Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by zeldaz
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zeldaz Busy Bee

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Margaret had a long week planned ahead or her. It was coronation week, where she would finally become crowned queen. Move from princess to queen. It was a huge move for her, and many of the people in the kingdom. Everyone knew it would happen, she was an only child, but that left her a lot of pressure to be perfect.
It meant a lot of changes but the one thing she hoped would never change were the people she had been surrounded by since she was little.
But at that moment, she had a lot more to worry about as her bedroom doors flung open. Her blinds suddenly being pulled open, light pouring into the room. Margaret pulled the fluffy covers over her head, attempting to hide from her responsibilities.
The blankets were quickly pulled from her tight grip on them as a high pitched voice moved around the room.
"Honey, get your lazy caboose out of bed, you have a thousand meetings today, and tomorrow you have your coronation final fitting. So, you have to get ready!"
There was a muffled groan since Margaret pulled the covers back over herself. After a moment, she reluctantly pushed them off and followed Eleanor, the lady with the voice that could break glass, to her wardrobe.

fixed it
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nevix
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Nevix Says "Yello?" When Answering Phone

Member Seen 14 days ago

Ozmond had been up for hours. There was much to be done. He had to conduct short interviews with all of the dignitaries that were visiting the castle. He had to brief all of the guards on the increased danger during coronation week. He had to make sure that all of the deliveries were safe. He had to sew some of the princess's old garments, and to top it all off, he had to make her breakfast. Some may have complained, but not Otto.

Oz loved his job.

Or, at least, he loved most of his job. He did not love waking up the princess. So, he had Eleanor do it. He waited outside in the hall for the princess to finish dressing, breakfast in hand. What they did today was her choice, but wherever she went, he'd be there. Such was the job of the Lord Protector.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by zeldaz
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zeldaz Busy Bee

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Eleanor had tried to stick Margaret into a bright pink and poofy dress, with glittering bubble arms. Margaret had refused until Eleanor had picked out a dark green dress instead with no sparkles, and was a lot less poofy.
In the morning, Margaret wasn't the best in the mornings. She was difficult, whiny and just not a morning person. Hence why Eleanor was put in charge or her instead of her usual protector.
By the time she was dressed, she was typically back to her chipper self.
And that morning w just like every other. As soon as she was stuffed into the simpler dress, she pranced across the bedroom, her shoes clicking as she moved and Eleanor yelling after her or else she'll ruin her shoes.
"Good morning Lord Protector!" Margaret grinned as she opened the bedroom doors, peaking her head around the large white doors.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nevix
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Nevix Says "Yello?" When Answering Phone

Member Seen 14 days ago

Ozmond sighed and smiled.

"G'morning, princess." He handed her the food in his hand, a plate of scrambled eggs, with some assorted greens. "I'd have prepared something more, but I had a lot to do today." He sighed. "You'll find that I've taken care of most everything around the castle. What will you be doing today, princess?" He needed to know so that he could get guards in position. Coronation Week brought out the worst of the Kingdom's enemies.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by zeldaz
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zeldaz Busy Bee

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Margaret nodded as she examined her breakfast. She picked a little chunk of egg and popped it into her mouth. She took a moment, thinking over the question as she chewed her egg.
" Well, I think we have a couple meetings with some stuffy royalties. Probably a lunch with some other royalty. " She thought it over, poking at the assorted greens. She glanced back up at him, pursing her lips.
" Any chance we can skip everything and go on an adventure instead? " She asked, hoping her puppy dog eyes get her out of a day of actual responsibilities.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nevix
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Nevix Says "Yello?" When Answering Phone

Member Seen 14 days ago

Oz liked to think of himself as a fairly tough person, stubborn, perhaps. Yet every time the princess hit him with her puppy dog eyes, he caved like a decrepit roof.

"Well, we certainly can't ditch it all. The Duke of Haldenz will have a stroke if he can't commune with you." He sighed. "Tell you what, eh? Make it to lunch, and I'll take you hiking. He didn't wait for an answer. He turned around and got the guards in position. It wouldn't be long before the Princess's first visitor arrived. He stood by her throne, slightly behind. He clutched the hilt of his sword. He doubted anything would go wrong, but it never hurt to be ready.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by zeldaz
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zeldaz Busy Bee

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Yes, right, can't ever forget about the precious Duke. " Margaret murmured, pausing for a moment until she realized that he actually agreed.
" Really? Oh thank you Ozzy! " She grinned, almost jumping for joy but decided that a quick one armed hug to her protector would subside her burst of happiness, almost spilling the food in her other hand.
She had known him as long as she could remember, small little bursts of little affection were her ways of showing her friendship.
She pulled away, turning towards the hallway to the stairs. Picking at her food again, she mused over some thoughts. Assuming he was following, she talked out loud, hoping he was at least listening. " You don't think I have to get married to be queen right? Especially not to the Duke of Haldenz, that would be horrid! "

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nevix
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Nevix Says "Yello?" When Answering Phone

Member Seen 14 days ago

Oz returned the hug without a second thought. He was but three years older than the princess, and had been all but raised from birth to be her Lord Protector.

The life he led did not leave much room for socializing, and so he considered the Princess to be his best friend. As he walked away, he heard her speaking. He replied, loud enough for her to hear.

"There's no law saying you must be married. However, it would certainly cement your rule, particularly if you married someone powerful." He sighed. "Even if he's not powerful, there are a lot of folks who'd like to see a man on the throne. Capable as you are, you can't end sexism. Marrying for love may be an option." He laughed a bit. "Don't worry about the Duke. He may have finally given up on marriage, I heard he wanted to hear your opinion on Haldenz's famine. Probably requesting aid." With that, he briskly walked away and took his place by the throne, waiting for the princess.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by zeldaz
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zeldaz Busy Bee

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Margaret grinned, following alongside him into the throne room. She placed the tray of food she had picked through a small table in the throne room.
Though she had been raised as a proper princess, she had a stir of adventure in her, and she hated having to sit in a throne all day when there was still so much to explore.
But she had to sit in that very throne to allow herself the chance to go on that adventure she always wanted. So she sat down, and went along with her duties of the day. Though today was a simple day, she still had much to do.
That day's main activity, besides meeting with the visiting Dukes, was to meet with anyone with a concern, whether that be a peasant or royalty, she saw them all.
Margaret had been doing this part for the last few years and she had learned a lot. Most of the peasants requests were feasible, but royalty was needed in order for most things to work but took longer and were typically more expensive.
As usual, there were mostly peasants, each nervous but jumpy to approach.
In an hour or so, it would be over, then she just had to meet with the Dukes and then, adventure time.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nevix
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Nevix Says "Yello?" When Answering Phone

Member Seen 14 days ago

The Duke of Haldenz was a slippery bastard, but they listened anyway. They gave him an audience, and Oz had to escort him out after he shouted at the Princess. The famine in Haldenz was not as bad as it was in some places by half. From hearing the Duke complain about it, you'd assume it was the literal end of the world.

The rest of the day passed without incident. He made the Princess lunch, packed their hiking gear, and planned out a route through the wooded mountains behind the castle. As they walked, Oz turned to the Princess.

"Hey, Princess." He said. "I haven't had the chance to talk to you much recently, and I've been meaning to ask, how do you feel about this whole Coronation Business?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by zeldaz
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zeldaz Busy Bee

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Margaret paused, peering around a tree. She thought about it for a second before slowly turning back to him.
" Well, to be honest, I'm not completely sure. " She spoke quietly, still thinking it over. She held up her dress, carefully moving forward with slim hope that she wouldn't get the hem dirty.
" I've been raised to do this, it's what I have to do, it's what I want to do. Help my people, rule the kingdom, it's every girls dream. "

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nevix
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Nevix Says "Yello?" When Answering Phone

Member Seen 14 days ago

"That's a good way to look at it, Your Grace." He stopped dead in his tracks. "Oh, bloody hell."
He looked down, bashful and defeated. "Forgive me, your grace. I've lost the map, and don't know where we are." He looked nervously at the sky. It was approaching sunset. They'd have to spend the night out here, wandering about in the dark would just get them more lost. "I'm afraid we're going to have to spend the night out here."

Ozmond got to work quickly. Within twenty minutes, he'd gotten a fire ready and built a crude lean-to. He butchered his jacket, using the scraps to form a sort of bed, so the princess wasn't on the ground. There wasn't enough room in the lean-to for them both to sleep without being practically on top of each other, so Ozmond elected to stay awake and watch the campsite. He didn't get a whole lot of sleep anyways. He walked over to the princess.

"I am so sorry, Milady."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by zeldaz
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zeldaz Busy Bee

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

" You know, you don't have to call me milady or princess, at least not now. " Margaret said, looking up at him from her spot on a fallen over tree stump. She had given up on keeping her dress clean.
" We've known each other for so long, and it's not like there's any royalty. Really, you could call me Margaret or some form of nickname, I would gladly accept Maggie if you wanted. " She smiled, trying to think of her Lord Protector calling her Maggie. But she didn't mind, it would be better to have at least someone call her Maggie rather than princess for once.
She glanced around the forest, looking up at the quickly changing sky. There was a quiet hooting of an owl in the distance who was just waking up.
" Oh and Oz, don't worry about me, we'll be fine, and I'm a very strong princess. " She said, grinning as she looked back at him.

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