Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Once upon a time, long long ago, in a universe much like our own, two warriors descended into Hell and together, took on the lords of Hell themselves in their own world....

They failed.

One of these warrior's souls ascended into heaven, where his powerful and pure spirit was given new life and new form. Time passed, and the young god, Eclipse, was born.


Somewhere nearby, in a forest clearing, a brightness began to swell in the air. Insects and animals, plants and fairies, suddenly started to rustle with excitement. The wind blew, and in a flash, there appeared with wings spread, a being of certain greatness. Radiating a warm light, with glowing white eyes, what appeared to be a holy, winged paladin touched down on the soft earth. He had long, white hair, a youthful visage, and upon his countenance, a gentle smile. Light gleamed off his armor, which itself seemed to move smoothly and quietly with him. His blade was clean and shield unmarred. Nature itself seemed to praise his presence and sang to him with the sounds of life. Eclipse looked around him and smiled.

In those brief times when world didn't require his personal salvation, Eclipse found it important to descend from his seat in Celestia and remind himself of his mortal roots. He could come to walk among mortals in disguise and to influence them secretly by his example. And besides, there was someone here he wanted to visit.

In another flash, Eclipse magically changed his appearance to that of a young man with white hair and blue eyes. His sword became much reduced in size and glamour, and his armor took the form of mere clothing. His shield didn't appear to be visible. He chuckled as a few birds still insisted at cawing at him before he began walking in the direction of the others.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 6 mos ago

@ShadowVentus @Wraithblade6 @kishin asura @CreedTheChimera @thewizardguy

((CLEAR! *Puts spark paddles to Hcl.*))

Minx grumbles, a deep, annoyed sigh. "Well, listen, everyone. While we're here sorta..sticking our thumbs up our asses, we should get going. I fear your arrivals m-" Minx begins...

Before the ground shakes. Thump. Thump. Foot steps..mighty, earth shaking footsteps. Something was there...And soon, the room begins to heat up, rapidly.

"Oh no....not him..." Minx says, hiding behind Kevin. Suddenly, the roof of the lab lifts up, as a giant man with flowing, magma esque red hair, dark stone grey skin, and flaming red eyes, looks down into the building.

"..Minx.....Who are these people..and are you finished with my potion yet?" The man asks, his voice powerful, booming, able to most likely force anyone to their knees, from the sheer force of his words. Lucky for them, Minx manages to keep all of the volitile potions and chemicals from exploding, using her force powers. Of course, this was little comfort to the party, who at the moment would be both on the verge of overheating, and feeling as if they were to be crushed should this creature shout to loudly. Imposing. Powerful. This being, is obviously either a god, or a similarly epic creature.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

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"Hehehe...now THIS is quite an interesting day. First, I'm reunited with a comrade. Now, I've come face to face with being of such an imposing magnitude...it seems being what I am now has its perks." Michael remarks, his scales forming to protect him from the heat and the force of the giant's words. Patches of dark-violet and pitch black scales form on his face, the tactician getting a bit carried away with himself as his excitement grows.

"Just who do I have the pleasure of meeting, Minx? It'd be such a shame to not know the name of this impressive being." He inquires, a grin forming on his face as he looks over at her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CreedTheChimera
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CreedTheChimera Bisexual Bitch

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Kevin stood strong, his magic power surfacing to offer a form of protection. It almost seemed like an aura surrounded him, a pale yellow cloud of what could be said to be pure magic. He observed the large being before him, taking in the grand sight, and the thunderous voice. He takes in the magma-like hair, grey skin, and red eyes, and the heat all around him. "...Are you some fire elemental? Strongest elemental I've ever seen... maybe some kind of alpha elemental? Still too strong... Do elementals have Gods? Well, if they don't, you should apply for the job... I'm rambling, might I ask your name, great sir?" Kevin seems very interested in the giant man, taking a few steps towards him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Ilyndriel screamed in fear as the roof of the building was torn upward and a giant burning face stuck it's nose over the edge. She ran behind Kevin seeking cover and trembled as the others began talking to the monster.

Meanwhile, Eclipse is stricken with a sense that someone is in danger. His eyes widened a bit and he hesitated in his step. Affirming his direction, and with no one around to witness him, the deity in disguise suddenly blinked forward a great distance. Appearing close behind the firey being that was sticking its head inside teh lab building.

"Hark! Great being of fire! Turn and face me!" Eclipse, appearing as a man with minimal armor and a sword and shield, called out at the smouldering creature. On his shield was a sun-like image, a ring with rays of light extending from it, but the ring was hollow inside. "My name is Eclipse! and I will not stand idly by while innocents are terrorized!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

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@Wraithblade6 @CreedTheChimera @ShadowVentus

"..Hmm? Terrorized? I wa...oh! My, I'm terribly sorry little one." The Giant says, noting the small girl's reaction. He quickly sets the roof down, onto the building, and with a flexing of his mythical prowess, welds the stone roof back on, the stone melting, and cooling back together, all in a split moment. To those inside the castle, the point where the wall meets the ceiling turns red, and then, cools, back together, in less than a second.
"Phew..ok, crisis adverted. That's Ares. Pillar of Fire, manifestation of flame, personification of heat. Ironically chill dude." Minx says. "I was expecting Aero..." She adds, saying that name with visible fear.

"Hmm...you, my friend, you're more than you seem...aren't you?" The Giant says to Eclipse, as slowly, he shrank down, becoming only a mere 6 feet, where before, his head pierced the clouds. He walks forwards, moving to be toe to toe with the strange man he had found. "I did not intend to terrorize. Simply ask. Minx, a sorceress in that castle, is working on a potion for me..." He says, smiling.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Eclipse held his shield up briefly as the heat blazing off of the fire pillar stirred up a wind around him, blowing his long white hair. He didn't need to defend himself, not really, but he had to maintain the disguise of mortality, something which Ares appeared to see through. He lowered his arms as Ares shrank size and came up to him. Ares was still hot, but at least his presence wasn't lethal.

"Thank you my friend. I understand how it must be difficult to know what it is like for another being to bear your aura, but I am glad to see you make way for those so different from yourself. You are noble and kind." Eclipse was indeed contented by Ares' choices. He smiled. "So a sorceress has a potion for you? Perhaps I may be of service in retrieving it for you?" The young knight errant eagerly offered to go inside the lab and fetch the potion. "At least, I am pretty certain that I won't burn the house down."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by kishin asura
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kishin asura

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"What kind of potion?" Asura asks curiously
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CreedTheChimera
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CreedTheChimera Bisexual Bitch

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Kevin blinked as he was ignored, and with the large man now out of sight, he turned and looked at Ilyndriel. "Are you quite alright, little lady?" He asked, concerned by her reaction. "I imagine that scared you... Do not worry, I don't think he meant any harm." Having said that, and hearing Asura's question, he turned to Minx. "Yes, what kind of potion are you making for him? Must be something very important if he meant to retrieve it personally, as opposed to having some form of messenger retrieve it for him."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@CreedTheChimera@kishin asura@supertinyking

Ilyndriel climbed out of her hiding place since the hot giant left. The roof was sealed again, and she realized they weren't all about to die. "Oh... My, I suppose it's alright then. Ahem." She listened, hearing voices outside. "He wants a potion? That seems very strange. Is he supposed to drink it? Maybe we should get out of here. Actually, what did we come here for in the first place? And... Where's the baby?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

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@Wraithblade6 @CreedTheChimera @kishin asura @ShadowVentus

"Well, that's confidential. I'm sure he'd be very embarrassed if I told you what the potion was for, and I'd rather not piss of a godly being." Minx says, chuckling gently. "Although, it's something that's specific to him, so no thoughts of simple mortal woes...I've been acting sorta as his..doctor, of sorts." She adds.

Jeffry wriggles over to Ilyndriel, and cooed at her, attempting to tell her he was there. The small creature made a gentle cooing noise, rather than its lowed, almost ear grating SCREEEE it had been. Maybe it was calm, or scared. Either way, it wasn't being loud, which might just be a plus.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Osamu Akiyama and the Mon Alliance

Osamu Akiyama woke up from his bed with a gasp; that was the most horrible dream he had! And by 'most horrible dream', he meant the plan to ressurect Minato Arisato/Makoto Yuuki going wrong with him being taken to another world, then the Persona!Earth being attacked by an insectoid hive flotilla, and him having to make a bargain with a demon called Cornwall to try and remedy the situation, getting Takeru's ire in the process. But thankfully, that was all just a dream.

As he walked the corridors of the Mon Alliance headquarters in Mount Coronet, Osamu Akiyama was met by Minato Arisato/Makoto Yuuki, who gave him a curt nod, before the blue-haired boy said:

"So, our operation against King Malakai is about to start, but we've lost sight of what happened with the rest of the 'people of interest', such as Kevin Clive - Meowth says he got ressurected, but cannot get more information than that. Also, N wants to talk to you in the operations room." Osamu would then go to said operations room, where as Minato said, N's hologram was at the centre of one of the tables, grinning.

"Hello, Osamu!" the green-haired man said enthusiastically. "Just revolutionizing the people of the Pokemon world through relatively peaceful means. And by that, I've persuaded people to actually pay Pokemon for the jobs they do, enforce a social stigma on those who abused Pokemon, and punished a few abusers myself!"

"That is great, N!" replied the redhead. "I hope that my new inventions would soften the shock of the changes you're making." And by 'new inventions', Osamu had made hypercube technology cheap enough that travellers can pack an SUV's worth of supplies into a small box, suits of power armor that drew upon one's 'inner Aura', and finally, created a portable virtual entertainment system meant to take the place of most Pokemon battles (the rest would be fought by paid Pokemon). All part of ensuring that the Mon Alliance's war machine was happy.

Speaking of happiness, time to talk to the Chosen Children/Digidestined and see if he still had their support. Same for the Chosen of other worlds, including AppliMonsters.

Turning on another hologram on his table, Osamu contacted Taichi Yagami (or was it Kamiya?), who promptly responded through his own holographic message:

"Glad to see you, Osamu. The rest of us are ready and waiting at the staging point with our Digimon; we also have Daisuke, Ken, Iori and Miyako with us; we've never properly thanked you for rescuing them at the beginning of our partnership," Tai smiled; those had been chaotic days, when Osamu Akiyama, Osamu the Second, and Horus had to rescue the '02 Children', find a cure for the Digital Infection, expose Mami Himekawa as an evil spy, and of course, end Dark Gennai's plans. Those days had been so chaotic that Osamu had even forgotten whether there was a larger big bad behind it all...

"Thanks, Taichi; I'll meet you in a few minutes," said the eighteen-year old as he turned off both N and Taichi's holograms, and walked off towards the Mount Coronet Portal Room, where Ash (that Baka), Misty (that Baka's girlfriend), and Brock waited, along with Gary Oak and Mewtwo.

"All right, guys!" Osamu shouted. "We've lost all knowledge of the other people of multiversal importance, but Operation: Destroy Malakai is still a-go!"

"Yeah!" Ash said, "can't wait to kick some butt!" And with that, a portal opened, leading Osamu Akiyama, Horus (who had just appeared beside him), and the Pokemon and Pokemon Trainers to the inside of ImperialDramon, where the Chosen Children and 02 Children were a bit cramped inside. ImperialDramon was now in outer space, heading towards Malakai's planet...

Battle was about to be joined.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 6 mos ago

@Letter Bee

ImperialDramon, the ship that carried one of the best hopes for defeating Malakai, lurches forwards, its momentum though out the vastness of space suddenly halted. It was if a giant hand had grasped it, and was holding it still. As if on que with the halt, a large ship appears from a cloaked state. It's shape, round, like that of a saucer, and with it being revealed, a light blue beam would too be shown. A tractor beam?

The strange ship would be trying to get coms open with them, a simple radio wave....Once opened, the coms would say one thing.
"Deactivate weapons, and prepare to be boarded. Resistance will lead to the destruction of your vessel." In a gruff, angry voice.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Letter Bee

ImperialDramon, the ship that carried one of the best hopes for defeating Malakai, lurches forwards, its momentum though out the vastness of space suddenly halted. It was if a giant hand had grasped it, and was holding it still. As if on que with the halt, a large ship appears from a cloaked state. It's shape, round, like that of a saucer, and with it being revealed, a light blue beam would too be shown. A tractor beam?

The strange ship would be trying to get coms open with them, a simple radio wave....Once opened, the coms would say one thing.
"Deactivate weapons, and prepare to be boarded. Resistance will lead to the destruction of your vessel." In a gruff, angry voice.

"Who are you?!" was Osamu's response, "are you servants of King Malakai?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 6 mos ago

@Letter Bee
"No...But he's a trade partner, to our empire, and we don't take kindly to others attempting to destroy our allies. We, are the Genome Empire, and we seek...something more, than good or evil."
With that, three people seemed to materialize before Ozamu, and his group. A tall man wearing a space suit, like that of an astronau, his helmet preventing anyone from seeing his face. A woman, dressed up as Medusa from the Soul Eater series. A...thing, featureless, save for an exceptionally nice suit.
"..Can we hurry this up, our Halloween party is going on back at home, and I'd like me dressing up nicely to not go to waste..." the featureless creature says, adjusting his tie.
The woman, who looks exactly like Medusa from soul eater tugs at her shirt. "I have no idea how she wears this..it's so....annoying constrictive. Like a second layer of skin..." She grumbles, obviously annoyed with her apperal. "Maybe if you wore more than just your robes, tighter clothing wouldn't feel so constrictive...." The Astronaut says, sounding annoyed. "Maybe if you got that stick out of your ass, you'd be less annoying than your average self..." She retorts, as if about to punch him.
"Maybe she's worried about her body, those robes hide her pretty well...Maybe she's worried people will think her curves are sm-" The faceless being begins, before getting decked into a near by wall, his head denting the metal wall.
"SHUT UP!" The woman yells, her face bright red.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Letter Bee
"No...But he's a trade partner, to our empire, and we don't take kindly to others attempting to destroy our allies. We, are the Genome Empire, and we seek...something more, than good or evil."
With that, three people seemed to materialize before Ozamu, and his group. A tall man wearing a space suit, like that of an astronau, his helmet preventing anyone from seeing his face. A woman, dressed up as Medusa from the Soul Eater series. A...thing, featureless, save for an exceptionally nice suit.
"..Can we hurry this up, our Halloween party is going on back at home, and I'd like me dressing up nicely to not go to waste..." the featureless creature says, adjusting his tie.
The woman, who looks exactly like Medusa from soul eater tugs at her shirt. "I have no idea how she wears this..it's so....annoying constrictive. Like a second layer of skin..." She grumbles, obviously annoyed with her apperal. "Maybe if you wore more than just your robes, tighter clothing wouldn't feel so constrictive...." The Astronaut says, sounding annoyed. "Maybe if you got that stick out of your ass, you'd be less annoying than your average self..." She retorts, as if about to punch him.
"Maybe she's worried about her body, those robes hide her pretty well...Maybe she's worried people will think her curves are sm-" The faceless being begins, before getting decked into a near by wall, his head denting the metal wall.
"SHUT UP!" The woman yells, her face bright red.

"Trade partners..." Osamu then smirked. "And what does Malakai give you?"

Recognizing that look, Koushiro/Izzy 'Izumi' of the Chosen Children looked archly at Osamu Akiyama, before saying:

"Are you sure this is wise, bargaining with them?"

"Peaceful negotiations first," replied Osamu. "We can always do violence later."

A nod at that, before Koushiro turned to the Genome Empire trio, then spoke:

"Genome Empire...transhumanists? If so, does Malakai give you technology or magic that advances those goals?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Oh, no no no, I'll get it..It's..for something very personal. I would be very..flustered, if you divined what exactly it was for." Ares stuttered, a bit embarrassed to say the least. He then sighed. "I also am able to assure I won't set the castle on fire. My aura is normally very well controlled..it's just I've something on my mind, so it slipped..." He tells Eclipse, before moving to enter the castle, his steps leaving small bits of scorched grass where his feet had been. Not quite burning footprints, but rather, a few blades of grass remained lit on fire after he moved.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 6 mos ago

@ShadowVentus @Wraithblade6 @CreedTheChimera @kishin asura

"...Did...you all have a moment?" Minx asks, waiting for a reply from the group after having said what she said.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by kishin asura
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kishin asura

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


"Yeah." Asura said
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 6 mos ago

@kishin asura @Wraithblade6 @ShadowVentus @CreedTheChimera @Letter Bee @Luna

((to help kick people in gear, and to give those who were posting regularly more to do.))

The magma man enters into the castle, his footsteps heavy, as if he had boots of lead. If he had not limited his powers, they'd all be dead. He appeared in the room and the air around him hissed, as if the world itself was made pissed.
".......Hello everyone. I do hope I didn't upset you all to badly with my larger form..." He says, smiling gently. His very presance made everyone feel quite warm, sweat most likely dripping from ever pore.

@Letter Bee On a ship hovering over a planet that housed a great evil, diplomats talked material goods....
".....If violence does start, I'm killing you first..." The woman says to Izzy, with a slight smirk. "IF you seek a fight so bad, I'll loose no sleep ripping your heart out...."

"Calm down Delta..." The leader said, sighing. "He gives us blood iron, a rare metal we need to help fuel a war effort against a alien species. They're basically space nazis......if they were left unchecked, the damages would be astronomical...as much as I dislike Malakai, he's the lesser of two evils to us..." The man in the space suit explains.

@Luna Near a stream in a forest, a most strange sight was to be found. A strange looking bug man would be sitting on a rock, meditating. This place was, by fate, where a particular wolf girl was traveling...

((Sorry for not posting. I was waiting for people.))
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