Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Apoalo
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Apoalo Harry potter Nut

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Wow, lots of Black Family Members. =p
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eyeris


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Well... Here is mine!


Name: Avice Black

Age: 13




The young tween is difficult to surmise. At a first meeting it is clear that the girl is outgoing and prone to silliness and vanity. She has a dreamer's eyes and speaks in a soft whispery voice.

She is easily distracted. She is disorganized. She can not manage her time or attention well. She falls behind in classes and is late due to poor time management. He grades do not reflect her intellectual potential, she consistently beats older peers at wizard's chess and other strategy games, but, her lack of focus is her academic downfall.

Avice is very active and playful. She can’t sit still or stay quiet. She enjoys games of all kinds, from wizards chess to quidditch. She also loves stories, which is likely originated from growing up around the infamous Black family bragging. Her parents told their children stories of famous ancestors and important wizards in their bloodline, they also boasted often to their social circles about family accomplishments, they gossiped, they slandered, they preached the evils of muggles and blood-traitors. She herself is a storyteller but a terrible one. She twists her tongue and her tale too often. She might forget important details, causing wide plot holes and dropped punchlines. She will often change the story just to make it more interesting, or will re-tell it differently for different audiences. In her mind the effect of the story is more important than the truth of it. The purpose of the story, in her immature mind, is for fun. Her third main activity is playing pranks and jokes on others. She loves to provoke reactions and does not seem to care if the reaction is positive or negative when she is planning her pranks.

She is bright and agreeable when she is feeling jovial. However, Avice has difficulty managing her emotions. She has been called over dramatic, that she has a weak resole, that she is ungovernable, or undisciplined, or overly sensitive. When she becomes upset she completely falls apart. She ‘becomes difficult’ and she is prone to weeping, abandoning her responsibilities, yelling, and even violence. It is difficult to know what to expect from her, though, this shift in temperament is not instantaneous. The fits are usually triggered by an event such as a low grade on an important test, rejection from a peer, or loosing her wand, being punished by her parents, embarrassed, etc. Again, not in an instant, the cycle between high and low tends to turn every few days.

She is afraid of the dark.

She practically worships her older brother Sorin. When she is ‘in one of her moods’ Sorin is the only one who can calm her down. He, however, being older and much more mature does not relate to Avice personally. He is often annoyed with her antics.


Avice grew up in a wealthy pureblood house. As a Black she was raised to be proud, conduct herself with proper etiquette, and have a certain set of values.

She is the younger of two, her older brother Sorin is her her hero. She is a thorn in his side. Before Sorin started school he was very protective of Avice. Their father had a temper that could get out of hand. Sorin would often take the blame for Avice’s antics purposefully. She did not always escape the temper, but, Sorin usually could manage to get the worst of it for himself. After he began schooling Sorin became more concerned with his studies, his friends, and his own advancement. He began to agree with the other adults that Avice was too sensitive. Avice did not stop seeing her brother as her hero despite the change in his regard for her.

Sorin was groomed with great expectations begin the oldest and only boy to carry on the family name. He was given much and disciplined harshly when he took it for granted. They still punished their daughter but with relatively softer hand. There was also a difference of intention. Sorin was was given favor or punishment in order to shape him. Avice was given favor or punishment to deal with her in the moment. The parents seem to be relying on time and maturity to sand down her rough edges. They already took care of the most important aspect of her life, the expectation that she marry a pureblood and create more purebloods: They arranged her marriage at an early age with another strong pure blooded family. She is engaged to Cennétig Diarmuid Royceston Bana. They have met a few times in supervised visits before they began attending Hogwarts together.

Her occasional playmates growing up were her first cousins, ‘the twins’, Isaac and Chandler Prewett. Whenever the cousins visited one another Avice was so overwhelmingly happy to have people her own age to play with, her antics often got out of control. She loved the twins, and loved playing pranks on the rest of the family. She did not like getting caught... And would collapse into tears whenever punishment was about to be dealt.

Her first year at Hogwarts was a bit tumultuous. She was excited and elated to be learning, making friends, learning magic… It was also the first time she had real responsibilities. A lot was taken care of for her growing up in the wealthy and sheltered Black household. She never learned to be organized nor was expected to be efficient on her own. She brought a lot of energy into school, but, it quickly unfurled into a mess of parchments and missed classes. With scoldings and detentions to redirect the girl, it took the whole year to catch up to her classmates. She earned herself a reputation her first year for her poor performance.

The summer after her first year was very rough. Her parents came down on her hard. It was one thing to be a mess around the house, it was another to embarrass and shame the family name at school.

Her second year began more solemnly than the first. The punishment and tutoring of the summer was still fresh in her mind. She joined the quidditch team. She is a talented on a broom, small, and fast. She was assigned to be the second-string seeker for her house team. (She is hoping that this year she will be the seeker-proper, as the seeker last year graduated.) She felt better after making the team, and was still tardy and disorganized but not nearly to the extent she was in her first year. Her grades were still sub-par, but her talents began to bloom.


Avice might be well liked until they see her 'in one of her moods', the opinion may change.

She is also engaged, which, will effect any romantic type interactions or discussions.

She is a pureblood from a pureblood family. She is prejudiced against muggles, half-bloods, etc.

House of Black:

Karoul Black: Father. They say that Avice is like her father in that they are both more impulsive and emotional. Her father has a temper that can get out of hand. He can contain it while around strangers and acquaintances, but in the home he is like a bomb.

Helyssent Black: Mother. They say that Sorin is more like his mother. A bit Solemn and focused. She is busy. Talented with hexes and charms, she also entertains and enjoys a wide social circle of other pureblood witches and wizards.

Sorin Black: Like his mother a bit more steady and serious than Avice and Karoul. He has a knack for dueling.

Corvus Black: Her grandfathers brother. Headmaster at Hogwarts.

Chandler and Issac: First cousins. They have a mutual grandfather.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

@PhunkyPhoebe Looks all good. I don't know who she's going to marry when all we have are girls, though.
Bit of a hat stall, but comes out to Ravenclaw.
Wand is Sycamore, Dragon Heartstring

@Bright_Ops I'm not looking for teachers, but you're free to submit a student character.

Another Hatstall, but she is Hufflepuff.
Rowan, Phoenix Feather.

Hard to place, it's possible she was shoved into Slytherin with so much of the rest of her family. Otherwise, she would be Gryffindor. I will let you choose ont his one.
Dogwood, Unicorn Hair
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Am I good to pick a house for her older brother?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago


Hope I didn't miss anyone. We are live, I wasn't too late, I don't think.

EDIT to avoid extra posts. Feel free, Roze.

Anyone with important NPC's can choose their houses.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 9 hrs ago


...It says under the subjects that the positions would be filled by players. My bad.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Ah, specific players, though.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Ah, specific players, though.

I was not aware of this...

I wish you well then.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Ryden Ashford

Age: 37


Standing at a ridiculously tall, lanky 6'6, Ryden certainly stands out in a crowd. His eyes are a warm golden brown, dark blonde hair usually pulled back into a messy ponytail while teaching. His body is littered with scars, some minor, some not so much - he states they're from dealing with beasts in his travels, but some look as though they could have been done with a knife than a claw or fang.
It won't be uncommon to see a fresh injury about him; it's rare to see his face unblemished with a bruise or cut, and there seems to be constant bandages wrapped messily around his hands and arms. He would go to the hospital wing, but surely they have enough issues to deal with already.

Wand: Alder Wood, 14'' with a Thestral tail-hair core, unyielding.

In a word, one would describe Ryden as dedicated. To his job, his students, and other things earlier in his life. The man has a real passion in his work, and is only too happy to spread that passion to others, making teaching a perfect job for him. Because of this, he's usually quite patient and easy-going in classes, emanating a trustful and secure environment... which is sometimes necessary when dealing with particularly dangerous beasts. However, woe betide any student who doesn't take his lesson's seriously - a steel will appear to his eyes and words, being a harsh enough difference from his usually pleasant persona to make the student think twice about acting out again.
Out of lessons, Ryden doesn't particularly relax. He continues tending to beasts; venturing out into the forest (paying no heed to dangers that lay within), to research the creatures dwelling there, or to collect certain plants for the next week of lessons. Usually coming back out with some new item (be it a plant or injury; usually both), he'll then stay up late doing some mindless task before eventually giving in to sleep at an ungodly hour in the morning.

When one gets to know him, you'll learn a few things; he adores animals (Not just the fantastical ones; everything from mice to cats and dogs), he drinks more alcohol than is entirely healthy (Although never shows up drunk in front of the children; even if hungover, he hides it as best as he can), and has trouble sleeping. One could easily assign that to events in his past, but it's been a long time since Ryden's been close enough to anybody to speak of such matters.

Bio: Ryden arrived at the school last year, after the previous Care of Magical Creatures Professor was eaten by one of his charges; that's what happens when one continues prodding a Sphinx in the ribs to try and teach it to sit.
To most, he has a great deal of stories to tell of his past - creatures and places he's visited, from the strange to the mundane. As for where he born, where he learnt to control his magic, family, all of that remains unknown even to the Headmaster. Ryden states that it is because his early life yielded nothing useful for one to know; his knowledge of beasts and monsters from China to the Scilly Isles are what makes him useful today, and that is all he allows anyone to know. For now, at least.

Dislikes seeing the oppressed or bullied; if he see's any sort of behaviour like that from a student or teacher, he comes down hard and fast on them, regardless of blood status or house.

While he does not show it to any of the students or teachers, he has a great distrust for the old, Pureblood families of England. He would never treat a child differently to another because of this, but he will rarely speak a kind word about such old houses.

Plays the Viol; a Spanish precursor to the Viola. While many are large and played at the feet, his is considerably smaller, and he finds it easier to rest it in the crook of his neck while he plays, much like a violin. (Which hasn't been invented yet. *sob*)

Family: None.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LadyTabris
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LadyTabris princess

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I've been hanging around for a while trying to decide if I can dedicate myself to this, but I decided that I may as well try this if I'm going to be getting back into roleplaying. This is the most interesting idea I've been seeing, so I'll do my best here.
Let me know if anything doesn't fit exactly.

Name: Lior Reynes
Age: 13


House: Leave blank for sorting
Wand: Leave blank, the wand chooses the wizard.

Personality: Lior is an intelligent girl with a good memory. She is skilled at remembering information she is taught, and is rarely ever found studying or taking notes in class. For her, just sitting and listening is often enough to learn, though occasionally it requires more work than that with more complicated subjects. In attending Hogwarts, she wants to come out near the top of her class in order to better herself and how her life was so far. She has ambitions to work in a better field than her parents, a farmer and a barmaid. She doesn't have many scruples on how she does this or what sort of work that may entail. She wants to become on par with the great pureblood houses.
She is often quiet, but when she does speak she can be extremely opinionated. If she believes in something she may become relentless in its pursuit. If someone spits at her, she's equally likely to exact immediate revenge with a sharp remark, or just stand taller and wait with a grudge.

Bio: Lior wasn't raised in a rich home, like most of those with wizarding heritage around her at Hogwarts. She grew up living on a small farm with her parents, in an average sized wizarding town in England. Because of this, Lior is very familiar with hard work. She loves animals and learning about magical creatures, and she always has.
Her father, Owen, owned the farm and brought livestock to the market for meat and other purposes. Her mother, Moiraine, worked at a local tavern servings drinks in the evening, and because they were such a small, poor family, she often had to help out on the farm during the day as well. As soon as she was old enough to understand, Lior was put to work, and even before that, her father would bring her around with him as he did his work, so she would be familiar with it. She never had a wand until she was 11 and never learned any magic, but she learned other things growing up, like maths and reading.
From birth to age 11, Lior barely had a vacation and no friends save her small dog, Lily, who was also their family sheepdog, though they had a good connection. While Lior was still 10 years old, she received a Hogwarts letter. Her parents had always told her she would, but she had never thought much on it or believed it. They were a small, poor family. How could they afford to send her there? From well before her birth, her parents had saved every penny they could until she was 10, when they sent a medium sized sack of coins and a letter to Hogwarts, detailing her bloodline and upbringing. This was the reason her parents didn't have more children (who could've helped out o n the farm), so they could put everything they had into their first. She went off to Hogwarts, meager, second-hand supplies and ratty clothes in hand. Barely in her life had she seen a silver coin, but she did that day in Diagon Alley, and no little more than that.
Upon arriving at Hogwarts, she immediately applied herself to catching up to her better-born peers with basic magic. She spent nearly all her time in the library or generally just practicing spells in empty classrooms, teaching herself from books where she could. She wanted to match and surpass the other students. By third year, she has caught up with most of their knowledge, though she sorely neglected her personal life and barely has a friend to speak of.

Plotting: Her parents are wizards but has muggle in her heritage, so some people may just not know what to do with that. She's equally likely to spit on someone more noble than she is or to kiss up to them to advance herself, though she rarely interacts with people for extended periods of time. Now, having caught up in her studies, she will have more time to basically meet the people around her. As she is from a poor background, she's very sensitive about money and would be very tempted by seeing any. Hates charity, of course, but money could easily be a big motivating factor in what she does. She would probably actually like to distance herself from muggleborns and other poor people i order to ain a good reputation.

Family: Her father brought the name Reynes from his muggle father, who married an Avery woman. She left her family avoiding a marriage and set about travelling the world, and eventually settled down with her muggle husband. Lior never understood the woman. On Lior's mother's side, there is no muggle blood as far as it's known. They were just a poor family who have lived in this small town of Rosecliff for as long as anyone can remember. Most other families like that in the city are a bit better off, more middle class and living closer to the center of town, though the Ingram family, somewhere a few generations back, had crippling debt that Moiraine's (Lior's mother) mother only just managed to pay off the last of. The family has been stuck in poverty for a while.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

@LadyTabris "wasn't raised in a rich home, like most of those with wizarding heritage around her at Hogwarts" Yeah, we do seem to be a bunch of fat cats right now...

She's Slytherin.

Her wand is Ash with Phoenix feather.

I want do discourage people from making characters who lean antisocial. It just makes it harder to get you involved in the game in a reasonable way.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PhunkyPhoebe
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PhunkyPhoebe The phunk shall be within you.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Gisk That's alright, it was just an idea for plotting. Also, would you like for us to move our character sheets to the character tab?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Please do. And feel free to post.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyTabris
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LadyTabris princess

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Gisk That's fine, I didn't mean to make her character actually antisocial. She has more introverted tendencies and probably a reputation for being antisocial, but really she's just been nose deep in books. I was going to try to make her have more of a social agenda with the pureblood houses rather than drawing away even more.

And besides, in this year, education was for the rich.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Keksalot


Member Seen 1 yr ago

i'm still fucked up about not being slytherin too
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

And besides, in this year, education was for the rich.

Not Hogwarts, it was created as a safe place for young witches and wizards to train in an era where they were persecuted. I don't think it's ever cost anything to go.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Teddyinahat
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Teddyinahat Risen From Ash

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I have a gaming event tonight, so I'll not be able to post until tomorrow evening/night (GMT)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

No worries, there's plenty of people who can post so we won't have to sit on our hands.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago


You might be the first after all, but I'm not stressing about it. I think this is a group who takes their time to do things right.
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