Name of Roleplay: Hero's of Ravenwood: Shadowlord Ascension

Genre: High Fantasy

Inspired Fandom(s): Wizards 101, Harry Potter, Merlin

Pairings: MxM MxF (I will be playing a male character only)

Romance: Optional

Relationship preference: Optional I don't mind any pairing romance wise MxM MxF

Age Restriction: 18+ this will have mature content

Sexual scenes: Fade to black, I am capable of writing them but I prefer to keep it pg-13

Favorite Source to RP: Either through PM or Forum post

Who I am looking for: I am looking for someone dedicated and willing to stick around for the story. Ideally someone who can write at least a couple paragraphs or more per post and is willing to add onto the story and not just follow a set line. Someone who does not easily get bored with a story and wants to quit it and at the same time someone who will tell me if they want to quit and not just up and leave. Someone who is relaxed and just likes to write a good story.

About me: I am a fairly relaxed individual, I like to chat OOC but if someone else doesn't I am able to keep it all roleplay business. I am not much for drama and I am reasonable and easily approachable so one shouldn't be afraid to come to me if there is a problem or a question. I am an all around nice person who loves a good story. I will give you what you give me nothing more and nothing less. I am an upfront and honest sort of person so if there is something to say I will say it.

About the Story: *NOTE* The story I have in mind is inspired and I mean inspired only not based off of, wizards 101, harry potter and Merlin. You don't need to have seen or know anything about these movies or the game itself, but the story will have elements from each of them combined into one. The world within the story will be completely original so don't worry about knowing or having to learn something really complicated.

The plot of the story revolves around a Magical City called Ravenwood which is a Wizards city located in realm separated from the rest of the world. Within Ravenwood is Ravenwood Academy where kids from all over come to train in magical arts. The Academy is nestled deep within the city itself. A time ago, at least ten years back and evil wizard known only as Shadow Lord tried to destroy Ravenwood by stealing an ancient artifact called the Book of Shadows. A book with ancient and terrible spells and teaching meant to enhance one in the use of Shadow Magic an extremely volatile and power magic that is banned from use. A young boy wizard with extraordinary potential and power was chosen by destiny to vanquish the Shadow Lord by becoming the Savior of Light, a wizard whom is capable of using Light Magic a rare powerful magic very few can learn or yield, which is basically the opposite side of the coin when it comes to Shadow Magic, yin and yang in other words. This same boy who fought through hell over a course of many years eventually did fulfill his destiny and defeated the Shadowlord on the eve when he would destroy Ravenwood and saved Wizard City. After the defeat of the Shadowlord the Savior of Light vanished from Ravenwood and did not return. It has been ten years since the Shadowlord was defeated and a new threat is now nearing Ravenwood, and ancient evil thought to be vanquished but returning with a vengeance to be had. With evil now threatening the world once again a new hero is chosen to vanquish this evil however the one wizard who could train this new hero in the ways of Light Magic has disappeared. It is now a race against time, evil is coming and this new hero must locate the Savior of Light and learn how to harness the light themselves to battle the shadows or all will be lost.