Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RedNightHunter
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RedNightHunter Dragon Whisperer

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Freedom, strong wind gusts lifted her higher and higher as she soared. Sloane made a split second decision and tucked her wings. Diving faster than a Peregrine falcon she plummeted towards the earth just as the sun began to rise and once again spread its warm rays. About a quarter mile above the dangerous tree tops she opened her wings with a snap and sped across the forest at lightning speed. Her purple scales glinted in the early morning light, as she willed her body to transform. Scales turned to smooth olive skin, sharp wicked claws to short blunt, useless nails. Her eyes were remained though, keeping their vibrant purple color even as a human. Dropping like a rock she landed on a thick branch, grabbing her leather pack she headed towards where her horse was waiting.
A high whinny greeted her and Sloane smiled at him. Her horse was a magnificent Arabian stallion she had named Sebastian, at 16 hands he was taller than the average horse but his gentle nature suited them together just fine. His dark red bay coat glinted in the sunlight. Sebastian or Seb, as he was nicknamed by Princess Irina, was a gift to her. Since Sloane rode wherever her majesty went her ladyship thought it be imperative that she have a good horse of her own. A gift for taking up the mantle as her protecter on journeys. Seb wore no saddle, just a simple brown blanket and bit. His intelligent dark eyes took in her evey move as she strapped her leather sacks into place.
With a leap she was on him her curly brown hair flew everywhere, Seb tossed his mane and turned back towards the trail towards the castle. At a slow canter they reached the inner gates within minutes, people were just starting to get up and begin their day. Blacksmiths where poking the hot coals from the day before. Stable boys strode towards the royal horse keep to begin their daily work. She waved to Caleb, a young boy she had met when she first came to the castle who gave her pointers on how to ride. Dismissing the few boys who stood to take care of her horse she slid of him with a grunt. Sloane took care of her horse herself. As per usual, Caleb brought her a bucket of water. Setting it down he chuckled at the twigs in her hair.
"Wherever do you go on those morning rides of yours? You always come back as if your were dragged through nettles and tossed in a leaf pile." Sloane rolled her dark green eyes at him and dipped a cloth in the water.
"I go along the trails of course," she lied with a smirk. Caleb shook his head and laughed. His broad shoulders took up the stall door. At six feet tall with bright red hair and piercing blue eyes he could be very intimidating. To Sloane however, he was being cute. Obviously not believing her he shook his head, sending curls every which way.
"Oh well, you won't tell me." Smiling with a wave he turned and went on with his day, leaving her to clean her horse in peace.
Sloane scrubbed him with light soap from head to toe. Pinching his back legs she picked out his feet before moving on to brush his mane. A loud knock on the stall door made her jump and drunkan laughter rang out behind her.
Raising her brow she opened the door wide allowing Sebastian to peek his head out.
"Can I help you, gentleman?" Her voice dripped with sarcasm. She touched the leather handle of the knife in her riding jacket as Sebastian stood by her.
One man stepped forward into the light. His shirt was stained recently, the blonde hair was messy and his boots looked like they have never been cleaned. "Actually yes, my names Rob." Rob's hand reached out to grab her just as Sebastian, quick as a snake bit down on it with his teeth. Rob howled in pain as his two buddies stepped forward.
"You control that horse, bitch!" Smacking the Seb on the nose as the other man grabbed Sloane. She bit into the hand that covered her mouth and scraped her riding boot heel down his shin before stomping on his feet. Seb, occupied with two men reared up and lunged at the too unfortunate souls beneath him. One man lay on the ground, his head bleeding while Rob stood and shouted profanities.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by silverlucario5
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silverlucario5 Fang

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Fang woke up to the gentle summer breeze coming through his main town home of the residential housing area. Standing at a tall 6'3 Fang was greeted by and slightly empty house. The only things Fang owned were a bed,kitchen,bathroom,and training room.
using the restroom Fang headed to his training room to practice his necromancy/sword fighting,he summoned his training dummy. Concentrating all his focus on the dummy Fang summoned four skeletal spikes to penetrate the dummy.
Grabbing his long broad sword Fang made his way over to the dummy again dismissing his spikes from the dummy,he got into a fighting stance.Fang then heard a knock on the door,placing his sword on the table by the training room door he worked his way over to the door and opened it slightly to see his friend/coworker, jeb.
Jeb limped inside the house and sat on the bed in the far corner of the room were he sat his tunic blood stained."What happened Jeb!?" fang asked with concern. Jeb struggled slightly getting the words out,"Three men a-attacked me by the horse stalls..."he said passing out on the bed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by silverlucario5
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silverlucario5 Fang

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Working his way over to the horse stables Fang drew his broad sword with a stony face. This area of the kingdom was quite lovely in the midsummer day Fang thought. "Gah.... im getting of topic." with a few slaps on the cheeks fang made his way to the only building in this area.
Standing as a small building the horse stable was filled with horses the horse carer was probably at the stables right now,Fang had only met the horse carer ounce he was a smart young lad who let his friend stay at his home while he conducted business. Fang made it to the small home just in time to see two men force there way into the home.
crouching next to the door fang waited silently let his training take over and staying as silent as possible.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RedNightHunter
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RedNightHunter Dragon Whisperer

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sebastian reared again and kicked Rob in the stomach. Rob flashed forwards and sliced her arm with a knife right before he was hit. Crying out she fell against the stall door as her arm throbbed in pain. Seb flared his nostrils and nickered at her quietly. Her senses hightened from her fear she sensed a man hiding nearby.
"You try to do what these men did and you will regret it." She snarled out. Pulling out her own knife she stood in a defensive stance. Her blood trickled all over her arm and spilled to the floor. Ignoring the growing faintness kept her ready stance. She wobbled though, the blood loss kicking in as the adrenilen faded.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RedNightHunter
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RedNightHunter Dragon Whisperer

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

(My phone is not too good so I will fix my posts later."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by silverlucario5
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silverlucario5 Fang

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Fang steped into the small door way and looked at sloane with a stone cold face."Im not like those pervs lady i came to help." Snapped fang showing his guard bag. "Would you like me to heal your wounds and take these bastards away or do u wanna bleed to death and hav ur horse kick them?" Fang step into the room now almost touching the ceiling.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RedNightHunter
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RedNightHunter Dragon Whisperer

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sloane relaxed, "Oh my apoligies, I didn't know who you were." Sheepishly she smiled. "Yes please, her ladyship will have a heart attack if I head inside like this." Taking a cloth she wiped the blood off her arm and steadied herself with her good arm around her horses neck.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by silverlucario5
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silverlucario5 Fang

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"No problem ma'am ill be taking those three." Fang said using his powers to levitate the three men into the air.
"Would u like me to tell our ladyship that your ok?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RedNightHunter
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RedNightHunter Dragon Whisperer

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sloane sighed, "No, I will go tell her myself. I need to speak with her this morning anyway." Bowing to Fang as she did not have a skirt on she turned to Sebastian. Checking him over for injuries.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by silverlucario5
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silverlucario5 Fang

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Fang could no help glance back at the girl.Even though she had a nasty cut on her face she looked beautiful.Clearing his mind he walked draging his prisoners behind him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RedNightHunter
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RedNightHunter Dragon Whisperer

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Making sure her horse was settled she raced up to the castle. Taking the steps two at a time she bumped into somoene.
"Oh I am sorry."
The guard spoke with a laugh, "I told Lady Allanna you would be here soon, she sent me to get you." Sloane shook her head.
"Thanks, Fred, I am heading up their now." He nodded his head in the chain mail and stepped out of her way. Sloane needed no other initiative, gliding through the servant's passageway she stepped into her Lady's room quietly. Curtsying deeply she spoke.
"I am so sorry, there was a mishap at the stables, M'Lady." Her Lady furloughed her brow and walked closer to her. "Sloane, what happened? You have a cut on your face!" Like a mother hen the 20 year old woman clucked at Sloane. "Go to the healer, then pack your bags. We leave in the morning for Lord Ingrid's castle." Sloane blinked in shock.
"Lord Ingrid..?" Sloane smirked at her Lady, "You two are finally announcing your engagement?" Lady Allanna laughed, her loose gold hair swayed down her back, as her ladies in waiting would not arrive until 8 am. "I cannot keep anything from you." Shooing her out she called, "Meet me down with your horses saddled and ready at 10 tomorrow. I have already handled food and other supplies for the journey." Nodding she sent a curtsy to her Lady and rushed down the stair again. There was a long list of things she had to do. Finish making her salves, clean her clothes, bath both Sebastian and Sitka her pack mare. Find at least two suitable nice gowns, clean and polish her weapons, and check over her tack.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by silverlucario5
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silverlucario5 Fang

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Closing his door Fang took off his chain mil chest plate. Fang was getting very annoyed with all the prisoners who tried to bribe him to let them free.
Right as he began to relax on his bed Fang heard a knock on his door.With a sigh he got up to open his door.The man standing there was a small weak man who looks like he has never seen any action before.
"what do you want messenger?" Fang snapped "u-uh im h-here to deliver o-orders from her ladyship..." the messenger stammered.
Taking the scroll Fang slammed his door shut as the messenger ran at full speed back towards the castle.Opening the scroll Fang read its hand writing that was obviously the ladys. "so....the engagement is happening soon eh?" Fang wasn't surprised he knew about this for a while now,he just didnt expect it to happen so fast.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RedNightHunter
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RedNightHunter Dragon Whisperer

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Putting the finishing touches on her packs she settled them neatly onto Sitka. Giving the mare a quick pat she moved on to Sebastian. Sloane picked out his feet and brushed him thoroughly before settling the tack on him. Her saddle was buffed and polished with the slight indents for her concealed knives hidden. Closing the top door so no one could peak in she changed into a dark green pant and suit that hugged her curves and flared out in the legs to mimic a dress. Her long auburn hair was held in a high top knot that winded down to her waist. Strapping her Shanzi and sword onto her saddle she secured it before checking her appearance. A tight white bodice with green lacing huge her curves over which went a green fitted jacket. Her riding boots were polished and and her pants, a dark green would not show dirt so well. Checking the time she smiled. It was 9;30 and it would take her twenty minutes to reach the back courtyard if she let her horses walk.
Mounting Sebastian she squeezed his side gently and pushed him forward with Sitka following behind her. Keeping a fast trot pace they reached the courtyard in 10 minutes and her ladyship was not there yet. Sloane glanced over, to her left stood the guard who had helped her the day before. Giving him a kind smile she looked at his horse. The stallion was well taken care of and his dapple grey coat gleamed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by silverlucario5
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silverlucario5 Fang

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

After preparing for the long trip Fang walked to his helpful steed and patted its mane, next he grabbed his saddle pack and placed it on his hoarse mali. Riding to the castle would at least take 20-30 minutes which was enough time to get there and see if he could find the stable women from the day before. After 28 minutes of riding fang made it to the castle with just enough time to see the stable women walking his way.
Making sure he was orderly he made his way to her. She stopped infront of his horse and gave it a pat. "hello mlady." Fang said with a small bow as he walked his hoarse over to the feeding post. Fang made his way over to the queen and bowed. "hello my majesty it has been too long how is tho?" The queen looked startled to see fang but bowed. "Yes it has been to long Sir Fang and i am doing fine i have a small assignment for you." Fang looked at her confused. "I thought my task was to protect you mlady?" the queen gave a light giggle, "i have pleanty of gaurds but i need you to help my dear friend the one you saved yesterday i believe."
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