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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Solace
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Solace 𝑠𝑐𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Reese Kestrel

Reese gave Gabriel a dry look as the giant strolled out of the cabin, grinding his teeth together before looking to Tanner. "I think I know you from the book store," the boy began. "With the Harwell's, correct? I never saw or spoke to you personally, but sometimes, my uncle would send me there to make a delivery!"

He had been fond of books for a good portion of his life, his knack for reading only bolstered during the long trips between the walls. Reese had learned much of his knowledge during his lessons as a child, seeking fruition for the education he had received through seeing the walls and the districts himself. Giving Tanner a smile, he hopped towards the other boy's side, intercepting the door knob first and opening it for them.

"Of course!" Reese took a step outside, holding the door out for his companion to exit. "They'll make us run if we're late!"

The journey from their cabin to the mess hall felt like an eternity as Reese dragged his feet to the finish line, stumbling towards the mess hall. He could see the girl's side of the cabins, watching his friends begin their own trip to his destination. When the boy walked through the entrance of the cafeteria, he dramatically fell against Gabriel, whining.

"Gabriel, I think I'm going to drop dead," the smell of food filled his nostrils, causing Reese to salivate. His stomach growled violently, producing an agonizing groan from the boy. "Must... eat... food..."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Marlowe
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Marlowe Exiled Moondrinker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Olivia Zesiger

Interacting with: Reese (@Solace), Jade (@wolverbells), Mora (@HecateProxy), Lauren (@Jinxer), Gabriel (@LordVoldemort),
Reese (@Solace)

At least the girls were friendly. There was one that didn't talk, but apparently she had hurt her throat. Olivia hoped that she would recuperate soon. Before she could say anything else, the girl from before walked up to her and wrapped her arms around her waist. At first, she was taken off guard; it wasn't every day that someone came up to her and hugged her. But Jade's eyes were filled slightly with tears, and she found herself looking at her face as she thanked her. Her smile faded slightly, but she still made it a point to keep herself bright and cheery for the girls in the room. "No problem," she answered simply, giving Jade a pat on the shoulder as she stiffened a laugh. "I'll join you girls for dinner. But I think being around the guys for too long made me pretty stinky!"

Olivia followed the trio out of the cabin and to the cafeteria. Already, there were several people there. It appeared as if there were certain others that were hungrier than she was. The girls already picked out a spot for where they would sit, and she nodded in agreement. It certainly seemed like quite the cozy spot. Her eyes drifted around the cafeteria as she walked to where Jade stood, and spotted Reese and Gabriel near the entrance. In quite the teasing spectacle, she made a face at both of them. "Hey, slowpokes," she stuck out her tongue as she taunted them. "We got here first!"

She turned towards Jade again, smiling widely. "Those two are good boys, even if they might be a little smelly and gross," Olivia laughed as she wafted the air in front of her nose. "Anyways, I wonder what they're gonna give us to eat. Not that I mind. I'm starving."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FrostedCaramel
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Member Seen 7 days ago

Emil Burton


Nodding his head in thanks to the other boy who had been running, Emil took the water and drank slowly from it. Letting the cool water cover his dry mouth and lips before drinking a bit faster. He pulled the water away from his lips and looked to the girl who had asked him how he had ended up in the cabin in the first place, ready to answer her question he was cut off by a knock at the door.

The same girl that questioned him made her way to the door and quickly opened it. In wandered a boy that he had not seen with some rather unwanted news, 'Please no.' Emil thought as he hauled himself over the edge of the bed and dropped to the floor with a thud. As he walked toward the door and past the boy who had been the courier he gave him a small smile and a nod, "Thanks for getting me out of here. Would have never known I was in the wrong cabin..." he said, a tiny amount of red spreading across his cheeks at the embarrassing realization that he had somehow mixed the cabins up.

Outside of the cabin he waited for the other two boys to exit before speaking again, "Guess I'm do for a proper introduction--" he scratched his neck with his right hand, "my name's Emil Burton. One of the two that had to run." he said to the two and offered a hand to who ever took it first.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Jinxer The British One

Member Seen 8 mos ago

She seems to have a surprisingly high bar for cleanliness... or maybe it's just because they're boys?

Lauren frowned as Olivia waved towards the boys, all but one of whom she recognised from Shiganshina. It was odd how many of them had joined the cadets after all that they witnessed and experienced on that day; it would be more normal for them to permanently scarred and seek to escape even the remotest chances of encountering Titans again. Even by entering the MP there was a chance they might be deployed one day whereas civilians would always be allowed to evacuate at the expensive of soldiers' lives.

Refocusing, Lauren followed Jade towards where food was being distributed and looked over the options on offer. Spotting a relatively thin looking gruel, or soup, she couldn't really tell and the server looked too grumpy to ask, she got two portions and handed one bowl to Mora. As they turned away, Lauren caught sight of Gabriel and Reese again and felt it would be rude to continue to ignore them. She knew that all the reminders around them was tougher on Jade and Mora than it was on her, so she gestured for them to continue to the table.

"I'll catch you up in a moment."

She headed up to the two boys and smiled, waving to catch their attention and also in greeting. "Hey Reese, Gabriel. Long time no see." Gabriel was taller than she remembered, towering over her and everyone else around him. The last time she had seen Reese was on the hill during the attack, Gabriel she had parted ways with when a more experienced medic took over his treatment. She glanced down at his leg, gesturing towards it. "Looks like you healed well, I'm glad."

She paused, shuffling her feet a little as she worked out how to express her thoughts properly. "Listen, I don't know how it is for you guys but seeing everyone from back then here has been... pretty tough. For Mora and Jade more than me. We're not trying to ignore you or anything it's just... still pretty raw, y'know?" She smiled, feeling awkward but glad to see them nonetheless.

"Well, I'm sure it'll pass. We're in this together for a good while and I'm glad to have seen you again, it kind of gives me a little more hope. Nice to meet you, by the way, I'm Lauren" The last part she directed at the third boy whom she didn't recognise and then she turned to go, waving briefly as she did so. "Don't forget, I'm now the designated Cadet Medic so any ills or injuries, you come and see me. Apparently not at the girl's cabin though. Otherwise we'll get in trouble."

She plonked herself down at their chosen table with a sigh, feeling some tension wash away. She began to dig into the soup, as it turned out to be, suddenly discovering how much of an appetite standing in the sun for half the day had worked up.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LordVoldemort
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LordVoldemort Lord of the Mice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Gabriel Moreau - Training Grounds

Gabriel turned to see Reese come in, before he dropped and fell against him. Gabriel stumbled back a bit from the sudden fall, but held his friend up quite easily due to his own strength and Reese's not so heavy frame. When Reese began to whine for food, he rolled his eyes, and smirked. "Keep this up and I'll eat all the food for myself. We can't have slackers here, now can we?" Olivia started to approach them and Gabriel quickly pushed Reese off him, keeping an arm wrapped around his shoulder to make sure he didn't fall. At her teasing, Gabriel gave her a bit of a scowl. As she walked off back to the other girls, he called out to her from behind. "Not all of us are so obsessed with food, Olivia!" He looked down at Reese, who was practically drooling. "Well, not most of us." He looked down at Tanner and raised a brow at him. "Girls; what can you do?" Soon after, Lauren came in and Gabriel offered her a warm smile. He remembered her quite fondly from the events at Shiganshina. He always felt grateful for her aid and had even offered to work for her as repayment. Of course, they both ended up joining the military, so it never really did matter much.

At the mention of his leg, Gabriel looked down, and nodded to her. "Yeah, it healed up nicely. I've been a lot more physical ever since, strangely enough." During those two years, he had intensified his training so that he could be as fit as a fiddle, if not more-so. In fact, it looked like he was in better shape than most of the other Cadets. It felt a bit awkward to be one of the few that was fit, but it didn't bother him too much. Besides, there was at least two others like him. After a few more seconds of chatting, he gave Lauren a nod, and let her walk off to eat. He watched Lauren leave and looked down at Reese, letting go of him, and stood him up straight. "You and Tanner get your food real quick. I want to catch up with everyone for a little bit. Feel free to come along if you like, though." He turned and walked towards the table where the girls sat, staring them all down. In a way, he felt almost like a Titan...

He offered the girls a smile and placed his hands on his waist. "Nice to meet ya'll. I'm sure some of you have already seen me before." It wasn't a very good introduction, not by a long-shot. Gabriel was actually a little nervous, but he stood his ground. Having friends during the past two years helped him a lot with being more social, but it was still a bit difficult to express himself without really trying. "My name's Gabriel Moreau." He looked down at Olivia and offered her a smile....and also a bit of a challenging glare. The bet was still on and he didn't forget it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Sano Takeshi


"A pleasure to meet you, my name is Sano Takeshi," the cadet returned respectfully, giving the shorter boy a nod before continuing towards the mess hall. He watched his comrades form together on the tables before him, filling the empty seats that remained. Listening in to the conversations that went on, Sano maneuvered his way through the aisles between the tables, excusing himself if he got to close to anyone.

His eyes targeted some seats close to the girls from the cabin, they had already found a table and were filling it quickly. "Let's sit over here, apologize for our intrusion in their cabin," he tasked, letting Emil and Connor pass him up and take their seats respectfully.

"May I?" he asked Mora, gesturing the seat next to hers. Her answer was unknown as he slowly formed into the chair, hoping there would be no backlash for his action. "I wanted to apologize for the two cadets that barged into your cabin, I should have been alert and stopped them." Deep down Sano felt responsible for the action of his team as he had already declared himself team captain - despite his unusual silence. Leading by example meant he needed to take charge of the situation and show others the way things in general must be performed.

He then turned towards his dinner, a soup that cast a smell of pond and raw onion. He cringed and coughed internally at the sight as well, feeling as though the ingredients were alive.

"....damn..." he cursed under his breath as his spoon played around the bowl and it's compounds. Gulping, he filled his utensil and brought it towards his mouth. He stopped hesitantly, eyes bulging out of their sockets as his entire body froze in place. He couldn't curse, the smell fund itself into his nervous system and forced him into immobilization. Then it took over and had him eat. He munched on the spoon as if it was eatable. Swallowing the soup as quickly and painlessly as possible. His spoon dropped back into his bowl, face turning to his right slightly as he glared into space. He sniffed, taking in the fresh air as his chest begin to burn from the inside out.

"Damn!" his brain cursed, obligating him to exhale the spices he had just inhaled. "Spicy," the word escaped him, jaw shivering as he shook his head in suffering. This wasn't soup, it was hell in a bowl.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Solace
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Solace 𝑠𝑐𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Reese Kestrel

The blond had never thought that his demise would come so soon.

Reese had always envisioned a failure, a misstep in his stride, and moments after, writhing within the claws of the titan as its burly hand would snap his body into a twig and devour him. Yet, nothing could compare to the everlasting torment that was his hunger. His mind was in the daze of daydream as Gabriel tossed him around, his eyes out of focus as a garble sound from what looked to be Olivia sounded.

And for whatever reason, as another figure approached them, Reese could only think back to the day of the breach, the box that he had cradled within his arms, full of scrumptious, delicious meat.
"Yes," he uttered randomly, a twinkle in his eyes. The boy shook his head, coming to a few of his senses as he wiped the drool from his lips. "Good to see you!"

Reese scrambled out and under from Gabriel's arm, looking around the cafeteria and sniffing lightly for any aromas. His eyes continued to scan around the room, finally pinpointing the location of the spicy aroma. 'Scuse me," he squirmed around the group, grabbing himself a bowl of the soup.

Once more, Reese found himself having to traverse the inconvenient blockade that was Gabriel in order to find his seat at the table, growling.
"Move it, creep," he sat down, blowing on the soup before he began to consume it. While the spice was beginning to overwhelm the boy, he continued to eat with very few stops, sating his hunger.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by ProxyInc
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ProxyInc Browncoat

Member Seen 2 mos ago

A million words bubbled and died on her tongue as everyone around her chatted. Mora was not one to sit by in idle silence but for now, and with much thanks to Lauren, silence was the only thing that didn't bring her near to tears from pain. Instead, she took everyone in. Noting how much they all had grown in two years. Sure, there was lighthearted play at hand but she noticed something she normally wouldn't had she the ability to socialize freely. There was taunt lines that pulled at the cadets eyes. Weariness and hunger that caused their bodies to droop just a little bit more than normal. She shifted her gaze to the table, 'Have I changed too?' her thoughts swirled. Threatening her with the questions she didn't want to ask. She didn't want to know. What life would be like. How many wrinkles would of been added to her father's Sun worn face.

Luckily she wasn't left with her thoughts for long as a familiar voice interrupted her. Mora blinked as she watched Sano take up the spot next to her, his odd mannerisms coming to play as he set out to apologize. 'Just be thankful, buddy, that it hurts to talk.' she thought at him but let a small smile grace her lips. She didn't hold it against him. The boys shouldn't have been in the cabin and he was simply doing his duty.

It was what happened next that made her body shake as she fought back laughter. She watched the boy's face contort as he gasped out after a bite of whatever was before them and he wasn't alone. Reese sat not to far from them, she watched with amusement as he shoveled the dish in all the while looking like he was starting to sweat any moment.

Mora looked at her own bowl and then around her. "Law, Jade, if I die. Remember me fondly." She croaked before taking a brave bite.

There was a myriad of sensations that overwhelmed her. First, the warmth from the broth felt nice but that was short lived as the foul concoction only decided to grow in her mouth. She gagged and tried to stifle a cough. "Mistake." she squeaked. Even talking didn't hurt as bad as offensive onslaught of spices that simmered. She should've taken the hint from Sano but no. With both hands she shoved the offending dish away from her and laid her head down on the table. "Law....we need water."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by wolverbells
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Jade Stone | Mess Hall

Mentions: @HecateProxy , @Solace , @LordVoldemort , @QT , and anyone else that is involved

Once she had gotten her food, which quite frankly she didn't really know what she had gotten, Jade found herself moving with the flow of people. She heard conversations around her but she mainly focused on not spilling whatever the contents inside her bowl contained. What she was looking forward to the most was the piece of bread that she had also gotten. Extra rations for smaller people, possibly? It didn't matter. She had always been a picky eater and by the looks of things, the soup was not going to cut it. Mora and Lauren had gotten on her the last two years because she would rather not eat food that was given to her which caused her to have become so thin compared to the others.

Finding her seat at the table, Jade had noticed that more and more of the people that she once would be happy to be with started sitting down. Even Sano had came and sat next to Mora, and adjacent to her. The girl furrowed her eyebrows in concentration as she looked down and focused on breaking her bread into pieces so she could eat it bit by bit and fool her stomach to become full.

" Move it, creep."

Jade had nearly choked on a piece of bread as she looked up to gauge the boys that had suddenly come over to sit down, her eyes lingering on Gabriel. This was exactly the same spot that they had left off in two years ago before the wall had been breached by the titan. Memories flooded her as she felt like she was yanked back to that day out in the field. "Hey, Gabe. I remember you.. You never got to eat what was in the basket. We also didn't get to find out what was in that box, if I remember correctly." Jade smiled a bit at the tall boy before returning to her bread and water. Across from her sat Mora and Sano, the latter whom was apologizing for earlier. Jade watched him as he began to eat the soup, which was what she had gotten as well. By the look on the boy's face, Jade could tell that the soup was underwhelming, to say the least. She made a face and pushed the bowl away from her, closer to Reese who had begun to eat his food like there was no tomorrow. She said nothing as she turned away from the food, hoping no one truly paid attention to her.

Her eyes darted back to Mora as she heard her speak about dying, which caught Jade's attention. "Wait, Mora, don't!"Jade once again grimaced at the sight of Mora practically dying after taking a spoonful of her food. "Ugh", 'gross'. Jade shook her head and continued to eat her bread, piece by piece. She had been glad that she had decided to come sit with the bunch. Their spirits and personalities seemed to help lift Jade's own gloomy mood and helped her forget that she had been made a fool in front of everyone.

"Hey where are you from?" Jade suddenly blurted out as she looked up at Sano, curiosity taking over and having her ask the question before she could think twice about it. The boy didn't exactly look like everyone else around. He seemed foreign and mysterious which made her a bit nervous. Hopefully he wouldn't take offense to her sudden question.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kuro
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Tanner Harwell
Current Location: Wall Rose, Training Grounds
Interacting With: (@LordVoldemort, @wolverbells, @HecateProxy, @Ambra, @Jinxer, @Solace)

Tanner, Reese and Gabriel all went to the mess hall together, but as they entered the building, Tanner couldn't help but to think that he didn't exist. Several of the cadets, supposedly girls that Reese and Gabriel knew before their enlistment, had made their way to their group, yet they had both ignored Tanner as if he was just another post holding up the roof of the mess hall. Olivia had ignored Tanner completely, while Lauren had only introduced herself to him after she was already in a full-fledged conversation with Reese and Gabriel. He frowned as the girls reduced him to the status Tanner held before he met his cabin-mates: an introverted nobody.

Still, Tanner didn't let it bother him too much. He nodded at Lauren, and introduced himself. "Tanner. It's nice to meet you as well." Tanner replied as Gabriel had left Reese and him to speak to doubtlessly another long lost friend. As the two approached the lunch line, Tanner had thought back to years ago, and wondered what exactly he missed. So far, everyone Tanner had met already knew each other, while he was meeting them for the first time. It appeared that Tanner's rampant search for the woman caused him to miss out on so many possible friendships back in his home district.

The spicy aroma was hardly overwhelming for Tanner, yet the smell forced him to focus back on reality. Tanner took the soup passed to him, and placed it on the tray that held the rest of his "nutritious" meal. He knew the meal was generic, a few staples to keep the cadets from keeling over during their training, but food was food and Tanner didn't complain. Following Reese to the table, Tanner took his place on the edge of the table. Reese and Gabriel had sat nearby, and Lauren was there too, but the table had many more cadets that Tanner had no idea who they were. Feeling that it wouldn't be the brightest idea to sit in the middle of a bunch of strangers, Tanner shoved his spoon into the soup bowl and started to eat.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 7 mos ago

Grant Hyral

Wall Rose - Training Grounds

Grant watched as everyone left, and by that, it left him to himself and himself only. No one else was around, really. No one was nearby, everyone had split off into their own little splinter groups, leaving Grant standing where he was, all alone. This was something that Grant hated, being left alone in the midst of what could be chaos: A beating from an instructor or a simple embarrassment of being left behind would do the trick nicely. Grant hated a lot of things like this, because apart from Olivia, he hadn't really gone into the Cadets with anyone he knew perfectly. There was no Mateo to keep him company, now that he was back in service with the Survey Corps. Everyone was able to get into a social groove very easily, which was something that took the outer-wall kid time to get used to.

Come to think of it, Grant had never really discussed where he was from to anyone, not even the likes of Olivia or Reese. But that was something he couldn't help doing. Seeing Shiganshina fall in such a paced fashion made him lose hope to the little houses he once grew up within. They weren't safe. They weren't alive, no doubt. But what could he do? All he could do was find a way to keep himself occupied in the world that would come to the uses of any individuals. Grant was a misfit, in all honesty. Only there to add comedic value to any conversation, he felt almost casted out from most groups of individuals, no matter how sociable he tried and seemed like he was being. And the fact he was now left alone in the middle of an empty area seemed to get to him quite badly. He quickly began to pace around, fumbling within his pockets.

He felt something in his breast pocket, a papery envelope. It must have been the last letter Mateo sent before the mail-line was temporarily cut off due to the advantages Grant was taking from it. Standing out in the open didn't make him feel comfortable with reading it aloud or in plain sight, especially if Schulz was lurking around every corner. He waited a good few minutes, possibly more, before he started to head over to the cabin he was designated for.

By the time he reached it, the last person was exiting, heading towards where he presumed was the mess hall. Everyone was already hungry, no surprises said there. Grant still wasn't prioritising food at that moment, and wandered into the cabin he hadn't seen yet. The dormitory was quite small, basic and military-standard-like, so it all met his expectations of what it was anyway. He looked around, looking for the neatest bunk that had been left untouched by anyone's belongings or body prints from where they might've laid down for a minute or two. Once more, he scanned his surroundings, before placing his backside down onto the thin sheets of the bedding he had. Once again, he took out the folded up paperwork, unravelling it to find out what he was sent last. It was indeed a letter from Mateo, who else would it be from? No one was nice enough to send him anything, if he had known them.

He continued to read the first inking of the papers, with a difference in what it usually stated. Most of his letters started out jovial and extravagant, but this one was different. Something had happened...Something bad had happened...He kept reading, and sure enough, that gut instinct was completely right about what was being written down...

Grant eventually, miles later than any other cadet, stumbled into the Mess Hall. His face didn't carry on the usual grin that he'd walk around with, as he kept on shuffling inside. As he entered, he stopped, and leant against the door-frame for a few moments. He looked ahead, seeing the small and large groups of different cadets, familiar and new faces alike, chanting away greetings at one another. It looked nice, really nice...But with Grant being late under circumstances he discovered himself, he felt like there wasn't anything to be overly jovial about. Obviously, Grant wasn't the one to keep the mood completely down, but when there was the slightest difference in his stature, those who knew him would be able to deduce a presence of issue within a small fraction of time.

He stared, looking at some of those who he saw being shouted at by Schulz not too long ago in the day. They were all similar ages to one another, most of whom were similar heights. Different tones in voice, different pitching. All these differences, and yet they seemed to mix quite well with each other. But all of them had different qualities, something Grant was not always used to going through. Spending all his time with a horse and an Uncle, even Grant had found it hard to get used to Luca...The thought crossed his mind of the name, before he almost sank where he stood.

He continued leaning against the door frame, only staring at what was ahead of him. Even in the dark minutes he had just experienced, he had to try and find some-way to push forwards. It'd probably be the determination he had that would kill him in the end...
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Marlowe
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Marlowe Exiled Moondrinker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Olivia Zesiger

Interacting with: Reese (@Solace), Jade (@wolverbells), Mora (@HecateProxy), Lauren (@Jinxer), Gabriel (@LordVoldemort),
Tanner (@Aquanthe), Sano (@QT), Grant (@LetMeDoStuff)

Gabriel's words did not make Olivia falter as she swaggered over to retrieve her own plate of food. Instead, she claimed a bowl of the strange-looking broth. It smelled... sour, to put it nicely, but its color and viscosity were something that wouldn't be praised. Not by her mouth, at least. The girl watched the liquid slosh around in its container as she walked toward the table where Jade and the rest of the girls had gathered around. Others began to hover around it as well, chatting like sparrows. Gabriel arrived rather shortly with his hands on his hips as he introduced himself. She returned his glare before rolling her eyes. Is he trying to pick up girls again? she thought.. Carefully, as to not spill the contents of the bowl, she took a seat to hear Jade question Sano's origin. The black-haired boy was struggling over the intensity of the soup, along with the other girl, Mora.

Olivia opened her mouth before her eyes fell on the spectacle of Reese's eating habits. The boy was devouring the plate of broth as if it was something holy and divine. Reluctantly, she played with the broth a little bit before turning to Sano. "Now that I think of it, I haven't really seen him before," she said out loud, her eyes removing themselves from the boy before scanning the faces at the table. A new face had shown up, and the other blonde introduced himself as Tanner. He appeared more boyish than the rest, and she wondered if he was younger or older than she was. Even though they were all roughly the same age, their faces and voices were all unique. Especially Reese's. The way that he slurped his soup intrigued her. Of course, hunger was something that they all dealt with at one point. But Reese was a small boy, and seeing a small boy passionately eat his food was always something that interested her.

She shook her head, once again studying her surroundings. Olivia spotted Grant leaning against the door, alone. She couldn't help but frown. Why was he isolated from the others? Without a second thought, she raised a hand, waving at the other giant. "Hey, Grant, get some food and join us!" she cried out with a friendly grin. It hurt her to see that a friend was alone and without something to eat. After she motioned Grant to come over, Olivia turned towards her own plate. She picked up the spoon, dipping it into the bowl before popping it into her mouth. The taste was intense, almost foul. She had to restrain herself from spitting it out, and the soup made her begin to sweat. She persevered in swallowing the liquid, but not without a gasp of surprise. "Is the cook trying to kill us?" Olivia muttered, giving the group a distasteful look. The truth was that food was food, after all, and she knew that if she did not eat, she would not eat until the morning. Frowning, she filled her spoon again before putting it between her lips and gulping down another portion of the broth.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Jinxer The British One

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Seemingly, by arriving first, the girls had become the rallying point for the other cadets. They were soon joined by several of the boys, all the familiar faces plus some new ones taking seats around them or even joining them at their table. Sano sat down on the other side of Mora, Lauren studiously began to eat her 'soup' rather than say anything. There were several conflicting flavours, none of them particularly appealing, but it was filling and she'd certainly had worse in the time after they fled Shiganshina. Two years of testing herbs and medicines had also somewhat numbed her to bad tasting food; as long as it wasn't poisonous then she wasn't going to have issues eating it.

It was when Sano apologised for the boys being in the cabin that she couldn't help herself any longer and put her bowl down slowly.

"Actually, I invited one of them in. They were both patients under my care and needed a quick check up. Since I've been 'assigned' as the medic but not given any proper facilities as of yet I needed to operate out of my cabin. Thankfully they didn't need any real taking care of or else they may have suffered lasting damage from their treatment being interrupted." The gaze she cast at Sano couldn't quite be called a glare, she was not aggressive enough in nature for that, however it was certainly a look of disapproval. "In future, when I'm treating someone then come hell or high water, they are under my care and I will decide what's best for them."

In the back of her mind she knew that she was being hypocritical, calling out the boy's attempts at leadership on the first day as excessive by responding in kind but it irked her that her actions had been indirectly called into question; it insulted her notion of professionalism. Thankfully, other spoke up and soon they were all united in struggling with the difficult aftertaste of the soup. Mora gave up on her soup, pushing the distasteful meal away and begging for water.

"Alright, although you'll need to eat some more of that. You can't heal on an empty stomach." She nimbly extricated herself from the table, and the group, and retrieved a large skin of water and several cups before returning to the back of the cabin and distributing the drinking vessels around. Jade blurted something she couldn't quite hear at Sano and, despite herself, she grinned mischievously at her small friend's awkwardness. She was standing behind her so only Mora would be able to see her expression and could share in the amusement.

The water and the cups handed out, she slid back into her seat on the other side of Mora and pulled her own bowl back and quickly polished it off. She looked sternly at her two friends and nodded at their nearly untouched bowls.

"We've had worse, wash it down with the water. There's no telling what the Instructor will put us through tomorrow and I doubt the food is going to get any better so we'll just have to get used to it for now." When no one responded she reached for Mora's bowl and dipped the spoon in for a substantial portion. "I swear, I will force feed you this. Don't make me do the flying noises I have to for Atticus, y'hear!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Sano Takeshi


"I only followed orders, just like you," Sano stated in response to Lauren's disfavor. He turned up from his bowl, subjecting her to the glare she was absent. He looked deep into her eyes, a state of enmity crowding the outer rings of his pupils. Though seconds after their visionary encounter, the interlock broke its hold as Jade pounced into the conversation with a question of her own - distancing the two cadets from any further aggravation. Her question: Where are you from?

The simple inquiry brought forth memories of his youth, clouding his trance of thought which induced him to silence. He looked at the bowl before him, then managed to break lose from his own mind prison. "I was born outside of the walls, but raised in Shiganshina. My..." again he went silent, sighing in annoyance that revealing this information was proving more difficult than imagined.

"My family helped build Wall Maria. The wall that the Armored Titan destroyed...." he stopped, pushing away his empty food bowl. He stood up from the table, looking around at all the cadets that sat around him. "Tomorrow is combat training. You all must be at the training yard at zero five-hundred hours. Please do NOT be late. I do not wish to run for your insubordination."

With that, the leader fled. Leaving the others to eat at their pace and sleep at the time they desired. Muddled with recollections of his past, the night would find itself strenuous - despite the silence that overlaid the cabins.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by SheriffLlama
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SheriffLlama In Trench I'm Not Alone

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Connor Bayer

Connor sat in the mess hall, his attitude completely opposite of everyone else. Sure the soup wasn't the best, but he'd definitely had worse. Besides, after running as much as he had in the last couple hours, he would eat dirt if he had to. That, added to his fear of Lauren force feeding them all made him okay with eating whatever was truly in his soup. He downed another full bowl, just to ease his hunger, and then washed it down with water. He laid his spoon on the rim of his bowl and stared down at the wooden bowl, deciding if he wanted to get more or not. He decided to not eat anymore and rather pushed his bowl away from him.

"Oh, yeah, just-" He let out a light belch. "Just for the record, I didn't barge into the girl's cabin, I was dying and was dragged there." He said, partly to Sano and partly to the girls at the table.

As the conversations continued on, the young man noticed Grant standing in the doorway, and something about him seemed off. To be fair, Connor didn't know him hardly at all, but he could tell that the boy's mind was somewhere else. He quietly dismissed himself from the group and made his way over to where Grant had stood himself for the moment. He leaned back against the wall and looked over at the cadet. "You alright, man?

"Name's Connor, by the way. Grant, right?" He shifted to make himself more comfortable. "You wanna... join the table? You're welcome to sit with everyone else, we'd love to have you."

When the conversation dropped to Sano's remarks to Lauren, Connor watched careful as the young man stormed out in frustration. Connor pushed off the wall and followed after Sano. When he reached the cabins, he found the cadet inside. "Hey, Sano. He said as he sat in the bed across from him. "My- uh... My family was killed in the titan attacks. If your experience was anything like mine, then I'm really sorry. A lot of us lost people to the titans a few years ago, so I don't think they meant any harm. I appreciate how hard you're working, and following orders - I really admire it." He let silence fall over the cabin again, allowing Sano to decide whether or not he would respond.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by ProxyInc
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ProxyInc Browncoat

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Mora Kingsly

Interacting with: @QT,@Jinxer,@Ambra,@wolverbells,@LetMeDoStuff and everyone else


"Law," Mora groaned, "Be nice." the girl teased before gulping the water greedily. Mora scrunched her nose as the foul taste persisted to linger even after several mouth fulls. "Bastards." she remarked to Olivia who struggled against the broth herself. Around her the cadets seemed to fill in the empty spaces, even the boy from before,Connor, had settled in while offering an excuse to Sano but before Mora could voice her opinion Jade spoke up. Mora looked up at Lauren as they paused to share a moment of pure amusement before turning her emerald gaze towards Jade, who was hastily eating bites of bread.

"Well. Well. Well." she whispered playfully as she waggled her brows once more at the girl. "Look what you did. You scared him off. Mora commented to the table. Thanks to Lauren's earlier aid Mora was able to speak softly with little discomfort. Which would seem to be handy as Olivia had started to call over another cadet who had arrived. Looking over she offered her warmest smile before settling back in her chair. Above her Lauren issued a threat, well she wouldn't quite call it a threat. More like a challenge as the girl pulled back the horrid stew and urged her to eat.

"Lauren..." she muttered before tilting her head back and locking eyes with her friend. She shot the girl an impish smile and opened her mouth as if she expected her to hand feed her. Her eyes sparkled with mischief as she waited to see if Lauren would live up to her threats.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Jinxer The British One

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Lauren Jones

@wolverbells@HecateProxy@QT@SheriffLlama and everyone else, although not directly

Lauren watched with interest as Sano up and left quickly, seemingly flustered out of his by-the-book persona by Jade's questioning. Remembering the fact for later reference, she nodded to Connor as he joined them, although the boy also took off shortly to talk with the other tall boy of their group who lingered in the doorway. She could see something had unsettled the tall boy but she didn't know him, certainly not enough to inquire as to what was troubling him.

"No need to rush things Jade, there'll be plenty of times to flirt - I mean talk - with him." She laughed, her mood improving from its brief moment of sourness with now Ra teasing her, challenging her to make good on her threat. "Oh, you think I'm not serious don't you!"

She delivered the spoonful of soup carefully to Mora's mouth and stared the girl down until she swallowed it, quickly refilling the utensil and holding it up and meeting her friend's gaze. "Come on, lots more left!"

She paused for a moment, flashing back to when she had done something similar for little Atticus. Pa had been out and left Lauren to care for him, although they had lived together for a year already by that point so it wasn't that unusual for her to be caring for him alone. He was barely a toddler at that point and insisted upon being fed with the aid of a variety of sound effects. Then her mind made the next link, one she spent most of her time avoiding and was drove her to coping method most, to Cain. Mora was Cain's brother and there were obvious familial similarities in their faces, her memory overlaying with the present to the point she could see both of them in front of her at once.

With a force of will she shook herself free from the disturbing illusion and smiled, continuing the playing with their food. More than at any point that day she was craving for some of the deliberately mis-labelled bottles in her medicines bag, suddenly desperate to drink herself into a sleepful stupor and erase the memories bubbling just below the surface. For a time, at least.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by wolverbells
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Jade Stone | Mess Hall

Mentions: @QT @Jinxer @HecateProxy @Aquanthe

Jade had been left in utter silence as Sano had answered her question in a way that was strange to her. She had most likely brought up unwanted memories which quickly made her wish the the ground would swallow her whole. She knew all too well what it was like to feel the crushing memories so she looked down the boy spoke. It wasn't until he brought up the fact that his family helped build the wall that her eyes shot up to look at him. She frowned slightly as he abruptly ended the conversation and left, leaving them with orders as usual, it seemed. "Hm." Jade chewed over the information that Sano had shared with them before turning to look at Mora's face then to Lauren. Jade saw the look the two were giving her which quickly turned her look into a menacing scowl, warning them to stop. "I didn't scare him off!" She didn't really have much else to say to defend herself so she crossed her arms over her chest and turned her attention to the others, ignoring Mora and Lauren.

Her eyes slowly went from face to face as she studied the talkative bunch. She stopped once she got to a boy who had exchanged an introduction with Lauren. Tanner, she believed his name to be. He was busy eating, thankfully, as Jade tried to figure out who he was. She couldn't seem to remember him visiting the bakery, unless she happened to be doing something that meant her being in the backroom.

"Hi Tanner, I'm Jade."

Once again she blurted out something without really thinking it through. in a way she didn't feel too dumb over her actions since the boy was practically being talked over. He had been there with people talking over and around him yet not really anyone speaking to him. She sighed as she wished her attempts at being social seemed to be lacking of everything known to humankind in regards to be able to function as a normal human being. "Um. I just don't remember you and was wondering if you're from Shignashina as well." 'Never speaking to strangers again,' she thought as she had finished her statement towards Tanner. Hopefully she wouldn't scare him off too like Sano. She didn't mean to sound so harsh or mean. She was truly working on herself and hoping to at least be accepted for the time being.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kuro
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Tanner Harwell
Current Location: Wall Rose, Training Grounds
Interacting With: (@LordVoldemort, @wolverbells, @Ambra, @Jinxer, @Solace + everyone else)

Tanner continued to devour his soup as he watched the conversation from afar. The girls appeared to be having fun feeding each other soup and bread while the boys were boys and wolfed down their food. Many of the cadets were starving because of the heat and forced running they had to sit through, but for Tanner, the food was just a change of pace. Despite the obvious attempt to pass along it as food, Tanner felt it was better than what the Garrison was offering to the refugees. It made Tanner wonder if the mysterious woman had ever ate the meal in front of him as a cadet.

"Hi Tanner, I'm Jade." An unfamiliar voice spoke to Tanner, pulling him free from his soup-induced haze. Tanner looked up from the meal in front of him, and towards Jade. The friendliness had forced Tanner to do a double-take, especially after the girls sitting near her had nearly ignored him completely. Why would this woman speak to him when her friends had hardly cared for Tanner? It had left him with a number of questions, yet before Tanner could answer them, Jade spoke again. "Um. I just don't remember you and was wondering if you're from Shignashina as well." Jade stated, announcing her status as another Shignashina survivor.

"No worries. I'm from Shignashina." Tanner smiled at Jade. "Although, I don't think we've ever met. My parents ran the Harwell bookstore. You might've dropped by once in awhile like Gabriel or Reese." Tanner replied, as he began to feel something change inside him. As if blessed with luck, more and more of the cadets had been in the same circumstances as Tanner was two years ago. Something, like a spiritual force, was telling Tanner to not screw this up, to take advantage of the situation at hand and make friends with all these survivors that were introducing themselves to him. It was a gut feeling Tanner couldn't quite shake away.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Solace
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Solace 𝑠𝑐𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Reese Kestrel

By the time that Reese had finished his bowl of soup, the boy was sweating profusely, his nose beginning to run. He broke into a short dash for a cup of water, drinking graciously to calm himself. Just as he had returned to the table and began to cool off, he looked to the ethnically-exotic boy that addressed the lot of them in a peculiar, officiated manner, watching Sano speak as if he were a little deranged. He simply didn't expect such a posh and acute request, given what the recruits had witnessed from their actual instructor earlier.

And in a way, Reese was a bit weirded out by Sano, still boasting a look of mild confusion on his face as he departed just as suddenly. Bumping himself next to Olivia, who was in close proximity, he looked up to Gabriel momentarily, wondering why the giant had suddenly ceased to function. Perhaps the anxiety of social interaction with females was Gabriel's fatal flaw? Deciding to leave him in his dazed state, he turned back to Olivia.

"That guy's kind of weird, isn't he?" Reese referred to Sano's almost-uptight, tense tone, whispering to Olivia. He looked up to Mora and Lauren, sitting across from them. The boy watched as the two fiddled with their food, force-feeding one another, and for the moment, he didn't have much to say to anyone. He sat back and gave everything a moment of his time, taking the scenery of the lively mess hall into account; it was one of those many things that Reese would remember for a long time; at least, he hoped so.
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