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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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Larek gave her a hug. "I'm happy to hear you say that. It wasn't the first time I was approached for sex by a female after giving her a massage, did I ever tell you that? It was before we met, of course. I didn't actually mate with them, though. I-I needed to know if she really cared for me. They'd tell me that it didn't matter. Well, it did to me." Larek explained.


"I agree with that, Tran." Orna pondered it for a moment, then gave him a smile. "You'll help me with some of the less pleasurable things about raising a family, I hope. Like toilet training."


"That's true" Veax said. "We should do it because we want it. That said, nothing's wrong with being inspired by good examples."


"Yeah. We can contact her about it whenever you feel ready, Sasha. Until then, there's not much else to do but let the egg develop." Kos said.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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"Some people can think that mating is just that, with no strings attached. I don't get it" Nyx said, returning the hug happily.

"Of course I will" Tran replied, "Having a family means being involved, otherwise what's the point of doing so? Simply to continue the line? I'd rather know I had a hand in helping our children grow, in mind and body"

"no, there's not" Hermia agreed, "I want a family, whether its now or later"

Sasha nodded, "I know, it just seems so long to wait for it to hatch though"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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"Yeah, well, a lot of dracons seem to think feeling good overrides all other concerns" Larek replied, a bit uncomfortable at the thought.


Orna smiled. "I hope you don't regret it when we have to deal with the messier parts of child-rearing, but I really appreciate your devotion."


"Well, maybe that's something we can talk about. What kind of children did you imagine having? Go on, you can tell me. I'll be the one giving them to you, so I think it would help to know." Veax put an arm around Hermia's shoulders.


"It isn't good to watch something for too long. Maybe we'd best do something else. Oh, maybe we can read something together, and I can get the enchanted bed you like." Kos was referencing the one which came with heat and vibrations settings.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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"Pleasure is all well and good, but it doesn't make a family" Nyx said, giving their child a smile

"I could never regret helping to raise our children. There's something about shaping something that gives pride, and to help with our children, well, that would just be...wonderful" Tran responded

"We can't chose what our children look like. Children should be happy, they should get into trouble, and try to hide it, they should seek to try and reach goals and search for answers, to laugh, and to learn. But ultimately children should simply be themselves" Hermia said thoughtfully

The enchanted bed was an amazing thing to Sasha, and differntaly an indulgence that she just couldn't resist. "Well, that sounds lovelY"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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"Well, a certain pleasurable act leads to having a family. That's probably why nature made it feel that way, you know. To encourage more of it." Larek chuckled.


Orna gave him a little pat. "Great! Now I won't have to wipe their rears by myself! Just be careful when you help me clean up our hatchlings. Males just don't have as soft a touch as females do."


"Well, yes. I suppose all of that is true. They'll have to choose who to become, but we can certainly steer them in the right direction. Or at least, away from the many wrong directions there are" Veax replied. "You may want to talk to my mother about that sort of thing."


"Alright. You just get a book to read, I'll set the bed up for you. What settings would you like, my love?" Kos asked.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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"No, it makes a child, not a family" nyx said, with amusement

"You forget I was taught to be gently by my mother, to know how to do basic healing and massaging" tran pointed out,

"Do you know how many times I prevented Tran or Nyx making mistakes that could harm them greatly? Many times-tran wanted to be like railing and often got into trouble, and Nyx, wellC she always wanted to keep up with he boys.

im not worried about raising our children." Hermia said

"Any, they're all good" Sasha said with a smile, as she went to retrieve a book
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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"Well, er... you get the idea. Love combined with breeding makes it a family, I suppose" Larek said, chuckling a bit.


"Ah, yes. I didn't remember that." Orna replied, embarrassed. "It's not a common thing for males to learn. But I think it's wonderful that you know about those things."


"Alright. I trust you. Yeah. You've got a good head on your shoulders" Veax replied.


"I'll set it to high, my dear." He applied the settings, resisting the temptation to go to the 'ultra' level. That had almost burned Sasha once before, and the vibration was so intense that it would actually painful. He wasn't sure why they had such a high setting in the first place.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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"Yes" Nyx said with a smile, "Well, what shall we do now?"

"My mother has her own ideas on how children should be raised and what they should be taught. She thought we should all know how to do such things" tran said,

"And I trust you too" Hermia replied, "I just hope they follow their dreams"

"Why is there an even higher setting then high, if it's hurtful?" Sasha wondered, thinking of the ultra setting, more then content with the high setting
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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"I'd like to get something to drink. Want anything?" Larek asked.


"Would you want us to teach those things to any sons we might have?" Orna asked.


"As long as their dreams make sense, yeah. At least, that's what my father said" Veax explained.


"I think that's if a male wants to use it on a high setting" Kos replied. "Larek, Caex, and Veax might enjoy that sort of thing, but I don't."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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"I'm happy with anything" Nyx said

"Of course. Every male should know how to please their mate, in more ways then just simply mating" Tran said easily

"That bodes an interesting question. How are we to know if their dreams make sense? Just because their dreams might not make sense to us, doesn't mean they don't make sense to them." Hermia said

"hm. Well, I'll stick with the lower setting" Sasha said
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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"Maybe some juice, then." Larek replied.


"That's a very good point, Tran." Orna replied. "What other ways to please your mate did you have in mind?" she asked, intrigued.


"Well, I asked my father something like that" Veax said. "He told me that they have to be feasible dreams. Wanting to open a business is good, but dreaming that one will conquer the city of Minbenthac is not."


"Probably for the best." Kos replied. "So, I know this is a bit of an odd question, but do you think I should shine my horns?" he asked, unsure if they were dirty from the work he had put in earlier.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nyx nodded, rising with Castor, giving him a small hug, enjoying the feel of her child.

"Oh, there's many different ways" Tran said, giving Orna a smile

"Why? Feasible is just a word to give us boundaries. I'm sure the first dracon to become an explore wasn't limited to boundaries, but possibilities" Hermia said

"I think they look good, but if you want to shine them, then you should" Sasha said
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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"So Nyx, I know it is a bit early, but Castor will have a sibling before too much longer. Maybe another year or so." Larek said. "Is it too soon to think about names for the next child?"


Orna blushed a bit at the thought of it. "Well, I've got some books we can look at which cover that topic. For later."


Veax thought about it. "You don't believe in boundaries, Hermy?"


"Maybe a little shine, in that case" Kos replied. "Thanks for your opinion" he said, giving Sasha a pat on the back.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"It's never too early." Nyx said happily , "After all, there's many possiblities for names. I'd like another boy before a girl, but I'd be just as happy for a girl" Nyx couldn't say why she wanted that, except she had enjoyed having Sasha so close in age growing up with.

Tran nodded, enjoying Orna's blush, "alright. Books are good, but everyone's pleasures are different, after all"

And Tran would enjoying finding out all of Orna's, over their years together.

"Boundaries are good for some things, like...the things to keep us safe, like not jumping off a tall building or such, but...horizons will never be reached if we think dreams cannot be reached" hernia said

sasha couldn't help but think it wasn't much of an opinion but didn't say so. "I'm always happy to give my opinion to you"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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"Well, I'd never pass up a chance to pass down my malehood to another generation, as long as its with you and we're both happy with it." Larek said.


"Well, I can give you a lesson in what I like... but not just yet" Orna replied, giggling.


"So, what kind of horizons do you want to break? I'd like to help you if I can" Veax told her.


"I'm glad I married a female who's honest" Kos replied. He ran his right hand down the small of her back. "So, would you like a back scratch?"

(Would you like me to draw one of your female dracons?)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nyx smiled, "I'll be happy with any children, no atter what they want to be. In a way, children make us immortal, after all."


Tran chuckled, "half the fun is figuring it out"


Hermia shrugged, "Maybe thats the thing about horizons. You don't know what yours are until they are reached. I've always wanted to have my own resturant"


Sasha smiled, gave a nod, "I'd love that"

(I think you have already drawn sasha, or maybe hermia. I'll have to check!)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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(I drew Nyx once, but I am more skilled now, so the picture would be better.)

"Yes, so I've heard. Or make our ancestors immortal. Or we make our ancestors immortal. Something like that" Larek replied.


"Females are tricky to figure out, I admit. And I mean the physical sense as well as emotions. But I think you'll figure me out soon enough" Orna said, putting her hands on Tran's strong chest. She moved them up and down, feeling his muscles. "Normally, I'd be bored with this by now, but love makes it so much more fun."


Veax sighed. "You know that females cannot own property, but perhaps you can rent a space out and run a restaurant that way?" he suggested. "Stupid dracon law."


Kos put his right hand on her back and began to scratch, moving his claws up and down her soft back. "Heh. You look so cute lying there like that. Does this feel good?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

(Okay cool)

"A piece of our ancestors is in us, as long as we remember them" nyx said

"It does" tram agreed, "and that's what makes it so, finding that you can do things, together that is so much more then apart"

"Aye, but I've never gone along with the status quo. Perhaps it's time that law is challenged" hermia said

Sasha smiled, "it does, yes. Thank you" she stretched quite contentedly
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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(Here's the picture of Nyx. I can edit it if you like. Do you want me to add more scars?)

"Speaking of which, perhaps we ought to check on our "immediate descendant", eh?" Larek asked. referring to their child.


"So, did you want to do anything together?" Orna asked. "Maybe think about names for our children to be?"


"There's not much we can do to challenge it, love" Veax said, sighing.


"You're welcome Sasha." He finished the back scratch after another fifteen minutes.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

(No thats great!)

Nyx nodded, already rising. Everything she had done seemed like a mild stroll down the city streets compared to motherhood-that was everything an adventure should be. Amazing, exciting, terrying, and worthwhile. "Okay"

"Alright" Tran said, "do you have any ideas?" He asked

"You can challenge everything" hermia said, "you just have to be willing to try, is all"

Sasha was clearly relaxed, and she gave a content sigh, "can i do anything for you?"
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