Hidden 8 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Amaralyn
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Amaralyn Flowerchild

Member Seen 12 mos ago

This is the place where I display and store the characters which I have created for various roleplays.

Some characters will resemble me to some extent, while with others I will go more overboard and out of my comfort zone, depending on the type and subject of roleplay.

Megumi Kimiko - Featured in ???
Nora Darby - Featured in 'The Abandoned Bar'
Takahashi Nori - Featured in 'The Dreamwalker Project'
Jørn Hansen - Featured in 'The Sensates Reborn'
Hamasaki Elisa - Featured in 'The Alternate World, Charlotte: Welcome to Star Ocean Academy'
John Foster - Featured in 'The Power of Friendship'
Ueda Natsuki - Featured in 'Relic Girls'
Colin Oakley - Featured in 'Dear Anonymous. . .'
Vincent Bouchard - Featured in 'Dear Anonymous. . .'
Robyn Bennett - Featured in 'Magical Corruption'
Nathan Campbell - Featured in 'Eden Gardens - Love Where You Live'
Tachibana Shiori - Featured in 'Small Town of Wizards and Witches!'
Satou Naomi - Featured in 'Café Crème, the Catmaid Café!'
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Amaralyn
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Amaralyn Flowerchild

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Kimiko Megumi

(Note: I used the Japanese format for names.)

(drawn by me)

Introduce Yourself:
Kimiko Megumi

Where do you come from?:
Megumi is the daughter of a large, wealthy family, consisting of among others monks, commanding officers, and business men. She was born in Kanazawa in a large, traditional house, and has lived here all her life.
The garden, in which a small pond can be found, is situated next to a forest.
During vacations Megumi sometimes stays at the family’s somewhat smaller house, also in traditional style, near a private beach.

What year are you?:
17, second to last year of high school. After high school, she wants to go study biology.

What kind of person are you?:
Megumi is a girl who usually doesn’t show much emotion, although she’s rather sensitive. She often keeps her emotions to herself, which occasionally leads to her bursting out the emotion she feels strongest at a certain moment. Aside from that, Megumi is generally gentle of heart and most of the time acts so as well, but because of her lack of contact with people, except for with her family and servants, she sometimes may act cold-hearted, often not even knowing it comes across as such.
Megumi is a pretty intelligent, quiet and reserved girl, and only speaks when she is asked to do so, or when she really needs to get something of her mind. Because of Megumi’s shy nature, she doesn’t interact often with people, and thus she doesn’t have any friends. She could get along very well with her brother, though. He was the only person by whom Megumi could show what she felt inside in a normal way.

Tell us about yourself!:
Megumi was born together with her twin brother Kenta to a wealthy family in Kanazawa. Both children were mostly raised by the servants, but got attention from their parents every now and then.

The family keeps a weapon that is passed from father to son: a wakizashi which is said to carry great powers. Because of this tradition Megumi’s brother got the most attention in order for him to grow up to be a healthy, strong and happy child. Despite not getting much attention, Megumi still grew up quite happily, according to herself. Throughout her life she developed a love for playing the erhu, reading mythological stories, studying the human anatomy, and studying animals.

Because of the family’s wealth, Megumi and Kenta didn’t go to a public school, but instead received home schooling.

At the age of twelve Megumi’s brother started practising kendo. Megumi was offered to practise other things, like painting and performing ritual dances, but Megumi wasn’t too good nor interested in these two subjects. When Kenta was training, she often observed him from a distance and tried to mimic his movements.

When Megumi and her brother turned sixteen, it was time for Kenta to perform the ritual to obtain the sword. Megumi and her family watched as he immaculately performed the steps and ended by thrusting the blade inside his chest. However, Kenta missed the right spot and dug the blade in too deep. After a moment, he dropped to the ground, blood staining his chest. Her family rushed over to the boy, while Megumi sat there, eyes wide open, not able to move. Suddenly it was as if an unknown force drew her to the sword. She grabbed it, her expression unchanged, and performed the ritual just like her brother had done, though with more grace and something that could be described as passion. As she stabbed herself, a vision appeared to her. A black-haired male, dressed in mostly the same colour as his hair, called Yin approached Megumi and told her his story. She decided to agree with the pact to protect the one’s dear to her, to save the innocent yokai out there, and maybe mostly because she wanted recognition from her family.

At first, her parents were exactly the opposite of thrilled. Understandable, since their son just died, but it wasn’t only that. They were disappointed in her and her father distrusted her. Did Megumi know Kenta would not be able to obtain the sword and would die?
Later, they accepted Megumi and her brother’s fate and offered the girl training in kendo and archery.

Put your best foot forward!:
Megumi is an excellent erhu-player, has become quite skilled a kendo and is starting to learn archery.
While in combat, she is able to gain superhuman strength and speed, and is able to control dark matter, all thanks to the pact with Yin.
At school, Megumi is good at the subjects History and Biology. She especially finds biology interesting and wants to study this when she is done with high school.

Megumi has a scar on her chest from completing the ritual.
She wears a monks bracelet which she received on her seventh birthday from one of her uncles.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Amaralyn
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Amaralyn Flowerchild

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Nora Darby

Eleanor “Nora” Darby




She has a few white spots on the sides of her thighs.

Nora has gained the ability to transform into a deer. This makes her, both in her deer-form as well as in her human-form, fast, nimble, and agile. This way she can move a lot easier, not only moving quicker, but she can also reach places she hadn’t been able to reach before. Nora found out that in her deer-form she seems to have a soothing effect on both humans and animals, but mostly animals. She can also call out to other deer for help, and later she will be able to call out to other animals as well. This way she can cause a stampede of animals and trample that which is threatening her.

A Swiss army knife, for practical use mostly. She also often carries her camera with her.

Nora is somewhat serious and slightly reserved, but often loosens up after a few drinks at the bar. She is friendly to most and likes helping people out. Nora loves being outdoors, mostly hiking and taking pictures of the scenery. After a long day of work, be it her job as a general practitioner or be it hiking, she likes to sit down and relax, either at the bar, or at home, reading a book or sometimes writing something herself. She is also a bit of a dreamer.

Nora grew up rather happily on the countryside together with her father and older sister. Her mother had died a few days after giving birth to Nora, so sadly they never got to know each other, and thus she doesn’t remember a single thing of her. Nora only has an old photo of her, standing next to her father. Years later she would find a box with dozens of photos her mother had taken, which inspired her to start taking photographs as well.

Growing up on the countryside, Nora’s father learned her from a young age how to take good care of herself. She would often help out her father doing his daily tasks, but even more often she would be playing outside with her older sister. As she got older she got less playful and more serious. When she graduated from high school she decided she wanted to go study medicine, for which she needed to move to the city. She moved into a small flat and focused on her study, rather than socializing a whole lot. Over time she started to miss the countryside though, so when she was done with her study and had earned a bit of money working as a general practitioner, she moved back, buying a not too spacious, but still big enough place for herself on the edge of both rural and urban region. It was close to nature, yet also not too far from her job.

One day when she was about to head home, one of Nora’s colleagues asked her to visit a patient who had called and who lived in the direction of her home, just a bit further. Nora accepted the request and got into her car.
After a few hours of driving she found herself completely lost. Although the residence of the patient wasn’t supposed to be much further than her own home, she appeared to be in an isolated area. She stepped up a hill and peered into the distance. Not a single sole could be seen for miles.
Suddenly, she heard a soft rustling which originated from the bushes. Cautiously, she reached for her Swiss army knife. A tawny figure jumped from out of the green shelter. Nora flicked her knife open, defensively reaching it out in front of her, only to face the dark eyes of a deer. Surprised it didn’t run off, she stared into its calm eyes, as if enchanted. Not wanting to scare it, she slowly retreated her knife. The doe stood still for another moment, before gently stepping aside, but keeping eye contact. The animal made another few steps, then paused and looked ahead, as if it were to run off any moment. But once again, it looked at Nora, as if it didn’t want to leave her. Or maybe... as if it wanted Nora follow her? Now Nora didn’t believe in fairy tales and all that, but having no other options, she couldn’t think of a reason how following a deer could do any harm. She would switch on the headlights of her car so that, were she to get lost, she could find her way back. As she approached the animal, it leaped forward, nimbly touching the ground beneath its feet, and came to a stop a few meters ahead. Nora started to run after it, almost stumbling over the rocks and twigs, scattered over the mossy soil. The deer continued its way, stopping every now and then, as if to make sure Nora was still following. And she did. She followed the deer, its every step, its every movement, almost entranced. Then abruptly, she lost sight of the doe. Bewildered and panting she looked around, trying to get a glimpse of where the animal had gone, when a large cabin caught her eye. She paused for a moment, trying to catch her breath, before walking up to the door. She rang the bell. She could hear footsteps from inside drawing near. An elderly man opened up. “Are you the doctor?” he asked her in a soft voice. It took Nora a moment before the words of the man got to her. She was perplexed. “Yes, yes, I am,” she answered and got inside the man’s house.

Half an hour later she had done her job and was back inside her car again, on her way home. By now, the sun had started to set, and the patches of clouds that partly covered the sky had become of a warm shade of pink. Staring at the road in front of her, Nora thought over the strange event. As she pondered about it, she lost track of what was going on in front of her, when suddenly her headlights caught the flash of an animal crossing the road. She slammed her brakes on but it was too late; the last thing she saw right before she shut her eyes tightly was the vision of a deer. Then came the loud thud.
As she slowly opened her eyes, a bright light was the first thing that welcomed her. From out of the brightness, a dark figure stepped forwards, approaching her. She squinted her eyes, trying to focus her sight, but it didn’t work. She wanted to stand up, but she felt too weak. Her body hurt. The figure leaned in. A young woman with ginger hair and mist green eyes. Her eyes widened and she could now fully perceive the person in front of her; herself. She looked down at her body and saw hoofs. Her vision became blurry again, before everything turned black.

The next morning she woke up and found she was still in her car, on the same road. In front of her, no deer could be seen. Not a sign. Drowsily, she stretched a bit, before finally going home. When she arrived, the first thing she wanted to do was take a shower. She looked and felt like a mess. As she stripped down, she noticed odd markings on her thighs. She looked in the mirror. White spots. She looked down at her leg again, inspecting the markings. As she looked up again her heart skipped a beat. In the mirror was the reflection of a deer. She looked down at her legs and saw that indeed it was her.
As soon as she had turned back to her human state she called in sick. She needed to find out what this was all about, but more importantly, she needed to control it. It took her two weeks to manage to fully master it.

Not much later Nora stumbled across the abandoned bar by accident, and found relief in the people that came there. She now frequently comes to the bar after work for a sip and a chat.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Amaralyn
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Amaralyn Flowerchild

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Takahashi Nori

(Note: I used the Japanese format for names.)

Takahashi Nori




Hobbies and interests:
Nori is very much interested in spirituality, literature, and languages. In his spare time he can be found either feeding his lust for literature, browsing through books, or spending his time outdoors, going for a jog or swim. Needless to say, he is part of the literature club, although not everyone can appreciate his love for old and foreign books.
Although one might expect Nori to excel in school due to his curious nature, he is actually your average student. He is just a little bit better in the languages, and a little bit worse in mathematics. (To him it is like a language he is not able to master.)

Nori is a soft-hearted person, who is rather serious and focused most of the time. He can at times be very mischievous though, playing pranks on those close to him. He especially has great pleasure in scaring his little sister Yumiko by telling her ghost stories.
Nori is not especially introverted nor extroverted. He is an easygoing person and gets along with almost anyone. He values life greatly and can see the beauty in almost everything and everyone. Accompanied with this characteristic is that one of the only things that can really put him on edge is when someone talks low of themselves or others (especially when it is not justified).

Biggest Secret:
What started off as an innocent experiment now turned into a mild obsession. Secretly, Nori really likes woman’s clothes. He loves looking at them and sometimes even goes as far as trying them on. There is no “evidence” of it though: he does not keep girl’s clothes in his closet, nor has he ever taken pictures of himself wearing it.

Biggest Desire:
Making this world a better place. Either by doing something amazing such as finding a cure to a terrible illness, or perhaps by writing something that will touch the hearts of millions, or simply by bringing others comfort in times when they need it. Nori wants that, when he will look back on his life, to feel like he did not wander here without a meaning. He wants to feel needed.

Biggest Fear:
Death. Anything that concerns death or dying scares Nori to... death. He is terrified by the idea that one day he will lose those precious, beautiful people around him and the thought that one day he will leave them, too. He is already repulsed when he sees a dead bird, let alone see a human corpse. What especially scares him is the thought of someone close to him dying due to an (unknown) illness.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Amaralyn
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Amaralyn Flowerchild

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Jørn Hansen

“The human spirit needs places where nature has not been rearranged by the hand of man.”

Jørn Hansen



Date of Birth:
April 29



Wildlife Cameraman

  • Wildlife (birds and amphibians in particular)
  • The coast
  • Rain
  • Old architecture
  • Acoustic Music
  • Cooking

  • Loud people: yelling, loud parties...
  • Violence
  • Action movies
  • Sports
  • Hot weather
  • Seafood (except for shrimp)

  • Fire
  • Traffic
  • Falling off of a considerable height
  • Losing his loved ones

  • Photography
  • Playing the (bass)guitar
  • Hiking

Adventurous and restless at heart, Jørn loves going outdoors and loves experimenting, be it with photography or be it with food. Despite his venturous nature, he does get homesick easily.
Jørn is a man of few words; he rather speaks through actions than through words. He cares deeply for those close to him and occasionally shows this through small sings of affection such as doing chores for them, or randomly buying little gifts for them, or organizing intimate dinners. Although he is always there for his family and friends, he tends to bottle up his own emotions. Instead he is left fretting about what is troubling him for days.
Jørn is also a bit of a perfectionist; he wants certain things (photographs, dishes, his bed) to be just right. When they aren’t exactly the way he wants them to be he can get a bit fed up with himself for not getting them flawless.

Place of Origin:
Jørn was born in Ebeltoft, in the center of Denmark. He currently lives in Copenhagen, where the headquarters of the magazine he works for is located.

Jørn was born as an only child to two loving parents. His dad was away from home most of the time, running a hotel, while his mom stayed home to take care of the household and care for her child. Growing up in one of the greener parts of Denmark, Jørn often could be found outside, either playing or, when his mom wasn’t paying attention, exploring his surroundings.

All in all, the first few years of his life were pretty peaceful. This changed however when his dad found out his mom had started seeing another man. In the time that followed, the two were frequently fighting. Although Jørn's father stayed relatively calm, it was mostly his mother that raised her shrill voice, trying to defend herself, blaming her husband for always being somewhere else, for not being there for them, for only thinking about himself.
It was in these moments, that Jørn's wanderlust started to grow even more, leading him outside, towards the shore, as far away from home as possible. Away from the yelling, the accusations, the grudge. The only voices here were the raspy breath of the wind, and the soft calling of the gulls and terns.
In the beginning the fighting couple didn't even notice their child would leave the house; they were too busy noticing the flaws in each other.

Even after his parents eventually parted, his mom leaving Jørn and his father, unable to continue living together with the man, Jørn would often return to the place. It was in nature that he had found his peace of mind. Slowly he grew accustomed to the landscape, and he found himself interested in the animals roaming the area.
With Jørn's mother gone, his father decided to quit his job and find a new one that allowed him to spend more time with his son. Over time, their bond grew, and Jørn showed where he had been hiding during rougher moments. His dad was impressed; both by the beautiful scenery and by the knowledge the young boy had gained about the wildlife.

Although Jørn did pretty well in secondary school, he did not want to devote himself to studying an ordinary subject or profession. Instead, he enrolled for the highly praised European Film College, located in his hometown. Here he learned the tricks of the trade, learning about lighting, perspective, framing... It was also here that he met his current girlfriend Stine, a fellow student who had a passion for filming, albeit that her field of interest differed from his; while Jørn focused on making documentaries, Stine wanted to make short drama films her expertise.

Very quickly after graduating Jørn, together with some other graduates, got asked to work on a documentary for which they had to travel across the globe for a few years. Although Jørn had a load of fun filming -- becoming acquainted with subjects he had never looked into before, and going sightseeing in between shots -- he also missed his homeland, his father and girlfriend.
After five years of intensive labor the crew was done filming and Jørn arrived back in Denmark with an intense feeling of satisfaction; both because he felt he had done some great work, but also because he could finally set foot on familiar ground again.
When he reunited with Stine he promised her he wouldn’t be away again for so long. Not long after this the two decided to move in together. They didn’t reside in this apartment for long however, because soon his father had found the perfect job for him. A connection of his worked for a national nature magazine which was still looking for a cameraman. Although it would be stills that Jørn would be shooting rather than moving frames, and even though it required him to move to Copenhagen, he grabbed the opportunity with both hands.

Jørn now lives together with Stine in Copenhagen, and he still works for the magazine. His main job is to serve as a wildlife cameraman, but sometimes the editors of the magazine allow him to add in a bit of commentary to the articles.
Although his life has been very rosy for the past two years, lately he has been having strange visions. He explains this is as due to lack of sleep.

Jørn has a mild form of anxiety. He often has doom scenarios pop up in his mind, but this does not affect him too much; it only makes him feel a bit uneasy. He also worries about small things, and has trouble falling asleep.

A song which fits him quite well: Mark Knopfler – Get Lucky

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Amaralyn
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Amaralyn Flowerchild

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Hamasaki Elisa

(Note: I used the Japanese format for names.)

"I regret the things I haven't done more than most things I did wrong."

Elisa is of Japanese-French blood. Inheriting most of her mother’s traits, she looks more European than Asian. With a height of 5’ 3” (1.60m) she is of average height considering her nationality. She is slightly less slim than most girls as she enjoys cooking, but she doesn't deviate an extraordinary amount. (Let’s just say she has a bit more curves than most Japanese girls – some of which in the right places...)
Her smooth brown hair is cut in a short fashion. The color of her irises are a mishmash of blue, green and grey, of which the ratio of colors seems to alter a bit each day; they can most simply be described as being sea-green. In general her voice is warm and chiming, although there seems to be a certain sadness in her tone at times.

Her most prominent character trait would have to be her dreaminess, always wandering off in her imaginative mind. Elisa is quiet, but stiff rather than shy. Those who get to know her for longer however will very likely discover her warm side who easily cares for people and likes helping them. She can also be quite playful, especially having pleasure in teasing her sister Rina.
She is curious and studious, and although she gets desperate at times, she does not give up easily.


Codename: Altair

House: The Whales

Grade: 12th

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Birthday: May 6

Blood Type: O+

Nationality: Japanese, with roots in Europe, hence the European first name.



  • Drawing
  • Listening to music
  • Going outdoors, mostly by cycling
  • Experimenting (this includes drawing styles, music genres, cooking, tea flavors, computers...)

Elisa is quiet and dreamy, her head always full with thoughts, conversations, pictures and music. She is a warmhearted and playful person who loves to help people. Although she has great patience for helping and teaching others, she is very impatient at teaching herself new things. Being used to everything going right at the first try, she tends to rage quit when this is not the case. She does not give up easily however, believing that a little persistence goes a long way. Curious at heart and creative, she loves studying and experimenting with lots of things: trying out drawing styles, listening to different music genres, and sometimes practicing her cooking skills.

Not many people get to know her this well though as her social skills are rather weak. At first approach she may come off as cold and distant, and most people that don’t get to experience her for a longer period find her awkward to talk to. While she has been able to shake off most of the shyness she experienced during her childhood, part of her still doesn't dare to speak up. In group situations she will keep quiet unless directly addressed. She is also terrible at getting a conversation going.

This lack of social handiness has given her a low self-image over time and has often been the cause of periods of breakdown, leaving her quite depressed at times. She doesn't like to show this side, rather bottling it up. She doesn’t want to burden others with her problems. She also blames herself for a lot of things, even the smallest. This does not mean however that she will let herself get blamed or scorned when it is unjustified; she will always stand up for her rights.

Quite obviously she is not someone who loves to go out and party: too much people she doesn’t know or barely knows. Instead, she can mostly be found in her room studying, or passing her time drawing or browsing the web. Other than in her room she can also be found outside, relaxing and enjoying the scene, feeding her dreamy side and curious mind by watching birds and other wild life.

Those who see through her thick shell and stick with her over time will find a true friend in her: someone who is open and kind, and always willing to listen or give you a hand. Elisa often compares herself to a shy animal, who first needs to grow accustomed to those around her in order to show her true self.

Elisa grew up in a loving family, consisting of mother, father, and a one-year younger sister Rina.
Her mother was of French origin, who once agreed to go on a family trip to Japan. Here she met Elisa’s father who worked at a local restaurant. The two got along very well and the two developed romantic feelings towards each other. When it was time for Elisa’s mother to go back home, she promised Elisa’s father she would return as soon as she had completed her nurse training. During her absence, the two kept in touch through phone calls and letters. This way they got to know each other better and grew closer, although there was such a large distance in between. After a few years, the two rejoined and slowly started building up their life together. Elisa was their first child, after which soon followed her sister Rina. With the addition to the family, their father decided to quit his job to care for the children, while their mother continued to work as a nurse.

Already at a young age it became evident Elisa had a calm and quiet nature, preferring to spend her time either alone or with her sister. The two of them could often be found playing outside, letting their creative minds on the loose.
Elisa did well in school, but the teachers always worried a bit about her since she seemed to seclude herself from the other kids. It made them wonder whether she was being bullied but such was not the case; she simply preferred her peace and on top of that was very shy.

Her excellent academic skills allowed Elisa to go to one of Japan’s best high schools. Here she still remained at the top of the class. Although she received C’s in geography and history, she excelled in both the natural sciences and languages. This was partially due to some ‘giftedness’, as she likes to refer to it, but also because the subjects interested her greatly, investing quite some time in them.
It was also here that her shyness slowly started to wear off, but due to the lack of social experience, she acted and still acts stiff. This lead to awkward situations on several occasions. It drove Elisa into despair, thinking she would never be able to change for the better. It made her wish she had been born as something else. The wind perhaps, so she could move across the land noticed yet unseen, or as a bird so she could simply fly away.

One day when these thoughts crossed her mind, a weird shiver went down her entire body, making her sick to the stomach. She shut her eyes, clenching her fists as her head went dizzy. This was not so strange as her body had just altered dramatically. When she came to, her beak dropped open when she saw her reflection in the mirror: not that of a fifteen year old schoolgirl, but that of a silver seagull.
Elisa immediately realized this was out of the ordinary and after overthinking what had happened, she carefully confronted her parents with it. They were not quite as shocked as the girl had expected them to be. They explained there were more teenagers just like her who suddenly discovered their hidden potential.

Because Elisa had such a wide interest and because of the new found ability, Elisa’s parents deemed it a good idea to send her to Ocean Star Academy on the age of sixteen. This way Elisa would be able to focus fine-tuning her ability and give her some time to think about her future plans.
Having spent one year training, Elisa has now gained a little more control over her power and does no longer experience any discomfort when she changes form. She still hopes to overcome her social awkwardness and throw off her shell to show her true bubbly self at first encounter.

Current Classification:

Special Ability:
Shapeshifting. When fully mastered one can become anything they want, at any time they want: a creature (bear, dragon, amoeba, plant), a person (imitating someone, including their power, however not to the level of said person), an object (a sword, a chair to blend into a room, a body of water). Elisa is only a beginner though, and can only turn into a small selection of animals, and can imitate her sister since the two look and sound quite alike.

The time one can stay transformed into something is limited and depends on how much the form looks like their original human form. The less it looks like them, the less time they can spend as it. A master at shapeshifting who would transform into something that is very similar to them, say, another human, would be able to remain in this form for a maximum of 24 hours. (Elisa is currently able to maintain her form for a maximum of 2 hours.)

Furthermore, the ability requires a cooling down time. One cannot first transform into a bird, and then the second after that transform into a tree. The cooling down time between consecutive forms is always the same and equal to 3 seconds at master level. (Elisa’s current cooling down time between forms is 60 seconds.) The cooling down time per form depends on two things: it again depends on how much the form looks like the caster’s original human form. The less it looks like them, the more cooling down time it requires. It also depends on how much time one has spent in that form the last time. (For example, if the master mentioned before would actually remain into the form of another human for 24 hours, you don’t expect them to be able to transform back into it within 1 minute even though the forms are alike.)

As described before, Elisa can't become anything she wants to yet. A prerequisite seems to be that she has to have actually observed the subject in real life, rather than seeing it on a picture or reading about it. If she tries to shift into a dragon for example, which she has only seen in fantasy books, she will just shift into a picture of a dragon, rather than the real deal.

How well she manages to shift into something depends on how well she knows the subject or how many times she has observed it. For example, she is perfectly fine at shifting into small birds and rodents, okay at shifting into a bear or deer, but sucks at shifting into rare animals such as a crane or wolf. When she tries to shift into something she has observed only once or twice it will be a very imperfect copy of the animal, having traits of other animals, some parts being too large or too small, or some parts still remaining human.

Moreover, Elisa’s power is often influenced when she's emotional. If she is feeling confident or happy she will perform better. If she experiences negative feelings she will not always be able to transform at will or only partially. Additionally, her power sometimes become activated under such emotions, for example turning into a bird when feeling down, or gaining the claws of a bear when furious.

The only form over which she has full control is that of an imaginary animal (or misfit, however you want to view it), which looks mostly like an overgrown hamster, though it also shows some similarities with a bear and makes guinea pig noises. Basically it's a useless form, but Elisa tends to (mis)use it when she doesn't want to talk to people or when she wants get out of certain situations. She also sometimes (mis)uses her ability to get pampered and pet.

School Clubs:

  • Arts club

Elisa sometimes joins in on the music clubs to listen, but never participates since she can’t play an instrument. (Or at least not well enough to play along.)

Character Relations:

  • Ailís:
  • Cheng:
  • Daniel:
  • Edmund:
  • Hanare:
  • Jin:
  • Kassandra:
  • Mizuki:
  • Sebastian:
  • Soo-Jin:

Elisa wears a pendant which represents both a snowflake and a flower. She bought it mostly for the simple reason that she found it pretty, but also partially because she feels it represents her well: the snowflake impersonating the first impression most people get of her, while the flower expresses the side of her that people will know her for when they get to know her better.

Theme Song: Imagine Dragons - Shots

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Amaralyn
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Amaralyn Flowerchild

Member Seen 12 mos ago

John Foster

"Live in the present,
launch yourself on every wave,
find eternity in each moment."

- Thoreau

John Travis Foster

J, Johny, Jean


Birth Date:
January 13, 1997


Panromantic, but demisexual.

Martial Status:
In a relationship.

Sexually Active:

Currently assists his older sister in her salon as a hairdresser during rush hours. Other than that, he plans to go study something that involves engineering.

In Depth Appearance:
John has ash-blonde hair reaching down to his shoulders, which he prefers to keep in a bun or messy ponytail most of the time. He maintains a trimmed beard, which makes him look a few years older than he actually is. Underneath often furrowed brows, deep brown eyes can be found, framed by long eyelashes. He is of a somewhat lean, but muscular built, with a rather impressive height of 1.89m (6' 2"). Although his body and facial features are pretty masculine, he likes to add a little femininity to his appearance by means of his longer hair and sometimes by wearing black nailpolish.

Clothing Style:
John's looks depends on how much effort he feels like paying to his appearance today. His outfit ranges from a simple t-shirt combined with baggy jeans, to slightly more sophisticated blouses and regular jeans. He always can be seen wearing skater-brand shoes, such as Vans. In general, he prefers to wear clothes that fit comfy and which don't stand out too much in terms of colors, his wardrobe consisting mostly out of white, grey, and black items.


  • Concerts
  • Animals, reptiles in particular
  • Technology / The latest gadgets
  • Having a good trip (both in terms of drugs and in traveling)
  • Fantasizing and philosophizing about all sorts of stuff
  • Mexican food
  • Summer
  • Modern art and street art


  • Gatherings for which you're expected to dress fancy
  • Very sweet things such as cupcakes
  • Watching sports
  • Arguments in general, but especially being the witness of one
  • Unexpected things messing up his schedule
  • Cold weather


  • Pulling dumb faces in the mirror
  • Running late
  • Rubbing the bridge of his nose when he's thinking
  • Smoking more than usual when he's feeling down or stressed


  • Getting some mental disease like schizophrenia
  • Doing something dumb while having a bad trip
  • Being betrayed or misused

At first glance John is a carefree person who loves to experiment with all kinds of stuff: drugs, music genres, hair styles and colors, computer parts and other technological assemblies... He is pretty out-going and likes telling stories, part of which is big talk. He is not afraid to speak his mind about a lot of subjects, that is, unless when things get personal. That's when you get to the secretive and serious side of him. Since people have misused his openness in the past, he has learned himself to not give away too much personal information. Even his close friends don't know too much about him. The only person he intends to fully open up with is to that special one he intends to share his life with. Because of this, he has been called to 'have trust issues' by his exes.

Place Of Origin:
New Orleans, Louisiana

John was born as the second and youngest child in a middle-class family. His parents split up when he was still fairly young, his father leaving his mother behind with the kids. (Later he found out his mother had asked for a divorce because his father would often physically abuse her.) The siblings grew very close to each other despite the age gap of four years, and they in turn also grew very close to their mom.

Except for the family situation, John's childhood was overall pretty average. It was in his teens that he became a bit of a problematic child. Getting in touch with what his mom would call "the wrong kind of people", he started to sneak out at night, tried smoking and drinking at an early age, and experiment with narcotics.

Things took a turn for the worse when his mother fell ill with what turned out to be breast cancer. After some more research, the doctors found out it was the aggressive type; his mother had only a few years left to live... The terrible news hit the small family hard, but John's mom decided to make the best of the situation, living each day as if it could be her last. The three of them spend a lot of time together, going on trips when their mother's health allowed it.

After her inevitable death, John grew more serious, greatly affected by the events. She had left the children with a small fortune, but not enough to support them on the long run. His sister Sophie took John into custody and together they moved to Miami, where Sophie opened up a hairdressing salon.

With the salon growing to be one of the better ones in the city, and with John's school grades improving each year, their future is starting to look a little brighter. Things became even better when John met this great group of friends. He loves every individual for who they are, especially his current boyfriend Séamus.

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Amaralyn Flowerchild

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Ueda Natsuki

Ueda Natsuki



Unaware Magical Girl

Natsuki is a very passionate and adventurous girl. She will go to great lengths to achieve her goals up to the point where she can be downright reckless. Although Natsuki has her wild and boisterous side, she does take most things seriously. She is quite studious, spending a large part of her time reading up on a variety of topics. She always strives to get the highest grades, as she aspires to become a doctor. Natsuki has high self-esteem and can be quite stubborn at times, making her sometimes come off as spoiled. Despite this appearance she really does care for other people, especially those close to her; she will do anything to help them and ensure their happiness.

The object which gives Natsuki her supernatural abilities is a hair pin which has been passed down her family for several generations. The hair pin is able to replicate itself, creating multiple, sharp versions of the original which can be used as a dagger as well as throwing knives (think kunai). Natsuki can also use spells on them which make the pins either poisonous or healing (think acupuncture). She needs to be quite careful about where to aim the pins: some spots in the body are obviously more vital than others, and some points can be targeted to block (magic) attacks.
If Natsuki wants to transform into her magical girl form, she needs to recite a little chant which has been encrypted inside the box in which the hairpin came. In her transformed state, she wears her hair in a loose knot, held together by the hair pin. Her outfit has characteristics from traditional Japanese clothing mixed with more modern features (think Wa Lolita).

Natsuki excels in mathematics and also has a green thumb. She is part of the tracking team of her high school but is not exceptionally good.

Natsuki was born first child in a family consisting of father, mother, and three daughters. She was raised in a household in a somewhat more rural region, just outside of the big city. Her parents are often away from home as they both work to sustain the family, both earning a wage which is slightly above average. Natsuki’s childhood was fairly stable, although she did get in trouble from time to time for going out on small "expeditions", as she liked to refer to them. She has a group of friends consisting of both girls and boys, some of which she is more to close to than others. She has shown romantic interest in both genders, but leans more towards boys.
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Colin Oakley

“Am I out of touch? Am I out of my place? When I keep saying that I'm looking for an empty space.”
Imagine Dragons – Shots

What is your real name?
Colin Oakley

Are you male or female?

What is your age?

When is your birthday?
March 7th

What grade are you in?

What are some of your hobbies and interests?
I’m a bit of a nerd I guess; I like games (mostly strategy games) and am interested in the exact sciences. My particular interest is Astronomy. I’m also learning myself how to program, but I’m still a beginner at it. Maybe I can combine the two one day? I like reading manga as well; Neon Genesis Evangelion is one of my favs! Oh, and I enjoy listening to music; all sorts of genres.

How would you describe your personality?
I’d say I’m rather introverted and passive. Don’t have much of a social life. I can mostly be found quietly observing people, which sounds more creepy than it is, really. I try to do my best to strike up a conversation every now and then though, especially if the person seems interesting to me. The few friends I have perceive me as smart and think I’m always pondering over complex calculations and that sorta stuff, while really I’m just absent-minded and am imagining weird situations most of the time. Because I’m so quiet most people think I’m very serious, but I'm actually pretty laid back and can be kinda goofy if you really get to know me. You just need to have a healthy dose of persistence to get through this thick shell of mine.
I don't really take myself too serious most of the time, but I hate it when other people do not take me seriously or ignore me when I am trying to make my point. It also annoys me when people don't take their education seriously; you're given a chance to study, use it. Although I'm not exactly the most passionate person in class, I can get pretty worked up over such things. It's probably best to stay out of my way when this happens; I can get pretty aggressive and I don't want to hurt those who mean no harm to me.

(Because of Colin’s poor social skills he can sometimes be quite awkward, which has made him somewhat self-conscious. It leaves him in a sullen mood from time to time, though this is not immediately obvious: he does not like to talk about it and so puts up a façade of smiles.)

What has your life been like so far?
It’s been alright I guess? Not really the teenage life I’d dream of as a kid – I mean, I barely have any friends and never had a girlfriend either. Actually... I’ve never really had any romantic interest in girls... I mean, they’re pretty and all, but none of them have ever “sparked” something in me, you know? Anyway, besides that my life is quite fine. I’m acing most of the subjects in school and the situation at home is very steady as well. I live with both of my parents and have one younger brother who I can get along with very well.

(As a kid, Colin always seemed to seclude himself from other kids. He could mostly be found reading or wandering off. He used to interact more with animals than with people. Because of this, his social skills are somewhat underdeveloped. On the upside, he has become quite skilled at handling animals.
Colin does not fully realize yet that he is homosexual.)

What will you pick as your screen name (and alias if asked)?
I wonder if I should go for some music reference or try to be witty... Hm, ApplePi seems fine.
As for an alias, Holden would be neat. I loved The Catcher in the Rye.

What are your thoughts on the project?
Maybe it’ll help me in getting some saucy conversations going? Although this is happening online and not in real time... Either way at least it’ll be nice to be able to talk to someone over the weekend. And who knows, maybe there are other people out there who need a helping hand or a shoulder to lean on. Hopefully I won’t have to invest too much time in it though; don’t want it to get in the way of homework...

Anything else you'd like to add?

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Amaralyn
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Amaralyn Flowerchild

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Vincent Bouchard

“Life is the art of being well deceived; and in order that the deception may succeed it must be habitual and uninterrupted.”
– William Hazlitt

What is your real name?
Vincent Alain Bouchard. My dad’s from Quebec, hence the French influences.
You can call me Vince or Vincent. Either one's fine.

Are you male or female?
A proud Canadian male.

What is your age?

When is your birthday?
August 2nd

What grade are you in?
12th. Gotta repeat my senior year.

What are some of your hobbies and interests?
I like being active, mostly. Back in my hometown (Montreal) I used to play ice hockey a lot. Yeah, I know, it’s a stereotypical Canadian thing... but in the parts of town where I lived there wasn’t much else to choose from. Right now I’m part of the local basketball team, we practice a few times a week. Other than that, I enjoy playing chess and cards, a habit I’ve taken over from my dad; ever since I can remember my dad sometimes has these friends over who he plays those kind of games with. He has been teaching me chess since I was young so I’ve become quite good at it. I can sort of play the piano as well; my mom’s a piano teacher.
Oh, something I really love are the movies. Especially detective movies. Horror and action are cool too. I love imagining myself in the role of the main cast.
As for school subjects... Hmm, I'm kind of into Psychology and English. History is alright as well, I guess. Other topics don't interest me too much. (Aside from the girls of course. ;) ) Maybe that’s part of why I failed finals last year. Hm well, at least it gives me some more time to think over what I want to do after high school.

How would you describe your personality?
I’m a bit of ladies man; I know my way with words and my athletic build definitely helps too. I think I managed to even get the attention from some of the female teachers around here. I hate to admit it, but I tend to misuse my smooth tongue from time to time... You know, convincing people to let me copy their homework or buy me something and that kinda stuff. I terribly love teasing people as well, especially the girls.

What has your life been like so far?
Life’s been good to me so far. (I wonder whether anyone will get this reference...) Grew up as an only child with two pretty awesome parents. I moved from Montreal to Wellbridge when I was about eight. Sometimes I miss Canada but all in all I’m having a good time here.
I gotta say as a kid I was a bit of a momma’s boy, but I’m all grown up now. Standing independently and making plans to move out next year. Maybe I can convince some of my friends to move along; that would be cool. Otherwise it’ll be a chance to start off fresh and find a group of new people to hang out with.

What will you pick as your screen name (and alias if asked)?
MarcusAurelius. One of the only names I managed to remember from history. Oohh, an alias? Hmm, let’s pick something to mess with people... Ashley! They didn’t state anywhere in the rules that it’s not allowed to pick someone else’s name, right? Otherwise Chester will do.

What are your thoughts on the project?
It might become a fun past time, but I’m not going to take it too seriously.

Anything else you'd like to add?

Hidden 8 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Amaralyn
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Amaralyn Flowerchild

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Robyn Adriana Bennett

Abigail / ‘The Tempest’

Age: 15
Gender: Female

Proud and persistent, to most people Robyn comes off as snobby at first glance. Her elite aura and ladylike behavior does not help to change this view. She has an adventurous side to her however, which opposes to this idea. Being raised in one of the greener parts of England, Robyn could often be found trailing off tracks to explore the area. She would always get bruised and stained while venturing out, much to her mother’s disapproval who still has the idea her daughter is supposed to represent her family, one which has a long history. Robyn sometimes likes to rebel against her mother’s view on the world which in her opinion is archaic, which has made their relation somewhat tense. Robyn now no longer runs off into the woods, but instead has made her escapades into the literary world. The girl loves reading and has developed an above average knowledge about English literature, specializing in what can be seen as the classics: Shakespeare, Mary Shelley, Oscar Wilde...

Gimmick/Theme behind Powers: Storm

Psychological weakness:
It seems the gained ability has come at a price; the once balanced girl is now emotionally unstable. Robyn has developed anger issues and sometimes has panic attacks. The problems seem to have gotten worse after her father’s death. She is starting to fear that at one time she may lose control and, in her words, end up like King Lear.

Inheriting her powers from a storm sprite, Robyn is able to manipulate and create both lightning and wind. However, since the storm sprite has passed the powers in the form of a lightning strike, Robyn masters lightning better than wind by a considerable amount. Robyn mostly operates at long range as her powers require charging up. Her powers are greatly influenced by her emotions and vice versa: the longer Robyn uses her powers the more emotionally unstable she gets, mostly resulting in her getting enraged but occasionally in a panic attack.

Lightning Strike – Robyn can cause discharges of electricity, which have effects ranging from devastating to very useful or even lifesaving. Average to larger discharges are easier for Robyn to create as these require little precision and focus. She may use these to harm her enemies or use them on electrical devices or other objects to destroy them. If she concentrates well and charges up long enough, she is able to produce huge bolts of lightning which she may use on large metal constructions to form a barrier. However discharges with this amount of power are very hard to control so Robyn hasn’t fully mastered this yet. Although pointless at first glance, tiny discharges can actually be very helpful: they can be used on electrical objects to activate them (getting through an electrically secured door, starting a car) and even on people to revive them (think defibrillator). Needless to say, these actions are very risky and require utmost precision and patience. Because of this last aspect they aren’t exactly an expertise Robyn; she has very little patience for most things.

Static Electricity – More of a side effect of using her powers than an actual ability. When Robyn charges up the clouds in the area she creates a tension in the air which gives anyone a sense of calamity. People become restless and unfocused.

Whips of Wind and Lightning – Robyn can use her ribbons to lash out at people, empowering them with either electricity and/or giving them a boost or lift using her control over wind. She may also use the ribbons to trip or capture people. Once captured she may then send electricity down the ribbons to shock her opponent.

Robyn was born into one of the wealthier families in England. Her mother originates from a once influential family with a long history and her father was a successful business man. Although the house was spacious to say the least, it was never quiet or empty. There was always someone roaming the chambers and halls of the estate, so Robyn never felt alone. She had her two older brothers to play with and often had children from her school or neighborhood come over. She was a bright, playful child but got somewhat restricted in expressing these characteristics as she was raised to be a representable young lady.

One summer day, Robyn had decided to go on a little camping trip with her friends not too far from home; the estate was adjacent to a large patch of woodland which seemed like the perfect location. However, as the hours went by, dark clouds settled in and before long rumbling could be heard in the distance. The children were in the middle of a game of hide-and-seek when thick drops of rain started to fall from the sky. Robyn was surrounded by pines, stretching out into the sky. She looked around for any trace of the other children while she tried to find her way back to the estate as quickly as possible, but knowing Robyn, she had trailed off way too far from the camping site. With every step she could hear the thunder drawing in and felt the wind increase in speed, tugging at her dress. Filled with fear the little girl ran through the forest, searching for a stretch of plane where the lightning had little chance of striking. Seeing no other options she stopped abruptly, kneeling down and making herself as small as possible. Flashes filled the sky, the air resonating around her like dark voices as she felt her heart beating wildly in her chest. One more burst. That was when she felt an agonizing sting in her chest. The lightning had struck her. Was she going to die? These thoughts flashed by her in what Robyn thought would be her last moments. But they weren’t. The girl survived and she soon understood what had caused this miracle. Initiator of the storm, a sprite had decided to spare the girl and instead give her a part of its power as it deemed her body strong enough to house the energy. Still in shock, it took Robyn a few minutes to regain herself and stand up and walk again, to finally arrive at her house, where she was welcomed by her friends who had luckily all returned safe and sound.

Robyn was eight when this happened. In the mean while things have changed for her. She has since learned of demons and practiced her abilities, albeit more out of boredom than out of need. More importantly though, her situation at home has also altered... Around the age of eleven doctors found out her father was terminally ill after he had collapsed at work. He would not live to see his daughter grow up; they give him two years, but even this estimate turned out to be longer than her father lasted. He passed away nine months into therapy. Her father’s death left the family broken and it was obvious that things would never be the same again. Robyn’s mother gained full custody over the children and inherited her husband’s company. Having her hands full with three adolescents as well as a blooming business, she became more stressed and easier to snap out to people, including her daughter. Robyn in turn lost some of her softness and cheerfulness, replacing it by what can be seen as brashness. It was during these days that the girl sought refuge in her father’s study. At first she came there just to be reminded of her father and the moments they had shared, later she became interested in the large collection of books that he had left behind. This was where her interest in literature was sparked.

At present, Robyn is now fifteen years old and attends high school. She scores around average grades in most subjects, but excels in English and History. She doesn’t have many friends; most of her former friends have left her, some because they have simply moved elsewhere or go to a different school, others for her change in attitude. New friends come scarce as most find her hard to approach. The few friends she has though she cherishes and Robyn is very loyal to them.

Lately something has been stirring inside her, a feeling which cannot be fulfilled. A sensation which she can only describe as wanderlust, a desire for adventure; not just into the imaginary or dream world, but into the wild parts of the human world, the depths of the earth.

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Amaralyn Flowerchild

Member Seen 12 mos ago

"I may not look like it, but I’m actually a scientist."
A mad scientist.

- Nathan Campbell

Nathan Alan Campbell




College Student: PhD in Biology
Part-time barista: works at Mundo

"If this isn’t the best thing ever, then I don’t know what is."

Probably a comment about food.

In-Depth Appearance
Nathan is of an average height of 5’10” but of a somewhat sturdier built which is mostly due to his love for food. A playful, sometimes even mischievous glimmering can almost always be found in his greenish eyes. His messy hair is of a warm brown shade, his short beard untamed and fluffy alike his hairdo. His carefree attitude continues to show itself in Nathan’s wardrobe, especially considering the pieces which he chooses to cover his upper body with. He can often be found wearing shirts with ridiculous prints ranging from dinosaurs to doughnuts, interspersed by quotes referring to his interests. On days which require a somewhat more formal attire he likes to wear dress shirts, preferably checkered and with his sleeves rolled up. As for the rest, he will almost always slip on a simple jeans and a pair of sneakers to complete his outfit.

Habits and Quirks
  • Pays quite some attention to his food (e.g. always wants something sweet and something savoury for breakfast). Food can also have a big influence on his mood (e.g. he can get really cranky if he has a bad cappuccino, but at the same time his day can be made when he has a nice meal).
  • Taking in (wounded) animals into his apartment which he then treats and/or studies
  • Making others laugh by making a fool out of himself (e.g. singing and dancing in a not so charming manner, striking feminine poses, pulling funny faces)
  • Has a weak spot for cute things; this includes toys, plushies, animals, and girls (no matter fictional or real)
  • Making references to different types of media (tv shows, movies, games, books)

  • Food / Cooking
  • Animals; birds in particular
  • The exact sciences; biology and physics have his interest in particular, though he finds astronomy and mathematics intriguing as well
  • Watching Discovery Channel and cooking shows such as Master Chef
  • Going outdoors
  • Technology

  • Not being taken seriously
  • Olives
  • Chewing gum
  • Strong perfume

Biggest Fear
Nathan fears that, when he will look back at the course of his life in the future, he will find himself having accomplished absolutely nothing. As the oldest of the two children he feels that he should be a role model to his younger brother, but his indecisive nature interferes with this ideal. Nathan is unsure about what path he wants to take in life, which is part of the reason why he is taking a short break from his research and has started to work as a barista.

The first impression that most people will get of Nathan is that of a carefree goofball or overgrown kid. Although his chaotic appearance may give rise to the idea that he may need a helping hand in his life, the opposite is true; Nathan can take care of himself very well and actually enjoys helping and tending to others. He takes pleasure in pleasing others by means of serving them a nice meal or by making them laugh. This nurturing side of him does not limit itself to humans, but makes him look out for animals as well, even going as far as to shelter them in his apartment, which, unlike his clothing and hair, is kept organized.
Nathan has decided to put this characteristic combined with his love for food in practice by working as a barista in one of the cafes. Even though he may be charismatic enough to make small talk with the customers, he is not exactly a social butterfly. He still sometimes feels awkward and uncertain when going up to someone, especially if said person is a cute girl. He can completely loose his cool and get lost in his words while trying to strike up a conversation.

If people would give more meaning to his quirky apparel they would notice that the pictures on his shirts depict not merely a free spirited soul, but also one who takes interest in the exact sciences. While Nathan may seem like a ditz at first, he actually has excellent analytic abilities. When it really comes down to it, he can come up with very good ideas as well as clever solutions to problems. Were it not for his impulsiveness and indecisiveness, he might actually become a very good scientist.

"If you were a dinosaur, you would be a finosaurus."

Nathan’s attempt at flirting.

Nathan was born as the first child to a middle class family, his father a professor in Modern History and his mother originally a vet, but she quit her job to look after her new born son. Not long before Nathan’s second birthday, his mother gave birth to his brother Jeremy. The boys turned out to get along very well and could often be found playing together or horsing around. Although eventually they took interest in different subjects, Nathan preferring to spend his days in nature alike his mother and Jeremy being more socially oriented alike his father, the two grew very attached to each other and spend a great deal of their first years together.

While the first decade of their lives was rather peaceful for the two children, albeit it that their mother seemed to have periods in which she wasn’t her usual cheery self, things got more grim when she started having breakdown frequently. She decided to go see a psychiatrist who, after Evelyn had visited her a number of times, stated that she had some sort of depression and diagnosed her with postpartum depression. She began taking medication, which did help to lift her spirit, but did not save the bond between her and her husband. They started to have fights more and more, until finally Evelyn decided she needed to take a break from family life and moved into a small apartment on her own. The event left Nathan, who had grown rather close to his mother, devastated. It also affected the relationship between him and his father, a stern man but who meant all the best for his sons. A few years after his mother’s departure Nathan cut the contact between him and his father short by moving out at the age of 16; he simply was not able to take any more of the rather tense atmosphere which was left in his parental home. Nathan’s mother financially supported her son’s decision, and the two started to see each other every other week.

After his move, Nathan found himself getting mature rapidly, as he needed to learn to fend for himself quickly. Despite all the turmoil at home, his grades were still sound and when he graduated from secondary school they even were this good that it allowed him to attend university. Picking a subject was not hard for him: animals had always had his interest and so he chose to study Biology. With his head more at peace and his heart more at ease, Nathan gradually regained his old self who loves to be around people and likes to joke around. Now, two years after he has obtained his master’s degree, he has found a job as a PhD student as well a part-time barista. He has been living in one of the apartment of Eden Gardens ever since he moved here two years ago for his PhD, and has gotten to know its surroundings quite well.

Recently, Nathan has gotten in touch again with his younger brother Jeremy. Although the first few times the two met were somewhat awkward and stiff, now they have restored their friendship and continue to visit each other on a biweekly basis. Their meeting has left Nathan thinking back on his life: is the path he is walking right now the one he wants to take? Isn’t he letting life’s opportunities slip right through his hands?

Relationship Information
Relationship Status: Single
Partner: N/A
Father: Christopher (Chris) Campbell
Mother: Evelyn Hart
Siblings: Jeremy Campbell, 26
Pet/s: Varies as he takes shelter of (wounded) animals. A cat named Erwin and a couple of pigeons belong to his regular pets.
Other: Gets along very well with his brother Jeremy, who he visits regularly and vice versa. Visits or calls his mother once a month. Has no contact with his father.
Has not yet had a girlfriend and feels slightly self-conscious about this.

Theme Song

Spirit Animal: Lizard
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Amaralyn Flowerchild

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Tachibana Shiori

Age: 22 (appears younger, more like 15 years old)
Race: Mostly human, although the remains of demon blood still run through her veins.
DOB: April 21st, 1994
Occupation: Student / Waitress


Theme Song:


Many decades ago, near the smouldering end of the war between magical critters and those who were not magically gifted, a female human and male demon reconciled a little earlier than the rest, and started building up their lives together. Eventually a child was born: a demi-demon. Now, a couple of generations down the line, the demon-genes are still passed on, albeit to a (much) weaker extend. The newest addition to this lineage is Shiori, whose demonic traces only manifest themselves in the form of slightly pointier teeth and ears, as well as the supernatural ability to manipulate unconsciousness.

Despite her somewhat uncommon ancestry, she has lead quite the normal life so far. She was a bit of an outcast in primary school, but this was not due to her looks nor due to her giftedness; in fact she had not even realized her powers at this age. She was, and still is, simply always a bit caught in her own little bubble, wondering about the nature of things, or marveling over the minds of scientists.

Most would call her dreamy, but a more fitting word would be analytical: Shiori likes examining and dissecting situations, both social and scientific, but is more apt in the latter. She finds great pleasure in trying to solve puzzles, reading, listening to music: just about anything that stirs her imagination. She has a good spatial aptitude, and has found herself to be good at putting herself in someone else’s shoes. Even though one could say she is emphatic, most people find it hard to approach her because of her aloofness. Her absent-mindedness has also lead her to be clumsy at times.

Shiori may have the logic dexterity of a scholar, deep inside the girl is still a child. She loves collecting cute things and expresses this through keeping dainty stationery, small keychains, and sticking stickers whenever she finds the opportunity. Although she is usually eloquent, she likes squeezing in cute slang in her sentences every now and then.

Shiori’s parents had not gone unnoticed of their daughter’s abilities, both her cognitive and mystic skills. It was hard not to find out as they occasionally ended up being subject to her powers. They have urged her to continue developing them by following more education in the fields Shiori is specialized in.

Almost as if by destiny she received a letter that she had been selected for a magic academy not much later. Knowing she had the support of her parents, she accepted the invitation. Shiori still has some doubts about her decision, but is looking forward to set foot on new terrain nonetheless.

Dreams (and Sleep) - Shiori has the talent of controlling and manipulating dreams. Because her imaginative power is well developed, she is capable of creating surreal dream worlds that appear incredibly lifelike, as if the person experiencing the dream were awake. She does however not yet have full control over her powers, and needs to be unconscious herself to shape the dreams of her subject. If she manages to change the dream to a nightmare, her demonic nature will slowly start to kick in, and Shiori may lose control.

A master in this field has the potential of materializing themselves in dreams: actually being present in the other’s dreams and experience them. Besides dream control, they would also be able to have an influence on sleep: make their target fall asleep or feel fatigued.

Magical Equipment:

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Amaralyn Flowerchild

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Job: Waitress

Being one of the younger employees at the café, Naomi sometimes feels a bit insecure in the midst of her skillful colleagues. She looks up to her co-workers who are experienced in making the prettiest pastries and most beautiful latte art. Even though it occasionally makes her feel helpless, she is keen to learn and strives to become just as good as them. Naomi can be a bit childish and whiny at times, but she is a persistent girl who gives things her all once she sets her mind to it.

In the café she plays the role of little sister, an act perfectly suited for her. The cat-like traits she shows are based on her pet Tama, a big, lazy cat who likes to doze off in the sun and loves to be petted. She will also refer to herself as Nyaomi.

As an only child of two hard-working parents Naomi grew up without any hardships. Her parents would often spoil her with sweets, toys, and trips to the sea. They were not around much because of their long shifts, but made sure to spend any time they could spare with their little girl and make the most out of it.

During her early childhood Naomi’s parents often let their daughter stay over at her maternal grandmother, who resided in the rural parts just outside of the city Naomi and her parents lived in. It was here that the young girl developed her love for crafting, in particular origami. Her grandmother taught her the arts of folding paper into small, colorful animals and flowers. Although she does not practice it much anymore nowadays its influence is still present in her love for dainty decorations. The two quickly bonded and Naomi was never really looking forward to going home; although Naomi gets along well with her parents, they never really grew close because they were away so often.

Since Naomi did not have any siblings, she would often rely on others. She decided to take the job in the maid café to gain a sense of independence after instantly being drawn to the cute gimmick.

Color of Uniform: Soft orange

  • Primarily works as a waitress, but is an apprentice barista.
  • Has a slight preference over creamy- and chocolate cakes over fruit-based desserts.
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