Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zamokra41
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Zamokra41 Procrastinating Knight

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Day 0
PART 1/2
Opening Theme

“At long last, the time has come…” he muttered as he gazed upon the imposing building. Strong gray, stone brick walls, blue plaques make up the roofs of the main building and the two slim towers annexed to it, while they were decorated with a blank gray banner, replacing the original Avalon Empire one. Many of the regions of the land have switched their colors to show their allegiance to one side or the other in the grandest conflict Avalon has ever seen for over a millennia. The blank gray banner is a rare sight, many regions have declared neutrality when the war had just sparked but these days there are very few who still claim so, they declared for one side or another out of a sense of duty, a need of justice or simply out of fear. The war begun 20 years ago and after so long most people have learned to live with it and their current situation, there were no great skirmishes or official conflicts, yet only the more ignorant and gullible would believe that it came to some sort of ‘peace’ . The Old Empire had obtained the upper hand, holding the majority of the land, neither of the two other factions had dared make a move against them in such a situation and thus the war had stagnated for a number of seasons already. Yet all that would soon change…

Cyrus made his way up the hill overlooking the small, quaint town in its vicinity, reaching to the gates of the barracks and from the first glance the two guardsmen stopped him. “Stop right there. We mean no disrespect Imperial Wizard but let me save you some time. The militia of Streambrath have no interest in joining your or either side of this war. The town suffered enough already.” Cyrus nodded, knowing full well of the plights that Streambrath went through. The people seemed to receive the help they needed and the militia did their best to keep potential threats at bay, their mayor already declared that neither he nor the people are interested in joining either side of the war. “I’m not here for that. I’m here to speak to one of your officers.” Cyrus said, the two guards glanced at eachother in confusion and then asked “Who?”

A knock on the door interrupted the collective thoughts of officer Aleko at his desk, after admitting the recruit in, the young lad took a few quick steps until he was in the center of the small room and then saluted his superior. “Officer Frost, sir. Someone wants to talk to you….its..” a moment of silence passed in which the private was pierced by the officer’s gaze before he finished his declaration “…the Imperial Wizard…sir..” he said sheepishly and then hurried to let the important guest in, after the officer gave his consent ofcourse. The Imperial Wizard entered the room, dressed in flowing robes of white and yellow with little decorations, a pair of strong leather braces covering his wrists, his tanned skin was covered in strange symbols on the back of his hands and forehead, his hair and beard were snow white betraying his old age along with a set of wrinkles on his face, his slight hunch posture leaning on a tall and gnarled staff made of a gray wood which housed a large glowing bright blue orb at the top and a slightly tiered look upon his irony gray eyes. He was now standing where the recruit was a few minutes ago, introducing himself and giving a deep bow to the officer, an act which may have already brought a bit of confusion considering their respective ranks. Cyrus gazed at the young officer with his irony gray eyes, inspecting him for a moment. The young man in front of him may be of a different species but he was the spiting image of his father… Tall and well formed, the result of good physical labor, with a charming and comely visage of a harmonious mix between his two heritages. His fur was pure white and very fine unlike the shaggy coats of some of the pure blooded Anthros and his blonde hair was a fine silk combed to the side to compliment his facial features, his eyes were blue, a characteristic which he must have inherited from his mother. Cyrus was oddly relieved that he did not inherit his father’s unnatural red-eye coloration and he hoped that this young man will not follow in the footsteps of his predecessor. Before he could say anything, Aleko took the liberty to remind Cyrus of what the guards at the gates told him already told him, about Streambrath’s declaration of neutrality, clearly eager to end this visit and resume to his work. Cyrus was rather pleased to see this display of boldness, a good sign he deemed it. “Yes, I am well aware of this fact, officer Aleko but I am not here for this. I am here to talk to you.” The Wizard’s deep voice was soothing yet also a bit hoarse, betraying his age and his gaze never seemed to leave Aleko. The old Wizard proceeded to recollect about the civil war taking place in the Empire and of the 3 distinct factions that participate in it, once again he found himself cut-off mid-conversation by the officer, eager to get to the main point of this conversation. Cyrus lightly stomped his gnarled staff on the ground and then let go of it, the staff gently floating in place waiting patiently for its owner. The Wizard proceeded to lean with both hands on to the officer’s desk, standing face-to-face. He wanted to remark that Aleko’s boldness and eagerness is welcome yet he needs to keep his impatience in control for the future affairs….yet there would be no point in scolding him and as such he did as Aleko ‘requested’ . “As you may or may not know, we, the New Avalon Empire were searching for the last heir of the Sendrakon bloodline and aid this one to their ascension to the throne. That was our quest ever since the war began..” After he said that, Aleko cleverly pointed out that Cyrus was referring to this quest in the past tense, to which Cyrus only smiled. “Indeed… It WAS our quest. Because we have found him.” The Wizard then rose from the table and grabbed the floating staff behind him, leaving a few moments of silence before turning around and declaring

“That heir is you. Aleko Sendrakon”

The young Halfling rose, disbelief was clearly written all over his face. It was evident that he was unwilling to believe a single word of that…yet Cyrus stood calm and composed, his gaze still fixed at Aleko even as he appeared to panic a bit. The Wizard waited for him to state his disbelief and then spoke. “You are a clever man Aleko. I am sure that you noticed, at an early age perhaps, that you were….a bit misplaced among the family that rose you. You must have suspected that your mother was unfaithful yet you didn’t knew with whom, did you not?” Another moment of silence between the two passed. “Not many know of this…but, Asmuel had a number of...mmm..concubines which he was ‘seeing’ outside of his family. He was…careful most of the times yet there were some…” Cyrus let out another pause, trying to think of how to say this “..mmm…incidents. “ the old Wizard sighed and then regained his composure “Crude as it may sound. Your mother had dallied with the late emperor and from their union, you resulted. This makes you a bastard, yet it also makes you the last surviving heir to the throne, the last remnant of the Sendrakon bloodline.” The officer appeared overwhelmed, his gaze dozed off as if he was spacing in deep contemplation, obviously assimilating the earth-shattering information he had just received. The Wizard once again leaned closer to him “Aleko, I heard that you show great potential in your current profession. You are skilled, clever, meticulous and have an iron will that few can match. Have you never thought that perhaps, there was something out there for you? Something more than just a high position among the militia of a small town?” another moment of silence passed and Cyrus waited patiently until Aleko’s gaze was once again focused on him. “This is your great destiny Aleko. This war has already lasted far too long and the whole lands suffer from it. You can change all that. You can help end this war and bring back the peace and order that your ancestors established over Avalon for 1000 years.” The wizard then takes a few steps backwards “We need you..” Cyrus then dropped on one knee, bowing his head. “Avalon needs you, sire. “

The conversation was…shaky to put it mildly. Yet, in the end Aleko believed the Wizard, however preposterous the news, something inside the Halflings was telling him that he can believe the Imperial Wizard. Cyrus was asked to wait outside while Aleko packed his things and said his goodbyes to whomever he wanted, it didn’t take very long. When they were ready, Aleko and Cyrus were on their way to a place where the young heir would call his new home. Cyrus told him about the Escalyber, the flying fortress which will serve as his seat of power and the main headquarters of the New Avalon Empire, he also explained briefly about the current situation of the land and the war, surprisingly Aleko already seemed to be well informed on that subject considering that he was, until this point, in a neutral position. They talked a bit more, about what the responsibilities of this new prestigious position, about their struggle in the war up to this point and also, a bit of information about the opponents. “Allister Stormreaver, Brune Emberland and myself were the three advisors of your father. Allister and I also served your grandfather, Melthion. Brune was enlisted into his service quite late in his life, he only served for about 1 year before Melthion was found dead. After Asmuel’s death we all had different opinions on governing the Empire.” Cyrus was unsure if Aleko was listening to his words, the weight of the recent news was still fresh and he still needed some time to completely assimilate it all. Unfortunately, they didn’t have the time. “Allister believes that each Kingdom should rule itself independently, without some higher authority to control them. A noble thought, yet ancient history teaches us different…” The Wizard almost stumbled over a large log then, in such moments he could feel his aches and was reminded of his age. The little would-be-incident seemed to have caught Aleko’s attention if nothing else. “Pardon…” Cyrus excused himself and then resumed the conversation and the walk “As I was saying… Allister took this path and thus made the Old Avalon Empire. Brune, he is cut from a different cloth. He was the Imperial Cleric, the zealous, extremist type with his own personal cult of followers. He claims that the Empire should be ruled by divine right, that only those who are highly anointed by the Gods should hold this much power and responsibility. Ironically enough, he and a few others of his cult happen to fulfill this ‘requirement’. What is worse, he also claims the supremacy of the pure-blooded, it would seem that those born from the union of different races should be considered abominations and heralds of Ragnaroke” Cyrus let out a rather irritated ‘bah’ before turning his gaze at Aleko behind him “Because of this we should be most wary of him and his potential assassins.”

During the walk, Aleko was quite silent, only nodding or muttering a ‘mhm’ from time to time for reassuring that he was paying attention to the old Wizard’s words. After a while they reached the top of a large hillside overlooking a small forest at the edge of the small patch of land that was legitimately belonging to the people of Streambrath, once there, Cyrus stopped and turned around to face Aleko. “You will soon meet the important people of our faction and will be shown around the fortress. I will serve as your personal advisor so feel free to ask and request anything of me, sire.” Cyrus gave the Halfling a small bow while stating his position and then after Aleko nodded in acknowledgement, the Wizard removed one hand from his gnarled staff and placed it on Aleko’s shoulder. “Are you ready?” and after that, Cyrus lightly stomped his staff on the ground and a bright glowing pentagram formed right beneath their feet, enveloping them in its glow. A blinding flash and in mere moments they found themselves magically transported to a different location. Cyrus waited for Aleko to get his bearings and then he simply smiled “Welcome aboard the Escalyber, sire. A marvel forged from the combination of magic and engineering. Our flying fortress, hundreds of meters high in the sky, the main headquarters of our faction and your temporary seat of power until we win back Castle Sundragon from our foes.” The two were standing in what appeared to be a large hallway, decorated with a fine long red carpet, small vases housing lively colored flowers, a few large paintings hanging on one wall and tall, slim windows on the other, which revealed nothing but a pale blue endless horizon populated by vast amounts of white clouds. The Wizard indicated with his hand that Aleko should follow him, explaining that before anything he should be acquainted with the important rooms of the fortress as well as its more important residents.

After a short walk through the hallway and a trip up a flight of stairs, a large wooden double door was standing in front of them, upon opening it, Cyrus and Aleko walked inside a large room which was radically different compared to the hallways. The decorations was minimal if any at all, the walls appeared to be made of solid metal, the floor was simple wooden planks with no rug to cover them and the long streaks of metal that bound them all. A long dark iron walkway connected the entrance to the very front of the room, strange machineries found on either side, emitting faint noises of gears turning, small metallic parts moving, steam being blown and the occasional ‘zaps’ of electricity, with a few people dressed in worker’s clothes tinkering here and there. At the very front of the room was a very large window panel with another set of smaller machines in front of them, with many clocks and gauges dancing gently and a few more of the workers pulling levers, switching switches and reporting what they understood from the displays to the one who was presumably the man in charge here, a figure standing in the middle, facing the window. Cyrus urged Aleko to walk inside and closer to the man in the front while he presented the room “This is the Control Room, where our Captain steers the direction of our travels though the skies, sire.” The Wizard glanced over to see Aleko scanning the room with interest and then called “Captain. A moment of your time if you please. “ The man at the front was turning a bronze steering wheel with a miniature of a globe map of Avalon in its center, after hearing Cyru’s call, he briefly turned his head and then let go of the large handles, walked a few steps to the Wizard and Aleko to greet them. “Ah, welcome back aboard Mr. Weaverstar, sir. “ The Captain was a human with mid-length, raggedy, dark hair parted slightly to the side, a few strands draping over the black leather eye-patch covering his right eye. A stubble upon his cheek and chin along with a slight wrinkle under his one good, brown eye were marking him as a late worker. He was dressed in an elegant black and brown coat with a high collar, leather gloves and boots with bronze trims, a captain’s hat which he removed when he greeted Cyrus, a short falcion sheathed at his belt along with a small holstered pistol.

After welcoming the Wizard back, the Captain turned his attention to Aleko “Is this…?” Cyrus nodded and almost immediately the Captain gave Aleko a deep bow “Pardon me for not greeting you sooner, sire. Welcome aboard the Escalyber, the greatest flying engine and fortress, first of its kind and unique in every way.” After the Captain greeted Aleko, Cyrus proceeded with the introductions “This is Captain Bernard Redfoot. He has been at the helm of the Escalyber since it first lifted from the ground.” To which Bernard added. “I’ve steered this marvelous lady almost all over the Empire and will continue to do so until my last breaths gives out. Rest assured, sire, at this height we are safe from any unwanted attention and have a tactical advantage over the enemy. “ Just then, the conversation was interrupted by a short, bright flash of light in their vicinity. The result of a teleportation spell, similar to the one used by Cyrus, only much smaller. This spell, brought a new guest, a young Elf-Human hybrid woman with long blonde hair, dressed in a decorated version of the workers clothes worn by the people in the Control Room, a pair of goggles over her eyes which she removed almost instantly as she approached the Captain with her attention focused on a small notebook. “Captain Redfoot, sir. I finished checking the store-room and we should have enough provisions for everyone for another month. Provided no-one gets a sudden spike in their appetite, ofcouse..” Her report fell silent when she rose her gaze from her notebook only to see that the Captain, along with Cyrus and Aleko, were looking at her. After a few moments of silence, the girl widen her eyes at the realization of who the Anthro-Human Halfling actually was. Just like the Captain before her, she immediately bowed “ Excuse me! I’m sorry ! I.. I didn’t mean to interrupt your conversation, sire.” Bernard tapped the girl on her back and chuckled “Relax, Anny. We were just making introductions. You came at the right time actually.” After the girl rose from her bow, the Captain introduced her. “Sire, this is Annastasya Wayfinder, my first-mate and the quartermaster here. We call her ‘Anny’. “ Anny now had a nervous smile on her face “It is a great honor to meet you, sire. Again, please pardon my sudden intrusion.” Cyrus couldn’t help but also smile yet he still needed to show Aleko around some more before the day was out. “Not to worry Annastasya, no harm done. We will take our leave now, thank you for your time Captain. “ Bernard bowed his head again and then placed his captain’s hat back on “Anytime, sir. It was an honor to meet you in person, sire. If you have any need of me you can find me here, in the Control-Room. And Anny will sometimes stick around here as well though most of the times she won’t stay in one place for long.”

The Captain then turned around and resumed his usual duties while Anny once again bowed her head and then vanished under the same flash of light which brought her here in the first place. Cyrus and Aleko passed through another hallway on the same floor, a few well armored and armed guardsmen were standing close to the walls, standing at attention when they walked passed them. “Those are members of the Imperial Guard” Cyrus explained while they took a right turn “They are some of the finest warriors of the land, charged with keeping you and all your belongings safe. While smaller in number these days due to the war, they can be counted on and will not disappoint. “ After a bit, a very large doorway was visible in the distance, the wooden doors were so large that they were closer to gates rather than simple doors. Yet, Cyrus lead Aleko in a different room, this one about as large as the Control-Room but with nowhere near an advanced technological look. The walls were decorated with portraits of royal looking people, small banners of the New Avalon Empire, large maps of different regions of the land and even two statues of Griffons located at each side of the entrance. A large floral themed carpet covered the finely polished wooden floor and in the center of the room was a large, massive-wood table with a map of Avalon engraved on its surface and many chairs adjacent to it. Inside this room, there were 7 distinct individuals, some where sitting at the table, others were standing, all were discussing various things yet it all felt silent once Aleko and Cyrus entered the room.

“This is the Council Chamber, sire. Here you will meet with the political envoys of each of the Kingdoms of the land, which are present right now…” the last part Cyrus whispered to Aleko before he placed a hand on his shoulder and urged him to take a few steps forward. “Esteemed envoys of the land…” Cyrus announced out loud. “..Allow me to introduce you all to Aleko Sendrakon, first of his name, last heir of the Sendrakon bloodline and rightful Emperor of Avalon .” Each of the 7 envoys were now standing and for a few moments they seemed to be inspecting Aleko, before they all bowed and then one after the other came to introduce themselves to their future ruler. The first was a Human male, with pale skin and short black hair, icy blue eyes and dressed in fine robes of white, blue and a cloak of a shade of purple with a silver badge shaped like a sharp pair of wings on all sides denoting some high honors. “An honor to meet you, sire. My name is Marcus Gwynpath, former ambassador of the Human Kingdom of Winterpeak, presented with the Honors of the Five-Wings and named Envoy of the 5 Human Kingdoms. At your service.” He appeared to be no younger than Aleko himself yet his voice, however soft spoken, betrayed the years of maturity he had over the young Emperor.

The next to introduce himself was an Anthro male. A gray wolf with a white snout and sky-blue eyes, dressed in some fine clothes denoting a higher-upbringing. A stylish black coat over a brown vest both decorated with golden buttons, a brown leather belt with a golden buckle, a pair of black stripped trousers and black finery leather boots. On his right hand he wore a fingerless leather glove while his left hand was replaced with a prosthetic forged of Anthro engineering and decorated to match his attire. He also wore a top-hat and in his prosthetic hand he held a cane with a golden tip. The Anthro walked close to Aleko and after studying for a few brief moments he declared “Hmm…Not as bad as I feared..” He then tossed his cane gently up, catching it by the middle and sheathing it in the underarm of his good arm and with his now free prosthetic hand he removed his hat in a fancy swooping motion while giving Aleko a deep bow. “Allow me introduce myself, sire. Eamon Weissnout, elder child and only son of the prestigious Weissnout family of Mathianous. Decorated businessman, chairman of Wissenhaut Corporation, envoy of the glorious Anthro Kingdom and refined gentleman, at your disposal and most honored to meet you in person, sire.” An air of sophistication could practically be felt around him and a confident grin was always present on his snout during this introduction.

The next one for introduction was a large man, reaching almost two heads above Aleko. This one was a Halfling, probably the most harmonious cross between an Orc and a Human that Aleko had ever seen. His skin was not the green of his Orchish ancestry but was more closer to the color of a Human giving the sharp features of his face a softness which resulted in a comely appearance. His eyes were brown, a sharp goatee decorated his chin and a short pair of sideburns reached down to his jaw-line, the tips of two small tusk-like teeth, common to any Orc, poked shyly through his lips and his long brown hair was tied to the back in a formal manner. He was dressed in a white shirt with a dark-blue formal suit of a simpler design with visibly less decorations than the other envoys. “Durran Windsteel, son of Harken Windsteel, warrior of the Air Wrath Clan and envoy of the Orchish people, at your service, sire. “ After that brief introduction he smiled and offered to shake Aleko’s hand “If you will permit me, sire, I look forward to work under your service and I assure you, what I lack in titles I make up in cleverness and skill. “ His voice was thick and harsh, typical for an Orc, yet it also contained a hint of softness and was full of confidence.

The next introduction came from the only woman in the room. A Dark Elven woman, with very pale skin and jet black hair worked in an elegant aristocratic fashion which suited her rather beautiful yet cold visage. She wore a black dress of a very fine, if a bit revealing, design decorated with many golden studs and embroidery along her slim torso, buffed lower dress and wavy sleeves. In the middle of her chest there was a large onyx gemstone in a golden setting wrought in the shape of a bat with its wings across her breasts. One distinguishable feature were her eyes, one was red and one was dark blue, betraying her as a Human – Dark-Elf Halfling. She approached Aleko and inspected him similar to how Eamon did earlier yet the only pre-introductory comment from her was a dismissive glance before she introduced herself. “Tis’ an honor to meet you, sire. I am Ethel Shroudmyr, daughter of the Shroudmyr family of aristocrats of Sheh’tara, capital of the Dark-Elven Kingdom, former high-Warlock of the ninth-circle, member of the small-council of the Dark-Elven people and one of the envoys of the Dark-Elven Kingdom.” She glanced over Aleko once more before commenting “This war has already taken its toll on the Empire and it will only continue to do so until it is ended and only one person sits the throne. Many lives and more depend on you, sire. I hope you will not disappoint.” Her voice had an elegance similar to a refined melody yet it also sent chills down the spines of any who hear her.

The one who introduced himself next was an Elf male with long elegant blonde hair with a few streaks of green denoting to a Druidic background along with the small greenish symbols tattooed on his forehead, cheekbones and inscribed on his clothes as well as with the slight green glow of his eyes which also symbolized a pure-breed. He was dressed in finery, a dark green elegant robe with a bright orange cloak over it, all of a unique Elven design and decorated with floral themes in white, faded black and green. The Elf made a few symbols in the air with his gloved hand in front of Aleko which could be interpreted to a form of greeting. “Nature’s blessings upon you, sire. I am called Ludwyn Groverunner, former High-Druid of the Emerald Council of Syla’anee, the capital of the Elven Kingdom, representative of the Goddess’ voice and envoy of the Elven people, a pleasure and honor to meet you, sire.” His voice was well honed and his words seemed carefully chosen and of good meaning but one couldn’t help but notice that he was keeping a serious visage with nary a trace of a smile.

Aleko had to lower his gaze for the next introduction since it came from a Dwarf. Probably the oldest of the bunch as denoted by his lush snow white beard and receding hairline, this Dwarf was dressed in a fine robe of a dark earthly color with a pale blue cloak overlapping his shoulders. His wrists were covered by a pair of strong looking leather bracers, in one hand he held what appeared to be a scroll covered with runic writing on both sides and in the other he grasped a short-staff made of an odd yet beautiful blueish stone with two prong spikes on the top and a glowing runic symbol apparently floating between. Runic symbols were also present on the back of his bracers, the hem of his robe, edges of his cloak, engraved on an amulet dangling around his neck, carved all over his short-staff and even a larger rune tattooed on the bald part of his head. “Oh my, you are tall for one of your kind, sire. Quite majestic, yes…yes.” The Dwarf then bowed his head “I am Gymor Cloudkeeper, 2nd son of the 26th generation of the Couldkeeper family, High-Bishop of the Runic Abbey of Hephonsgate, wondrous capital of the Dwarven Kingdom, member of the Council of the Forge and envoy of the Dwarven people. I predict that the gods and ancestors smile upon us with your arrival, sire.” His voice was well fitting with his visage and his age.

The last one to introduce himself was the most ominous fellow in the room. His skin was a pale gray and both his eyes and long hair were of blank white denoting that all life had left from him long ago. He was dressed in a strong dark gray leather vest with white embroidery and a wavy, elegant black coat over it, pale gray embroidery of flames and bats decoration his sleeves, shoulders, upper back and edges of his coat. Another thing worth noticing was that he was the only one carrying a weapon, a longsword sheathed in an elegant black scabbard matching the coat in design. The Undead gave Aleko a shallow bow “I’m honored to meet you in person, sire. I am called Korvius Frosthand and have the honor of being the envoy for the Undead Kingdom, more than that you need not known.” He then glanced briefly behind him at the other envoys and then promptly returned his attention to Aleko, a malicious looking grin ever-present on his face “I believe lengthy introductions are unnecessary for an efficient and good working relationship. I am certain that all of us will benefit from serving you, sire and that you will benefit from our services.” His tone of voice was confident, almost to the point of overly-confident.

After each of the envoys had introduced themselves, Cyrus offered a bit more information “The envoys are here to represent each of the nations of Avalon..” he then leaned closer to Aleko and whispered “..at least the parts of each kingdom that is loyal to our side..” the Wizard then urged Aleko to continue their tour of the fortress. “If you would excuse us now, honorable envoys, the Emperor must attend to his business for today.” All of the envoys then offered a variety of bows “We will be expecting you in the Council Chambers for important discussions daily, sire.” Said Ethel and then Marcus added “If you happen to need anything from us outside of the official hours, you will most likely find us in our respective chambers if not in one of the many hospitable chambers of your glorious fortress, sire.” Finally Eamon concluded with “ We are all privileged to had the honor of meeting you in person, sire. And I for one am anxious starting the our discussions on the morrow. Until then, I wish you a capital day and may you conclude your duties of today in a royal fashion, sire.” The rest of the envoys nodded in accordance and shortly after, Cyrus and Aleko took their leave, exiting the Council Chambers and now heading for the large gate-like doors that the Halfling no doubt spotted earlier. Once they approached them, two of the Imperial Guards opened the doors for them, revealing the largest room in the whole fortress. The floors were covered in fine white marble with a very large crimson carpet decorated with the large crest of the New Avalon Empire. The same crest could be seen on the banners that hung from the walls at either side behind the finely sculpted and decorated marble columns which lead forward to an uplifted platform where one could find the throne. The throne was rather simplistic in design yet still looked exquisite and fitting for any great leader of a nation, made of finely polished massive-wood engraved with golden decorations and cushioned with a fine red silken seat. On either side of the throne one could spot two smaller seats of an equal fine craftsmanship but with fewer decorative designs and from a distance it appeared as though a small person was already sitting in one of them. Cyrus lead Aleko across the large Throne Room with even more Imperial Guards on either side, separated by the columns, their armor glistening in the rays of the sun that peeked through the tall windows behind them. “This is the Throne Room, sire. The seat of your command where you will make decisions and attend to the responsibilities expected of an Emperor, at least until we win back the actual fortress that your ancestors occupied for many generations. Right now, this will have to do. It is vacant and rather desolated yet expect it to be much more active, starting tomorrow.”

Once they approached the throne, they could see clearly who and what it was that was seating one of the adjacent chairs next to the throne. A small boy, or rather, the skeleton of a small boy missing his lower jaw, dressed in finery with a backpack strapped to his back, a number of scrolls lugged in one arm and a pen held in the bony fingers of his other hand. The little Undead jumped from his chair and walked in front of Aleko, giving him a formal bow. Cyrus chuckled “This, sire, is a little fellow we call ‘Scribe’. Due to his…impairment he is unable to speak and thus cannot tell us his real name, nor does he appear to remember it anyway, thus the nickname. He is very skilled with writing and loyal to our cause, as such I made him your personal scribe who will document any events of importance starting tomorrow.” Scribe then quickly scribbled something on a scroll and in the blink of an eye offered it to Aleko, on it the little one wrote how honored he is that the great Emperor took the time to meet with him and how happy and anxious he is to document his glorious deeds to come. Cyrus smiled “It also appears that he loves his work.” Scribe nodded to that, confirming the observation.

After the Throne Room, Cyrus and Aleko departed down a flight of stairs and after a bit more walking they reached a room filled with many tomes and books of varying sizes. “This is the Library, sire. It contains much wisdom for those with the patience and will to search for it. When I am not at your side you will most likely find me either here or the Study.” This room had a much more traditional appearance than the others Aleko had visited so far and the outside noises from the rest of the Fortress almost seemed muffled, leaving this room in a peaceful silence. Once they left, Cyrus told him something a bit unnerving while walking to the next room. “Sire, for some time now, servants and workers have reported hearing strange noises coming from the Library at night. I sent some Imperial Guards to investigate and even looked around myself yet was unable to find anything, yet I hear that the noises still continue to this day. It could be nothing, of course, but I would recommend that for the time being, you do not linger in the Library at night. Just to be sure, sire.” Further away from the library they entered a room slightly smaller than the Throne Room. This one was far less imposingly decorated with finely crafted wooden panels replacing the marble and a number of large tables and chairs replacing the columns on each side of a large elongated red rug leading from the entrance to what appeared to be a large bar-table. Banners bearing the New Empire’s crest were hung high up the wall and a pair even dangled from the ceiling. Some of the workers and servants and even a few of the Imperial Guard could be spotted either sitting at some of the tables or on the bar-stools next to the bar itself. “This is the Dinner, sire.” Cyrus explained “This is where most of the workers, servants and guards can be found enjoying their off-duty hours. Quite a lovely place, if I may say so myself. Even some of our more esteemed guests seem to think the same.” Close to the bar one could see a familiar figure. Anny was talking something with a man wearing a white apron and pointing to something in her little notebook. After a few moments she turned around, spotted Aleko and Cyrus from a distance and gave a formal bow before once again vanishing in a flash of light. Before leaving, Aleko probably also spotted the envoys Durran and Marcus apparently engaged in a pleasant conversation while enjoying a drink of wine.
Further away from the Dinner and to the left, located roughly around the very center of the Fortress, Cyrus and Aleko stopped in front of another set of wooden double doors, these were distinguished from the others by their solid iron decoration wrought in the shape of two combating lions on their hind legs. Before entering Cyrus stopped and asked for Aleko’s attention. “Sire, behind these doors is the Map Room. In there you will meet with the generals of your armies and discuss combat, strategy and conduct the way we handle ourselves in this war. I will not lie that most of your time will most probably be spent inside this particular room, planning out the campaign, yet I feel I should inform you that the generals behind have and their armies have….made some sacrifices in the effort of finding you. This will be the first time they will meet you and while the envoys were soft-spoken, they will be…less eloquent as to the nature of their professions.” Perhaps the ‘warning’ was unnecessary considering that Aleko himself was an officer in the military before this day and would probably feel more familiar in a war-room rather than on a throne, yet the Wizard felt he had to inform his young Emperor beforehand anyway. Once the doors were open and Cyrus and Aleko entered, they found themselves in a large room of a more-or-less crude design compared to the others. The walls and floor were solid stone, the floors polished to the point of slightly glistening in the limited lighting which came from four lamps dangling from the ceiling and four small lampposts on each corner of the room. The walls were skillfully carved, displaying soldiers and scholars wrought in stone surrounding the room as if they were watching over those inside. On the wall opposite of the entrance was a large carving of the map of the whole of Avalon, occupying the entire wall.

In the center one could see a number of distinguishable people….arguing. The noises of their bickering was inaudible outside the room with the doors closed yet once inside their quarrels echoed seemingly all around. It was only until Cyurs stomped his gnarled staff on the solid stone floor to call for attention that the generals felt silent and all turned their attention at the new-comers. “Great generals, if I may have your attention, please. Allow me to introduce you to Aleko Sendrakon, first of his name, last remaining heir of the Sendrakon bloodline and rightful Emperor of..- “ Cyrus’ presentation was interrupted by one of the generals, a Dwarf who approached them in a fast pace for his size. “Can’ it Weaverstar ! We ‘all know who this ‘ere is an’ wha’ he’s suppos’ t’ be !” The Dwarf had a rugged appearance, long dirty-blonde hair swept back and held by a pair of goggles pulled over his forehead, a beard with absolutely no decorations whatsoever, strong facial features and small black squinting eyes which gave the impression that he could pierce right through you with his gaze. Dressed in a plated chest-piece with a sturdy leather coat over it, lined with shaggy fur along the collar and lightly plated on the shoulders, similar to the plating on his knees over his beige leather trousers, on his reinforced black boots and on the forearm of his left hand. On his right hand he had what appeared to be a strange machination of a firearm strapped to his arm.

After the Dwarf’s outburst, another general approached, a Human who addressed his colleague. “The only one who will can’ it will be you, Bojor ! Like it or not, he is our Emperor and you will show proper respect !” The Human General was tall and sturdy in spite of his apparent age. His long hair was gray and swept to the back staying out of his face which only helped to display his rugged visage, wrinkles found from his eye and nose slants and in the corners of his mouth as well as on his forehead. A bushy pair of gray sideburns made their way down to his sharp jaw-line and a series of lacerating scars were found on the left side of his face, one especially harsh was across his left eye which apparently robbed him of the vision of that eye. He was dressed in a chainmail doublet with platings on his chest, shoulders, elbows and thighs, each of the lightly decorated along with his gauntlets and boots to denote a high ranking military position. On his hip there was an elegantly looking lonsword sheathed in a scabbard of a simple design, his arm resting on the pommel. After hearing that, the Dwarf turned his attention to the Human “Fouck you’ respect , Duncan ! I jus’ lost good men tryin’ tha’ make sure tha’ Emberland’s Gods damn’ Pursuers lost ou’ trail ! An’ all fer’ this pretty wolfling?! “ The Dwarf general was pretty steamed and judging by his stance he was just about ready to go for blows with the Human general who seemed equally prepared. Luckily it did not come to that, as another of the generals called for the Dwarf to calm himself, an Undead judging by his appearance “Ser Duncan is right. We all had losses in this campaign and lashing out to each other is most assuredly NOT the solution !” This general had a softer appearance than his other two colleagues, his skin was pale gray with apparently a shade of blue, his head was shaved clean and a small cropped black goatee was visible on his chin. His eyes were blank with a faint, sickly, greenish glow which denote a practitioner of Necromancy which is confirmed by the large spider tattoo display over his face and by his attire composed of a heavy black and green robe, decorated with silver embroidery displaying runic scribbling. Dark-gray metallic platings could be found on his gorget, shoulders, gauntlets and boots. All platings appeared to have their edges wrought in the shape of spider joints and another pair of spiders decorated his shoulder-plates with tiny emerald beads for eyes. His gauntlets gave the appearance of cloven talons for fingers and in their grasps there was a solid metallic staff with a green orb wrought in the shape of a skull as its head-piece with metallic tendrils that sprouted underneath gripping it tightly from all sides, making their way through the eye-sockets and the open mouth ; while the other hand rested on a heavy tome bound to a thick leather plate by a pair of solid chains. When the Undead general made his voice heard, another one promptly approached him, an Elf. “What do you know of losses?! Your warriors are ‘losses’ from the very start! Must be easy to fight a war when you don’t care about the lives of your men, since they have none… “

The Elf general was tall and slim, yet in an athletic fashion. His long hair was gray with a few near undistinguishable stripes of pale blonde and swept back reaching almost to his lower-back. Clean shaven which displayed a rough face with sharp features due to his wrinkles which betrayed his age, a rare sight among Elves which indicate to a mix of races. His slanted pale green eyes gave you the impression that he was always looking at you akin to a potential enemy…or prey. He was dressed in a strong, reinforced forest-green leather outfit tightly worn with many straps and studs in various places along with light platings on the shoulders, forearms, chest, thighs and legs, all with a slight greenish tint wrought in the shape of leaves and scales. Around his neck he wore a short dark-green cloak with pale-black floral embroidery. A pair of slightly curved Elvish swords were sheathed at his hips and a larger version was sheathed on his back. After the Elven general’s remark, the Undead gripped his nose-bridge in annoyance for a moment before responding in a more irritated tone “You are missing the point ! The mission was accomplished, we gave the Pursuers the slip and more importantly we managed to bring the Emperor aboard without anyone being the wiser..-“ He was cut-off by the Dwarven general who still appeared to be angry “Aye, mission’ foucken acomplish’d. You’re one ta’ look at’ tha’ bright side since’ none o’ YOUR men wer’ involved an’ onl’ MY boys pay’d tha’ foucken price!” Another voice, this one sounding even angrier, made itself heard, the one who spoke was a muscular Orc “You all need to shut your fucking traps before I rip your tongues out !” The Orc general was clearly a pure-breed of the ‘big-mouth’ sub-species of Orc as indicated to his size which pretty much dwarfed everyone in the room and as well as to his rough and brutish visage only complimented by a short-cut, moustache-less , gray beard and the large tusk-like teeth emerging from his mouth reaching almost to the nose-line. His small eyes were pale blue which added an oddly soft characteristic for an Orc of his breed along with his shoulder-length, slightly curled, chestnut brown hair with plenty of gray stripes visible. He was dressed in a simple brown leather doublet with a chestplate strapped on his massive torso, a pair of reinforced dark-brown leather gloves with plantings on the back of the hand similar to those on his boots. His left shoulder was distinctively heavier armored than his right yet the right shoulder-plate was decorated with a gray wolf-skin which spread to a half-cloak on his back, the wolf’s head made to look as if it was biting on the clasp with his fangs. The Orc was resting his left arm on a large sword sheathed on his hip, any ordinary man would need to use both hands when wielding it yet the way he was carrying indicated the fact that he could properly handle it with only one. “His warriors didn’t take part in this mission, yet mine did alongside with yours, Bojor, so we both lost good men ! “ he continued “But they accomplished the task set upon them and died on the open battlefield with a weapon in hand. For a warrior there is no higher honor and I bet both of our hides that they now stand among their ancestors with pride, or they would if you didn’t shame them by losing your shit over their glorious battle ! “ The Dwarf and the Orc were now standing in the middle of the room, face-to-face, throwing angry glares at eachother and judging by their stances ready to jump into a fight. “So I will tell you once again…Shut your mouth and calm the fuck down or I will make you…” the Orc said in a menacing tone, his stern gaze affixed down at the Dwarf who only returned the favor.

A few moments of tensioned silence passed until one of the two generals yet to speak made her voice heard. “Alright, alright…” The Anthro general announced as she approached her two rage-stricken colleagues . She was a tall and slender person, most probably due to her mixed heritage. She was a Human-Anthro Halfling as indicated by her harmonious mix of characteristics similar to Aleko. She lacked a tail and whiskers while her fine and short fur was white; her snout was short and less pronounced while here other facial features were softly resembling those of a comely Human female. Her large eyes were a pale shade of green-blue which appeared to be glistening in the right light. Her dark teal hair was shortly cropped, nigh-on reaching her shoulder-line, her round mousey ears were smaller and apparently were easily concealed by the dark-brown, simple designed top-hat that she wore. She was dressed in a simple dark-brown leather corset, black cloth trousers stuffed in a pair of above-the-knee high leather boots, on her hands she wore a pair of simple, fingerless black cloth gloves that reached to her elbow while her shoulders, neck and biceps were revealed. An outfit clearly designed for high-mobility of which one would assume she has plenty of as indicated by her weaponry, a pair of pistols holstered on each side of her hips, many small flat pockets lined the outer sides of her boots which possibly contained ammunition and a pair of daggers cross sheathed on her lower-back. She approached and placed one hand on each of the two angered generals without so much as a trace of fear in both her actions and her tone as she spoke “You two need to either step aside, or we should all start placing bets.” Another few moments of silence passed while her gaze switched back and forth between the Orc and the Dwarf all the while their own gazes never left eachother. Finally she rested her hand on the arm of the large Orc while calmly calling a “Come on…play nice…You’re embarrassing yourselves, you know.” and then her gaze shifted to the Orc as she muttered a “…Please?” to which the Orc glanced in her direction and after a few brief moments he sighed deeply and then turned and walked a few steps away which the Dwarf did the same shortly after.

The Anthro general then glanced once again at the two before throwing her hands in the air as a sign of relief and exhaling a “Alright..”. The last general yet to talk apparently decided to walk out of the shadows until he was standing relatively next to the Anthro. “Pardon this…misunderstanding, sire. You didn’t exactly caught us at a good moment.” He said, addressing Aleko. This one was the Dark Elf General, a tall figure with sharp features. His long silver hair was swept to the back and tied in two simple braids which fell over his shoulders while the rest draped over his back nearly as long as the Elven general’s. His sharp, bright purple eyes complimented his slick facial features, giving the appearance of a stone-cold killer, which would probably be not far from the truth. He was dressed in a strong reinforced dark gray leather outfit with many straps and buckles. His chest, and gloves were plated with a cold, pale gray metal, his shoulder plates were wrought in the shape of interlocking, large, pointy scales spreading all the way down his arm to his elbow making a slight clinking sound whenever he moved, the plating from his knees down to his feet were in a similar fashion. Around his neck he wore a dark purple half-cape with a golden trim and a high collar for a hood which he kept unbuttoned and open. At his hip he bore a pair of curved swords along with a pistol holstered beneath. After he spoke, the Anthro general placed her hands on her hips and gave him a disapproving glance “No thanks to you, Caine. You just slipped away and watched like usual.” The Dark Elf let out a muttered “bah..” before responding with “It’s not my fault that some of our colleagues find it hard to hold their hot tempers under control. They’re generals of their respective nations, they should learn to have a steady grip on their emotions.” The Dwarf general pulled a thick cigar from under his coat and then addressed the Dark Elf with “I’l hold a steady grip on ye’ neck if ye’ keep talkin’ like tha’…” and then proceeded to light his cigar and take a long smoke from it. His tone of voice was deep and slightly irritated but not angry anymore, the Dark Elf general simply sighed and muttered a “Dwarves…” while shaking his head slightly.

Finally Cyrus sighed deeply and leaned heavily on his staff “Generals, please ! “ After a few brief moment in which everyone was silent and paying attention to Cyrus, he added “As I was saying before…Emperor Aleko Sendrakon is here to make your acquaintances before resuming to the rest of his duties of today.” The Wizard’s voice sounded tiered than before , a possibility judging by the way he was leaning on his gnarled staff, Aleko probably wondered how he managed to last this long under such conditions, perhaps he was actually younger than he appeared and only aged like that through all this. Regardless, all of the generals proceeded to introduce themselves properly to their new ruler, starting with the Human. The old general stood at attention and saluted Aleko with respect as he introduced himself “Sire, I am Ser Duncan Primelyt, Knight Commander of the Paladin Order and General of the Human forces from the 5 Human Kingdoms.” Duncan ended his salute and then inspected Aleko for a brief moment before adding “With all due respect, sire. While I disagree with my colleague’s…approach..” he briefly glanced behind at the Dwarf who was still smoking his cigar with an irritated look on his face, “However, I agree with his observation. However crude it may sound, you appear far to unseasoned for a task of this magnitude. It may be the result of your…special upbringing, but, however understandable it may be, I hope that you will learn quick and gain experience swiftly if we are to hope for any victory.” Duncan’s good eye then glanced at Cyrus for a few moments before returning to Aleko “Of course, we will be here to aid you to the best of our abilities, afterall this is OUR campaign, however, you are expected to carry your own weight as nobody will do it for you. Sire..” Duncan then bowed his head, saluted and stepped aside for the next general to approach.

The Undead general approached Aleko and offered a deep bow “Sire, it is an honor to meet you though I would have wished it were under better circumstances. I am called Markov Ashadde, High Necromancer of Deyja and have the honor of being the general of the Undead forces.” Markov let out a slight sigh “I apologize for the display of my colleagues, but it is understandable. Brave and good men have given their lives to ensure that you safely arrived here, they only wish for their sacrifice to not be in vain.” Markov dropped his gaze for a moment and ended with “It all depends on you to make it so, sire. “ and he stepped aside for the next general.

The Elven general introduced himself next, giving Aleko a shallow bow and resting both of his hands on the pommels of his swords. “I am Marteen Leafdancer, sire. Also known as the “War-Dancer”, Commander-in-chief of the Elven Ranger-corps and general of the Elven forces. “ Marteen’s stern gaze was ever-present during the whole conflict and his introduction as well. “There is little left to say, sire. Let your actions speak for themselves and let the people judge your worth as a leader.” He concluded and walked aside for the next general.

The Orc general attempted to walk and introduce himself next but the Anthro bypassed him with a playful display of dexterity and maneuverability and approached Aleko with a cheery tone. “Hey, how are you doing, sire?” She then gave Aleko a strange bow, her arms were open as if waiting for a hug, she pivoted her upper body in a bowing manner while still keeping eye-contact with her ruler. “I’m called Pepper Bulkwyn. Yeah, I know, why would anyone be called ‘Pepper’? Ask my parents, they probably thought it’s cute or something, I don’t know.” Cyrus was heard letting out a slight sigh “Anyway, I’m a decorated General Field Marshal of the Elite Ranger corps and selected general of the Anthro forces, at you service, sire.” While Marteen had an apparent permanent stern gaze, Pepper seemed to have a permanent smile on her face. “I know its hard to believe all that from looking at all this..” she indicated to her body from up to down “..but trust me, its all true. This is my ‘off-the-field’ outfit.” She chuckled, stepped aside, turned her head back at Aleko, concluded with “Don’t take this the wrong way, but I’m glad to see another Anthro Halfling around here, sire.” and then made way for the Orc general to introduce himself.

The Orc general towered over Aleko similar to how Durran did, instead of bowing, the general offered to shake Aleko’s hand “Honored to meet you, sire. I am Rougan Stonestorm, chieftain of the Black Stone Clan and general of the Orc forces. “ Rougan then inspected Aleko for a moment and rose an eyebrow in confusion then adding “Hmmm…I thought you would be taller…” A moment of silence passed and Rougan chuckled lightly “Well, they say that the more concentrated doses are the strongest. I suppose you will show us just how strong you are latter on, correct, sire?” And with that he stepped aside for the next general to approach.

The Dwarf general walked towards Aleko, puffing smoke from his cigar. Once he approached the Halfling, he drew a longer puff , perhaps with the intention making Aleko wait. When he was done he introduced himself while still having that irritated look upon him. “Aye, nice ta’ meet ya’ an’ all tha’t, ‘sire’. “ the last word sounded like a slur by the way he spoke it. “I’m Bojor Ironfist also known as’ tha’ ‘Iron Engineer’, ever hear’d o’me? Nah’ I’l imagine not. Don’ matter, I’m tha’ general o’ the proud Dwarven forces, apparen’ly sworn ta’ serve ye’.” He took another smoke of his cigar “Joy o’ joy…” he muttered and then followed with “I s’pose ye’ expect me ta’ apologize fo’ me outburst earlier eh’ ? Well don’ hold ye’r breath. I’l say’ ‘sowwy’ once ye’ prove tha’ them sacreface’ be worth’it .” Bojor took one last smoke before dropping the cigar but on the floor and stomping on it while he concluded with “Until tha’n, let’s be clear ‘ere. I’l work fo’ ye’r scrawny arse but onl’y cuz’ I have ta’. So…lookin’ forward ta’ seein’ ye’ in action, sire…” and he walked to the side for the last general, the Dark Elf to make his introduction.

The Dark Elf general gave Aleko a deep bow and the proceeded with “Unlike our obvious temperamental colleague..” he glanced briefly at Bojor who muttered under his breath “..keep talke’n Elf an’ I swear…” and then he continued “…I am truly honored to meet you in person, sire. I am Caine Planestalker, once personal bodyguard for a member of the High Council of Warlocks, then enlisted as a Beastmaster and steadily rose through the ranks until I became what I appear before you, the general of the Dark Elven forces. At your disposal. “ Caine also took a few moments to inspect Aleko and then crossed his arms. “With all due respect, sire. I can understand my colleagues’ doubts in your..abilities. However, I like to believe that a strong Emperor won’t rely solely on strength alone and will be wise enough to use all resources at his disposal.” A sly smirk crossed Caine’s face at that moment before he concluded with “We shall see, I suppose. Won’t we, sire?” and joined the rest of his colleagues.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zamokra41
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Zamokra41 Procrastinating Knight

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Day 0

PART 2/2

Once all the generals introduced themselves Cyrus took a deep breath of relief “Thankyou noble generals, we will all be counting on your hard work in the days to come. It will be due to our combined efforts that this war shall end and the rightful order shall be restored across the Empire.” A moment of silence passed in which Cyrus approached Aleko and placed his hand on his shoulder “Now, I beg you excuse us. The Emperor must finish his duties before the day is out. “ and eagerly urged Aleko out of the Map-Room. It was only after the doors were closed and the two were walking down the hallway that Cyrus took the liberty of producing a handkerchief from under his robes which he used to wipe a few beads of sweat from his brow. “I apologize that you had to go through that, sire. I haven’t anticipated that introducing the generals to you would be so….eventful.” Cyrus then took another deep breath, regained his composure and stashed away the handkerchief. “Regardless, what occurred there will probably signify but a taste of what is to come, I’m afraid. The people’s respect must be earned and although I’m sorry to say, it will probably be more difficult for you to achieve this due to you being a bast….Ugh..I mean due to your…background. Pardon me, sire.” Cyrus bowed his head and then indicated to Aleko to continue down the hallway “Let us resume our introduction of the fortress, sire, shall we?”

The two walked through the hallway and down another flight of stairs, reaching the lower level of the fortress. After a few twists and turns they reached a pair of slim, metallic double doors which upon opening revealed a small, crudely shaped spiraling staircase which lead further down from where once could hear strange noises similar to those heard from the Control Room only more often, diverse and louder. “We will be descending into the heart of the Escalyber , sire.” Cyrus announced as they carefully descended the metallic spiraling stairs. Once at the bottom they saw a great room, fully occupied by large and strange machineries composed of many multiple parts, metallic shells which probably hid even more such parts, gears turning, steam being exhaled from certain places and flashes of electrical current circulating down to some of the machines via a series of long cables connecting them with a number of small electrical orbs affixed on rods on the ceiling. The sounds of metallic clanking and churning, steam blowing and electrical zaps were nearly deafening, yet the many workers that attended down here seem to have gotten used to them since it didn’t appear to bother them while they tinkered and toyed with the various controls or jot down some information on small notebooks. “I mentioned before that the Escalyber is a marvel wrought from a mix of magic and technology, sire..” Cyrus spoke as they were walking over narrow walkways among the large machines, the Wziard had to raise his voice for Aleko to hear him in this racket. “Engineers and builders created this magnificent machinations which are the source of the fortress’ flight. Yet these machines alone did not have the strength to keep an entire fortress along with everything and everyone inside in the air nor did they have sufficient power to keep working for long. Thus some of the more enlightened Mages of the Empire have worked a complex and powerful enchantment upon both the machines and the fortress, namely to make the structure lighter and give the machines more power, which in the end resulted in the Escalyber lifting up from the ground.” Cyrus then pointed upwards to the electrical orbs on the ceiling. “Those orbs are also a creation of magic. They are basically a conduit which provides the energy for these machines to continue their function for prolonged periods of time. However, with all that considered, the Escalyber cannot remain in the air forever. Sooner or later we would have to land for restocking our supplies, perform maintenance on the machines, rework and re-empower the wards and enchantments upon the machines and the fortress as well as restore power to the conduits as their energy may be vast but it is not unlimited.”

Cyrus and Aleko then found themselves in front of another metallic door which Cyrus claims why he brought Aleko down here. Once opened, on the other side there was a small room which was mostly occupied by a crafting bench with various bits and parts scrambled upon it along with many different schematics and blue-prints placed on the walls on either side. They were not alone as inside there were two individuals who appeared to be busy tinkering over something on the workbench, oblivious to the two newcomers at first. It was only after Cyrus called to their attention that the two turned around. They were a Human female and an Anthro male. The Human had a petite figure, dressed in a variety of a worker’s outfit consisting of a leather vest, a pair of black shorts, simple brown leather boots reaching just above the knee which seem to assort with her brown leather fingerless gloves. Around her hip was a tool-belt with several instruments attached to it. Her blue dyed hair was escaping from under the beige skullcap she wore which came with a pair of engineer’s goggles with a variety of interchangeable lens. Her skin had a bit of dirt, the signs of a worker and one could see a pair of spread wings tattooed on the visible part of her collarbone. The Anthro was a gray wolf sub-species with pale gray fur, dressed in a standard dark blue linen shirt with its sleeves rolled up to his elbows, a black vest over it, a pair of beige cloth trousers stuffed in an ordinary pair of boots. His hands were covered by a pair of short, fingerless, black leather gloves. Streaks of dirty blonde hair fell from under the beige worker’s beret he wore, noticeable wrinkles made their presence around his eyes giving him a tired and ‘indifferent’ expression which was only enforced by his slightly hunched posture. The female smiled and then put her goggles up on her forehead “Good day, sir Weaverstar. Sorry for not noticing you earlier, we weren’t expecting any visitors.” The Anthro sighed and muttered “We never expect visitors. Why would anyone come down here if they don’t need to?” his voice sounded tired as if he didn’t get any sleep. The female chuckled nervously and then her gaze fell upon Aleko. “Ah, is this…” she muttered and then bowed “Good day, sire. My name is Cyndia Stonewan. Myself and my colleague, Renginal Silvertail, are the chief engineers of the Escalyber, sire. Pardon my lack of manners and my un-groomed appearance, it’s been a hectic day.” She then turned her attention to Reginal “Reginal, don’t just stand there, greet the Emperor.” The Anthro sighed and gave the laziest bow possible “Hey… “ he said simply which made Cyndia sigh “Pardon Reginal, sire. He is quite poor with words.” Reginal simply shrugged to that.

Cyrus then inquired about what Cyndia mentioned earlier. “Cyndia, you mentioned that it was a ‘hectic day’ ? Did something happen here?” To the question the woman simply scratched the back of her head “Yes, but nothing to worry about, sir. One of the electrical conduits got a bit overcharged and was pumping to much energy in one of the engines. Luckily Reginal noticed it in time and sapped some of it away.” Reginal muttered “It stung…” as a comment before Cyndia continued with “We are working now on something which should prevent that from happening in the future.” She then turned her gaze at Aleko “Nothing to worry about, sire. I promise.” To that, Cyrus smiled “Thankyou Cyndia. You too Reginal. Your hard work is appreciated.” The woman then smiled and bowed her head “Just doing our jobs, sir. Now if you and his majesty would excuse us, we still have a lot to do today.” Cyrus nodded and then Cyndia concluded with “You’re always welcomed to visit and inspect the Engine Room whenever you wish, sire. Come on now Reginal, Back to work.” Reginal only responded with a “Whatever…” and the two resumed their tinkering over the workbench while Cyrus and Aleko left closing the door behind them. The two backtracked once again, walking through the narrow walkway among the large and noisy engines, climbing up the spiraling metallic stairs and out of the Engine Room. Further down the lower hallway, they stopped at another metallic door and upon entering they entered a large room accessible by a staircase from the entrance. The large room was filled with all manner of machines similar to the Engine Room with the exceptions that while there were less as number, they were of a larger variety and most of them were unfinished, taken apart or only in pieces. While walking down the staircase to reach the center of the room, Cyrus explained “This is the Research Chamber, sire. This is where new weapons, equipment and other machineries are designed and where existing ones are improved upon by our experts.” Once they reached the center of the room, they were greeted by a Dwarf with shortly cropped blonde hair and beard, wearing a pair of spectacles, dressed in a strange leather coat which had an odd design making it look like he was wearing scales. On his hands he wore a pair of simple black leather gloves, his boots were of a similar quality, a satchel and a purse tied to his belt and in his hand he grasped a staff with the head shaped like a lamp.

“Oh, hello, hello. Sir Weaverstar, good to see you. Always a pleasure to have you visit, sir. “ The Dwarf greeted to which Cyrus nodded, then the Dwarf turned his attention to Aleko and after a few moments of apparent confusion, he adjusted his spectacles as if trying to take a better look at the Halfling “Mmmm… I’m sorry, my memory is not as good as it once was…Umm…Have we met before? You don’t seem familiar.” Cyrus took the liberty of answering that. “No, Gudwyn, you haven’t met him before. This is actually why we are here. This is Aleko Sendrakon, the last heir of the Sendrakon bloodline and heir to the throne.” The Wizard then turned his gaze at Aleko. “Sire, this is Gudwyn Earthward. Our chief researcher. “ Upon hearing, Gudwyn widen his small eyes and gave Aleko a deep bow “Oh, my. Pardon my lack of manners, sire. I was not expecting you yourself to visit today.” Cyrus the mentioned “Gudwyn is the one to talk to for any possible improvements for the equipment of our troops or for new additions to the fortress itself.” The Dwarf nods in acknowledgment “Yes, yes, yes. You can count on me, sire. I will use all skills at my disposal to further and aid your campaign as best I can. Yes, yes I will, sire.” Shortly after another person appeared to the scene, probably the most out of place person Aleko has seen in the whole fortress. Before his eyes was an actual live, pale red scaled Lizardman, dressed in a worker’s outfit carrying a wooden box. “Sir, I finished sorting these parts, where should I put them?” He addressed Gudwyn who for a brief moment appeared confused. “Oh, yes, yes. Good work..umm..” he then glanced back and forth between Aleko and the Lizardman for a moment before he apparently regained his composure and urged the Lizardman to stand closer to the group. “Ah, yes…right. Sire, may I introduce you to my assistant, T’chun.” The newcomer then fixed his yellow saurian eyes on Aleko and then bowed his head deeply “Oh, pardon my rudeness, sire. I did not expect the Emperor to visit.” A few moments passed in which Aleko appeared to study T’chun closely before Gudwyn added “T’chun is a very talented lad and more enthusiastic then most of the students I ever had. I don’t know what I would do without him.” The Lizardman nodded “I only wish to continue living here and study all these fascinating technologies that you have all around, sire. I promise to not be a burden and will double my efforts for your satisfaction. “

After Aleko and Cyrus looked around for a little while, they bid their farewells to Gudwyn and T’chun, walked up the stairwell and exited the Research Chambers. Further down the hallway, far away from the Engine Room and the Research Chamber, was lonely wooden door decorated with the golden engraving of a pair of snakes coiled around a rod. Once inside, Cyrus and Aleko found themselves in semi-large room with a rustic, traditional design. One wall had a row of beds lined one next to eachother, another wall was hidden behind large display cases with a number of small instruments, strange plants and small vials and bottles. “This is the Sick Bay, sire. Those who are injured or ill aboard the Escalyber are treated here and..-“ a stranger’s voice interrupted “And they are all treated with care by a professional. Trust me.” The man walked from an adjacent room approaching Cyrus and Aleko while he said that. This man was dressed in a finery white shirt with a black gentleman’s vest over it, a pair of black stripped trousers and simple black gallant shoes. Clean shaven with sharp facial features, short-ish blonde hair combed to the back with a streak of silver hair, showing the Dark Elven heritage of this Halfling, wearing a pair of large spectacles in front of his piercing hazel eyes. Once he approached Aleko, the man placed one hand over his chest and then bowed “Greetings, sire. An honor to have you visit my humble abode.” He said yet there was nary a trace of a smile on his face. “I am called Stephen. Stephen Gregory Hawke, at your service, sire. I am the physician and surgeon on this fortress.” One couldn’t help but notice that his tone of voice, while respectful, could be called bordering on arrogance. Cyrus added “Doctor Stephen is very skillful at his profession. There was rarely an injury or an illness that he wasn’t able to treat.” The physician then crossed his arms “Even IF there was something that I couldn’t treat, I can assure you, I can always improvise and find a new way….or at least put up a good fight.” After that it would appear that Cyrus may have felt some of that arrogance in his tone and thus urged Aleko to leave. Stephen could be heard saying “You are always welcome here, sire. Though I wish I won’t be seeing you very often, if you know what I mean.” Before the two left.

Once outside the Sick Bay, Cyrus sighed heavily. “I believe this is all we have time for today, sire. We have introduced you to the majority of the people of import aboard. Now, shall I see you to your personal quarters? “ Said and done, after a long walk all the way back to the Throne Room, Cyrus lead Aleko through a door in the vicinity of the throne, which opened to a set of stairs leading to a large round chamber with black marble floors and the decoration of a large white tree spread in the middle of the room. A large window pane on one side revealed the setting sun, a bright orange in the sky among the shaded clouds. Bookshelves were all around along with some bits of furniture, a few interesting looking objects among the tomes could be spotted here and there and even a decorative suit of armor, equipped with shield and halberd, was located close to the entrance. “This is the Royal Study, sire.” Cyurs informed “This is where you may spend your time in your free hours, reading or simply relaxing during the occasional breaks from your daily duties. This room is particularly to my liking, when I am not accompanying you, sire, you can usually find me either here or the Library should you require my services.” After that Cyrus urged Aleko through the only other door on the far side of the room. The door opened revealing a beautifully decorated room. Fine, polished wooden floors covered by a large crimson red rug with a white trim and floral themed decorations around the center, the walls were painted white and the ceiling was a dark red with an exquisite chandelier hanging around the center, bathing the room in light. Small paintings were hung on the wall, two large cupboards occupied a small portion of the room, a small desk could be found close to a small window and in the far side of the room there was a large king-sized royal bed with red curtains falling over to the side, white and crimson cushions and blankets all of a finely crafted and at the foot of the bed was a large, strong wooden chest with an iron lock. “These are your personal quarters, sire. Fell free to managed it as you see fit and make it to your liking, if you need anything you may call upon one of the servants using this orb.” Cyrus produced a small blue orb which he offered Aleko. “The orb will send a signal to a series of small trinkets carried by the servants aboard, simply request for one’s presence one or more will be at your side shortly. “

After a few moments in which the Wizard allowed Aleko to get accommodated with his new room, he approached him and mentioned “Sire, I recommend you rest for now and prepare yourself for tomorrow. We will be holding a court calling in the morning where everyone will be gathered in the Throne Room and will swear fealty to you, recognizing you as the official and true Emperor of Avalon. I wish we could hold an official coronation ceremony, yet I am afraid we simply cannot afford the luxury of leniency at this time ,sire. Not to mention that this may also seem like an arrogant display of overconfidence, considered that our situation in this war is not exactly…favorable right now. For that, I apologize, sire. Yet I believe that with your aid we will be able to come out victorious and bring the rightful peace and order on the Empire once again. After that, I promise you that we will hold a proper coronation in your honor.” Cyrus then gave a deep bow and concluded with “Rest well, sire. On the morrow your real duties shall begin and it will be time for the New Avalon Empire to rise and restore order across the land.”

“Good evening, sire” and then the Wizard left, closing the door behind him, leaving Aleko alone with his thoughts and the expectancies of what tomorrow shall bring…
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MachineSoul
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MachineSoul Ghost in the limelight.

Member Seen 15 days ago

It was a normal day at the office, nothing unusual happened over the night, no one noticed anything amiss or misplaced within the city or its outskirts, or so the morning report say. Commanding the entire militia of a city wasn't all that nerve-wrecking as he expected, but at times, he found himself rather annoyed by the lack of responsibility and discipline those men had. But when it came to defend their commodity, they were steadfast and trustworthy; at times, this attitude proved to be problematic, since in his rather short stay, he had to fend off three rebellions, problem was that they weren't sure themselves whose side they were on. Aleko had a very clear order and that was to keep this entire province neutral towards all three major, ruling factions; it wasn't his concern who tried to buy or convince them to join one side or the other, his purpose there was to boot all criers out of his or the mayor's office, keep the people happy and safe and sign a ridiculous amounts of papers. He couldn't remember how many mind-boggling requests he had to read through and out and reject, not to mention nuptial contracts some "smart" farmers tried to sign with him. Even though the day started in a standard format, having an average breakfast, a normal morning report and a small tactical discussion with the men under his command, there was this ball of concern hurting his bowels and making his mind and body heavy with dread; every time one of the men entered the door to tell him something, announce him of the smallest nuisances, somewhere in the back of his head was waiting to hear the most dreadful of news one could get in a day, such as, an approaching army, a tactical withdrawal, anything bad. Sometime around noon a peculiar guest arrived, again, fearing the worst, but at the same time, he expected some other disgruntled farmhand coming to report a score of moles ravaging his precious crops. Instead, he was rather surprised to have none other but the Imperial Wizard of the Sendrakon come forth and, another big surprise, bow before the halfling. Aleko blinked slowly and felt the urge to stand up and raise the old man from his deep bow, knowing that he was clearly superior to a twenty-something old anthro officer.

But then, he sighed very softly through his wolfish nostrils, making the quickest, most logical connections in his head and coming to the conclusion that this man's presence was The New Empire's last ditch effort to convince the town to pledge allegiance to their cause. As noble as it would be to try to put the Sendrakon family back in power, it was a wild goose chase, unless they would somehow take the ghosts of the late family and re-materialize them using some sort of dark, obscure arts of black magic. It wasn't his concern, this province was out of the question, so with all that, he lowered his eyes from the man in front of him back to the documents resting at his hands.

"Your Enlightenment, although I feel honored to be in your presence, take no offense from my words when I say that the mayor of this province is not interested whatsoever of your leaders' offers, however tempting they may be. Does not matter the riches, advantages or trade goods you come with, they will fall unto deaf ears, and honestly, these men have been through enough misery to hack your Enlightenment's head off if I weren't holding this city's militia at my leash's length. Ironic, do you not think so?"

Then, the wizard made sure that trying to convince them to join the New Empire's ranks wasn't his concern, as it was made clear to him by the militia; instead, it seemed that the man wanted to have a conversation with him, quite oddly. Aleko narrowed his eyes, not knowing what to take of this man's apparent friendliness, and, mood to sit and chat. Aleko felt grateful he wasn't trying to convince anyone around here about his cause, but he sure hope the wizard wasn't plotting to use some form of magic to control his and the mayor's minds and bend them so that he could obtain a new territory for the Empire, a vassal even. In all honesty, the man could use a short chatting session to kill the boredom that engulfed him, but what could interest a man of such intellect at this rather unimportant man? Then, the man started a history lesson out of the blue. Aleko felt absorbed by the old man's voice for a while, but when the information dump that was thrown at him became too familiar, the halfling started to tap his fingers impatiently against the desk, waiting for someone to take away this senile, old rock out of his office, yet, he felt that he was trying to reach somewhere with his little discourse. When he felt his brain came to a point where he couldn't stand the talking anymore, Aleko rose his palm and waved it at him.

"Pardon my rude interruption, your Enlightenment, although your knowledge of recent history is astounding, I also studied the books of history and I myself know it quite well. It is requested for military officers to be knowledgeable of such events, you see, thus you are wasting your breath on me with such tales. I wish to know what are you here for in fact, as, I am pretty sure you could have chosen to lecture a class of young students rather than some drafted officer of the Royal Anthro Forces."

The wizard did draw his attention for being rather impatient, but was he really to blame? He wasn't convinced the man actually wanted to tell him anything important, he only based his patience on this intuitive thought that this man could have some important news for him and the province. Then the man reminded him of the New Avalon Empire mission to look for a Sendrakon heir, something he was also very aware of; suddenly, his hopes of having an interesting discussion with the man wavered, until, he caught a fine detail in his statement. The way the man implied a past tense, he quickly came to the conclusion that they must have found a descendant, a bastard maybe? If that was the reason for his visit, Aleko took it as another attempt to convince the mayor.

"Excuse me, was? You mean to tell us that you have found a possible heir? And, beg your pardon again, how does that help me, this city, the mayor, this province and then men outside at all?"

Then came the firebomb that left the halfling aghast, the firebomb that made him the heir of the dead noble family. He stood up on his strong feet, knocking the chair over behind him, leading a loud bang as the wooden frame of the chair crashed against the wooden floor; his body leaned forward in an offensive posture, his eyes now glacially glowing with anger as he felt he was insulted in some way by this zit-filled coot.

"Are you mocking me, old man? Is this some sort of crude joke? Who sent you here, those filthy puritans?"

But as the man talked, in his heart, he knew it made sense, as crazy as it seemed. How could the man know about his mother's unfaithfulness? Yes, he was a halfling, so he was a combination of different races, but how did he know that detail about his mother? Aleko started to ponder and make those logical connections that always came to him in the most natural way. His mother was a black shepherd with blue eyes, a beauty in her younger years, yet, he himself was a white shepherd with blonde hair, much like the late emperor's own features, pale skin and blonde hair. At this rate, it could have been someone at the tavern his mother fancied at some point, but the way the wizard addressed to him in the end really made his bones shiver, his guts flutter, his skin rise and form minuscule islands of bumps and his spine freeze in place. Was the man senile? Could he really believe that Aleko was a last heir or was this all true? That ball of dread in his bowels had disappeared, and judging by that reaction of his body, considered the man's thoughts to be right and true. After all, why would he go through the trouble of coming this far away from home and contact him personally, out of all other people that could surely be twice better than him when it came to ruling a settlement?

His rational mind was now buried in an obscure corner of his mind and followed this hunch that all this insanity was true; at the very least, it would be a very interesting day for Aleko. He promptly emptied his drawers and cupboards of his personal belongings, mostly comprised of mostly military clothes and books that had a certain importance to him, most of them being military treatises and one or two very long novels. Before he took his departure, he had a word with one of his direct subordinates on how to further maintain the control over the city without his presence. He didn't trust the man will not break or bend around the rules, but he was the best chance of maintaining order in the province he was supposed to work in. He could hear himself yelling at himself for being a deserter, but surely his superiors will understand his move. Luckily enough, those superiors are on the side with the New Avalon Empire. Even if they weren't, they wouldn't be able to comment on his sudden leave since he would end up being superior to them. A very odd thought, in fact. As he left the town with the large backpack, Aleko found himself to be rather absent minded and simply follow the stranger to who-knows-where; he was somewhat present in the conversation, proving again and again that the Lieutenant was a very informed man. He had to be if he wanted to effectively defend his little province. He knew that the New Avalon Empire was the smallest, weakest of the three powers that tried to claim power over Avalon; he also knew that they were the second most ambitious power of them, the one surpassing it was the faction willing to form an inquisition against halflings like himself. Cyrus evidently pointed that Aleko would soon be a prime target.

But as he was starting to realize what his new purpose was, he quickly stopped on his tracks, almost in the same moment when the old man nearly tripped over some displaced piece of dead wood. Aleko threw a helping, supporting hand to stabilize the wizard, muttering a low "careful" to him, as if it would help with anything after the little incident happened. The true weight of his task was now mounting on his shoulders, thinking that he would basically have to gain influence over the most of Avalon and, maybe, trample one of the other major powers. Was he actually able to do that, was he prepared for such a life? He felt more and more lightheaded with every step he took towards wherever the wizard wanted to take him, losing his thoughts among issues of all sorts, details and corners of his mind filled with dread, but his exterior showed none of the storm inside. He looked rather calm, maybe a hint of that surprise was left on his expression from earlier, but otherwise, he looked calm; he tried to pull himself out of the dark corners of his mind with more constructive thoughts, starting to make a to-do list in his mind. At the moment, he hoped he wasn't going to be the only general and diplomat of the power he was about to lead. The Cyrus asked him if he was ready. Did he really have the choice? He felt like he wanted to ask the wizard some of the questions running around his head.

"I-" he tried to start, but a mere few splinters of a second later, he found himself blinded by an engulfing flash of light, a fleeting moment of being weightless feeling as if he was floating in a dead space, then felt a more solid ground under his boots.

The first teleportation in his life went as expected, Aleko suddenly felt sick and his guts crawling up through his body and about to spill out through his mouth. He gritted his teeth and swallowed down a mouthful of bile that rushed up his gullet. He took himself a few moments to regain his composure and fight the urge to retch on the floor, but once he had gained control over his body, he then started to pay good attention to his astonishing surroundings. He wasn't sure what was more impressive, the floating fortress in itself or it's extravagant interiors. He quickly understood that time was a precious resource that was running thin, so, he continued to follow the wizard and completely opened his eyes and ears to absorb his surroundings and the first man to meet was the captain of the flying fortress. Curious that a floating building needed a captain to steer it; maybe it was, in fact, a monolithic ship? As soon as the human realized who was Cyrus' guest, he promptly bowed deeply before him in an almost reflexive move, without taking real note of what or who the bastard was. The halfling quickly returned the honorary move with a bow of his own specific to anthro officers: left foot slides back, right hand laid over the left side of the chest in an open palm, torso bends at a perfect 30 degree angle and the head kept on a horizontal plane, never loosing eye contact with the one you are bowing to. He then followed the bow with a good handshake. He really didn't know if it was a royal-ish move to shake hands with those lower in rank than himself, but to him, it really didn't matter; Aleko didn't value one's privilege to be a descendant of some important, would-be noble family just because they were lucky to wear that name. If one brought justice to his name through actions of valor and honor, Aleko would deem him worthy of respect. If not, that one person was either his equal or lower than himself. The captain of the Escalyber promised safety and longevity while he was the one steering the ship, the heir could only smile politely and blink slowly as a subtle gesture of appreciation.

"I have no doubts of your talents, Captain. I have been on this ship for a little less than a few minutes and I must confess honestly, I am quite impressed. I am convinced this flying fortress lies in good hands." He added to his gesture, never breaking eye, or at least head contact with the man. "Tell me, have you-"

But then, a red flash of light interrupted his idea, making him actually forget what he wanted to ask; he turned his attention to the second crewman of the Escalyber, a young elfess, he judged. When she finally realized what was going on, she quickly excused herself and bowed deeply, a simple mistake that made her blush and nervous; the heir came to the conclusion that she was indeed young. Young or not, he repeated the whole bowing ceremony and proceeded to gingerly lift her left hand to place a gentle kiss on the outer side of the palm as a gesture of anthro chivalry, sophistication, respect and social etiquette; of course, he didn't thoroughly think about every detail of his movements, but he felt that he needed to at least show impeccable manners, whether the people on board the flying ship were fond of him or not.

"At ease, Miss Wayfinder-" he started after he released the girl's hand "I am the one intruding here while you were working, it is only natural to be startled. No harm was done, milady."

The discussion ended abruptly, Cyrus urging his protege to keep moving, Aleko quickly picking up what the wizard intended and exited the room after he bowed once more to the two members. Passing through the corridor leading to the council chamber, they encountered the men that made up the imperial guard, staunchly guarding the whole length of the corridor and the room entrance; Aleko briefly analyzed the men's whole gear, deeming it to be of high-end manufacture, both the armor and the weapons holstered by their hips. Entering the council chamber, Cyrus only now announced him that the whole political envoy was present; left aghast, the halfling shook his head in disbelief and frowned at the wizard for not being more informative about this whole tour. He had to pull himself back together in order to meet a number of very important people that will influence the well being of the power he was about to lead soon enough and leave a good and lasting impression. As if the task itself wasn't enough to throw him off his feet, having to encounter such indispensable personalities during the same day he was told that he was no one else but the emperor's only standing half-heir. They entered the room and as soon as his eyes assimilated the first impression of the people standing there, his cogs started to spin in his head and begin to study each and every person's subtle moves, grimaces, words, choice of apparel and general demeanor. While he himself couldn't do much to impress at the moment, these people would still have to show some regards to him as in time, they would all be at his heels, should this little adventure work out in the end. He chose to bow respectfully to each and every member of the council and shake hands with the male members. The first to speak to him was the human representative, a man with the looks that deceived his age and once acted as an ambassador. First question that came to his mind was why was he no longer an ambassador? Of course, he knew better than to openly ask something like this, as it could be a very gross move on his side. His presentation was short and concise, a man of few, selective words, but deceiving looks. Aleko chose to keep a close eye on this one. Next came a rather loud-mouthed anthro which had "posh" written all over him instead of "elegant"; the first remark he made was unwelcome, but Aleko knew he had to let it pass and show that he was unaffected by words. Still, he chose to hold that against him. He indeed knew about the Weissnout family, but if this is one of their descendants, the halfling felt that he would not like him or his roots. And throwing the word "honor" at the end of the official greeting after an insensible opening remark completely ruined the first impression of master Weissnout. Not to let himself lower than him and show true class, Aleko also bowed to him and shook his hand and decided to be a bit mouthy too.

"Nay, the honor lies on my side to meet a member of the revered Weissnout family on this humble ship; admittedly, I have only had distant contact with any member of the family. I am most eager to see if all words are true about the prestige, ingenuity and impeccable demeanor of the family from up close."

He did feel a slight sense of satisfaction after that exchange; he was new and maybe inexperienced, but he was no-one's fool or puppet. Then came the orc, finally, a friendly and honest to gods man. Orcs seldom lied, but they had quite a temper if they were caught in a bad mood. The man came with an excuse for not having any titles under his belt, but Aleko didn't mind; for the sheer fact he admitted such a thing, the orc grew highly in the halfling's eyes. He preferred men that had the ambition to overcome their condition and prove their worth; in a way, it reminded him of himself. He shook hands with the diplomat and gave him a hearty grin.

"I have no doubt in my mind of your abilities, my good man. You are just as valuable as any other, so long you work hard and stay true to your word, Master Windsteel."

The next person to present was the only woman in the room and while she was indeed alone, she made sure she would completely stand out of the crowd. She wore a very impressive dress which cherished her overall appearance, and what an appearance she had; Aleko, like any other man, was charmed by her presence, he even smiled one extra second than the established six-second-smirk. Like any other man, Aleko had his own flaw he hated, but at the same time, enjoy it: he was fond of all beautiful and pretty women. He had enough discipline to keep himself in check and in control, especially his masculinity, but he could drink the beauty of women through his eye such as a dry earth would drown with water. He still paid very close attention to he whole attitude and soon learned that this woman was dangerous: she knew she was beautiful and used that knowledge to give herself more power. He wasn't sure if she overestimated her power or if this too was a ruse, but her arrogance and cold attitude killed off most of Aleko's enthusiasm about her; it wasn't that he didn't like women playing hard-to-get, but the feeling in her arrogance had a completely different kind of taste, a taste of a power-hungry character. While she would definitely be very useful to have as a diplomat, he chose again to keep her on close watch for any iffy moves or for any attempt to try to get into his pants. While he would indubitably enjoy the moment, he knew what risks it could bring towards the integrity of his diplomatic portfolio. He gently pressed his lips against her gloved hand and kept a permissive attitude towards her, but her ending comment gave a little glimpse of what her venomous fangs could be capable of. Indeed, a very useful, but dangerous diplomat. Why not play a little with the snake?

"Milady, it is not in my nature to disappoint in anything, be it military expertise, diplomatic relations and... other fields I have quite some skill. However heavy my mountain may be, I will carry the task and use it to everyone's advantage."

The elf was, well, like all elves: curt, serious, truly eloquent and master of words, unlike the disappointment the anthro diplomat was. He knew about how dependable elves are, as in, it depended on their mood or whatever the nature tells them. Either way, Aleko learned to respect them and their rambly attitude, as they were one of the most resourceful races out in Avalon. The man himself was another cardboard copy of the standard elf delegate. The dwarf was another rather friendly face, but like most of his kind, he suspected the man would be a stubborn boulder when it comes to changing tactics, being a natural-born conservative and all. And like any undead, the last diplomat had a very vile air around him, but again, he learned to respect the resourcefulness of entities that have the ability to defy death. With the final words spoken, he and Cyrus retreated from the council chamber and out towards the rest of the castle; he didn't feel humbled by those people, nor intimidated, but he really hoped that those people wouldn't become his enemies. Antagonizing them would be also very unhealthy, so he had to tread carefully. He thought it would be very difficult to get used to be called "sire" instead of "lieutenant", "officer Hyde" or "Frost". No, he was now "sire", "lord", "emperor", "my liege", "Sendrakon". To edify that, Aleko met the throne he would sit unto to, examining it from afar; he then noticed the little one the people called "Scribe", a feeble and dutiful little undead that wrote words that would take maybe two seconds in a matter of a split second. Aleko felt a queer form of pity towards the little soul and smiled warmly to him as he, or she, scribbled its rotten heart out on that sheet of paper words of sheer admiration. Now, the halfling felt that he deserved none of this, especially because of some half-assed birthright; he felt more and more obligated to prove his worth, as if his obligation wasn't exceeding his current capacities. He felt his mind was wandering off towards the realms of dread once more, so he repressed those thoughts out, pull himself back out into the light, erase the frown on his forehead and decided he would not sleep this night. He had work to do.

Next, he was presented with the dining area, a pretty place that enchanted the wolfling, the mere beauty of the place caused a rumble to shake his stomach. Truth was that he didn't get to eat a proper lunch that day, which made him consider grabbing a good supper for tonight's working session. After they passed through the dining area, where he did notice the two familiar characters from before having a surprisingly peaceful chat, considering that one was an orc and the other a human, he was presented to a less friendly ambiance with a fair warning about the situation inside. Given this, Aleko felt even more guilty, since he still couldn't connect with the fact that he, a simple mud-blooded anthro, was now the most viable pretender to the Avalon Empire throne; now, knowing that people had sacrifice their lives just to localize him without risking to reveal the plan to potential enemies, he knew exactly what kind of hospitality he had to expect from inside. Sure, he was used with generals being all prissy, angry and generally moody, he knew to respect their authority and understand the motive behind their actions and judgement; each and every one of them worked hard to reach this place and whatever they lacked in experience, they compensated with talent and tactical ingenuity. Where they lacked the skill and talent, came hard labor and experience. Walking inside, he caught the heat of the argument and the words thrown around, even at Cyrus, made Aleko extremely cautious, to the point he brought his right hand to grip at the hilt of his own long sword ready to slide out and parry or block any misdirected blows. Luckily, the argument did not escalate, since one of the generals, a female anthro halfling seemed to calm down the orc general from swinging his own weapon. Aleko felt miserable, seeing such experienced men ready to break down into a brawl over who was more righteous than the other, who sacrificed good men and who didn't, all for a "pretty wolfling". He did not feel insulted at all, since he was called many worse things than that, but what worried him was the attitude of the dwarven general; if he wouldn't behave under his command, real issues would spark from the incompatibility. Finally, when the fire had been put out, the generals started to present themselves and the truest of them all was the human, Aleko considered. All that he said about him was true, however harsh as it would be. Aleko did not properly reply to the man, he just nodded his head and gave a respectful smile and a short mutter.

"I will give my best, sir."

Next, the undead general showed up and started to talk to him and much like the ambassador of the undead, he showed much prudence and apparent respect for him; he knew the nature of this race, how they tried to crawl into one's skin like worms and try to chew out should one not heed their demands, so he knew better than to wholeheartedly listen to his words. He gave a curt nod, shook his hand and bowed respectfully as ever. The elf general, like the envoy, was a true example of their race and Aleko payed his respects to him too. As the orc general tried to present himself, the Anthro general offer him a true show of misbehavior and lack of discipline and as much as she tried to become chummy with the new emperor, Aleko had a bad impression about her from the start of her presentation 'till to the end; although he commended her courage to break the imminent brawl, her lack of composure and military etiquette ruined the first, good impression. She might be young, but so was he, if he wasn't actually younger. He only hoped she was capable on the battlefield and a complete mess outside. The orc general, true to his race, was completely honest and optimistic, to that Aleko nodded and smiled wide. The dwarf was, obviously, disgruntled and made himself clear about his thoughts on the new Sendrakon, the last of his line. He kept his mouth shut and ate the sour-tasting words, which he decided to hold against the general so that when the day of his success will come, he will prove the dwarven general wrong with great satisfaction. The dark elf general had a demeanor similar to the undead, which made him rather cautious around this character; even though he knew about the resourcefulness of such an army and the subterfuge abilities of the specialized units under a dark elf general, Aleko decided to keep a very close watch on this one, as same with the dwarf, anthro and undead general. Cyrus then tried to hurry and usher the fresh emperor out of the war room, but to his dismay, the halfling refused to leave without leaving some words behind, to give those men an honest insight about the situation the wolf found himself in. He stood not far from the open doors, cleared his voice loudly to draw attention to him and then spoke in a solemn tone, where emotion could be felt only by those who could distinguish the subtlety in one's carefully constructed speech.

"Generals. Only a few hours ago, I was a first-lieutenant of the Imperial Mechanized Rangers 5th batallion "Gundogs", elite component of the Royal Anthro Forces; I was given the task to oversee a province all on my own to keep its neutrality towards the potshots between the three Avalon powers and refuse any and all allegiances. I have had my own share of battles, survived three undead ambushes and won several skirmishes against rioting rebels, a human force from the Old Avalon Empire, mercenaries whose masters I did not identify and other band of miscreants. I agree with you all, I am in no place to lead seven distinguished officers and their armies to fights that I pick, not since I am still inferior to all who stand in this room. I expect no apologies, nor utmost respect for a 'bastard wolfling' that is the supreme commander of all New Avalon Empire just because of a name attached to him; what I do wish to see is unity and camaraderie, since everyone in this room fights for the same cause now: bring the old empire back and establish order through unification, through assimilation or conquest."

"I lack experience and I am not afraid to declare that, for it is true, I do not take offense for pointing an obvious fact to me. As such, I am more than willing to learn everything and much more that I can learn from all of you, I present myself as an open book on which all can chip in their insights and I am more than eager to absorb the knowledge. Until I prove the worth of my name and my position, and even after, you will all be considered distinguished military advisers, not subordinates under my imperial boot. Thus, I expect transparency, camaraderie, an opportunity to learn and evolve; from me, you may expect transparency, respect, consideration, open ears and growth."

"With this, I bid farewell and good night: I would be most grateful if a list of all men whose lives were lost for my sake were created until tomorrow morning. Any grandiose form of apology, or death honorary, will not bring those men back to life, nor will they heal the wounds in the souls of their leaders and families. What will bring their souls to rest is the success of this campaign, I am most sure of that."

"And lastly... during my service, my superiors adressed me through a certain nickname, I would much prefer to be adressed as such rather than "sire", or "my lord". I am Frost, officer Frost. Or Frosty. You may call me a lord once you deem me worthy of such titles."

With that, he bowed his head, turned around and left and as soon as the doors closed, he wiped off one bead of sweat off his forehead with the back of his palm. He didn't really have the chance to admire the room's strange beauty, but knowing that he will spend most of his time in there, he was sure he would get used to it. The rest of the entire castle's tour didn't really impress him anymore, not after the very tense moment in the war room; although he took note of everyone he met on the road and respectfully bowed to everyone, he did become curious of an anthro engineer that seemed to pay very little attention to the emperor, and of a peculiar fellow called T'Chun, whose nature really sparked his interest. He reassured the poor thing that he only had to work as much as it was needed, there was no need for strenuous efforts. They finally reach the comfort of his own personal quarters, where Cyrus left him with a vast emptiness and dreadful thoughts. Aleko took himself a moment to sit down on the nearest armchair and let the weight of the situation push him down into the cushion; the tension and his own weight pressed him down so hard he could hear his bones and articulations softly groan with pain and exhaustion. He lost track of time as he sat there, his head going through the events of the day over and over again, checking if everything was really true. It seemed too extraordinary for someone like him to actually be the last living son of a famed dynasty, so extraordinary that he felt humbled by the ample task ahead. Gaining enough strength to keep himself compose, he started to devise some plans, starting from the smallest things he noted to be needed for an empire to be strong through his own life experience, 'till to the very first military moves that had to be taken in order to gain more territory and influence.

He stood up, rid himself of the heavier clothes and his luggage and did some routine workouts to get his blood pumping through his body and once he felt himself to be energetic, Aleko sprawled open the contents of the bag and sorted his belongings out, storing his clothes in the nearest closet, his books on the beautiful desk he had and finally, pulling a thick, worn-out journal along with some pencils, a sharpener and some form of gum that could erase the markings a pencil could leave. He then examined the orb he received from Cyrus and somehow hailed a servant, not knowing exactly if he had to tap it, rub it or simply hold it in his hand and talk through it; still not playing the role of an emperor, he kindly asked the man that entered his room to bring a roster regarding the armies the New Avalon Empire had, a map, a situation on diplomacy with the several provinces and the two other major powers and the last entries of the chronicles the scribe had written. In a matter of moments, more servants poured in with everything he needed to work with, Aleko deeply bowed to everyone before he bid them all a good night. As he started to work everything out, albeit having a very difficult starting point, everything started to work out in his head, even with the rather flimsy income and weak military force, all compared to the other two powers; he blamed this lack of integrity and wealth on the search for the last living Sendrakon which left him feeling hopeless for a few good minutes. During this dead time, he remembered of that odd library situation, which made him feel a little unsafe and against Cyrus' advice, he knew he had to investigate that all by himself and his weapon; he thought of the diplomats and the generals, their faces and their personalities and how they would come in handy in his plans prepped for the first week of activity. He thought of the curves, bra size and unmentionable colors of the females he had met that day, the dirty thoughts were quickly shaken away by the more dutiful notions in his head. He wasn't sure if everything could be finished in a hasty rhythm, but it would at least put things into motion and prepare for the first steps; he calculated the costs of his moves, not only in wealth, but also in renown. Should he make a bold move, he was sure to be shut down by the larger powers, so he had to play nice and lay low without risking an early realm divide; it would mean a lot of his actions, strategies and plans would have to be completed in a hush-hush manner, but it would at least build a steady base from where the new empire could grow and as soon as they would have enough strength, they would lash out and hit where it would hurt the most.

It took him several hours to have a skeleton broken down in a few steps and ramifications according to some possible outcomes, but he had a plan. Aleko threw himself in his bed and without even noticing that he even fell asleep, he woke up a few hours later at the alarm of the clock hanged on one of the walls; he somehow dragged himself out of the bed and shut the alarm down and to invigorate himself, he promptly started his morning routing of workouts, a ritual etched into his head by years of military service. Once his muscles were alive and he was relatively awake, he accessed what he suspected to be a bathroom, where he found a luxurious room with multiple faucets, a toilet seat and a large tub in which more than one participants could fit in. He very quickly showered himself and made sure a fresh smell of frosty mint would follow him all day long, he dried out his short fur and mop of hair atop his head and picked the cleanest and tidies set of clothes he had: a pair of dark, slim denim pants, an undershirt over which he had a dark red doublet and over the doublet, a high-quality military overcoat which he decorated with all of the medals and awards he had with him. He took a look at himself in the mirror and found a hungry, tired-looking wolf-to-be-emperor that was about to participate to his own crowning, however outrageous that notion sounded to him. He chuckled at the ridiculousness of the whole situation and shook his head in disbelief; finally, he strapped his trusty long sword with side rings which provided protection for his fingers and knuckles at his waistline, along with his own Katzer semi-automatic pistol of anthro manufacture. He looked as royal as he could with his own clothes and as soon as he found himself ready, he walked out of his room and using his memory, he navigated through the corridors towards the throne room, nodding his head to everyone he met on his way there. He found his head to be drifting aimlessly into nowhere, still thinking that he would soon wake up to his desk in a pool of his own saliva over the papers he had yet to sign back at his makeshift office; yet, he was marching quite confidently down the halls, keeping his back straight, his gaze forwards and a stern look on his face. If everything was true, if all of this wasn't some outlandish mind trip, he was sure to deliver his best shot at this. He felt dread growing and following his trail, the reality of the plans he had made last night would see the true world and feared that they would be rather impractical given the situation of the New Avalon Empire.

But it all went away when he entered the room and saw he was the first man to be there. He felt that everything was right and in its place, that his presence here was needed after all, even if the sensation itself was outrageous and otherworldy. His whole life was a safe road to this place, even in the dangers of dying he felt as though he wasn't really at any threat of being killed, but in this place and time, life, death, decisions and thoughts were very real notions, and each of them were walking at his side as he advanced towards the throne he had to occupy along with his demons.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zamokra41
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Zamokra41 Procrastinating Knight

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Day 1



The reports received last night indicate that the current treasury amounts to...


The reports received last night indicate that the number of loyal provinces amount to...



Report End

The rays of the rising sun peeked through the long windows of the Throne Room, merely glancing inside as the Fortress flew through a dense patch of clouds. The Imperial Guard were standing stoic next to the decorated columns, their armor glistening slightly as the thin rays passed them slowly, standing at attention and saluting Aleko as he approached the center of the room. The large chamber was still and silent, save for the slight echoes of the Halfling’s footsteps across the marble floor before he reached the carpet and the occasional rustling of the guard’s armor as they adjusted their stance. The stillness of the room was interrupted by the large gates of its front entrance opening giving way to the flowing white robes and sharp tapping of the gnarled staff on the floor as the newcomer approached Aleko. Cyrus bowed his head once he was close to the young Emperor “Good morning, sire.” His gray eyes scanned over Aleko and a small smile appeared on his lips “Eager to take your rightful place early I see. Tis’ good to see your dedication.” The Imperial Wizard proceeded to place his free hand on the staff, leaning on it which only accentuated his hunched posture. “The servants told me that you requested a number of documents and reports regarding our general situation. That and judging by your appearance, if you would allow me, I assume you didn’t get much sleep.” Cyrus paused, closing his eyes for a brief moment before continuing “Its is good to see you are dutiful and take your responsibilities serious, sire, but if you would allow me an early advice, you should take care of yourself properly. On that notice, would you like to join me for breakfast?

After a bit, Aleko and Cyrus reached the Dining Hall where one could notice that a great number of the Fortress’ staff were breaking their fast. Only a few of the faces were familiar, such as the generals Rougan and Pepper apparently enjoying a rich breakfast what appears to be a pleasant conversation. Another person Aleko would recognize would be the Lizardman T’chun, rushing through the exit carrying a plate of cooked vegetables, no doubt hurrying to get back to his work. Right at the bar, one couldn’t help but notice the dark and lightly plated robes of Markov, sticking out like a sore thumb. One wouldn’t normally expect any Undead to be in the Dining Hall for obvious reasons, yet there was the general himself, apparently nursing a tall glass of sparkling white wine which seems untouched. The Imperial Wizard offers Aleko a seat at a vacant table and shortly after a servant with a small note approaches and gives both of them a proper bow along with morning greetings and asked what they would like for breakfast this morning. While waiting for their food to come, Cyrus briefly glanced behind Aleko, apparently a little further away at a more crowded table were some off-duty guards having a card game, Bojor Ironfist, Marcus Gwynpath and Eamon Weissnout were among the players and judging by their facial expressions, the Anthro envoy was winning. “I can imagine this is all very different from your former life. Living as an officer of a militia from a small provincial town and then virtually over-night out-ranking virtually everyone.” Cyrus almost immediately drooped his gaze after finishing that sentence as if he had said something rude “My pardon for being improperly personal, sire. I only wish to ensure that you are adjusting to your new life without much trouble.

After a bit, Aleko and Cyrus found themselves chatting about the information that the Halfling gathered last night, the different troops available, the moral and economical state of the Empire and the provinces under their control. By the time their food arrived, Cyrus told him a bit about the Emperors of the past, a subject which Aleko seemed familiar whit much to the Imperial Wizard’s delight. Oddly enough, when wanting to talk about the Halfling’s father, Cyrus was visibly hesitant, telling him that they may speak more in detail about that some other day. The Wizard then inquired something “Sire, if I may ask, have you formed any opinions about the generals and envoys? They are important and their aid necessary for our campaign to succeed, yet I would like to know your thoughts about them if you will permit, ofcourse.” After the conversation and after they both finished their breakfast, Cyrus asked Aleko to accompany him for a little more, leading the Halfling out of the Dinning Hall and towards the Map Room. On their way, they passed by many people, all seemingly heading in the opposite direction and bowing their heads on the way while passing the Emperor and the Wizard. The Map Room was empty this time, dimly lit by the lamps and lampposts, the stone wrought eyes of the people on the carved walls seem to eerily follow the Emperor and Wizard’s movements as they walked to the center of the room. Aleko stopped at the center, examining the room only now noticing the great carving of the Avalon Empire Crest on the ceiling, surrounded by the carving of 4 small stone dragons holding the lamps in their mouths. Cyrus in the meantime appeared to retrieve a an elongated box from under the large wall carving of the map witch gave the room its name. The box was made of dark cherry wood and decorated with gold-coated hinges as well as a small lock and a crest of the Empire on its lid.

Your…coronation..” Hesitation was practically tangible when Cyrus said the word “.. will begin soon, sire. Let us go to the Throne Room now.” And with that, the two were once again walking through the hallway heading to the large room where they first met today. Once the large double doors of the Throne Room were in sight, one could notice that there were more Imperial Guards than usual on each side of the hallway leading to the room, each of them standing at attention and holding a salute as Aleko passed them by, two of the guards saluted and then proceeded to open the large doors for them, revealing a radically different room from what Aleko found himself earlier this morning. The Fortress rose above the clouds and as such the golden rays of the sun bathed the Throne Room, and the guests, in grossly incandescent luminosity. The once empty room was now filled with people, practically elbow to elbow, some were familiar faces, like the envoys, the generals and a few others yet most were like the people who occupied the Dining Hall, servants, guards and some workers, all here to attend the would-be-coronation of their new emperor. The noise of chatter which could be heard from just outside the room now fell silent as the people all turned their gazes to face Aleko and in a matter of mere moments they stepped aside, clearing a path through the crowd leading to the vacant throne. A large number of gazes were set upon the Halfing, some welcoming, others less so yet all had one thing in common, they were eager to see what their new emperor could accomplish. Cyrus gave a smile and an approving nod when Aleko turned his gaze to him as if hoping the Wizard would give him some answer and they proceeded to walk towards the throne where it would seem Scribe was waiting next to it , Aleko leading and Cyrus following closely holding on to the box he was still carrying.

Theme 1:54 – 4:07

When they were just in front of the throne, the Halfing and the Wizard turned to face the crowd. All eyes were upon them, upon Aleko more than anyone. Scribe gave the future emperor a deep bow and then stood at attention, eagerly waiting to scribble away at the scroll he was holding. Cyrus cleared his throat and then addressed the crowd.

People, comrades, friends. Today marks the end. The end of our search, the end of our doubts, the end of our disbelief. Today, we proved that there is still hope ! Hope that an age of peace and prosperity will come, an age like it was so many generations ago when our Empire was formed, an age when all our people would come together as one. This war has taken a great toll on us all and I am afraid it is far from over…However… Today is when we stop fighting to survive, to flee, to be afraid. Today, we start fighting back. Today we begin our campaign against those misguided ,who would throw our home back in the Pre-Unity ages. The death of our late emperor and his family marked the beginning of a dark time ahead for us all, yet we are here to tell all that there is still hope ! That the noble bloodline of our emperors who ruled Avalon for the very beginning has yet to run dry ! In our darkest hour, this young man presented himself like a lighthouse in the midst of a storm, a beacon of hope to guide us through, to channel our courage and strength, to shoulder the needs of the land and hear the call for justice ! All this without so much as a flinch !

My people, my comrades, my friends… I present to you, Aleko Sendrakon, first of his name, last of the Sendrakon bloodline and true emperor of the realm.

Cyrus let go of his gnarled staff ,which started to float by itself nigh an inch off the ground and waiting patiently behind its owner, as he proceeded to open the wooden box and presenting Aleko with its contents. Inside the box was a scepter, about as long as Aleko’s forearm, made of solid gold and glistening in the sunlight. The rod was polished felt steady on grip, the head was housing a rather rough and edgy pale sapphire, held in place by the top decoration wrought in the shape of a pair of dragons circling the gemstone. “This, sire…” The Wizard said as Aleko reached to take the scepter “..is the Scepter of Sefnir, one of the few artifacts of the Ancient Times, a relic held and passed down the Imperial bloodline from Arkturious Sendrakon himself. All the Emperors of Avalon have held this scepter and now it is your turn.” The moment Aleko set his hand on the scepter, the pale sapphire at the top flashed, so briefly that perhaps no one other than the young Emperor, and maybe Cyrus, may have noticed. A strange sensation of familiarity could be felt, similar to how a blacksmith would feel when picking up his hammer or how a solider would feel when tightening his grip upon the handle of his weapon, so too did it feel when Aleko held the scepter in hand, examining it closely for a moment before turning his eyes to the crowd. The people were all apparently captivated in the moment. No one made a sound and all their attention was focused on Aleko. Voicing perhaps what everyone in the room may have been waiting for, Cyrus whispered aside to the newly ‘crowned’ Emperor “Sire, would you perhaps say a few words to your people?

After the speech, the whole room was cheering. ‘Hail Emperor Aleko Sendrakon’ could be heard, along with ‘Glory to the New Avalon Empire’, the Imperial Wizard smiled proudly to Aleko and then gave him a formal bow. The celebration was short-lived however, after a few more cheers and the occasional toast in the new Emperor’s health, the Throne Room slowly started to empty until the only ones left were the Imperial Guards, the Imperial Wizard, the newly crowned Emperor and Scribe. Cyrus got hold of his staff, once again leaning heavily on it as he spoke “While this may quite the…informal coronation and technically you are Emperor in name only, I wish to be the first to congratulate you, sire. It is only a matter of time until you will win back the crown and this war will be over, I have great faith in you and know that you have my full support in everything.” The Wizard stretched his back, letting a few faint pops being heard before he leaned back on his staff “Speaking of which… It is time we all attend to our duties sire. No doubt the Generals and the Envoys have plenty of tasks which require your attention. I shall accompany you, should you have need for my advice.” Before they had the chance of walking away, the small Undead rushed to Aleko’s side and stood at attention, apparently Scribe also wanted to accompany the Emperor if only to record his deeds.

Thus, Aleko’s duties as the Emperor and new leader of the New Avalon Empire have begun.

The Map Room

The Generals were discussing and nearly arguing even before Aleko, Cyrus and Scribe made their entrance. Their attentions shifted to their new leader as he approached them in front of the large Map carving, the somewhat-dim lighting of the room alone would not be enough to get a proper look upon it, luckily enough, as Cyrus mentioned on their way here, the large map was enchanted with a bit of magic which was made apparent by the fact that the edges of the lands were glowing in different colorations representing their allegiance, blue for the Old Avalon Empire, red for the New, purple for the Stainless Empire and green for those neutral. The Generals were standing on each side of the map with the young Emperor and his followers directly facing it. “Congratulations, sire.” Duncan was the first to speak, his helmet cradled in his left arm akin to a child while giving Aleko a formal salute by holding his heels together, his back straight, forming a fist with his right hand and holding it across his chest over where his heart would be. The Human General obviously wanted to say more yet before he had the chance, the Dwarf General spoke up “Save ye’r adulation’ fo’ when it’ matters.” A few brief moments of silence passed in which Duncan and Bojor exchanged evil gazes “Whot? This ai’n tha’ time ta’ be celebratin’. In case ye’ all hav’ forgotn’ , we’re in deep shite an’ we need ta’ do somethin’ bout’ that. “ The Dwarf concluded which made Duncan sigh deeply and return his attention back to Aleko. “Pardons, sire. As always my colleague may lack tact, but he has a point.” The Human General then presented the large map to the Emperor “As you may be aware of, the situation if quite dire. Allister’s Old Empire holds the grand advantage, having the large majority of the land under his control while Brune Emeberland is focusing his efforts in the Human Kingdoms, particularly about half of Wolfcore and a hefty portion of Mystraven while steadily trying to spread to the other three.” The Elven General then stepped forward “However, while Emeberland himself is concentrating his efforts in the Human Kingdoms, his followers are spreading his influence among the other Races. The Dark Elves and Undead have little favor towards him, unsurprisingly, yet the Elves and Orcs sing a different tune and I fear that he may be starting to gain some significant support from the Dwarves. The Anthors, however, still seem reluctant, which is good news considering…” Pepper Bulkwyn then took over “Whatever support or resistance Emberland is getting, the Old Empire is still pretty much the winning horse right now, the majority of the lands from each Kingdom have sworn their allegiance to Allister. Again, the Human Kingdoms are their main backbone, yet the supporters from all the other Kingdoms outnumber both Emberlands and ours, but by different variations…” The Dwarf General took out a thick cigar from under his coat as he walked “Emberland an’ Allister are buttin’ heads agains’ eachother while we’re left with tha’ scraps an’ doin’ worse tha’n either o’ them.” He proceeds to light his cigar and take a quick smoke from it before continuing “Az’ I sai’d, we’re deep in tha’ shite an’ need ta’ do somethin’ bout’ it. An’fast.

After a few moments of silent contemplation, Duncan turned his attention to the young Emperor, one hand still grasping at his helmet and the other behind his back “Sire, it is clear that we need…nay, MUST expand our holdings if we wish to have the slightest chance at this war. The fighting is already happening, whatever semblance of a treaty is left will soon vanish and the people of Avalon will know that the war was never over once the battles occur in their backyard. As for your secrecy, sooner rather than later it will be common knowledge that the last Sendrakon heir has emerged, therefore I say there is no point in wasting our efforts in trying to keep you hidden.” The old general clears his throat “My colleagues and I have gathered information regarding potential territorial expansions which we wish to relay to you for further orders.”The generals were now standing on each side of the large map carving, ready to inform Aleko on what they learned and hear what he decides to do with the information.

--Duncan Primelyt--

The Human General steps closer to the map and with a gesture of his hand the outlines shift and turn, changing what the map shows. Instead of the whole of Avalon, the map was now focused on the 5 Human Kingdoms. “As you can observe, sire…” Duncan was standing stoic, his voice clear and uncharacteristic for his age “…The Kingdoms of Lioncross, Wolfcore and Mystraven are, for the moment, out of our reach. For now, we should concentrate our efforts in securing the allegiance of Eagleblade and Winterpeak as much as we can. Once we have a considerable mass of territory on both we can begin making plans to expand to the other Kingdoms.” The General then makes another gesture with his free hand which zooms the map upon the regions of Eagleblade. “Eagleblade is often called the ‘Kingdom of Merchants’, for good reasons. Securing territories here will not only give us a good foothold but the profits through trade that the provinces provide will be most profitable. Particularly since Eagleblade has a potential connection to the sea, therefore I recommend we secure the allegiance of a province with a port-city.” Duncan approaches the map and circles with his finger a small province at the edge of the coastline “The province of Whealbee, currently under the banner of the Old Empire, was attacked a few days ago by Emberland’s forces, stationed at the nearby province of Treadsheim. Whealbee’s troops managed to repel the attack but their defenses suffered greatly and the fortress close to town is no position to resist a second assault. “ Duncan then circles another province no to far from the port-city “We could mobilize our forces from Falkheave to reach Whealbee within 3 or 4 days, capture the fortress with virtually no effort and then force the port-city to surrender to us, should they refuse we are in a strong position to take it by force though I hope it won’t be necessary.” Once Duncan finished his explanation, Markov Ashadde stepped in with a proposition “Duncan, if I may? Treadsheim is also in a weakened state since they lost most of their troops in that failed assault. What if instead of Whealbee we march upon them? I doubt there will be much of any resistance left and once Treadsheim is under our control, we stand in a stronger position to convince Whealbee to surrender.” The Human General placed his free hand on his chin, pondering yet not interrupting his colleague. “This way we could bring both Treadsheim and Whealbee under our control.” Markov finished and after a few moments of silence, Duncan nodded “Indeed, Treadsheim has no fortress of its own, so it shouldn’t be much of a problem to conquer it. However, I doubt they will simply surrender out of fear from Emberland so a fight is going to be inevitable even if it will be an easy one. My concern is this…” Duncan clears his throat and then traces lines on the map as he spoke “Our forces from Falkheave will need about a week to reach Treadsheim, lets assume the town will be ours within a single day, our troops will need one more day to get their bearings and then begin marching to Whealbee which they will need another 2 days to reach at best. I am worried that this may give them sufficient time to reinforce their defenses and would make both their surrender and defeat harder to achieve…” Duncan once again ponders for a few moments “..Although… There is a chance this idea of yours could work, Markov.” He spoke yet in a significantly softer tone, before he finally turned his gaze back at Aleko “The final decision is, ofcourse, yours, sire. What are your orders?

--Marteen Leafdancer--

The Elven General steps forward, wasting no time and switching the view on the large map carving to display a small portion on the southern edge of the Elven Kingdom. “Sire, my homeland is one of the vastest and most resource-richest Kingdoms in the whole of Avalon. Every bit of territory we control from it is a strong step towards our victory in our campaign.” Marteen circles an allied province close to the borderline “Our troops stationed at Fion’ebrad report that a messenger came yesterday with interesting news. It appears that the province of Graw’aa, currently aligned to Emberland, wishes to join our side…” The Elf General circles a rather close-by province from the one previously showed. “..The message mentions that they are forced into submission by the troops stationed there. The mayor requests that we mobilize our troops upon them and promises us inside support from the town and their militia against Emberland’s troops. In exchange for their freedom, Graw’aa will pledge its allegiance to us. The mayor also asks us to hurry before there are exposed as traitors, apparently Emberland’s Inquisitors already began questioning the townsfolk. ” The General turns on his heel, his pale green eyes almost piercing through Aleko “Mobilizing the troops from Fion’ebrad to Graw’aa would take about 4 days, maybe sooner, sire.” Marteen was silent yet his expression was anything but happy about his report. Pepper Bulkwyn couldn’t help but inquire “You don’t seem all that glad about this plan. Is something bothering you?” The Elf General gave a slight ‘mphm’ before turning back at the map “Sire, I suspect this may be a trap. If we were to march our troops, Fion’ebrad would be too lightly defended for my taste, considering that there is no fortress defending it. If we march our forces, the town will be vulnerable to a potential assault lying in wait nearby . I would recommend that we first send reinforcements to bolster their defenses before sending the troops to Graw’aa.” The Anthro General crossed her arms “How long would it take to bring these reinforcements from a nearby allied province?” Marteen places both his hands behind his back, straightening his spine “About 5 days” he answers curtly to which Pepper protested “That means it will take you more than a week to finally launch the assault. In this whole time the Inquisitors would most probably have interrogated a large number of townsfolk and we all know what that means. The gallows would be littered with ‘traitors’! “ The Elf General maintained his posture, visually unfazed by the Anthro’s remarks. “It is a risk we may have to take if we..-“ Before he could finish his sentence, Pepper protested “You can’t! They are your own people, you can’t just…-“ this time it was Marteen who interrupted her with a simple gesture of the hand “It is our Emperor’s command that I will follow, not yours.” He then turned to face Aleko “Sire, what are your orders?

--Bojor Ironfist--

A large puff of smoke makes way to the Dwarven General stepping forward “A’ight, listen ‘ere an’ listen good.” He then manipulates the map to show a southern portion of the Dwarven Kingdom, where it meets with the shared border of the Human Kingdom of Winterpeak. Bojor circles a province which supposedly controls one part of the border “This ‘ere is tha’ province o’ Paletower. A border-town which we’l be needin’ if we eve’r plan ta’ have a’n easier time in conquerin’ this ‘ere Human Kingdom ta’ tha’ north. Unfortunately, them boys ar’ bein’ under constan’ attack by tha’ forces from this ‘ere province..” He circles a neighboring Human province on the other side of the border. “Northspark, I think it’s be called. One thing I known’ fo’ shure it’s be sworn’ ta’ Allister an’ his blasted Old Empire. “ Bojor turns around to face you, still smoking from his cigar “Now, Paletower’s defenses be one hell’ ‘o a kind. Outh’a be since them boys managed ta’ repel attacks from Northspark time’ an’ time’ again’, now that be good’an all but…” he takes a long smoke “..we need ta’ do somethin’ ta’ make sure it ain’t happenin’ again, we need ta’ take over Northspark an’ secure a real strong border-point fer’ ourselves in tha’ process.” He takes one last smoke before tossing the butt away “Now, I’ realize that Northspark’s defenses ar’ preatty tough themselves....fo’ Human-made maesonry… not ta’ mention that them Wizards make lots’a problems also. But… They won’ be expectin’ ta’ be flanked by anoth’er force.” The Dwarven General turns around to circle a nearby province in Winterpeak “This ere’ be tha’ province o’ Coldshire. If they be’ sendin’ their troops ta’ march on Northspark’s fortress from tha’ rear, tha’ town will send em’ reinforcements ta’ hold tha’ fort, while my’ boys be attackin’ tha’ town’ itsesalf, in less thaen a day an than its’ goin’ ta’ be a solid victory.” A hint of a smile was present on Bojor’s face, apparently he was pleased with himself yet not all shared the sentiment as Duncan stepped forward with a protest. “One moment, Bojor. If we send the troops, Coldshire would be defenseless. It has no fortress to defend the town and it is dangerously close to a province controlled by the Stainless Empire, what if they observe this and decide to attack? Coldshire would be lost !” The Dwarf General’s hint-of-a-smile vanished bringing back his usual frowned expression “If we work fast enougf’ tha’n we can send them troops back home az’ soon az’ tha’ town be ours an’ none woul’ be tha’ wizer. “ He then produces a new cigar from under his coat while Duncan once again protested “You may be fine with taking that kind of a risk but I disagree.” Bojor then lit his cigar and took a short smoke “Well, it ain’t yer call ta’ be made, mate.” The Dwarf General then eyes Aleko while taking another long smoke “So, what’s it goin’ ta’ be laddy?

Once Aleko issued his orders and the plans were set into motion, the Generals bowed as the Emperor and his companions took their leave. Cyrus lead Aleko to the next place where his attention was required, namely the Council Chamber.

The Council Chamber

The Council Chambers offered a distinct difference from the Map Room. The wooden floor, carpets and cushioned chairs offered comfort to the inhabitants during their stay, the gazes of the stone carved statues were replaced by the gazes of the portraits hanging on the walls though somehow they didn’t seem as menacing. The Envoys were already seated at the large table, conversing in a much more soft and mannered tone compared to the loud chatter of the generals. A pair of servants were standing behind them, close to the wall, armed with large jugs filled with wine, ready to be called. When Aleko and Cyrus entered the room, all the Envoys rose from their seats and bowed, each as gracefully as they could, offering warm welcomes to their Emperor, congratulating him on his coronation and asking him to take a seat on the vacant chair at the head of the table. “Sire, we understand that you will mostly be busy with the military campaign..” Ethel Shroudmyr spoke as she sat back to her seat along with the rest of the Envoys “..but surely you know that there is more to being a ruler of an Empire than simply having a strong arm and an inkling to military strategy.” The refined Half-breed lady gracefully picked up her chalice of wine and took the tiniest of sips before continuing her idea “An Emperor needs to be diplomatic, clever and sly at times. You must keep the people happy if you wish for them to support you.” She puts the chalice down and then places both her hands over her lap “ Fear can also do the trick though which you find easier is up to you, ofcourse.” Her mismatched eyes were affixed on Aleko, as if looking right through his soul, one eye judging it to the essence while the other seemed to offer comfort, even if it may be in the smallest of dozes. Markus Gwynpath cleared nodded “Milady Shroudmyr is correct, sire. Now that you are here we may begin our discussions, there are a few important issues which require your attention and ultimately your judgment.” The Envoys were now sitting on each side of the table, ready to begin discussion.

--Marcus Gwynpath--

Sire..” Marcus’ voice betrayed his age in spite of his appearance “..as you may know, wars have grave consequences upon the common folk, many losing family and home during this dark time. We found that some of our provinces have been overflowing with refugees and I have received many letters from the mayors claiming that provisions are limited and something must be done if they wish to be able to support so many people.” Eamon Weissnout shook his head and made light ‘tsk’ sounds. “Poor people. I can’t imagine how it is to lose everything. War can be much more taxing upon the commoners.” The Human Envoy nodded “Indeed and the Stainless Empire is not making it any easier, especially for us.” That statement attracted some attention “Many of the refugees in our provinces from the Human Kingdoms come from the provinces loyal to Emberland. The majority being Half-Breeds and their families fleeing from the persecution and…” Marcus grimaced for a slight moment “..the so-called ‘purge’ of the Inquisition.” A few moments of silent contemplation passed before Ethel Shroudmyr spoke “Well in this case, the solution is quite simple, my dear sir.” The Human Envoys rose an eyebrow in suspicion and paired his hands “Do tell..” he said softly “The supplies from each province is limited, especially in this time of war…” she answered “…and there won’t be a shortage of refugees anytime soon. Thus, the solution is obvious : Turn the refugees away from our provinces.” The other envoys were struck with silence for a few long moments until Gymor Cloudkeeper stuttered “M..m.m-m-Mi…Milady, are you…are you serious about this? Turn refugees…away?” Ethel seemed unfazed “Not ALL refugees ofcourse. Only those that are not from our side. These refugees made their choice in allegiance, now let them deal with the consequences. “ Marcus was tightening his grip to the point where one could faintly hear the material from his white gloves stretch “These people have lost everything and are viewed as…outcasts, worse, criminals to be executed! By the very faction they supported ! Don’t you think they suffered enough? Don’t they deserve our sympathy?” The Darkelf Envoy gently touched the obsidian gemstone on her chest as she spoke “Indeed, they do deserve my sympathy and they have it, but this war did not start yesterday. They made their choices in who they support and on which side they stand when it started, we have our own refugees and we take care of them, if the faction they supported does not care about them then what do they expect us to do? Simply welcome them with open arms when we barely have the capacity of caring for our own?” Her tone was never raised, her calmness was akin to the waters of the Frozen Sea, calm and cold as ice. “My thoughts go to them and I wish we could do more to help them, yet the reality is that we simply can not. Not unless we cripple ourselves and that won’t help anyone.” Eamon Weissnout stood solemnly, his gaze pointed downward and with a deep sigh he spoke “Mmmm…As much as it pains me to say it, Milady is right. Burdening ourselves with more refugees than we can manage will cause more damage than good. It’s a hard choice but such is the way of war…” Marcus placed his palms flat on the table as if he was ready to stand up “I’m sorry…but, I can’t believe what I’m hearing. We cannot simply turn away desperate people in need for help to fend for themselves! “ He then turns to Aleko “Sire, what do you say about this?

--Ludwyn Groverunner--

The Elven and Undead Envoys were the only ones at the table not drinking wine, the Elf instead had a porcelain cup filled with a warm, thick, green, tea-like beverage which emanated a rather strong floral scent in its vicinity. “Sire, I will not lie to you, the current state of affairs in our campaign is not doing well and what is even more troubling is that this is common knowledge even among the common folk. After so long a period of war, great losses and comparably poor general state of affairs, the people are, as one would expect, loosing heart in our cause and I hear that there are many who would consider abandoning our cause if only for the hope of a better lifestyle.” Ludwyn’s bright green gaze never left his cup until he took a sip after speaking then stared at Aleko, straight in the eyes “Something must be done to bolster their confidence and help give the common folk some peace of mind and I may have a solution, with your blessing.” A few moments of silence passed in which the other Envoys paid attention, waiting for the Elf to continue “I have discussed with my people and have come to a proposition, I recommend a pilgrimage of Druids to travel to the different provinces aligned to us, imparting blessings of Nature, tending to the needy and restoring faith in our cause and above all, bring a semblance of solace in the hearts of the people.” A few moments of consideration passed before Gymor Cloudkeeper inquired “A pilgrimage of Druids to ALL the provinces under our banner? Even from the other Kingdoms than the Elven Kingdom?” Ludwyn simply answered with a “Yes.” The next question came from Marcus Gwynpath “I assume the Druid Pilgrims will perhaps request donations from the folk sometimes?” The Elven Envoy apparently sensed the suspicion in the Human’s tone “Quite the opposite in fact..” he answered with a hint of superiority in his tone “..The Druid Pilgrims are actually given a sum of income which THEY will donate to the needy wherever they pass and whenever is needed. No donations of coin are needed or ‘requested’, all that is asked for the folk to take a moment and lend a listening ear to what they have to say.” Eamon Weissnaut was tapping the table with the mechanical fingers of his prosthetic arm “I assume that this sum of coins that they will disperse among the needy will be provided by the Imperial Treasury, no?” Ludwyn simply nodded in confirmation as he took another sip from his beverage to which the Anthro Envoy glanced in your direction “Just making sure”. The Dwarven Envoy seemed pleased with the idea “I see no fault in this, surely once cannot simply put a price on the peace of mind and soul of the people, no? I say we commit to sir Groverunner’s proposition.” The discussion seemed all settled and the Envoys decided to take a brief brake to refresh themselves before resuming to discussing other affairs. “Sire, a moment if you may..” Korvius Frosthand called, apparently wanting to discuss something away from the ears of the other Envoys. “Quite the charitable idea, sir Groverunner’s proposition no?” the grin on the Undead Envoy’s face was just as malicious as it was the first time the two met. “Sire, I also just had an idea which may benefit us more in the eyes of the people. You know that a pilgrimage is considered a sacred act, a pious and pacifist movement with the best of intentions for the masses. Only the most heinous and cold-hearted would dare cause any harm to a pilgrimage…” feeling suspicious, Aleko inquired with a vary tone for the Undead to elaborate to which he complied “What I am saying, sire, is that if someone were to let deceiving information slip to our opponent factions that, say, a small squad of Elven soldiers would move through the land under the guise of Pilgrims, one can expect that they would respond by stopping them from whatever plan they may try to complete… in a deadly fashion only for the world to discover that all they did was mercilessly end the lives of innocent Pilgrims.” The Undead Envoy could clearly see the disapproval of the Emperor after explaining his proposition as he tried to convince the Half-breed “Sire,I know that what I am proposing is morally and ethically questionable, yet as my colleague said before, the situation we are finding ourselves in our campaign is dire and we need to grasp every advantage we can manage. The people will find their spirits bolstered with the Pilgrims arrivals and after their death they will raise their fists against the faction that murdered them, how loyal and up-lifted do you think their own people will be once they hear that the leaders they support would do such a thing?” A few moments of silence passed between them before Korvius lightly bowed his head “Just say the word, sire and I will take care of the rest. You will never be linked to this, I promise.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MachineSoul
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MachineSoul Ghost in the limelight.

Member Seen 15 days ago

Mere moments passed until the archmage made his presence known to Aleko, drawing his attention to the other end of the hall. He returned the greeting, but wrinkled his snout when he heard "rightful place"; nothing felt like it was his, no prestige, no honor, no flying castle, nothing was his. The only few things that were his had been lost in time and, if he had to be honest, he preferred for things to be that way; he learnt that the past can only drag one down and heavily influence their demeanor, thus, he cut off any ties with his home, the same way both families renegaded him. The sheer image of his mother and her last harrowing words were enough to ruin his mood for the rest of the day, feeling one more burden being pinned to his chest among his other military decorations. The commentary about his appearance made the halfling sigh and rub his eyes, expecting for the man to reprimand his rather tired condition. He accepted the breakfast invitation with a simple nod, following his to-be mentor through the halls and into the Dining Hall, where the atmosphere was tangibly lighter than the lonesome throne room. People chattering, tableware clanging together against porcelain plates and cups filled with coffee, tea, ale even, chugged with lust to down the food and wake their minds up; Aleko and the mage reserved a spot, the halfling only wished for some scrambled eggs, some bacon and a bowl of pickles, a small cup of coffee and plenty of napkins. He grew tired of the same stale broth he had to ate most of the days back at his post, and, if it wasn't broth, it had to be goat cheese with melting tomatoes, rock-hard bread, tasteless onions and pig fat that tasted more like pig shit. He gladly accepted his own meal and immediately dug in, savoring the satiating scent and taste of fried bacon with the perfectly made eggs. To mull the overpowering taste, he would rip small chunks of bread freshly pulled out of the oven and let everything melt on his tongue.

He only raised his gaze when the mage fumbled over his words, trying to remember if he had said anything before; if he did, he would have to feel some shame for being inattentive, but in all honesty, he felt as though the man never made point, he only talked to fill the air with words. He nearly forgot how it was to socialize with civilians, them having a constant need to make their presence known by flapping their chins and uttering the stupidest of non-senses. He looked at the man for a few seconds, then, averted his gaze, not really knowing what to say; do I really have to learn to speak again? he asked himself as he looked at the rest of the room, spotting the familiar trio playing a cards game and one of the generals, the undead one. With a glass of wine, which sparked intrigue in Aleko's mind. There was really no issue about talking political or military issues, but to try to say something about himself seemed like an ordeal; he didn't know how honest he had to be, how informative, how curt, he just couldn't think how to put his thoughts into words. Instead, he tried to just let himself go and see what would happen, thus, a smirk popped on the corner of his muzzle as he caught the mage back in his gaze.

"It is outlandish, to say the least. I appreciate your concern, but it isn't something you could understand, I feel, so just leave it that way. I'll get used to it, I suppose." He uttered with half a voice, his eyes falling on the general again.

Feeling too curious about the matter, he excused himself and rose from the table and, to give Cyrus an excuse, he pointed at the table, merely uttering "Pickles" as he went off to the bar; there, he met the man in charge with the dining place, catching his attention with a short whistle. Seeing the man's reaction, Aleko smirked again and informed him of his problem.

"You forgot the pickles."

As soon as the man left, he directed his attention to general Markov Ashadde.

"Good morning, sir." He addressed to him in a formal tone, saluting by anthro military courtesies. "Beg pardon for my intrusion, general, though I couldn't help but notice, well, that." He merely gestured his head towards the glass of wine. It was one thing to pass time with talk, but a completely different matter when it came to knowing your allies, and, potential enemies.

He left the general once he was given an answer, satisfactory or not, and with his much-wanted bowl with pickles. He finished the rest of his breakfast with haste so he could catch a sip of coffee, a drink whose taste he nearly forgot after being dispatched from his office for so long. Cyrus bombarded him with more talk, but this time, it was useful talk, having a chance to offer the man some of his insight for their current, otherwise, dire situation. A situation that was desperate enough to make Aleko form a lot of questions. Some time later, the mage asked for some input about the envoys and generals, a perfect occasion to share some of his own concerns with someone that could listen and, maybe, understand.

"My opinions? Well then, if that is what you wish to know, here are my thoughts: in general, I have no clue what keeps everybody true to this cause and I dread to think how little it would take them to give up their implication. What is it that makes the generals loyal to me, or, this movement rather? Are they truly ready to give away their lives for something as insignificant as a promise? What are the envoys seeing in this New Empire? A chance to grow rich, achieve fame? If you were to tell me they are dedicated to me because they "believe" in me and in this cause, I would call it bullshit, excuse my language.

As for the individuals: Durran and Rougan are both orcs and couldn't lie to save their lives, I can put my trust in their honesty.

Ethel is a cold, cold woman who puts very little effort to hide her want for prestige; what I'm truly worried about is her hunger for power and a woman like her would do about anything to put her hands on what she wishes.

Eamon is the very definition of what the anthro military would call a "chinwagger", to put it politely. Talks a lot, delivers nothing. It will be hard to coax anything important from him, I fear. Ludwyn is very similar to him, only his words seem to be thrown out with spite. Can't say why I have that feeling, other than the fact that he is an elf.

Speaking about military slang, Pepper would be an FSC. "Fucking stupid cun"- you get the idea. No sign of decency or discipline, I am inclined to question her background and her prowess in battle. Where did you find that lot?

Can't say much about Gymor. I only fear that he may be a very conservative diplomat and, with us trying to grow in power, it may be rather difficult.

Korvius, much like Markov, has a certain talent for underhanded practices. Neither can be trusted with too much power in their hands, but, both are useful in their ways.

Marcus is a level-headed individual, he is here to do his duty as best as his abilities allow, something that I am most grateful for. Since he is a human, he will be prone to more emotional situations, I am curious to see his reactions in such cases.

Speaking of humans, Duncan is the general I will put most of my trust on at the moment. I have worked together with human musketeer detachments before in the War of Tulips and I can say with no doubt in my mind that I can trust my life in them. Sound mind, sound tactics, sound logistics. Yes, I served in the closure of the War, commandeered a platoon of Elite Rangers. We scouted mostly, yeah, but we played a role in ending the Usurper's conquest, but about that later.

Bojor dislikes me and I cannot blame him. He's lost good men to find me, but so have the others, so, I blame his attitude on his dwarvish heritage. I've also lost good fighters trying to find the backdoor to Castle Kyrm, but in the end, their death have been justified by winning the war. I intend to justify my generals' men deaths too.

Marteen will do his duty, that doesn't mean he has to like or hate me. Typical elf, I'd might say.

I think that's all of them. If I've missed any, it means I can't think of anything useful to say. Now, I would like to ask two favors from you, master Weaverstar: one, I'd like you to gather the opinions of the envoys and generals about me, just to make sure that this whole "opinion" thing isn't a one-sided affair; two, stop calling me sire, it digs deep claws in my brains. Sir will suffice."

With their meals finished, the time for his "coronation" arrived, Cyrus dragging the halfling to fetch a certain box before entering the throne room and by the time they arrived, it was filled to the brim with members of the floating castle. Everything felt real again, shock coaxing the emperor-to-be's eyes out of their sockets to scan the crowd for any familiar face in it; up until that moment, he tried to push back any feelings of doubt and incredibility, but they were now taking over every aspect of his way of thinking. It was unbelievable how he got so used to being a petty security chief in a town lost in the middle of somewhere; his task had become so mundane that he accepted it as a part of his identity. If he were to be told that he's an emperor back in the days when his active duty was all about strolling deep behind enemy lines, he would have had a hearty laugh and would've sent the wizard off in order to not compromise their position. He needed a break from tedium-land, but was he prepared to take responsibility for another land, only much bigger this time? There was no turning back now, he had occasions and occasions to drop the whole charade many times, yet, he did not feel like giving up on a bunch of people that really believed that he was the much-needed leader of the New Empire movement; or, maybe these people hated change and preferred to live their lives in the same coziness they had before everything changed. He had a neutral standpoint on it, since he really didn't care for one side or the other, he just executed orders in the best way he could and paid no mind for who he was fighting for, since, he was never in the middle of a conspiracy or a disparity to force him to form an opinion about either side of any war. The only thing he believed in was freedom and justice and he delivered exactly those two during his service.

Every step weighed heavier, his boots pulling back at his legs in a frantic attempt to halt his progress towards the throne itself, a seat destined for his furry hind; no matter how amusing he would put the situation in his head, he couldn't get over the fact that his first name will be followed by the ancient "Sendrakon" family name and everyone will take that very seriously. Sure, people joked and mused around about being far descendants of the bloodline, or very distant cousins, but his blood vessels and heart was filled with half Hyde, half Sendrakon blood and that somehow gave him the right to take his late father's seat. Another aspect that seemed completely outlandish was the fact that Asmuel Sendrakon, and none other, was his father, the same Asmuel that lead armies against demons; the very same Asmuel that oppressed his empire from forming a different opinion than his own, which in turn, spawned more rebellions. Nonetheless, that one individual sired him by taking his mother nearly twenty-six years ago, how something like that happened wasn't his concern; what mattered now was to take his legacy as a blessing and as a curse, use it to his advantage to make the best out of the New Empire situation. He knew what he had to do, but he felt that he wasn't ready to assume the giant responsibility; sure, he had all the help around him, but, experience told him that those helpers were also looking to help themselves out.

Cyrus had his own little speech to deliver, to which Aleko only listened with half a ear and less than that much of a brain, he was more concentrated on his own doubts and the faces of the audience peering at him; he made a mental check of himself, trying to discern if he hadn't slouched his shoulders during the talk, but to his relief, he was as stiff as a board, his face having the same expression as a tired brick. He immediately noticed the wizard handling him something from within the box he picked up on the map room; gazing upon it, Aleko indeed felt as though he saw it before and had the immediate urge to fetch and hold it in his hands. His trained mind resisted that instinct and made sure to control his hand as it lifted from his side, sink into the box and wrap its fingers around the handle of the scepter. Once the coldness pierced through the fine fur coating his fingers, he lifted the scepter gingerly, awestruck by the peculiar feeling that convinced him he held the damned thing before in his life; the weight, the texture, the characteristic temperature of the handle, everything felt as natural as feeling the leather-wrapped grip of his longsword lazily hanging at his left hip, or the familiar wooden grip of the service semi-automatic rifle he learnt to love and hate during the hard times of his deployment in South-Eastern Lioncross. He nearly missed the half-of-second when the precious stone embed in the scepter faintly glistened back at him to was his doubts about the familiar feelings. Did it just gave its approval he asked himself as he allowed the top part of the scepter to rest in his free hand, affixing his eyes on the precious stone. He was soon awoken from the trance by the wizard's voice whispering in his furred ear, nearly slapping the old man's nose with it. His eyes darted to the side to spot the old man smiling at him, then, at the crowd waiting for some words, with their hearts open for a warm speech. He gave several speeches before, but they were meant to man up his troops, to inspire them to continue fighting. What to civilians know about fighting? He took one more brief moment to look for some good words, then, lifted his head to confront the crowd.

"Until today, I was but a simple halfling tasked to defend a small region from all annexing attempts, be it the Old Empire, The New Empire and the Inquisition, an Elite Ranger Lieutenant from the Mechanized Infantry Regiment 481st; that was me, executing orders, booting out criers and instigators, fighting off rebellions and repelling small conquest initiatives. Today, I stand in this hall, humbled by the new mission I have been given and the expectations this movement has from me, barely believing that this, otherwise, simple name has been pinned next to my own name; as such, I inherit the crumbled Sendrakon legacy and thus, I must raise banners under this name. A bastard's name.

But that will not put me down. Not the name I've been given, not the ample task, not the expectations. I cannot be put down, for I am no underdog and neither is the New Empire. Yes, we are facing tremendous odds against us, but that has never stopped anyone from achieving greatness and glory, but cowards; akin to that saying in the Royal Human Military, "Always outnumbered, never outmatched", we will play intelligently, with efficiency and outsmart our opponents. For that, we must have patience and wisdom, hang in tight for some tough times, but once we will reach the right moment, we shall rise with an unstoppable force and once again, Sendrakon will be a word that bears a weight and power. A power that you, the people, will give through your effort and dedication, through the sweat, blood and tears that will be shed so that our offspring may live in a peaceful Avalon ripe with resources, a safe Avalon, an Avalon united once more. I wish to leave behind me a single Empire, a single force to keep this land in peace and a name that plants courage and honor in people's hearts. No more criminals, no more power-thirsty curs, no more opportunists. Glory, honor, courage and intelligence!

Avalon! Remember these words, for these are the words that made us whole once upon a time! These same words will bring us back together and wash out the dirt and the soot of war!

Avalon! Remember me when you will sit in your warm homes, eating fat meals and playing with your beautiful children, for I will be the one to set the cornerstone of the New Empire and if time allows it, build upon it until we will have our own marvelous citadel made from dreams come true!

Avalon! Remember us from now on, for we are the ones who wish the best for you more than we wish the best for ourselves!

Avalon! Today, we may be weak, but fear not for tomorrow, for it is then when we will rise!

Avalon! Divided, we fall, but united! United we will prevail!"

It was odd to him to to see people react positively to what he just said, them again, it would have been rather rude for them to keep a straight face through it all. He had done his job and he knew he couldn't do it any better than that, so, he left it like that. The wizard made sure he was the first one to congratulate him, which, felt out of place again.

"Congratulate me, that's droll. What for? Existing? Master Weaverstar, until I do something worth congratulating, you don't have to be so nice to me. You enough emperors during your lifetime, yes, but I am no emperor; I am the luckiest and unluckiest bloke to wear an important name."

It seemed that there was work to be done and, thanks to his late-night efforts, he was ready to meet the first problems with an open mind and a plan. As they went for the Map Room, Scribe made sure to follow Aleko closely, so close that he stepped on the halfling's heel; startled by that, he turned his head around, spotting the small thing gesturing apologies to him. He didn't know exactly what made him adore the unfortunate soul, but, it was enough to guide him by his side and hold his hand at its back. He heard the voices of the generals even before they entered the Map Room, so with that, he prepared himself to meet up with them and present his plan after they would be done with the ceaseless bickering.

Duncan, Bojor, Pepper and Marteen were the ones to remind him of the situation, so, he listened respectfully. In fact he kept his mouth shut until the generals made their points across and once he was sure he had the word, the halfling cleared his throat and started strolling the room back and forth.

"Before I voice my thoughts, I'd first like to present a plan, an initiative if you will. Like general Primelyt pointed, we are still an unknown force, but sooner or later, someone will notice us. General Ironfist has all the right to say that we are in shit, but, we are not that deep. The Old Empire and The Stainless Empire are the major players on the Avalon board, true, but not everything that is left untouched by them is pure scrap. I would call that scrap, treasure, opportunity even. We are late to the party mainly because most of the efforts have been put to find me, rather than growing in strength; well, I'm here, so, let us catch up.

We must first grow in territory, expand our borders quickly. Be it through force, rebellion, instigation, conversion, anything; so long we annex the region, we will be good. I expect by the end of the month to grow, say, two times in size at least if we try our best to fight off any resistance in the surrounding lands and peacefully occupy their garrisons; at all costs, we must avoid plundering and looting as, on the long term, it will not be beneficial. People will bear a grudge, remembering us as thieves and cutthroats. Exercise force, not abuse.

We must form a "buffer zone" between us and at least one of the main competitors. What is a buffer zone? Any expanse of territory between us and the opposing force that acts independently, whose purpose is to keep the enemies at their gates without directly involving us in the fights. In short, yes, vassals. We let them keep autonomy and expand like thorns in the sides of, say, The Old Empire while we concentrate a third of our military efforts in crushing Emberland's bigotry and by the time we'll be finished with him, we will have the Old Empire suppressed from two sides: the buffer zone and our main force. Yes, it is a long-term strategy that we must respect religiously, but I couldn't think of anything better from yesterday until now. I'm open to your inputs and annotations, so long they are rational.

So, until we gain notoriety, we must gain ground and force and keep quiet. A dog that barks loud doesn't bite, so, our mouths will be shut, but, when the time arrives, we will rend and tear anyone who dares to stop us. From there, we will steamroll through opposition. Alright, now, about the situations you mentioned."

Aleko took a few more minutes to think about Duncan's proposition, along with Markov's suggestion before he would speak about it. To him, the answer was quite simple and, honestly, a no-brainer.

"Primelyt, take your forces and lead them to Whealbee, take the city and the port, we need the trade income. It will open us up for more trade opportunities with other regions we will later convince to join under our banner after we've traded goods long enough. As for Treadsheim, general Ashadde will march upon it with a force twice as strong as you think you may need and hold it secure in case there will be any attempt at a recapture. Thus, we will hold this trading conglomerate and keep it safe from enemy attacks. Once you've garrisoned enough men and designated your most trusted officers to lead them, you are to return to Escalyber with full reports."

Leafdancer's situation was much more delicate, unfortunately. For this one, Aleko dismissed the generals for half an hour to think in silence and without having eight pairs of eyes affixed to him. By the time expired, he was still very unsure about what had to be done, but, he had to make the call.

"General Leafdancer, I've made up my mind. Move your forces up AND your reinforcements in such a way that you will either rendezvous at the outskirts of the city, either your main force will garrison in the city and should you be attacked, the reinforcements will be ready to flank. I am very aware that this may cost us, but if those lands will bring us a great amount of resources, I am willing to grab the region quickly, with the least amount of risk. March on and send word to your reinforcing troops to prepare to help you out. If it's truly a trap, you will have your main force AND your reinforcements in the area to fight off the assault and that way, you will only have to hold for one day, instead of an entire week to capture the area and fight enemies off. If it is not a trap, well, you may thank the gods. Best of luck, general, take as many men as you deem necessary and if you feel you need more, I suggest the other generals to lend some of your troops."

As for Bojor situation, just recalling his awestruck expression made Aleko nearly snort in amusement when he saw his plan crumbling apart when Duncan pointed out a major flaw. For that, Aleko had a good strategy of attack.

"General Ironfist, keep your boys safe in Paletower and Coldshire. I will build a flanking force and attack from-" he pointed Coldshire on the map and drew an arrow towards Northspark "- south-east to north. Should the Stainless judge that we moved our forces from Coldshire, they will be in for a nasty surprise, they will. We will set camp close to Northspark and wait for them to move up for another attack on Paletower, we will then strike, take Northspark and outflank the force that will be stuck on the field through my forces that will approach from the captured city and your boys stationed at Paletower. "Hammer and anvil", or, "stuck between a rock and a hard place". We may be able to force them into submission and gain another army, along with a strong front there made up of two impenetrable forts. Speaking about impenetrable...

General Bulkwyn, you ride with me and with your forces, also, I would appreciate a number of men from general Planestalker, especially infiltrators, vanguards and shadow mages. I will personally commandeer a backdoor scouting initiative with the fellow infiltrators and any elite rangers general Bulkwyn has in her army. Before you will try to convince me out of this plan, let me assure you that this was my job back in The War of Tulips. Anyone remember Castle Kyrm?" He turned his head towards the crowd to see for their reaction before smiling.

"So, like I was saying. Bulkwyn and I ride to Northspark, I will have the elite rangers and infiltrators under my command. We stay put so I can lead the scouting party. Once we find the backdoor, and we WILL find it, we wait for them to launch another assault on Paletower; we move in, clear Northspark with minimum casualties, secure it, then move a splinter group to outflank the enemy force stranded in the open. If they assault Paletower before we manage to find the backdoor, we will simply assault the place then concentrate on the disembodied army. Any suggestions?"

Once he was done with the military aspect of his new life, Aleko quickly headed towards the council chamber with his heart feeling much lighter, mostly because he knew he will finally see some direct action on the field. No matter what the was told, he knew in his heart that this was the best approach. Inside the chamber, he was once again remember of his duty, as if, they were trying to handle a half-wit rather than a halfling. Aleko absorbed the refugee problem that was rising, but unlike Marcus and Gymore, he wasn't caught off-guard by Ethel's suggestion; actually, he felt a little amused as he predicted what the woman would do in this kind of situation: be cold, strict, unforgiving and try to show power. Aleko let the voices die before he would speak.

"We keep the refugees. All of them. "Crazy", some may call me in this room, but I am not finished yet. They will stay, so long they earn their spot on our territory. Women will work on farms, at tailors, weapons manufacture, building, men will enlist in our armies and if not, miners, lumberjacks, smiths, we will find work for them too. Children? Boys will start squiring or join the barracks, girls will work with their parents. The elderly will be given simple work too, but not one refugee, or citizen for that matter, will slack. If they work, they get to stay, if not, off with them, we do not need slackers, not when we have the advantage of gaining a tremendous momentum when the two main competitors are too focused on each other to notice us gain enough strength to topple them both, one after another.

Some may consider this to be forced labor and call this intention cruel, but like mistress Shroudmyr pointed out, we will not have the resources to have the refugees nestle in and leech off our backs. I consider this deal to have a win-win outcome: the refugees get to stay safely within our regions, we gain economic and resource growth off the extra workforce, not to mention that our armies will grow and thus, we will be able to expand quicker."

For the most of the time he spoke, his eyes darted from Marcus to Ethel, to Cyrus then back to Ethel, awaiting to see a reaction from the woman. Surely, she won't be pleased, but Aleko predicted that she would rile up and try to prove her authority even more next time, maybe she will even try to get personal with him just to gain some influence over his decisions. He then listened to master Groverunner's suggestion.

"Yes, we will allow them to complete their pilgrimage, may the gods bless them. Our charitable efforts will go long way from now and we will remembered as the Just Empire, we show sympathy and mercy to those in need and willing to work for our cause, but smite those who do not intend to put any effort; we will need those pilgrims, especially with the influx of refugees. Like master Groverunner said, their presence will inspire the common folk and give them motivation to work, the refugees will cherish this moral support even more."

During the small refreshment break, Aleko managed to slurp a sip of coffee and rub his eyes again; so far, his duty didn't wear him off as much as he thought it would, but, this was only the beginning. He knew matters would grow more complex in the future and if he would plant the right seeds in the beginning, when times would get rough he would already be on the right track. Master Frosthand quickly approached the halfling during the break when the rest of the envoys had cleared the chamber and came with a proposal. The idea made Aleko frown heavily, but he didn't fail to see the opportunity in such a messy business; the risks were indeed high, but a transgression like that would indeed leave an imprint in the commonfolk's minds and motivate to work harder. But after such a disaster, there won't be any other pilgrimages.

"You do realize that this plan of yours will only work once, no? Either there will be no other pilgrimages, either the pilgrims will have mercenaries protect them, which in turn, couldn't be really called a pilgrimage, am I not right? Give me more time to think about this. Come down later, let's say, dinner and ask me if I like tomatoes. My answer will be yes or no, depending on what my final decision will be. I appreciate your talent for underhanded practices, but sometimes, the risk outweighs the outcome or, in our case, long term development. We will see, but until dinner, I can not state my opinion."

With that, he dismissed the envoy, feeling the need to rub his eyes again and chug down some more coffee. This was indeed a difficult call to make and on it depended the moral of the folk: give them a strong boost of motivation in the beginning and find a different way to keep up the pace later on or refuse the plot and turn this pilgrimage into a monthly ritual. Aleko finally had a moment to stand up and stretch his legs, walk around and watch the other envoys talk among them. In a way, he would like to participate in more mundane discussions and be admitted in a sort of circle of close acquaintances, but, that would do no good to his image, as many would think that his opinion can be bought with a few laughs, a few drinks and a flirt or two; he had to stay neutral and express authority through his demeanor and pick his friends outside any political party. It all seemed an easy thing if one would put these matters on paper, but everything would catch a very different nuance once people started talking and interacting with each other, opinions and ideas morphing and adapting to other's interpretations and feedback; it would be hard to not fall in all sorts of traps, Aleko knew he had to remain sharpish and weary of those too friendly to him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zamokra41
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Zamokra41 Procrastinating Knight

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The orders were given, the subjects bowed their heads and all started making preparations as per the instructions of their Emperor, some more reluctantly than others. Such was a leader’s life as Aleko probably understood it and there was more to come. During the planning and discussions, Cyrus simply listened and silently contemplated, seemingly pleased with what he was witnessing, the Halfling was determined and thought of each angle before making a decision, his strategies were solid and his reasoning sane, his dedication was what pleased the wizard most, a clear and strong differencing factor from his father. Scribe was never more enthusiastic than he was in these moments, jutting down on his files every single detail, documenting everything he considered worth noting. By the time the last issue of the day was discussed, the low orange rays flowing out of the windows from the hallway indicated that is was already past noon. “I believe both the generals and the envoys have no more issues to discuss.” Cyrus nodded “You have done well, sire. You may take some time for yourself now, if anything that requires your attention arrives I will be sure to announce you” He bows his head and proceeded to leave, announcing Aleko “If you will have need of me, you can find me in the Library, sire.”.

Most of the generals and envoys have retired to their respective chambers, others could be found in the Dining Hall. Aleko was now alone and free to wander the fortress as he pleased, all the while Scribe was still following closely behind, careful not to disturb him, of course he would leave if he is told so but until then he was oddly fascinated with seeing what the new Emperor was up to.
The Dining Hall was once again populated with people as it was roughly time for dinner. Some of the servants and guards could be found as well as some of the generals and envoys. In one corner one could see Marcus and Durran enjoying a drink over a game of chess. Gymor, Ethel and Ludwyn could be seen at another table having a hearty meal. At the bar, one could spot Caine sipping some dark red wine while apparently scribbling over a small handbook of sorts. Before Aleko could decide where to sit, a red-ish flash appeared in the corner of his eye, shortly followed by Anny Wayfinder, with her open notebook as always. “Sire, sire ! I…” she stopped midsentence as if she had forgotten something, taking a few moments to look over Aleko she realized that the emperor hadn’t even had time to sit down and think about what to eat. She then bowed her head deeply “I apologize for bothering you, sire. But I need your input…if you would allow… “ She then presented her open notebook, a number of statistics were written regarding the supplies aboard. “As you can see..” she said as he indicated with her finger over some of the writings “…we are starting to run low on fresh water and vegetables. Grain could also use a re-supply though if necessary I think we could make it another 2 weeks, assuming we ration it. Mr. Hawke also requested we bring a new batch of sanitary alcohol, medicinal herbs, bandages and…”she takes a moment to fumble through the pockets of her brown shorts, eventually pulling out a small folded note “…these…um…materials.” The note contained a number of dusts generally used in chemistry along with a number next to each, nothing the requested quantity. Anny took both the note and the notebook back after Aleko took a good look through them “So..Sire, if it is at all possible, could we land sometime this week and gather the needed supplies? Oh..and...should I inform Mr. Hawke that we will be getting his needed resources as well?” After inspecting the note, Aleko no doubt realized that while Hawke’s supplies were indeed of use, they were also quite costly, he would have to think about whether or not they could afford such extra expenses.

After giving his answer, Anny politely thanked him and then rushed out the door almost immediately teleporting as is her fashion. After solving that minor issue, Aleko had a bit of time for himself to enjoy dinner, be it with company as it would seem that the trio of envoys would welcome him to dine with them and contribute to conversation, or by himself if he would prefer. Sometime later however, Aleko was approached by Korvius, as he was instructed, with a plate of oven baked and seasoned tomatoes. “Hello, sire, enjoying your meal I would hope?” he presented the plate to the young Emperor before mentioning “As you may or may not know, we Undead retain very little, if any, memories of our past lives. Mmmm…One thing I still happen to retain is the satiating aroma and taste of home-baked oven tomatoes. Sadly, being the way I am right now means I will never be able to enjoy their taste.” A short would-be sad chuckle escaped him “Would you care for some, sire? “ he asked.

Some time later, after dinner, Aleko was heading for the Library. However, he was stopped by a guard standing in front of the door. “My apologies sire, master Weaverstar instructed that no one is allowed to enter the Library at this time.” The guard was standing stoic, apparently unfazed by the fact that his emperor was the one standing before him. Upon asking for details, the guard simply shrugged “I’m sorry, sire. I don’t know why, only that I was instructed to not allow anyone enter for any reason. This includes you, if you will pardon me. “ Before anything however, as if on cue, the door opened and Cyrus walked out, placing his hand on the guard’s armored shoulder “It is quite alright, there is no need for that anymore.” He said with a smile, the guard simply bowed his head and steeped aside no longer blocking the entrance. “My apologies, sire.“ Cyrus said to Aleko as he rubbed his eyes, looking rather weary. “I had a bit of…business to deal with, trying to understand what the guard’s reports about these…noises was all about…” The wizard contemplated for a few moments before shaking his head “Ah, pardon me. I did not wish to bother you, sire. As far as I can tell, there is nothing dangerous in the Library, if you wish to browse some books you are more than welcome to, of course. Now, if you would excuse me, I believe I will retire to my quarters now. I hope you will have a good evening, sire. Good night.” And with that and a deep bow, the old man excused himself and walked away, heading for some rest.

The Library probably offered the most privacy of all the rooms of the Fortress, quiet, quaint and seemingly cut-off from the outside world. It was decorated with antique furniture, giving it an old appearance, as if it were some ancient place of study, save for the few lamps providing the lighting in the room along with the soft rays of the setting sun flooding the furthers end of the room. An overwhelming variety of books could be found here, some were light reading, some were educational materials of varying subjects, some were history books, encyclopedias, dictionaries for various languages, Aleko even spotted the occasional cook-book here and there, unsure why it would be here and not in the kitchens. Some of the books, Aleko recognized, Master Winzent GrauFell's Art of Hand and a Half Sword Fencing and Hand-to-Hand Brawling along with Enchiridion of War: Beauty in Death, Glory in Blood and Master Grana del Reviera Knightly Tome of Weaponry and Melees. Other tomes that seemed to catch the Emperor’s eye were Tea and Gardening Ceremonies by Tanaka Mori, Impelluiso’s Documented Myths from around the World, the Dance of Frost and Flame series by Gregor R. Marteen, Crimson Crying Retribution by Rockwell S. T. R. , Theodorus Neek’s Higher arts of Social Etiquette, considered the rival of book of Robban Rocknail's Social Etiquette Throughout Avalon: A comprehensive guide, and last but not least, Astralus Halloen’s Documented Personalities of Importance from the History of Avalon. From time to time, during his reading, Alkeo had this odd feeling as if someone was watching over him…yet whenever he would look around it was plainly obvious he was alone, to make matters worse, he could swear he heard a sinister laughter from time to time without being able to fully detect its source…

The rest of the evening was for Aleko to enjoy at his own discretion.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MachineSoul
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MachineSoul Ghost in the limelight.

Member Seen 15 days ago

Seeing the envoys retreat one bye one, most of them paying reverence towards the emperor, the dog nodded back to each and every of them, displaying a small smile as they made their way out of the council chamber. Left only with Cyrus, whose vocabulary seemed to contain more and more words of praise; he started to believe that the old man had been trained like a common dog to spew nice phrases by all emperors and lords before him. He knew that at this point it would be fruitless to try to change the man's vocabulary, since his first attempt solved nothing. Feeling his innards rumble and form a familiar gap, Aleko acknowledged that he would have to pay the dining area a visit soon, but, he wanted to relax a little more in his chair and think some more over the decisions he took today. The more he reflected upon them, though, the more alternate solutions he could find, to his own dismay; but putting them through a more thorough scrutinisation, he realised that he preferred his final decision more and more, which made him appreciate his guts for knowing exact what to do. He hated his own mind for trying to find error in everything that he tried to do, mostly because he would always demoralise himself whenever he could think of a different path, a different idea or notion. He pushed all of those thoughts away, but it seemed that he remained affixed to his chair, staring down at the polished hardwood table with wide eyes, a heavy frown and pursed lips; hearing a scribbling sound in his right ear, he threw a glance over his shoulder where he found the scribe jotting down something about him. He felt a chuckle tickle his throat, thinking that the poor thing found his brooding somewhat interesting, for some reason.

His concentration turned to unconscious dust, Aleko stood up and pushed every chair in the room towards the table, making sure everything was as neat as it were before the envoys and himself arrived. He turned and headed out of the room, quickly followed by the skeleton which seemed to enjoy tracking Aleko's every step. The canine decided to enter the dining area, where there was even more activity compared to that morning, he barely found a secluded place for himself to eat. This time around, he planned to feast upon a more scrumptious meal, since the scrambled eggs didn't quite made it far into the day. Just before he could take his seat, he was distracted by a young elf trying to catch his attention; he turned his whole body towards her and offered her a smile, his eyes quickly glancing over her body. Seeing her apologise to him about her interruption, the canine chuckled and shook his head.

"No need to worry, Anny, I am not that hungry. Please, have a seat with me." He said, gesturing the elfess to sit down at the table, while he placed himself across from her. "You have my attention, darling." He liked her, her eagerness to seek for help reminded him of himself back when he was still a snotty cadet.

Taking a look over her scribblings, he took note of the requested resources, including doctor Hawke's request; it looked to him that he could afford the grain, vegetables and fresh water, but the dusts and substances the man requested would no doubt leave a hole in their budget. Aleko hummed as he inspected the quantities of the materials the man needed and tried to come up with a compromise that would at least help the man with his research, or what ever other antics he was up to.

"Yes, we will stop this week for a resupply, I cannot have the envoys and generals starving aboard this castle. But those materials dr. Hawke requested will reduce the weight of this castle, that's how much gold those... dusts will cost. Reduce those quantities to a half and tell dr. Hawke that if he wishes to have the other half as well, he would better tell me what he intends to do with them; as much as I appreciate ingenuity and progress, I would like to have this sort of reassurance that it will be useful research. I can't afford to fund just about any crazy idea, at least not now. Would that be all, Anny?"

Once she had left him to his own thoughts, Aleko had enough time to get an order of the tonight's special: a hearty crab chowder in a stale, hard bread crust, pulled pork with sauerkraut and more stale bread and finally, strawberry pudding. No stale bread for desert though. He actually had dug through half of his portion of chowder when he could see with the corner of his eye someone approaching his secluded table, instantly knowing that the individual wanted to have a private discussion with him. When Aleko raised his snout to look at Korvious, he could feel his muscles tense and lock, he had to fight to suppress his emotions and drown the shock on his face: he completely forgot about him and his plan. To make it worse, the man actually had some tomatoes on his plate, which looked highly ridiculous, especially because the envoy was an undead. Looking at the tomatoes, than at the envoy nearly pulled a laugh out of him, amused both by the silly situation, but also by the fact that he completely forgot about the thousands of lives that needed his final input. The man had present his tomatoes and situation in a rather convincing manner, Aleko nearly believed he actually missed the ability to taste food and feel satiation after a good meal; then again, he nearly felt pity for an individual that suggested to bring death to a handful of pilgrims.

"Good evening, master Korvius, it is my pleasure to have you here." Alike politely replied, placing the spoon beside the improvised bowl of chowder. "Baked tomatoes do sound like a delicacy, yes, and I must first express my sincere regrets that you are unable to taste one of your favourite dishes; I believe, though, this sort of sacrifice must be compensated with other perks, or at least, I truly hope so. As for myself-"

Bullocks. He hesitated a little, nearly accepting the place of tomatoes.

"-I can't say that I have a particular fondness towards tomatoes, at least, not consistently. Maybe some other time I will enjoy some baked tomatoes. I hope that this does not insult your tastes, master Korvius, for I do not want to upset my loyal servants. I do promise, however, that we will enjoy meals together later in time."

I can't have those innocent souls murdered, at least, not this early. Let the pilgrimage turn into a monthly event and once it gains popularity, a sort of staged strike would be better suited. Aleko thought as he slowly blinked towards the envoy, a small smile on his muzzle to express his apologies.

Once the man was gone and he found himself finished the venison, he came to the realisation that he mad decisions for large masses of people he couldn't possibly know, but were highly dependent on his behaviour and choices as a leader. He didn't know if he would ever grow used to tasking such amounts of people, which would eventually grow as he would progress through his new life. The responsibility burdening his shoulders had siphoned his enjoyment for food, the pudding becoming a tasteless goop for him as he scooped away at the large bowl. The issue in on itself wasn't an issue since he was used to administrating resources, but it was the larger scale that made him worry over pointless nothings. He stood up from his table and walked out from the dining area, bidding farewell to all of the envoys that were still having discussions among themselves.

Scheming for a coup, I presume. Bah, what am I thinking?

Wishing to meet with Cyrus at the library, he headed straight towards the chamber, only to be halted by a guard that just told him that the area was off-limits, even for him.

"Well, I was living under the impression that I had the most privileges in this flying castle. Would you know why master Cyrus wants me outside the library?"

He was given no concluding answer, but Cyrus did make the situation a little more clear. Aleko couldn't help but find this whole situation peculiar, mostly because of the way the problem was dealt with: strange noises come from the library, guards are posted outside the door that grant access to no one, but for the person who was responsible with answering the issue, which was the court wizard. Why the court wizard and not a mechanic was the question that baffled Aleko, and, the more he thought about how the whole situation sounded, the more worried he grew.

"Terrific. As a by the way, I am still waiting for your opinion assessment, master Cyrus."

Once the man had bid his farewell and good night, Aleko lagged a little to throw a curious look around the library's hall, marvelling at the stupefying amount of books, a number of which he recognised instantly, since, he also owned a copy of each in his personal collection. He picked up Astralus Halloen’s Documented Personalities of Importance from the History of Avalon to take a look inside and skim the pages, his eyes following the paper sheets as the folded over and revealed blocks after blocks of texts, occasionally accompanied by illustrations. He threw a glance over his shoulder every now and then, convinced that one of the guards posted outside was peeking inside the room, waiting for the emperor to exit the library so he could lock the door for tonight; it seemed that the door was still closed and Aleko was fairly convinced that he was alone in the entire sector. With such thoughts in his mind, the canine placed the book back in its place and left the library behind, feeling a slight chill on his back that lifted his fur up.

He decided to retreat to his own quarters, where he politely asked a servant to bring him a large carafe with cold water and a steel waster. By the time his water was brought to him, Aleko had stripped from his more elegant clothes down to an undershirt and changing his exquisite trousers for a pair of loose pantaloons; the canine accepted the water with a smile and immediately took a few swigs to cool his throat, then accepted the blunt longsword from the servant with a nod. He then tried to clear the room's centre of any furniture, so he would have enough room to practice without risking to break anything. Once he was sure that there were no risks of property damage, Aleko swung his worries and doubts away as he initialised practice drills involving longsword fencing. He could feel some of the tension disappear as he focused more and more on his footwork, on his technique and hypothetical edge alignment to the imaginary target. With every passing minute, the drills intensified in voracity and speed, the dog starting to grunt in tandem with heavier swings or more difficult maneuvres that had him twist his torso, step sideways or forwards while he would moulinet the sword around his body to fine tune his technique. The training concluded two hours later, when he found himself gasping for air after an intense drill in which he accidentally etched a notch in his drawer with the help of the sword. The thing was blunt, sure, but it was thin enough (and Aleko swung with enough force) to actually leave a dent in the hard wood. He chucked the waster aside, which landed on his bed and assessed the damage; when he saw that it was purely cosmetic, he waved his hand dismissively and threw his undershirt off too, heading to take a cold shower to cool himself down. With not much else to do, the canine sat at the side of the bed and gazed at the large window viewing the outside world.

And down there are the people that trust my decisions and my way of thinking. I've just changed a bit of their lives with everything that I've said back in that room; I could write a law that bans farting and I'd start to see people floating up from all the fart growing in their bellies.

The mental image made him snicker a little. He laid down on the bed next to the training sword, which he lazily pushed a bit further from him, and took off all his clothes, already feeling the heat of training coming back to him. He didn't feel quite tired enough to fall asleep straight away, so he pulled the first book that his hand fell upon and opened it. He recognised the tome about ancient sword fighting techniques, where the information was nothing new to him. It took him several pages to feel his hand fall on his chest, the book sprawl on his abdomen and his body fall into a comfortable abyss, where his worries were washed away by emptiness.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zamokra41
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Zamokra41 Procrastinating Knight

Member Seen 2 mos ago

End Of Day 1


The following few days were relatively uneventful, the generals being busy with amassing and dispatching troops before leaving the fortress themselves to fulfil their respective orders while the envoys sent word regarding their respective issues. It would be some time before any news of any outcomes would appear.
In the mean time, other matters required Aleko’s attention.

Events of interest during the intermission

~Day 2~

On the morning of the following day, Aleko was greeted with a knock on the door shortly after he awoke, or perhaps it was the knock itself that woke him up. A voice was heard on the other side of the door, “Your highness, may I come in?” the voice was unknown to Aleko. After being given permission, the servant entered the royal chambers, the woman had a perfect posture and in her hands she was carrying a rather large platter. She presented Aleko with some freshly baked pastry goods, still warm from the over, a cube of butter with a rather fancy butter-knife next to it, a small bowl of green and black grapes along with a neatly sliced orange. Along with those there were also a few thin slices of bacon….. and a folded piece of paper. The servant left the platter on the desk, excused herself for her intrusion and left with a deep bow.
The piece of paper had something written on it, names. A long list of names along with positions in the military in parenthesis next to each one. There were about 80 names, the gross majority being Dwarven military, yet some Orc soldiers could be spotted from time to time and even a few Humans. At the bottom of the letter were the words ‘Requested Casualty Reports’ and a hastily made signature underneath. It would seem general Bojor Ironfist held the new emperor good to his word when he requested the names of each soldier fallen on the mission of securing his safe passage when the Imperial Wizard first discovered him.

During mid-day, the Emperor had to pay visit to the Map and Council chambers for the daily reports from the generals and envoys. Nothing of any relevance was presented though, nothing that required an immediate intervention anyway. A few of the generals were preparing to depart on their appointed duties while some of the envoys reported the delivery of letters containing the Emperor’s decisions on the matters from the previous day. All in all, the meetings were rather short and uneventful.

In the Council Chambers, most of the envoys already left yet it would seem that Ethel Shroudmyr decided to stay behind this time, still seated on her chair apparently observing Aleko with some interest as the Halfling pondered. After a few moments she decided to break the silence “Sire. If you would permit me, I have a few questions.” The Dark Elven envoy maintained a rather elegant posture, gently running her long nails along the glass surface of her glass while her mismatched eyes never left Aleko. “Simply judging by your appearance and current demeanor, one can tell that you are new yet not inexperienced when it comes to both military and political affairs. I understand you were previously an officer in the Anthro military yet that alone does not explain your….experience…” A glitter of intrigue could be seen on the woman’s face as she patiently waited for Aleko’s response.

The two spent a bit chatting, Ethel mostly being interested in what possible plans Aleko may have for the campaing “Are you aiming to be a benevolent ruler who lends an ear to the every whim of the people, or perhaps one to be feared and never crossed or questioned?” ; “Assuming the campaign ends in our victory and you will seat the throne of the Empire, what plans would you have for the future?” ; “If you would have to sacrifice everything that you hold dear for the good of the Empire, would you have the strength to do so, I wonder?” were some of the noteworthy questions that Ethel addressed to her Emperor. When she had her answers one couldn’t tell if she was pleased or not by it, masterfully hiding her emotions and quietly examining Aleko, observing the way he interpreted each question and his demeanor in each answer. After the chat, the woman excused herself and before leaving the chambers she left Aleko with a final remark. “I assume you are well aware that during this campaign you make more enemies than just those of the opposing factions. I simply hope you will not forget those who were by your side, sire.

After Aleko himself eventually left the Council Chambers, he ran into Marcus Gwynpath who was apparently waiting in the hallway. The Human envoy hailed Aleko with a bow and both of their attentions shifted to the side, watching Ethel elegantly walking down the hall, her buffed dress swaying gently with each step. “Milady Shroudmyr is a lovely woman, isn’t she?” Marcus commented just before their attentions returned to eachother. The two began to walk the opposite way as the Human continued “I hear that such grace and elegance is rare, even among her people. Perhaps it is due to her….origin, meaning no disrespect, sire.” The Human envoy accompanied Aleko for a bit while conversing with the emperor, Ethel Shroudmyr being the subject. “I don’t mean to sound suspicious or uncouth, but you should perhaps consider, sire, that along with the comely appearance she may have also inherited the cunning and slyness of both races….and frankly, one side had more than enough, if you beg my pardon.” The last bit was whispered aside. “Have you encountered many Dark Elves before? Out of all races I always considered them to be the most…let’s say, suspicious. From what I hear, it is considered complementary to bring your finest poison when attending a dinner party with their nobles.” After a bit of chatting the two parted ways “I shall resume my duties, sire. I wish you a good day and…well…” The Human was hesitant and only spoke after Aleko inquired “Nothing sire. I only wish to suggest you take caution with whose council you listen to, that is all. Not all have the best of the Empire on their minds.

The rest of the evening was rather uneventful, save for the night. Aleko had trouble sleeping due to a nightmare. In his dream, he saw a large hall, similar to the throne room only larger. The colossal stone throne was occupied by a sickly old man with barely any meat on his bones, behind the throne were a large crowd of hooded figures. The floor in front of the throne was littered with deformed and mangled corpses in a pool of blood seeping through the luxurious carpet. All of a sudden a sinister laughter could be heard echoing all around and from the midst of the corpses rose a man, tall and strong with a healthy and muscular constitution, naked yet clean and with a luminescence around him. The laughter grew louder and the last thing Aleko recalled before waking up in a cold sweat was that this man turned around as to directly face him yet the Hlafling couldn’t see his face only a pair of blood red eyes peering at his person.

~Day 3~

The day was rather dull. The generals Duncan Primelyt, Marteen Leafdancer and Pepper Bulkwyn were absent today as they were dispatched to their duties down below. Out of the envoys, Gymor Cloudkeeper was also missing, apparently he asked for a leave of absence due to some health-related issue, Cyrus assured the emperor that the physician Stephen Hawke had already looked into the matter and the envoy should be well sometime next day. “The physician would also like to express his gratitude for taking his request for supplies into consideration.” Cyrus said relating to the matter. The Wizard spent most of the day along side Aleko, since there were no large matters that required their immediate attention, at least at the moment, Cyrus took the occasion to present Aleko with something. In his chamber, the emperor found a suit of armor, finely crafted and polished with golden decorations along the right pauldron, gauntlets and chestplate. The left pauldron was fully coated in gold and wrought in the shape of a proud lion’s head along with the buckle of the belt and the kneecaps. A chainmail tunic was presented next to the armor suit, along with a crimson cloak of the finest silk bearing the crest of the New Empire.

[Reference Image Added]

This armor has been made specially for you sire. I hope it is to your liking.” Cyrus said as he presented Aleko with the gift “I would have also asked for a weapon but I believe you are more fond and comfortable with your current arms than anything else, no?” Cyrus lightly chuckled at the end of the sentence before remaining silent allowing Aleko to fully inspect the armor and state his opinion on the matter.
After the issue with the armor was resolved, Cyrus pointed out the scepter that Aleko now had in his possession “The scepter…” Cyrus sounded rather melancholic as he spoke “…it is the only relic of the royal family that I managed to secure from the palace. It probably is among the most important, yes, but I still wished I could have saved some more…the crown at the very least..” the Wizard’s gaze never seemed to leave the scepter as he spoke, eventually he turned his attention to Aleko. “The Scepter of Sefnir… it is probably the oldest relic of the Sendrakon family, said to have been used by Arkturious himself. Mmmmm…. According to some texts, it is even older, predating Unity all the way back to the Ancinet Times, though it sounds rather exaggerated if you ask me.” The next question came rather suspicious towards Aleko “Sire….uhm…Sir, if I may ask, how do you…feel.. when holding it?” After Aleko gave his answer Cyrus seemed rather…surprised? “Truly? Hmmm…interesting. I have not heard the same… familiarity from neither Melthion nor Asmuel. In fact, I hardly recall them even having the scepter in their possession at any time. Perhaps this…means something? Mmmm.” The Wizard remained silent for a good few moments, his gaze affixed at the scepter once again before he snapped out of it and waved his hand dismissively “Ah, forgive me. Old habits die hard. After all, it us the duty of us Wizards, Mages and Sorceress to seek knowledge, no?” A hearty chuckle escaped the Wizard, probably the first time he genuine laughter in a while.

By the way…” he spoke just before he was about to leave. “I have asked the generals and envoys of their opinions, as you requested…

Master Gwynpath is rather surprised of your…origin. Needles to say he expected a Human yet he speaks rather highly of you. I seems he has a good felling about you.

Master Cloudkeeper shares in the enthusiasm. I believe he is probably more relived that the search is over, to be honest.

Master Windsteel said he would like to observe your actions and only then will he form an opinion.

Masters Weissnaut believes you are still a pup, despite your age yet is expecting you to prove him wrong.

Masters Groverunner, Shroudmyr and Frosthand decided to remain silent… for the time being.

General Primelyt has high hopes for you. He apparently cares not about your nature or origin but hopes you will become more experienced swiftly.

General Ironfist also seems to be indifferent towards your origin but does not feel particularly comfortable with following you until you prove worthy of being followed.

General Bulkwyn is rather excited by your presence. She said she heard of your name in the past and waits for the moment when you…ummm…’blow us away’…as she puts it.

Generals Stonestorm, Leafdancer and Planestalker agree that their opinion of you is not important as long as you prove yourself worthy of your title. General Ashadde also agrees to that but seems to have a bit more confidence in your abilities.

Those are, in essence, what the generals and envoys said, the rest remains to be seen. No doubt that their opinions will change in time, hopefully for the better.

After that, the old Wizard politely excused himself and left Aleko to spend the rest of the day as he saw fit.

~Day 4~

Aleko, Cyrus and the present generals spent most of the day in the Map Room, examining the area where Aleko would lead the troops closely. They recently received word from General Bulkwyn that the troops he requested have been assembled and are expecting the Emperor to meet with them the next day in the specified location, a village close to the town of Coldshire from where they will march upon Northspark whenever the emperor gives the order. According to the report, General Bulkwyn’s troops consist mostly of Anthro Elite Rangers, Dark Elven Vanguards and Infiltrators. General Planestalker was apparently unable to secure the Shadow Mages that the emperor requested.
There has still been no word from generals Primelyt or Leafdancer regarding their own personal missions, Cyrus expects that they will receive news around the same time Aleko is finished with his own assault upon Northspark. Aleko had to rest well this day, tomorrow he would be on the front.



The refugees from the Human Kingdoms were not turned away unless they couldn’t contribute. Not all were happy and some whispers of ‘forced labor’ appeared here and there. Still, the diminishing number of Refugee Camps seem to have relived some stress from the local military.– PPL Morale - 5 / Military Morale + 5

The first Druidic Pilgrimage has begun and already seems to bear fruit. The population is more reassured that someone out there actually cares about the common folk, even at their own expense. The Elves also seem pleased that their Druidic traditions are being kept around for the time being. – PPL Morale +10 / Income reduction / Elf Standing + 5


The day finally arrived. The day when Aleko would prove his mettle on the field as the new emperor. After a rather hasty breakfast, the Halfling was dressed for battle greeted by the Imperial Wizard in the study. “Good morning, sir. Prepared for today’s events I see…” Cyrus accompanied Aleko for a bit “Nervous?” he asked, though he seemed a bit nervous himself, perhaps he was fearing the worst though he knew full well that Aleko can take care of himself, after all he was an officer in the field long before he was crowned. “Of course, of course…” the Wizard agreed after Aleko reassured him. “I assume you will be away for a few days at the very least, sir, I shall do my best to manage things on the fortress during your absence, not to worry.” The Wizard proceeded to place his hand on the emperor’s shoulder “I will transport you to general Bulkwyn’s location now. Are you prepared, sir?” Once Aleko was ready for departure, the Wizard nodded and took a few steps and rose his hands “Good luck, sir. May you return victorious !” And with that, Aleko was engulfed in the familiar blue light followed by the sensation of weightlessness, customary to a teleportation spell.

In a mere few moments the Halfling found himself in the middle of an open field, close to a small forested area. The temperature was drastically different from back on the Escalyber, the chilling air cutting to the bone. The sky was rather cloudy, akin to a winter evening with barely any sunlight. The grass was sparse and its coloration as well as the colors of the leaves from the trees was faded, as if the vegetation was standing on the edge of their life. There was no civilized settlement in the vicinity, only a few wisps of smoke in the distance indicating the presence of some village. Before Aleko could properly get his bearings, he was greeted by person who came running from the nearby forested area. This person was dressed in the all familiar Elite Ranger equipment. Once he approached the Halfling, the soldier saluted him in a military fashion “Sire! Good to see you. Please follow me, I am to escort you to the camp.” The soldier was swift on his feet and followed a nearly unoticable path through the forest.

A few minutes later they reached a rather flimsy camp, clearly made hastily and meant to be only temporarily and well hidden from sight, under the cover of the trees. Once there, Aleko was approached by another Elite Ranger, this one dressed in a more decorated variant of their gear denoting a high rank. “Looks like you finally made it.” The voice was muffled by the mask but it was still recognizable as general Pepper Bulkwyn. It would seem she was fully equipped for battle this time. The general saluted Aleko in an Anthro military fashion and welcomed him to the field. Behind the general were all the troops under their command. Mostly consisting of a few squadrons of Elite Rangers and one squad of Anthro Highlanders Along with another squadron of Dark Elven Vanguards. All the troops were standing ready and waiting. The troops were not particularly numerous, just enough to hopefully travel without attracting too much attention and enough to capture a fortress without its full defense force. “We are at the edge of the province of Coldshire, sire.” The general informed Aleko. “We will be departing on your command and should reach the fortress from Northspark tomorrow. If we are careful we should be able to travel unnoticed. If not…well let’s hope your prediction is correct and the Stainless will assume that these were troops from Coldshire, thinking that they could mount an attack upon the town only to discovered it still under heavy protection.

Once the order to march was given, all troops promptly dismantled the camp in no time and started the march due north, in the direction of Northspark. General Bulkwyn was accompanying Aleko. “This must seem all to familiar to you, no?” she inquired “I for one am more comfortable out here in the field than inside that floating building. I only wish we could have all that fancy food with us right now,” a muffled chuckle escaped her. The general seemed just as relaxed out in the field in battle gear as she was back in the fortress, one would have to wonder if it is a sign of her confidence, lack of discipline or both. “You mentioned you fought in the War of Tulips, right? I knew I heard that name before we officially met, though if memory serves right, you were called ‘Frosty’ back then, huh?” Judging by her head movement she inspected Aleko for a moment “I can understand that nickname”. The general was conversing at an awfully familiar level with Aleko, almost as if she was talking to someone of equal footing with her and not a superior, let alone the emperor she was serving under.

The rest of the day was spent in full march, keeping close to the trees. When it became to dark to see, general Bulkwyn suggested they make camp for the night and conclude the march on the morrow. The camp was just as small and simplistic as the one Aleko found, it was meant only for the night anyway. Some of the Elite Rangers were standing guard, just in case, while the rest were relaxing and preparing a quick meal. General Bulkwyn took the liberty of removing her mask and helm, revealing her full appearance for probably the first time. Her hair was neatly tied to the back while her mousey ears were now up-right as they were no longer tucked underneath anything, more comfortable as indicated by their slight twitching. Her rather comely visage was not something one would expect to find underneath the decorated helm of an Anthro general. The two Halflings were presented with a bowl of slightly discolored gruel, an all too familiar meal served on the field. Despite the general’s protests, she quickly gobbled up her portion if only to keep warm in the cold night. After eating, the general pulled a small map from nearby and circled an area in the province of Northspark. “We will be making our final camp there, as you instructed.” She then circled another area close to the first one “The fortress is there, it would take us maybe 1 hour to reach from the camp. The Infiltrators that general Planestalker so courteously secured for us are already inside the fortress, their job is to find out when their defenses will be sent for another attack on Paletower and then find a suitable way for our troops to get inside and take over the place before anyone is the wiser. Once their attack fails, general Ironfist and his troops will chase them back to the fort where we will be waiting for them. They won’t have a place to escape and will be caught between our fortified position and Ironfist’s troops. Sound about right?” A smile was ever-present on the general’s face as she recited the plan that Aleko came up with, it would seem she is particularly confident in their odds.

Mmmm…do you think they will surrender?’ she inquired once the strategic talk was over “I mean, they are from the Old Empire. They must be more reasonable than those from the Stainless right? And if they surrender, do you really think we can convince them to join our side? What if they don’t?” General Bulkwyn was patiently listening to Aleko’s response, her large eyes sometimes drifting away as if she suddenly noticed something. Once she had her answer she nodded, apparently satisfied “You know.. With you as our leader I can’t help but feel like everything will turn out fine. Silly isn’t it? We are pretty much in the worst situation among everyone else in this war, yet…I don’t know…” Her gaze was affixed at the night sky as she spoke, a small smile on her face “Your speech, both at your coronation and at the military meeting. I can’t help but feel…inspired! You assessed the situation and quickly came up with a way for us to catch up and maybe even get ahead of everyone else.” Her gaze then turned back to Aleko, her face and the way she was looking at the Halfing emanating a form of…comfort. “I guess the Wizard choose wisely, huh?

After a bit of chatting, a large yawn escaped the general. She picked up her helm and abruptly stood up. “Well, I guess we better get some rest. We have a fortress to conquer tomorrow.” She bowed to Aleko “Good night, sire. Please don’t sneak in my tent after everyone is asleep. Then again, you’re the emperor so I don’t have much say in the matter, right?” she laughed as he departed, leaving Aleko relatively alone next to the campfire.

The night was cold and the wind strong. While not nearly as freezing or windy as the Dwarven Lands, the Kindom of Winterpeak was aptly named. The Northern Kindom of the Humans, sharing a border with their presumed Dwarven allies. This region in particular was very close to their snowy lands, the province of Paletower belonging to the Dwarves. That night, Aleko was fortunate enough to be free from any bad dreams. He managed to rest well, after all he would need his strength on tomorrow’s assault.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MachineSoul
Avatar of MachineSoul

MachineSoul Ghost in the limelight.

Member Seen 15 days ago

Day 2

The knock drew his mind from the darkness into reality; he immediately pushed himself up and peered at the door, not knowing who required his attention that early in the morning. Still confused about the world and time he was living in, he sprung to his feet and stretched over the armchair to grab something to put on his torso, when, something cracked and sprawled at his feet. He winced and covered his face, knowing that he had just ruined his book about longsword fencing. There was nothing that he could do about it, though, so he simply threw a shirt over his furred torso and cleared his throat. He was about to ask who was at the door, when a woman had voiced her intentions. He swallowed the sour taste in his mouth and rubbed his eyes all throughout a low sigh, remembering that he wasn't in a village anymore. The second day of his "new task"; of his new identity, rather.

"Come in." He replied to the woman.

She had brought breakfast for him. He nodded slowly at the goods she had placed on his desk and scratched his scruffy cheek.

"No wonder lords end up fat and arrogant with this sort of treatment." He commented, bearing a mostly half-asleep smirk, unaware to the rather un-lordly way he addressed to an underling. "You have my thanks."

Once he was alone once more, he took the time to make a tidy dog out of himself. Only when he saw his snout in front of the mirror did it occur to hims how many times he was called a wolfling, when in a matter of fact, he had very little ties with wolf anthros; he was, quite surely, a White Shepherd. Unlike his family of feline anthros. He had all the traits to be tagged as halfling, with less feral facial features that harmonized his visage to the charming, odd being he was; he curled his lips in disgust as he saw the bags under his eyes. Two days in and you look like a seasoned king. You'd better gain your strength, mutt, you are responsible about an entire nation. He mentally pelted himself as he cleaned his teeth. He headed back to the desk and immediately grabbed the butter knife to spread some of the butter on a croissant's surface, out of which he immediately took a wolfish bite; soon after, two entire slice of oranges, peels and all, went down the hatch. He was about to chow down another piece by the time he noticed the folded paper; he crassly grabbed for it and opened it up, his eyes narrowing at the long list of names. They did bulge back open when the realization hit him in the chest. He placed the paper down and read between rows and columns, spotting the eventual odd name in there that would have been an orc, or a human. He blindly reached for some bacon to nibble on as he thought of a proper way to pay respect to these men, when something did cross his mind. He pulled another sheet of paper from the desk and dipped the tip of a quill in some ink and immediately started to copy all the names on the second sheet of paper. It took him some time to complete, but he had his breakfast to keep him company as he worked on the second list. Once he was done, he dressed himself back up in his better looking clothing, taking both lists with him as he left his room, knowing that he had to visit the map and the council chambers for more counseling and planning.

In the council chambers, he indeed noticed that the dark elf had remained in her seat, her mismatched eyes seeming glaring at him with no shame of her staring. He could feel his neck barely able to swallow a sip of cold water, her gaze making feel rather nervous about something, as if he had done something and that she had to soon scold him over that hypothetical incident. In the end, she did approach Aleko, his attention fully drawn to her immaculate visage. He only managed to let a small smile brighten his expression before she threw her first question to him.

“Simply judging by your appearance and current demeanor, one can tell that you are new yet not inexperienced when it comes to both military and political affairs. I understand you were previously an officer in the Anthro military yet that alone does not explain your…experience…”

Aleko frowned, not really knowing where she was trying to poke with her inquiry; unless it was a subtle compliment, he did not see this was a valid question, so he lightly lifted his shoulders.

"That's my entire background, I'm afraid." He stated with a frank attitude. "There's no deep secret about my experience, if that is what you wish to discover, Lady Shroudmyr. Well, I suppose you are familiar to the fact that I am of noble anthro descent, where I did learn most of what I know about politics and etiquette. Everything else I do is just what feels best for me to do, I do not know how else I could describe."

“Are you aiming to be a benevolent ruler who lends an ear to the every whim of the people, or perhaps one to be feared and never crossed or questioned?”

He smirked. "Why choose white or black when there are an infinite shades of grey in between the two extremities. I find moderation and balance to be the answer, adapt to the situation and act accordingly. Rigid leaders and regimes often end up collapsing."

"Assuming the campaign ends in our victory and you will seat the throne of the Empire, what plans would you have for the future?”

Aleko raised an eyebrow, feeling just like in teenage years, when girls would ask him Oracle questions about him to determine if they wanted to date him or not. "That's an assumption I'm trying to push back. I suggest we focus on our first steps and once the end is in sight, we will think about the future. Mind in the past dies in memories, mind in the future dies of worries; mind in the present, alive it is."

“If you would have to sacrifice everything that you hold dear for the good of the Empire, would you have the strength to do so, I wonder?”

"At the moment, I've nothing to sacrifice, thus, there's nothing for me to lose." He stated bluntly, his voice turned a little sour at her poke. "I am leaving for combat in a few days and I will lead the scouting party, then, the infiltrating squad. What does that tell about me, if not recklessness?"

She had made her remark as she left, the door closing behind her. He took a few moments to pass before he could chuckle to himself and shake his head. You're not my friend, no one is. You're my asset, I'm your key to wealth and power, he sourly thought to himself as he stood up, finished the glass of water and headed out, wanting to visit the smithy; he was interrupted by the human envoy, one of the noblemen whose presence he enjoyed. He smiled to him and nodded in respect.

"Master Gwynpath." He addressed to him with proper etiquette. The title of Emperor didn't feel too bad after all, he felt as if he could draw some enjoyment from it.

“Milady Shroudmyr is a lovely woman, isn’t she?”

Aleko simply smirked, holding back the need to scoff. "First things first, it is my lady, you're of noble descent too. And, well, I'm convinced she is lovely, especially when asleep."

“I hear that such grace and elegance is rare, even among her people. Perhaps it is due to her… origin, meaning no disrespect, sire.”

You like her, don't you Marcus? Aleko thought to himself as he listened to the human envoy as he kept him company to the smithy.

“I don’t mean to sound suspicious or uncouth, but you should perhaps consider, sire, that along with the comely appearance she may have also inherited the cunning and slyness of both races… and frankly, one side had more than enough, if you beg my pardon. Have you encountered many Dark Elves before? Out of all races I always considered them to be the most… let’s say, suspicious. From what I hear, it is considered complementary to bring your finest poison when attending a dinner party with their nobles.”

"If you don't trust the Dark Elves, what is there left to be said about the Undead, master Gwynpath? I've heard about that saying before, even though I can't say that I've met many Drow-kin in my short life. I say, pay no mind to her shady origins and presence, let her actions and decision speak in her name; enjoy the view while at it, after all, we're both males." He added in a hushed whisper, followed by a coy smirk.

But again, the envoy implied carefulness with picking who to trust and who to mistrust. Aleko felt the taste again in the back of his throat, feeling rather disappointed about his attitude; it was clear to him that there was already some competition among them, most likely seeking whoever had the Emperor's best regards. Those who didn't enter were confident they would be immediately picked by him. I'm not like you, milk-drinkers. A soldier has a different heart, his soles dirty with mud and engorged hands with cuts and bruises. Silver tongues don't impress him, but a golden heart in darkness is what he seeks in his comrades.

To end the day, Aleko had made his way to his desired location, where he handed the second list to the specialist, offering him very clear instructions: make a large plaque to bear the names of those that had fallen for him. What he would do with it was his own idea, but he needed it done as quickly as possible. With not much else to do, he headed to sleep, but he was haunted by nightmares that stole his chance to properly rest.

Day 3

Dull was the day indeed, but it was a day he could spend in peace in the comfort of a castle, instead of having to ration his food and try to organize half-witted peasants. He acknowledged the physician's regards and followed his old wizard to his own quarters, where he discovered a full plate suit of armor standing in the middle of the room. He took a moment to inspect the finish, the polish, the interlocking mechanisms, the joint work, the flamboyant decorations; he inspected the chain mail too, then, the tunic, which reminded him that he had to wear completely different colors from now on. He scratched his chin as the wizard blabbered on, but the genuine laughter drew a chuckle from Aleko too, not knowing what he was laughing about.

"Until my sword bends and my rifle explodes, I will keep them. The armor, though, looks good. Too good to ruin it in battle, I'll use it during ceremonies. Until my own Elite Ranger suit breaks its first chain or lock, I'll wear that one; I mean no disrespect to this man's work, but at heart, I am a Ranger. My armor is my hide and until I break it, it stays on me. If I take it off, I'm as good as a turncloak." He sighed at the end, his ears drooping.

"Which reminds me, I should start wearing crimson red more often, shouldn't I?"

But the wizard had a very different matter in his old mind.

The Scepter of Sefnir… it is probably the oldest relic of the Sendrakon family, said to have been used by Arkturious himself. Mmmmm…. According to some texts, it is even older, predating Unity all the way back to the Ancinet Times, though it sounds rather exaggerated if you ask me.”

“Sire… uhm… Sir, if I may ask, how do you… feel, when holding it?”

Aleko took a moment to describe the odd sensations he had, the familiarity of the handle, the weight, the texture, everything about it; as familiar as his own weapons, in facts. A sensation the wizard found peculiar too, describing Aleko's would-be ancestors and their own experience with the same object.

“Ah, forgive me. Old habits die hard. After all, it us the duty of us Wizards, Mages and Sorceress to seek knowledge, no?”

The halfling smiled to him and rested a hand on the older man's shoulder. "No need to apologize for delving into your passion, Master Cyrus. Honestly, it pains me to know someone had made you apologize for showing your appreciation for knowledge; after all, knowledge is the true power, it separates us from the common rabble."

Then came the feedback from the envoys. He carefully listened to them, frowning heavily to Weissnoat's remark. Pup? Let me see you sleep on ice, hide from searching parties and take over an entire castle with four friends, you puffed-up, milk-drinking, sweet-tooth, tail-wagging, green-as-spring mongrel. He agreed with everyone else's opinions, especially those that wanted to see him in action. Bulkwyn did worry him, though. For the same reason, Aleko spent the rest of the day training, knowing that the day of his departure to the front lines drew near; his drills grew in intensity as the day progressed, his body tensed to the maximum as he pushed his musculature to maximum performance. That night, he slept like a boulder, the strange bed becoming the most comfortable place the entire Avalon had.

Day 4

Sore all over his body, he really was glad he had one more day to relax and prepare his mental fortitude for cold weather and the same conditions he lived through The Sacking of Castle Kyrm. The most challenging two weeks of his life. But he could look back at it fondly and boast he went to the operation a young lad and returned a seasoned man, young as he were. He had to go for it again, but this time, he was on a limited time frame; he had to reach the camp, sleep the night and come dawn, start the search. Hopefully, he didn't have to storm the castle in an assault and instead, work his way over to the steward and female nobility left behind to rule over the keep and force them to forfeit their strategical location to him and his troops. It all depended on his efficiency of finding the secret back door, and also, on the inside work of the infiltrators. Most of the day, he chewed on his worried and doubts, most of the other lordly tasks being ignored as he was focused on his military task ahead; he did know that his focus on that aspect was unhealthy for the nation he had to lead, but he needed to vent the frustration he accumulated during his stay in the small city and his captivity on board the flying castle. He managed to get some sleep before the day of his departure arrived, dreaming of sneaking, battling and for some reason, eating olives on the top of a tower while sniping flaming dwarves.

Day 5

Clad in his Elite Ranger suit of armor and the tabbard of the other set held in place by several belts and locks, Aleko fitted his helmet last with the help of a few squires eager to help the Emperor don his Ranger Pelt. With his longsword slung at his right hip, the sidearm in its holster on the right, the dagger in its sheath on the front of his chestplate and the rifle slung on his shoulder, the halfling Shepherd met with the wizard in the study.

“Good morning, sir. Prepared for today’s events I see… Nervous?”

"Like a blushing maiden." He commented with a small smirk mostly hidden by the bascinet fitting his canine snout. "Can't help it, though. Every operation in the field is potentially deadly, but I keep my wits about. Maybe it'll work out in my favor again."

“I will transport you to general Bulkwyn’s location now. Are you prepared, sir?”

"Transport me how? Ah." He nodded. "Forgot. Well, let's not stall and keep our men waiting for me in the field. Take care, master Cyrus. I'll try not to be long."

“Good luck, sir. May you return victorious!”

"For Av-" Before he could finish his sentence, he was instantly ported in the field, the sickening sensation getting to him again, although not as strongly as the first time.

"-alon. Hm." He inspected his surroundings, the chilly weather instantly freezing his wet nose. The location was completely unknown to him, but nothing odd there, he was in a completely new location he had never had the chance to explore. The temperature did feel comfortable for him, since he had layers upon layers of protective gear under the plates of armor, save for his exposed face. He took a deep breath and exhaled, steam rolling out from his snout. I missed wearing this he told himself as he rolled his shoulders in the suit of armor this feels a lot better than being trapped up there. He then heard the distinctive clattering of armor plates, so familiar that he nearly jumped when he saw a fellow ranger approach him in a jog.

“Sire! Good to see you. Please follow me, I am to escort you to the camp.”

"Wooh-ah." He replied before he put his own feet to work, the jog deeply etched in his muscle memory as he followed his underling through the forested area. He loved every aspect of this sort of life, the danger, the camaraderie, the respect. Everything. Just by following this one individual through the forest, he felt nostalgia wash over him, as armor clanged, scabbard slapped and breaths echoed against the faceplate. They reached the camp, which looked as if it was made hastily. No wonder, they had to move as soon as his own white bottom would appear. He met with the general, whose salute he returned with perfect execution.

"At ease, general." It felt so weird to address to a General like so, when just almost a week ago he was but a Lieutenant.

“We are at the edge of the province of Coldshire, sire.” The general informed Aleko. “We will be departing on your command and should reach the fortress from Northspark tomorrow. If we are careful we should be able to travel unnoticed. If not…well let’s hope your prediction is correct and the Stainless will assume that these were troops from Coldshire, thinking that they could mount an attack upon the town only to discovered it still under heavy protection.”

"Then, let's not waste more time and pack up. We leave now." He ordered with a stern attitude, feeling far superior to the older woman who, after all, had a lot more experience than him. Her behavior still made him question her prowess, but it definitely made it easier for him to order her around.

The march started. Aleko was in the center of the marching party, general Bulkwyn keeping up with him with noticeable ease. A true General that is active on the field. I may like you a bit more, Bulkwyn Aleko told himself as he glanced at her presence with the corner of his right eye. As soon as he heard her muffled voice, he turned his whole head to her, as his hearing was a little impaired by the bascinet and the sound of clattering steel.

“This must seem all to familiar to you, no?” she inquired.

"Familiar?" Aleko snorted and took a deep breath of the chilly air again. "This is my life, General. This is what I truly know and love."

“I for one am more comfortable out here in the field than inside that floating building. I only wish we could have all that fancy food with us."

Aleko chuckled with her and slowly nodded. "I always get the feeling that I will fall out the window. I've been kept like a lion in a cage; I get to stretch my legs and get my soles wet. This is the life here, General. But caviar, salmon and bacon-wrapped roasted beef can replace gruel and rat stew every day, I agree." The same sort of relaxed pose and attitude floated around Aleko, finding himself in his natural habitat.

“You mentioned you fought in the War of Tulips, right? I knew I heard that name before we officially met, though if memory serves right, you were called ‘Frosty’ back then, huh?”

"Well, fought as in: I snuck around a castle for two weeks, his under rocks and mounds of moss. Then some fighting occurred, sure, but I never fought in open battlefield. Small run-ins and skirmishes, yes, I have quite a few on my belt." He then groaned at the nickname. "Yes, among 'Snowflake', 'White Death' and 'Winter Bunny'."

Judging by her head movement she inspected Aleko for a moment “I can understand that nickname”

Even so, he smirked and shook his head, preferring to be called by his nickname than 'sire' or 'my lord' or 'milord'. They arrived at the next campsite, where he offered to help building up the tents, rather than sitting on his hind and watch everyone else work. The familiar feeling of ravaging hunger hit him in the stomach, which was covered by the sludge his portion of gruel turned out to be. He listened in as she repeated the plan, nodding at the key aspects of the briefing by the time she was done, he could still feel the rather unprofessional attitude in her; it slowly became obvious to him why she had adopted such an attitude and why it was permitted: she loved her life as military. Aleko also had the chance to take off his own helm and face plate to enjoy the biting temperature of the night, now finally being able to ignore his own heartbeats and breathing patterns.

"The plan sounds very familiar to what I dictated, save for a small, rather important detail that you have overlooked, general. I understand that you must be concerned for my well being, but I AM taking a team of scouts and I WILL search for an emergency exit to break open and infiltrate the castle. I don't want to sit and watch the fortress while we have agents working inside. Three teams of three circling the castle for as long as needed. If anyone finds it, they will report at the rendezvous, or, receive the signal from the infiltrators. Hopefully, we won't have to storm the damned place."

“Mmmm… do you think they will surrender?" she inquired once the strategic talk was over “I mean, they are from the Old Empire. They must be more reasonable than those from the Stainless right? And if they surrender, do you really think we can convince them to join our side? What if they don’t?”

"I- hrm." Aleko did look like he was pondering what she had just brought up. "We will offer them the option, under no circumstances are we to outright slaughter them without giving them the chance to surrender and drop their weapons. If they don't join, they become prisoners. Prisoners are to be kept around for forced labor. Sounds like a reasonable contract, no?" He asked in a half-joking manner, but only a few moments after he realized that her casual attitude had imprinted on him. Curses.

Then came a very interesting twist about the General, which caught Aleko completely off-guard. He knew that she was excited about him, but for her to speak so highly about a complete stranger, albeit him an Elite Ranger, it made him feel his cheeks swell; he didn't know if they were already red from the biting chill, but he sure hoped that she wouldn't notice him fluster like a little maiden. He nervously chuckled and waved his hand in a dismissive manner.

"General, the Wizard's task was to find the last of the Sendrakon. It happened to be me, there wasn't really a choice there. Still, thank you for your kind words, General. I'll try to do my very best." He declared, keeping his composure even though he could feel himself warm up to the irreverent rodent halfling.

He agreed with her about sleeping, he did need to rest his legs after the march, as he yet readjusted to the gritty lifestyle of being on the field. Her last remark caught him off-guard once more, being merely able to mutter a confused "What?" as she implied that he'd try to make a move on her. He couldn't complain, rebuke or retort as she immediately left for her own tent, leaving him with her bold words. If he flustered before, the deep red in his cheeks and the warm in his chest and between his thighs should be evident enough of his impression about Bulkwyn's attitude.

Did she just invited me to her tent? She invited me to visit her tent. He thought to himself as he headed to his own, where he slacked the knots and bolts holding the armor tight on his body, giving him a bit more comfort to be able to lay down and rest. He looked at the sky through the tent, the fabric rippling as the wind blasted by. It is cold here. I will get used to it, especially with this blanket. But with a woman on my side- he soon shook his head and rolled on his side. An FSC, no less. But a damned passionate officer. She's... she's into me. Is she? I haven't felt the warmth of one for so l- no. Get yourself together. You'll deal with your loneliness once this task here is done. Grab this territory and you can have her. Sleep tight, tomorrow there's leather-stomping to do, Frosty.

And there, his mind drifted into a dreamless slumber, his body and mind achieving the much needed rest for the mission ahead. First, Castle Kyrm. Next, Castle Northspark.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zamokra41
Avatar of Zamokra41

Zamokra41 Procrastinating Knight

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Day 6

The morning caught Aleko off-guard, being awoken by the sudden noise of activity outside. Upon looking, he would see that pretty much the entire troops were busy dismantling the camp, either they woken up rather early or he slept-in. General Bulkwyn, already dressed in her gear, regarded the Emperor “Morning, sir. Had a good night’s shut-eye? Better get ready, we’re leaving soon. If you’re hungry, there’s still some gruel left by the fire.” She pointed at the now extinguished camp-fire where one could spot a few bowls and a pot nearby, one of the Dark Elven Vanguards helped himself to a serving, followed by an Anthro Elite Ranger. Once Aleko took care of his morning necessities, dressed and equipped his gear, the general simply asked “Ready to go? Just give the word and we’re on our way.” After Aleko’s confirmation she gave the announcement and along with all the troops, they were underway to the last march before reaching the meeting point where their final camp would be set. Once there, they will wait for the most opportune moment when the fortress of Northspark was most vulnerable and attack.

The air was as cold as ever, a few of the troops could be seen shivering, obviously not used to such temperature. The cover of the trees was getting thinner and thinner until they were walking on plain, open land. The sky above was covered in grey clouds, along with the sickly color of the grass and the chilling breeze, the environment was rather depressing. They must have marched quite a distance, the air felt colder than it did yesterday and every once and a while one could see patches of freshly fallen snow on and around the hills, a clear sigh that they were very close to the Human-Dwarven border. “We must have entered the province of Northspark a few hours ago.” General Bulkwyn spoke to Aleko “There won’t be much cover until we reach our destination so we better march more cautiously. We wouldn’t want word to reach the fortress.” She shivered for a moment “Is it always so cold around here?

The sun was starting to set, lighting becoming dimmer when they spotted a new forested area. The scent of pine was oddly strong in this one, piercing through one’s nose akin to a sharp nail. A few of the troops, the general included, gagged and suffered a small coughing fit after walking a mere few minutes among the trees. As unpleasant as it may be, this cover was necessary since they were not particularly far from the fortress now. By the time they reached what appeared to be the edge of the forested area it was already dark, the only light sources around being the dim light of the small lamps carried by some of the troops. The lamps had a peculiar shape to them, designed to light very faintly around so that the user could see but at the same time not be spotted from a distance, quite useful in their present situation. Once at the edge but not out of the cover of the pines, general Bulkwyn gave the order to stop. “We’re here.” She spoke, indicating forward where one could spot some tiny spots of light in the dark distance, Aleko quickly reaching the conclusion that those sources of light came from the fortress.

The troops made their final camp, safely under the cover of night and trees. They had to skip on any particularly large camp-fire howver, since its light and smoke may actually attract some unwanted attention, even in the night. For food, the troops resorted to some dried strips of bacon, nearly frozen solid from the temperature and wash it down with some hot wine, boiled on some small fires made in specific locations of the camp. In truth it was more ‘grape juice’ than actual wine, since it was specifically brewed for Anthro consummation and adapted to their alcohol intolerance. The general ate little but drank much, her heritage probably allowing her to consume a much more significant amount of alchohol before any of its effects could be felt. She was on her 4th cup while apparently inspecting the trees before she returned to Aleko’s side with an apparent satisfactory grin on her tiny nuzzle. “These aren’t ordinary pines. They are Mage-Trees. You know, some kind of artificially-made species of pine allegedly created by the mages from this kingdom. They say that its sap has some weird properties that alchemists find valuable.” She paused for a bit, allowing Aleko to ask for the significance of this information, to which she responded “Well, it means that once we take over this province, we have access to this resource. I hear it’s quite rare and who knows? Maybe we can find some use from it later.

The rest of the night was rather uneventful, save for the fact that general Bulkwyn insisted that herself, Aleko and few of the Elite Rangers stood guard at the edge of the forest. “Since you were part of the requisitioned squadrons from the War of Tulips, I assume you saw quite a bit of Eagleblade huh? What about the rest of the United Human Kingdoms?” the general spoke with Aleko in a friendly tone while her eyes pretty much never turned his way, always affix forward in the distance where the fortress was located. After she listened to Aleko reminiscing about his expedition in Eagleblade, she responded “Hmm…Wonder how different it is there compared to here. Must be warmer, at the very least” Her gaze only briefly turned to the Emperor before she returned her attention forward “Have you ever fought Wizards before?” the question came rather abruptly, the tone in general Bulkwyn’s voice turning to a more…serious sort? She only allowed Aleko to answer a ‘no’ before interrupting him “Whatever you do, don’t underestimate them based on their appearance. Patience is key, keep your distance and more importantly stay out of sight. If you need to close the gap, be quick and keep in mind the previous advice, one mistake and it’s all over. With their magic bullshit they make us and the rest of the Elite Rangers look like kids with slingshots.” A grunt of frustration escaped her before she leaned in a little closer to Aleko, as if trying to tell him something in private “If you ask me, I think it’s pretty damn…unnatural for someone to wield that kind of power…

This was probably the first time Aleko saw the general actually being serious. No smile, no friendly demeanor or anything. One would have to wonder what exactly triggered this, as well as the apparent insight regarding the particular Kingdom they found themselves in. Such questions would have to wait for another day as the attention of both Aleko and the general was caught by a sudden noise coming from nearby. The familiar sound of plating and chainmail shuffling, indicated that someone was approaching. Aleko and the two Elite Rangers present took aim at the dark in front of them, prepared for whatever was to emerge from it. However, Aleko felt his firearm being forcefully lowered down by the general who also ordered the rangers “Hold your fire and stand down.” She rose from her position and took a few steps in front of the group as she was being approached by the newcomer. The gear suggested a loyal Spearman of the Human army, most assuredly belonging to the troops defending the fortress, yet once this man approached the general, he promptly removed his helmet to reveal his true origin. The Drow Infiltrator bowed his head “Madam. Sire.” He regarded Aleko and the general, who replied with an order “Report

The troops of the fortress have received some heavy reinforcements. Five squads of Spearmen, five squads of Musketeers, two squads of Tactical War-Mages and one squad of Juggernauts.” The news came as a bit of a shock, the army amassed was larger than expected and the presence of Juggernauts clearly meant that they were determined to launch a siege upon Paletower. General Bulkwyn contemplated the matter for a few moments “Mmmm…General Ironfist himself is manning the garrison at Paletower. I doubt he will expect an army of this size but I am positive he can manage.” She sighed “Regardless, we can’t do much…unless..” She then addressed the Infiltrator “When will the troops leave for the attack?

Tomorrow, madam.

How many other Infiltrators are there?

Myself and four of my brethren

A sly grin made its presence on the general’s nuzzle “Alright. The Juggernauts use portable larger-scale siege cannons as their weapons, which make them particularly effectives in a siege. I want you and your squad to sabotage them. If you can, make them backfire, otherwise do your best to disable as many as you can.” The Infiltrator appeared a bit taken aback by her order but only responded with a bow of his head “It will be done, madam.” Satisfied, the general turned to Aleko “If this works, Bojor will owe us one, and it won’t be cheap.

General Bulkwyn turned to the Infiltrator one last time “Alright, the plan remains the same. Once the troops amassed leave for the siege, send a signal.” She pointed behind her at Aleko “You will then provide an entrance to his grace and three other. They will help you inside with dispatching the look-out and opening the gates. Me and my men will stand at the ready, once the gates are open we will storm the fortress and take it over.” The Infiltrator raised an eyebrow in confusion as he glanced at Aleko. “His grace himself will take part in the operation?” the general simply smiled and shrugged “He practically ordered me to make him a part of it. I for one am not in the mood of having a meeting arranged with the hangman, so I didn’t say no.” she chuckled at the end, yet the Infiltrator was not sharing in the amusement “..as you wish..” he said in a meek tone. Before the Infiltrator would return back to the fortress, he had one last thing to report. “Also, madam, sire. There is a general of the Old Empire present and leading the troops on their siege tomorrow. “ The information did not come as a shock to anyone “As expected.” Bulkwyn said “Do you happen to know who it is?” she asked, to which the Infiltrator shook his head “Unfortunately not. The general is not present at the fortress. He is to meet with the troops and then lead them to Paletower on the morrow.” General Bulkwyn sighed “Well, whoever it is, he is going to regret mounting an attack on the Dwarves. Dissmissed.” The Infiltrator bowed, put his helmet back on and then promptly disappeared into the night.

Well. Let’s get some rest. We have a fortress to storm tomorrow.” She placed a hand on Aleko’s shoulder “I know you asked for this, sire, and I know you won’t let us down and get that gate open. But…” before she could finish her sentence she urged Aleko to follow her and lead him somewhere a bit out of the range of prying ears. She took a quick glance around and the proceeded to search for something in one of her side-pouches “Master Weaverstar asked me to give you this..” she handed Aleko a rather odd stone. Round and eerily smooth, pale grey and engraved with a symbol of two colliding spirals colored in blue. “This, I think, is a Homeward Stone” The general explained as Aleko inspected the item “Master Weaverstar said that should you find yourself in a dire situation you can use this to teleport yourself back to the Escalyber.” Bulkwyn proceeded to scratch herself behind one ear “A ‘tactical advantage should the worst of scenarios befall us’, he said. I told him he was being paranoid. He agreed but still insisted I gave this to you.” She shrugged “Guess having a plan Z in case plan Q and Y don’t work is a good idea, eh?” she chuckled and then wished her Emperor good night before taking her leave.

Aleko had a bit of time to be alone with his thoughts before he himself felt the need to lay down and rest. As much as it would have been welcomed, the Halfling unfortunately found himself plagued by another nightmare. This time he was suspended somewhere. Around him there was nothing, no objects or people, no solid ground or sky, only an everlasting black vortex that appeared to suck the rust-colored background continuously. Aleko was naked and frail, his arms outstretched upwards like he was being hanged by the wrists. A sickly whining escaped him whenever he tried to open his mouth and speak. A sinister and yet familiar laughter echoed around him. A speck of the dark vortex began to separate itself from the core, manifesting itself akin to ink swimming in water. It approached Aleko and from it, a pair of grizzly arms emerged, bearing a magnificent golden crown in their claws. The crown was gently placed on Aleko’s brow and almost in an instant he felt a stabbing pain coursing through his body as the spikes dug in his head and blurred his vision with the flow of blood.

Day 7

-Battle of Castle Northspark-

Perhaps it was the anxiety before a battle, perhaps it was simply due to a sort of mental alarm clock or perhaps it was because of the nightmare, but whatever the reason, Aleko was the one to wake early this morning. He discovered that this far north into the Human lands and so close to the Dwarven border, the mornings were most particularly chilling. A series of icicles decorated the edges of the tents from the camp, a sing of some mild rainfall that occurred sometime last night, some residents of the area would confirm that one should feel lucky they didn’t suffer from hail. The clouds in the sky had bits of spaces between them, where brisk and sharp rays of sunlight peeked through, adding the slightest smudge of color to the otherwise glum atmosphere. It was still early morning and Aleko judged that there was still some time before they would receive the signal, so he made himself busy whichever way he could. The residents of the camp were still asleep, save for the few pairs of Elite Rangers, Highlanders and Vanguards who probably stood guard.

It was hours before some activity occurred in the camp, the rest of the troops slowly but steadily waking up and preparing for the upcoming battle. Honing their weapons, adjusting their gear, complaining about the cold, Aleko even overheard some of the making wages. This was the first time he took the time to actually make a proper inspection of the troops. The first thing he noticed were the Dark Elven Vanguards, their tents had a distinct appearance that set them apart and were all clustered together a bit away from the center and at somewhat of a distance from the rest. Dark Elves always seem to keep to themselves and often are mistrustful of other races, that was a well known fact, yet that came with its benefits. Aleko never heard them complain, they obeyed and offered respect when given orders and, until now, gave no reason to suspect of any ‘funny-business’ as some would put it. The Anthros were much more talkative and approachable, at least to other Anthros. Of course, the fact that they consisted the majority of the present troops probably helped with their morality. For Aleko, all must feel very natural, the military camp, the standard-issue on-the-field foods, the Anthro troops socializing among themselves yet avoiding, if possible, the other troops of different races, all similar to the past experiences he had during the War of Tulips.

A yawn announced the general’s presence, already clad in her battle attire, she approached Aleko while struggling to tie her teal hair with a rubber band. “Good morning, sire. You’re an early riser today. Anxious about the fight?” her demeanor and tone of voice returned to the usual friendly kind that Aleko was used to, though he probably suspected that the same change that occurred last night with her would probably happen today as well once the fighting starts. “No signal so far, huh? The troops from the castle probably already left or are leaving soon. We would still need to wait for them to put some distance from the fortress, lest they get their own signal and suddenly make a 180 and charge at us in the worst possible moment.” A rather loud grumble noise interrupted the conversation “Hehehe…Guess I should grab some of that dried meat. Excuse me, sir.” Bulkwyn giggled and walked back to her tent, rummaging through her rations. The morning allowed Aleko to get a look at the castle in the distance. It did not appear to be anything special, a castle by any other name. It was situated atop a hill, surrounded by nothing but plains and the odd patch of trees here and there. The trees would offer very little cover from any lookout on the outer walls, yet luckily for them they had Infiltrators to deal with that pesky little problem. The stone castle behind the walls could be considered small by castle standards, obviously made more for defensive purposes rather than comfort. The one thing that would probably set it apart from other such constructions would have to be the 4 tall stone towers that surrounded the main castle, rising above it. Atop of one of the tower as well as at a corner of the wall and on the roof of the main castle was the deep blue flag fluttering in the wind, bearing the crest of the Old Empire.

Bulkwyn returned after a while, keeping Aleko company while the rest of the troops finished their preparations. “Have you already picked the three lucky blokes to accompany you in your operation?” The question actually made Aleko realize that he did not. He had to pick three volunteers to accompany him, infiltrate the fortress, dispatch the lookout with the help of the Infiltrators already present and open the gates for the rest of the troops to storm the fortress. Needless to say, anyone among the troops would readily accompany him, he only had to tell Bulkwyn how many Elite Rangers, Highlanders and/or Vanguards he wanted to come with him.

Alright, I’ll inform the men and them be ready” the general said once Aleko told her his team’s composition, all that is left now is to wait for the signal.

Several hours passed, it was around midday when they noticed something happening at the fortress. One of the Old Empire flags hanging from a corner of the wall was suddenly set ablaze. Its positioning was rather secluded, in a way as to make it unnoticeable unless you were looking from a certain point, namely, the camp where Aleko and the general was. “That must be the signal.” General Bulkwyn remarked with a smirk. “It’s time.” And with that the whole camp was on the move. General Bulkwyn and the rest of the troops were going to carefully move closer to the castle, ready to storm inside almost immediately once the gates were open. They would, without a doubt, be noticed by the lookouts on the wall, this is where Aleko, his volunteers and the Infiltrators came into play. “Good luck, sire. We’re counting on you” The general said to Aleko and gave him a confident Anthro military salute before she put her helm on and started to lead the troops.

The Battle for Castle Northspark was about to begin…

Aleko and his volunteers made haste towards the castle wall, heading towards where the burned flag used to hang. They tried to keep out of sight as much as they could while still moving with haste, confident that the Infiltrators took care of the lookouts on this particular side of the wall. Sure enough they reached the wall without anyone noticing, they were standing flat against the wall when Aleko looked up and noticed a Spearman peeking down at him from above. The moment of panic as he thought they may have been discovered passed as they were greeted with two lengths of rope hanging from above, allowing them to climb up the wall. Once on top, Aleko was greeted by the Infiltrator in disguise. “We have eliminated two of the lookouts on this side, sire. There are three more patrolling the Eastern and Northern parts. Apart from that there are also four guards at each of the two gates. My brethren are under the same guise as myself. One is posing as a guard at the main entrance, one at the back entrance and one is patrolling on the Northern side of the wall.” The ‘Spearman’ presented his left arm to Aleko, where one could see a red piece of fabric tied around their wrist. “You will know them by this mark.” He concluded and waited for Aleko to give orders on what to do next. Eliminating the lookouts was first priority, they had to be quick as there was no telling when one should notice general Bulkwyn’s troops approaching, they also had to make sure no to alert any of them to their presence. Once the lookouts were eliminated they had to split into two teams and eliminate the guards at both entrances and immediately open the gates, while a stealthy approach was probably preferable, at that point it didn’t really matter since an open battle will commence in the castle courtyard between Aleko’s team and the general’s troops against the remaining castle defenders.
Once Aleko gave his orders, those present acknowledged and immediately went to action.


The lookouts were discretely dispatched and not a single one sounded the alarm or took notice of the intruders. The guards at the gates were too clustered to eliminate without an incident but the fight was short since they were caught off-guard. While Aleko and his team were in the midst of opening the main gate, they heard the alarm sounding throughout the castle, calling all the defenders to rally in the castle courtyard. Impossible! He was absolutely sure they eliminated all the lookouts and while not exactly stealthy, there were no witnesses around to notice their brief bout at the gate. Regardless, it did not matter at this point, the gate was wide open by the time the defenders rallied and formed ranks in the courtyard. There were about two squads of Spearmen, one squad of Musketeers and about half a squad of Tactical War-Mages. Their formation was standard, Spearmen in the front with their large shields raised up and the points of their spears pointing forward, forming a spiky wall between their foes and their allies in the back. The Musketeers were directly behind the Spearmen, leaning their firearms over the Spearmen’s shoulders, allowing them to aim from the back row. Even further back were the Tactical War-Mages, weaving their spells which augmented the battle prowess of their allies, manifesting under the form of magical blue symbols running on the surface of the Spearmen’s shields, spears and the Musketeers rifles.

Aleko and his team were grossly outnumbered and right now the only thing that kept them alive was the time needed for the appointed leader among them to give the firing order. Yet before that could happen, another voice gave a loud order “CHARGE! STORM THE CASTLE! FOR AVALON!” General Bulkwyn appeared to have a strong pair lungs on her, the roar took even the enemy by surprise as they were not sure where it came from. Sure enough, a wave of Anthro Highlanders and Drow Vanguards steamed from behind Aleko, charging straight into the enemy.

All out battle had erupted.

Aleko himself was joined by general Bulkwyn and her Elite Rangers, standing in the back and picking off the high-priority targets, namely the War-Mages and Musketeers. The enemy was clearly not going to surrender as they completely ignored Aleko and Bulkwyn’s requests to do so. Their fates had been sealed the moment a second wave of Vanguards and Elite Rangers appeared from behind, flanking them and dispatching the remaining War-Mages and Musketeers. With their overwhelming numbers and tactical advantage the battle was just about won…yet a sense of uneasiness could be felt in the air. That was when the general’s voice boomed once again only this time it was a warning “TAKE COVER!” almost immediately as the words were shouted, flames rained from the sky. Those who could quickly rushed to the walls, taking cover and staying away from the open courtyard as much as they could, the charred corpses of their comrades standing as a testimony to those who wouldn’t. The general gave the order to all the Elite Rangers to aim high, at the towers overlooking the main castle. Atop each of the four towers was a humanoid figure, clad in blue robes. The Wizards were rarely commissioned for combat, let alone posted as guards for a fortress, no one expected this and they took full advantage of the situation, continuously raining explosive fireballs from up-high.

General Bulkwyn pulled Aleko closer to her “We don’t have a lot of time, listen carefully..” the serious demeanor from yesterday was now apparent on her “The Rangers will provide cover fire, keeping those spell-shitters busy, you and me will get up there and take care of them. A larger group would alert, let them think they have the upper hand for now. Now move!” and with that the General bolted for the nearby entrance to one of the towers while Aleko took the one on the opposite side, the Wizards apparently not observing them as they were busy avoiding the shots fired by the Elite Rangers and trying to throw fireballs. It took a bit of a forced climb up the narrow spiraling stone stairs but eventually, both Aleko and the general reached the top, unnoticed by the respective Wizards on top. The top platform of the tower was rather small, barely any space for a proper fight. Aleko saw how on the other tower, the general suddenly jumped from below, grabbed the Wizard from behind and almost without any effort, snapped his neck, the blue robed man falling to the ground akin to a rag-doll. In an instant, the general dropped on one knee, taking aim with her rifle and fired at the Wizards on the other tower in front of her at a distance. Aleko followed suit, eliminating the spellcaster as best and quickly as he could before also taking aim at the remaining two in the distance. It took some precise shooting and a stroke of luck but the remaining two Wizards also fell, one of them even loosing his balance after being shot and falling down the top of the tower, landing with a bone-crushing ‘THUD’.Once the rain of fireballs ended, Aleko, the general and the rest of the surviving troops regrouped in the courtyard.

The battle had been won and Castle Northspark was theirs.

There was little time for celebration though. They had to prepare the defenses, clean out the dead from the courtyard and be ready on the morrow, when the main force would return under the pursuit of general Ironfist. Only now did anyone notice that the lighting had gone quite dim, signifying that the battle lasted until nigh-on night time. After a few hours of catching their breaths, serving some quick rations and making small preparations for the night, general Bulkwyn approached Aleko.

We lost about half a squad of Vanguards and almost all of our Highlanders along with some of our Elite Rangers and even one of the Infiltrators.” She kicked a nearby rock in frustration, sending it tumbling in the courtyard “Fucking Wizards… I should have expected they had some, in this Gods-damned kingdom!” she closed her eyes, pushing her anger down and with a sigh she spoke in more calm tone “Apologies, sire. Those were good men and their loss is on my head. I will do my best to prevent such needless casualties in the future, I promise.” A few moments of silence passed before the general scratched herself behind the ear “Well…I guess we should get some rest. I’ll have some men keep watch. The flag will also be changed come tomorrow morning, when the main force with their general will return they will have quite the shock when they discover they no longer have any fortified position to hide behind.” A faint, almost forced, smile made its presence on her nuzzle “Despite everything, today we achieved victory.” She bowed “It was an honor to fight alongside you, sire…now…if you will excuse me..” she then wandered away and entered the castle, most probably heading straight for one of the guest rooms for some rest.

Aleko now had a bit of time to explore the castle before he himself would retire. The inside of the castle was as one would have expected considering the outside. Particularly plain and with a noticeable lack of decorations, clearly meant for defense rather than comfort. There were a number of rooms, most of them sleeping rooms for soldiers and other temporary residents, while the rest were either storage rooms, bathrooms or kitchens. There wasn’t anything of particular value to be found, even the ‘main sleeping room’ where someone of some importance would probably reside was pretty similar to any of the other rooms save for the fact that it had a single large double bed and a cheap carpet along with a painting as decoration. The painting in question was also nothing special, a depiction of a snowy landscape with a frozen waterfall. The castle was deserted as its residents consisted of the defending force that Aleko and his troops decimated mere hours ago.

The night was calm. No other events took place neither inside the castle, outside or in Aleko’s dreams, allowing him to have a good night’s rest in the main sleeping room. The bed was rather rough and nowhere near as comfortable as the one in his royal quarters back at the Escalyber, but at least he didn’t have to sleep on the ground. Tomorrow they had to confront the main army of the castle as well as their general and seal their victory. Hopefully there will be no need for further bloodshed.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MachineSoul
Avatar of MachineSoul

MachineSoul Ghost in the limelight.

Member Seen 15 days ago

Day 6

Come morning, his canine ears immediately picked the sounds of footsteps and voice all around him, pulling him out of sleep. He sighed and blinked heavily, the grogginess that overtook him was due to the less-than-comfortable mattress the backplate of his armor proved to be. Aleko rolled himself on his feet and latched the the locks back in their place, refitting the suit on his frame to prepare for the march. Outside, he was greeted by men packing their tents and readying to move camp further North, then general Bulkwyn greeted him and offered breakfast before leaving him the call to start the final march. The still-dizzy Aleko only nodded to the rodent as he retreated to a more secluded portion of the advancing party camp to take care of his morning duties; after a quick breakfast and a brief wash of his teeth, the Emperor let out an ear-piercing whistle, lifted his fist to expand his fingers, then, point them towards the general direction of their march. It was time to move again.

As they went on, the cold became a more and more dangerous presence, welcoming the small army to the highlands of human territories. He couldn't help but feel a knot tying in his throat as he advanced, knowing that he was once again walking into enemy territory, garrisons could be hiding anywhere near their marching direction; he hoped that word didn't reach the enemy of this rather bold movement, placing his confidence in the fact that no one was expecting the smallest of the bigger factions to start acting up. That, if anyone knew of Cyrus's campaign spearheaded by the only heir of the late emperor. Among his own thudding of footsteps resonating against the closed helmet, the canine could hear the general talking to him once again, as she decided to pair up with her new favorite chatting companion; the shepherd could still feel slight annoyance towards her presence, the lackluster attitude and seriousness just didn't bode well for a general in his opinion. Strangely enough, though, he could find enjoyment within their brief conversations, her being there next to him comforted him for some reason, even though he didn't really trust her as a general. That was the real reason Aleko chose to conduct this operation, even though he felt rather intimidated by the prospect of commandeering a military unit a hundred times larger than what he used to order around.

I have to get over such fears, he thought to himself, I am the supreme commander of the army, now. My army. How queer.

“We must have entered the province of Northspark a few hours ago.” General Bulkwyn spoke to Aleko. “There won’t be much cover until we reach our destination so we better march more cautiously. We wouldn’t want word to reach the fortress.”

"That would indeed be counterproductive, general." He replied, his own canine slightly clattering before he finished the sentence.

“Is it always so cold around here?” She asked, obviously affected by the less-than-warm weather. To that, Aleko shrugged his shoulders, his own armor clattering together with a shiver of his own.

"Consider this but mild weather. I heard that winter here is worse than far in the north. They do say that it isn't so cold during snowfall."

The forest's unnaturally strong scent of pine scent got to him too; at first it was pleasant, he would take deep breaths of the air every now and then to reinvigorate his lungs, but it soon intoxicated him as well to the point of nearly retching his awful breakfast. In time, the olfactory system got used to strong odor, but Aleko suspected that his nose had burned and there was no chance for him to regain normal smell ever again. Once the final camp was set near the fortress, the heir found himself sitting in front of a fire with the slightly tipsy the female general; he had a wooden mug clasped in his hands, his first and only wine for the night. It was half full, the other one went down the hatch with some of the salty bacon and tough bread; as awful as this may be for more puffed up nobles, he felt right at home in these 'standard military issue' situations and even though he admittedly missed the warmth of a good bed and the rich taste of freshly made food, he preferred the unique charm of being on the field. He followed the female halfling with his eyes, noticing the grin on her rodent snout. It was a contagious smile, so contagious that he also smirked with a hidden corner of his mouth.

"Something on your mind, general?" He asked, realizing only after he had uttered that he opened a conversation with the FSC.

“These aren’t ordinary pines. They are Mage-Trees. You know, some kind of artificially-made species of pine allegedly created by the mages from this kingdom. They say that its sap has some weird properties that alchemists find valuable.”

"Huh." Aleko replied as he glanced up at the majestic trees. "Well, why would that interest us?"

“Well, it means that once we take over this province, we have access to this resource. I hear it’s quite rare and who knows? Maybe we can find some use from it later.”
She replied.

"Hm." He took another sip of his grape juice before he put it away. He pushed himself on his feet and picked up his ASAR 1044, clutching its wooden handguard and trigger grip before sighing heavily. "Every little thing may be useful for someone out there, even dust mites. General, you'll find me on night watch if you wanted to converse some more. I can never sleep before operations."

But it seemed that the female just glued herself to him like a large flea. He simply couldn't have a moment to himself and think out his intentions, his motivations for driving forward this campaign. Until now, he's been an admirable soldier for accepting his role and set plans in motion, but he didn't quite give himself enough time to think through his own view over the initiative he was taking.

How is this beneficial for me? Why should I do it? If it weren't for their sake, would I still be here? were several questions floating in his mind as the general went on about everything that she could have an opinion about. It took him a couple of seconds to realize that she had queried him about Eagleblade and the War of Tulips. His eyes glued off the horizon to glance at her shape as he finally deduced what she wanted to know. He turned his snout back at the horizon, pushing the visor and bascinet too, and thinned his lips.

"I saw quite a bit of its farmlands. Nothing impressive, they look exactly like any other farmer's settlements. You'd think that they would be richer, since Eagleblade's the nexus of all trading in Avalon, but no; the rich remain rich, the poor poorer. Once the expedition was done, we boarded the ship and went back to Freedom." He omitted what happened afterwards, since he suspected she knew about his boldness in front of his superiors.

"Must be warmer, at the very least”

"Warm enough to start sweating under the sun." Aleko admitted after a breathy chuckle. Her gaze only briefly turned to the Emperor before she returned her attention forward.

“Have you ever fought Wizards before?” She asked quite bluntly, her tone changing in an instant. That drew his attention to her, curious about her sudden change of mood.

"Not real-" he barely mouthed before she interrupted him with quite an amount of gall.

“Whatever you do, don’t underestimate them based on their appearance. Patience is key, keep your distance and more importantly stay out of sight. If you need to close the gap, be quick and keep in mind the previous advice, one mistake and it’s all over. With their magic bullshit they make us and the rest of the Elite Rangers look like kids with slingshots.” A grunt of frustration escaped her before she leaned in a little closer to Aleko, as if trying to tell him something in private

“If you ask me, I think it’s pretty damn… unnatural for someone to wield that kind of power.” She admitted to him. The canine wrinkled the top of his snout.

Had a nasty run-in with a wizard once, haven't you? He questioned her in his mind, but abstained from voicing the inquiry. He lowered his head a little to have a better look at the general as she leaned in close to him; for her it may have been very natural, but he felt more and more uncomfortable about her presence, mostly because it reminded him of something much less military-esque. He felt as if he was counting the stars on a clear night sky with a sweetheart, rather than paying great attention to any incoming threat.

"I under-" but he stopped mid-word as his sensitive ears had picked up a sound coming from nearby. He turned his frame abruptly and raised his rifle towards the general direction of the sound, lining up the rear and front sight for his right eye. Shortly after, his vision was filled with an armored hand as it pushed his rifle down in a quite curtly move; Aleko turned his gaze to Bulkwyn, whatever small seed of sympathy that had grow in him somewhere quickly dried out as he was remembered about her unprofessional demeanor. While it felt completely natural for a general to shoot down a lieutenant, he tried very hard to get used to the fact that he was more than that now. While not his merit, he disliked being treated like an underling in front of other underlings.

It soon became obvious who approached them, the Emperor nestled his rifle into his chest in a resting position, the armored right arm cradled the wooden butt-stock of his firearm. He only nodded to the infiltrator as he greeted him, rather impressed by the fact that he knew immediately that he was the Emperor, and not some nameless Elite Ranger. The discussion was short, but he learned everything there was to know about the castle and how his bit of the plan will work out. The agent seemed rather bemused by the fact that Aleko would actively participate in the takeover, but as Bulkwyn implied that he wanted his role at all costs at the threat of execution, he couldn't feel but a little amused at the expression of the dark elf. Just to continue the joke, Aleko met his gaze with his own icy pair of eyes and slowly lowered his head. Hearing him reply in a meek tone drew a light smirk on the corner of his mouth. He quickly glanced to the left, noticing one of the other rangers stifling an amused snort. Once the infiltrator was given the free to go, Bulkwyn clapped his shoulder and invited him to a more secluded region of the forest, where, she offered him a stone. He inspected it curiously, analyzing its faces and edge thoroughly. He couldn't help but chuckle at her quip on the Wizard's precaution.

"We do have to appreciate his thoughtfulness." He remarked, smiling at the stone. "Good night, Pepper." Only a second later, he realized that he called her by her first name. Quite a gaffe on his part, but he just let this one slip as he inspected it further, when he realized something.

"Did he, by any chance, tell you how I'm supposed to use it?" Seeing that she already trailed off to her tent, Aleko did the same. His mind chewed on the day's bits of information in contrast with the fundamental doubts of his presence within this life-changing situation. He deepened his thoughts as he laid down to sleep in his tent, plagued by doubts of his own capabilities, of his fitfulness within the larger scope of the campaign. Sure, he could manage skirmishes, but entire wars? An entire Empire? He was but a boy of noble descent that knew how to handle a rifle with accuracy and how to defeat people in melee bouts; sure, he knew how to dance and how to act diplomatically, but these alone didn't make him fit for the crowned head of an empire. Quite ironically, the nightmare nagged at him just with these thoughts. He should have known better not to let himself sleep, for he had to remain focused for the next day.

Day 7

-Battle of Castle Northspark-

The heir peered into the fire, having the urge to just sit down and steal some more time of slumber, but his attention was needed for the rest of the day, the whole operation depended of his effectiveness up on the castle walls. There was a frown of his angular eyebrows over a pair of blood-injected icicle eyes, dark semi-circles dug under his lower eyelids contrasted the white coat of thin fur on his halfling face. Steam formed as he sighed through his nose before he swallowed a mouthful of the washy tasting broth, that luckily still had some heat to it to warm his insides. He looked down at the discolored liquid in his bowl to drive his rough spoon and take more of the broth, feeling blessed by the Gods to have found a stray carrot in there to enjoy something different to taste. To his disgust, it had a very earthy tinge to it. Hearing the yawn behind him, he turned his body to noticed the general doing the first womanly thing he ever saw at her, tying up her hair.

“Good morning, sire. You’re an early riser today. Anxious about the fight?” She asked the canine as she approached him.

"Good morning, general." He replied with a rough voice. "Any day's a good day to die, why would this one be any different?"

"No signal so far, huh?" She asked, glancing in the direction of the fortress. Aleko shook his head and blinked slowly.

"Nothing yet. They only had a few hours to do anything before the main force had woken up." He uttered.

"The troops from the castle probably already left or are leaving soon. We would still need to wait for them to put some distance from the fortress, lest they get their own signal and suddenly make a 180 and charge at us in the worst possible moment.”

"That wholly depends on the agents. If they put up the signal before the troops get any distance, they will see it and make that turn, yes."

A rather loud grumble noise interrupted the conversation, the shepherd turned his snout down at the feline.

“Hehehe… Guess I should grab some of that dried meat. Excuse me, sir.” Bulkwyn giggled at her hungering stomach, the dog also let himself amused by it and grinned.

"Better than this tap water with freshly unearthed carrots." Aleko commented as she walked back to her tent, rummaging through her rations. Getting to see her in her natural habitat explained her demeanor a lot, and in a sense, he could see himself in her personality. He too felt a lot more comfortable here and of course he looked for this sort of comfort when he found himself aboard the ship. Maybe she didn't quite know how to adjust her behavior in front of others, but neither did she care about it. It was an unhealthy sort of honesty.

While she had her breakfast, the canine stared at the fortress, taking in its shapes and visible structure. He tried to envision himself crawling on the top of those walls and sneaking down the towers, muffling the clattering of his armor from any possible enemy guard patrolling the area. After that, he mentally placed himself skulking in the courtyard through the tightest crannies to reach one of the gates of the fort, deal with the guards there and open the gates for the main force to swarm inside and aid with the takeover. The general eventually joined him, he kept his gaze affixed to the military structure and kept pondering on how to proceed once inside, balancing the range and deadly effectiveness of the rifle with the stealthiness, yet more dangerous to maneuver longsword.

“Have you already picked the three lucky blokes to accompany you in your operation?” She asked, genuinely curious of his choice. To that, Aleko could only open his eyes wide, realizing that he completely forgot about the fact that he won't be alone up there.

"Bollocks, I haven't." He replied, lowering his gaze at the ground. "I've-" been troubled by doubts. I may be able to take this castle, but will I be able to take Avalon?. "I suppose it's prime time I pick my three men. Allow me a moment."

With that, he walked off, leaving his empty bowl behind to go find the nearest sergeant of the Elite Rangers company Bulkwyn commandeered. He approached an amalgam of tents that seemed to from a platoon of rangers, where he immediately spotted the individual differing from the rest thanks to a subtle insignia on both pauldrons; the infantry leader immediately noticed the white-furred heir and immediately dropped the whetstone he used to sharpen his falchion to throw his hands at his back to salute his superior. Aleko did the same, showing mutual respect for each other's rank.

"At ease, sarge." He uttered before he walked closer to him and grabbed at his own belt strap holding his own dual-ringed longsword on the right side of his hip.

"I'm going knee-deep in hell and I'm looking for three unlucky sods to follow me." He explained himself, the stout, ginger-furred male cat nodding at him. "Can you point me to your best scouts?"

"Aye, milord, that I can." The feline turned his head towards the camp and whistled at the rangers playing card games on several stumps. They all raised their heads, some even stood up to present their own reverence in front of the Emperor. "Hardpaw, MacFinlay, Borland, hut-hut!"

Aleko saw three men from different locations of the camp jog towards the two and quickly line up in order by height in front of the emperor. A scarred lynx, a white-furred wolf with a more sandy shade of blonde hair and a stern-faced mink, a rather mismatched trio Aleko had to judge and pick.

"Milord, all three of 'em 've seen combat and tactics in their life. Finla-"

"Thank you, sarge." The canine interrupted, lifting a hand before pointing his finger at the lynx. "Hardpaw. At ease and as you were." The sergeant raised an eyebrow as the Emperor sent off the lynx. Aleko glanced at the sergeant, then back at the two remaining rangers. "Scars mean that he had been seen and hurt before. Taking one to the face can only mean you've been careless. You three will do."

"Sir, yes milord!" The three quickly replied, to which the heir lifted his hand and shook his head.

"While you're under my command, you will address me as sir, Commander, or by my designation, Frost. Present yours."

"Thunder." Replied sergeant Yearling with a nod.

"Meek." Uttered the pint-sized mink in a surprising baritone.

"Bedpan..." MacFinlay admitted, obviously unenthusiastic about his alias. Aleko cocked his head back at him, Meek had to hide a grin under his lowered muzzle. The shepherd's eyebrows raised, his mouth gaping slightly at the wolf's accomplishment. He could only suspect just how he had been decorated with such a unique, glorifying code name and chose not to ask any further details.

"Well, Bedpan-" he nearly lost his composure and chortled on the spot "-I do appreciate having the creative sort under my command." He cleared his throat and gave them all a long glance. Their personalities were very different from those he worked with in the past, but they all were rangers. His rangers. Aleko spent several minutes divulging the infiltration and conquer plan to his newly formed fire team, all nodding and paying attention to the words of their leader, Commander Frost. Once done there were only a couple of questions regarding equipment and method of entry.

"As long as your weaponry is made for personal defense and not battlefield-only application, you may bring anything that suits your ability. In essence, that excludes pole-arms of any sort, greatswords and cannons. Anything else is suitable. Even bedpans." The wolf was obviously displeased of the quip, but the rest of the fire team could share a chuckle of their relaxed, but serious Commander. "Method of entry will be elaborated by the infiltrators that are now inside those walls. Once we are given the signal, we will approach the fortress in that specific direction and look for the secret access inside the fortress. Is everything clear? Any other questions?"

Once he had finished with them and exchanged salutes, Aleko returned to the general to report his choice. From there, there was only a matter of time to wait until the signal arrived. And it did, several hours later. Once he had seen it, he latched his armor tighter than before, tightened the straps of his longsword scabbard, dagger sheath and sidearm tucked under his dagger. He found his three men, all clad in their own sets of typical Elite Ranger armor ready to follow him to the castle and start working. There were very little words exchanged between them as they advanced towards the fortress through the shrubbery, stepping on thorns and rocks and moss, covering their armor with ripped leaves and sap, to reduce the reflection of light. Aleko appreciated them being silent as they walked behind him in a wide formation, each determined to do their task with professionalism in front of the Emperor himself. Aleko glanced through the eye-slit of the visor at the men to his right and left, seeing them advance with the buttstock of their rifles pressed against their shoulders, yet, the tip of the barrel pointed downward, their indexes off the trigger, as any serious ranger should be brandishing their highly lethal firearm.

This feels so good. He thought to himself, smiling in the confinement of his faceplate. This is home. This is what feels right. This defines me.

They quickly found themselves at the base of the wall where the signal had been put off, their backs pressed against the cemented stone.

"What're we expectin' precisely, Commander?" Inquired the sergeant as he looked around him, the feline kneeling with his rifle still in resting position.

"Drows." Aleko replied in a whisper, looking up at the wall. "Or a tunnel. Or a crumbling wall to reveal a secret entrance, with poorly disguised dark elves. Anything."

"Knowing those dark elves, they got in prostituting themselves to the worms." Commented Meek in silence.

"If they didn't dig themselves through like worms." Added Bedpan in a hushed tone.

"That's why I suggested a tunnel and poorly disguised dark elves, now close those muffs, soldiers, or they'll shove their poisonous pricks down the hatch." The team could barely contain their amusement, until they saw a head peer down at them, moment in which they all froze in place. They relieved their stress in unison as two ropes unfolded down the wall. Aleko and Bedpan quickly knelt and cupped their hands so that the other two could spring up and reach for the ends of the ropes. Yearling jumped off Bedpan's hands and shoulder and successfully latched onto the rope. Meek, being on the shorter side, had to step on the Emperor's head to catch the rope. Aleko grunted as he felt his muzzle bump against the bascinet and sighed to himself as he watched the mustelid aptly walked up the wall and stretched an arm downwards. Sure, he didn't have a large body to drag after him in his ascent, but he had to sustain Aleko's. The canine took momentum by taking a few steps back, then, charge at the wall and jump up it, grabbing for Meek's arm, which clasped together. Thunder managed to grab hold of Bedpan also. Aleko quickly crawled up and over Meek in a few painful moments, but he managed to get enough distance from the mink as he scaled the castle wall. The view slowly become a frightening one, falling from up there would definitely be fatal for the canine, but he kept his focus on his muscles as they pulled him up the wall, his feet pushing and keeping his balance. In no time, he walked between the crenelations of the wall and knelt on one knee, quickly taking his rifle back in his arms. Soon, the rest of his fire team finished the ascent and quickly pulled the ropes back up. The Commander met with the disguised elf and listened to his report.

"Good work, brother." Frost congratulated the elf. "Now take some time to rest, we will take over from here." He then turned his attention to the three anthros.

"You heard him, three more guards on the North and East side. We split now, take the lookouts and secure the gates. Thunder, Meek, you take the North lookout and the entrance that's there, the back one. Bedpan, you're with me, we take down the two on East and the front gate. Questions? No? Move out, Rangers lead the way."

And off they were in separate directions. Aleko and MacFinley advanced towards the tower, which they quickly secured and checked it to be clear. They both inspected the exit door towards the Eastern wall, where they saw one of the guards stand still and watch the world below, the other seemed to be approaching them. The Emperor could feel that dread in his stomach, the sort of fear that made him grow determination to succeed and avoid danger and death. He was in a tower of an enemy fortress, albeit less impressive than Kyrm. The peril was still there, especially since there was still daylight.

"Sir, he's approaching, what do we do?" Bedpan asked as he inconspicuously peeked through the frame of the door as he knelt at the opposite side of his commander. Frost glanced back at the tower, to look for any hiding spots that they could use to surprise the incoming guard. Seeing nothing but a desk, a drawer, some drapes and an old shield, the halfling came up with a more unorthodox plan.

"He's going to enter the room. You trip him, I lock his head and throw him down, then you knock him unconscious."

"Have you... tried this before, sir?" Asked Bedpan.

"In my imagination, yes." Aleko replied. MacFinlay swallowed dryly.

The guard was close enough to have his footsteps echo through the tower. As soon as the tip of a boot crossed the door frame, the wolf extended both of his legs, against which the lookout managed to bump into and lose balance. Aleko caught him quickly and redirected his fall inside the tower, so that the other guard won't outright hear his colleague topple over. As soon as the humanoid embraced the floor and kissed it hard, Bedpan jumped out and tightly grasped the buttstock of his weapon; due to his rather rushed approach, the wolf managed to trip over the guard's own legs and fall flat on top of him, bumping his helmet against the temple of the downed foe, essentially knocking him out cold and leaving an ugly dent in the skin. The wolf rolled on his back and grabbed his helmet, his legs curling as his muffled groan expressed sheer pain. The other canine slapped the faceplate of his own helmet in annoyance before he turned his gaze back at the window slit; he crawled himself there to see the other guard lean his head to see what was the origin of the sound. Of course, he too started walking towards them, but this time he didn't have Bedpan's cultivated skills in subtlety on his side. Aleko pushed himself into the wall and slowly unsheathed his dagger, which he dubbed Pickpocket. He didn't use it to cut purses and steal money, but the blade definitely served a more sinister purpose. He saw with the corner of his eye, through the slit, as the guard rushed inside and saw the mess sprawled on the floor.

"Wha' in th' world's goin'- who are yo-" He couldn't finish his sentence, as Aleko lunged from behind to wrap his gauntlet against his mouth. He lifted his shoulder and drove his arm at his confused foe, driving the pointed tip of his dagger through the chain mail, effectively piercing and breaking several interlinking chains as the blade sunk into the raw flesh of the neck hidden under the multiple layers the gambeson offered. It wasn't enough to save his life, as blood sprayed out when the halfling drew his dagger out and shoved the man down. The guard managed to crawl a few paces forward, gurgling on the blood flooding his larynx. Soon, the insufficient amount of blood reaching his brain had dragged the opponent into unconsciousness, which would soon turn into coma. Then, non-existence. A sigh could be heard from the shepherd as he knelt beside the guard and cleaned the blade of his dagger against a piece of cloth before he tucked it back in its sheathe. He then pointed his finger at the other one.

"I suggest you do the same. They sleep for only so long."

Bedpan could only groan in pain.

With their wits recovered and guards eliminated, the two descended on opposed flights of stairs leading towards the main gate. They had arranged to each take down two of the guardsmen, by distracting one, executing the other, then, return to the first one. Simple enough in design, application would definitely be less clean. Aleko uttered a few words, which drew the attention of one guard, MacFinlay mimicked a man crashing and hitting something. Bedpan swiftly executed his guard by driving his dagger right in the eye of his enemy. Aleko wasn't as lucky: he had to drop his dagger and draw his longsword out, quickly sliding his left foot behind to balance himself out in a steady stance, his arms lifting the long-bladed sword with trained elegance in a high guard against the spear. Knowing that he would lose the fight fast while trapped in the tight spot, he rushed into his foe by swiftly battering the spear against the wall with a curt snap of his wrists, aiming the blade downwards and to his right, from where he quickly wrapped his left gloved hand against the flat of the blade to fall into half-swording. The canine roughed up the guard, forcing him back out. The other guard Aleko was supposed to take down quickly lowered his spear, befuddled by the sudden action, while the one Bedpan was supposed to take down started to dash to the side and towards the inner gate to warn the others, but to his dismay, he found himself tackled by a pouncing ranger and slammed against the floor. The other canine managed to sink the tip of his longsword above his enemy's collar bone, but he had to reel away as the second spear head threatened to drive itself into him. He soon realized that he could have taken that hit with no repercussions, as it would have glanced off his plate armor.

Now, he had two men with spears pointed towards him, a situation in which he wanted to pull his handgun out and execute them on spot, but that would have made quite an audible racket. The two tips lunged at him at random intervals, unable to catch a moment to charge in for a counterattack. He returned to a normal grip of the sword and fought off the spear heads with quick snaps, engaging his elbows and wrists in the parries. He kept himself skittering away from corners and walls, as to not trap himself in a fatal situation, but this stalemate was finally put to an end as Bedpan appeared in the scene, twirling a falchion around his body as a menacing distraction for his opponents. The wounded spearman turned his attention to the wolf, taking a quick, but failed jab at him, Bedpan now essentially assaulting the man with slashes left and right. Aleko took this as an opportunity to batter away the remaining spear with a lot more force, free enough to put his entire body into the strike by winding up his entire torso in the directing of the sideways cut. As the spearman forced the shaft back in a guarding position, Aleko lunged forward and latched his left hand against the shaft of the spear, the right hand cocking the longsword over his left shoulder before he launched a curt cleave downwards, inflicting a snap-cut at the spearman's glove; the momentum, the weight, balance and sharpness of the blade were enough to dig its tip into the wrist and cut connection of the first three fingers from the spearman's right hand. There was a grunt of pain, but it was silenced as his mouth had been filled by a right-side steel pauldron smashing against his teeth and nose, sprawling him on the floor. The canine didn't waste any more time and half-sworded again as he dropped his knee against the man's chest and drove the tip of the blade into the downed foe's throat three times.

Bedpan was parrying the spear expertly, but the limited reach of his flachion prevented him from advancing on his foe to finish the job, his lunges and graceful snaps of the wrist were simply not enough to cover the length as the slender blade swirled and cut through the air with a high-pitched whoosh. Then, it would cry a metallic clang as the spine slapped the shaft away at Bedpan's twist of the arm while changing the fore leg of his stance from left to right. Suddenly, the next jab didn't arrive. When he lifted his gaze, he saw the tip of a pointy blade protrude through the throat of the spearman. The wolf understood what happened and gave his blade one last forceful twirl, launching blood stains off the steel blade. Aleko drew his longsword out and lifted his visor, revealing a panting canine.

"The winch is on my side." He declared through his panting. "Hold your ground until I open the gate and the rest of the forces arrive." He quickly turned to run back up the stairs, swishing his own longsword to the side to throw the drops of blood off the tapering blade.

MacFinlay dashed to the enemy he wrestled with and quickly drew his dagger out of his face with a sickening crackle of the cracked skull. He sheathed both of his bladed weapons and took position in the doorway to his flight of stairs, where he pulled his rifle from his back by its sling and gripped it tightly as he waited for the emperor to open the gate. He could hear the chains creak and groan before they made the rather obvious racket as the thick metallic fence lifted up; Bedpan briefly glanced over his shoulder at the outside world before he drove his attention back forwards. Soon, the heir arrived and took the same stance as MacFinlay, only on his side.

"D'you think Thunder and Meek managed to open their gate?" Asked the shepherd as he tilted his head to the side a little to take a better look of the courtyard.

"Sure hope they did, sir." Replied the wolf. His head cocked up as he heard the blare of a war horn that wasn't familiar to them. "Oh, bloody bollocks, we're compromised!" The wolf yelled over the horn, his voice breaking in a squeak of frustration.

"Hold position until reinforcements arrive!" Frost yelled, gritting his teeth as he fought the numbing wave of fear washing over his body, cold sweat trickling down through his fur at the thought of facing the remaining defensive force for themselves before their own main force could reach the castle.

"Conserve ammo an-" but he couldn't finish his sentence as he noticed a musketeer rushing across the courtyard.

Aleko tried to pelt him, a deafening blast of fire shooting a medium caliber bullet down the courtyard, but a few paces in front of the rushing musketeer. He saw him topple down, dropping the aged rifle, then try to crawl away from the line of sight. Then appeared the several batallions of spearmen falling into formation, MacFinlay's frame recoiled a couple of times in tandem with two more blasts before he quickly turned his exposed body to safety, a musket projectile crashing through the stone corner, dust and bits flying in the air and on the cobblestone. Then, a lick of fire trailed along the walls, at which point Aleko remembered Pepper's warning; he pivoted 180o and threw himself on the floor, landing against the first few steps leading up on the wall, where he covered his head as the ball of fire collapsed in itself, then, expand in a large explosion of flames. The heir managed to survive the blast and rolled on his back, immediately spotting a panicked Bedpan clutching his rifle as he tried to push himself up the stairs.

This is not good, Aleko thought to himself. "Bedpan! Run for the towers, we can't han-" but his voice was covered by a thunderous crowd of voices, his heart freezing in place. But soon, he felt himself reanimate as familiar troops swarmed inside the castle. He guffawed and whooped as he pushed himself off the stairs, feeling more alive than ever. This is what I am. He retook his position, the general appearing once more in the frame. For once, he was really glad to see her; they only exchanged glance before each had taken aim for the more important targets. Aleko used his intuition, and his acute vision, to line up the sights again, pinpointing the head of a musketeer; not knowing what he would do next, he simply squeezed the trigger of the firearm, the buttstock kicking his right shoulder as the barrel launched the round down the courtyard. He saw a spark where the round landed on the breastplate of the man, but then, he saw a hole in the plate and his coif falling off, a large, fleshy wound taking half of his foe's face. the bullet split most likely and completely ruined the target. He leaned some more until he had another musketeer at his sights and pulled the trigger again, unflinching at the blinding flash of light and deafening boom; another toppled to the ground lifeless. He fired again, missing his target by mere inches, as he was forced to reel behind cover as a salvo of musket rounds pelted the stone walls. Once it was safe to creep out again, Aleko leaned his whole torso and took another aimed shot, putting down a spearman instead of a musketeer.

A loud clang took his attention, as the last spent case flew out the receiver and bounced against the wall. He forced himself on his hind on the stairs, where he slapped his palm against a knob in front of the ammunition magazine. The empty metal box with a spring and metal feeder fell in his lap, he quickly recovered it and shoved it in a large, empty pouch slung on the small of his back. He shoved his fingers in a different pouch and pulled a full magazine, the copper bullet protruding from the box; he tapped it against his head a couple of times before he loaded the fresh ammo in the magwell and pulled at the bolt, chabering the first round in the receiver. Before he could join the fight again, the general pushed him further away as fire rained from the skies. He then had a facefull of Bulkwyn yelling a plan him, which in the heat of the moment, Aleko accepted without thinking how exactly he would do it. He only did it, like a true soldier. He rushed up the stairs leading to the top of the wall and promptly tumbled in a crouched stance, pushing himself against a crenelation. He peeked from behind it to memorize where the mages were holed up; with adrenaline replacing his blood, the shepherd rushed towards the tower entrance, keeping himself crouched through his flanking maneuver. The armor seemed to allow even the most uncomfortable stances to be carried, as Frost cradled the rifle against his chest while he scurried up the stairs in the same low-profile posture.

Eventually, he reached the top, the wizard in front of him, another in the distance promptly eliminated by the general. The canine didn't waste a second and pushed himself on his feet to dash at the magic-wielding foe. Very late did he realized that if he rammed the mage off, he would have followed him in the fall, so he had to stop his advance and still neutralize him without opening fire.

Gods, forgive my cretinism. The shepherd sprung up and brought the soles of his boots close together, aiming them at the back of the wizard and flexed his knees. As soon as the flying dog felt the jolt of his feet connecting with the back of the battle-mage, he grunted loudly as he mule-kicked the man off the platform to his doom below, the heir landing on his belly on the floor in a loud clatter of armor crashing against stone. The inertia of the target was enough to stop the shepherd from flying down in the crowd, but the wizard was less lucky. Aleko rolled on the floor until his body hit a wall and pushed himself back up on one knee. He gasped and shook his head, the shock of the hard landing getting to him, but he quickly lifted his rifle towards another mage through a murder hole, dizzy and half-blind; there was no time to lose, so Aleko gritted hard as the butt of the riffle pounded his shoulder five times, firing the entire five bullet magazine at the last wizard perched on the top of the other tower. He couldn't tell which shot got him, but in the end, he succeeded in neutralizing both of his targets. It took him a while to come to the realization that the plan was an utter success, being too busy to reload his rifle as he rushed back down the stairs and into the courtyard, where he saw the massacre the two-pronged attack left behind.

"We... we did it." He muttered before he took a deep breath and drew back his head to look at the sky, steam rolling out through the slits of the faceplate. "Northspark's ours."

He took the hours of winding down to help with the bodies and organizing the defenses of the castle, but he allowed himself to sit down and enjoy the bittersweet taste of victory. He perched himself on a small crate, together with two of the rangers of his fire team.

"To Meek." Aleko uttered, his eyes avoiding to meet Thunder's as he lifted a cup of water. "Ranger, lead the way home."

"Ranger, lead the way to heavens." Thunder and Bedpan completed, lifting their own cups. The feline smacked his lips and shook his head.

"Basterd pile o' cow shit pretendin' to be dead n' stab 'im in the back." He snorted in disdain and shook his snout again, a sour smirk taking over half of his feline maw. "Feckin' lowlife."

MacFinlay could only gaze into the rippling surface of the liquid in his own cup, his nose wrinkling at the thought of the rather inglorious way his comrade had fallen. Aleko sighed and closed his eyes, lowering his gaze into the ground, his boots swinging back and forth alternatively. Event though he couldn't have known him, he felt the loss personally; he had been trained to treat the entire Elite Ranger force as a massive band of brothers.

"Brothers of the same whore of a kingdom, aye-" would say general Hacket "-but still brothers we are. So you'd all better act like it."

Thunder finished his cup and placed it on the crate as he slid off it. "Requesting permission to shut-eye, sir." He muttered, saluting his Commander. Aleko lifted his gaze at him, finding his golden eyes. He could see that there was no resentment for him, after all, it had been a dangerous mission; even so, guilt still clung to him.

"Granted, sergeant. Pristine work. Go do some rack ops." The shepherd replied to him, then, turned his attention to the wolf. "You should hit the fart sack too, Bedpan."

MacFinlay shrugged and took a reluctant sip of his water. "All due respect, but I can't sleep properly between tasks, sir." To that, Aleko smirked.

"Just like me. Can't get sleepy after pitching a tent?"

"No sir." MacFinlay stated, chortling lightly. "Too many pricks around to think about women. And way too many of us had general Bulkwyn in our minds to be fun anymore."

"Oh, gods." Aleko coughed up his sip as he tried to stifle his laugh to not coke on his water.

"Apologies, sir. I, uh, forgot that-"

"I'm your superior?" Aleko completed. MacFinlay looked up at him, his mouth gaping a little at the fact that the Emperor read his mind. "I was only a lieutenant when the wizard plucked me from my duty in a small town. Today was the first day I had an army under my belt. Which was still led by a general, so I cannot really take a lot of credit for our success today."

"Well, we did knock over some guards." Bedpan commented, having a glad attitude about himself.

"Knocking them over would be an understatement, Bedpan." Aleko stated, lifting his eyebrow. The wolf then shrugged at his commander.

"Better than knocking them up, I suppose." To that, the shepherd lowered his head and clapped his forehead with his palm, snickering at the jest. "What? It's horrible if you think about it, a two-men-made child waiting home for you to return. Half of your wage would be eaten away by the man-bride back home, and for what? For a deformed sprogget with two cocks?"

Aleko couldn't hold it anymore and burst out in a hearty laughter, unhinged by the doubts and fears of tomorrow; he was glad to have found a moment of relaxation through a shared laughter with a just-as-tired comrade. Bedpan also startled to chortle, which quickly turned into a laugh too.

Later, the light-hearted ambiance had been replaced by planning and tension together with the general.

“Apologies, sire. Those were good men and their loss is on my head. I will do my best to prevent such needless casualties in the future, I promise.”

"General, they were my men too. Responsibility is ours, not only yours."

"Well…I guess we should get some rest. I’ll have some men keep watch. The flag will also be changed come tomorrow morning, when the main force with their general will return they will have quite the shock when they discover they no longer have any fortified position to hide behind.” A faint, almost forced, smile made its presence on her nuzzle.

"If we weren't trying to convince them to surrender, we would have welcomed them inside and murder them all from all directions." Aleko then waved his hand dismissively. "Pay no mind, that is revenge talking."

“Despite everything, today we achieved victory.”
She bowed “It was an honor to fight alongside you, sire…now…if you will excuse me..”

Aleko bowed too, noticing the less enthusiastic attitude of the woman. "I'm honored to have served with you, general." I had my doubts, but you're not half-bad. You've lost someone dear to a fight against war-mages, haven't you?

With the eventful day coming to an end, Aleko spent most of his times inside the sleeping quarters, honing the blade of his sword and cleaning the barrel of his rifle and the blade of his dagger; he had something to sup on before he washed the sweat of the day off his fur and lay on the bed. There, he rewound the entire infiltration and elimination process, feeling more and more grateful to have made it alive and unscathed even. One of these days, my luck will run out, he told himself as he looked over his own furred torso. More and more images flashed in his mind of the brief scuffle in the courtyard, the mages, how he dropped one... there he remembered, maybe he would still produce a nice bruise on his chest after that. He then remembered about Bedpan and his clumsy antics, chuckling himself to sleep.

Where did he start and where had reached. An unwanted child turned soldier, then, Emperor spearheading a new faction. Although it felt like the beginning took place eons ago, it had been but a week. Seven days, from the rest of his life.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zamokra41
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Zamokra41 Procrastinating Knight

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Day 8

The cold morning was once again full with activity. Many of the troops were preparing the castle defenses, Anthro Elite Rangers positioning themselves strategically on the wall and even a few atop the high towers, where one could get a rather spectacular view of the surroundings…or at least would, if it weren’t for the dense morning fog that blanketed the surrounding area. The weather conditions presented a bit of a problem as the lookouts couldn’t see very far in the distance and as such it was difficult to tell if any troops were coming towards them. They would just have to wait and see. The fog may also be somewhat beneficial to them as the enemy troops would actually have to get pretty close before realizing that Castle Northspark is no longer under their control and end up with no way of escape from the Dwarven army pursuing them. General Bulkwyn was already perched atop the front wall, just above the main gate, quietly observing the murky distance, her helm removed and her gazed affixed forward looking for any sign of movement. She flinched when Aleko greeted, apparently being so focused she momentarily disregarded her surroundings. “Oh, sir. I didn’t notice you there…ummm.” She cleared her throat “Good morning, I trust you rested well?” After the greetings were exchanged, Aleko asked of any news to which the general indicated to the surroundings as she responded, puffs of steam escaping from her small snout as she spoke “Well we have manned the defenses and are keeping our ears to the grounds. It shouldn’t be particularly long before we see some Old Empire troops heading our way. “ she sighed and gazed briefly back into the distance before returning her attention to her emperor “Of course, the fog does not help in the slightest but we’ll manage…” she muttered.

Fresh puddles of snow could be seen in various places, inside and outside the courtyard, testament to a probable snowfall that occurred during the night. This combined with the brisk, cold air and the potential fog would define the overall general weather of the Northern Human Kingdom of Winterpeak. One would have to wonder just how drastically different it was further North in the Dwarven lands where snow and rocky mountains ruled supreme. All of the Elite Rangers were stationed on the defensive positions of the fortress while their Highlander comrades were dallying in the courtyard, their large, two-handed swords being of little use atop a wall. Some Dark Elven Vanguards could be seen patrolling the wall as well, appearing as pitch black shades wandering around due to their cloaks and shadowy hoods. The Infiltrators have not been seen since after the battle has ended, probably already off to deliver their reports to their superiors as their services would no longer be required. There was still a bit of time, sufficient for Aleko and the general to converse a bit, him inquiring about her apparent experience when fighting against the Wizards the other day. Oddly enough, general Bulkwyn avoided answering “I am a general in the Anthro Army. It is expected of me to be fluid and adaptable to any situation that may present itself. Expect the unexpected and be prepared for the worse, as they say.” Was her response yet a deep sigh followed after Alkeo pushed the issue a bit “I’m sorry, sir but I don’t think now is the right time to neglect our surroundings and reminiscent about the past. If you wish, we can discuss this after returning to the Escalyber. Promise.” Was all she said regarding the issue, keeping her attention to the task at hand.

A few hours have passed and it was well after morning when some activity was spotted in the distance. The fog had receded to a some degree in the mean time, allowing for better visibility. The sound of a march came first, followed by an array of silhouettes emerging from the grey distance. Several rows of Human Spearmen, clad in their signature armor bearing the blue colors of the Old Empire were now heading straight for the fortress, followed behind by a more diminished number of Musketeers and Tactical War-Mages. At the very back, one could spot the hulking giants know as the Juggernauts, their heavy plate clattering loudly with every stomping step. Simply looking at the army coming their way, Aleko made a few key notices. Compared to the original report, they were fewer in number, suggesting that they have suffered quite a bit of casualties in their attempted siege. Two squads of Spearmen, three squads of Musketeers, less than half a squad of War-Mages and only three Juggernauts were all that was left of them. The Juggernauts at the back also appeared to be empty-handed and unarmed, suggesting that the Infiltrators were successful in sabotaging their equipment. “Here they come…” the general muttered as she rose her hand, signaling all the Elite Rangers to take position and aim at the upcoming army. Once the enemy troops were within shouting range, general Bulkwyn’s voice could be heard calling out to them “That’s far enough!” The Human army stopped in their tracks, only now noticing that the fortress was no longer a safe place for them, the blue flags of the Old Empire being replaced with New Empire’s crimson and finding themselves within the sights of an array of Anthro Elite Rangers. The Human troops immediately took combat positions, clearly startled and panicked by the precarious situation they found themselves into. The formation was different this time. The Spearmen formed a thin circle around the main body of the troops, clearly expecting something behind them. Their expectations were matched by the emerging of new troops from the distant fog. A large army of Dwarven Infantrymen, Bear Knights, Rune-Meisters and Grenadiers presented themselves in the horizon, steadily approaching the outmatched and outnumbered Humans who found themselves between hammer and anvil, as the expression goes. “You are surrounded! Outmatched, outnumbered and with no way to go! I suggest throwing down your weapons and surrendering before this gets ugly!” general Bulkwyn shouted with confidence yet the Human troops did not seem keen on obeying as they maintained their formation. Among them there was one who stood out. This man was dressed in a heavily decorated version of a Spearman’s armor. White plates with golden trims, a deep blue cloak draped over his right arm, buckled at the shoulderpad with a series of medals and a full helm decorated with the golden wings of an eagle sprouting on the sides of its visor. The general of the Human army stepped forward between the ranks of his soldiers. He was armed with an equally decorated spear which he held onto firmly, holding it straight as a beacon while pushing aside his heavy tower-shield, revealing and exposing himself.

The general removed his helmet. Underneath it was a grizzled old veteran, with a receding hairline and finely trimmed beard and mustache, both of a snowy color. His face bore the marks of several battles, the most noticeable being him missing his right eye, covered by a simple black eye-patch. His voice boomed loudly towards the castle, hoarse and fitting to his appearance “Are you the general of those men, woman? If you truly wish to avoid bloodshed than present the one who is charge so we may reach an arrangement!” General Bulkwyn responded “I am indeed the general, yet I am not the one in charge here.” As if on cue, Aleko presented himself next to Pepper, making his presence noted while the general presented him

This is his highness, Aleko Sendrakon! First of his name, heir of the Sendrakon bloodline and true Emperor of the realm!

The Human general appeared taken aback for a mere moment, clearly not expecting to her what he just heard yet he regained his composure almost instantaneously. “Sendrakon? So the rumors were true then? There really was a bastard child of the late Emperor.” He stated, clearly wanting to say more yet deciding against it, instead proceeding to present himself “My name is Asimov Dunngard. General of the Human army of the Old Avalon Empire, under the command of Sir Allister Stormreaver. You will forgive me if I won’t bend the knee before you, ‘your grace’… “ sarcasm was made evident when he uttered that to Aleko “…But I am old and not as flexible as I used to. Bones ache in this cold, you know.” Some of the soldiers behind General Asimov could be heard chuckling as he addressed Aleko. “Now…We seem to be at an impasse…” the general’s tone lost all sarcasm as he continued “You certainly pulled a fast one. Stealing our own fortress from right under our noses while our backs were turned. Leaving us out in the cold like this…” A few moments of silence passed in which the general gazed back at the troops behind him and then stomped his spear on the ground in a fit of frustration “I admit you got the better of us this time but if you would rather not kill us all like a sloppy butcher than listen to this proposition. Spare my men and allow them safe passage from the province. In exchange I will gladly surrender and become your prisoner..-

NO! Sir, you cannot do this!” the female voice came from one of the Human soldiers behind the general. The woman rapidly presented herself to the general’s side, clad in the armor of a Spearman but with some light decorations, denoting a higher rank than a mere soldier. “Sir, this is what they want!” General Asimov was clearly angered by his subordinate “Stay out of this, captain! You will do as you are told and that’s final.” Yet the general’s words did not seem to dissuade her “With all due respect, sir. I believe I speak for all the men under your command when I say that this is an order we cannot obey!” A shout of approval made itself heard from each of the Human soldiers as they quickly broke formation and rallied around the general. The general and the captain had an inaudible discussion while the troops rallied around them, eventually the general felt silent as the captain removed her helmet, revealing a comely, freckled female with shortly cropped orange hair. “Emperor, disregard the general’s proposition.” She addressed Aleko with a fiery determination in her tone “Myself and the rest the men will surrender and become your prisoners instead if you will allow general Asimov and a handful of guards to safely leave the province. We will not settle for anything else, either accept this or go on right ahead and kill us all but don’t expect us to go out without a fight!

To that statement, general Bulkwyn turned to address Aleko, frustration apparent in her tone “Ugh, Human loyalty. Always has to complicate things…” she muttered before continuing with “That FSC and her troops are obviously far less valuable to us than the general himself, but she clearly won’t listen to any sort of a counterdeal. If that’s the case, wouldn’t it be better to have them all dead rather than a general still out there strategizing against us?” The idea of yet another battle made her grimace for a moment before resigning herself with a deep, fatigued sigh “You have the final word, sir. I will follow your lead and trust in your decision..
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MachineSoul
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MachineSoul Ghost in the limelight.

Member Seen 15 days ago

Day 8

The night spent in a decent bed proved to be comfortable enough for his back, but the smell of someone else's sweat and drool absorbed by the cushions and mattress did not do good to his morning appetite; falling asleep also proved to be rather difficult, as the presence of the musky, sour smell would torment Aleko even in his dreams. But he got rid of the persistent odor after he had washed himself in the morning after his fitness drill and made sure to be dry enough to walk out in the biting cold of the North. He had two other rangers help him put the plate suit back on his body before he walked outside, where chill and fog greeted him promptly. The heir could only sigh to himself and buckle up the scabbard containing his longsword around his waist for a tighter grip, the same with the sidearm and dagger, while he loosely slung the rifle on his left shoulder; as he made his way on the top of the battlements, he met with some of the soldiers that helped conquer the fort under the command of Bulkwyn, the anthro side of the troops were obviously more eager to greet the emperor with the most reverent bows, nods and appraisals. One of the rangers seemed more than glad to see the emperor and promptly lifted the visor, revealing a MacFinlay wearing a toothy grin and a fresh wound on the tip of his nose.

"Good morning, Commander!" He mouthed, steam flowing from his snout.

"Good morrow, Bedpan." The halfling replied with a small smile and a nod of his head. "Care to join me on my duties today?" He asked without thinking too much; but he found that he needed a more familiar face next to him, especially from a boot-smashing soldier like he was not long ago.

"Duti- of course, Commander!" The wolf seemed taken aback by his superior's request, but he didn't seem to mind leaving his crenelation to join the halfling. He kept up with Aleko, keeping himself at his side, throwing a glance down every once in a while.

"It sure feels good to sleep where the wind doesn't pelt you, sir." Commented Bedpan as he took a final look down at the anthro chargers. He shifted his gaze forward, immediately identifying the gatehouse they were approaching.

"Oh, yes, I do appreciate some walls around me." Aleko replied before the wolf could inquire about the general. Noticing that he took his subordinate's chance to speak, he lifted his own exposed muzzle forward to the woman. "Yes, we're going to have a talk with her."

"Oh." MacFinlay nearly stopped in his tracks. "Well, uh, I'll wait until you have finished, sir. I wouldn't want to interfere in high-brass discussions."

Aleko turned his head to him and squinted his icicle eyes. It's a completely different reason, isn't it? "I see. Well, carry on."

The heir left Bedpan behind and approached the general, managing to startle her.

"Good morning, general. I can say I've had a decent night's sleep in someone else's sweat and spit." He commented while admiring the misty vista from the gatehouse. He stretched his neck and hopped on the balls of his boots, plates and scabbard clattering in a cacophony of steel, leather and wood. Standing atop the castle felt good to him, knowing that he conquered the fortress with the help of eight men; as he thought more and more about his accomplishment, he couldn't help but to feel fortunate to have made out of another stronghold takeover. Even though it was smaller in size and capacity, the operation was perilous none the less. He did present his opinion over the success of the mission here, moment in which he found the opportunity to bring up the battle-mage observation he had two days before. For some reason, he did not expect a straight up answer, but he was glad that she offered to give in the details at a later time; the heir could only nod and smile, bringing out no more words to show his understanding.

Silence took over as they stood there to watch the obscured horizon, Aleko half-expected to see troops returning to the castle, with quite an amount of dread in his chest.

How will I handle them? I can be pretty bloody sure they will not listen to a single word that I have to say. They're crude people, they only listen to their own superior, I'm the enemy they are supposed to murder. I better acquit myself as such.

Before he could even assimilate what was going on, the troops arrived, the half-mouse started shouting down at them to hold and surrender, dwarven troops immediately surrounded the enemies from behind; Aleko crossed his arms and smirked to himself, his head lowering as he stifled a proud chuckle.

"Hammer and anvil." He muttered quietly.

"Hammer and anvil." Echoed MacFinlay, which in the meantime approached the two superiors. He glanced at Aleko, gave him a grin and looked back down at the trapped army. He lifted his gaze again as the emperor stepped forward and rested his forearms against the merlon in front of him.

Of course, he expected the rather disgraceful reaction from the general, since he was at the end of the day, a bastard and nothing more. Aleko didn't take it as an insult, but what did manage to pull a frown of disdain was the act of defiance he resented so much; the halfling ground his teeth, canines poking through his lips. Something that bothered him some more was the general trying to negotiate himself out of the situation, only to be countered by a female captain that declared the opposite offer. One way or another, Aleko would either have the army killed, or the general free. He wanted both. Bulkwyn whispered something to him, but the halfling seemed rather unfazed by her words. MacFinlay abstained from uttering a word, he only turned his head to his grace while his rifle aimed down at the mass of humans caught in between a fortress and a dwarven force. For the newly-made lord, attacking them would only yield casualties and if there was something that many military treatises told him, he wasn't supposed to surround the enemy completely, lest they would fight until the bitter end and take down men of his own; that was unfavorable, as leaving them a small niche of escape could have the remaining forces surrender and flee, perfect occasion to let the light cavalry pick off troops. But, he found no other option here. He cleared his throat and took a deep breath, to make sure his voice could be heard.

"General Dunngard, Captain. I am rather befuddled by an issue here: since when are prisoners able to negotiate themselves out?" He glanced at Bulkwyn, then at Bedpan, only to return his gaze back down. He lifted his shoulders and dropped them, the pauldrons clattered. "Circumstance dictates that you are the mercy of my words, yet, you find the audacity to find solutions for yourselves? A castle filled with rifles aiming at each of your heads, while at your back you'll have grenades and axes, and yet, an old man with pain in his joints wants out. And a captain that prefers to kill her entire force for naught. Intriguing." Aleko straightened his back and lifted his eyebrows, feeling an odd confidence in his own voice, in his own words that he picked for the speech. His leather-clad fingers tapped against the merlon.

"Firstly: drop your weapons, shields, spell books. All of them. Men, lead the captain and her men inside the fortress; pick three guards and apprehend the general, I want to have a private talk with him." He slapped his palm against the stone and turned to Bulkwyn, to which he quietly, but quickly, whispered:

"Lead each and every man inside and close the gates behind you. Once I and the dwarven forces are alone with the general, we will make sure he will be silenced and taken by the dwarves to their outpost and have him interrogated." He gestured his hand to follow him. "This army will be put for labor, we cannot risk setting them free so close to the enemy." Aleko then sighed and tried to talk at a slower pace, making sure that his plan was fully understood.

"The bitch doesn't realize the grievous mistake she made: she laid the perfect setting for me to get everything I need with very little inconvenience. While I "talk" with the general, make sure their remaining forces are locked behind the gate, so that they can't see me sock the man out cold and give him to our friendlies. How copy?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zamokra41
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Zamokra41 Procrastinating Knight

Member Seen 2 mos ago

A smile made its way across Pepper’s mousy face as Aleko addressed those below, the choice of words and the confidence in his tone washing away any possible worry she may have of the situation. It was in moments such as these that she was particularly sure that the Imperial Wizard had found the one true emperor of the realm. Sadly, the Human General and his captain were not sharing in the feeling. After Aleko stated that they should first and foremost surrender their arms, the woman frowned and rose her voice “Did you not hear me the first time? We will NOT negoc..-“ yet a hard grip of her shoulder pulled her back and this time it was the old general’s voice that boomed loudly across “That’s enough out of you, captain!” All the Human soldiers suddenly turned their attentions at general Asimov and even a few of the Elite Rangers were startled by this sudden outburst “Don’t forget your place!” he continued and then threw a fleeting glance around him to his other subordinates “And that goes for all of you! We are proud soldiers of the Old Avalon Empire, not bickering old crones with too much time on their hands!” He parted the way of the men and women protecting him “We are one single unit. We stand as one. We fight as one…” He then gazed upward, his one good eye staring at Aleko yet it was not malice or rage that could be seen behind his stare. General Asimov then promptly planted his spear in the ground, undid the bindings of his tower-shield from his off-hand and threw it on the ground next to his weapon before he turned around and finished his sentence “..And we fall as one.

Silence had encompassed the surroundings and the soldiers around. For a few preciously long moments only the chilling breeze, the rustling of the discolored grass and the faint clattering of plates were the only sounds. Then, one by one, the Human soldiers dropped their weapons. Spears, shields, muskets, swords, daggers and even tomes fell at the feet of their owners in a cacophony of noises. The captain’s gaze followed suit, no doubt feeling shame wash over her for her audacity. The General approached her and placed both his hands on her shoulders, giving her a slight shake so her gaze could meet his. He whispered something to her, yet the wind made sure to keep those words between them and no one else, the orange-haired woman only responding with a nod before she and the rest of the soldiers lined up, waiting to be escorted inside the fortress. After that scene, Pepper could only chuckle “Well, that shut her up” she muttered aside before following Aleko as he gestured to her. She listened closely to his words, a toothy grin appearing on her face as she responded in confirmation “Crystal.” Sure this method may or may not be a tad underhanded but it was by far the most efficient, it would avoid any conflict, it would avoid any unnecessary loss of life and it would secure both a valuable prisoner as well as a body of troops for labor. Before they opened the gates and allowed the prisoners inside, general Bulkwyn pulled Aleko to the side “If I may sir, you are acting like a true emperor. If the other generals and envoys could see you now, any doubt that may had would be completely washed away” she gestured a small Anthro bow and then placed her helmet on, bringing her rifle across and ordered her men to open the main gate.

The ranks of Human soldiers slowly flowed through and into the courtyard, where all Elite Rangers had cocked their rifles and aimed right at them, a warning should anyone think of doing anything they would regret. The Drow Vanguards and the Anthro Highlanders were busy binding the hands of the newly aquiered mass of prisoners, some were more cooperative than the others yet none presented a problem. The three Juggernauts had to be bound in some thick chains as the ordinary iron cuffs were far to small for their gargantuan hands. The Highlanders and Vanguards clearly appearing nervous around them, as it would be expected when finding oneself face-to-face with a steel-clad Human who towers even above an Orc. All the prisoners were slowly ushered inside, escorted to the cells beneath the fortress once they have been bound and stripped of their equipment. All save for the General, who was waiting outside the fortress with his hands behind his back. It was difficult to tell if the frown upon his grizzled visage was something that is normally present most of the time or only a response to this particular situation. Aleko himself was escorted by three Elite Rangers outside to meet with the old man. A couple of Drow Vanguards also followed, yet they only came to collect the discarded weapons and return with them inside the fortress. Once Aleko and his guards approached him, two of the Elite Rangers attempted to grab the general by his arms only to have him push them aside, this startling the third one who promptly rose his rifle and aimed it at the Human. “I can walk by myself, thank you very fricking much.” He said in a sharp tone as he pushed the two soldiers aside, a few moments of silence passing as he looked at the one aiming the rifle then turned his gaze at each of them before finally resting it at Aleko “I’m not sure if ‘private conversation’ has the same meaning to an Anthro as it does to a Human, but it usually implies only two people.” He stroked his trimmed beard before shrugging and continuing with “What? Afraid of an unarmed old man?” He then pointed at the heir’s ringed sword sheathed at his hip “That looks like a fine weapon. I am certain it would grace my neck most exquisitely should I try something stupid. Now come on. I trust you certainly know that my time on this world is more limited than yours, let’s not waste it.

The three Anthro Elite Ranges looked back at Aleko in confusion as to how they should approach the situation, in the end they escorted the heir and the general as they walked towards the Dwarven forces without actually binding the old man as he showed no sign of hostility whatsoever. As they walked, general Asimov sighed deeply “I apologize for my captain’s gall. The girl is young and the fire of youth is particularly crackling in her heart. I assume you would know all about it.” A slight smile appeared briefly beneath his mustache as he said the last part. “Speaking of which.. How old are you? Twenty-Eight? Thirty? You can’t be older than thirty-two, that’s for sure.” A faint scoff escaped him as the only response he received from Aleko was silence. “Well, there have certainly been younger Emperors who ascended the throne. Wonder if you will fare better than them.” They were getting closer and closer to the bulk of the Dwarven army yet Aleko did not say a word this whole time. One would assume that perhaps he was waiting for the right moment or thinking on what to say, regardless the general noticed this along with the fact that the heir was slowly falling behind as they walked. “You said you wanted to talk in private, yet until now it has been me talking and you listening. What are you..-“ General Asimov did not have the chance to finish his sentence as Aleko suddenly rushed at him, attempting to deliver a strong blow with the stock of his rifle. The strike was aimed at the back of the man’s head, delivered with sufficient force to properly knock him out cold.

That is, if the blow had connected.

In an unexpected turn of events, Aleko found himself being grabbed by the wrist by the General mere moments before the strike would have landed. Before anyone could realize what was going on, the old man quickly side-stepped behind the heir, twisting his arm behind his back, forcing the rifle to fall to the ground and wrapping his armored hand around Aleko’s neck, effectively immobilizing him. The three Elite Rangers promptly took aim and started shouting threats at the general to release their emperor, yet they couldn’t do anything for risk of brining harm to him. Aleko himself struggling to escape the man’s grip yet found himself utterly overpowered by his strength, whenever the general felt like the heir was making the slightest movement in attempts to reach for a weapon with his free hand or try to shift his position or anything else, he would apply pressure to the twisted arm and momentarily tighten his grip around Aleko’s neck, preventing him from any possible escapes. “You think I was promoted yesterday, boy?” General Asimov’s voice sounded clear among the threats of the Elite Rangers “I have been fighting on the fields before your mother took the last Emperor to her bed, I have been dancing this dance of war for so long I can remember the steps in my God’s damned sleep!” The general was keeping a strong and tight grip on Aleko, the Halfling simply finding himself unable to escape. He could barely move as the pain in his arm and shoulder spiked ever so often when the general applied force and his breath being momentarily cut off whenever the old man would tighten his grip around his neck. “Ah calm down and quit your struggling. You’ll walk out of here just fine and get your prisoner. I could snap your neck right here and now but there’d be no damn point in it.” The Human said to Aleko before pushing him away in a rough manner, one of the Elite Rangers quickly rushing to his side as the Human general turned his attention to the other two who still pointed their weapons at him “Do you want to shoot me now? What are you waiting for then? I am sure your precious emperor here would commend you for securing a corpse in place of a valuable prisoner.” He then turned his gaze to Aleko “Enjoy your victory” his tone of voice had lowered drastically from the bellow beforehand “But remember this and remember it well : Your time has passed. The time of the tyrannical Emperors is over, in the end you will loose this war.” A few moments of silence passed as everyone’s attention was drawn towards the horizon where they saw a small squadron of Dwarven soldiers harrying to them. The Human general turned on his heel to face them let out a deep, drawn out sigh. “I assume this concludes negotiations.” He muttered towards Aleko, concluding with “It was a pleasure to make your acquaintance” in a sarcastic tone before the squad of Dwarven Infantrymen cuffed and apprehended him.

One of the Dwarves was riding a rather large armored bear, with fur as black as coal. The Dwarf mounted atop this beast was dressed in a highly decorated version of the Dwarven Bear-Knight’s light-plated mail hauberks and armed with a sophisticated looking firearm. The rider dismounted, hopping down from the bear and removing his helm, revealing the familiar visage of Genral Bojor Ironfist. “What’n tha ‘ void was’ that?!” he shouted at Aleko, fuming with anger. He clearly wanted to say more but visibly abstained himself “Bah! No matte’. Tha’ day’s won. Now let’s get ye’ furry hide back to tha’ fortress, ye still got ‘a job to do.” He said and then turned around and let out a rather loud whistle that echoed through the valley, signaling with his arm for the Dwarven army to follow as they returned to Castle Northspark, all save for the squadron of Infantrymen who escorted the captive general back to their fortress at Paletower. Once arrived back at the fortress, general Bulkwyn welcomed them “General Ironfist. Good to see you.” Yet the Dwarven general did not share in her friendly demeanor “Can ‘it lass. We’ve got plen’ty o’ time fo’ pleasantries later.” After that brief exchange, she turned to Aleko “Sir, are you alright? Do you need any medical attention?” her tone sounded genuinely concerned it perhaps she already knew that Aleko was just fine save for a few sores on his arm and shoulder “Don’ mother him. He can walk’ it off. We’ain’ done ‘ere yet.” General Ironfist interrupted, to the frustration of Bulkwyn, Aleko simply asking for clarification regarding what he meant. The Dwarf rose his gaze at the Halfling and responded “Well ye’ did a bloody fine job o’ tha’ fortress.” He started, yet his tone did not imply actual commendation. “But we’ still gott’a convince tha’ mayor o’ tha’ town to pledge tha’ whole province’s allegiance to ou’r side, now don’ we?” Pepper nodded “He is right, sir. The town of Northspark is some hours march away from here. If you’re able, we should leave immediately.

General Ironfist proceede to produce one of his cigars from a small pack attached to his belt “Take ye’r men an’ getta move’ on already. Me an’ my boys will organize a garrison ‘ere. Convince tha’ mayor that’s in his best interest to turn tha’ province to us. Remind ‘im that we control the’r only fortress now and we’v got tha’ potential to raid tha’ whole damn town if need be.

After a bit of time of preparations, Aleko, General Bulkwyn and the rest of their troops were ready and departed from their newly aquiered fortress, heading Westwards towards the town of Northspark, while General Ironfist and his large army made preparations at the fortress, organizing a proper garrison to hold it and preparing the rest to march upon the town, if necessary. The march towards the town would take some time, it would be past mid-day by the time they arrived. General Bulkwyn kept silent on the road, since she judged that Aleko was probably not in the mood for her company at the moment, deciding to leave him to his thoughts.

They reached the town after some time, spotting it in the distance. The town of Northspark was as unremarkable as its fortress. A simple semi-circular town with stone buildings of a simple and plain architecture, very low on decoration. It’s walls were tall and eerily similar to those from the fortress, yet simply judging from the first outside glance one could reach the conclusion that it’s defenses were nowhere near as strong, the force that General Ironfist brought with him would encounter no particular difficulty in laying a siege yet it would still be time consuming, require resources and casualties would be completely unavoidable. The main gate of the town was closed, as it was to be expected from a town at the border with a province controlled by an opposing faction. Two rather small guard-towers were on either side, each having the blue flag of the Old Empire hung from its ramparts. Once Aleko, the general and the rest of their troops arpoached the gates, they were hailed by a couple of Human Musketeers atop the towers “No further, strangers. State your business here.” One of them called out to which Aleko replied, informing them of their present situation and demanding an audience with the mayor. Silence followed in which one could see the two Musketeers awash with disbelief, glancing at eachother and then back at Aleko. One of them promply departed, probably to inform the mayor of what just transpired. Eventually, Aleko heard the call for the gates to be opened, welcoming him, the general and their troops inside where a number of Musketeers could be seen all across the wall staring at them, along with some of the townspeople who were brave and curious enough to see what was going on. Their present defenses that Aleko could observe were not at all impressive. A few squads of Musketeers and a handful of War-Mages, yet he was certain that the whole town’s present forces were not just this.

The mayor was waiting for them in the center of the town. A stick of a man, clad in some lavish, thick, warm looking dark purple vestments with various decorations. A small beret was tilted to the side of his head from where curl of dark brown hair flew out. His facial features were sharp and gaunt, a wiry thin goatee jutting out from his chin akin to an arrows point, complementing an equally thin waxed mustache. The mayor greeted them “Welcome to the town of Northspark…umm…sirs.” His tone was filled with worry and his posture was slightly hunched only adding to this demeanor along with his paired hands, rubbing together in an attempt to keep warm. The man’s beady eyes widen and his face became pale as Aleko introduced himself “T..t..the heir? The heir of the Sendrakon bloodline?” he stuttered “That means…That means you are from the New Empire…but…why are you here? What is happening?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MachineSoul
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MachineSoul Ghost in the limelight.

Member Seen 15 days ago

Aleko walked down the stone stairs until he reached right in front of the gate which lead to the surrendering army outside. He was unaware of the slight inconvenience, as he was confident enough the fools wouldn't just give away their lives for naught; human loyalty may be something of great respect, but they still are flawed beings afraid of death. Loyalty in death is something that has to be won, and it would seem that general Dunngard didn't quite win it from all of his subordinates. They preferred to drop their weapons with him instead of defying his order to fight to death for him. As Aleko prepared himself to have the quick talk with the general, Bulkwyn made sure to pull him aside once again, this time to compliment him. The heir was taken by surprise with this gesture of appreciation, he could actually feel his cheeks prickle to form a light blush.

"You're too kind, general." He replied, quickly throwing a glance somewhere else to hide his flushing cheeks. "I only do what suits best the situation and don't let my feelings get in the way, that is all to it."

"But, thank you. I'm... I still cannot get used to this. It means a lot to know that I have your approval." He admitted in a low tone, a small smile giving away a little more emotion than he wanted.

But once he would be free to walk outside, the Emperor strode with confidence, quickly followed by an ever-eager MacFinlay and two more rangers the wolf called with him. Once they had reached him, the two quickly made their way to the human general and attempted to apprehend him, but with Asimov showing displeasure and resistance, MacFinlay quickly drew his rifle up; Aleko only had to raise his hand to quickly defuse the situation, all three ceased hostility towards the general. Then, they started walking, the general seemed to believe that the halfling was actually in a talking mood, when in reality, the halfling pulled the rifle from his shoulder and wrapped his fingers around the neck of the buttstock and the handguard in preparation for a knock-out blow. Aleko knew that he missed his cue, his intention was most likely given away by the shuffling of his armor, by his utter silence, by him falling behind; his mistake was to attempt to knockout anyway, even if he had been discovered, believing that he would still get him some way or another. To his dismay, rather than surprise, he found himself in a headlock, his rifle on the ground and with an arm tied around his gorget, which in its turn pressed tightly against his throat; that, combined with the great discomfort in his shoulder, made him attempt to gasp for some air, but in return he only managed to utter a grunt. Most of the general's words had fallen on deaf ears as the canine tried to calm himself down and let the situation pass, knowing that the human did not have the gall to take him down there and then. In the end, he was released, MacFinlay quickly made his way to the pained Emperor.

"Sir, are you alright?" He asked before he turned and raised his rifle again. "You bloody leatherface, I'll rape your mother's arse if you touch him ag-"

"Can it." Interrupted Aleko after he did a full rotation of the pained shoulder to realign the joint in its place and batted the rifle away a second time. MacFinlay cocked his head, left aghast by his superior's order; although he could complain about it, he slung his rifle on his shoulder with no further comment. The dwarves quickly arrived to cuff the general and take him away, to which Aleko finally opened his snout with a deep chuckle, a reaction that made Bedpan's blood go cold, the same with the other two rangers.

"No good deed goes unpunished, general." Aleko stated through the chuckle, a wide grin present on his face. "No idea just how you could have snapped my neck, armor and all, but you should have done it either way. It would have been the best for you." The heir then walked towards one of the dwarven troops that cuffed the human general to pull him aside, but not without a last glance and a last sentence.

"I certainly would have done it, I'm an Elite Ranger. You're only a loud-mouthed, high-ranking officer. The dog that barks does not bite."

The heir then wrapped his arm around the dwarven troop and whispered to him leisurely as he headed back for the forest, his head leaning down so that he would be able to address to him.

"Keep him well-fed and well-rested for two or three days. Then, you have my permission to do anything you want to get out every bit of information he's got, but I demand you to keep him alive. Once you've drawn every last drop of intelligence, bring him to me on Escalyber. Have I made myself understood?"

With that done, he patted the stout man on the shoulder and allowed him to leave, giving himself another moment to gyrate his shoulder and push his neck in the opposite direction, a sickening crackle releasing some of the built-in tension. The physical tenderness was bearable, but there was clearly more than muscle damage imprinted on him. Soon, a war bear made itself visible with general Bojor atop of it; the dwarf dismounted and ran up to the halfling to keep up with him and question him about the situation. The heir had nothing to reply to him, save for informing him about the order he had bestowed upon one of his own men, concluding with a shrug and a nonchalant:

"I thought it would be polite of me to let you know what would be going on in Paletower."

Some time later, the general reunited, Bulkwyn tried to show some pleasantries towards the crass dwarf, then, show worry for the halfling.

"There is no wound for a physician to tend to, general." Aleko replied curtly.

“Don’ mother him. He can walk’ it off. We’ain’ done ‘ere yet.” Added Ironfist.

"I was about to say that I'll lick it off, but that would work too." The heir then completed, tilting his head to the side.

“Well ye’ did a bloody fine job o’ tha’ fortress.” The dwarf started, yet his tone did not imply actual commendation. “But we’ still gott’a convince tha’ mayor o’ tha’ town to pledge tha’ whole province’s allegiance to ou’r side, now don’ we?”

“He is right, sir", Pepper nodded, "the town of Northspark is some hours march away from here. If you’re able, we should leave immediately.”

"Then, let's not keep the man waiting for us. Take whatever forces we have left, we march now." Aleko immediately ordered, his tone changing drastically from the previous one; mostly like due to the fact that no one actually understood the subtlety of the self-deprecating jape.

Prior to the march, Aleko and Bulkwyn had mustered some of the Elite Rangers, a handful of highlanders and some score of drow vanguards to join them on the walk towards the capital of the region, the town bearing the same name as the fortress they had captured yesterday. In this time, Aleko took himself a couple of moments to ease his bladder; he cleaned his hands with a handful of pure snow, inspecting it beforehand to make sure it didn't have drops of yellow in it. Once the shepherd was done, he took another moment to walk over to a tree and lean himself against it, a heavy sigh trailing out as a puff of steam exiting his long snout; he had the hurting arm resting against the tree trunk, the other one hanging loosely next to his body. Within a second, he grunted loudly and snarled as he slammed the thick of his palm against his temple in a repeated manner.

Idiot, sodding mutt, letting yourself so damn exposed! He scolded himself between grunts. I'll show that crusty old bear what tyranny is all about.

"Sir, a-are you... oh, gods."

Aleko promptly turned his head only a little, his face not visible towards the voice from behind. He immediately identified it being MacFinlay's. He knew that he couldn't explain to him what he just saw, so instead he replied to the wolf's attempt of a question with an oddly calm voice, which carried a rather menacing undertone to it.

"I am quite fine, Bedpan. Are the preparations in order?"

"Uh, y-yessir. We're ready to leave." The wolf answered, his voice giving away the uneasiness that overtook him after witnessing his superior's outburst and sudden change of tone.

"Good. Get in formation."

"Sir!" Bedpan saluted and promptly left his Emperor alone.

Aleko turned his head back towards the ground and relaxed his shoulders, the thumping pain in his temple drawing away the temper inside him. A matter of seconds later, he took his place within the marching formation, visor down, acting as if nothing had ever happened. MacFinlay was still close-by, but whatever plan he had to socialize with the heir was most likely gone. For the following hours, the silence Aleko had about him tasted in a very different way compared to the other times he kept his mouth shut through the marches; it would seem that sounds around him would be siphoned by something, everyone seemed rather reluctant to explore the oddity. The long walk did help him get a grip of his fiery emotions, but even so, he could still feel a knot of rage in his throat. In due time, they reached the gates of Northspark city, where a couple of musketeers defended the niggardly towers laid at the sides of the gatehouse. Once challenged, Aleko walked forward and lifted his visor, his glacier glance falling upon one of the human guards.

"Aleko Farland Sendrakon, first of my name and heir of the Sendrakon bloodline, I come to announce the fall of Fort Northspark!" His voice boomed at the two guardsmen. "I wish audience with the mayor of the town!"

Not long after, the gates opened, Aleko was the first to walk inside, to the dismay of a squad of Elite Rangers that were tasked with defending the Emperor; they quickly caught up to him and matched their pace with the heir's stride, which seemed rather adamant about stomping his way to the center of the town.

This is my victory. It feels different because it is for me, not for the general of my army, or for the king of the Freedom Islands. This land is now mine. I do not know what to do with this notion, yet, it empowers me. I need to calm my blood some more.

He met with the mayor of the town, the White Shepherd gave him a scrutinizing look before he nodded his head towards the lanky human.

"T..t..the heir? The heir of the Sendrakon bloodline?” The mayor stuttered, obviously taken by surprise. “That means… That means you are from the New Empire… but… why are you here? What is happening?”

Aleko lowered his head to align his eyes to his and clasped his hands at his own back.

"I thought the guardsman told you? I'm here to tell you that the fort of Northspark is forfeit. The army has been all but eliminated, the surviving troops have been captured; general Asimov Dunngard has surrendered prior to his apprehension. He tried to negotiate himself out of the situation, but it would seem that few know the privileges of being captured." Aleko addressed to the man calmly.

"Which is why I hope that you will have the wisdom to avoid more conflict and forfeit the town and all of this region's settlements, as well as its resources. As long as the relationship between this region and the New Empire's core remains civil, you are promised prosperity, security and attention, as well as the benefits of a different mind-set of lordship and ruling; if you wish to resist even under the circumstances you find yourself in, I'm afraid I will have no choice but to take away your position and offer it to a loyal vassal." Aleko took a quick break in his speech to take a few steps away from the mayor to gaze at the mob of residents crowding to witness the commotion.

How in all the hells am I able to speak like so without stuttering?

"Citizens of Northspark, you will find my rule a gentle, yet, productive one, based on honesty and workmanship. You will find kindness and prosperity, under the condition that you pledge your allegiance to me, the last of the Sendrakon bloodline. I may be a bastard, aye, but that means half of my blood will quench the tyrannical other; I too know what the people have been through under the seemingly unending dynasty, the Sendrakon have grown too accustomed to their well-being and took their underlings's loyalty for granted. I stand here in front of you to promise to you that the end of childish regimes and careless behavior has ended with the death of the last pure blood. I may be Sendrakon, but I am also Hyde. I am unfortunate, but also blessed to wear both of these names, so I will take them and bear them with courage and pride in my heart, to lead my people to a New Empire, where you, the people, will have the most important voice in leading the Empire. Your pleas and suggestions will be carefully listened and applied, for the better of Avalon. For the better future, for our children, so that they do not have to live through the atrocities the elderly had to suffer." Aleko then turned to the mayor.

"You must understand, I am no threat to you since I did not come here to point the tip of my sword at your neck. I couldn't come to have this discussion with the Old Empire's army breathing down my neck, I had to make sure you could listen to my proposition with no interference, surely you can understand that. I am sure we can forge a fruitful cooperation, once you have replaced the banners and accept me as your leader." The shepherd took a deep breath and straightened his back, feeling rather light-headed after he had lost focus on his breathing.

"Now then, my dear mayor, what will be your verdict?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zamokra41
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Zamokra41 Procrastinating Knight

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Disbelief and worry were present on the faces of all citizens surrounding the center of town, more slowly and gingerly emerging from the safety of their homes as Aleko spoke, all curious about this turn of events since one major decision will affect their general futures, right here right now. The mayor was listening intently, visibly shaking just a bit, whether it was due to anxiety or the cold air was difficult to determine. Once the heir finished his speech, the people around started to whisper and murmur, inaudible discussions, each apparently having their own opinions upon the matter. The mayor however was silent, his worried visage gazing around at all the people gathered and the soldiers around, his hands continuously rubbing eachother in an attempt to keep warm. It took some long moments of contemplation but in the end the purple-clad mayor approached Aleko, his hunched posture making him seem shorter than he actually is. “So it is true…” he murmured “…there truly IS an heir. And the fortress has fallen…even general Dunngard surrendered… ” Once more he gazed around himself, the whispers of the crown falling silent and all eyes falling on the poor man. Beads of sweat tickled down his brow as he turned his attention to Aleko and announced, louder this time so that all present may hear “I am in a position where I must think for the better of the town and the citizens.” Puffs of stream flew from his mouth “If what you promised will come to fruition. If you truly mean for the people of this town to be able and live their lives and be spared the…ravages of war.” The mayor paused for a moment, dropping his gaze at Aleko’s feet “..Then we shall pledge our allegiance to you and the New Empire and recognize your authority…” the gaunt man paused once more, dropping to one knee and finishing his sentence with “…My lord.

The palpable tension in the air was diffused mere moments after the mayor bent the knee, the crowd of people and the soldiers around following suit…yet it should be noted that they didn’t do this with joy or happiness. Some even voiced their resentment, refusing to kneel and call out to the mayor and the heir. ‘Coward; Liar; Traitor; Cur; were some of the words thrown among other complains regarding loyalty and honesty. “Quiet!” the mayor snapped at handful of protesters, waving his hand in their direction, signaling a few of the Spearmen to apprehend the rabble and removing them from the scene. “Apologies, sire. They don’t know what they’re saying….” The mayor said to Aleko, hoping that this slight won’t motivate him into some kind of punishing action. Regardless of the general sentiment of the town, one fact remained perfectly clear at the end of the day…

The province of Northspark was now under New Empire control.

Aleko, general Bulkwyn and the rest of the troops returned as quickly as they could back to the fortress, gazing behind him Aleko could already see the New Empire crimson fluttering in the wind and hanging from the guard-towers of the town, officially declaring their new-found allegiance. Once they arrived back at the fortress and brought the news to general Ironfist, the dwarf was visibly pleased “Har har!” he bellowed “With this ‘ere combined outpost o’ Northspark an’ Paletower, it gon’be much easier to bring me’ forces on future assaults on this ‘ere ‘Kindom o’ tha’ North’. Har!” the stout Dwarf delivered a single, solid pat on Aleko’s lower back “Maybe ther’be some emperor in ye’ afterall, lad. But don’ let it get to ye’r head!” General Ironfist then proceeded to let out a rather loud whistle, calling the attention of the gross majority of the Dwarven soldiers under his command, declaring that he will depart with a handful of his men to station at the town itself “Insurance…” he said with a toothy grin “Just makin’ sure ou’ new ‘friends’ will behave and be good’ol lads an’ lasses.” He clarified and then mounted his great war-bear, declaring that they will meet back at the Escalyber later.

The rest of the evening was spent in celebration at the fortress. Dwarves and Anthros sharing strong drink, food and song. The Dark Elven Vanguards did not stay, congratulating Aleko on the victory and then asking for permission to return to their own personal headquarters shortly before the celebrations started. The otherwise dull dining hall of the fortress was now lively with song and feast that lasted till late in the night, Dwarves and Anthros celebrating however they saw fit by swapping and singing traditional songs, sometimes sung in their native languages, dancing and cheering, feasting on whatever foods they had available and some even engaged in drinking games, though the Dwarves had the advantage there for obvious reasons. Aleko was seated at the head of a large table, the sort of place usually reserved for the lord of a castle, appropriate considering he actually is the emperor and also lead this mission which brought the very victory they are celebrating. “A toast!” Pepper’s voice resounded throughout the hall, surprisingly louder than the whole cacophony of noises made by the cheering and singing of the merry soldiers. “To our Emperor!” she bellowed once more as soon as the singing and cheering drowned down a bit and she had the attention of all Dwarves and Anthros, continuing while standing atop one of the tables nearby with a simple iron mug in hand, dressed her combat uniform but without the weapons, helmet or even the plating components. “To Aleko Farland Sendrakon the First! Also known as ‘Frosty’!” a rather loud chuckle escaped her at the end, accompanied by the merry laughter that sounded all around followed by a loud would-be-unison cheer.

To Emperor Frosty! Long may he reign!

Some may consider that this sort of celebration was rather premature, as the general state of their campaign was still less than ideal. However, many considered this to be more than just about simple progress and growth in territory. It was about a message. This was the first real move that the New Empire had taken to fighting back and struggle for victory. The first sign that the stalemate which lasted for many years was over. This was the first step towards ending the War of the Three Empires….and it begins with a sounding victory for Aleko and his faction. Tonight they celebrated, allowing themselves some respite and merriment after a hard-fought battle. Tomorrow, Aleko and the generals would return to the Escalyber, where future planning and strategies were going to be planned, where further expansions were thought and processed and more battles were to come. But for tonight, they had earned the right to drink and dance, feast and sing, and enjoy their victory.

It was difficult to tell how long the celebrations lasted, it was clearly still going by the time Aleko decided he ought to retire to the sleeping room. The merriment was not restricted to just the dining hall, the heir was firmly convinced by that since on his way to the sleeping chamber he almost bumped right into a female Elite Ranger covered in nothing but a large bed sheet and being chased by one of her male comrades along with a Dwarf, both in their smallclothes. Judging by the ‘alluring’ calls the men threw at the woman and her giggling and taunting, one would assume there was no trouble, all three of them clearly drunk enough to not even notice they passed the emperor himself. The noise from the celebration was steadily dying out as Aleko came closer and closer to the sleeping chamber he spent the night before…yet it appeared he was not alone. The door was slightly ajar and some voice could be heard from within…was it…singing? Once inside, Aleko had the surprise of seeing none other than general Pepper Bulkwyn, leaning on the open window sill, her gaze looking at the dark, cloudy night outside, the dim lighting from the fortress marking the edges of the nearby environment and the gentle fall of snowflakes dancing in the cold breeze. The general was holding a entire bottle of Anthro-made wine, about half-empty if one were to give it a shake. She did not notice Aleko entering the room, perhaps she may have had one to many or Aleko was careful not to make his presence known….or perhaps she was too focused on her singing. Pepper was singing and humming, with quite a bit of talent, what Aleko recognized as an old Anthro song, yet it was not the cheery and merry sort that the rest of their soldiers were reenacting, no her song was actually one that Anthro soldiers would sing in mourning for fallen comrades.

An intentional some-what loud closing of the door behind him snapped the general from her apparent trance, promptly getting up, albeit clumsily, from the window sill and attempting to give a respectful bow to Aleko “Oh, sire…uhh…I didn…I didn’t…” she rubbed her forehead with her free hand, parting away her teal hair as if trying to get a better view of her surroundings “This…Isn’t my room..is it?” she asked with a silly smirk on her face and an apologetic gesture of her hand…her voice sounded awfully different than what Aleko heard from her until now. She was not the chirpy and rather unprofessional Pepper, nor was she the booming and confident general Bulkwyn…right now she sounded more like, well… a woman.

I’m…I am sorry, sire. I…” she momentarily regained her balance before attempting to walk out the door only to find herself stopped by Aleko, who declared she ought to sit down for a few moments lest she risks hurting herself on the way, promptly taking the half-empty bottle from her grasp without any sort of resistance from her part. Pepper layed down, not on the bed but on the floor with her back leaning against the bedpost while Aleko found himself a seat in front of her while she rubbed her temples with both hands. Perhaps it was morbid curiosity or perhaps it was something else, yet Aleko couldn’t help but inquire as to why she was singing that particular song. Pepper would perhaps under normal circumstances avoid the question similarly to how she did when Aleko inquired about her past experiences with magic-users, yet in her current state she appeared to be more…suggestible? “Well…sir. Today…today is the celebration. The celebration…of my survival.” She answered with a small, forced smile on her mousy nuzzle. She parted her hair backwards, her gaze not actually rising to meet Aleko’s as she spoke and clarified. “Twenty-four years ago, I was assigned together with my unit at the time for a skirmish against a force commanded by the Stainless Empire. I was just a small-time officer at the time, following the orders of my superiors into battle in the defense of a fortress in the Anthro province of West-Nurendorf. Nothing particularly special, we had defended that position before a few times, I was already stationed there along with the rest of my unit as it’s main garrison so we knew the ins and outs of the place and were pretty confident in our capabilities of holding it down.” A deep sigh escaped her as she pulled her knees together and clutched at her shoulders with both hands akin to her being cold. “We….we just weren’t expecting one thing…” she continued “…Wizards. Not just one or two or three…a whole squad of Wizards simply….teleporting behind the lines and throwing their spells all over the place.” Her tone of voice had gotten more tense as the material of her uniform screeched under her tighten grip “We tried to fight back while still facing the siege itself, managing to gun down some of those spell-slingers but….they were lead by one. Their general, I believe who simply turned the tide of battle. Our bullets were useless against some kind of magical-bullshit shield he created around his robed fucks.

A glitter of tears started to accumulate in the corners of her eyes as she continued “We were burned…frozen and turned to ash…and there was nothing we could do! I can still hear that sunovabitch’s snicker in my nightmares..” the general paused, promptly wiping away the accumulated tears before they had a chance to flow down her fine-furred cheeks. Her tone returning to a some-what normality as she continued “In the heat of this…massacre, my commanding captain pushed me out of the way from a fireball…taking the majority of the hit but saving my life. I fell from atop the wall and down into the trench, the last thing I saw before loosing consciousness was my captain burning alive…his helmet…melting on his head….” She shuddered “I still don’t know how I survived…but there I was. Bruised and beaten, with cracked ribs, a broken arm, dislocated shoulder and fractured leg, but still somehow alive. I found myself on a corpse wagon….with the bodies of my former comrades around me…I crawled away when I had the first chance and managed to slip into friendly territory under the cover of night where I was found by a farmhand and nursed back to health….just in time to deliver my report.

A sad chuckle escaped her “I continued to serve once I was able…hailed and promoted to captain myself for my survival and willpower….feh!” Her pose relaxed a bit as she reached with one hand inside a breast-pocket and pulled out a standard issue, albeit rather worn, Anthro military tag connected to a thin chain-necklace “Pepper Iggite Bulkwyn. Aka, ‘Mousy’. Sole survivor of the Imperial Mechanized Rangers 26th battalion ‘Foxtail’ of the New Empire Anthro forces…hmpf…

Moments of silence passed as Pepper stared blankly at the tag before tilting her head and turning her gaze at the bottle of wine still in Aleko’s possession “Mind passing that…sir?” she asked gingerly still avoiding eye-contact.

So… that’s my story.” She concluded “I had encountered more magic-users since that day and learned from each battle how to better deal with them. Therefore…my experience. I made a promise to never allow such mistakes and losses happen to any soldier at my side ever again…and I intend to keep it.” A sad whimper escaped her for one moment "Even though I failed miserably this time..." she murmured.

After that declaration, the general put her old-worn tag back inside her pocket and slapped both her cheeks a few times akin to someone trying to wake themselves. “Bah..My apologies sir.” She the stood up, the effects of the drink no longer having the same hold on her but still far from gone “..I didn’t mean to waste your time with ramblings about the past. With your permission…I shall retire and allow you to rest…sir.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MachineSoul
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MachineSoul Ghost in the limelight.

Member Seen 15 days ago

There was certainly a seed of doubt inside Aleko as he saw the lanky mayor lower himself to one knee and bowing his head. The heir could only lower his head to follow the movements of the human, surprised of the man's sudden cooperation. Then, the entire crowd around him followed suit, the town center was filled with clatter of armor pieces or the rustling noises of clothes creasing. Aleko could easily notice the people not being very enthusiastic by the change of allegiance and he couldn't blame them for that. He knew that there was very little he could do right then to alleviate the fear poisoning the populace's hearts, they unfortunately had to wait for the wind of the new regime to pass over them; of course, there will be those who are unhappy with most things, Aleko knew not to pay them any mind, lest he would be bickering over the most unimportant nothings like scurvy crones. And of course, there were voices of contempt echoing through through the crowd, which the mayor quickly silenced by sending his spearmen to apprehend them; the heir had the urge to stop them from doing so, but then, he had little to no thought on how to deal with them personally. He thinned his lips as he watched the guardsmen take the agitators away.

"I understand there is doubt and fear." He replied to him. "It would be naive of me to believe that a speech alone would be enough to win the lot's hearts. I will prove my words with actions, my good man."

"You're also rather - blessed - to find yourself in a key point on the map of Avalon. You will find yourself rich yet."

But otherwise, indeed, the province of Northspark was now a part of the New Empire movement. General Ironfist was glad about the success too as he bellowed and clasped the heir's back with a heavy hand back at the newly-conquered fortress.

“With this ‘ere combined outpost o’ Northspark an’ Paletower, it gon’be much easier to bring me’ forces on future assaults on this ‘ere ‘Kindom o’ tha’ North’. Har! Maybe ther’be some emperor in ye’ afterall, lad. But don’ let it get to ye’r head!”

"Do not worry, general", Aleko started, landing a palm of his own on the dwarf's shoulder, "I know my place. It's a province, aye, but it's ours. There are more to come yet."

Then, the general made his intentions more or less clear as he parted towards the town. The smiled lightly and nodded his head.

"I was about to suggest leaving a garrison in the town also. We wouldn't want civil unrest on our hands, would we?"

But the time of relaxation had finally arrived, the shepherd had the liberty to take off the plate armor and allow himself to walk only in his crimson gambeson bearing black trims, a pair of padded leggings, the pair of rather thin boots that fitted under the plate leggings and sabatons; the only bit of plate armor left on him were his gauntlets, a brand that scholars of Master Winzent GrauFell's teachings would wear at all times, denoting their exquisite swordsmanship and dueling prowess. Of course he joined the celebration with his subordinates and the helfling general, quietly sitting on his own stool with a cup of wine in his gloved hands; Bedpan and Thunder were both close to the Emperor, the same with bits of the squad under Yearling's command, sharing their happiness with the rest of the forces celebrating their first real victory in a long while. This time, the heir actually finished his cup and even asked for a refill to be able to properly toast with his comrades; once he was called for the toast, he chuckled to himself and pushed his body up to stand on the table too, his cup also raised.

“To Aleko Farland Sendrakon the First! Also known as ‘Frosty’!”

"Oh, gods-"

“To Emperor Frosty! Long may he reign!”

Aleko shook his head and laughed at the choice of name, but still, he took a big gulp of the wine with the rest of the troops.

Better than Emperor Winter Bunny, I suppose. He sighed and took advantage of the rather silent moment to address himself to the celebrating soldiers.

"Well fought, men, well done." He started, his voice managing to quiet the entire room. "Some may say that there's nothing to celebrate, that we're still far from accomplishment; I agree, there's a long road ahead, but today we took one, firm step forwards with our right foot. I say, let's be happy we have something to drink and whoop about, aye?" He waited for a unison reply, which did arrive.

"Let it be known that today, the first step towards the Second Unity had been taken, aye? For Avalon!" He concluded, his voice raising to a proud shout in the end.

Yet, how am I able to make anyone fight for a cause that I just can't make myself believe in?

After he had finished a third cup of his wine, he found himself mildly inebriated as he immediately noticed the room spin around him while he tried to stand up, so, he sat back down with the rest of the men and turned back to them.

"Whew, seems like this mutt's sitting it out a little."

The table roared with laughter at the light-weight, Thunder seemed to have brightened after he had lost one of his men, while MacFinlay didn't seem so uncomfortable around the Emperor any longer; as a matter of fact, he actually found the courage to wrap an arm around his nape as another song erupted in the hall, which Aleko did sing out with his rather lackluster voice. But after he had recovered his sense of balance, he decided to go to sleep, as he preferred to not make any poor decisions in the company of his underlings, he wasn't a simple lieutenant anymore. He heard enough tales of drunken lords to know how poorly an evening could end and the little respect they are given for being petty drunkards.

I am no drunkard, no no, I am an Emperor. Har, Emperor of the smallest corner in Avalon. A little Emperor. Heh.

There was a hard thud against him, or so he perceived, as he reeled back from the impact of a female running in a bed sheet only; he blinked a few times and frowned, rather confused by the minimal choice of attire she picked to wear for that night, especially with so many drunk men around. Then, two soldiers appeared, who seemed to be adamant about catching her. All that he could do was to put his hands on his own hips and follow them run with his head, his body leaning forwards a little from the alcohol swirling in his head. He licked his lower lip and opened his mouth.

"You'll catch a cold if you keep running like that." He commented, but the trio was long gone by the time he finished the sentence. He blinked slowly and took a deep breath through his nostrils.

Aleko wanted to shake his head in disapproval, but then he remembered that if he would do so, he would most likely loose his balance again and this time, there was no stool for him to land on. Instead, he continued his way to his quarters, replaying the events of the last few days in his mind over and over; he especially enjoyed how well he acquitted himself through the brief combat he had, getting away only with the self-inflicted bruise from the drop-kick stunt he played on the war mage. Lucky him, he didn't suffer another bruise on his way to the room he claimed, from where, he could hear a female humming a certain tune; rather intrigued by such an odd situation, the shepherd walked inside the dim-lighted room carefully, noticing a familiar frame leaning though the window. He recognized her as being none other but general Bulkwyn singing a sad tune composed to wail and commemorate fallen comrades. The minor key of the tune floating in the intimate darkness of the room had pulled Aleko from his happy drunk to a more sober state as he could place the lyrics of the song into the melodic tune. In the end, he became too curious about why would she sing this ballad during a victory celebration, so he attracted her attention in the most subtle way he could by closing the door behind him. He did obtain a reaction, the woman turned around and pardoned her intrusion after she realized she stumbled into the wrong room. Her voice had changed once more, completely different from anything he had previously heard from Bulkwyn.

“This… Isn’t my room... is it? I’m… I am sorry, sire. I…” she stammered as she pushed herself away from the window and fought to keep her own balance.

"Don't need to apologize, general." He replied calmly, though there was a definite slur to his talking. Seeing her approach the door, he immediately thought of the indecent trio from before.

If Bedpan's words were true, I can't let her out like this. He thought as he stepped in her way, his frame rising over hers with a half a head difference.

"I think it's best you sit down a little. You'll trip'n'fall, hell knows what happens next with these" he stifled a burp as he turned his torso to wave at the outside world "rowdy men, all to happy and rowdy. And really happy. So, sit down, I-" he removed the half-empty bottle of wine from her clutching hands and presented the bed to her "-will confiscate this for the time being."

As he saw her sit in front of the bed and pressing her back against it, Aleko picked up a chair and placed it in front of her, so that he could talk to the woman face-to-face. He examined the deep-green bottle and gave it a swirl with a flick of his wrist, the dark liquid sloshing against the smooth inner walls and leaving a distinctive trail of wine behind; he took a whiff, the combination of fruity aroma and the sour odor of saliva aggravated his nose, but at least he knew that the general did not poison herself with wine made for non-anthro consumption. Seeing her curl and rub her head in a rather vulnerable position, Aleko remembered that slip of hers at the mention of war-mages, not to mention her outburst and determination to slay the four mages that threatened to foil their plans. He swirled the bottle twice and lifted its bottom, his lips connecting with the lips of the bottle to allow a sip to flow against his tongue; he tasted the liquid with his entire mouth, but to his disappointment, the wine was of the same quality as the one downstairs. He put the bottle away and sighed heavily.

"We did a good one, Bulkwyn." Aleko started and muffled a hiccup. "But why sing Fate over Demise, of all the songs that can be sung after a victory? Yes, we lost men, but like I previously said, it's our first step to success. We rejoice now."

For a half-a-second, he knew that she wouldn't answer yet, he showed impatience now towards her. He nearly felt bad for it, until, she did open up to reveal her deep hatred towards magic users. It was a harrowing tale, difficult to listen to, let alone becoming the "protagonist" of such a traumatizing experience. All that the heir could do as to look away from her as to not pressure the woman into telling him all about it and half-way through the story, he picked up the bottle to take another swig. He hated it when women cried. His face, once beaming collectively with the happy group downstairs, curled downwards into the mopey mood of the room. Of course he refused offering her more of the drink, after all he was trying to make her sober up enough to be able to walk herself to her chambers. But once she was done, she stood up and invigorated herself, sniffling away at her liquefied snot. She asked for permission to leave, to which, Aleko replied with silence. He once again stowed the bottle away, stood up and started undo the small buckles holding his plated gloves on his wrists and palms; he placed the two next to the bottle with care and then placed the chair back in its place, rather meticulously if anything. It soon became evident as why he took his time with these actions as he turned back to her, walked up in front of her and clasped his hands on her shoulders, looking down at her with an empathetic expression.

"Pepper. I may not be the best person to tell you this, with you being old enough to be my mother and having the experience of a life time on your belt," he started, blinking slowly as he controlled his slur to help him deliver his message quick enough so that she could have no chance to retaliate, "but such grudges do more harm to you than they motivate you to overcome your... experience. Today feels like you have failed because men have died under the attack of war-mages, but you know what? Men would have died if there weren't any war-mages either, you see."

"I've seen you crack his neck from my side, I saw the satisfaction in your action, but think about it like this: what was his fault in what happened to you, or the 26th? I'm not trying to downplay your suffering, Pepper, I'm trying to make you pull yourself out from it, I'm trying to have you stop beating yourself over it; because one day, you will slip because of this grudge, then you will blame yourself a thousandfold and I don't want that to happen to my favorite general." He rolled his eyes.

"I know, we've been knowing each other for a week, but yes. It's only natural that anthros root for other anthros, no? But, very seriously now, listen to my advice; if there's someone you really need to put down, then it's that one wizard who took enjoyment from it, but not even he deserves your hatred. Hate Bojor Ironfist for being a callous half-man, gods damn it." He sighed through his nostrils and rubbed his eyes in a sort of frustration.

"You've got an entire army holding your back, just as glad to sacrifice their lives to make sure you live and that the task you give. Look, even the 137th knows about Leftenant Mousy "the Undying", we had you as an example on how determination is key to survival and efficiency. As a matter of fact, I do feel rather displeased with myself for not realizing that none other than Madame Mousy the Undying is a general in my grand army, not until you pulled your tag out." He gave her a mild shake and lowered his head so that his icicle eyes would be as the same level as hers, while keeping his snout at a comfortable, non-invading distance.

"So, for the sake of your name, for the sake of the soldiers you inspired, for the sake of a fan standing in front of you, accept the defeat and pull yourself away from the past, lest you'll drown in your sour memories."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Zamokra41
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Zamokra41 Procrastinating Knight

Member Seen 2 mos ago

A chuckle escaped the general when hearing her old nickname. “Madam Mousy the Undying” she muttered. “I never asked for that...title. There probably was a time when I would have wanted something so…grandiose-sounding. Before I knew the cost…”her chuckle ended with a nod as he gently pulled herself away from Aleko’s grasp “I know…sire. I know not to let my personal feelings get in the way of my duties.” Her tone implied a certain level of sobriety returned to her “However…my past is my burden to bear and I choose how close I keep it. Meaning no disrespect, I cannot simply ‘let go’, at least not yet.” She clenched her fist, tightly enough to hear the popping of her knuckles “Not until I fulfill the vow I made at the grave of my squad…” moments of silence passed as Pepper calmly and steadily walked towards the door, stopping just as she was about to leave “I WILL find that bastard mage general…and avenge my comrades and friends…” for a brief moment Aleko noticed something…unsettling in the general’s eyes just before her gaze dropped out of view as she bowed her head, said a “Good night, sir” and left, closing the door behind her. Leaving Aleko alone to process and chew on the information he had just assimilated.


By the time morning came, the Dwarves were hard at work, mounting the defenses and cleaning up from last night…while the majority of the Anthro soldiers were trying to deal with their hangovers. Aleko even found some of them still passed out in the make-shift dining hall. He met with general Bulkwyn after a while, exchanging formal greetings. She appeared to be her usual self, perhaps hinting to the idea that last night’s conversation should not leave the room, yet it was hard to tell. Regardless, the general informed Aleko that they are simply waiting for general Ironfist to return to the fortress before they could leave. Turns out they didn’t have to wait long as the Dwarven general appeared before them only a couple of hours later. “So, how are our new friends faring so far?” Pepper asked with a smirk, Bojor simply sighing before answering “They’r in tha’ foucking cloud’ nine, wha’ d’you expect?” the sharp response was probably an indication to the fact that the citizens of Northspark were not as ‘thrilled’ as they were yesterday in their change of allegiance. The garrison that General Ironfist left at the town, however ought to be enough to mitigate whatever potential riots or would-be take-overs the people could be planning. If for some reason the Dwarves at the town would find themselves with more on their hands than they could handle, reinforcements could always be summoned from the castle, so there was no worry.

So..You’ two enjoyin’ tha ‘ scenery o’ are we ‘bout ready tha’ leave?” General Ironfist asked while popping his neck from what one would assume would be a stiffness due to a rough night. Once ready, Aleko pulled the Homeward Stone that Pepper gave him at the behest of Cyrus. It seemed that to active it, all Aleko had to do was hold it in hand and simply ‘will it’ that it would take him to the Escalyber. Moreover, the teleportation extended to whomever was in direct contact with him, as determined by the fact that the Emperor found himself transported back to his Royal Study along with generals Bulkwyn and Ironfist whom held on to him. After the trio took a few moments to regain their balance from the spell, Bojor groaned roughly “Hate tha’t shite…” he muttered just before he bowed his head and excused himself with Pepper following suit. Once the two generals left, Aleko found the time to retreat to his quarters and change to some more comfortable wear, finding a large metal plague with many names engraved on it, as per his instructions. Once Aleko was done and left, he met with the Imperial Wizard just outside the study, almost bumping into him as it appeared the old man was going to check on him. Cyrus was smiling “Hello, sir. Welcome back. I heard that your mission was successful.” He removed one hand from gripping his staff and patted Aleko on the back “Congratulations. Not only have we secured a new province under our allegiance but we also captured several enemy troops and even a general of the Old Empire. A sounding victory.” The wizard appeared quite proud of Aleko’s accomplishments, answering only with a simple “News travel fast” when Aleko asked how he came to already know about all this before the heir had the chance to announce it. The Imperial Wizard steeped out of the way and accompanied Aleko for a bit, informing him that the generals Primelyt and Leafdancer have yet to return from their respective missions but one could expect news from them fairly soon.

The whole of the Empire will soon know.” He spoke after a bit of silence, time in which the two entered the Throne Room. “They news are bound to spread like wildfire. Already there were rumors and soon they will be all but confirmed..” the sun bathed the large room, bouncing off the white marble columns and floor, brining out the burning crimson from the drapes and carpet. Cyrus stood in the direction of a beam of sunlight, making his white robes seem all the more immaculate while it gave his gray hair and beard a more silvery hue, half of his face covered in a heavy shade due to the angle when he turned towards the heir, his pale white eyes meeting the sky-blue from Aleko’s .

They will all know. That a true Emperor has finally returned.

Silence settled as the two simply gazed at eachother, their thoughts interrupted by a tug at Aleko’s coat. Scribe eagerly caught their attention and offered Aleko a piece of parchment in which he expressed his relief and joy of having the Emperor back as well as congratulating him on his latest victory. A chuckle escaped Cyrus “We are all glad you have returned, sir. Please take a moment to rest, I doubt there are any particularly important issues that require your attention today, sir.” Aleko then made a request, which apparently has taken the Wizard by surprise. “Your…mother?” Cyrus pondered for a brief moment before giving his answer “Of course…She is welcome here. I will send word and arrange for her to be brought here as soon as possible. I assume she currently lives in one of the provinces from Freedom Isle, no?” his inquiry was confirmed by Aleko, even specifying the particular province where Cyrus should look into. “Understood, sir.” The old man said with a faint smile and a bow of the head. The Wizard then excused himself and left, the tapping of his staff against the floor echoing through the room. However, he stopped in his tracks and turned around “Oh, I almost forgot.” He said stretching his back “You mentioned that you wished to know the general’s and envoy’s motivations for joining and fighting for our cause. That, sir, is something you yourself will have to discuss with them. I will not lie to you, their motivations are not purely ‘patriotic’, yet regardless their aid is greatly appreciated.” His gaze fell for a moment “I shudder to think of what would happen should some of them decide that their personal goals no longer align with ours…Hmmm….” Cyrus dismissed the thought with a wave of the hand after a few brief moments of contemplation “Let us not mention of such…distraughtly possibilities, yes sir?” A rather forced chuckle escaped him at the end, after which he once again excused himself and left.

The rest of the day was rather peaceful and uneventful.

DAY 10


The province of Northspark was successfully annexed. The troops were filled with confidence after the Emperor secured this victory himself by marching on the field of battle alongside the men and women of the army.

[Military Morale +] [Dwarven Esteem +] [Anthro Esteem +]

Territories : 69/520

Report End

Aleko met with the generals and envoys, receiving their reports. The meeting with the envoys, however, presented a few issues that required his attention. Aleko took his seat at the council table and listened carefuly.

--Marcus Gwynpath—
The Human envoy cleared his throat before he spoke. “Sire. In light of your recent annexation of the province of Northspark, I would like to confirm one thing : from what I hear, the region is rather rich in Mage-Tree forests, yes?” Marcus appeared quite pleased after Aleko gave his confirmation “Wonderful. Their sap will prove rather valuable to us.” In spite of his positivity, some of the envoys did not share in it “Why would this sap be so valuable for us?” Gymor Cloudkeeper asked, most probably speaking for some of the other more skeptical envoys. Marcus paired his gloved hands while answering “The sap has some…interesting properties if used correctly in chemical practices.” The human turned his gaze to Aleko, a smile on his face “Most noteworthy, the researchers from Winterpeak know how to create a particularly potent medical balm from it. Easy to apply and highly effective, it could make the difference between life and death for our troops and give us the edge over the opposition.” The Dwarven envoy nodded approvingly to the answer he received, yet one voice sounded its protest “Pardon my interruption, master Gwynpath, but I happen to know that these…’Mage-Trees’ have been artificially created by some…unnatural magic and rituals by the human mages. Hence the name…” Ludwyn Groverunner had his glowing emerald eyes peering at the Human envoy, who simply confirmed his words with a nod. The Elven envoy turned his attention to Aleko “Sire, these sort of…profane practices are the sort the Emerald Council of Syla’anee highly disapproves of. It is unethical, risky and highly insulting to the natural balance.” His gaze briefly shifted to Marcus before continuing “My apologies, Marcus, but this is my solemn duty. Sire, I humbly request that you give the order to purge the Mage-Tree forests and eradicate them entirely.” Before anyone could answer, Marcus rose from his seat, his palms affixed to the surface of the table “You have no right to make such requests! The forests are on Human territory, far out of the jurisdiction of the Emerald Council.” Ludwyg responded to the protest by simply crossing his arms “True, but they are still a profane act, an artificially created species of trees as a result from your mage’s hubris. It simply cannot be left as it is. If we allow such acts to simply be swept under the rug then what is to stop future sorceress to attempt further…experiments?” His tone turned grave when he spoke “What is to stop them from making a new ‘Burning Field’?” that obviously hit a nerve as Marcus’ expression contorted in a frown “How dare you…” the human obviously wanted to say more yet the conversation was interrupted by a more…inquisitive envoy.

Pardon me, esteemed colleagues. But I believe I can present an alternative to our little conundrum.” Eamon Weissnout was tapping the fingers of his prosthetic arm until this point when he decided to speak up. “Here is a proposition. Master Gwynpath, how about signing the rights over the Mage-Tree forests to the Anthros? Once done, I will send some of my finest workers to harvest both the sap and wood of the trees. The wood will be used for various utilities while we split the harvested sap.” The Elven envoy simply rose an eyebrow in suspicion “How would that be a ‘solution’?” the Anthro responded with a grin “The forests would be harvested to near depletion, a handful of saplings being saved and transported to one of the Anthro provinces where they would be planted and grown in a significantly smaller number.” Before the Elven envoy had a chance to protest, Eamon rose his mechanical hand to stop him and continued “I know, I know. That does not sound satisfactory seeing as the Mage-Trees would not be FULLY purged, but even you, master Groverunner, surely understand the importance of the resource which is their sap. Particularly in these troubling times of war that we find ourselves in at the present.” The Elven envoy was silent and appeared to actually consider the proposal. “Master Groverunner…” the Anthro removed his top-hat with his organic arm and placed it over his chest in a flamboyant fashion “You have my word, as an entrepreneur, a fellow diplomat and as a gentleman, that once the war is over and we are victorious, I will personally see to it that the remainder of the Mage-Trees will be permanently destroyed. But only then, when their usefulness has been outlived.” His attention turned to the Human envoy who was still standing up “IF you agree to this proposal and share this resource, ofcourse. What say you, master Gwynpath?” The Human envoy responded with a question “Why would you be so interested in the sap? Surely the Anthro researchers cannot actually find a proper use for it, no?” the question appeared to please the Anthro, who smirked and placed the top-hat back on his head as he answered “Quite the contrary! Trades with the Mage-Tree sap have been made in the past between our fair nations and we found a use for it. Albeit not as…humanitarian as the one you are proposing..

The Human envoy narrowed his gaze and sat down as Eamon elaborated “The Anthro researchers have discovered how to produce a rather powerful sedative in the form of a dense gas. Strong enough render a person unconscious in mere minutes. If you agree to the proposal and share the sap, your people can work on making the medical balms for our troops, while my people will work on creating special ‘gass-bombs’ for our enemies.” The Anthro concluded rather proudly, silence settling itself for a few moments while the rest of the envoys and the heir assimilated the information. Finally, the Dwarven envoy spoke “The creation of this…weapon sounds rather ghastly. Won’t the people look down on us for creating such….ummm…means of slaying?” the Anthro simply shook his head “The gas does not actually kill. Remember, I said it was a SEDATIVE. Those who inhale it will simply loose consciousness for the better part of the day in mere minutes.” After Eamon’s answer, Ethel Shroudmyr addressed the Dwarven envoy “It may be ghastly but it Is also highly effective. The people will always fear what needs to be done during war-times, sometimes that is a casualty which simply cannot be avoided” This made the Dwarf stroke his beard in contemplation and respond with a meek “Perhaps…” before the Dark Elven envoy turned her mismatched gaze to Aleko “In the end it is your grace who has the final word. Considering everything that has been discussed here, what are your opinions, sire?” The envoys all feel silent and their attentions were set on Aleko, waiting for his conclusion.”

---Gymor Cloudkeeper---
The Dwarven envoy started by addressing Aleko “Sire, I am afraid I have some…problematic news regarding one of our provinces in the Dwarven Lands. The small farms and villages close to the feet of the local mountain site have reported that their animal livestock, harvest and even some of the villages have been missing. Naturally, a military team has been dispatched to investigate this occurrence and the reports we received were….troubling.” Gymor paused for a moment, adjusting his position on his seat before continuing “The squad, that is to say those who survived, have reported that the disappearances as well as the slaying of their comrades was the work of the local Arctic Trolls whom have grown increasingly aggressive for some reason. Needless to say, if left unchecked this problem could grow drastically, we already have enough to worry about with the Old and Stainless Empire.” Marcus Gwynpath reached for his glass of wine as he spoke “I assume you already have come up with a solution, no?” The Dwarf nodded “Indeed. As unfortunate as it may be, I am afraid I must request that we fund an extermination force to engage and eliminate the Arctic Trolls from the province entirely before they cause any more harm or, Gods forbid, spread to other places.” A loud tap on the table was heard as Ludwyg protested “I am afraid I must protest to the idea, master Couldkeeper. The Arctic Trolls are dangerous yes, but they are not openly aggressive...” the Elf’s gaze upon Gymor narrowed “..unless someone has been trespassing on their territory.” The Dwarf didn’t take kindly to what Ludwyg said “What do you mean, master Groverunner?” ; “What I mean is that, like most Dwarves, the people from your province have expanded to far and to greedily, thus disturbing the natural home of these beasts and incurring their wrath.” The Elven envoy turned to Aleko “Sire, may I propose a counteroffer? The funds that would be used for the Troll’s extermination, I would like to invest it in creating a secure, protected habitat where none would disturb them and thus they will leave us in peace.” Gymor leaned over the table “And where would this habitat be exactly?” ; “Their original territory within the province, of course.” The Dwarf shook his head and waved his free hand in a dismissive manner “No, that is unacceptable. It would mean that the local farmlands would have to be razed and people would loose their homes, not to mention we would loose valuable resources that we desperately need !” at the Dwarven envoy’s protest, Ludwyg rose from his seat “They were not supposed to be there in the first place! If you invade the territory and home of a wild animal, ofcourse they would be aggressive and retaliate, be them Arctic Trolls, wolves or otherwise. Your proposal is to invest resources in the extermination of an endangered species after intruding on their territory ! THAT is unacceptable, Gymor.

The conversation was interrupted by Marcus, who addressed the Dwarven envoy “Gymor, your people have successfully tamed one wild species from your homeland, the great bears that you now use for the Dwarven cavalry. Could it not be possible to do the same with the Trolls?” To that question, the Dwarf chuckled “You have clearly never encountered an Arctic Troll before, have you master Gwynpath? No, they are far to wild and aggressive for even the most skilled trainer to tame. I dare say that even the Dark Elven Beastmasters would find it a lost cause” A sigh escaped the old Dwarf “No, there is but one solution. The Arctic Trolls must be eliminated before the situation gets out of hand. We simply cannot risk letting them loose or afford to loose our settlements in the area.” Ludwyg Groverunner sat down and crossed his arms, his gaze shifting to Aleko “What do you believe is the best course of action, sire?

Once the issues have been resoled and the orders given, Aleko had the rest of the day to himself. Upon inquiring to the Imperial Wizard about yesterday’s request, Cyrus informed him that he only recently sent word to the Anthro province, expecting a response sometime in the next 2-3 days along with news from generals Primelyt and Leafdancer about their respective missions.

Sometime during the day, Aleko was approached by Annastasya Wayfinder in the Royal Study, appearing from a teleportation spell and her notebook in hand, as per usual. “Your grace…Oh…” She stopped as if realizing she had just done something wrong.”I should stop simply dropping by like this and actually knock from now on… right? My apologies, I will remember that from now on..” she bowed apologetically and then resumed to deliver her report, flipping through her notebook and showing Aleko a page filled with some statistics along with several green ‘check-marks’ next to most of them “While you were on the field in the province of Northspark, we docked in a disclosed location and fully resupplied the fortress. I doubt we will need to restock again in at least 4 or 5 weeks.” After delivering her report she closed her notebook and concluded with “Sire, Gudwyn Earthward has also requested your presence at the Research Chamber. He did not mention the exact reason though…” with that, Anny bowed her head and took her leave, this time walking out the door of the Royal Study before teleporting away.

When Aleko had the time, he paid a visit to the Research Chamber, where he found the Dwarf Gudwyn Earthward tinkering over something on one of the large tables heavy with various mechanical parts and odd trinkets. Right next to him was Reginal Silvertail, the chief engineer appearing a bit out-of-place. Aleko was greeted by Gudwyn’s assistant, the lizardman T’chun whom invited him inside and announced his presence as they approached the Dwarf and Anthro. “Master Earthward, Mister Silvertail. His grace has arrived.” The two turned around and the Dwarf proceeded to enthusiastically shake the heir’s hand “Ah, sire. Thankyou for visiting on such short notice. I apologize if I interrupt any affairs but we have some exciting news!” The Dwarf appeared quite ecstatic, his eyes gleaming behind the lenses of his spectacles while a smile was present on his face. He ushered Aleko to the work-table next to Reginal, who simply waved a hello as form of greeting. On the table was a peculiar device, a small wooden box about the size of one’s palm with many metallic studs on the side that seem to be connected by thin wires of multiple colors. On the back-side of the box, one could notice what appeared to be a small, flat, metallic spheroid engraved with various odd symbols, an electrical tingle passing through Aleko’s finger on contact. On the front side of the box was a hole, almost as large as the side itself. Inside one could see various tiny mechanical parts moving while thin surges of blue and purple were dancing between them. Aleko judged that these lights were most probably magical in origin. All in all, however, the box simply appeared odd and not impressive, the heir not capable of seeing why the researcher was so excited to present this to him. Upon inquiring for an explanation, Gudwyn produced a second box from nearby and explained that he and Reginal had been working this device for quite some time, even before Aleko was discovered by the Imperial Wizard. After a brief explanation of how Gudwyn made use of his scientific knowledge and worked together with Reginal’s engineering and mystical practices, the Dwarf rushed to the other side of the room, leaving a confused Aleko behind. All of a sudden, his voice could be heard “With our combined methods, we managed to create this marvelous device!” the voice was clearly Gudwyn’s but he was to far away for it to be heard so clearly. Aleko suddenly realized that the source of the voice came not from the far-away Dwarf but from the box he held in his had.

Upon noticing that the heir realized the function of the device, the Dwarf rushed back to him, pride shining in his tiny eyes. “Amazing, isn’t it!?” He called out, his voice echoing throughout the Research Chamber “We have successfully created a device that will allow long-distance communication! It is basically an enchanted object that one-hundred percent imitates the ‘Whisper’ spell that mages use to communicate between themselves.” The Dwarf raised his index finger, as if to point out an exception “BUT, this can be used by virtually anyone, be them gifted with magic or not. Isn’t it marvelous!?” The Dwarf placed both boxes back on the work-table and pulled Reginal by the arm closer “I could never have done this without the assistance of mister Silvertail. He came up with the intricate connections between the mechanics and the magical enchantments. A brilliant young man, if I ever saw one.” Reginal simply sighed deeply and shrugged, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his beige work-trousers while his tiered gaze avoided looking directly at Aleko. To his lack of enthusiasm, Gudwyn simply let out a short, loud laugh “And modest to boot! Hah!” After the Dwarf calmed his excitement, he proceeded to inquire something from Aleko “So..sire. This device could prove invaluable to our cause. Imagine, being able to communicate orders and reports between a commanding general and a far-away force. Not to mention the many other non-military benefits for the common folk once the war is over!” the Dwarf paired his hands together “ I would humbly ask your grace to allow the funding of this project, so we may perfect this device and mass-produce it. We promise you sire, you will not regret this!” To show his support, Reginal simply pulled one hand from his pocket and displayed a thumbs-up towards Aleko. The decision is ultimately his, after all, no doubt this device could prove highly useful yet funding it will also be quite costly. Aleko had to think if it was truly worth it.

After this issue was resolved, Aleko was able to enjoy a peaceful evening.

A visit to the library yielded something…odd. Aleko enjoyed an evening of light reading in the solitary and peaceful Royal Library, loosing track of time until he noticed it was dark outside, the light of the pale moon obscured by a dense wall of dark clouds. Once the heir closed the book he was currently reading and placed it back in its proper place, he noticed yet another book on the desk where he stood just a few moments ago. He was pretty sure that this book was not there earlier when he started reading, though perhaps he may have simply been inattentive. This tome was, however, different from the rest of the books on the shelves, for one it appeared quite uncared for, its corners dusty and worn and its cover looking rather raggedy, as if someone may have used it as a make-shift weapon. The cover of the tome was thick and leathery, of a faded black color with many cracks here and there, most probably due to age. The pages inside had a faded color and oddly enough, the vast majority of them were blank, save for the stains of decay smudging each and every page. The pages that weren’t blank, displayed nothing but a series of badly-drawn scribbles in varying types of ink. Upon inspection, Aleko saw that there was no title to be found or a name of an author or anything. The only thing that the cover displayed was a crimson symbol sprawled across, the very same that could be found in the scribbled pages inside. A most peculiar book. Aleko decided to simply leave it there…however…just before he could exit the room, he was suddenly overcame with a feeling that perhaps there was more to this tome than met the eye. Perhaps it was morbid curiosity, genuine fascination or something else entirely, but ultimately, Aleko decided to take the tome and bring it back to his personal chambers, deciding that he would study it for anything whenever he felt like it.

The heir had trouble sleeping in that night. Not because of yet another nightmare but simply because he felt quite uncomfortable no matter how he stood in his bed. Every position felt…wrong, his limbs would feel numb if he leaned on them, his back hurt if he stood on it, his air would be cut-short if he lay on his stomach and no matter how much he tried, the blanket would be too warm yet it was too cold without it, there was always something or another bothering him, finding himself waking up in discomfort mere minutes after being able to doze off.

DAY 11

Due to his trouble sleeping, Aleko felt rather lethargic this day. Thankfuly, there was nothing particularly important that required his immediate attention, the day being peaceful. The Imperial Wizard delivered a few reports, finally receiving news from the generals on their missions. Apparently, general Primelyt has managed to secure the allegiance of Whealbee without any trouble. The forces at their fortress surrendered after a few days when they realized that the general’s troops could simply starve them out by waiting and impending any resources or messages for help. Once the fortress fell, the town followed suit, the mayor capitulating and pledging the province’s allegiance to the New Empire without so much as a spar between their respective forces. Duncan also reported that he will return to the Escalyber in the next 2-3 days and apologizes for the delay.

General Leafdancer’s report was not as happy. The Elf’s intuition was apparently correct, the Stainless Empire had indeed prepared an ambush for their forces. Luckily, by following Aleko’s instructions, the general and his forces managed to successfully repel the attack, albeit suffering some heavy casualties. More importantly, the people of Graw’aa were truthful in their intention of joining the New Empire, mounting a rebellion in the town the moment the Stainless ‘troops engaged the general’s. Marteen reports that although the suffered casualties, the Stainless suffered more by not only failing in their ambush but also loosing the province itself. He regrets to inform that they were unable to capture the enemy general in charge of the ambush, however. His return is to be expected sometime this week, though he did not give a precise time.

There was still no report from the Anthro province where Aleko’s mother lives. The Imperial Wizard assures the heir that it is still too soon to expect a response, considering the distance and the current state of the land.
The people are also well and truly aware now that the war was never over. It is official, the War of the Three Empires has resumed from its ‘pause’ and Aleko ought to be more careful from now on and expect the Old and Stainless Empires to make their own moves sooner or later.

Studying the odd tome would yield no results today. Aleko being completely unable to make heads-or-tails of the erratic scribbling and simply being unable to fathom why the gross majority of the pages were completely blank. Was he missing something? At the very least, he was able to sleep properly tonight, probably due to his tiered body giving up once he lay on the bed.

DAY 12


The provinces of Whealbee(Human Kingdom ; Eagleblade) and Graw’aa(Elven Lands) were successfully annexed. The peaceful victory at Whealbee has brought relief to the common folk, perhaps there are indeed ways to end this war without all-out bloodshed. The victory at Graw’aa is another step in the right direction for the campaign, yet the heavy losses dishearten the troops.

[Human Esteem +] [Elven Esteem +] [Population Morale +] [Military Morale - ]

Territories : 71/520

The nations are now fully aware of the existence of Aleko Sendrakon, the heir to the Imperial Throne. However, the vast majority don’t know what to make of this. Some doubt of his chances for success, other believe that maybe he is the beginning to an end to this war but are not particularly confident in him. Many have never heard of him outside of rumor, there being only speculations about what type of person he may be. More importantly, the common folk are more worried about their daily lives being affected by the resuming of the war. The military troops themselves do not relish the idea of an all-out combat once again against potential former comrades in days long past.

[Population Morale - ] [Military Morale - ]

Report End

Another day just as peaceful and uneventful as the one before. The generals are already planning their next military steps, staying on the defensive for now and observing the potential movements of the other two Empires. The envoys had no immediate issues to discuss, as such the meeting was quite brief. Perhaps this day was a chance for Aleko to interact with some of the envoys and generals outside of ‘business hours’.

He received two letters today.

One was a report from a Dwarven captain from Paletower. Requesting permission to transport a ‘special prisoner’ to the Escalyber on the morrow.

The second letter addressed to him bore a seal made of blue wax. Upon breaking the seal, Aleko could read the contents, the calligraphy being quite exquisite.

“Greetings to Aleko Farland Sendrakon, first of his name and leader of the New Empire faction.
I write this letter in acknowledgement to your recent victory over the province of Northspark. While some may declare it an ‘underhanded’ approach, I personally feel obligated to praise your resourcefulness and courage for marching on the filed alongside the soldiers under your command. It has come to my attention that during this skirmish, you have successfully captured a general of the New Empire and are holding him prisoner. I hereby humbly request that you release the aforementioned general, Asimov Dunngard, from your custody, without any further deterioration to his body, mind and spirit. In exchange, a generous ransom will be offered along with my personal gratitude and acknowledgement of your honor. I shall be awaiting your response.
Signed, Ser Allister Stormreaver. Leader of the Old Empire faction”

A signature as well as a second seal could be seen on the bottom right corner of the letter, confirming its authenticity.

DAY 13

Aleko received a report today, stating that general Duncan Primelyt will be returning to the Escalyber and should be on board sometime this afternoon. General Leafdancer has yet to announce his return.

There was still no response from the Anthro province or Aleko’s mother. Was it still to early to expect one?

Cyrus also announced Aleko that a small squadron of Dwarven soldiers have delivered a prisoner to the Escalyber. The report stated that they interrogated the man but were unable to learn anything of import no matter the methods applied. The prisoner was transported and placed in a holding cell within the Escalyber, Aleko being able to visit at his leisure.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MachineSoul
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MachineSoul Ghost in the limelight.

Member Seen 15 days ago


Morning caught Aleko wide awake, him suffering from restlessness after the passing of a tumultuous day; his shoulder joint still stung him in all the most unpleasant ways, but at least he wouldn't return home with a scar to tell about his little bout. With his fur clean, his garments strapped to his body under the weight of a plate suit, his long sword hanging stiffly from his waist and the rifle strapped on his good shoulder, the shepherd made his way to the courtyard of the newly acquired fortress to meet with his two generals, receive their reports and head home. It took a couple of hours for the dwarven general to make his appearance, who had only the best of news coming from the hometown they recently annexed along with the province. With nothing else needing his personal attention there, the emperor pulled out the peculiar stone general Bulkwyn handled him, giving it a firm squeeze in his leather-gloved hands.

"Well, we may have this, but master Cyrus didn't leave any instru-" once more, he found himself interrupted by a sickening sensation of becoming nothing but outspread matter for a fraction of a second, then, regain his physical form within the next fraction in a completely new environment.

Of course, he did recognize the study as soon as his eyes adjusted with the lighting and distance of objects in the room he had been teleported in, but just under a second ago the chilly air was chapping away at his wet nostrils, the earthy soil of the courtyard lightly sinking under his weight replaced by a creaking hardwood floor. The halfling had to blink a few times to adjust himself to the new surroundings, his stomach taking a rather hard blow that left him winded. To Bojor's groan, he could only nod.

"I'll never get used to-" Aleko then loudly cleared his throat after swallowing a sip bile "-I'll never get used to this."

Now, he was aboard his new home after a worthy success. As he walked over to his quarters, steel clattering against the hallways as he made his way through the half-familiar corridors, his shoulders slowly dropped as tension slowly made out of him, his body now adjusting to the non-combat status.

But I can't help it he thought, it doesn't feel right. I did this one for myself, not under some orders of any sort. Well, I've done it for the people too, but those people respond to my calls. I'm not made for this. This Empire isn't mine.

The shepherd groaned and shook his head once he was in the confinements of his quarters; he loosened every strap that held his suit of armor on him and slid his body out, his pores and furs feeling most grateful for being released from under the constant pressure and stiffness of padded clothing. A nice, hot bath would definitely help him to soak his muscles loose and finally relax.

And this why it all feels odd. Everything is offered to me on a silver platter and I still don't know exactly why.

Before he could get to the wash closet, he noticed the plaque, a hard, cold knot rolling down his throat as he read the names of those who had lost their lives to bring him to such luxury. It felt ever worse. But clarity hit him once he had finished bathing, a sort of a queer idea running through his mind, but at the same time, a sound, well-mannered decision. By the time he had dressed in more comfortable, yet, still nobly attires, the wizard had showed up to greet the heir and congratulate him for his victory. It indeed was weird for the canine to learn that the rumors spread alarmingly fast, which only meant that the secrecy of their actions could only be taken in a very narrow time frame before all the wrong attention will be upon them. Master Cyrus was certainly proud about the success, adamantly reminding Aleko that the true empire would finally make its glorious return.

You're clinging to a dream like a heavy anchor, old man.

Then, Scribe made its appearance, bless it. Aleko felt an eerie charm about the skeletal being as it showed enthusiasm about him too, in its own way. Poor child. Which reminded him:

"Master Cyrus", Aleko started, "I have a request from you, if you'll allow me to appeal to your resources. I-" he cleared his throat once more before he turned his gaze over to one of the large windows viewing the world below "-I can't help but to feel rather uneasy in this fortress. Leaving aside the accommodation issues that I am still struggling with, there is this sense of- I can only describe it as if I feel I do not deserve all this, at least, I feel uncomfortable having all this luxury all by myself."

"As such, I wish to bring someone aboard the Escalyber to share this luxury with me, someone that deserves it more than I do for all the efforts and hardships they had to endure for my mere existence. Cyrus, I would like to ask you to find my mother and have her brought to me. She deserves to be treated as the mother of an emperor, therefore, I will not have her on Freedom Island a day no more."

“Your... mother?” Cyrus pondered for a brief moment before giving his answer. “Of course... She is welcome here. I will send word and arrange for her to be brought here as soon as possible. I assume she currently lives in one of the provinces from Freedom Isle, no?”

"That is correct." The canine answered, nodding to the wizard. "From her last letter, I understand that she has retreated to a cottage in the province of Zeiserberg, at the outskirts of its capital city. Here." Aleko reached for a pocket, from where he pulled a small golden medallion with a couple of emerald finely-cut stones which he offered to Cyrus.

"In case she will be reluctant to follow you, show her this. Once you show it, heh, there will be very little in her way to find me. I'd bet a couple of hundred she would walk the distance." He stated with a small smile, the features of his beautiful mother passing through his mind in one of his most treasured childhood memories.

Before their discussion concluded, Cyrus had brought to his attention that only he would be able to discover the motivations of his generals and and envoys. That brought a frown upon Aleko's forehead and a pout of frustration. He brought his hands from his back unto the sill of the large window and lowered his weight upon them.

Bastards, he thought bitterly, his fingers tapping the metal, you were too afraid to reveal your intentions. Too afraid to even lie to me, lest I would have caught you later. Or Cyrus might be hiding their opinions from me. The canine snorted disdainfully as he pushed himself away from the window and turned towards the throne, walked towards it and stopped right in front of it.

They never really work fully in your favor, do they? Up here, there's no such thing as loyalty. It's partnership. Quid pro quo. I scratch your back, you scratch mine. I am curious, what would happen if I were to pull a couple of rugs from under some people's feet?

He tapped his fingers against the throne's arm rest before he left.

DAY 10

The same tap pattern could now be heard vibrating through the heavy table in the council room. The emperor, dressed in dark blue garbs that contrasted will with his white fur and piercing gaze, appeared relaxed, yet, very present within the discussions held at the table. He only moved his eyes to meet Marcus's own as he addressed himself to the emperor. To his question, Aleko nodded slowly.

"Yes." He uttered in a lax tone.

He had to keep an open ear and mind to the following discussion, as the talk of Mage-Trees seemed to touch a few sensible spots here and there, especially since a number of ethical issues have been raised on how to handle the odd resource. Of course there were clashing opinions, the high elf envoy became a nuisance in a very short amount of time since he had opened his mouth, but Eamon struck a nerve in Aleko. To him, it became very clear that the anthro was there for personal gain, knowing that the transport of the trees and the production of sap would fill his hefty vaults with more gold. With ideas here and there, thoughts and opinions thrown around like paper pellets, it soon came time for him to have the final say in the matter. He glanced to his left and right, noticing the envoys waiting for his conclusion. The halfling sighed and tapped the table once more.

"Master Groverunner." He called, his eyes immediately darting towards the elf. "Believe me when I say that I understand your reluctance about the nature of those trees, their properties and the means of obtaining them. I know that it bears a great insult towards your culture and I'd like to have a quick discussion about that. Allow me to formulate an analogy." Aleko cleared his throat and straightened his back.

"Most of us here enjoy consuming meat, am I not right? Fowl, pork, beef, venison, you name it, most of us do. Us, carnivorous anthros, enjoy meat too, oh, we do love it, especially if it's prey meat. For a wolf, prey could mean a pig, a boar, a stray sheep, even a deer. But it took us several thousand years to evolve from what we would now consider cannibalism. Due to that issue, all natural prey anthros are now very reluctant about natural predators, not to mention any form of meat. Yes, even from un-evolved livestock."

"But have they imposed this reluctance on other races that consume meat on a daily basis? No, that is because they understand that for some organisms, it is impossible to live without meat. Try keeping your children on vegetables only diet and they will die in a matter of weeks. What I mean to say is that, although it is highly troubling and deeply disturbing for them to see their lesser kin slaughtered for food, they understand the necessity of the act and accept the usefulness of the resources obtained from livestock."

The emperor then lands his palm against the table, pushing himself on his feet, allowing him to stride around the table at a slow pace.

"Which brings us to the issue at hand. Those trees, let me tell you, disturb me as well; yet, it would seem that the properties of its sap could grant us quite some advantages. The humans have discovered that it may be used as a healing balm, the anthros have found it may be conversed into a sedative gas, both of which may bring significant advance in medicinal practice and science. With these on the table, Master Groverunner, you find it more ethical to deny life and salvation from the wounded and sick in favor for an edict put in practice by ancestors long gone and dead?"

Yes, I'm painting a big bull's eye on your back, elf. He thought to himself. You'd better start thinking progressively if you don't wish to be replaced.

"Master Weissnout's proposition sounds better to me, under a few conditions: saplings are to be distributed in equal number to our human and anthro allies, so that Winterpeak may further their studies and obtain the aforementioned balm, and Freedom Island to concoct the gas. Which brings us to the second condition: you may not arm your troops with this sleeping gas just yet. I will allow you to manufacture and test it- here's my third condition -in clinics for surgical procedures that requires the patient to be fully sedated. If you two prove that this sap can be safely used as a balm and as a sedative, you two will have won yourself eternal gratitude for creating a project that could save millions of lives."

"Therefore, you are to collect the sap, destroy the trees as you see fit, share the saplings and start studying. Under no conditions are you to use those saplings for anything other than the production of more magical sap, or I will see that the Emerald Council will pay you a personal visit. Any other questions?"

The Ice Trolls were on the move and wreaking havoc, a rather frightening thought. For some reason, though, Aleko found it amusing enough for him to choke a smirk. But all of the amusement he felt was soon bashed away by Groverunner's less than subtle attitude towards the situation.

When captain Riley told us that elves stick their ears into every little issue that isn't theirs, I thought he was only being a racist knob, the shepherd sighed as he drew attention upon himself with several taps on the table, I hate it that he was right. I need to deal with this folly with a firm hand; I am in control, not the elves.

"Master Groverunner," Aleko uttered, throwing a stern look at the elf, "I see that you wish to extend your authority over other nations' governments and internal affairs. Why won't you take a seat in my stead, then?" He lifted his eyebrows briefly and allowed for a few seconds of silence to pass before he would continue.

"We will have to keep the troll population in check. As I see it, lethal force is necessary in order to keep them under control, at least, for now. And, what I mean by for now, is that we might be able to employ the knock-out gas to sedate the trolls and relocate them. What I am saying is that this situation will be dealt with in two phases: first phase, thin out the population using lethal force with caution, do not render them extinct unless you're forced to do so; second phase, once the anthros manage to concoct a distributable form of this sap gas, you are to sedate the trolls, trap them and have them moved someplace where they will not pester any forms of civilization. Where you will put them exactly, it is up to you to decide, master Cloudkeeper."

With the meeting coming to an end, Aleko headed towards the most quiet part of the fortress, the study. There, his mind could cleanse itself, just by throwing long glances over the neatly arranged bookshelves; the smell, the air itself seemed to calm him down. He found it useful to visit the study after each and every meeting with either the envoys, or the generals, as it would offer him the needed calmness to replay the conversations and review the attitudes of every individual. He certainly took a disliking to the elf envoy today. Luckily, he didn't have enough time to think about it, as Cyrus had made his appearance; perfect, as Aleko would quickly inquire about his mother. No success yet, no wonder, but it should be understandable why the shepherd was so eager to have his mother come on board the Escalyber. It was a much safer place, befit for a woman that had been through a tough life.

Then, Anna made her apparition in the study, promptly bringing up reports for him; she once again apologized for her intrusion, to which the shepherd smiled warmly and shook his hand dismissively. Per master Earthward's request, the emperor made his way to the research chamber quickly after Anna took her leave. Once there, the canine was greeted by the dwarf, the lizardman and the sorrowful chief engineer. These three had a remarkable invention on their desk, one that left the young emperor genuinely excited; Aleko examined every corner and detail of the apparatus, absorbing its shape and mechanisms.

"Of course I approve of this, it's a marvelous invention! I am most impressed by your work, Master Earthward, T'Chun and Reginal. Yes, this must be replicated and deployed, both for civilian and military use." Aleko then stopped and laid a finger on his own lips, lightly frowning. "Though, if we were to lose one of these to the enemies... an encryption method must be found to avoid incidents. But I am sure that will pose no problem for you. Marvelous work indeed. I will see that you are rewarded accordingly."

For a while, though, the image of the anthro haunted the emperor. While he did not want to be too pushy about any issue that wasn't his, it worried him that one of his underlings might be facing potentially dangerous amounts of sadness. He would look into this issue some time later, now he needed to clear his mind some more in the study. Which, in the end, did not quite work in his favor, as he managed to stumble upon a book that seemed to draw his curiosity to no end, so much that he snatched it for himself.

Day 11

Blasted book. Good thing the day was rather easy for the emperor to endure, with two major reports to review and plenty of time to steal incognito naps in between various duties. The one bit of information that made the young emperor sink into himself was that Avalon started to grow aware of his movements. From now, caution had to be exercised, the next few steps had to be subtle and well-mannered. As well-mannered as a foe can be, for that matter. And, there was now word about his mother's whereabouts yet.

Issues are mounting up now, Aleko thought to himself, gazing pensively through the window pane in his personal quarters, my mind needs to remain brisk and crisp.

He turned his attention back to the dismantled rifle in his lap to resume cleaning the dark grey residue that accumulated in all the most impossible nooks, crannies and grooves of the intricate trigger assembly. He sighed and took a quick break to reassess where else the gunpowder had built up, shifting the mechanism into the light in the attempt to find any of the build-up.

I've killed a few days ago, he pondered, I've seen combat again. My shoulder's a bit raw, there's a bruise on my chest. I've struck down men with my blade and shot down others. You do get used to it, so much that it feels like second natures. That's worrying. What... what did my father think of killing?

Day 12

Good reports were coming in, which finally made Aleko react. He'd been doing rather decent so far, even though he had very little idea of what and how emperors should do; of course, the generals played a big role in the success of the operations, but they acted under his supervisions and at his orders. He couldn't help but to feel some pride within him, seeing himself succeed in the boots of his late father. Word of his mother has yet to arrive, which started to worry him; where could she have gone to? Even if she weren't in the province, someone could easily point where she could have went. If they managed to find him, a woman that's not meant to be hidden would be a lot easier to fetch. Curious.

The letters were related one to another, about the general Asimov he managed to capture during the assault. The vile thoughts that ran through his mind at the moment of capture were long gone, Aleko finding himself a lot more composed and apt to deal with the captive general accordingly and avoid any incidents that would brand him a criminal. Even so, the eyes of many he would still be considered one, just because he bears the name. Sendrakon, thought to have been extinguished in nine-hundred ninety-six, stands now twenty-five years later through his blood.

Aleko choked loudly and starting coughing violently until he spat out the bite of pulled pork that nearly killed him. He was on his feet, his eyes planted on the desk as his mind ran some frantic calculations, each and every time the result would be the same.

"No," he uttered, speaking his mind to himself, "this can't be right. What in the bloody Skerom is... no."

Day 13

"General," Aleko called the man beyond the cell bars, "I would like to have a quick word with you. If you answer me this, your freedom is guaranteed."

The halfling sat down on a chair in front of the cell, his doublet and trousers matching the colors of his eyes and fur.

"I'm not seeking any information about the Old Empire, general, my men have tried enough. This one's more personal." The shepherd leaned against the back of the chair, his gaze never leaving the eyes of the human locked behind the bars.

"On the field, you estimated my age at twenty-seven to twenty-eight. Is that correct, or have I misheard?"

The answer came soon. Aleko found himself grinding his teeth before he pushed the chair away in order to stand up and take his leave.

"Thank you, general. You will be released and sent back home."

Mere moments later, Aleko found the wizard after he rushed down every corridor and room that stood in his way. He left aside the courtesy of greetings and instead pulled the old man with him in his personal quarters and locked the door behind. Aleko threw a fist at the door to vent some of his anger, but seeing it as being insufficient, he also slammed his forehead against the door. But when he turned around, the halfling bore a big smile, one that was a far shot from being warm or friendly.

"Master Cyrus. I believe that the court wizard is the wisest, most knowledgeable individual within a noble infrastructure, am I not correct?" Aleko started, leaving very little room for the old man to reply before he continued. "That means, you are most assured that my father, the last of Sendrakon, died in nine-hundred ninety-six; that would prove your knowledge in relatively recent history, correct?"

"Good. We are currently in year one thousand twenty-six, gods bless us to see this year. Now, being a wizard, one could assume that calculus is also a feat of yours, no? So, let's see, if we subtract nine-nine-six from ten-hundred twenty-six, we obtain... ah, thirty! Well, quite easy, is it not? If you add thirty to nine-nine-six, you obtain one thousand twenty-six. Good, good, so we are proficient in this department too, no?"

"How about biology, Master Cyrus? Surely, one would know that all humanoid races bear their offspring in the womb for roughly nine to eight months, am I not correct? Of course I am. How do I know?"

Aleko, which strode around in a calm demeanor, suddenly launched a kick at a chair, hurling the object against a wall; the wooden furniture loses the bout, dismantling and splintering all over the floor.

"I know for certain that my mother didn't carry me five years in her womb, Cyrus!" Shouted Aleko, snarling and growling viciously. "Unless my father in fact survived the purge, I don't see how it happened, Cyrus! Are you following me? How in all the fucking gods' names am I here? Did his ghost fuck my mother during her sleep, Cyrus? Does my mother crave decomposed cocks? Or are you a sore liar looking for a scapegoat for your ambitions?" Aleko stepped up to the elder, raising a finger.

"I told you. If I found something, anything suspicious, I leave. How about you become sincere for once and tell me where is she. Where is my mother?" Aleko slammed his fist against the table and snapped his fingers repeatedly afterwards in front of the wizard's nose.

"Where. Is. My. Mother! Focus, Cyrus, focus on the truth and tell me!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zamokra41
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Zamokra41 Procrastinating Knight

Member Seen 2 mos ago

General Asimov certainly had better days, the raggedy clothes, bruise marks and dirty hair and unkempt beard marked as a bit worse for wear. The Dwarven interrogators were not particularly kind to him, they even removed his eye-patch and had it replaced with a filthy, blood-stained, grey rag, twisted and tied around his forehead to mask the ages-old scar that rendered the loss of his eye. Still, there was a fire burning in his one good eye, the same kind that Aleko saw when they first met on the fields of Northspark, a clear sign for the shepherd that this Human General was not broken, even as he stood behind solid iron bars with chains around his wrists and ankles. Asimov rose his gaze the moment the guard opened the door and saw none other than Aleko strode inside, taking a seat right in front of the cell. “Hah. A royal visit, is it? To what do I owe the pleasure of such an honor, your grace?” the same sarcastic tone that Aleko recognized was still present in the General’s voice, particularly when he called the Halfling ‘your grace’, the phrase being pretty much drowned in spite. Aleko’s request was the first time when he saw the General utterly surprised and nearly speechless. “Excuse you?” being the only thing he muttered before the heir stated his question. Asimov rose an eyebrow, unsure of what the purpose behind this was or if Aleko was simply mocking him with a promise of freedom in exchange for an answer to a seemingly random question. Confused, the Human answered shortly with a “Yes? What about it?” but his question remained unanswered as Aleko was visibly bothered by something, shortly thanking the General and taking his leave, leaving Asimov behind with only his confusion for company. The guard overheard everything and attempted to stop Aleko and ask if he was indeed sincere in the idea of releasing the Human General from custody, a rather irritated glare was the only response he received form the heir and the only one he needed.

After striding viciously through the halls and corridors of the Excaliber, Aleko found the Imperial Wizard in the Royal Study, apparently reading what appeared to be a letter. The heir’s sudden appearance made Cyrus nearly jump from surprise “Oh! Ah…Sir. Pardon me. I was not expecting..-“ yet Aleko did not allow him to finish his sentence as he quite literary dragged the old Human into his personal chambers, locking the door behind and proceeding to vent his anger upon it. What followed was the heir pretty much interrogating the wizard. Cyrus became pale as he was assaulted with questions, Aleko reminding him of what he said the first time they met, threatening to turn his back on the whole campaign should the wizard withhold any secrets of import from him. “Sir.. Please. Calm yourself, I never..-“ the Wizard tried to reason with him, but was silenced when Aleko slammed his fist on the table.

"Where. Is. My. Mother! Focus, Cyrus, focus on the truth and tell me!"

Cyrus was visibly shaken, leaning heavily on his staff with one hand. His gaze, momentarily fell on the letter in his hand before quickly returning to Aleko, who noticed this and promptly snatched the paper. “I..I just received it a few minutes before.” The Wizard muttered “..I was…about to inform you..sir. I…I am sorry…” his apology sounded genuine, but it may have fallen on deaf ears as Aleko was busy assimilating the information he just learned from the letter. “When?” was all the heir muttered as he stared blankly at a wall, letting the letter drop from his grasp, gliding down on the fine carpet. “During your skirmish in Northspark…” informed Cyrus, beads of sweat dripping from his brow. The sound of Aleko gritting his teeth was the only thing that broke the silence between the two for a few moments, anger building up inside the shepherd as he learned that the Stainless Empire had taken over the province of Zeiserberg while Aleko was busy storming castle Northspark. The shepherd shouted a curse to no one in particular and turned to face the wizard. His intentions were clear, he wanted to gather troops immediately and mount an invasion on Zeiserberg, to liberate the province and rescue his mother, an approach which Cyrus protested against. “Sir! The Stainless’ forces have a strong foothold and there is yet a safe and feasible way for our troops to access it.” Aleko was about to ignore the old man and storm out when he found himself pulled back by the arm “Sir! I know how you feel but what you are suggesting is folly!” Aleko shook away from the wizard’s grip and stared at him viciously, yet this time Cyrus was not as abashed as he was before, speaking in a calming tone “We must wait and form a plan! Consult with the generals and make preparations. I swear to you, sir, we WILL liberate Zeiserberg from the Stainless and rescue your mother. But now is not the time!

Whether this calmed Aleko or not, Cyrus could not tell, but the heir did change the subject to the first part of his interrogations, the discrepancies between the time of his birth and the time of his presumed father’s death. The Wizard opened his mouth to speak yet changed his mind before uttering a single word and glanced around. In a moment which probably worried Aleko, the old man rose his staff and began chanting some sort of incantation, causing the orb from the head of the staff to glow in a pale, white light. In a few moments, Cyrus slammed the staff on the ground, releasing a wave of pale, thin smoke with a low humming sound, the shepherd feeling pressure on his shoulders and head, yet not at such a degree as to cause him any visual discomfort. It probably took Aleko a few moments to adjust to the new sensation, but when he inspected his surroundings he noticed that all the color in the room was gone. The once vibrant crimson of the carpet and sheets, the dark-red-ish hue of the furniture and even the rays of sunlight from the window, all were now a faded grey. Along with the color, all sound was muted as well, replaced by an eerie dead silence. The only ones not affected by this odd spell appeared to be Cyrus and himself, Aleko not wasting any time and demanding an explanation from the wizard.

Nothing to fear, sir. I only used my magic to create what is commonly known as a ‘Time Bubble“ Cyrus seemed out of breath as he explained “Now we can discuss freely, without the fear of eavesdropping…” He took a deep breath and muttered an “Excuse me..” as he took a seat on a nearby chair. The wizard was visibly strained, as if someone had just dumped a massive weight on his shoulders and tied it to his back, struggling with it. And so it was that in this environment, bereft of color and sound, did the Imperial Wizard confess to the heir of a secret long kept hidden within his complex mind. “When the Demons invaded…” he started, his gaze lowered “…Asmuel Sendrakon, your father, was among the first to meet them in battle. His strength was something to behold, his skills a marvel on themselves and his tactical mind sharpen than any blade made by mortal hands. However, like any other mortal man he had flaws. His pride and overconfidence in his abilities and those of the men and women under his command being the greatest.” The old man paired his hands and took a deep breath. “I remember that day…the day when we made the final push against the last Demonic Gate standing. Call it blind instinct, a wizard’s intuition or the paranoia of an old man, but I….felt something…troubling. I urged the Emperor to postpone his attack and regroup, maybe wait for reinforcements… yet my advice fell on deaf ears, dismissed with a grin as he rode head-first in the midst of a horde of hellspawns.

Cyrus straightened his back, his white eyes meeting Aleko’s blue visage. “We all know the tale. Of how the demons were waiting, preparing an ambush and slaughtered the attacking force along with the Emperor before pushing for the outpost and slaying everyone there…along with his wife and sons. The only survivors being Allister Stormreaver and myself.


His expression darkened…”..That is not the WHOLE truth…

Allister and I were recovering from the battle and decided to search the battle-field, hoping to find any survivors. He discovered the massacred bodies of the royal family. And I? I found our Emperor….alive.

The Wizard noticed the split-second of shock on Aleko’s face as he elaborated.

Yes. This is the truth. The truth that I hid from everyone. I found Asmuel, or rather what was left of him. He suffered horrific injuries, lost an arm, nearly every bone broken or utterly crushed….it was a Gods given miracle he still breathed. It was in that moment that I knew what had to be done… Asmuel was a terrible ruler. A tyrant beyond measure who didn’t shy away from any acts of cruelty. Fear is what he used to keep the people under his heel and no one dared question him without risking his terrible wrath.

Cyrus frowned “No, sir. I did not end his life. In spite of what I said, he was still a Sendrakon and there must ALWAYS be a Sendrakon on the throne of the Avalon Empire. I spirited him away, tended to his wounds until he was stable and after a few years….I sat my plan into motion. Asmuel was the last Sendrakon and the flame of his life was gradually being smothered, with his whole family dead, a new heir had to be produced in order to secure the line of succession.” The Wizard dropped his gaze. “Your mother is an old friend. I knew her since she was but a cub and I still had black in my hair. I am not lying when I say that I had even considered taking her as my apprentice at some point, an unthinkable insult for her parents. With the War of the Three Empires a reality, I called her and revealed to her what I revealed to you just now, and asked for her…help.

I expected refusal. Protests, accusations of treason towards the crown even. All I received was a solemn nod and a gaze of determination. Your father eventually died, having lost the will and strength to live, but not before his…union with your mother. I had her swear an oath of secrecy, towards her friends, her future husband, her family, everyone. Even yourself. We haven’t even spoken since that faithful day. I only received a letter, letting me know when you were born and where I could find you when the time was right.

Cyrus sighed deeply, the sigh of a man who just climbed the highest mountain “And that, sir. Is the truth of it. I apologize for keeping this from you. I always knew you would find out eventually or that I would confess, of course. I had only hopped it were under different circumstances and in less… pressing times.

The old wizard struggled to his feet “I will understand if you decide to no longer be involved sir. But I still believe this is where you belong. In these two weeks you proved to be a better ruler than Asmuel had in his lifetime. The men and women rally to you, the people listen and are swayed by your words. I know you had doubts since the beginning, but I can assure you, there is no one the people would rather follow. I beg of you, take your rightful place and help bring the Empire back to the way it was originally intended to be, a place of peace and prosperity under the guidance of a benevolent ruler. My deception is unforgivable, I know and I apologize for it. Say the word and I shall relinquish my position as Imperial Wizard and disappear into obscurity but please…sir.

The Wizard took a few steps forward, placing his hand on the staff that was floating between them this whole time “…Please, don’t abandon us…

After that he pulled the staff from its suspended levitation, almost instantly brining back color and sound to the world around them. Yet the creaking of the floor beneath them, the gentle noise of the fortress as it drifted among the clouds and the vibrant colors of the richly decorated rooms, all were witnesses to a deep silence as Aleko pondered quietly, assimilating the information he had just received.
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