Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Liaison
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Liaison Passive Aggressor

Member Seen 15 days ago


Name: Ferris "Roach" Caldwell
Height: 5’11
Weight 203 lbs
Race: Human
Age: 38
Influence: (3) Regional

Eldritch abominations, specters, demons. These all attracted him. His fascination with the unknown was frankly unhealthy. So unhealthy, he often found himself in harm's way for knowledge sake. Despite this, his yearning for the truth was unwavering, often using science to aid him. Just the prospect of learning about abnormal creatures and entities excited him, so much, that he’d often conjure ways to systematically kill them. There is no way to obscurely put this; Ferris Caldwell was indeed a serial killer. Even if it were for scholarly reasons, at most he could say at least he didn’t kill humans. He was very much interested in the human mind, however, but he studied them through principles that were considered for the most part moral in comparison.

What made this individual truly terrifying is that he often hid behind a charismatic persona, and on a regular basis lured individuals to help him with his dangerous research.

Currently, Ferris was your average looking middle aged Caucasian male. His unkempt locks of mousy hair were probably his most signature trait. His dark brown eyes were bagged but no more than the average sleep deprived 9 to 5er. He usually wore a long coat to conceal his equipment but other than that he appeared to be quite the normal guy.

(4) Parasitic intervention: To be honest, Ferris escapades often failed more so than succeeded. Had he not developed this method of survival by working with the cells of a symbiotic entity he might have been long gone. Several years ago he developed a way to actively convert his consciousness into data. Were he to be slain, which has happened half a dozen times already, he could be essentially revived by “uploading” his brain into the consciousness of another individual. In order for the transfer to be successful, this parasitic data-mongering creature had to be present within the individual’s brain in order to rewire and upload his sentience. In theory, all he had to do was set up and insert strands of the parasite into another individual's brain before edgework to set up potential host bodies in the event of his future demise. Essentially, he can only initiate the transfer if the person is within a 75,000 mile radius. If not, his conciousness is essentially left in its data server for who knows how long.

(3) Parasitic stasis: Because this body of his currently housed by the parasitic hive of property changing microorganisms, his body naturally differed from your run of the mill human. Since prolific in his brain and bloodstream, they worked essentially like super versions of his own cells. They effectively empowered white blood cells to metabolize poison, absorbed radiation, increased healing to levels in which you could watch in real time and even enhanced his senses and physical feats well above what is expected from a human.

(2) M9C Magnum – (2x) This model is a semi-automatic, recoil-operated, magazine-fed handgun. It has a double-action only, trigger and fires the M228 12.7mmx40mm SAP-HP round (Semi-Armor Piercing, High Penetration) from a 12 round magazine. It has a high rate of fire at 6 rounds/sec or 360 rounds/min. It uses the short recoil principle, meaning that during firing the bolt face and barrel recoil back a very short distance before unlocking and cycling. Because it is semi-automatic, the gun is self-cocking due to recoil from the previous shot (until the magazine is empty).

(2) Thermite Charge – (2x) these charges rely on a chemical process between metal powders and oxides to create high temperatures, with no explosion. Commonly, Aluminum and Iron (III) Oxide are used in the reaction. Thermite can reach temperatures upwards of 2500 °C (4500 °F) and is often used to melt through a wide range of things extremely quickly. The most practical use for these sort of charges is to quickly gain entrance to locked areas.

(1) Grappling Gun –(1x) a line launching, handgun like device used by Ferris that fired retractable and detachable cables with a mechanized, magnetic, clawed end. Rarely was this used on individuals but it was definitely within its means to constrict them.

(2) Fragmentation Grenade – (2x) an all-purpose grenade. The grenade has a hard metal casing, with a frangible design meant to break apart into small, regular shards. This surface creates consistent, reliable fragmentation patterns for the grenade, rather than randomly rupturing along metallurgical faults. The grid-shaped casing houses a charge of high-explosive fitted with a mechanical primer. When the charge detonates, it shatters the grenade's casing, sending shrapnel flying away at high velocity with an explosive force capable of damaging the mightiest of metals.

(1) Standard Kit – an oversized scalpel he often used like a combat knife, empty syringes(4), standard smoke grenade, and EMP charge.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Circ
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