I'm posting this out of joy. Ever since the people behind Kill La Kill showed Kaneo Takarada to the world, he became one of my favorite characters in my history of watching anime. I don't know if t's because he acts like me a lot if it's because his character design is just straight up amazing with the zeni grill and the mink LOL Anyways, after those 2 episodes in Osaka where Lady Sastuki & the 4 came to try and finish Takarada and his people, I thought we'd never see him again so I spent my time off work complaining on Kill La Kill threads and stuff about never being able to see Takarada in animation again. Sure enough, I got on my PS4 to watch the 20th episode on Crunchyroll and 10 minutes in, THEY GIVE US MORE KANEO TAKARADA! DO YOU LOVE YOUR FANS THAT MUCH, TRIGGER!? *faints* *recovers from fainting* Also, I swear Gamagoori is in love with Mako LOL