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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vashonn
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@sMoKe I'm down for that idea - I suppose it is up to @Zi to decide whether those cats will work, as well? I wouldn't mind creating an aspiring deputy for the opposing clan, as well as what I already had planned for the main one.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zi
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Zi The Jaguar

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Vashonn It is fine by me

@XxFellsingxX Please do join us :) we love all newcomers :)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 1 day ago

I'll begin work on a CS(es) tomorrow.

Also, I guess I'll share this, in case anyone is interested.

"For the sake of easing the writing load that filling the RP with NPCs will incur, -and to add some character diversity- I would like to make a CS for a rival clan's leader/deputy/MC. That way, once a plot, setting, etc. are established, you (Zi) have a way of disclosing the mood of rival clans, whilst also adding depth in the form of well-developed NPCs.

So, in other words, you (Zi) control the mood of a rival clan while I convey them to the other RPers as an inside source."


"Sounds good to me... If you can get some other players on board with you to do some other clans that would be great :)"


SO! If anyone else is interested in this, I think it would be cool if those of us that can take on 2 characters made a CS for a rival clan -Or perhaps for the "city gangs". I'm thinking 3 clans (including the 'protagonist' clan) would be a good number. Of course, the clans don't necessarily have to be filled with PCs, but the more the merrier. Any takers?

I've offered to make a Side Character from one of the other clans. But I can't make them until @Zi has decided the clans. I'm getting eager to get started.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by fer1323
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fer1323 Roamer of the Internet

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@ZiMy Cs is nearly complete
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 1 day ago

My CS was sent to Zi via pm.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vashonn
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'm posting it all in a new thing cuz, meh, why not? Hopefully that all works. Rainpaw will ultimately be the primary cat, due to Cavetooth's age, and I hope the antagonist clan's cats will work out as well!

Primary cat(s)

Name: Rainpaw
Age/stage in training: 7 moons, Apprentice
Mentor: Cavetooth
Generic size: Small (will grow to be average)

Background: Rainpaw spent his kitten-hood often dreaming of his mother. The enigma that she was, and the fact that no one in the clan would tell her much about her left him often wondering about who it was who had bore him. Her name was Rivernose, and from the few tales his grandfather had told him, he knew that she was a fine huntress, stalking the night's creatures with the grace of the wind. Upon his birth, Rainpaw's mother passed away, leaving Rivernose's father, Cavetooth, to raise the child. Sometimes Rainpaw wondered about his father, too, but knew that after the one time he had asked Cavetooth, and the terrifying fit that followed, it wasn't something to keep on his mind. Now, the tom who raised him now mentored the fledgling apprentice, meticulously training the kit on the ways of the warrior, fussing over minute flaws and brushing off any successes that Rainpaw had, crafting the cat into the perfect hunter.
Personality: Still being young, Rainpaw is curious and full of energy like most apprentices. Oftentimes he can be caught daydreaming about being leader or on a great hunt, and feels bogged down by his responsibilities as an apprentice. He isn't overly sociable but tries to make attempts at forming friendships with others, so far to little avail. He often thinks about making something of himself, and looks up to the warriors around him, hoping to be one of the strongest warriors in his clan's history. Despite his affection for Cavetooth, Rainpaw finds it difficult to relate to his grandfather, worried that he might upset his mentor if he asks for stories of his mother.

Name: Cavetooth
Age/stage in training: 84 moons, Warrior, planning on retiring after he finishes mentoring his apprentice
Apprentice: Rainpaw
Generic size: Average

Background: Cavetooth has lived a long life, watching his clan grow, aiding leaders in their times of need, and becoming something of a stern uncle for most other warriors. From adolescence he worked with all of his strength as a hunter, using his wit and determination to ensure his clan slept with full stomachs and safe from the dangers of the woods and other clans that would try to hurt them. When he was finally ready to have kits of his own, Cavetooth was sure to pick the strongest, most capable she-cat of producing strong offspring. When the time came, a great sorrow struck the clan - the Queen, in giving birth, passed away, and only one kit was born, a small molly with a weak front paw. Cavetooth was heart-broken, sure that he would've had a powerful child of his own that would become a warrior of legend. But despite this, Cavetooth took it upon himself to raise the small feline named Rivernose into a terrifying huntress. When he had learned from his daughter that she had been with a city cat, Cavetooth was outraged and estranged his lone heir for many moons, until the kit was born. Unfortunately, Rivernose had met the same fate as her mother, and upon laying eyes upon his grandson, Cavetooth again took up the responsibility to raise a mighty warrior from the little kit, sure that this time he would do whatever he could to make his heir into one of the greatest tales that the clan would remember.
Personality: Usually a difficult tom to get along with, Cavetooth is not one for theatrics or long-winded speeches, and gets to the point rather quickly. He cares more for action, and when he can get it, he takes it in an instant, the heat of battle or the thrill of the hunt his only driving force. However, in his age it can be noted that the old cat has softened a bit, enjoying a bit of down-time every now and then, and can be useful for tips and tricks - so long as he gets something in return. He tries his best to aid Silentstar when needed. He loves Rainpaw dearly and would do anything to ensure his grandson's safety, but oftentimes comes across too harshly, pushing the young apprentice to try harder despite his successes.

Enemy clan

Name: Torncoat
Age/stage in training: 29 moons, Warrior
Apprentice: 2nd apprentice, Rosepaw
Generic size: big

Background: Torncoat was born with his scar, and bears it with a proud sentiment. He was born the smallest of five kits, but over the coarse of time, each one of them has met their fate, either by thunderpath, disease, or at the paw of the opposing clan. Torncoat takes his survival as reason to believe he is the strongest of all of them, and to disagree with him would claim to have not seen him out hunting. He is known throughout the clan as being one of the fiercest hunters, bringing in the most fresh-kill for the clan and having killed three cats from the opposing clan himself. Just recently he took on his second apprentice, Rosepaw, after claiming he had a dream where she was grown and had slain many cats from the other clan, knowing that he would be the tom to perfect the kit's skill. It wouldn't be surprising to some if he did one day come to lead the clan, but that is for the next leader to decide.
Personality: A true deviant, risking the safety of others to ensure his own gain. However, he masks his vile attitude quite well when among his comrades, and can even be quite playful while out in the field. He doesn't think highly of others, often thinking that the successes of those above him are based solely on luck, not true skill. If he could have his way, he thinks, things would be going a lot better around here, but is willing to cooperate with his superiors to ensure he keeps an elevated status within the clan. One day, he claims, he will become deputy, no matter the cost...

Name: Rosepaw
Age/stage in training: 8 moons, Apprentice
Mentor: Torncoat
Generic size: Tiny (will grow to be small)

Background: Rosepaw has a surprisingly similar history to Torncoat, despite her youth. The little kit was born the smallest of four, and already, only she and a brother (Thornpaw) live, the other two dying from sickness. There have been far too many sleeps disrupted by vivid, brilliant dreams that continue to haunt her, many of which showing her in the midst of battle, or the victor at the end of one. She doesn't know why she keeps getting them, but the other kits go out of their way to avoid Rosepaw when she isn't out hunting with Torncoat. The apprentice is a third of the way through her training, and already she has proven herself to be quite gifted with her ability to hunt and kill prey, giving her mentor a bit of pride to wear on his fur.
Personality: Rosepaw often feels distant from the other cats, usually because her sleeping-fits drive the other kits her age away. The only cats that she feels comfortable being around are her brother Thornpaw and Torncoat, but even then she is rather quiet. Her mother Redclaw often takes care of the little she-cat when she is with the clan, keeping her close when she can, to Torncoat's dismay. He views it as softening the kit up, thinking that the affection would not aid Rosepaw in her training to become a great warrior.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zi
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Zi The Jaguar

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I think this is what my CS will look like... Maybe centered... Idk

Name: SilentStar

Age: 204 moons (Only 1 life has been taken so he is getting quite old again.)

Rank: Leader

Generic size: Small - but very lithe, mobile, quite


Background: SilentStar has been around for a VERY long time, many generations of cats have passed before his eyes, He has become rather introverted from his constant morning of good friends deaths. nevertheless he does a unique superb job at leading the clan. He was appointed young by the previous leader, OwlStar, on their deathbed. he was only about 15 moons when he was appointed, but he had the best deputy in the world, ThunderHeart, that taught him everything with no hard feelings, That was SilentStars first great morning. His mother was a Grey she cat named featherpaw (very young for having kits, died at his birth) and his father was ThunderHeart, who built him into being the greatest clan leader he could be and now he is alone, bonding with cats that come and go before his eyes. When SilentStar was born he was SilentKit because he didn't make a noise at birth and everyone thought he was mute. He earned his apprentice name SilentPaw because he was unbelievably light on his feet and never made any noise while stalking. He was only hardly out of training as, SilentStep, before he was thrown into leading the clan.

Personality: SilentStar keeps to himself mainly, However he does form a strong connection with each deputy. He is always nice to the little ones and considerate of the older ones. He loves caring for his clan and likes to go out on hunting trips and patrols. SilentStar doesnt talk a whole lot, He agrees with "actions speak louder than words" but he does exchange quite a few on his regular check-up around the camp.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Zi
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Zi The Jaguar

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Vashonn Very Good I do like it a lot :)

*EDIT* Send it to me via PM Please
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 1 day ago

@Zi I'll at least post my 'antagonist' here soon.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Working on my CS. Btw, is the position for the medicine cat's apprentice taken? And are loner and/or rogue characters allowed?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zi
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Zi The Jaguar

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@XxFellsingxX No loners... I play those and there arent going to be many at all... (unless you talk to me about it) and nope! You can be the medicine cats apprentice :)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@XxFellsingxX No loners... I play those and there arent going to be many at all... (unless you talk to me about it) and nope! You can be the medicine cats apprentice :)

Okay, cool! I think I might go for that if whoever's playing the medicine cat doesn't mind.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by sMoKe
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sMoKe MX is love. MX is life.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 1 day ago

This is one massive sausage fest.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vashonn
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The link @Zi provided for making your own cat seemed to stop working for me. I'd still try it out, but here's the link to the original game for anyone still needing it:

Create a Warriors Cat
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zi
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Zi The Jaguar

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@sMoKe looking good!

@Vashonn thank you very much.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ladypug
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Member Seen 8 days ago

I haven't been on top of checking the Guild lately, I'm sorry for disappearing like that! I've got my first year of college starting and it's a little hectic and confusing at the moment ouo'''

Before my classes and such started I made quite a few cat designs (no solid personalities, just names and designs) - I'm going to probably only pick one to actually use, but I'll give the others up if we need some NPC cats! 8D
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 1 day ago

I haven't been on top of checking the Guild lately, I'm sorry for disappearing like that! I've got my first year of college starting and it's a little hectic and confusing at the moment ouo'''

Before my classes and such started I made quite a few cat designs (no solid personalities, just names and designs) - I'm going to probably only pick one to actually use, but I'll give the others up if we need some NPC cats! 8D

It's better if we could all chip in some NPCs, right? Less tense for Zi?
That is if course unless Zi wants us to not do so
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vashonn
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by ADParis>

It's better if we could all chip in some NPCs, right? Less tense for Zi?
That is if course unless Zi wants us to not do so

I mean, I've spent a lot of my free time just making more and more cat designs, primarily due to boredom but also because it's turned out to be rather entertaining! So I can always throw a few of those in the pile as well.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 1 day ago

<Snipped quote by LetMeDoStuff>

I mean, I've spent a lot of my free time just making more and more cat designs, primarily due to boredom but also because it's turned out to be rather entertaining! So I can always throw a few of those in the pile as well.

To be honest, I've been doing that too
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