Thank you for taking the time to click on my thread. It’s by no means the best thread and it could certainly use some work, but I like to think that it has a kind of humble charm, in the same way a run-down shack atop of grand field of filth has charm. A niche appeal, I guess.

I’ve been partly on and off the site over the past few years, lurking in the shadows more than anything; less Batman and more bedroom intruder, you could say. Occasionally I’d find the motivation to try and get back into writing, but it always fizzled out before it got going.

Anyway, here’s a little dash of info about myself. Currently trying to get myself back into writing again, so that I don’t feel like such a waste of space; whether writing stories with strangers online actually adds any societal value to my being is open for debate. I have a job that takes up a fair amount of my time, and so won’t be available to post every day. I’ll be posting a few times a week, sometimes more or sometimes less, so if you’re looking for someone who can post consistently every day, I’m not your guy. I’ll usually be available to message, though. I appreciate a good meme, too.

I’ll post some of my own ideas below, if you want to look. A few are older ideas that I’ve touched up that I think would be interesting, but if you have any ideas of your own feel free to shoot them my way and I’ll do my best not to steal them and publish them into a bestselling novel, earning myself millions until the guilt of the theft slowly eats away at my soul and I find myself a bitter shell of a man, crying myself to sleep most nights haunted by the visions of my own deceit. That probably won’t happen.

As for the type of stories that I’m looking for, I can pretty much get behind anything with a decent plot. Whether it be horror, fantasy or sci-fi, I’ll give anything a shot. Personally, I prefer dark and gritty tales with a sense of realism. I will most likely not be up for My Little Pony fanfiction.

Don't take anything I've written below as being set in stone; all of the ideas can be discussed. Think of them as just general outlines.