it. He wasn't a large man, shorter than you and scrawny. I didn't think much of it at that time and simply took my revolver and went to the aide of my comrades, the rest of the night was simple and we took no casualties. By sunrise we had to begin clearing bodies from the village, and that's when I saw the man I had killed once again..."

Andrev fell silent and his voice was quickly breaking up, he seemed to be on the verge of tears.

"He was a boy, Anton. No more than fourteen. A god damn child, and I had stabbed him to death with a god forsaken sword... But, it was my duty to stay strong and simply ignore that. I was a soldier and the Tsar's son, I didn't have the choice to break down in tears like I wanted to. So, I put that dead child in the ground with the rest and did not speak of it again. But after that night I swore something to myself... I would never kill again, and I've kept that promise. After I had finished my service I left the army and never went back, and I never stepped foot in Tangaria again."

The two men were silent. Anton didn't know how he was supposed to reply to that, was there even a way to reply? "Have you told anyone else that story?"

"I told your father once, not too long after you were born. He simply told me that I did my job, and if I hadn't killed that boy I would be dead. Sometimes I wonder if things would be better if I had died that night... When the war began, I refused to attend military marches and see the soldiers off to the front like your father did. I couldn't stomach seeing the faces of men I knew would not return home. Anton, promise me you will never follow in mine or your father's footsteps. If there is a way to avoid bloodshed you do it. We can never allow something like the war to ever happen again."

"I promise, Uncle."

For the first time since dinner, Andrev smiled and nodded. "Good, I know you will be the Tsar this country needs now." He rose to his feet and stretched, sighing. "Well I believe it's best I retire for the night. We have a busy day tomorrow Anton, you simply must try some of the Chaegon seafood they serve in town, it's like nothing you've had before."

Anton nodded, chuckling as his uncle gave him a smile and left the study. His smile faded quickly, and his eyes once again fell to the dying fire... The Tsar would not sleep well tonight.

The Study of the Andrev villa, circa 1924.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Murtox


Member Seen 19 days ago


Massive Earthquake

The Mistburn earthquake has devastated the north west of the country that have left people without homes and parents without children , the eartquake has also damaged the infrastructure of the province and have left around one thousand workers in the ruins on one of the Kalpia factories that gives jobs to the people of Mistburn , the effort to rescue those works is extreme , the parliament have said that they will get out every worker out of the ruins , the Kalpian Unity Party have also manifestated their support for the workers and have start to raise money to help in the rescue and to also help to rebuild the houses of the Kalpian people that have lost their homes , the Kalpian Unity Party have won lots popularity because of this and some say that they will win the elections of 1924 .

After several days the Workers from the factory has been rescued by the military that arrived just a day later to help with the rescue , the people celebrated the rescue in a scene where the workers met with their families , the first minister gave a speech of solidary followed by a speech of the leader of the Kalpian Unity Party that said that the kalpians are and must be strong , the factory was owned by the Central Manufacturing Bussiness and they expect to repair the factory in three weeks with the help of the Young Kalpians and a subside from the goverment , the workers meanwhile have been extra paid vacations for the three weeks and the wounded more time to be able to return to work.

Brimburg Race

The automobile company Ragator have organized a race in the province of Brimburg , the race is long and it has been designed to test the endurance and the reliability of the participating automobiles aswell as the skill of the pilots , the CMB company and the NAI have said that they will participate.The Brimburg Race is open to all companies from neighbouring countries aswell as pilots and the organizers expect it to be regional event in the Peninsula.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Boop_Im_A_Dragon


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Kingdom Of Soroya

Spring of 1921

Maritime Safety Act of 1921

After the recent destruction of the SRF Snellius by forgotten mine left over from the terrible war the Soroyan Admiralty was quick to respond. Though unconfirmed on the nature of the mine, it was determined to not be Soroyan in nature as shown by several mapped locations of naval mine locations held on after the terrible war to ensure the safety of traveling patrol vessels. This however has brought more questions than answers, the biggest being how to deal with unreported or lost naval mines in the ocean, sprawling a new initiative by the Soroyan foreign ministry, encouraging others to follow suite.

“We would like to invite all maritime nations, especially those who had previously fought in the terrible war, to join in this effort to report and discover abandoned naval mines. This effort will further the safety of trade and military vessels from all nations involved as well as saving lives. The SRF Snellius is but a single casualty in what is feared to be many more, as many naval mines lay abandoned and lost at sea.” This request was also accompanied by a reward of 3,000 Royals for each reported mine that had not be previously discovered thanks to joint effort of nations, payed by the Soroyan Admiralty Office. This was in hope of encouraging private maritime companies of also joining in the effort.

Late trading vessels

On February 19th several trading vessels had gone missing heading towards Fuso, though as of why they were delayed it is unknown. Rewards have been announced for the return or discovery of these vessels, though it is strongly believed that they have either been stolen or sunk to the bottom of the sea. Captain Jeroen Fleer, an expert on the issue and former captain of the one of the missing vessels commented “It is highly likely that something happened to the missing ships, though you can’t really say. Possibly a terrible storm, pirates, several reasons could have lead to their disappearance. All that can be said for sure is that they will most likely not return and their crew unfortunately lost.”

STV Olsen shortly before disappearing 1921

Notifications to family members had already been sent of their family member’s disappearance at sea, though none officially stating the worst. Madelein Doeschot, wife of Private Nout Doeschot, allegedly received this letter from the admiralty office:

“Dear Madelein Doeschot,

We are deeply sorry to inform you of the disappearance of Private Nout Doeschot, who has not returned from a peaceful trade mission onboard the vessel STV Olsen on route to Fuso. The nature of his disappearance is not known, we however will do our best to keep you and any other family members informed of his whereabouts as soon as information appears. We thank him for his service to his country and you for remaining strong in difficult times. Please keep his sacrifice dear to your heart.

Admiral Sieb Hazelhorst”

As for the nature of the delivery, the Foreign Ministry did officially state that it would reimburse the Imperial Republic of Fuso for the lost goods, this time ensuring their arrival by sending two Soroyan destroyers the SRF Braakmans and SRF Albach. They are to remain on high alert through their travels due to the unknown nature of the disappearance of the trade fleet.

The Queen Marries

An official announcement of the marriage between Queen Eline of Soroya and Vratislaus I, brother of King Wenceslaus I of Tiberia was announced several weeks before the official wedding on January 28th. Though most had been aware that the terrible war is what delayed this marriage between the Queen Eline and the soon to be king Vratislaus I. Officially engaged several months before the war had broken out, it was decided by the Soroyan government to delay potential weddings with the looming threat of potential assassination of important political figures.

Queen Eline and King Vratislaus I together before their wedding night

Now however, age 34, Queen Eline could finally be with her soon to be wed. The day of the wedding was met with festivities and celebration, stores shut down and parades marching through the streets. Business owners were legally required to close down in name of celebrating the queen's wedding.

Soon enough by the time the actual celebration occurred it was almost midnight, the streets ran quiet, and only several important figures from Soroya and other parts of the world remained. Prime Minister Leendert Aandes watched, standing ceremoniously next to the Queen in replacement of her father and as a close friend. A Soroyan priest whom gave the vows in the shared religion of Aregrecism between both nations, “Do you solemnly swear by the fire of Aregre that you take this man as both a loving husband and companion til death do you part?” “I do” Queen Eline whispered. The priest then turned towards Vratislaus I and continued, “And do you solemnly swear by the fire of Aregre that you take this woman as both a loving wife and companion til death do you part?” “I do.” Vratislaus I sternly replied. It was then that it was official, and Vratislaus I, brother of King Wenceslaus I was no longer, rather he was King Vratislaus I of Soroya.

Celebrations afterwards was met with drinks and discussion between several ambassadors, prime ministers, and even royalty attending. The Kalpian Ambassador was seen discussing the newest model of Armored Cars with General Christiaan ten Heuvel of the Soroyan Armor division. King Wenceslaus I was seen having a discussion with Prime Minister Leender Aandes, though the nature of the discussion unknown, many rumor it to be over the situation in Korenia. Though seen at the initial ceremony both Prime Minister Demian Selidov and Prime Minister Teodor Ladzinski were not seen until early in the morning when leaving The Kissing Hotel a few hours apart from each other.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AspenIvan


Member Seen 2 mos ago

The Grand Survaek Empire

March 1921

The Sesso-Survaekom Summit

Agree not to increase the size of the Surv-Akur?! Foreign Minister Aedis Haerk was rarely surprised, but the boldness of this demand was unprecedented. Gaze stern as iron and filled with ire, Aedis eyed Aydina's delegate warily. Yet, he had to give the diplomat credit for pushing his advantage as far as possible. Indeed, Aydina's non-participation in the Tervasan League would be no small gain for the Grand Empire...though, of course, Aydin itself would still have its independence guaranteed by the Kingdom of Athos and Stules.

In the long term, Aydin's demand was simply unacceptable. But in the short term, perhaps it could be observed as an expedient measure. Haerk would need to discuss it at length with his Sessauan counterparts...in private.

"The Survaekom delegation will return to its embassy to deliberate over the proposal from Aydina," he announced curtly. He bowed to the many diplomats at the table, followed by his aides and fellow Diplomatic Corps members. As he turned and walked out of the room, he discreetly slipped a note to Mille-Sessau's lead delegate. The message:

Meet in embassy in two hours.


One Conference Becomes Many

Yvor III, Sword of Aed and Grand Survaek Emperor, walked briskly to his throne in the Parliament chamber and sat down for the eleventh iteration of the so-called Historic Conference, which would almost certainly not be the last. From December until now, meeting after meeting stalled as some factions bickered and others drew lines in the sand too far for anyone else to agree to. Socialists battled nationalists over the question of workers' councils in industry, Sajjir scholars and Imperial Bureaucrats traded endless criticisms over the minutia of imperial administration, and nearly everyone present -excepting the government's own officials- had some sort of quarrel with the Crown.

The situation would make almost any monarch lose hope, but Yvor III seemed no less enthusiastic than he did the at the start of the very first session almost three months ago. The young Emperor had anticipated the possibility of deadlock, but rather than break it by forceful decree he relished in the slow, grinding work of hashing out disagreements and negotiating compromises.

"I call this third session of the Historic Conference for Survaekom Unity to order," he announced, gleaming a grin at the hundreds in the grand chamber before him. "As custom dictates, the most-respected scholars of the Sajjir Academy have the floor, to be followed by the equally-learned High Priests of Aedak in attendance. From there, the order of discussion will follow based upon what delegations had the least speaking time last session. The first round of discussion will be the presentation of issues to add to the agenda, followed by discussion on each item in the order proposed except as edited by vote of the assembly. Every round will end in a vote, first on confirming or editing the agenda, then on the resolution or tabling of every item."

Without missing a beat, the Sajjir delegation's most outspoken delegate stood and began an impassioned call to address the pressing issue of rural electrification. The Emperor settled ever-so-slightly back into his seat, still maintaining his elegant posture, as he listened carefully to what the scholar had to say.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Murtox


Member Seen 19 days ago


Kalpian Exploration Society

The Kalpian Exploration Society is a institution founded by the parliament with the objective to explore North Faresia and to reveal all the secrets that are in the jungles and tropics of the islands within those objectives is to make contact with the natives from North Faresia and to know more about them their customes and traditions in order to be able to establish better institution to manage the colonial affairs in Faresia , the Kalpian Exploration Society have it's origins as a private society , called Kalpian Exploration Society where most of the members were rich young people that wanted to explore and to learn the misteries of the world however with the time it has evolved in to something more serious and organized , their current leader Sibeovan Epiqueo have reformed the society for said objective and he has done with such success that the goverment have noticed his achievements and have put him in charge in a much larguer and more extensive operation.

Members of the Kalpian Exploration Society (KES)

The first Objective of the Kalpian Exploration Society is to explore around the colony of Oclardth and to contact with the natives living there if there is any , they will sail to Oclardth on March 5th in order to start the expedition as fast as possible and to return with the results to the colonial administration in order to better rule over the claimed territories of Kalpia.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Age of Imperialism 2.0: TURN 4| January, 1920 (Week 8) (Turn 4, Part 8 of 12)

Friday, March 5th
The Empire of Mille-Sessau co-signs the Maritime Safety Act of 1921. They pledge to help clear Tervasan waters of mine, though they currently have only a handful of ships capable of performing such duties. The Empire dispatches the light cruiser Orage and two destroyers Sirroco and Tornade to run the anticipated supply run from Sikea to Fuso in anticipation of discovering survivors or wreckage of the lost ships.

Saturday, March 6th
West of Wuwei, Yuxiang Clique soldiers begin to converge on the supply trains headed through Fuso into Clique territory. Sporadic fighting to maintain the supply train begins, but General Tujoki remains mostly mum on orders for his men.

Sunday, March 7th
The Hond Committee is formed to discover the loss of three ships. Similarly, Convoy Fleet Und is formed with three convoys ships and escorted by the destroyers SRF Braakmans and SRF Albach. The five ships are anticipated to reach Fuso by the middle of next week.

Monday, March 8th
After the Republic of Kalpia suffers a horrible earthquake in it's capital, damage estimates to repair the city are estimated to be 180,000,000 Kalpian Mariats. With thousands homeless, hundreds killed, the rebuilding has finally begun.

Tuesday, March 9th
The Empire of Mille-Sessau donates 1,000,000 Sessauan Spheres to the Republic of Kalpia, with a message from Empress Alexandre de Vaille: "Tragedy will befall all of us, but in Kalpian hearts there is strength. With this aid, feed and clothe those whose homes have been taken from them."

Wednesday, March 10th
While patrolling, the Sessauan ships discover and rescue 41 men floating adrift 150 miles east of the Boccian coast. They're pulled aboard, thankful to be alive. Out of over 350 men, the rescued 41 Soroyan merchant sailors are the only ones left. The Sessauan ships patrol further, discovering floating debris from the Soroyan merchant vessels.

The Sessauan government, later in the week in a statement, said: "It is abominable, deplorable and disrespectful to the sea and sailors that sail it to have forsaken the lives of the three merchant ships lost. A grievous callous for the sanctity of each ship may be expected when your shipyards can produce more vessels than any other in the world. This disgusting attitude toward their own servicemen may estrange Sesso-Soroyan relations in the future. We hope that these men, returned now to their families, can hope to forgive a government that had all but forgotten them."

The three Sessauan ships headed toward Soroyan waters to deposit the sailors at Sikea before heading home.

Thursday, March 11th
The Kalpian Exploration Society begins exploring the unnamed island of the Oclardth colony.
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