Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by drewccapp
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As they made their way to Pyre, Watcher had a few words on his mind. Something worried him. Maybe his paranoia was starting to hit him. The last statement Mark made left a serious impression on him. Someone was tracking the meeting. This meant someone knew that it was happening. What if a member of R3v314t1on was an insider within the UN and knew enough to know that there would be a meeting just now? The person hacking them knew when it would happen that much was obvious. Then another thought crossed his mind: what if someone within this group was a R3v314t1on member? No, they all were too suddenly summoned and it was more than likely that none of them knew they were going to be chosen, and their reactions were all very natural and expected.

He hadn't realized they arrived until one of the guards commented on his new team. Pyre was a fairly impressive defensive spot. A perfect place to turtle up and hide away from R3v314t1on. The fear of death was a plenty good reason, but Watcher had nothing else left to lose. He would go on the offensive, and nothing would stop him. His greatest comfort in all of this was that he wouldn't be working alone, and while no one could replace his old friends, maybe, just maybe, he could make new ones with his new teammates.

As Pyre's commander waved the defense off Watcher smiled. He enjoyed watching cooperation between players. He listened carefully as she introduced herself and her second, Minx. "Good to meet the both of you, I'm Watcher or Demavend, but I prefer Watcher." He kept to his alias so strongly out of habit more than anything. Besides, he rather enjoyed using it as it reminded him of his achievements in the game.

”No one has ever called you “G” Percy and I told you not to call me Minxy. It’s Minx and by the way, next time you think about staring at my ass I’ll rip your 1 and zeros off your digital body and make you eat the coding, perv.”

Watcher raised his eyebrows at this with a slightly amused expression. He felt partly tempted to do so just to tease her. Of all the things to be concerned about this was one? Someone was sensitive about their avatar, or perhaps too deep into roleplaying to move past the character. Well, everyone needed their own distraction from reality, this one was probably Minx's.

”Well what do I have to work with? We have an Overwatch, battleborn and a Goliath so that’s good. But three Warlocks? Three? Do any of you know healing spells? Defensive spells?” She sighed but gave a dismissive wave.

"I know it's not ideal," Watcher commented with a shrug and a slight frown. "But I'm sure we can manage." The UN hadn't chosen them randomly that was for sure. Watcher knew he himself was very well known throughout the entire game. His gamertag and alias was the first in the list of achievements on the in-game leaderboard for several achievements with the greatest being the "Full Clear" achievement. Any player that didn't know that probably never knew how to look at the leaderboard.

”Alrighty then! The name’s Minx and as you can see I’m a Goliath class so that makes two Goliaths. That makes it easier when we get in. I don’t expect any immediate resistance from Killion but once we’re in - it’s only a matter of time.” She shrugged and turned towards the exit.

“We can’t waste any time so let’s go. Any questions ask along the way.” She looked back at the group before leaving.

"Well, what do we know about their defenses there?" That was the first question that popped into his head. "Secondly, we probably should make a plan if they're expecting company. I know the physical layout of the place, but if they've made any changes with their hacks it'd be best if we had intel on that. The fact that we'd be able to walk in without immediate resistance kind of concerns me too. Makes it feel too easy in some cases I suppose."

He actually didn't like heading out immediately like this and he sounded like it. While his guild had been the first to clear the Hyperion Mercenary Company raid, they had done all the research necessary in order to clear it as quickly as possible. Then they could afford to die a few times learning the patterns, but now each operation had to be perfect. Lives were on the line here after all.

Watcher then looked at his teammates. "We don't actually know each others strengths and what we bring to the table. It'd be good to know what strats we can come up with together before we actually commit to something. I'm a scout subclass, so a lot of my abilities are for getting close and gathering intel. I've basically mastered stealth without the use of invisibility, although I do have a skill that cloaks me if I'm not moving. My damage is best used for hit-and-run tactics until I can get safely behind the tanks, then the Watcher comes out and... boom. I can scan an area for enemies, but it lets them know they've been scanned by giving them a debuff. Kind of sucks as far as element of surprise, but knowing exact locations is super good. The ability works better in PvE because the AI doesn't react as effectively to it as players do."

He didn't PvP often, but he was fairly confident in his skills to survive. "I have Frostbite Grenades to freeze and root people. I can make them myself, but my supplies are in my house. I also have the Last Waltz for close-range fighting if I need to, and the elemental ammo it uses has some fairly effective debuffs. Alright, who's next? The more we know about each others skills, the more likely we're going to wreck them R3v314t1on scumbags."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Genesis: Sanctuary Pyre

Yukihiro looked at the high rising walls of Sanctuary Pyre, the most guarded sanctuary in all of Genesis and one of the sanctuaries that hasn't fallen victim to R3v314t1on. It is probably the safest place to be if you are not a member of the terrorist group. Given this, it is surprising that this is only Yukihiro's second visit to the sanctuary since R3v314t1on took over the game. The next thing he noticed was the immense number of guards that are placed atop the wall and there were watchtowers too. Everything was so well protected that it is understandable how R3v314t1on hasn't accessed this place yet.

The closer they got to the entrance, the more clearly he could see what was in front of the gate. There were two Goliaths guarding it and a man in the middle. He stuck to the back of the group with his summons sticking by him. Indriel and Christian seemed eager to start the operation of taking Killion and the latter surprisingly didn't even complain once as they walked towards Pyre. The man started to speak and had that unimpressed look on his face, heck, he even said it out loud. Yukihiro had to admit, they just looked like they were bunched up regardless of class. Well, the others seemed highly skilled and they just might prove themselves on field, for him, he needed his summons to prove themselves useful to the cause. Hopefully, they can.

It wasn't soon until the gates were opened and they were let inside. He quietly followed the commander. Yukihiro looked around, eyeing the merchandise that was being sold on the streets of the sanctuary. Perhaps if he had time, he should buy something. There were rare weapons in there. Maybe... some other time perhaps. However, they were stopped momentarily by a bunch of soldiers with their guns up prompting Christian to take out his but before he could point it at the soldiers, they were already dismissed. "You seem worked up." Indriel commented as Christian slid his pistols back in its holsters.

"Eh, new town. I guess I'm a bit on edge." The male summon replied with a shrug before they continued on.

They entered a room where the General and the person called Minx were at. The General, or Percy, and Minx had a little conversation first before the latter trained her eyes on them. She was surprised by the sheer amount of Warlocks they had, yeah, they did have three. Once asked about knowing healing spells though, Alisia looked up and muttered, "I do." But it came out more as a whisper than actually saying it out loud so there's a chance that the Goliath might not have heard it.

Yukihiro nodded as Watcher spoke. "A plan would be ideal to have. We can't just blindly break in there without knowing anything too." Killion is practically R3v314t1on homebase and they would know every nook and cranny of it and thus, the group would be in a huge disadvantage. He followed the others out as he spoke.

Then Watcher began to relay his fighting style and skills. "Guess I'll be next. As you can see, I'm a necromancer. There's not much I, myself, can provide but my summons do have their skills. Indriel often charges forward. She's pretty fast and is good at dodging attacks. Her sheer strength and speed should come in handy. Christian, on the other hand, is best at mid-range fighting, keeping his distance and blasting away at the enemies. His pistols pack a punch too. Alisia is a healer so she usually hangs back with me and heals anyone who needs it. She knows a bit of defensive spells, buffers, and one offensive spell. And despite being AIs, they're quite smart and may seem like a player and they don't hesitate to cut down an enemy." He relayed the skills of his summons, while vague, it would be enough to create a strategy with them. As much as he regrets it, there's nothing much a necromancer can actually do besides summoning tons of things. Sure he can protect himself when someone charges for him but other than that, not much. "Oh but I do have two more spells, one can deal fire damage and can inflict a 'burn' ailment and then another which releases poison gas. It's quite thick so it can work as a smoke bomb too."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ProjectOdin
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ProjectOdin Zenith

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Genesis, Sanctuary, Pyre.

Onyx walked near the front of the group most of the way, not really saying much but keeping an eye out for trouble, he walked with his arms folded across each-other behind his head, touching the opposite shoulder with his elbows pointed outward, towards the sky. His eyes gleamed as they approached Pyre, observing the heavy defense lining large walls, he squinted slightly, beginning to think up ways that he could infiltrate the extremely secured city, not that he would need to, more of a pass time than anything.

Once they had entered the city, Onyx began to eye the storefronts hungrily, keeping his eye out for a new blade to add to his collection, when he came to the realization that the blades being sold here were not up to par with what he was looking for, his heart dropped. Though this quickly changed as his stomach began to flutter at the sight of the ability shops, now these most definitely weren't everywhere and there he had been looking for somewhere to blow his money. When Bobby began to wander off, one of the escorts dipped back, grabbing him by the arm and pulling him lightly, notifying him once again of the urgency and lack of time. Bobby groaned, allowing himself to be carted away, though he was quite grumpy in a childish manner, grumbling small things under his breath the whole way there.

Onyx listened impatiently to the introductions and speeches that were made, raising an eyebrow while simultaneously rolling his eyes at Minx's "threat". His foot tapped in an uneven pattern on the floor, his helmet resting gently in his hand, in a bored show of body language. Once a few of his newly acquainted teammates had said their pieces, he opened his own mouth to speak, letting out a long, low sigh. "Can we just like... Do something already, please?" He said, letting out a quiet groan all while shifting his right hand to the other side of his helmet, pressing his palms in gently, as if he were pushing his cheeks together like a small child.

Bobby let his hands slide down his helmet slowly before deciding to speak again. "I don't have any defensive abilities that can benefit the team, sorry." He said, waving his hand in a dismissing manner, leaving the question of whether he was not giving much more information than that for a purpose or inadvertently. He stood up, stretching out his lanky, muscled limbs covered by his full body suit, before quickly sitting down and returning to his first position, feeling satisfied by his few words.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SolasReveal
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SolasReveal The Dark

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


This wasn't the first time Echo had been here, but it still amazed her none the less. It had been quite sometime she had been around in here, ever since the first couple of attempts of a siege. Shaking at the thought of the failures and things she saw, she wasn't exactly all that excited about being here again for essentially the same purpose. Meeting the commander as his name was, a real stick up the ass type of guy, looking down on the group, she found a lot of the big boys did that. Couldn't blame them, they weren't the big boys for nothing, but it still always irked her, they had never really been her thing. She had the capacity to be the same way, but it was to much effort in all honesty, way to much, and before now, she was just content with doing what she wanted more or less.

Continuing on their way, she pretty much had tuned out the man after he started to look down on them, though he wasn't really revealing what she didn't already know about the place. Kiro tensed as the guards raised their guns at them and Echo watched as some of the others did as well, she put her hand on Kiro's head and reassured them they were fine "Wouldn't make any sense to slaughter us, he's just stroking himself a little bit, nothing like a good wank of the big ole boy to show he's top shit around, right?" she spoke to Kiro but anyone close would hear her. Kiro gave a chuckle, relaxing as they were continuing on their way. Quickly entering the room, they encountered Minx, a...very interesting person to say the least. Hadn't changed one bit since the last time she had seen the women, as sassy as ever too. Seeing her starting to leave, the group had started to move and one by one they tried to start explaining what they could do and the like.

Until one member, a Warlock, got impatient "I mean it wouldn't hurt to know what everyone does, these are your allies and not someone expandable. Having knowledge of what they can do, can save an entire battle or yourself. Hell a whole army can be saved with team work and what you need for team work is knowledge of how your team works, just a word to the wise, im not scolding you because at the end of the day, who am i to tell you how to feel, i didn't mean anything by it, im just giving helpful tips as a vet in these types of games..." turning on her heels "Kiro can explain what we can do."

As Echo moved off, Kiro walked between most of the group "Being a Huntress Class, Echo was forced to not take active skills, instead i have most of the active capabilities we have. The first being me itself, i am her main weapon in the most literal sense. The Dog i am put in, is fitted with me, an Artificial Intelligence, one of the best in game. I am virtually self and free thinking, and capable of making decisions at the same time as well you guys. Besides me, the dog is fitted with a radar system, up to half a mile in radius. A Radio itself and a rescue ping system, the body itself is bullet proof, big rounds and armor piercing are the only things that can break through. Blades are almost never likely to be able to cut through. The claws are made of sharpened Titanium, as are the teeth. The jaw can crush iron plates with ease, if that's any type of measurements. It also is impact absorbent, full on collision with a car, will only slightly damage the dog. It's also fitted with the huntress passive abilities, but those are a little harder to explain so you can look on the class information here if you're interested" Kiro sent a group message to them all "that's all for us, oh, her weapon information is also in there as well, but Echo can be a close , mid, and even long range fighter, she also is full of experience, so hope she can be of assistance to you all."

Kiro quickly walked up next to Echo, who was walking next to Minx "I don't know if you remember me, but we've fought together and every time we lost, what is different this time?" she glanced back at the group, worried for a second but quickly focused forward, looking at Minx.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

Member Seen 11 mos ago


Genesis, Sanctuary: Pyre

Every one of Angel's nerves were on edge as they were led to a large gate, She had literally just gotten over the fact that she would be working in an actual team but when they made it to the gate her Mercenary alarms were on high Alert. When they made it to the gate Angel's heart was in her throat as the group was inspected by the man sitting between the two Goliaths. She was slightly annoyed at how the commander was just disregarding their abilities but bit her tongue as she looked to all the heavily armed Goliaths deciding to shrink back in the group.

She had never been in Pyre and was pleasantly surprised that it was so different from Killion. Killion, even though it was basically the base of The terrorist group, it wasn't nearly as fortified on the outer edges as it was in Pyre and there were definetly more Shady people. When they got into the city Angel could literally see the currency draining from her account as they passed by the shops, there were so many good things to buy but Angel knew she shouldn't buy at the moment. "I'll come back for this stuff later" she said as she stared at a weapon upgrade shop that had caught her eye. She definetly had enough money to trick herself out with some good stuff but then what would be the point to messaging the UN to give them stuff.

She chose not to fly through the streets and chose to just walk in line trying to draw the least attention to herself even though it was a bit hard with the fact that her Armor and wing were quiet a distinguishable factor of her character. A few of the guards locked eyes with her as they walked through the city and one even readjusted his gun as she looked at her. "God this is ridiculous, I haven't even do anything... yet" she though as said Goliath lowered their gun and just turned back around.

She was constantly darting her eyes around taking in details and it was all she could do to keep herself taking off into the air to calm her nerves, She had to be professional. As they walked into the room with general and got through their introductions Angel was a getting very annoyed that people continue to not give them credit just because they were a bit unbalanced. "I'm actually pretty Good at Offence, Defense, and support" she said with a bit a irritation in her voice "And with my flight ability I could even be a scout" Angel finished with a huff. As she stood there Angel tapped her talons on the ground in impatience feeling a bit claustrophobic with the amount of people in the same room as her, it got to the point where she slowly moved over to the wall and leaned against it trying to just get a bit more breathing room.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SomewhatAverage

SomewhatAverage No Longer Active. Sorry, Just Too Busy Right Now

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Genesis: Sanctuary Pyre

Smiling, Sensei took a moment to commit the names of the rest of his team to memory, following the small escort sent to take them further into the Sanctuary. He made sure to observe the extensive security measures throughout the city, thinking to himself, This place is pretty well defended, especially considering how little time that they must've had to prepare for all of this. I can definitely see why R3v314t1on hasn't swarmed this place already. Looking through the shops, he saw almost nothing but guns, guns, swords, and more guns. One of the many downsides of going "weaponless." Not everyone saw the advantages of such a choice, and Sensei wanted to make sure that his teammates didn't do the same. James stayed mostly silent as the commander brought them to the General, who introduced them to Minx. With this much militarism and hierarchy throughout the Sanctuary, I'm surprised that none of these top guns haven't straight up started a dictatorship or something.

He listened intently as Minx introduced herself and looked over the group. Indeed, he had not been thrilled when he saw not a single Caretaker in the bunch. However, as they began to travel, he perked up as he heard his companions begin to list off their strengths. Hearing Watcher mention his sniper rifle was a plus; Sensei knew that he would need plenty of long range counterparts from the others, considering his own skill set. Yukihiro listed off not only his own abilities but those of his summons. He thought briefly on each of them: Indriel would be the one he would probably fight next to, Christian would provide much needed cover, and Alisia would be there when he inevitably made a mistake and took a crap ton of damage. Afterwards, there was Onyx, who kept his dialogue to a minimum. Sensei was about to speak out, until Echo did it for him. Her response was also fairly short, although she let her "Killing.Infiltration.Robot.Operator D Version" do the explaining. Yes, I am going to call it that every time I refer to it. If anything, he appreciated the message that he was sent. It would at least give him something to read on the way to Killion. Listening to Angel, he thought briefly on her wings. He could imagine plenty of uses for those, especially if they could carry any considerable weight. The thought of her carrying the entire team by her wings sprung to mind and made him giggle, until he realized that it was probably his own turn to speak.

Taking a moment to catch his breath and collect his thoughts, he spoke out to the group, saying, "Alright, so as you might have guessed, I'm one of those "idiotic weaponless" BattleBornes. Yeah, yeah, if you're going to insult me, I've heard it all before. Now, talking strategy, I'm definitely best up close, and I'll deal plenty of damage once I'm there. Most Brawlers are pretty tame, but I've studied martial arts my entire life, so I wouldn't say I'm like most Brawlers. But I'm basically no good from a distance, and I'll occasionally need plenty of cover to charge up my attacks. Still, I'll try to be an asset in any way possible."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Experiment 249
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Experiment 249 Bruh

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Good thing I'm not expendable. Unlike you I have a purpose in this operation." The man said, sipping from a mug of fake alcohol from a vendor in a fake world that wouldn't even get him fake tipsy. He flipped through the face cards in his inventory over and over, studying each player on them, always pausing on the joker. He looked behind the counter, thinking about robbing the place, but the trouble of dealing with this many NPC's was not worth the few credits he could get from their bodies and the register. He was almost about to get up when all hell broke loose behind him. A hint of smoke passed by both sides of his head, his screen lit up as if he'd been hit from all sides but no damage was done. Well, not to him at least, Lanc3 had been killed, but it was only Lanc3. He hated the guy anyways. Always trying to be a spy even though he was just a meat shield at heart. Poor guy, probably left behind quite a few forum-moderation positions that made him feel like he was doing something with his life.

The Red Death stood up from his chair and turned around, looking for whatever caused the commotion behind him. A man stood in the clearing smoke, a familiar face. A face he had been studying for quite a while. The joker card. Spectre. "Well, if it isn't the joker. I see you're here for business purposes, unless killing Lanc3 was for pleasure. I'd understand, if I was allowed to, I would've taken him out too." The man's right eye flashed red and a red arrow pointed at Spectre with a skull icon above it. [Target Marked].

"I'm assuming this isn't going to be as easy as I want it to be, but I have to kill you now." He said, grabbing his twin revolvers. They felt so natural in his hands, despite never having shot a gun in real life, let alone two at once. And now he was here, one of the most infamous murderers in the world and nobody knew his real name. His family was probably worried that R3v was going to kill him while he was "stuck" in the game. He chuckled. "A shield would be nice." He said, trying to talk to his new partner without letting his eyes off of his target.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 1 yr ago

They were given a ride on a light transport ship, one that was programed to bring players right to Sanctuary. Minx listened to everyone and took in the info, silently going over it in her head. She turned to them "So I've been thinking about our classes and such and I think I have an idea." She turned to @drewccapp Watcher. "I want you to stay out of sight. Pick off stragglers and what not. I'm going to have @SolasReveal E.C.H.O go with you. I think that her and KIRO will help you out tremendously considering that that specific model dog and A.I are one of the best in the game, in case you're too focused on picking off the enemy, KIRO and E.C.H.O can rely the whereabouts of enemy coming from the rear or what have you."

That was two down. Scanning over the others she looked at @Polaris North@SomewhatAverage@PatrickDrummer, Yukihiro, Drummer and Sensei. "You guys are with me. Yukihiro's Necro abilities are perfect for this as he is of all ranges from what he described and Sensei and I are up close fighters. Drummer can provide the tankyness and having that big gun will be able to support crowd control perfectly. Now as for you two-" She turned her attention back to @The ghost in black@ProjectOdin Bobby and A.O.D. I was thinking about having you two go with watcher and Echo. Angel you said you're good at all aspects which will help them and with a battle born on your side I don't see how you'll get pinned." She sighed as they neared the entrance of the city and Minx's heart skipped a beat when she saw no one was at the docking station. Her head lowered and she simply said Fuck.

The doors opened with a low buzz and a voice that seemed broken welcomed them to Killion. She hesitated for a moment but then turned to Watcher, Echo, AOD and Bobby. "Once this foor opens move quickly to that building over to the left building. I don't expect an encounter off the bat but if you see anyone that shows hostility take them out. Everyone else you're with me. A minute or two went by, enough for the others to get into a spot to start their movement.

Stepping out she gestured for them to follow her towards the entrance of the sanctuary.

"Heya Saviors!"

A static voice echoed through the station from the overhead speakers. Minx just muttered the man's name. "Mayhem"

"Thought I would be the ones to welcome you but it seems that that wont be the case. Instead I have sent a welcoming party to greet you properly. Have fun!"

The entrance to the city was a blockade of players, all representing R3v314t1on. Minx turned to the rest of her allies as she brought a hand behind her back, A massive gravity hammer forming in her grip and brought it to the front of her. "On my lead. NOW!" She crouched low as the vents of her suit sparked and glowed hot with a sound that was similar to that of a turbine. She took a slow breath before she her foot into the ground with such force that in caved in the area she stood. Half a second later her vents released the built up energy backward, propelling her towards the crowd even faster than before. It was at this point she heaved the hammer back along her side, its low thumbing heard echoing around those in the vicinity. In the front of the blockade stood a few Goliath Vanguards and Goliath Defenders with shields whose armored feet dug into the ground for stability but with the force and momentum given from her suit, followed by a wide arch of a swing, the impact was too much and those up front were knocked towards the middle of the group.

Solace, Exodus

@Cinderella Man@Experiment 249

He was already running. That [Target Marked] told him exactly what those two were and what the man was. "Damn Bounty Hunters." He mentally cursed as he bolted down a nearby alley. He hopped up onto the dumpster in the alleyway and leapt onto the drain pipe located next to it. His passive skill taking effect. Concrete Monkey was a good choice on his part since it allowed for evasion to be a bit easier against most. Once tagged however, it became a bit more difficult. And with that tagged mark he had a realization. As he climbed he decided to send the man a voice message.

"I assume you're with R3v314t1on and I didn't realize until now who you were. Red Death. Fitting name I suppose for you. One of Glitches best I suppose." He grunted as he made it to the top of the pipe and hopped up onto the ledge it was attached to and released a decoy whose rifle was out and facing down to the front of the alleyway. Spectre continued.

"But this also means you know who your dealing with as well. For the most part I should say. I haven' gain the moniker Spectre for nothing. Come and get me.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
Avatar of Polaris North

Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Genesis: Sanctuary Killion

Yukihiro settled down on the seat of the light transport ship and so did his summons, provided that there was enough space for all of them. He listened intently to the others and was interested on how they’ll play their cards. Sensei was the last to speak and after a few minutes, Minx uncovered her plan. The plan was really simple though, Watcher, Echo, Angel and Bobby were to snipe out the enemies from afar. Now that was understandable since the two were actually of the Overwatch class, perfect for sniping of course. While Minx, Shane, Sensei and himself would be the ones to charge head-on.

Oh boy. He should’ve expected it. With Indriel and Christian, that’s an extra two pair of hands right there for the charge and the two don’t go down easy. Especially Indriel, sometimes, Yukihiro isn’t even sure if she’s more of a Goliath or a Battleborn but he’s leaning towards the latter given her speed. However, his biggest problem is that the enemy might have… no will have an overwatch of their own and he’d like to hide from those as much as possible. That class is the bane of his existence, his low health is his main problem after all. Even with Alisia’s defense buff spell, he’s still an easy target. Well, he just had to keep his eyes open for now.

The orange haired male could see the sanctuary and he looked at Alisia and nodded. The blonde summon muttered a chant and Shane, Minx, Sensei, Yukihiro, Indriel and Christian were enveloped with some sort of white aura but it only lasted for a second. She had casted Shield on them, which increases their defense by 10% and considering their high levels, it should be more than enough. ”I hope it helps.” She told the others before looking at the other squad. ”I’m sorry, but the spell has a range and you might be further away so it might not affect you.” She explained. While it doesn’t have a time limit, it does have a range limit. Ah well, not everything can be perfect in this game. And with that, she went silent once more unless someone still had any questions. However, it would prove to be too late for that as they were about to unload.

There was a broken message sent through the com of the ship that was probably some welcoming message to Killion. If this was some other situation, he would’ve offered to help fix whatever the heck was wrong. But it was most likely intentional. It was at that moment that Minx ordered the other squad to go to the left building. He soon followed her off with his summons and headed for the gate. He was at the back of the group while Indriel was nearer to Minx, ready to fight. Christian was just ahead of him while Alisia walked beside her master.

The static voice of Mayhem greeted them and that somehow brought a smile to Yukihiro’s face despite the situation. The doors to Killion opened to reveal a blockade of players, all Goliaths. They were practically a wall that they had to break through. Minx was the first to move and charged towards the blockade, knocking back the Goliaths in front. Every single one of his summons were on battle mode.

Indriel quickly followed Minx and charged towards the group, with her two swords in her grip. As some concentrated fire on her, she jumped to the air and landed near the Goliath’s with a slam. While it was not enough force to move them, it was enough to disorient them for even a second and she followed it up with a flurry of slashes and stabs while also attempting to dodge by not keeping still.

Christian hung to the middle of the battlefield. While Goliaths were strong up close and personal, they had a little more trouble actually aiming further away. The blue haired summon began shooting away at the Goliaths, aiming for the head as much as possible. Any closer and he’d be in trouble, he may be a gunslinger and not as weak as most of the Overwatch class but going charging in will only result to him ‘depixelizing’. He can’t dish much damage for now though.

Yukihiro aimed the staff towards the group, stepping forward one step at a time before stopping just outside the Goliath’s range. He then released a skull bomb on the group. The explosion didn’t deal much damage but the poison gas began dispersing. He made sure that it wouldn’t affect the others in the front lines and if it accidentally spread towards them, they’d know to avoid. It’ll go away soon enough.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Genesis, Sanctuary: Killion

Angel gave a curt nod when Minx told her that she was going with Bobby, Watcher, and E.C.H.O and switched her armor to its combat form. Her wings moved up on her back and grew till they were twice their original size, her clothes changed drastically becoming sleeker and more refined. She listened to Minx's plan of their team rushing to the top of a building of in the distance and thought of how long it would take to reach it, "Meh it's not that far maybe I could even carry someone" she said tapping her chin with a armored finger.

Angel reached up into the air and stretched, feeling her joints pop just in time to hear the door of the transport open. She stepped outside with Minx and Immediately jumped onto the roof of the transport, while she was up there she stared at the large blockade of players and just equiped her spear and shield before beginning to hover. Angel watched as a buff symbol for ramming speed popped up and floated down till she was just barely floating off the ground. "Well lets go already!" Angel yelled at her other teammates when Minx charged forward and pointed her spear towards the building they were suppose to go to.

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