“The year is 2125, the world has all but been destroyed. In 2022 a joint space operation between the U.S., Russia, and Japan discovers life on Mars. Not the green men that everyone had been expecting, but a form of bacteria. This bacteria behaved strangely, but seemed relatively harmless. The scientists thought they were being careful, but they weren't careful enough. Somehow the bacteria was had begun to infect people outside of the labs, and it spread rapidly. The bacteria, while normally harmless, became much, much more dangerous when exposed to ionized radiation. X-rays, people who worked around nuclear reactors or any other forms of ionized radiation began to show signs of what is now known as R.F.M.B. Or Radiation Fed Mutation Bacteria. The early symptoms included irritability, rashes, and light sensitivity. After a few weeks of infection the infected began to lose their minds. Irritability turned into full blown hyper aggression, and caused the infected individual to seek out more sources of ionized radiation. As they exposed themselves to more and more radiation the bacteria caused them to mutate into deformed and grotesque creatures, and even more dangerous, the rashes on their skin absorbed and, for lack of a better word, radiated, the ionized radiation. Meaning by spending to much time around these creatures, you began to mutate and lose your mind as well. By 2055 the problem had become an epidemic. The creatures were hard to put down, and seemed to be never ending. The very soldiers that were sent to fight them were turning into the creatures. Hospitals had to make due without x-rays, nuclear power was no longer an option, and all nuclear weapons were to be dismantled, as they posed far to great of a risk to even have sitting around. That didn't stop everyone though. In 2057, Mal Demmins, an extremist, detonated a dirty bomb in New York City, which caused the rapid mutation of almost 4 million. Unlike the creatures that had been exposed to smaller sources of radiation, these people had been exposed to far more, and the monsters that they turned in to were far deadlier. That was the breaking point for humanity, it started in New York, but within a decade the rest of the world followed America to the brink of annihilation. Now cities are few and far between, and much smaller. People try to scrape by on what little the can scrounge up. Scavengers roam the old cities, ever watchful for bandits, or even more dangerous, the mutants. In 2113 a new threat appeared, the N.U.G.F., New United Governmental Forces. They claimed to be what was left of the world's militaries, and wanted to “Unite the people, and take back our planet!” What that really meant was bow down and we won't shoot you. When the N.U.G.F. Showed up those that couldn't fight back were rounded up and scanned, for what, nobody knew, but if the scanner picked you they drug you off to god only knows where. If not, they shot you. There were resistances, but the N.U.G.F. had some truly impressive tech. They didn't last long. Look, I figure you already know most of this, but some of it's old history, and I didn't want it to be lost, so... thanks for listening. This message will now repeat. The year is 2125, the world has all but been destroyed...”

Character Sheet







Marital Status:









From the Ashes is a survival heavy campaign, with the entire world seeming to be out for your character's blood. Not only that, but getting clean food and water can be an equally difficult task. When Making a character you should keep in mind the state of the world, and the types of talents and skills that you would obtain in such a place. Skills like weapons you use, nothing too crazy exists, think modern weapons, however, there are some advanced gadgets. Things like stealth, scavenging, explosives, ect. You should make sure you have some things that are useful outside of a fight, as you'll likely spend just as much time trying to survive the world as you will a fight. Any further questions, feel free to ask me.