It was already past midnight and there was still a tower of dirty dishes stacked haphazardly within a soapy sink of leftovers, sauces, utensils, and soggy napkins. Joyce only stared down the neglected work with her pale blue eyes for a good three minutes before leaving the fight right where it had begun. Undone. There were still plates and forks and other such things that could be used for the remainder of the night to last until the morning rush. But for the time being, already halfway into her shift, she didn’t quite have it in her pick up the back kitchen’s slack, in addition to the front, before they had ran for the night.

The Blue Moon diner was as quiet as it ever was during the swing shift lull. It was a typical little stop decked out in rust colored tiles and tacky blue and white walls with cosmic shape cut outs in the wallpaper. A classic jukebox sat at the end of the booths, updated with more current songs and a collection of the classics that would never fade away. Out on the edges of Bakersfield just before the highway stretched until miles of eastward desert, the diner saw and served plenty of tourists, road trips, and truckers. There weren’t many regulars, unless they were business commuters, and those folks tended to keep to their four and five star establishments and hotels closer into the town.

It was so deserted most times, however, that Joyce didn’t really have the time or energy to feel paranoid. Even in light of the news and horror stories, the few hours that she was alone in the empty diner had never really bothered her even when a few people did stop in. Maybe it was the cameras, the security buttons, or that the phone was always an arm’s reach away. Or maybe she just didn’t have much to lose anymore at thirty-seven, no children, and recently divorced. Whatever it was, it was quiet again, the last song having finished half an hour ago. And so once she left the dishes on their own, the woman went back out to put in more quarters and pick another set of songs for herself before the next customer.

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