Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DeadlyPhoenix
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DeadlyPhoenix Born from the Ash

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Artemis blushed bright red (probably for the first time in her life) as Kai handed her the kerchief. She took it softly from his hands. "Thanks." She said as she brushed off the tear with the soft cloth as he spoke. She could not believe that he was even talking to her about how it made her stronger. She knew it had made her stronger, but the pain will always be there. Though as he spoke, she could feel the pain softly drifting away. "That is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me." She said as she handed the cloth back to him. She felt butterflies all over almost suffocating her. She had no clue what this feeling was or what caused it...all she knew was that it had something to do with Kai. "I do agree that my experience made me stronger. I just have some bad days where they rear their ugly heads." She said with a small laugh. It was the first real laugh in a long time. Joy was hard to come by when you traveled alone most of your life.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by RenaKin90
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RenaKin90 The Beauty Who Tamed The Beast

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@Smiter19 @DeadlyPhoenix

Rena turned her head as he spoke, she felt a pain inside her stomach as he described Saedd's condition. This is my fault... She thought to herself as she blinked. Her eyes watered and she quickly shook her head. The last thing she wanted to do was cry in front of people. She drew in a deep breath, and slowly nodded. "If you think that's what is best for him; we should do it," she agreed and glanced towards the others. "We should find out if they will travel with us, it might be difficult without your wagon." Saedd was a well build man, she couldn't carry him and she didn't want to burden Talon anymore than she already had.


Kai smiled towards her laugh, as he took the kerchief back. He folded it back into a neat square and tucked it away. "It's a shame that words coming from a vampire were the nicest thing a lady has heard." He was raised to always be proper, regardless of race. He took in a sigh as he watched the apothecary and the young girl talking. Her appearance bothered him, there was something about her that she was hiding. He felt an awkward silence lingering between him and Artemis, this was the longest conversation he had had with someone in years. "Well, I..." He stammered, he was at a loss for words. "I could travel with you if you want."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DeadlyPhoenix
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DeadlyPhoenix Born from the Ash

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Artemis soon felt the pause was a bit tense until he spoke again. "Well... I would actually like that if you wanted to come with. I am sick of being on my own as it is." She said letting out a laugh and a small smile. "I don't want to be keeping you if you need to be somewhere though." She said silently wishing their was no one else. She would be mad at herself if he had someone else to go home to.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Smiter19
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Smiter19 Eye in the Dark

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Talon walked a circle around Rena, "if we need to get someplace in a hurry," he removed a dagger from his sleeve, "then you do it. It'd be best to take care of it now rather than having to leave him to the Vampires. Think about it... We get jumped by a group of five or more... whose going to pick him up when we are all occupied defending ourselves... next thing you know..." Talon grabbed Rena's shoulders, "they'll take off with him. What is a worse fate." Talon walked around Rena stopping in front of her. He reached the dagger out to her, handle first.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by RenaKin90
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RenaKin90 The Beauty Who Tamed The Beast

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Rena blinked, slightly taken back by the fact he had brought out a dagger. She recalled he hadn't mentioned anything about killing Saedd, only that he was dead weight. She looked down at Talon's hand before glancing back towards Valkim's home. Wny me? She bit back a groan as thoughts over-whelmed her. Most of the time, she would not have given any one her time of day and moved on. He was different, however. Saedd risked his life just to help her with her ankle in the pouring rain; where as he could have just left her there to fend for herself. Her hands twitched into fists at her side and she shook her head. "Then I would rather deal with it then," she pushed the dagger to the side. "If I have to carry him I will. I will not be the one to take his life." Her voice was firm as she narrowed her eyes and dropped her hands back to her side.



Kai gave a small chuckle as he looked over at her and shook his head. "No," he said plainly. A light breeze blew his bangs across his face as he watched the trees carefully. "I've been alone since I've left, I suppose it won't be so bad having a companion until you're sick of me." He laughed. His eyes soon fell on the elf girl talking to the apothecary. "Seems something is going on about the crazy man," he said referring back to Saedd when he was inside. "She doesn't look to happpy." He gave a small nod, referencing to Rena's angry face and how she pushed the apothecary's hand aside. Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at Artemis. He could read her face had a sense of timidness; as if she was anxious about something. He smirked, choosing to ask her later.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DeadlyPhoenix
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DeadlyPhoenix Born from the Ash

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Artemis saw she was upset. "We may need to find out what is wrong." She said as she headed over to the apothecary and the halfling. "What has happened Rena?" She asked hoping Kai followed her. She just hoped that everything was able to move more smoothly. But from the look on everyone's faces...that was a shot in the dark. "Oh no...don't tell me he passed on?" She asked knowing that probably some horrible poisons were on his cart.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Smiter19
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Smiter19 Eye in the Dark

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Talon flipped the dagger in his hands and it disappeared back in his sleeve. He patted Rena's shoulder as he stepped past her and knelt down next to Saedd. He ran his hand up his stomach to his chest and back down to his stomach.

"You are in good hands my friend," Talon said with a smirk under his mask. He murmured a spell and levitated Saedd off the ground about three feet up. He turned to Rena again.

"That should help you out. Just push him in the direction you want him to go," Talon said demonstrating by nudging Saedd a bit to watch him effortlessly float away. He grabbed his foot and pulled him to Rena. The harder she pushed him the farther and faster he'd float away.

Talon heard that Artemis had walked up asking what was happening. He didn't say anything until she asked about Saedd passing on. He turned to her seeing that Rena was already a little distraut.

"He hasn't passed on yet," he said walking towards her, "I've put a spell on him so that he will be easier to move. Just know, that if he is hurt he the spell will be broken."

"If you'd like to make our next trip easy," Talon said, "you could kill him now," he removed a dagger from his sleeve again, "but since he isn't your family and you probably don't feel indebted to him, I won't allow it and neither will she," he continued pointing his dagger to Rena, "nonetheless, the vampires will kill him if they get the chance but if they can spare him as a living meat sack, they will capture him. If this happens, his fate will be far worse when and if he wakes up, so just kill him."

Talon turned his attention back to Rena and Saedd as he hid his dagger again. He was really contemplating trying to get her to kill him again, but then that'd just be sick. If she did it when she was first offered, that would have been funny. Talon smirked to himself as he continually felt the presence of Kai and the Demon.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by RenaKin90
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RenaKin90 The Beauty Who Tamed The Beast

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@Smiter19 @DeadlyPhoenix

Rena moved to stand by Saedd's shoulder and she placed her hand on it gently; keeping him beside her. "I said we're not killing him," she said sternly. The thought lingered, however. She knew he was right, a fate at the hands of the vampires was far worse than this. He would probably hate her once he found out what she was, would it truly be better this way? She gritted her teeth and shook her head. "We should get moving before the sunlight disappears," she finally said; looking to the others. "They hunt at night." Her hands flexed a bit, it had been almost three weeks since she herself did. She knew she would need to soon, but she had to separate herself from the others.

Kai stayed close to Artemis, but kept quiet. He just examined the situation, looking over the passed out man. What they spoke was truth; this man is a "floating" death sentence. If they were cornered at any point, would this girl really let her life be on the line for this man? It didn't make any sense to him. He cleared his throat as she commented. The shade was disappearing and the setting sun would soon be upon them. He side stepped to stay in the remaining shade. "She is right, we should get going."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

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@renakin90[I have no idea who else is there]

Feon found herself stumbling close to a house. She had a flask with her and she smelled of liquor. Feon was never a very lady like girl as such she often got herself into fights with others. Though lately she had been fighting inanimate things as well more often than not she ended up knocking over a tree. As she walked she noticed a strange floating man, though before she knew it she bumped into him. "Hey what the hell! Watch where your going!" Feon yelled out going into a drunken fighting stance. She just then noticed the others in the area as well. "Who the hell are you guys?" Feon asked with a bit of hiccup.

The smell of liquor was certainly strong with her, though lucky for her, fighting often sobered her up. "You wanna fight?" She asked her words slurred a bit as she wobbled and struggled to keep her balance. "Your friend needs to watch where he's going, the idjit nearly knocked me over!" Feon added making quite a bit of noise.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DeadlyPhoenix
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DeadlyPhoenix Born from the Ash

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Artemis looked over at Kai. "Are you going to be okay in the light?" She asked curiously. She would not want anything to happen to him. He was probably a very skilled fighter to scare the other vampires. That and deep down she wanted to get to know him better. "Should we wait to travel till its safe for you?" She asked looking as the sun started to rise slowly.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by RenaKin90
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RenaKin90 The Beauty Who Tamed The Beast

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Rena scowled, her eyes turning their intense green as the drunken woman caused Saedd to move. "Is it safe for you to even be out in public?" She remarked, a bit of venom in her voice. She shifted to move her passed out companion beside Talon and Artemis, it was strange. She was pushing him around like he was a wagon of some kind. Another stranger joined them, this was growing tiresome. She was getting a headache; perhaps she had been in the sunlight too long. She ran her hand over her face and winced. She was sunburned already, and there wasn't even that much sun thanks to the ran. Her eyes burned towards the woman again. "Demanding who we are? Be brave for someone who can't even stand up straight."


Kai gave her a small smile and waved his hand. "Please don't worry," he mentioned calmly before the loud woman appeared. He could feel Rena's tension and anger at the slightest touch to the man. He raised an eyebrow curiously as he stood between the two girls. He could feel the faint sunlight against his fair skin, already turning it red. "I'll be fine, Artemis." He called to her as he kept his stance between the two.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Smiter19
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Smiter19 Eye in the Dark

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"Oh come on," Talon scoffed as he could feel Rena's and Kai's discomfort as the sun hit them and scolded their skin, "I am literally capable of creating shieldings for you," Talon said as he grabbed Saedd and pushed him away from the newcomers approach of hostility.

"All you guys need to do is ask," Talon muttered as he called Delikeesh over. He pointed at he drunken wench and it checked her with its hip. It wasn't an incredibly hard blow but it was hard enough to cause her to fall over. Delikeesh put one of her hooves on her back and held her in place while Talon knelt down in front of her.

"What is your name? How are you alive right now?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

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Feon seemed to dodge the stamp from the creature with what looked to be pure luck as she moved just barely out of it's way. "Ha! You think such a creature can stop me." Feon said with a drunken smile. She wasn't an ordinary person this much was now proof. She had either a large amount of luck, or a drunken master fighting style. "Your funny." Feon stated now entirely forgetting the weird floating man.

"Names Feon, and the reason I'm alive. I guess you could call it pure luck. Stupid vamps just kept stumbling into my punches and kicks. A few times, and I'm not kidding, they ran into each other!" Feon said with a stupid smile on her face. She then let out a burp. "What are you guys gingers?" Feon stated at this point looking at the two who were rapidly getting sunburns. "Seriously you gotta get a tan if you don't wanna get sunburned." Feon added with a laugh. At this point Feon seemed to be swaying a little less though she was still taking steps in random directions. "So why are you all alive? Are those vamps really as stupid as they were for me?" Feon added with a smile. What she hadn't told them about her fight though was her light imbued fists which gave her an upper hand.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Smiter19
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Smiter19 Eye in the Dark

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"You speak blasphemy," Talon said keeping his distance, "no drunken wench, such as yourself, could've defended herself against a group of vampires. Especially by herself, there is something you aren't telling me. Vampires are very auspicious creatures and would've killed you the instant they saw you. Merely out of fun that is, since they could probably smell that ale on your breath. Made me want to vomit smelling you on your approach."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DeadlyPhoenix
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DeadlyPhoenix Born from the Ash

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Artemis sighed as the drunk woman went on and on how she killed vampires. She believed her but she did have her doubts. How could she fight them off this drunk? It seemed like nonsense but adrenaline can make anyone do crazy things. She looked back over to see that both Rena and Kai were starting to get sunburnt. She reached into her bag on her back and pulled out two blankets. She handed one to each of them. "You can cover up with these for now." She said whispering to Kai and Rena to see if they would like to use them.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by RenaKin90
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RenaKin90 The Beauty Who Tamed The Beast

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@DeadlyPhoenix @Smiter19 @Cuccoruler

Rena blinked as Artemis handed her the blanket, her sunburn must be getting obvious at this point. She hoped they only thought of it as fair skin, but she gave a hidden sigh. It wouldn't be long before her companions found her out. At this point, she just wanted to get Saedd safe and move on before her mother found her. She gave a weak smile to the elf and took the blanket. "Thank you," she said. She draped it over her head as if it were a cloak. She was small enough, that it basically became one. However, she remembered Talon's comment just before he began to argue with the drunk woman... Feon?

Kai smiled and shook his head. "Thank you, but I need to be light." He remarked as his eyes examined the woods. As the two were bickering the trees began to talk and make noise. "Artemis, move the girl and the unconscious one to safety. Something doesn't feel right." The vampire quickly moved between the woman the apothecary. "If you two don't shut up, you'll get us all killed. Keep your wits about you," his dark red eyes peered like daggers to Feon. "Get ready to prove you worth." He hissed and stepped sideways. Suddenly, he was gone. In a flash of darkness, his body no longer stood where it once was. He moved through the trees, following the sounds he originally heard.

[[Don't anyone make any vampires jump out or nothing yet. Kai is doing something.]]
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DeadlyPhoenix
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DeadlyPhoenix Born from the Ash

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Artemis looked to see the concerned look on Kai's face. It seemed very important so she trusted his judgement. "I can do that." She said as she took Rena's hand. "Come with me. I will keep you two safe." She said as she used her other hand to push Saedd with her free hand towards the back of the abandoned house. She hoped there was somewhere outside that she could hide with them. She found a small hut on the outside of the house. "Get in here. I will cast a protection charm so no one but our allies can open the door." She said pushing Saedd inside and held the door waiting for Rena.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by RenaKin90
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RenaKin90 The Beauty Who Tamed The Beast

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Rena hesitated as she followed Artemis, watching as Kai disappeared within the tree line. She could feel the presence. But it was so faint, how could he feel it so strongly? She let out a sigh and nodded as she moved into the hut. She used the blanket to weigh Saedd down a bit so he wasn't as obvious. She knelt down to the ground, putting her hand on his chest. "Can you sense anything?" She asked, looking up at Artemis.

((I shall wait for the other two before I begin my plan with Kai))
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

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Feon turned to look at the forest with a smirk on her face. "I don't see a reason for me to have to prove myself to anyone. I mean, I already know I'm awesome." Feon stated showing off her ego now before getting into a fighting stance, though her stance was mostly her stepping side to side drunkenly while trying to look like she had an idea of martial arts. The fist she had more forward than the other looked like it was giving off heat from the steam coming off of it. But slowly that steam was turning into a bright yellow flame of holy power, it was faint for now but just barely noticeable.

"Honestly, you all seem too serious, should really try drinking some time, gives you a load off." Feon stated, though this comment could be put right back on Feon for when she was sober she was like an entirely different person. The kind of person that hated everyone and trusted no one. Though the bonds she makes while drunk are far better than those bonds she makes while sober.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DeadlyPhoenix
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DeadlyPhoenix Born from the Ash

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Artemis closed the shed door and closed her eyes taking two slow breaths concentrating very hard to remain calm in order to cast the spell. "Enstia Protectia!" She said softly as a white circle with a diamond in the center. She then walked over to the door and tried to listen for anything in the background. "I can hear something. Its hard to tell what it could be. I will keep listening to be sure. It could be villain or an animal since the sun is up." She said looking over at Rena then back at the door.
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