Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 6 days ago

Zelia looked between the two boys when Sanders asked how Trex managed with two girls on the team. She looked to Sanders for him to explain and explain he did. She laughed a little, she guessed that she always thought Trex was the way he was because he didn't want her as his partner. Not because he was shy around girls. She shot Trex a look when Trex cleared his throat. She smirked, "I wouldn't of had to be if Trex as a little more co-operative."

That's when Trex changed to subject entirely, walking away from the conversation of them and their pasts. She listened to Sanders as he explained what had happened over the time that Trex had been gone. She was always trying to convince him to take some time to go and see his family but he was stubborn and didn't want her to lose out on any money that she could be making. She wasn't exactly sure when the last time he had been there was but it had been sometime. She looked down at Bodo as the little Exceed slowly woke. She smiled and lifted him into her arms before standing, "Excuse me, I'm just going to grab Bodo something to eat.

She walked into the kitchen sat Bodo on the counter. Opening the oven, she pulled out the plate that Kyla and her had made up for Bodo. She placed beside him and stood with him as he chowed down. When he finished, he was wide awake, "Thank you!"

Zelia smiled and cleaned the plate before following the flying Exceed back to the living room. As usual, Bodo attached himself to Trex and Trex looked uncomfortable. Zelia smiled and leaned against the sofa's arm. She yawned slightly, "What did I miss?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 22 days ago

They were still talking when Bodo woke up. Trex nodded and stepped out of Zelia's way as she headed toward the kitchen. Waiting until she left, he looked at his brother. "How is it really?" He asked, his voice hushed.

He quickly learned how bad the situation was. It was as he had been hearing. It was going to be a rough year for his family. Already calculating how he could best assist, he nodded toward his brother. "We'll work through it." He promised.

Seeing Bodo flying over, Trex knew that the conversation was over for now but the good news was he got the information he needed. He would have to contact Peeter later and let him know but he would worry about that later.

As the exceed entered the room, Trex stifled a sigh as the little guy attached to him. Seriously? It wasn't that he did not like the exceed. And the little guy was cute, though he would never admit that out loud. But still. Now his brother had a bunch more ammunition to hit him with. And when Peeter found out about this... He was never going to hear the end of this.

Glancing at Trex with amusement, Sanders looked toward Zelia. "Nothing much." He told her. A serious look crossed his face. "You both should get some rest." He declared. "You had a long walk to get here and you both have to be exhausted." He gave Zelia a slight bow. "If you but follow me I will show you your royal chamber." He told her.

Also noting Zelia's yawn, Trex straightened. "That's a good idea." He said stretching. He knew that Zelia would probably not want them to stop just on her account. If she thought he was as tired as her she would not offer as much protest, if any. Besides, he was tired as well. He frowned slightly and looked around the room. His parents never did come out. He glanced at Sanders. "Did Pa and Ma turn in?" He inquired.

Pausing at the entrance of the hallway, Sanders glanced back. "Probably. You know how they are. They realize you're tired so instead of keeping you up half the night talking, they just turn in early and leave it at that."

Trex nodded. It made sense. His parents were always looking out for them. He nodded to Zelia. "Goodnight." He told her. He watched her head down the hall before looking down at the exceed. "I guess that means you are with me." He declared. "Come on. I'll show you were to sleep." Not that the little guy was tired. He had been sleeping the entire time. Trex shook his head. Were exceed nocturnal? As they walked, Trex glanced at him. "You don't have to turn in now." He told Bodo. "This is just so you know where to sleep when you are ready. We don't have much around here, but help yourself. Don't feel like you have to turn in because everyone else is."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 6 days ago

Zelia nodded when Sanders informed her that she hadn't missed much. However, a moment later, he told her that they should get some sleep. Realizing he was probably saying it because of her yawn, she shook her head, "No... it's okay..."

A moment later, Trex agreed and stretched lazily. She smiled at him, "Fine then..."

When Sanders bowed to her, she laughed a little and curtsied, "How kind of you, Sir Sanders."

She grabbed her bag and pulled it over her shoulder and followed Sanders to the hall when Trex stopped them asking about his parents. She looked around, she hadn't seen them in the kitchen, she guessed that must have been what had happened. Sanders concurred and explained why his parents had turned in so early. She smiled at Trex and nodded, "Good night."

She then followed Sanders down the hall to the bedroom that she would be staying it. She walked in and smiled, "It is quite royal..." She carefully placed her bag on the bed and adjusted something that sat atop the dresser before turning to Sanders, "Thank you. It was nice meeting you."
Bodo nodded when Trex explained to him that he was going to show him where he was going to sleep but it wasn't necessary for him to go to sleep yet. He moved to Trex's head and lay in his hair, happily, "Where are you going to sleep? Can I sleep with you? Gyatsu and I used to sleep together. Can we sleep together? Please, please please?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 22 days ago

Trex resisted the urge to yell at the Exceed. He had no idea who this Gyastu was but unlike the dragon slayer, Trex did not like the fact the little guy was messing around in his hair. He gently took hold of the guy and set him on the bed. “Sure,” He conceded with a sigh. “Just stay out of my hair.”

It had been a long day so Trex decided to turn in. Not bothering to change, he propped some of the hay up and laid down.

It was strange really. Not so much the exceed nearby; he was used to sleeping with others around. But it was strange to be back on his family’s barn, laying back and looking at the stars from the skylight the brothers had put in several years back. These stars had been a beacon to him, reminding him of his goals. It was good to be back here. He had achieved so much since he last lay here and he was sure that he would achieve so much more by the time he was here again.

The exhaustion from the day kicked in and he shut his eyes. “Night Bodo.” He stated out of politeness.

Sleep took him quickly.
Trex was up bright and early. Heading down the ladder, he quickly found his dad already working at the morning chores. Trex quickly joined in. He smirked as Sanders brushed in a bit later, sleep still in his eyes. Considering he was going to be taking over the farm someday, he was not really a morning person.

“Your new girlfriend is an early riser too.” Sanders noted shaking his head. “Is there anyone who likes to sleep in?” He grumbled.

Trex smirked. “Remind me to introduce you to a few guild members.” He stated. “Besides, you really should be a morning person. What’s the matter? Stay up late with Zelia?”
He really did not know what happened after Sanders escorted Zelia to her room but he had no worries. Their mother had raised them well and Sanders would have been a perfect gentleman.

Sanders rubbed his eyes and grabbed an armload of wood. “She seems quite taken with me.” He shot back, quickly waking up.

Trex shook his head and followed his brother and father inside. Nodding to Zelia, he deposited the wood into the wood bin and kissed his mother good morning. Excusing himself, he headed back outside to get Bodo. His luck is they would accidently forget the exceed and leave him behind. He smiled. Sanders was not the only one who slept in late.
Finished up with his washing, Sanders sat down next to Zelia at the table, fully awake. Though not as quick as the rest of the family, he was usually awake and ready by time breakfast started. “I trust you slept well,” He stated it more as an inquiry than actual statement. At her affirmation, he smiled. “Everyone says females love sleeping in but all the ones I know are usually up before I am. What time did you get up this morning?” He asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 6 days ago

Zelia woke before the sun had time to cascade into her room, which wasn't unusual, with a gasp. The nightmares had gotten worse since the spirit had invaded her head. Her brain imagining it was trapped in sleep again before she managed to pry herself out of it. Those nightmares had come to be dreaded. However, she slept still, she needed it and the nightmares weren't always there. She quietly climbed out of the bed and tiptoed around her room. There were a few little trinkets from the childhood of Trex and his brothers. She walked over to the light switch and flicked it on before she looked at them all. After a short while, she started to get dressed. She decided to wait until the sun was rising to leave the room. She wasn't exactly sure how early it was that Trex's family woke but she didn't want to wake any of them on her way to the washroom.

Instead, she took a stuffed toy off the chair in the corner and watched as the sun rose. Once it had, she grabbed her things and cleaned up her room until she believed it look as though she were never there. With that done, she walked out of her room and headed to the washroom. She bumped into Kyla and wished her a good morning before ducking into the washroom and cleaning up.

When she finished she headed into the kitchen and smiled at Kyla, "How can I help?"

Kyla shook her head, "No, you are our guest. I can't keep putting you to work."

"You let me stay here for free. I have to help somehow," She replied. The woman laughed and let her help in making the breakfast. Zelia saw Trex come in and smiled at him, giving him a nod in return before he gave Kyla a kiss. She noticed him turn back around and leave and looked at his mother, "Where is Trex going?"

"He must have forgotten something in the barn last night," She said with a shrug. Zelia looked at her, wide eyed, "Why was he in the barn?"

"He slept there... Oh, Dear, don't worry. Trex likes sleeping out there sometimes... Used to do it all the time with his brothers. Says it is something to do with a stars," Kyla reassured her before placing the food on the table. Zelia smiled and shook her head, something about the stars, she had a feeling she could guess. It seemed Trex hadn't changed too much over the years.

She took a seat at the table and smiled at Sanders when he sat next to her. She nodded, when he asked how she slept, not wanting to worry him with her nightmares after just meeting him. She blushed a little when he asked when it was that she woke, "Around... three?"
Bodo woke when Trex re-entered the barn and smiled, "Trex!"

He jumped up and flew over to him, clinging to his arm. He rested his head on his shoulder, "Is it time for breakfast?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 22 days ago

Sandes mouth dropped. He quickly recovered. He shook his head. "Wow." He laughed. "Now I feel really bad. Please tell me you grew up on a farm though, right? That would at least help me feel better."

This young woman was so interesting. Sanders always liked surprises. He did not expect Zelia, a city girl by his bet, to be such an early bird. He always thought city folk liked to sleep in. But then again, they could. They didn't have to get up at the break of dawn. If he didn't love farming, he might have enjoyed moving to the city and sleeping in a bit late. But farming was in his blood. Besides, with Peeter in the army and Trex in Fairy Tail, someone had to look after the farm. Who else would take over after his parents got to old to do it?

Smiling at Zelia, Sanders shook his head as she responded. "We'll, you'll do really well on a farm." He told her. "Though I doubt Trex would be the farming type." It had been a guess. A nudge to see what Zelia thought of his brother. If she didn't seem really interested than he might have a chance. Though, it was doubtful she would stick around a small farm when she could see the world. However, when he spotted the slight flush and her quick reply he knew better. There was no chance for him. But that was fine. He wished his brother the best. Besides, now he had more ammunition to tease his brother.

As if his thoughts summoned Trex, the wizard entered.

After greeting Bodo and seeing if he had a good night sleep (one had to be polite), Trex affirmed to the little guy that it was breakfast time. Heading back inside, he listened to the chatter a bit surprised to see that Bodo was a lot more awake than he was the day before. It must have been all the sleep he got yesterday evening and last night.

Entering the house, Trex nodded a greeting to Zelia and paused as he looked from Sanders to Zelia. "What's up?" Something seemed off. There was a slight glint in Sanders eye upon spotting Trex, and that meant he was up to something. Whatever it was, Trex didn't find out. They were called to the breakfast table to start the day with a heaping bounty of food.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 6 days ago

Zelia gave a small laugh at Sanders reaction to the time that she woke up. She remembered Trex giving her a similar look the first time he woke up on a job to find her already awake and ready for the day. She could see, in that look, how similar they were. She shook her head all the same in reply to Sanders' question, "No, sorry, I can't. Well, I could. But I'd be lying."

She smiled at him and giggled slightly when he mentioned that she would do well on a farm. She nodded her head and was about to reply when he mentioned Trex not being the farming type. Her face flushed slightly and she gave a laugh that she hoped didn't sound awkward or nervous, "I don't see the connection," She scratched her head a little, "But I don't believe you give your brother enough credit. He is quite good with animals. I'm sure he would have kept the horses if he had the room for them."

Zelia looked up at Trex when he entered the room shortly after. She gave him a small relieved smile, knowing that wherever that conversation was going a moment ago, would have to stop. Strange, that she felt as though she was saved by the man whose brother seemed to be trying to unnerve her. Trex did warn him about him though. When he asked what was up, she shrugged, "We were just... talking about you. Your brother doesn't think you are a farm boy, that the city's changed you. I was defending your honour."

She took Bodo from Trex, knowing well that he wasn't particularly comfortable with the creature. Ruining his tough guy image and all. She stood and placed a couple pillows on a chair and placed Bodo on the other side of the chair, leaving Trex to sit between them. Kyla came over and placed the food that her and Zelia had made on the table, "Alright, lads... and Zelia, dig in."

Zelia smiled and started dishing up some food for Bodo before returning to her own seat and placing food on a plate of her own. She looked at Trex, "Now, why didn't you tell me you were sleeping in the barn, Trex?"

Bodo looked at him, "Oooo, are you in trouble, Trex?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 22 days ago

Restraining a grin, Sanders just raised an eyebrow after Zelia's quick response. When she noted how Trex was good with animals he gave a slight nod. "That he does."
His attention turned to the door as Trex entered. He let a grin show on his face when Zelia tattled about the fact he thought Trex would be a lousy farmer. However, Trex did not raise to the bait. Instead they were called to breakfast where, after grace, they started in.

Trex barely took a bite before Zelia's question caught him. He should have known it would come up. Of course Bodo instantly turning and going off it just made it worse. Keeping calm and ignoring the smirk on his brother's face, Trex washed his food down with some milk. He set the glass down and looked at Zelia, ignoring the little exceed. "I usually sleep in the barn." He worded it carefully. If he mentioned that as a guest she should not sleep in the barn she probably would take it wrong. That's what he liked about her. She was selfless and did not want to be given extra treatment. And considering taking care of guests was considered high honor in his family, it was something better off avoided. "Used to do it all the time when I was younger."

Sanders grunted in agreement. He looked over at Zelia. "Despite not being farmer material, Trex did have an affinity with the barn. Or at least with the outdoors. So..." He leaned back and looked at the three. "Do you plan on taking off right away or sticking around?"

Trex glanced at his parents. "We probably need to head back. The rest of our team will probably be waiting for us back at the guild." There was regret in his voice but it was still firm. "Thanks for putting us up. I'll be back to visit."

Marcus gave a brief nod. He looked over at Zelia. "You're welcome to visit anytime. You'll always be welcome here."
In the near Future
She ran through the forest as if his life depended on it. And it did. Kyoto was in danger and knowing him, he would not back down. Why did he have to always stand up and not back out of a fight? Sometimes his morality irked her. The fact that he knew that he was not coming out of this alive must have been why he tricked her and told her to meet him at the river. He didn't want her there. He didn't want her death on his head.

Well he was sorely mistaken. She wasn't going to let him go up against the wizards without her being by his side. Even if it meant both their deaths. She didn't search so long to find her cousin only to lose him again. Not after only knowing him for a few months. She scowled. Those Caelum wizards. They had never been up to any good.

She stumbled, the thistles on the forest floor stinging her palm as she caught herself. She ignored it, even as tears came to the corner of her eyes. "Kyoto." her whispered voice could be barely heard. "Why?"
Present Day
The kingdom of Midi was one of the smallest kingdoms in Earthland. However, it was extremely cultured and in some ways even more advanced than some of the larger kingdoms. Some said the advancements were due to the fact that percentage-wise, Midi had one of the lowest ratio of wizards to regular people in the western countries. Perhaps the lack of magic and the small size had pushed the people of Midi to find other ways to defend themselves, especially against their aggressive northern neighbor of Minstrel.

Either way, it was more sophisticated than Fiore. Ryzo stepped aside as another sleek mobile passed by. He wrapped his cloak around him.

"This city is by far the cleanest I've been in." Tye glanced around. "And everyone seems so peaceful. It would be so fun to cause some trouble." She looked at her apprentice Narsica. "What do you think? I night on the town picking whatever we want?"

Ryzo turned and scowled at them. "Remember, we are here only for the orange ring. No trouble."

Tye laughed and waved him off. "I'm only kidding." When he turned away she rolled her eyes. "Such a spoilsport."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 6 days ago

Zelia pursed her lips as Trex spoke about liking to sleep in the barn. She could tell that there was something that he wasn't being completely honest about. She knew him well enough to know when he was avoiding things. However, whatever it was that he was avoiding seemed to be harmless enough and she decided to let it be. She turned her attention to Sanders when he assured her that it was a common thing for Trex to do. She laughed a little, "Sleeping in barns, not sleeping in carts," She looked at her partners, "I'm starting to think you just want to be an animal more than a wizard," She teased.

She turned her attention to Sanders when he asked what their plans were. As sad as it was she knew that they had to be getting back. Who knew what Flynn and Skye were doing without them or what information they were sitting on. Not to mention, if they had any information the four of them had to act on it fast. It was simple, they couldn't risk Caelum wizards getting any of the keys that Flynn was after. That celestial wizard didn't seem to be the kindest of wizards. Trex seemed to echo her thoughts as he told his family that they would not be able to stay another night and would have to get back. She could hear the twinge of sadness in his voice. She knew that the whole rarely getting to come home had always weighed on him a little. She placed her hand on his shoulder and gave it a small squeeze before she dropped it back into her lap.

She smiled at Marcus as he offered for her to return whenever she wished. It was nice to know that her first impression wasn't a lasting one. She nodded her head to him, "Thank you... I'll be sure to drag your son along when I do. Goodness knows he doesn't come here often enough."

When she finished eating, she stood and looked over all those at the table, "I should probably go pack up my things if Trex and I are going to leave."

She looked at Trex and smiled softly, "I'll be out in a few," Then she turned and headed into his old room and gathered her things which were more or less already cleaned up and put away.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 22 days ago

It was hard leaving. It wasn't often that Trex saw his family and the moments he had with them, though brief, were always something he cherished. Clasping Sanders arm, he nodded at his brother. "You stay out of trouble," he said testing his brother's grip.

Sanders smiled and tightened his grip as well. "All the trouble's leaving with you." They released each other. Sanders moved over and took Zelia's hand. "If you get tired of him you can always come back here. I'm way more handsome." He winked before bending down and kissing the back of her hand. "It was lovely meeting you. Stay safe."

After an embarrassing goodbye with his mother - something he didn't mind but was a bit awkward with Zelia there - Trex said goodbye to his father and then turned to leave.

He didn't speak until they were already down the lane, out of earshot. "Sorry about my brother's dramatics." He glanced over at Zelia. "He tends to be the flirt of the family." And if it wasn't for that, Trex would have been a bit more annoyed with his brother. However, he knew it was more to tease him than anything. Sanders had the misconception that Zelia and Trex were a thing. Not that it would... Trex looked ahead. There was no time for a relationship. Besides, they were just friends. Nothing more. There was no way he was going to ruin his relationship with Zelia for something more. Not that he had time for something more.

The lane stretched on. It was a lot longer walking than riding but Trex was glad to leave the horses behind. There was no point leaving them in the city. It didn't do them well and he couldn't house them or care for them as he would have liked. He glanced slightly over at Zelia. She did a great thing helping buy the horses. If it wasn't for her, it would have taken him a lot longer to finally acquire them - assuming they were not dead by then. The previous owner did not know how to take care of animals and should never had them. He breathed in the cool morning air as he pushed the anger aside. It didn't matter anymore. The horses were free and they would not be dealing with that man again.

The wagon hitting a rut jarred Skye from her sleep. She was halfway, her hand on her sword before she realized where she was. Glancing over at Flynn she breathed a sigh of relief that he hadn't noticed her jolt. Glancing around, she tried to pick her barrings. They had been riding in the wagon a good portion of yesterday and all night. They should be reaching Magnolia shortly.

As if on cue, water appeared on the distant horizon. The morning sun reflected off the lake outside of Magnolia. It was a beautiful scene really. The sun on the water, the colors... Skye glanced away. Beauty was deceiving. Some of the most pretty things turned out to be the deadliest. It was better to stay away then to get close and get burned.

Skye glanced at the driver. He was slumped over as usual, chewing a wad of his disgusting tobacco. Turning, he his head, he spat on the side of the road. Skye shook her head and looked away.

"Well, look who's finally awake." The man said catching sight of her. He looked her over, slightly disinterested, before glancing ahead again. "You mutter in your sleep, you know that?"

Skye reddened. What exactly was she saying? Dreams from the previous night came back. They weren't pleasant - but then again, since Tye showed up, they rarely were.

"Couldn't make out half of it but remind me never to try and wake you. Nearly skewered your boyfriend here." Skye paled and glanced at Flynn. He seemed to be alright. "Don't worry. You didn't get him but you were out of it. Thankfully, you went back to sleep without much of a fuss. Though, I think he still might have your knife." The driver spat again before yawning. "After that, he took over for a bit and let me sleep. Probably to make sure you didn't go crazy again." He shook his head. "Not that I minded. Not every day I transport a couple were the girl is trying to kill her boyfriend when she's half a sleep."

"Were not a couple." Skye muttered, her face scarlet. What had Flynn heard? She didn't really remember waking up. She remembered several nightmares but not much else.

"Anywho were almost to your destination." The man nodded toward Magnolia. "You can wake your boyfriend anytime now. As I said, I don't have time to go into the city but I can drop you off close. After that tree there, you'll have to walk." The wagon slowed. "It was mighty fun but don't forget my pay." He smiled. "Stories aren't everything."

"Sure." Skye brought out her bag and paid the man. "Thank you."

"No problem. Now wake your boyfriend and get. I got a lot to do. Though, if he wakes up fighting, I wouldn't be surprised."

Blushing again, Skye turned away. She nudged Flynn. "Flynn, were here," she said quietly.

"You got to be louder than that girl." The driver reached back and hit Flynn on the leg. "We're here. And as much as I appreciate you driving for me, you need to get. I have to be in Onibus before dark and I can't take the train."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 6 days ago

Zelia laughed a little as Sanders continued his flirtations and offered for her to return if she wished. Although, he stated it in a way that sounded once more like Zelia and Trex were more than just friends. She shook her head slightly, as he kissed her hand, “It was wonderful to meet you as well,” She looked around at Trex’s family and smiled, “All of you. Thank you for allowing me to stay in your home.”

She gave into Sanders slightly and bid him farewell with a hug. Then they were leaving and leaving Trex’s family behind. She looked at him and could tell that he was going to miss them greatly. She was glad she this chance to meet them all though. Despite not talking a lot about it, she felt like she knew Trex better just by seeing the people he grew up around. His little quirks and intricacies made sense suddenly. She giggled a little as he apologized for his brother’s actions and shook her head, “You needn’t apologize… It was… Endearing… Cute…” She laughed a little more at her choice of words, realizing they could be taken wrong and be assumed as feelings, “Although, more like a cute puppy than anything else.”

She adjusted her bag on her shoulder a little, as they continued their walk in silence. Although, with them silence was never a problem. It wasn’t awkward or strange. It just was, they didn’t need to be constantly talking to be comfortable with the other person…

Besides, they would have run out of topics long ago.
Flynn roused slowly from his sleep only to feel the driver hitting him hard in the leg. He sat up with a start, “Oi. Needn’t be aggressive,” He informed the man with a bit of a smirk, “You don’t get to be a travelling wizard needing that kind of a wakeup call.”

He laughed a little and grabbed his bag. Flynn might have been able to sleep through the bumps on the road but mention his name and he was awake. Although, now and again he did need to be smacked away but this guy didn’t need to know that.

He pulled his bag onto his back and looked at Skye with a grin before he jumped out of the cart and held his hand out to her to help her down, “The walk is pretty short and an easy trek.”

He turned and started to head toward the city. He glanced over his shoulder at her, “I wonder where Trex and Zelia are back yet…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 22 days ago

In all the goodbyes he had almost forgotten the little exceed. It was probably because the little guy had still been a bit sleepy. Now a few hours into the walk, he was wide awake, once again seeming to think that Trex was an irresistible magnet. It wasn't to bad. Trex felt sorry for the little exceed. Separated from his friend must have been hard.

Trex frowned thoughtfully. They were going to have to figure that out. But how to find Gyastu? Natsu and the others weren't sure and if they didn't know, it would be hard to find. If the situation was reversed and the exceed was lost, Trex would head to the exceed elders or even the queen. With only so many exceed in the world, they usually knew where to look - though it still could be difficult. But finding a dragon slayer...

"Bodo, what kind of dragon slayer is Gyastu anyway?" He asked. "Can you give me any information about him?" The more they knew about this man, the better chance they might have in finding him. Dragon slayers were rare. And none of them had the same ability - that he knew of anyway. Maybe they could track this Gyastu by his power. It was worth a shot anyway.

Skye hastily moved back as Flynn sat up. Expressionless she listened to him scold the driver.

The driver just rolled his eyes. "Well you weren't getting up quick enough," he muttered before turning away. He shook his head. "Wizards these days. So jumpy." He looked at them. "Hurry along then. I a'int got all day."

Picking up her bag, Skye moved to the edge. She didn't mind the walk. It was a nice day and she could use the extra walking. Since coming to the guild she had done a lot more riding then she was used to. She didn't mind the extra opportunities to get more walking in. It helped strengthen endurance. She almost missed seeing Flynn's hand. She hesitated for a split second. Part of her argued she could handle it herself. Part of her was embarrassed as she remembered the driver's comment about them being a couple. Stubbornly not wanting his words to impact her she accepted Flynn's help down. "Thanks," she said glancing away. She wasn't used to accepting a lot of help.

As soon as she was down the man started the wagon and drove off, leaving them in his dust. Alright then. Skye turned and headed toward the city, keeping pace with her taller comrade.

She wondered if she should ask for her knife back. She balked. She didn't want to face the conversation that would result from it. Conspicuously, she glanced at him. He didn't look like she had hurt him. Apparently, she had been conscious enough to realize he wasn't the enemy but enough out of it that her first strike hadn't hurt him. Or had it? She wondered if she should bring it up?

His question caught her off guard. They were going to 'Trex's' - a place in the country. She wasn't sure how far away that was but it had only been a couple days since they had parted ways. They had the horses and didn't they have some little cat - exceed with them? "I don't know," she replied not sure. How far away was Trex's place in the country? They did have horses so that should speed things up. Then again, the horses were more like nags and wouldn't be able to be used for actually riding. The four of them alone could barely pull the wagon. Maybe she was overthinking it.

It really hadn't been that long since they parted. The library had taken most of the day but it had been worth it - for Flynn. With a whole book on the blue color key, they might actually find it before someone else did. Someone like Tye. Her hand instinctively went back to the hilt of her sword. Where were they now? Were they waiting to ambush them? She glanced around. It was still early enough that not a lot of people were out. However, this area was well traveled and there wasn't a lot of dangerous areas to hid in. There was more threat in the city among the alleyways. Realizing Flynn said something, Skye snapped to attention. "Sorry, what?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 6 days ago

Bodo hopped from Zelia onto Trex's shoulder as the man asked about his Dragon Slayer. The little exceed smiled, "Earth," He said, waving his paws out to the nature around them, "Very strong. Like Trex."

Zelia laughed a little at the exceeds complete and utter fascination with Trex. She could see that it made Trex uncomfortable but it was good for him too. Got his socialized with people outside of their little group. Although, Zelia was curious about this missing Dragon Slayer. If they truly were so powerful, had they abandoned Bodo? Or had someone even more powerful, that they would have to face, taken him from his friend. She looked about the unlikely pair and wondered what their future held... How dangerous were things going to get? What kind of trouble were they going to get into trying to find Gyatsu... If they even wanted to be found.


"I said we're close to the guild," Flynn said over enunciating despite the fact that he knew Skye had just not been paying attention rather than not having heard him. He chuckled a little to himself then looked ahead, "I don't feel like Zelia and Trex are back though..." His hand went to his keys as he toyed with them. As much as he liked having the time to hang around the guild and see Lucy. However, there was another key out there and it seemed like this was a race against time and people... Who knew if there were more of these books out there and more people with information. He pressed his lips together, ultimately, he just wanted to get out and save that key...

He plucked his keys off his chain as they got to the guild, opening the door for Skye. He took a deep breath, looking around. Sure enough, the rest of their team had yet to arrive. He looked down at Skye, "I'm going to go talk to some of my spirits... See if they can't help any with this quest."

He walked further into the guild to a private room. Taking hold of the green key, he held it out and summoned his newest spirit.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 22 days ago

Trex frowned. Earth huh? He ignored the slight twinge of jealousy as Bodo talked about how powerful Gyatsu was. It was just another reminder of dragon slayer magic and how some people had it and others didn't. No. He wasn't going to complain. Some people were gifted with extreme talents - good for them. Others, had to work at it.

"Do you guys travel a lot?" He asked looking at the exceed. "Maybe we can retrace some of your journeys and see if we can find this Gyatsu. Has he ever done this before? Let you that is?" He paused. "Actually, how about you give us some information on how Gyatsu found you, how long you've been with him, and anything you think might help track him back down. What are his interests? Is he a city person or rural? Seafood lover or vegetarian? Any details you have could help us track him down."

No matter Trex's own personal feelings on the matter, he could never stand by when someone needed help. He promised to help this little Exceed (despite his annoying personality) find his friend and he would do so. He was Fairy Tail. They did what was needed.

He looked over at Zelia as Bodo talked. He knew she would be willing as well. However, he really didn't want to ask the rest of the team to volunteer to find Gyatsu. They hadn't had a decent job in awhile - as they had been looking for keys. This recent job on delivering a package really hadn't brought in a lot of money. Trex knew that wouldn't last them long and he guessed the others were all probably on reserve with their funds.
Skye felt bad having missed tuned out Flynn. She nodded as he repeated himself. They made it to the guild and, per Flynn's guess, found that Trex and Zelia were not there. Skye nodded politely as Flynn mentioned he was going to go talk to his spirit. "I'll wait around here." She said not wanting to intrude on his conversation and not sure if he wanted her there. "Good luck."

She watched him walk off before looking around. The guild was a bit empty but there were still people around. Cana was in the corner drinking, a couple new wizards were talking boisterously. She decided to hit the training room. She needed a good physical workout and it would help keep people from distracting her.

He wasn't surprised when Flynn summoned him. Floren appeared before Flynn with his usual bored demeanor. "Sir." He gave a slight bow. Floren was a color key spirit. One of the rare, powerful spirits of the Celestial Spirit World. However, one would never have guessed. He had a gothic kind of appearance, an apathetic/bored face, and a depressing outlook. It actually made sense for those who knew him. Floren was the Spirit of poisons. He used poison magic to either kill or heal - depending on the situation. But overall, he was apathetic and did only what was required of him. Though, he secretly was glad that he fell in Flynn's hands versus that wizard from Caelum. He just regretted that Twila had to suffer because of it.

"How may I assist you today?" Floren asked turning his attention back to his master.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 6 days ago

Bodo was taken back by the sudden barrage of questions. He supposed they had all be focused so much on other things they really hadn't had the time to talk about Gyatsu. The little exceed grinned, "Well, that's quite the story," He clung to Trex's head, his little legs falling over his shoulders as he received a piggy back from the man. The little exceed went on to tell the incredible story about how he found Gyatsu soon after the completion of training with the earth dragon, Eijil. Bodo continued onto say how the friendship grew quickly and Gyatsu can't think of a way to live or fight without him which is, of course, why he is so worried about his friend.

Zelia watched the horizon as Bodo went on and on about Gyatsu. Everything from favourite colours (Green and Brown) to favourite places (Forests and the country side). Bodo chatted away about his missing friend the whole walk back to Magnolia. Zelia stopped for a moment and looked over her shoulder, "That walk seemed quick," She said softly.

She supposed the two of them had moved slower to keep an eye on the horses and ensure that they didn't grow tired. She began to walk again, only then realizing that her legs were sore. She rubbed them a little, "Good thing we are close to the guild... I wouldn't mind sitting down for a moment."


Flynn smiled as Florin appeared in front of him. This was so cool! A real coloured key standing in front of him, his partner. He wasn't sure if he'd be able to get used to the feeling. He nodded his head to the green key spirit, "Please, just call me Flynn... If that, of course, is alright. We don't need any formalities... We're friend, if you want to be... Partners. All that..."

He walked over to the near by table and held his hand out to the other seat, "Have a seat, if you want... I just have some questions that I figured you might want to answer..."

He took a deep breath, "I know that it is a bit of a rule that you spirits aren't supposed to talk about other spirits to us... So if any of this doesn't sit well with you to answer, please don't," He bit his lip before continuing, "I just want to ask about the poor spirit that belongs to the Caelum wizard, Twilla. Is she safe? I have a feeling it was her that brought me the dream of your key... Pea mentioned you wanting to be with me and someone else had to help you... I just want to know that she isn't in trouble because I fear what her partner might due to her if she knew... Should I go to her and see if I can help... If I can break her contract?"

He shook his head, "I'm not saying I could do any better for her but if she fears her partner or that woman brings her harm... I just want her to be safe......... Which brings up the question of a different key, one I don't think anyone possesses. The blue key, if we had to delay our adventure to get it, to help Twilla or anything else. Do you think it is hidden enough that it will be where these books say? Are these books even accurate?

"I'm sorry, it's a lot of questions... I just can't seem to find any answers of my own."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 22 days ago

Trex tolerated the little guy riding him as he listened to the exceed go on about Gyatsu. Most of it didn't help really. But some of it gave a clue to where to search. So the guy liked forests and countryside. That meant probably not major cities or the coast. He did find it interesting how Gyatsu "needed" Bodo to actually fight. He did admit the little exceed was enthusiastic, though slightly egotistical.

"Thanks, Bodo." He said. He paused when Zelia stopped. He gave a slight nod. "You good?" he asked. He nodded to her response. "Well the guild's just up ahead. I bet Mirajane will have something cool to drink." He glanced back down the road. It had been a good several hour walk. Going up to the guild door, he opened it and let Zelia pass through before entering. It was fairly rowdy, though nothing like when Natsu and Grey were around. He gave a two finger salute to a couple people who called their greetings. "Go ahead and sit down." He told Zelia. "I'll get us something."

He picked the exceed up off him and set him down. "You too." He really wasn't that comfortable having a little cat on him in front of everyone. It kind of through off his whole "tough" retinue when you had a cat with that silly looking hat riding on him. He didn't tell the exceed that. He didn't want to hurt the little guy's feelings, but still... He headed toward the bar to get some drinks, and possibly food from Mirajane.
Florin shrugged. "If I can," he said after Flynn said he had some questions. He slumped down into the chair.
It wasn't that he didn't respect his master, he did. But really he was apathetic. That was who he was. There were a few things and people he cared about but even then he had the whole "what will be, will be" attitude.

He listened to Flynn inquire about Twila. She did get into a lot of trouble on Florin's behalf. Just goes to show that he probably should have just kept his mouth shut. It wasn't like it would have been very drastic difference - in fact, it could have been that Flynn would have found his key before the Caleum wizards anyway. But eh... It worked. Then Flynn moved to the subject of the blue key. Florin listened with his usual half-closed eyes. It was almost as if he wasn't listening but he was. He just didn't show it. He remained silent until Flynn finished.

"First off, you worry to much." He said in his monotone voice. "No offense." It was added more as an afterthought than an attempt to lessen the blow. He shrugged. "Things happen for a reason. Sometimes good, sometimes bad. There are some things you can change on your own and others you can't do anything about. Yeah, I asked Twila for her assistance." He'd probably get in trouble from the Spirit King to be discussing this but eh... what was he going to do? Forbid Florin to enter Earth Land? He didn't care. In fact there was very little that the Spirit King could do because Florin didn't care either way. He continued. "Stupid thing to do but eh what can I do about it now? Sure. Her mistress will get royal ticked off if she found out but there is nothing I can do about it or you. Yeah Twila's forbidden to enter Earth Land on her own without being summoned but other than argue with the Spirit King there is nothing you can do on that." He glanced around the room. "You can try to get her key but that would just end up with you or one of your spirits fighting her. And though I have no issue doing whatever, I can tell you that Twila's pretty fierce - despite being reclusive. They say she's probably near the top of us main color keys, just under the brown key." He shrugged. "I can poison her mistress if you want?" He offered. "Whatever. Though no guarantee she won't see it coming."

"As for the blue key, eh. You should be fine. He's been there for who knows how long. Nobody's figured out the clues yet. I doubt anyone will now." He looked at Flynn. "And no I won't give it away as it's not my place. Hypocritical? Eh. Maybe. But whatever."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 22 days ago

Everyone should have expected it. Those along the border had seen feared it. The tensions had been near an all time high between the kingdoms of Fiore and Seven. However, it was still a surprising shock when Seven launched a surprise magical attack. They completely took over the local garrison and pushed into Fiore. The army was not prepared to face so many magic users. Thus the guilds were called up. Every available wizard was recruited and assigned to different battalions and groups to fight the invasion. Trex volunteered to serve with his brother and ended up separated from the rest of his team.

Though it was a bit brutal and some of the battles fierce, the war itself didn’t last that long. The devastation in the first early months caused the other nations to rise up and demand a cease-fire. Anything large scale fighting with magic brought a lot of concern. There hadn't been a large scale magical war since Zerif and the ramifications of that had been nearly devastating. It was said that only due to the Dragons and fairies, had the world been saved. And considering both species were now gone, one extent and the other who knows where, there wouldn't be anyone to save them. Thus the other nations forced a cease-fire. It didn’t solve the issues but it ended the war.

Making his way back to Magnolia, Trex was grateful for the peace though he didn’t know how long it would last. The relations between Seven and Fiore hadn’t been good for a long time now and had only kept deteriorating. And even though the war was over, Fiore was bottled up tight. Per the agreement, wizards on both sides had to go back to their guilds but no one commented about those that did ‘quests’ near the border to keep an eye out – on both sides. As it was, no one was allowed in or out of the country and all foreigners were continued to be looked down as spies. That brought a slight concern as Trex wondered how Skye faired. Though, she had done well to hide it, she was foreign born. Though he doubted the team would have given her away, there was still an option that she could have been discovered. He pushed the worry aside. Flynn would have said something. She had been with him and Lucy and if something had happened, Flynn would have contacted him and Zelia.

Zelia. Just the thought of her made him pick up his pace. He hoped she was doing well. They both had been so busy that he didn’t know where she was at the moment or what she had been doing during the war. He had to believe she was safe. He had monitored the list of the dead carefully and frequently keeping an eye on his guild mates and his teammates. Though the guild had lost several wizards, none of the team had been mentioned. So that meant she had to have been safe. Reaching the street and seeing the guild hall made him move a bit quicker. Entering he glanced around. His eyes lit up briefly as he spotted Flynn, Skye and Lucy in the corner. Good. Flynn had mentioned in message that they were headed back. He headed over to them.

“Hey.” He smiled wearily. He laughed and slapped Flynn on the back. “Glad you managed to stay out of trouble.” He nodded to Skye. “Skye.”
Skye watched the former teammates exchange greeting. She gave a slight nod to Trex when he acknowledged her. “Trex. Glad to see you made it.”

There was no hint of accent in her tone – as usual. But what was surprising – at least to Trex – was there was a bit of emotion behind the words, indicating she was actually glad. That was different. Trex was going to have to talk to Flynn later and see what was going on. Skye was usually very closed. Tucking it away for later, he turned to Lucy. “Hi Lucy. Glad you’re doing well. I heard the rest of your team managed to make it through safely. Though Natsu did cause a major ruckus in Tontin.” He said referring to a border town. It was disputed that the dragon slayer might have caused more harm than good when he drove off the invaders. But that was Natsu.

It was good to be back. He sat down and glanced around, hoping to see Zelia just walk up. But no. He looked at the others. “So, anyone hear from Zelia?” He tried to keep his tone nonchalant.

Ryzo walked along the tunnel looking for a way out. How he got here was still undetermined. But what he did know was none of his magic worked. The collar around his neck ensured that. His fist tightened. Again, he vowed that he’d find those responsible. Not that he was completely helpless. Unlike most wizards he didn’t fully rely on his magic abilities – especially considering they were a bit…peculiar. Combine that with the fact he grew up in Caelum – the wild, danger infested islands off the cost of Fiore, he had no concern about his survival. Though, he did wish he knew where he was and how he got here.

Walking, he slowed as he saw a room ahead. There was a shadow – someone was in there. This was the first individual he had seen since arriving. He wondered if they would be a threat. Reaching into his cloak, his hand tightened on his knife – which surprisingly had been left. Everything had remained left alone – only his magic and the collar was different.

Stepping into the room, he stopped surprised. He hadn’t expected to see her here. He let go of the knife and slipped his hand back out of his cloak. However, he was still weary. Last they met they had been enemies. “Zelia. Pleasure.” His accent was obvious and he stayed by the door watching to see how she would react.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 6 days ago

Flynn grinned at the sight of Trex coming through the door and striding over to their table. The man seemed well, which was all that any of them could hope for after the war. He'd been keeping up with the lists and names but John Does had always worried him. However, he was here with all of his limbs, greeting them all again. Flynn chuckled a little as Trex patted him on the back and gave a small wave before the man turned his attention to the others. The conversation was light and joyful, everyone was glad to be back... He couldn't help but feel a small feeling of dread at the mention of Zelia. Letters from her had been sporadic through out the war. She'd been running all over the place apparently, acting as a bit of a nurse. Seven hadn't been too kind with the infirmaries, so she had gone to assist both with healing and defending and her magic had helped with all of that.

Flynn gave Trex a small smile, "Absence truly does make the heart grow fonder..." His voice trailed off, failing to keep the jubilant tone from moments before. He shook his head, "I haven't heard from her in a while... She stopped sending letters and the last we heard was she was getting pretty close to the border..." He held Trex's gaze for a moment, "That being said she get distracted in her work and sending letters back is difficult... especially when she doesn't know exactly where we are... I'm sure she's just making her way back but helping everyone along the way... A lot of devastation that she'll want to heal."


Zelia sat with her head between her knees, her fingers wrapped around the collar that was stuck around her neck. She didn't know how long she had been there, how long it had been since she had eaten or seen daylight. She didn't know if the war had ended or if the world above had been destroyed. Her hands were raw and bloodied from clawing at the walls in a desperate attempt to leave this place. She didn't even really know how or why she was here...

At the sound of footsteps Zelia's head shot up. She grabbed a nearby rock before she struggled to her feet. She was weaker than she once was and she'd be lying if she didn't say that she hoped it was food coming to her. However, that was not the figure that came into view. Rather, it was the last person on earth that she had ever wanted to see again. At the sound of his voice escaping his lips, she tossed the rock at him. It was weak and barely would have hurt but she wanted to hit him. She was smart though, without her magic she would be overpowered easily... She stared at him, "I can't say that the feeling is mutual," Her voice was cold as she leaned back against the wall and slid to the ground, "I think I'm just about as happy to see you as I am to be here."

She pointed to the far end of the small room, "If you have to be here... sit over there."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 22 days ago

Trex frowned slightly. He had received one or two letters early in the war but the squad he had been with had been a lot on the move and deep in Seven territory so that hadn't been surprising. They hadn't had a lot of correspondence let alone communication while in Seven territory. Not only had it been hard to track them down but it hadn't been wanted for the enemy to know where they were at any given moment. He smiled gratefully at Maryjane as she set a drink in front of him.

"Welcome back, Trex. Glad you made it safe," she said giving him a smile though there was a hint of sadness in her eyes. Not every Fairy Tail wizard had made it back. It was mostly some of the newer ones but still... Every member held a place in her heart. She headed off, knowing the team wanted to get caught up.

Trex took a drink and then looked at Flynn. "I wonder if the Master knows where she is." The war had ended about a three weeks ago. It had only taken him so long to get back due to where he had been. Though there was a possibility that she could have been deployed in a area that made her return a bit longer, it didn't seem likely. Not from what Flynn had said and what her initial letters had mentioned. The war hadn't gone on to long for the wizards to be reassigned much. "You don't think she's MIA do you?" He asked.

He didn't care about the slight fact the questions made him look concerned. He was concerned. She was a teammate and...maybe he did feel something more. He usually didn't dwell on the feelings he had. They were teammates and he had been content to leave it be. But war and battle changes things. Especially considering he hadn't seen her in some time. In the past, they had fought side by side against monsters. And though he might have been slightly worried at times, he had always had her back - and her him - so it hadn't been as difficult.
~ ~ ~

Ryzo frowned slightly as he noted the lack of strength behind the throw. His quick eyes examined her. She didn't look to good. Her hands were rough, she looked a bit gaunt - like she hadn't eaten in awhile. How long had she been here? Why hadn't she left the cavern? It didn't make sense to sit here while there were caverns to explore. Sure, there was a trickle of water here to drink but she looked like she hadn't left this room in some time. He frowned and turned, a heavy suspecion hitting him. Sure enough, the entrance he had came through was gone replaced with cave wall. Magic. His eyes narrowed. He would have to examine it more intently but first...

He looked back at Zelia. Ignoring the fact she told him to sit elsewhere he headed over and sat down next to her. She was weak. Though she hadn't seem pleased she really didn't attack him. "How long have you been here?" He asked quietly. There was some concern in his voice.

Reaching into his cloak he pulled out something wrapped in cloth. Unwrapping it partly, he withdrew some dried meat of some kind. He was from Caelum. It was always a good idea to carry some supplies on you in case of emergency. Putting the majority of it back, he held it out to Zelia. "It's perfectly fine," he said not knowing how she'd respond. "If I wanted you dead, wouldn't I just let you starve?" There was a slight hint of sarcasm in his tone. But then again, he didn't blame her lack of trust. He had been the one responsible for keeping her asleep that one time. Something he had not regretted.

He leaned against the cave wall and glanced around the small room. It wasn't that big. It wasn't too bad except you couldn't escape and apparently there was no food in here. Thankfully, there was water. Otherwise, he might have ran across Zelia's corpse. And then followed her in death within a few antagonizing days.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 6 days ago

Flynn frowned at Trex's question, he didn't even try bug him about his concern... Flynn was concerned too. The entire guild was concerned about anyone that they didn't know the location of. Some names had popped up with the words deceased attached and it was like a punch in the gut but it was almost with those they had no clue about. Everyone wanted so badly to hold onto hope but those people were popping up dead more often than alive and it was hard to think about what the outcome of their friends like Zelia were. Flynn sighed and ran his hand over his mouth before he shook his head, "I don't know... I mean... I guess she is because, well, no one knows where she is..."

There was nothing worse than telling his friend that... or admitting it to himself. He had seen for sometime now how Trex looked at Zelia and maybe it was something he just refused to admit or something that he wasn't even really aware of but the man cared deeply, deeper than just friends, for Zelia. He knew that the truth, that their friend was missing, had to be even more painful for Trex than it was for him or Skye to hear.

He pursed his lips and pulled out a letter, "This was the last we heard from her..."

Dear Team,

I've moved closer to the Seven border in hopes of getting earlier access to the wounded troops. The men and women that were arriving at our last base camp were on their last breaths and we had to really fight time to save the ones we did. I'm hoping that by being closer to the border, we'll have a better chance of saving our soldiers. Good news is Trex hasn't come through our tents yet and I haven't seen his name on any of the lists of confirmed dead. I think we should really have more faith in him, he is a strong wizard. One of the strongest I know and yet... I can't help but check the lists just to make sure. I couldn't imagine what I'd do if I saw his name on that list...

It's hard not knowing where everyone is or telling you where I am... I'm just glad that I can get these letters to you all.

I hope everything is still doing well where ever it is you are. I'm happy to hear that Skye is doing well to fit in! I wish I could be there with you all, that we could be a team again.



Zelia slowly turned her head to look at Ryzo as he completely ignored her and rather than sitting at the other end of the room he sat next to her. She closed her eyes and sighed, knowing that he wasn't going to move away and that she didn't have the strength to move him, "I don't know... A week... maybe... Can't exactly tell the time here.. can't rely on food or sleep to help me remember..."

She looked down when he pulled something out of his cloak and stared at the food he presented her. She was incredibly hesitant as he had never given her any real reason to trust him... However, as he reasoned as to why it was a fine and he had to ill intentions she slowly reached out and took the dried meat from him. She glanced up at him and nodded her head, "Thank you," She said quietly before she turned to her hand a gently nibbled on it. She refused to gobble it all down, as much as she wanted to, it wasn't going to be helpful. Her stomach would probably be shocked by the sudden amount of food and she'd probably just hate herself for not making the food last to begin with.

She sat there for a second, "So... Do you know where we are?"
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