Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 6 days ago

Edwina Fairfax & The Joker

Location: Gotham
Interacting With: @Din Nyt, Cheetah Woman

The trio disembarked the train, and Edwina walked to the back of the station, her heart pounding. While she didn't imagine her uncle would betray them just yet, she couldn't help but be worried that perhaps it had been testing their luck, heading towards the Joker when Harley Quinn was hunting them down. She took a deep breath, spying his scarred face in the back of the crowd, surrounded by his goons.

"There," Edwina mentioned, elbowing Nyt and Barbara a bit. Approaching her uncle, she blinked a bit as she found herself enveloped in a hug. Of course, there was no real tenderness to it. The Joker pulled away, smiling broadly at his niece and her little friends.

"Welcome!" the Joker cried, bowing slightly, "to the rotten city of Gotham!"

Edwina grimaced a bit as the Joker put an arm around her shoulder, motioning with his other hand for Nyt and Barbara to follow. They made it out of the station and into a violet car, made custom for the Joker himself. The four of them sat in the back, with one of the Joker's goons at the front of the car.

"So, Edwina dear didn't tell me what this was about," the Joker commented idly, grabbing a bottle of what appeared to be champagne. "Are you here to be my friends?" he cackled, slapping his leg.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Din
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Din The Incredible Time Traveler

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nyt Årud

Location: Gotham, New Jersey.
Interacting with: Edwina & The Joker- @Morose and Barbara Minerva//Cheetah.

Nyt blinked along with Edwina upon meeting the Joker, her expectations of him exactly what she thought it would be: a show. She offered a bit of a smile when he motioned for her and the Cheetah to follow in suit, the entire gang getting into a beautifully violet car that was soothing to the eyes; rich in colour and sparkling under the sun obscured by the gloomy weather of Gotham. He was right about one thing; it even smelled rotten and any appetite she had quickly diminished when they all sat in the back of the car. Making sure to study the goons for any sudden movement, she tried to act casual and kept her mouth shut while the other two women spoke.
Barbara knew exactly what to expect from him and grinned at his show; she figured eventually the two would click up and maybe talk about some bad-guy stuff if he was up for it. With Edwina confirming the fact that they should always watch their back when they’re around him, she eased into the seat far more comfortably than the nervous niece or anxious alien. "So, Edwina dear didn't tell me what this was about," the Joker started, grabbing a bottle that looked like champagne but both Nyt and Barbara instinctively seized up, expecting it to be a stuffed snake that would pop out. "Are you here to be my friends?"
I’ll be your friend if you’ll be my friend. And my friends are the essence of cool cats” Barbara said with a wide grin, ready to grab anything that came out of the bottle: her feline instincts were kicking in and she eyed both the Joker and the bottle like prey.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 6 days ago

Edwina Fairfax & The Joker

Location: Gotham
Interacting With: @Din Nyt, Cheetah Woman

The Joker snickered to himself, uncorking the bottle with ease. Rather than champagne flowing from the bottle, a sickly sticky red liquid flowed, splashing onto the carpet of the car. Edwina's eyes widened with horror, while the Joker merely continued to giggle, offering the bottle towards the Cheetah. "Today's drink is on my old friend, Commissioner Gordon!"

Edwina gulped, moving her feet as to avoid tangling with the pile of blood. There was a reason that she hadn't visited her uncle in years -- the majority of that reason being his insanity. "You're sick," Edwina murmured, frowning at him.

"I can assure you, I have a perfect bill of health!" the Joker jeered, grinning at the trio. "Come, come, Edwina...I'm just so tickled you've decided to join the family business after all!"

"It's a one time thing," Eddie muttered, the false images she'd created for Nyt, Cheetah, and herself vanishing. The lighting in the car flickered a bit, stopping her uncle's laughter. His eyes open and curious, he tilted his head, waving his finger around, before tapping Edwina's chin.

"So that's why Amanda Waller wants you dead!" he surmised. "You're all....gifted!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Din
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Din The Incredible Time Traveler

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nyt Årud

Location: Gotham, New Jersey.
Interacting with: Edwina & The Joker- @Morose and Barbara Minerva//Cheetah.

Cheetah looked on with fascination when the Joker opened the champagne bottle of blood, ‘oohing’ slightly as Nyt covered her nose and practically kicked Edwina when they both moved their legs out of the way before the blood touched their feet. She looked over apologetically at her for a moment, about to talk when she realized the last part of his sentence. Commissioner Gordon; wasn’t he sort of important and invincible, almost?, she thought to herself. Stories of his military career amplified even in her hometown, a couple of her brothers who were military men and cops. She frowned and didn’t look him in the eye, slightly upset but trying her best not to let him get to her.
Barbara, however, laughed along with him at their good fortune, knowing the heist would be ten times easier now, without Commissioner Gordon’s influence. When the lights flickered, however, she inwardly sighed and face-palmed; if he hadn’t known about her powers before, they were pretty evident now. Hopefully Nyt keeps hers quiet, she thought and almost cackled at the pun out loud. “Amanda never could handle competition, could she?” she asked the Joker playfully, having worked with her before Nyt and Edwina.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 6 days ago

Edwina Fairfax & The Joker

Location: Gotham
Interacting With: @Din Nyt, Cheetah Woman

Seeing the shock on Din's face, mixed in with horror and fear, the Joker leaned forward, laughing noisily. Truthfully, Commissioner Gordon was just fine. The bottle only contained a few pints of his blood, and no doubt, Gotham Memorial Hospital was ensuring the old fart was in tip top shape. Of course, that wasn't information that Din needed to know. The disgust and repulsion displayed by the two young heroines was to die for.

"No, she can't, can she?" the Joker mused, staring into the empty bottle. "She's got my Harle, you know, all locked up without her puddin'...But my girl's from Brooklyn! She'll handle herself, won't she, Eddie dear?"

Edwina made a face, shifting farther and farther away from the Joker, as he attempted to pull her into another hug. It had been a bit of a shock to her, when her parents informed her that the crazed villain on the news was her uncle. She'd always assumed, when she was incredibly young, that her uncle was a normal criminal. Not this...this clown.

"We're going to finish the job and that's it," Edwina murmured, glancing up at her uncle. "I have an email pending to Waller, giving her your exact location and a list of your usual hideout spots. If Nyt, Barbara, and I aren't heading on our way by the end of the day, the email'll send."

The Joker grinned, shedding a tear. "Baby's first blackmail...I'll have to phone your folks! They'll be so proud to see that you've turned out like your dear old uncle."

Edwina sniffed, clenching her fists. "I'm nothing like you," she spat, her temper rising by the minute. It hardly phased him, of course, as he delicately tapped her nose with his finger. "Of course you aren't, Lucifer."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Din
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Din The Incredible Time Traveler

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nyt Årud

Location: Gotham, New Jersey.
Interacting with: Edwina & The Joker- @Morose and Barbara Minerva//Cheetah.

Nyt watched the exchange between the two relatives, her mind still reeling slightly from the smell of the blood and the fact that they were all so close to danger. She tried her best to push it, once again, and silently hoped that their mission would be over as quickly as his mood swings. Without saying anything more to either of them, she looked out the window as the car continued to drive.
Sorry to hear about Harley Quinn,” Barbara offered sympathetically and nodded in agreement about the crazy ex-psychiatrist being able to handle herself. “You’ll have to excuse my rude friends,” she said with a small grin when she looked over at Nyt who rolled her eyes in protest. I’m not rude, Nyt thought with a stubborn huff.
All joking aside,” Nyt started, finally speaking up after watching Edwina’s knuckles turn white from clenching them so hard. “Let’s just be straight-forward from here on out. After the job is done, we’ll repay the favor by not messing with you or Harley Quinn later on… But should our paths ever cross again, we don’t know each other and this never happened,” the alien said with a hard smile. She was as serious as Superman’s obsession for Lois Lane’s love and her eyes showed no mercy for what happened to Harley Quinn by Amanda’s hands.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 6 days ago

Edwina Fairfax & The Joker

Location: Gotham ---> The Joker's Hideout
Interacting With: @Din Nyt, Cheetah Woman

The Joker waved his hand dismissively at Barbara. "These children, no matters! Rather than calling them millennials, we should call them millennifails!" Cackling wildly at his own joke, the Joker stared expectantly at the driver, until the poor man began to chuckle and clap along as well. A silly grin plastered on his disfigured face, the Joker tilted his head at Nyt, moving his fingers in air as if playing a piano. "Eenee meenee miney mo, what powers do you have to show?"

Edwina rolled her eyes, groaning a bit at him. His jokes hadn't improved at all over the years, worsening along with the quality of his teeth. "For the Joker, you're really bad at telling jokes," Edwina groaned. The Joker's smile curled into a frown, as his hands clenched.

Fortunately, however, the car stopped. They had arrived at their destination. A disused party supply factory, shut down and boarded up. It was perhaps a bit obvious of a location, but it evidently worked, as the Joker had used it as a hideout for ages. He practically dashed inside. Once in, the newcomers would notice the place was in tatters. Old plans, rotting food, and dirty clothes covered the floor. Two snarling dogs, the size of small lions, fought over something that seemed vaguely human in the corner.

"Welcome to my not so humble abode!" the Joker exclaimed, bowing slightly. "You'll fine your one of a kind Joker approved costumes in the room to the right! See you in ten for the big show!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Din
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Din The Incredible Time Traveler

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nyt Årud

Location: The Joker’s Hideout, Gotham, New Jersey.
Interacting with: Edwina & The Joker- @Morose and Barbara Minerva//Cheetah.

Barbara chuckled at the Joker’s attempt at a joke, missing how simple life use to be when they were the new kids on the block. Things had changed, no doubt, and although Barbara was seen as somewhat of a freak for her feline attributes, the Joker always had a soft spot in her heart for never treating her any differently. When his attention shifted onto the alien, Barbara started to speak about Nyt’s powers before she found herself voiceless as Nyt patted the feline on her leg. Ready to gripe but unable to, she stopped to sulk.
Nyt leaned towards the Joker, a cruel smile on her face. “Maybe I’ll show you if you keep telling more jokes,” she said, partly suggestive but knowing full well she would keep her powers a secret for as long as possible from him. Edwina groaned at his joke and the alien watched as his mood shifted to annoyance from not having more amendable guests. Inwardly, she smiled as the car pulled to a stop. Just as she had suspected, he didn’t have the conventional home: it was a deserted factory that was in dire need of TLC. As the girls all shuffled between the Joker and his goons, Nyt cupped her nose and Barbara began to hiss at the dogs.
I mean, I’m not afraid of dogs, but I’ll show ‘em who’s boss,” the Cheetah mumbled under her breath. Nyt looked over at the direction the Joker was pointing towards.
I’ll be damned if there’s a tutu involved,” Nyt replied in stubborn tone, completely wanting to dismiss the costume idea: she didn’t like them the first time she had to put them on, even for the Powerbound Alliance.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 6 days ago

Edwina Fairfax & The Joker

Location: Gotham ---> The Joker's Hideout
Interacting With: @Din Nyt, Cheetah Woman

The Joker cackled a bit at Nyt's comment, before withdrawing onto a makeshift throne. The two dogs rushed over to him eagerly, but he waved them away. They were Harley's babies, after all. Not his. He didn't feel a shred of responsibility towards the mutts, though the thought of feeding the Bat to them had become a frequent dream of his.

Edwina sighed a bit, entering the costume storage room. All of the costumes were those commonly associated with clowns. After a bunch of searching, sighing, searching again, and some cursing, Edwina ended up in an outfit similar to this. There was some makeup, designed to help conceal their identities. She would've preferred to just change her own image through her powers, but she new she needed to focus. A small eternity later, Edwina's face was painted the same white as the Joker's skin, with little clown like symbols covering it.

"I look horrid, don't I?" she lamented, glancing over at Nyt.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Din
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Din The Incredible Time Traveler

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nyt Årud

Location: The Joker’s Hideout, Gotham, New Jersey.
Interacting with: Edwina & The Joker- @Morose and Barbara Minerva//Cheetah.

Nyt grimaced as she looked upon Edwina and looked the floor, trying her best not to let her face betray her next words, “Um, at least it brings out your… Eyes?” She looked over at her own outfit sans any headgear and pouted, upset about how much skin it showed. None of the other outfits, however, were any better and she lazily painted her recognizable features away with the makeup provided.
Barbara giggled giddily as she held up her costume, shrieking incoherently. “This is too cute,” she said excitedly and Nyt began to tone down her voice so the other two could barely hear her gush on about how it fit perfectly and accentuated her features. “I think we’ll blend in just fine here! The Bat will never say no to us now,” she said, a smirk on her face as she batted her long eyelashes at them. Nyt rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.
Well, at least there was no tutu involved,” Nyt said with a scowl and the ladies made their way back to where the Joker sat on his throne.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 6 days ago

Edwina Fairfax & The Joker

Location: The Joker's Hideout
Interacting With: @Din Nyt, Cheetah Woman

Edwina giggled, hearing Nyt mute Cheetah. She'd started to relax more around the feline loving woman, despite her trying to send Eddie and Nyt to their graves the day before. For a person who always held grudges and was uncompromising, Edwina was being surprisingly...forgiving. Of course, she hardly noticed the change herself. Life on the run does that to you.

"You look like my uncle barfed on a Victoria Secret model," Edwina snickered. All of the costumes in the room were awful, each of them screaming killer clown. At least Barbara appeared to be happy with hers. "I gather you've tangled with the Bat before, then."

She forced a bit of a smile, before heading back out into the main room with the others. The Joker cackled upon seeing them, falling out of his chair with glee. The insane clown stayed there for a good minute, the dogs rushing over to the trio, and circling them. "Down, babies, down!" the Joker instructed. "Right, the plan is simple...Kill anyone who gets in our way. Take the money. Get away. Got it? Love it? Good~!"

Edwina frowned. "And the innocent people?"

The Joker laughed a bit at her, wiping a tear away from his eye. "They don't talk, they'll be fiiiiiiine! Batsy will see to it!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Din
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Din The Incredible Time Traveler

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nyt Årud

Location: The Joker’s Hideout, Gotham, New Jersey.
Interacting with: Edwina & The Joker- @Morose and Barbara Minerva//Cheetah.

Barbara began to smile slyly, her eyes twinkling at the memories of tangling with the beloved Batman in her younger days. He hated it whenever she picked on Wonder Woman, the two being natural archenemies, but he always sort of slapped her on the wrist and threw her in jail. Although she would later escape and come back after the elusive Wonder Woman, the Bat never really hurt her. Not to mention the time they kissed, but that was another memory altogether. “What can I say? He likes strong women. Not sure why he was all into Diana, though,” she said, scowling but then regaining her composure when the trio made their way back to the Joker.
When the dogs encircled the women, Nyt bared her teeth at them and watched them whimper as the Joker commanded them to lay down. Even if the dogs attempted to harm them, they were one frequency away from pain thanks to her; for now, everyone was pretty much getting along and Nyt intended to keep it that way. “We’ll send Babs here to deal with the Bat, since she has more of a chance of slipping through his fingers than us,” suggested Nyt, looking over at the relatives Fairfax for approval.
I have insanely great hearing, so if the lock is the typical combination type, it’ll be a piece of cake.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 6 days ago

Edwina Fairfax & The Joker

Location: The Joker's Hideout ---> The People's Bank of Gotham
Interacting With: @Din Nyt, Cheetah Woman

"Yeah, Nyt's hearing is out of this world," Edwina joked, grinning strikingly like her uncle. Had she been able to see herself in that moment, she would have shrunk away in horror, aghast at the family resemblance. Thankfully for her, the Joker hardly noticed. The joke fell flat on his ears, as it likely did on Barbara's as well, unless she knew Nyt's status as an extraterrestrial.

"That's rather fortunate," the Joker admitted, jumping up from his seat on the throne, and balancing on the edge. "But you see, Nyt, the secret to crime, as if with any good joke, is to go out with a punchline! Silence doesn't do for that!"

Snapping her fingers, two of his goons brought over a crate. Inside, there was a vast assortment of explosives. Any manic's dream could be achieved with the firepower in the crate, and the Joker beamed, leaping forward and stroking his vast collection. "It's time to play with my toys..."

Edwina frowned, eyeing the contents of the crate. Some of the explosives in there were far more unstable than her uncle ever could be, but this is what they had to do to survive. When the law turned against them, only in the company of criminals could they find sanctuary. And she couldn't help but feel that perhaps, Cheetah might decide to help Nyt and Edwina stay safe. With the funds from this simple robbery, they could create a new life.

She even had a half cooked scheme to create a ship, and with a bit of luck, they might be able to travel to Nyt's home planet. From what Edwina learned about it, the two of them would blend right in, far away from the reaches of the Suicide Squad.

Edwina blinked slightly, watching as the Joker's goons shattered the glass doors of the bank. Several getaway cars already pulled up onto the curb, with citizens running about wildly. She caught a glimpse of her reflection in the glass, and her heart sank. This isn't me...

"Onward and upwards, my pretties!" the Joker cackled, practically dancing into the building. His goons instructed each person inside to get to the floor. Those who resisted were shot and killed. It sickened Edwina to her stomach, watching the slaughter and the carnage. But she didn't let herself waiver. She had decided on this course of action. It was time to see it through.

The Joker pointed at her, and she sighed. Closing her eyes, she focused each and every beam of light to come towards her. Every image, virtual and real, inverted and correct, all of them came zooming to her. It took her brain a matter of seconds to piece it together, a far superior map to whatever would appear on a computer. "Back righthand side, combination lock, decent tumbler," Edwina responded, opening her eyes.

"And Batsy? Has he come calling yet?" the Joker shouted, asking no one in particular. "Well come on, kids, the money isn't going to steal itself!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Din
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Din The Incredible Time Traveler

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nyt Årud

Location: The People’s Bank of Gotham, Gotham, New Jersey.
Interacting with: Edwina & The Joker- @Morose and Barbara Minerva//Cheetah.

Nyt stood behind the uncle, niece, and the goons; only Barbara really noticed how nervous the alien was, how her skin turned clammy upon seeing all the carnage unfold before their eyes. The memories of hearing glass break from the night at the Sanctuary made her twitch as they walked and the goons ordered the innocent people onto the ground. The first blood that was spilled by the murderous lackeys made her nauseous and she fought the urge to puke as she tried to mutter ‘I’m so fucking sorry’ after each body that hit the ground, dead. How can we even get through this?, she thought and jumped at the chance to find the sole purpose of their mission.
As the young alien pressed herself up against cold, steel door of the vault, she drowned out the sounds of the disaster behind her. Although she could hear the combination lock click perfectly whenever she hit the right number, her trembling fingers caused her to attempt it a few times before it finally wheezed open. Barbara patted her comfortably on the shoulder, “Good job, thief! Luckily, the Bat isn’t here ye—
I thought I told you to never to return to Gotham, Minerva,” came a gruff voice in the dark corners of the room. Immediately, the Cheetah hissed and her hair was visibly standing on their ends; Nyt froze in her place as she was midway packing the first duffel bag with the crispy fresh cash.
You just had to jinx us, didn’t you?” Nyt growled and the two worked in tandem to get the job done: Barbara threw the rest of the duffel bags at the alien who then closed the vault door so she could continue the job no matter what. I’ll have to tell her the combination if she makes it, she thought to herself and silently cursed her luck as she continued packing the bags as swiftly as her shaking hands would allow her.
Barbara looked Batman up and down, a playful smirk returning to her lips. She had forgotten just how handsome he was and realized he aged like wine, something she deeply loved. “My, my, Bruce… How long has it been?
It was supposed to be “‘til never again”, remember?” The two nemesis began to circle each other, obviously warming up for the battle that would inevitably ensue. She only hoped the Joker didn’t have anything up his sleeve that would end the Bat’s life prematurely… at least until she got her last kiss from him, something she had been yearning for after all these years.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 6 days ago

Edwina Fairfax & The Joker

Location: The People's Bank of Gotham
Interacting With: @Din Nyt, Cheetah, Batman

Edwina bit her lip slightly, knowing that Nyt wouldn't miss the combination lock for no reason. As much as she was trying to keep the two of them alive, this method wasn't living. It was just a survival tactic. Twitching her fingers slightly, Edwina protected an image for just Nyt to say. The word "Breathe!" in soft pink letters. She smiled weakly at her friend, her own hands starting to shake as the Bat appeared. Not wanting Nyt to end up on the Bat's kill list, Edwina caused the image of her friend to vanish from the Bat's sight.

The downfall?

Maintaining that perfect illusion, under stress, wasn't an easy time. In fact, she could only concentrate enough to protect Nyt, leaving herself, her uncle, Cheetah, and the hired help entirely exposed to the Bat. She gulped slightly, having heard stories from her uncle during her visits about Batman. He seemed like the devil, brought to Earth to punish the wicked.

And today, that included Nyt and herself.

"Batsy! How kind of you to drop in!" the Joker cackled, pulling a chipped tea cup from his bag. Filling it with an unknown chemical, he chucked it towards the Bat. "Care for a cup of tea, Batsy?" Edwina, meanwhile, felt slightly relieved once the door closed on Nyt. Ending her illusion, she began working on the next one. She multiplied all images Batman would see, a standard trick. He would see four Jokers, four Cheetahs, four Edwina's, and four of each goon.

"I'm so sorry..." Edwina apologized awkwardly, hoping to stay out of the Bat's way.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Din
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Din The Incredible Time Traveler

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nyt Årud

Location: The People’s Bank of Gotham, Gotham, New Jersey.
Interacting with: Edwina & The Joker- @Morose and Barbara Minerva//Cheetah.

Nyt worked furiously to stuff as much of the cash as possible into the duffel bags before she set to work on her next task. She banged on the steel vault door and amplified the sounds to the other side. Barbara’s eyes shifted to the door, understanding immediately it was the signal that Nyt had accomplished the dirty deed. The tall man before her followed her eyes, but heard nothing from the other side of the steel door.
The combination is six dials right, ten to the left, and then twenty-two to the right,” she called out to Edwina and Barbara, selectively channeling her voice’s frequency so only the pair could hear her. Still, she didn’t trust the Joker and his goons to let her out, but soon the time would come trust anyone to get her out of here. With the bags ready at the door to be grabbed when it opened, she tried to focus on the commotion happening on the other side, in case her powers would come in handy.
Batman scowled at the sight of the Joker and simply side-stepped to miss the teacup filled with something unknown, (but he suspected it was toxic). “You were never above using women for your own selfish needs, Joker,” he called out to him and then turned to look at the two females before him. He knew, without a doubt, it was the last thing they wanted to do but the circumstances led them here anyway. When Edwina apologized soon after the images of his ‘enemies’ quadrupled, he realized the senses he so desperately relied on would be fucked with on this particular drizzling night.
I would very much appreciate it if you girls simply left, but I’m assuming you have something – or someone – who’s keeping you here,” he said sympathetically as his body tensed up to prepare for the fight. “A life of crime is a lonely one, wouldn’t you agree, Joker?” Without waiting for his response, Batman reached into his utility belt to pull out his swift batarangs and aimed for the lights: if Edwina’s powers controlled light rays, he figured taking out an important component of her ability would benefit in his favor. Throwing them fast and aiming head-on in succession, the room ultimately became dark and the first sound they all heard was Barbara’s yelp as he went for her first.
Blinded by the darkness, Barbara aimlessly tried to strike whenever she thought she heard the whisper of his cape. Feeling contact by a fist, she was thrown back up against the vault door by the strong punch from the Bat. She cupped her cheek, already feeling it swell up; he must’ve had a lot of pent up anger to strike her in such a way. Nyt focused on the sound of Barbara’s groan and channeled her voice to the Cheetah again, “Let me out, Cat! I can’t help much from in here now, can I?
Barbara rolled her eyes as she set to work on freeing her partner while the Bat became distracted by the Joker and his goons. “Edwina, when she opens the door, let’s just grab all the duffel bags and get the hell out; let the Bat take care of the Joker,” Nyt called out, selecting Edwina personally.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 6 days ago

Edwina Fairfax & The Joker

Location: The People's Bank of Gotham
Interacting With: @Din Nyt, Cheetah, Batman

Edwina's mind was racing. The instant the lights were taken out and the room plunged into darkness, only the occasional flash of light from the police cars outside came to her aid. And even then, it wasn't enough to maintain any illusions. She attempted to grab it, in order to save up enough to create a sort of energy blast, but even that was no use.

"Looks like Lucifer is afraid of the dark!" the Joker cackled, aimlessly throwing more cups of acid into the darkness. Whenever he heard a sound, he threw a cup towards its target. One of these, as fate would have it, struck Edwina. She screamed in pain, realizing the severity of it. As a scientist, she knew she'd only have a short window of time before damage became permanent.

"Un...Joker! You hit me!" Edwina shouted, hopeful that she'd feel cool water hit her skin, and wash away the chemicals. But her uncle did nothing. Biting her lip, she quickly removed the outer layer of her costume, the area that had been hit with the acid splash. Throwing it blindly in the darkness, it hit Cheetah, entirely unbeknownst to her.

"Oopsie!" the Joker cackled, continuing to throw more and more vats of acid. "That's one of the downfalls of comedy, Edwina! You're always taking shots from people who just don't get the joke!"

Meanwhile, the Joker had slowly been backing away from the sound of the fighting, still throwing those acid-filled cups. The plan? Escape, and leave the girls to deal with the Bat. It had been his plan all along, of course. "You know, Batsy, these girls are wanted criminals! They're exactly your type!"

And then the Joker seemed to vanish. Edwina had managed to get most of the acid off of her skin, and she attempted to find her way in the darkness, in order to free Nyt from the cage. Her hands extended in front of her, Edwina gulped when she felt the hard muscle of the Bat. "I'm so sorry for this...."

And then she dropped to the ground, supporting herself all on one hand, as she swung her legs up to where she hoped the Bat's face would be. She wasn't going to allow Nyt and herself to be captured without a fight. "Cheetah, get her out of there! I've got the Bat!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Din
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Din The Incredible Time Traveler

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nyt Årud

Location: The People’s Bank of Gotham, Gotham, New Jersey.
Interacting with: Edwina & The Joker- @Morose and Barbara Minerva//Cheetah.

Cheetah yelped the moment something began to burn her skin and she flung the piece of toxic cloth onto the ground. She growled loudly as she helplessly watched the Joker make his way out; she had to get Nyt out first before she would make him pay for betraying them. Had the Cheetah or Edwina been able to see, they would have seen him scowl when Edwina attempted to kick him in the face. Hearing the gentle whoosh of her clothes’ fabric, he reached out to grab her ankle and suspended her in the air by a single leg.
That’s the second time you’ve apologized to me yet, I don’t think you quite meant it,” he said, sounding disappointed. He never expected people to be honest anymore, but damn – what had the Joker gotten them into? “I’m not terribly concerned your grand theft, young lady. What troubles me is that you had to ask the Joker for help.
Cheetah, by this time, had worked the combination lock with Nyt repeating the instructions and the vault door breathed once again. Nyt came out with both hands carrying a duffel bag and whenever the lights from the outside bled into the room, they could see she was looking sheepishly at all of them. She had heard the Joker escaping and was slightly furious that any of them expected him to not screw them over. Now, there stood the Bat, holding her friend upside-down in the air and the feline woman caressing her bruised jaw.
It’s kind of a fucked up situation, actually,” Cheetah started to explain, “I was actually sent to kill them after the Suicide Squad massacred their teammates and these two escaped. They offered me a cut of the money so we can stop this life of crime. You know what your problem is, Bruce? You have it way too good but it’s never enough for you. You don’t understand what it’s like on the other side of the spectrum: the privileged versus the disadvantaged.” Her voice began to sound angry as if though it had always been on her mind, but only now just got the chance to lay into him.
Batman gently eased the redhead onto the ground, careful not to hurt her any longer considering all the blood had rushed to her head by now. Cheetah made her way to stand in front of him with the lights from the outside becoming less frequent as they attempted to track the Joker and his goons, she gathered. The two stood as alert as ever and the tension was palpable, even to Nyt who made her way to Edwina to hand her the bags.
Like I said, I don’t care about the money,” he finally spoke. “Take what you can, but you guys just let the Joker loose in the city of innocent civilians… Will the money really ease your life knowing how you had to get it?” Without another word, he turned to leave to find the psychotic criminal and like the lives of the ones killed by the goons, he was gone. Nyt’s shoulders slumped, near tears: it was the last thing she wanted to see, more people dying, and to be reprimanded even when they were simply the labor, it hurt the alien even further.
We… gotta go,” she finally said as both she and Cheetah grabbed however much of the duffel bags as they could carry.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 6 days ago

Edwina Fairfax

Location: The People's Bank of Gotham
Interacting With: @Din Nyt, Cheetah, Batman

"Girl's got to try," Edwina shrugged, wiggling as best as she could to get out of the Bat's clutches, but she failed. His grip on her wasn't something that she could break off, and her mind flickered back to the training they'd received at the Sanctuary. If only I worked more on my physical fitness... She chuckled weakly to herself, hoping that the Bat wouldn't throw them all in Arkham. It'd be a death sentence, if he did that. "Well, it's complicated, you see..." Edwina began, only to be cut off by the Cheetah. She nodded, though realized it was mostly for nothing. There was no way that the Bat would be able to see her face in this darkness.

However, one word struck Edwina. Her research in optics had been funded by a division of Wayne Corp, run by... "Bruce Bloody Wayne?!" Edwina exclaimed, her eyes wide. "You funded my research! Fuck, this is awkward....Hehe...." She nearly apologized again, but found herself set down, the blood rushing away from her head and back to her other limbs that needed it.

"At least we're alive," Edwina said bitterly, sucking most of the lights into her hands. Two orbs, like high powdered flashlights, appeared. It masked the group mostly from the outside, from any cops, and ensured that if they were jumped, Edwina could simply unleash her miniature suns.

"We need to get someplace safe..." Edwina advised, practically stating the obvious. "As odd as it sounds, Wayne mansion could be ideal. He'll be out most of the night chasing down my uncle, and the cops won't go there. I bet there's an empty room or two we could squat in."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Din
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Din The Incredible Time Traveler

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nyt Årud

Location: The People’s Bank of Gotham, Gotham, New Jersey.
Interacting with: Edwina & The Joker- @Morose and Barbara Minerva//Cheetah.

Before leaving, Batman actually cracked a smile in the darkness, although the girls couldn’t see. “Why do you think I funded you, Ms. Fairfax?” Then, like the night, he was gone. Cheetah shook her head and focused on the task at hand, specifically the next target of their location Edwina had just mentioned. “Girl, that is crazy talk!” she said with a booming laugh as the other two women trailed behind her. The feline woman moved quickly, leading the way out the back. She tried her best not to stop for anything, especially for the dead bodies that Nyt was cowering away from.
The Bat’s words stuck in her mind: Will the money really ease your life knowing how you had to get it? Well, no, Batty, but what would you have done?, she asked herself. With a deep breath, the trio made their way to the subway virtually unnoticed thanks to Edwina’s gifted skills. Nyt masqueraded as much of their sounds as possible during the get-away and sent echoes to throw off anyone following them. The subway was mostly empty, give or take a few passengers who just didn’t seem to give a crap anymore, subjects to the war between the Joker and Batman having taken a toll on them.
I see your reasoning behind using the Bat’s shelter, but there is another factor: his butler, Alfred. I heard he keeps a pretty tight ship around that huge mansion of his and not to mention all of the Bat’s stupid gadgets he always likes to show off,” she said in a whisper to the girls, shaking her head slightly. Nyt tiredly looked between the two and then counted the number of bags they all carried: a total of four per girl, not a bad hull at all.
I say this is where we part ways with Cheetah, actually,” Nyt suddenly said, her face still tired-looking but her eyes determined. “And we make our way out of this city tonight… We have the money now.” Barbara gasped slightly and looked offended, but then let the silence envelope the girls for a moment.
I didn’t know ‘hit it and quit it’ was your style, Nyt, but you guys kept your word… Unlike your uncle,” she said, poking some fun at Edwina’s expense.
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