[insert time of day], guys! Corgi here, and I've just got a real bad need for some Star Wars fun.
Specifically, I'm dying for some Reylo, and I'd give pretty much anything to find a Rey to play against. I haven't really played Kylo before, but I'm always up for a challenge, hah. I'd also welcome a Finn or Poe, and I might..? accept a Hux, I'm not super versed in that particular ship but I understand it's pretty popular!

I'm not looking to write against any OCs right now, sorry, but I am open to most any AU or timeline!

I can write to a rough ceiling of about 700 words, but I'm flexible and will mostly try to mirror whatever I'm given! So long as that's at least a paragraph, I'm happy. :D
Huge amounts of knowledge are not necessary for playing with me, I'm a filthy, casual fan of Star Wars myself, so if that'll bother you, consider yourself warned! x3