Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by James Davy

James Davy

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

"The only way to get one here is to win one and Zoro can do that with a little help from Majin," stated Shiranui, "That can be done while we compete in the contest."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by bowtiesrcool86

bowtiesrcool86 Self-Proclaimed Dragon Master

Member Seen 5 days ago

Liam was ready. He registered for the Contest and wet into the green room. He began to polish the balls of his two selected Pokémon Smaug was sitting on the bench next to Liam. He told him that he wanted Smaug to watch the performances. Smaug nodded. He sat there and watch the amount of care Liam put into the polishing of those balls before Liam dropped the balls into the capsules. He than placed the stickers on the capsules.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AstroLu
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As Dante walked towards the laboratory he noticed the professor's assistant, Tracy, tirelessly waving a sign for new trainers to start their journey. Well this was finally going to be the start of his own. All the traveling to come excited Dante. There is so much to experience out there in the world. It was a shame he didn't start until now. This would help him better understand life's mysteries maybe but no more rambling. Time to talk to the professor. Professor Oak greeted him as he walked inside.
"Ah, a new trainer. Come in, come in. Let's get you started."
Dante responded with a hand shake.
"Thank you so much for this moment sir. It truly is an honor."
Oak laughed inside saying
"Oh it's a pleasure to meet you too. Here let's get our starters out... Hey Tracy can you help this new trainer?"
The professor's assistant walks up to Dante with package of six pokeballs, a pokedex, and even a potion.
"You'll be needing this for your new journey. The pokeballs will help you catch Pokemon in the wild. The button one it is all you really need to press. The pokedex I just gave you is a wonderful device used to record and display all data collected on Pokemon. The potion is there for in case one of your Pokemon get hurt. You'll want to visit a pokecenter after that because these things are only one use."
Dante was awed by the gifts before Tracy continued.
"Oh and one last important thing." He brings up a plate of some sort holding three pokeballs marked Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle.
"Choose wisely!" He smiles kindly.
After much thought and consideration Dante picked up the ball for Bulbasaur. He released it out of the ball and oh, what an adorable little thing it was. Dante confirmed to the assistant
"I think I'll choose Bulbasaur. I think we'll be best friends."
Tracy gleamed
"Well that's terrific! Good luck on your journey."
Dante parted the laboratory with his very first Pokemon, Bulbasaur, and went off towards the first gym from what he knew. Master trainers were able to go to places far and wide so it really was good to start here if he ever wanted to travel the world and experience more. He made a similar route upwards through route 1 and was met with the stare of a vibrant trainer.
"Hey you!" Dante heard "I saw you walking out of that lab you can't trick me. Let's battle!"
Well it was one way to start out. Dante agreed.
"Alright, I'll take you on."
It was the first time he really felt pumped up. The only other times he felt like this was when watching some battles at Mt. Pyre (albeit a bit mad from the grave desecration) and from rare occasions he got to see the gym battles at his home town. The boy sent out a rattatta and Dante sent out Bulbasaur.
"Bucky use bite!" The rattatta speed and clamped down on poor Bulbasaur. Dante was freaking out. He never battled before. When in doubt...
"Hurry Bulbasaur, shake him off and use tackle." The flailing vegeplant manages to get rattatta off it and slammed it's body into it with a running tackle. Turns out that the rattatta wasn't too strong and fainted.
"Ah Bucky no, return!" The rattatta was returned to a pokeball in the boy's hand. "We'll make it next time buddy." He turned to Dante "Awesoem battle, but don't think you some just yet. After enough training I'll be the best poke one trainer in Kanto, no, the world!" He runs off to what Dante would guess to be a pokecenter.
"Good job Bulbasaur, it's bad you got bite but I think this will fix you up." Dante applied a potion to the hurt Pokemon. It stunted a bit but it got better fast. Dante thought he should name it but he couldn't find one. Nature already gave it a perfect name or so his I creative mind thought. The rest of his journey to Pewter city has been fairly quiet like on the way to Pallet. At last he found the entrance to the town.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by James Davy

James Davy

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Shiranui registered as well. Before he entered the green room, he sent Zoro and Majin out and gave them a mission to procure a Porygon. He gave a note to Majin with "連結網" written on it, saying that would be the nickname he would give it. In the green room, he placed some seals on his capsules and polished the Poké Balls of the Pokémon he picked out.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by bowtiesrcool86

bowtiesrcool86 Self-Proclaimed Dragon Master

Member Seen 5 days ago

"Welcome to the Cerulean Contest! I'm your hostess, Lillian Meridian!" The crowd cheered. "Today, our lovely contestant will be competing for this ribbon!" She said as she held up the blue ribbon. "To judge today's contest, are our lovely judges, The head of the Pokémon Contest Committee,Mr. Raoul Contesta!"
"It's is wonderful to be in this beautiful city." Contesta commented.
The crowd cheered. "The President of the Pokémon Fan Club,Mr. Sukizo!"
"Cerulean City is remarkable!"
The crowd cheered again. "And last, but certainly not least, Cerulean City's very own, Nurse Joy!"
"Let's all have some good, clean fun." Joy said with her trademark smile.
"Now, let's get started with our first contestant! From SLateport City, Hoenn Give a big hand for Harley!" Harley, who was no stranger to the Kanto contest circuit came out and radiated with the applause. He still dressed like a Cacturne. He used Octillary in his appeal and used Ice Beam and Octazooka in his appeal.

"As always Harley, you sure do know how to make your Pokémon shine."
"Octillary is remarkable!"
"You have put a lot of hard work in raising your Pokémon."


Total: 22

Liam was contestant number 7. He called on Hydro the Blastoise. Liam used his very first Pokémon. He shot Hydro Cannon straight up, and followed it up with Ice Beam. The water was frozen in an umbrella shape, "Now, Mega Evolve and use Aura Sphere!" The light of Mega Evolution reflected in the ice, making a faux aura borealis. Aura Sphere smashed into the ice, shattering it to pieces, all of which retained the Mega Evolution light.

"Yet another fantastic display with Mega Evolution."
"Mega Evolution is remarkable!"
"Your Blastoise is very well trained."

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AstroLu
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Well here we are Bulbasaur. Pewter city, home to our first gym. Dante walked inside and saw his opponent to come. Dante studied the pokedex entry for Bulbasaur as he walked in. Turns out they know this move called vine whip, strong against rock and ground types. This gym should be a piece of cake. Oh how wrong Dante was. Flint welcomed him in and Dante asked.
"So do I just battle you or am I missing something?" It was a bit rude in some sense but Dante was genuinely honest and confused. Flint reassured him
"Yes, don't worry you don't have to be embarrassed. You'd be surprised how many trainers ask me this."
Relieved, Dante let out a breath of relief. Flint continued.
"Here's how we're going to do this. We both choose one Pokemon and the first one that faints, loses the match. Let's head up here to the area."
A rocky battle area is seen in the gym a little further up.
"Now, let's get this started. Go Golem!"
A strong and sturdy golem is released from its pokeball. Dante started panicking inside, this thing was way bigger than a rattatta. There was no way Bulbasaur could beat it. Maybe if it got lucky. Here goes nothing.
"Go Bulbasaur!" And out came Bulbasaur to the field from Dante's side slowly. He reassured his new friend.
"You can do this Bulbasaur. I have my faith in you!"
The gym battle starts.
"Golem use roll out!" A massive boulder came tumbling towards Bulbasaur.
"Hurry Bulbasaur get out of the way using vine whip!" The quick descision saved the Bulbasaur from a fast battle as it roped itself out of the way. The unfortunate golem went tumbling into another rock on the field and obliterated it as it landed.
"Bulbasaur use vine whip hurry!" Two long vines started whipping the golem from afar.
"Golem don't let it get to you, use rock throw!" The golem picked up the remains of the boulder and chucked it at the Bulbasaur. It whipped away a good amount but was hit hard by a barrage of rocks barely holding on. The golem was too strong for him but it was slow and heavy. Dante had an idea. He waited for the golem to move.
"Golem, rollout now!" The golem started to make its running start before
"Hurry Bulbasaur, Trip it now using vine whip!" vines started wrapping around its stubby legs and Golem tripped out of position for a roll out and into another boulder. Golem couldn't move much, it was incapacitated.
"I can't believe that worked. Good job Bulbasaur!" Dante exclaimed.
"Return Golem!" The poor incapacitated golem was returned to its ball. Flint walks up to Dante.
"Well congratulations kid. I think you deserve your first badge." He presents the Boulder badge to Dante.
"Treat it well. You deserve it."
Dante picked up his first badge and kept it safe in a small badge case (which I forgot to mention at pallet town whoops).
"Thank you. I can't express how this feels right now."
Flint smiled
"You don't have to worry. Have fun on your journey kid. I'm sure you'll go far."
Dante thanked Flint for the battle and went off to the Pokemon center to heal his Bulbasaur. Still no sight of the mysterious man.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by James Davy

James Davy

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Shiranui was contestant #12. He sent his Manectric out and had her use Electric Terrain to electrify the stage. Manectric launched a combination of Electro Ball and Thunder Wave that formed a plasma ball-like effect. Manectric finished the appeal by mega evolving and using Thunder to strike the Electro Ball with lightning, making it explode into electric sparkles that made vertical arcs with the Electric Terrain. The stage had a smell of ozone after that display.

"What an electrifying display."
"Manectric is remarkable!"
"Your Manectric is exceptionally trained through the fact our hair stayed down."


Shiranui was tied with Liam in the scores.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by bowtiesrcool86

bowtiesrcool86 Self-Proclaimed Dragon Master

Member Seen 5 days ago

the top 8 were randomly shuffled into the following match ups.

1. Shiranui vs RP
2. RP vs Harley
3. RP vs RP
4. RP vs Liam
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AstroLu
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Dante bought a quick bite to eat on the go for his journey further but before anymore traveling was to be done, he wanted to visit the museum. It certainly looked spectacular while walking here. It seemed like a great place to rest his legs. Tickets were cheap so he bought one and toured the place lots of amazing finds in here. Pokemon of ancient times and relics older than man were seen here. It was pretty noisy on the bottom floor from an influx of tourists. He eventually saw the mysterious man from Viridian city across the room exit through a back door before Dante could even call for him. It took him a while to shift through all the crowd before finally reaching the door. Dante went to see the man run off out to the east of town though a route. He was wavering side to side as he ran and finally collapsed on the dirt road next to some grass.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by James Davy

James Davy

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Shiranui trounced his opponent through point depletion thanks to his Florges.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by bowtiesrcool86

bowtiesrcool86 Self-Proclaimed Dragon Master

Member Seen 5 days ago

1. Shiranui/Florgess vs RP
2. RP vs Harley/Wigglytuff
3. RPBeedrill/ vs RP
4.RP vs Liam/Blissey

Liam sat back down backstage with Smaug, who had been walking out and standing just out of sight to watch Liam's battles.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by James Davy

James Davy

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

It was now time for Shiranui to face Harley. "Shiranui Tsukiko; how I've longed to face you," stated Harley, "Any friend of May is an enemy of mine!"
"Your Machiavellian tactics may have fooled your enemies, Harley, but I'm one enemy who knows every trick you could possibly pull off and I have a few of my own!" Shiranui rebutted. The timer started and both coordinators sent out their Pokémon with Harley sending his Wigglytuff out and Shiranui sending out his Florges.
"Wigglytuff, Sing!"
"Hana, Misty Terrain!" Hana covered the stage in mist while Wigglytuff let loose with a lullaby that was relaxing for the audience. The Misty Terrain prevented Hana from falling asleep and Harley lost some points. Harley thought Sing had missed due to its accuracy.
"Wigglytuff, Play Rough!"
"Hana, Moonblast!" The Florges fired a beam of moonlight and nailed Wigglytuff for a critical hit. Wigglytuff's Special Attack fell and the balloon rushed Hana and started roughhousing. Both coordinators lost points.
"Wigglytuff, Pain Split!"
"Hana, Nature Power!" Hana conjured an orb of energy that took in some of the mist and fired a Moonblast. Wigglytuff was blasted and was left knocked out. A buzz was heard from the contest judges as they declared Wigglytuff unable to battle.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by bowtiesrcool86

bowtiesrcool86 Self-Proclaimed Dragon Master

Member Seen 5 days ago

Liam bested his next opponent, who used a Flaafy. Liam was ready for the final round.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by James Davy

James Davy

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Shiranui was ready for the final round. He had been thinking about strategies to use against Liam's Blissey.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by bowtiesrcool86

bowtiesrcool86 Self-Proclaimed Dragon Master

Member Seen 5 days ago

Liam took his spot.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by James Davy

James Davy

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Shiranui took his spot on the stage and was ready for battle.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by bowtiesrcool86

bowtiesrcool86 Self-Proclaimed Dragon Master

Member Seen 5 days ago

"Begin!" Lillian called.

"Blissey! It's time to shine!" Blissey's ball opened and the energy and formed a heart. Blissey emerged from the heart.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by James Davy

James Davy

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

"Hana, I choose you!" Hana's Poké Ball opened and red, orange, yellow, white and blue petals flew out and coalesced to form the Florges.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by bowtiesrcool86

bowtiesrcool86 Self-Proclaimed Dragon Master

Member Seen 5 days ago

"Toxic!" Liam called. Blissey hurled a blob of venom toward the fairy.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by James Davy

James Davy

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

"Magic Coat!" Hana conjured a barrier that reflected Blissey's attack right back.
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