Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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October Crypt

Interacting With: @Nallore Carolina Reed
Location: Saranac Lake

October knew the possibility that they would be tested. In that situation, all they could hope for is that their abilities wouldn't have any sort of genetic basis. It would be the only thing to save them. But of course, she figured that the chance that a deviance wouldn't present itself in the DNA somehow was near nothing. But at the same time, October figured that S.H.I.E.L.D. couldn't possibly test everyone they encountered in the woods. It would draw too much attention.

As Carolina hid the box away, October nodded, though she couldn't help but feel concerned. There was a chance that some of the other kids from the Institute would find it, taking away their chance of understanding it. But if all went well, S.H.I.E.L.D. would let them be and move on, allowing them to take the box and run to somewhere more secluded to examine it for a few hours.

"No suggestions that would end without bloodshed," October responded, a slight chill in her voice. The chill then disappeared, as October glanced at Carolina with fondness. "I take it you are not comfortable with death." She felt slightly nervous, doing her very best to dampen her abilities, yet her hands were warming rapidly. She bit her lip slightly, attempting to adjust them back to a normal body temperature, but it was largely unsuccessful.

"I have a cousin, Mercurial--she loves being tested. She'd get a kick out of this," October mentioned, perhaps a bit randomly. S.H.I.E.L.D.'s flashlights had reached the girls, illuminating them in the dark. There was no turning back.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Interacting With: @Morose October Crypt
Location: Saranac Lake

Carolina turned her head slightly to look at October and shook her head slightly. "Death wouldn't be preferable at the moment, i'd rather like to grow old and all that good old jazz." Carolina said tucking a few strands of her hair behind her ear as she could hear the voices of the SHIELD Agents getting closer and closer. She kept her fingers crossed that hopefully that they would just pass them and be on their way. Carolina looked to her friend mentioning one of her cousins enjoying being tested. "Maybe she should get blood tested next." Carolina said jokingly trying to lighten the mood a bit.

Then Carolina paused for a moment hearing a familiar voice, just as the flash lights were right on them she quickly shielded her eyes when her eyes started to finally adjusted to the lights. Carolina had a rather shocked look to her face seeing the one front in center was actually her older sister. [color=]"Cassandra?"[/color] Carolina asked with a confused look on her face, seeing the gear that her sister was wearing she never expected that her sister was actually a SHIELD Agent. But Carolina just went over rather quickly and pulled her older sister into a hug. "What are you doing here?" Carolina finally asked her older sister.

Interacting With: Carolina Reed & @Morose October Crypt
Location: Saranac Lake

"Carolina?" Cassandra asked, with that same confused look on her face, sure she did know that her sister was at that nearby institute just outside of the town. "Stand down." She said holding up her hand, as the other SHIELD Agents started to lower their weapons they were all carrying icers and in case things did turn bad they did have their lethal weapons as a last resort. Cassandra then felt her sister running over to her and gave her a big hug, which she returned it rather quickly.

Cassandra looked over at some of the other field agents, the ones who were in the science division were all exploring the area carrying and holding various types of scanning equipment. "We are on a mission, looking for something." Cassandra said, however she didn't really say what it was or the purpose. Cassandra then looked over towards October for a moment, then over towards her sister. "Whos your friend?" Cassandra asked then looking back over towards October. "Agent Cassandra Reed." She said as she held her hand out towards October.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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October Crypt

Interacting With: @Nallore Carolina Reed
Location: Saranac Lake

October raised an eyebrow, feeling a bit impressed. The chances that Carolina's sister would turn out to be an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. had been rather low. However, given that Cassandra was indeed an agent, her turning up in the town of Saranac Lake just hours after dropping her sister off at the Alucard Institute was hardly surprising. She was in the area already, after all. It made financial sense for the organization. Why fly in a different agent if there was already one there?

She then stared at Cassandra's outstretched hand for a moment, before shaking it. October couldn't do much about the temperature of her hand. She normally ran hot, even without any sort of stress. And while she did consider herself to have mastered her powers, the fact that her hand hadn't burst into flames was good enough for her. To Cassandra, shaking October's hands would almost feel like touching a hot stove. Fortunately, no blisters would form.

"Toby," October replied, using her one and only nickname. She had tried going by her middle name, Morning, in the past but it tended to draw heads from the normals. "Your sister speaks quite highly of you, Agent Reed. She'll write you a lovely eulogy one day." She was trying her very best to fit in with the normals, paying Cassandra an earnest compliment. It didn't even occur to her how morbid it was.

For the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents scanning the area, they were quite lucky. It took them a few minutes of moving about in the dark, for the most part ignoring the two girls talking with Cassandra, but their scanners eventually picked up an object of Asgardian origin. It lead them to the exact location where Carolina had buried it and a few minutes later, the box was unearthed.

"It should be here," one of the scientists murmured, staring directly at the box.

"It shows up on the scans," another agreed, also looking right at it. October tilted her head slightly before her eyes widened in understanding. For some reason, the normals couldn't see the box. Yet she and Carolina could. Fascinating.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Interacting With: @Morose October Crypt & Cassandra Reed
Location: Saranac Lake

Carolina looked over at October using her nickname was slightly odd to her, why not simply use her first name as she would watch the other armed SHIELD agents scanning the area for something, then two of them started to approach the hollowed out stump that she ended up burying the box in. She looked over to her friend for a moment, as Carolina contemplated on if she should actually pull the thing out or not and show them. But what was odd to her was that neither of the agents could actually see what they were looking at, Carolina did really trust her sister. But still was slightly unsure why Cassandra had kept being a SHIELD Agent away from her for so long was odd to her, since they did tell one another practically everything.

When October shook Cassandra's hand she could see her sister visibly wince, and tense up slightly. Carolina knew that it was most likely due to her friend's ability over fire and heat. Carolina then broke away from her sister's hug and started to make her way over towards the tree stump she had buried the box in.

"I'm assuming that you are looking for this?" Carolina asked, as she held out the box but to Cassandra and the other SHIELD agents looked like that she was just simply holding air. Then Carolina approached October to let her friend hold it, so far their attempts to open it weren't working for her or October. She assumed that her sister and the other SHIELD agents knew how to actually open it up. When her sister asked for them to follow her, Carolina nodded slightly and then looked over to October motioning for her friend to join her as well.

Interacting With: Carolina Reed & @Morose October Crypt
Location: Saranac Lake

"Its nice to meet you then Toby." Cassandra said then winced when she felt October's hand shaking hers, feeling like she was touching a very hot stove or grill on her hand when October let go she looked down at her hand seeing that there wasn't any burn or blister marks on her. Then what October said next got her slightly uncomfortable, but she decided to not say anything. Rubbing the back of her neck slightly, she turned her attention over towards the other agents as they walked over towards the stump. Cassandra was actually here for the 0-8-4 that they ended up picking up scans of the area.

Then her sister made her way over towards the stump some of the other agents aimed icers at Carolina, which Cassandra quickly ordered them to lower their weapons. She wasn't going to shoot her own sister, even if it was jus an icer, then Carolina pulled out what simply was air to her and then handing it over to October. Cassandra then pulled out her own scanner getting the scans, they did appear to have readings that were of Asguardian origin. "0-8-4 Is confirmed." looking over at her sister and then over at October as much as Cassandra didn't want to bring her sister into SHIELD custody at least for now.

She looked at the two girls for a moment. "Mind coming with us, we do have some questions and find out what that thing is." Cassandra said, which her sister nodded slightly and Cassandra then waved for the other agents to head for the Quinjet. "Follow me then." She said as she started to lead the girls and the team over to the jet.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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October Crypt

Interacting With: @Nallore Carolina and Cassandra Reed
Location: Saranac Lake

October felt Carolina's gaze but didn't turn to meet it, concentrating mostly on keeping her body temperature as low as she could make it. While she could augment flames, once they came into existence she couldn't just reabsorb that energy. She had never been able to do that. Any fire that she accidentally set would draw attention. She could tell that Cassandra winced slightly, but it was the very best she could do to avoid Carolina and herself ending up put on a list like animals.

October raised a bit of an eyebrow as Carolina grabbed the box. It wasn't something she expected from the girl, figuring that she'd let the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents grab it. And from the way they aimed their icers at her for a moment, she figured they weren't comfortable with that sort of action. She was lucky that her sister was one of the agents there on mission.

"Of course," October replied simply, following Carolina and Cassandra to the quinjet. She wasn't sure what sort of questions they'd ask, but she hoped they related to the object. Like S.H.I.E.L.D., October couldn't help but be fascinated by it. "What sort of questions, Agent Reed?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Interacting With: Carolina Reed & @Morose October Crypt
Location: Saranac Lake

Cassandra headed for the quinjet and started to board it as she turned her attention towards her sister and October as her sister's friend asked what kind of questions. "What were you guys doing out here, and any kind of information that you know would help what the object you have found. And if you know why you are actually able to see it and not everyone else." Cassandra asked as the other agents started to board, when she entered the quinjet she started to stow away her gear as well as the other agents did. Cassandra then moved over opening up a small panel which looked like it was a small containment unit for the 0-8-4, incase it did react to anything in the jet, it was also something that she had made herself. When her sister asked when she was recruited by SHIELD Cassandra gave a soft smile. "Shortly after I graduated from MIT, that's when they recruited me." She answered.

"If you don't mind putting it in there, just for everyone's safety in case that object reacts to something while we are in flight." Cassandra asked, normally she didn't act this professional around her sister they usually got along really well but she was on a mission right now and she didn't want to act unprofessional in front of her other agents that were under her command. Cassandra then turned her attention over towards Bonnie and gave her partner a friendly smile and nod. "Did anything happen while we were gone?" Cassandra asked, knowing the woman for awhile now.

Interacting With: @Morose October Crypt & Cassandra Reed
Location: Saranac Lake

Carolina remained fairly quiet as they got to the quinjet, looking up at it looked amazing up in person as the other agents of Cassandra's team started to board the jet. She was still processing how her sister was a SHIELD agent, and never even bothered to tell her anything about it. Carolina did know that being an agent of SHIELD was always very dangerous to dealing with people like her and October, as well as people like the Avengers. "When did you get recruited for SHIELD anyway and why didn't you ever tell me?" Carolina finally spoke up as Cassandra walked ahead and started to board the quinjet.

Carolina stepped up onto the boarding ramp, and looked around reminding her the inside looked like it was apart of a military cargo plane, or something like that. She listened to Cassandra's reply to her and October and then when she asked her why they were out there in the woods, and what they did know of the object. "We were out exploring the area, that's when we found the box in the woods." Carolina said, deciding to leave out the bit that they actually found it inside of the abandoned house and that they were shot at by a police officer. And the fact that October did light the house on fire as well.

"We were curious what it was and tried a lot of ways to open it, but nothing worked trying to open it and i'm not sure why." Carolina answered then started to look over at the woman that Cassandra seemed to know and gave her a slight smile and nod.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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October Crypt

Interacting With: @Nallore Carolina and Cassandra Reed, Bonnie Chase
Location: Quinjet

Cassandra's questions were direct and straight to the point, but October had no intention of being honest with them. She was a secretive person by nature and they hadn't earned her trust. Organizations like S.H.I.E.L.D. were easily corrupted and individuals with more dramatic deviances, like Carolina and herself, were easily made into scapegoats, targeted and persecuted. While Carolina Reed had earned October's trust and friendship, Cassandra hardly had. October felt her hands rise another degree or so in temperature, still holding onto that box.

Fortunately, she hoped that any readings the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were getting from the heat could be explained away as residual from the 0-8-4 itself. It felt ridiculous to her, reducing such a beautiful anomaly to numbers felt almost criminal. Not everything remarkable in the world could be catalogued and labeled--and in October's opinion, nothing at all should be. "Of course," October replied, setting the box inside of the miniature containment unit. Once her hands were free, Bonnie shut the unit remotely, the panel sliding back into the wall.

"Yes, we were out adventuring," October explained. "The woods in Saranac Lake are quite lovely. I've heard tales of women in white venturing through the trees, their spirits never quite at rest...As for the box, we know as much as you do, Agent Reed. We are but seekers after knowledge, to quote Nietzsche." She smiled slightly, though her smile itself was unsettling.

Crypts hardly ever had comforting and warm smiles. It was practically a genetic trait. She clasped her hands behind her, careful not to touch any fabric. While her hands could stand the increasing temperature, she doubted the fabric would appreciate that. Too much of a rise and even without her hands being aflame, the fabric would begin to burn.

Bonnie Chase

Interacting With: @Nallore Carolina and Cassandra Reed, October Crypt
Location: Quinjet

"Some interesting police reports coming in from the town, but nothing out of our jurisdiction," Bonnie replied, walking over to Cassandra with a tablet in her arms. She wore a laboratory coat over a blue turtleneck, with the S.H.I.E.L.D. insignia on the sleeve. Her hair was up and out of her eyes, with the exception of a few strands that had fallen out. The combat agents had already retreated to their own parts of the quinjet, allowing the scientific team a bit of space with the two teenage girls. "Coulson is sending a team down to investigate and assess. I'll then be filling out paperwork to add a bunch of enhanced individuals to the index."

There was a tone of displeasure in her voice at the last part, and she glanced down at the tablet, swiping through the reports to show Cassandra. 911 calls had spiked since Headmaster Faust unleashed the children on the town, with most of the reports detailing break-ins and assaults by children with remarkable abilities. "They aren't affiliated with any known mutant or inhuman groups," Bonnie added, finishing showing the reports to Cassandra. And while the woman wasn't a huge fan of enhanced individuals, she never was unfair towards them. She didn't act out of spite unless given a good reason to. Only one enhanced individual ever had.

"Girls, I'm Agent Chase," Bonnie introduced herself, extending a hand.

October didn't shake, instead nodding in reply to the woman. "My name's Toby." Bonnie couldn't help but notice that, finding it rather odd. It was perhaps as odd as finding two children in the woods with an 0-8-4 on the same night when a bunch of enhanced children were terrorizing a small town in New York. And of course, the pair were found near a reported arson, an event that had nearly killed a police officer.

"I'm going to need to collect blood samples from the pair of you and run an analysis once we return to the Zephyr. We'll also need to have you two undergo interviews in interrogation," Bonnie explained. "There have been a number of incidents tonight in Saranac Lake caused by enhanced teenagers. I'm sure you can understand our need to be thorough and the precarious position we found you two in."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Interacting With: Carolina Reed & @Morose October Crypt
Location: Saranac Lake

Cassandra leaned over towards Bonnie as her eyes scanned around the various reports coming around from the town of Saranac Lake, they all seemed to have started only a few hours ago. There hasn't been a report of any fatalities just yet, from what she could have seen just a bunch of enhanced individuals. "Sounds like it will be an interesting night for them." Cassandra said as she looked over towards her sister as Bonnie mentioned about them going up to the Zephyr. "It will be alright, nothing to serious just a few questions and to make sure that you guys didn't do anything." Cassandra said gently setting a hand onto her sister's shoulder.

"This is actually my sister Carolina." She said as she introduced her sister to her fellow agent, as Cassandra turned to look at October Cassandra couldn't help but get a really weird or creepy feeling from the Crypt girl. But so far October did comply with them so far, but Cassandra couldn't help but feel that there was something up with her after she had shaken her hand. It was way to far hot to touch, she nodded slightly at October's answer.

"Hiking is always fun I guess." Cassandra said softly as she felt the quinjet lurching up into the air, she made her way over towards the empty seat motioning for the girls to sit down. "It will be a quick flight." Cassandra said smiling towards her sister.

Interacting With: @Morose October Crypt & Cassandra Reed
Location: Saranac Lake

"It's nice to meet you Agent Chase I'm Carolina." Carolina said as she shook Bonnie's hand as she held it out to her, and then watched as Bonnie handed over Cassandra a tablet of the reports coming out of the small town. Then Agent Chase mentioned them going to the Zephyr and getting a blood test. This did make her really nervous, looking over at October there was no way of getting out of it at all unless her friend decided to set the jet on fire or something. But Carolina couldn't blame them either as well, they were fairly close and were also in a way apart of the powered teen rampage through the small town.

"That's fine with me." Carolina said softly as she felt the jet starting to take off, there was obviously no way out of getting out of that blood test now. Letting out a slight sigh as she ran a hand through her hair and leaned back in the seat looking around at the other armed SHIELD Agents that were in the quinjet.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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Bonnie Chase

Interacting With: @Nallore Carolina and Cassandra Reed, October Crypt
Location: Quinjet ---> the Zephyr

Bonnie raised a bit of an eyebrow at the way Cassandra was coddling the two kids, until the woman added that Carolina was her sister. Her eyes widened slightly from understanding as she nodded. It would have been more professional for Agent Reed to excuse herself and allow other agents to mind the girls, but they were short staffed as it was. They needed to identify the 0-8-4 and then determine where to store it, or rather, if it would be best to destroy it. But with their current director, Bonnie would've been surprised if anything was destroyed these days. Everyone had some sort of gimmick.

"Nothing more invasive than the creation of a genetic profile, yes," October muttered as the pale girl took a seat next to Carolina. Bonnie took a seat opposite the three of them, allowing her to watch the girls and get an idea for them. As much as she knew Cassandra wouldn't want to think ill of her sister, it didn't look very good for them. They had been found in the woods, near an 0-8-4, right after a rampage of enhanced teens.

Bonnie continued to work through the reports on her tablet during the short flight to the Zephyr. More and more reports were coming in, but they were lacking in the credibility that the ones earlier had. It now looked like the entire town was spooked and all sorts of criminals were taking advantage of it. Add in general paranoia, of course, and it was complete madness. Everyone seemed to be convinced that a telepath was lurking around the corner, that the Hulk was inside the basement, and that even Captain America had gone rogue and streaked past the window.

"The nutters are out," Bonnie sighed, looking up at her partner. "This won't look good for Xavier if this gets out to the press...The school's struggling as it is."

Of course, it was also fortunate that the school was struggling. The public didn't know much about mutants or inhumans, with S.H.I.E.L.D. covering up as much as they could. Small deviances were common and accepted, just a part of the world they lived in. But the larger abilities, the ones that qualified people for the Avengers? Those usually painted a target on people's backs, inspiring hatred and fear. The world didn't know much about mutants or inhumans, with some people not even believing that they existed. And that was the way S.H.I.E.L.D. preferred it.

"Charles Xavier?" October inquired, leaning forward slightly in interest.

Bonnie nodded, her eyebrows furrowing. She got the same vibe from October that Cassandra did and she couldn't quite understand how the girl knew about Xavier. He was famous for his work with genetics, but not many knew about his school for the gifted. Just who was the girl?

October Crypt

Interacting With: @Nallore Carolina and Cassandra Reed, Bonnie Chase
Location: Quinjet ---> the Zephyr

"My grandparents were biologists and quite fond of his work," October explained, thinking back on her time with the Smiths. They were wretched people and relations that she hardly held dear. She was just as happy to be rid of them as they were to be rid of her. It would've been much better if she had been placed with another Crypt early on, yet life doesn't always work out the way we would like it to. She concentrated on her breathing for the rest of the ride as Bonnie continued to work, trying her best to keep the temperature of her hands from skyrocketing.

But of course, the impending blood test and the lack of escape routes prevented her from staying calm. She could set the jet on fire, but what good would that do? She and Carolina would have no method of escape. She could create fire, but her control was not so fine as to use it to fly. She knew it was possible, but at the moment, it was improbable. But that caught her notice and she smiled slightly, thinking to herself I should believe in as many as six impossible things before breakfast.

A spark of confidence developed in her as the quinjet docked to the Zephyr, with the agents escorting October and Carolina off of the jet, Bonnie and Cassandra among them. October gave Carolina's hand a quick squeeze, managing to control the heat and keeping her hand from burning her roommate. There was a look in her eye that suggested that she had a plan, but truthfully, she didn't.

She would figure a way to get them out of this mess, yes. But she'd have to make it up as she went.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Interacting With: Carolina Reed & @Morose October Crypt
Location: Saranac Lake

Cassandra sighed softly running a hand through her hair, knowing that look on Bonnie's face she knew that this was now more of a personal matter. Her sister and her friend were both near the 0-8-4 when they did arrive and then the stories of the children with different powers sprouting up around town assaulting and vandalizing houses and people. "Whats wrong Cass?" Carolina asked looking over at her older sister, Cassandra turned her attention back to her sister. "Nothing at all." Cassandra said as her attention went back towards Bonnie as she mentioned the crazies putting in a lot of calls.

"We will have to suppress the stories coming out, as well as make a cover up a bunch of local teens doing a massive town prank or something like that." Suppression and cover ups worked well, but since the Battle of New York covering things up were a lot harder now and keeping powered people, mutants and inhuman abilities a secret was tougher nowadays.

"Also make sure we contact Xavier and let him know whats going on." Cassandra said, knowing the man and only meeting him a few times in the past, but nothing more then that when Fury and Professor X met on occasion. Then she felt the quinjet docking with the Zephyr, she looked towards October and Carolina for a moment. "We will take you to the infirmary first to get your blood work done." Cassandra said as she stood up as the other agents did and made their way off of the quinjet and into the Zephyr.

Interacting With: @Morose October Crypt & Cassandra Reed
Location: Saranac Lake

When Cassandra answered her question Carolina got the idea that she was in some sort of trouble, and Carolina was scared of her ability being found out along with October's. When the three of them mentioned a man named Charles Xavier she raised an eyebrow slightly she did hear the name before but Carolina didn't know much of the man herself. Carolina remained fairly quiet as she looked around the quinjet, she knew that it was very bad timing to be sent out to find whatever it was that Mr. Faust wanted them to find. As well as being the ones to set that abandoned house on fire, and being near the strange object.

Carolina remained fairly quiet throughout the whole flight to the Zephyr as the quinjet docked with it, she stood up and quietly followed along side October as they got off of the jet. Carolina looked at October for a moment giving her friend a soft and friendly smile as they were escorted off of the plane, and feeling her friend reaching for her hand. Carolina gave it a gentle squeeze and looked at her, as she looked around the massive jet as they were escorted to the infirmary. "Its going to be fine." Carolina whispered to her friend, trusting that her sister would do the right thing.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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Bonnie Chase

Interacting With: @Nallore Carolina and Cassandra Reed, October Crypt
Location: the Zephyr

Bonnie had gotten to work on attempting to suppress the stories coming out, achieving mixed results. While she was able to shut down a few of the news networks that had gotten wind of the odd events happening in Saranac Lake, there were a few networks that had already received footage and testimonies from people in town. It was as if some people were just a little too eager to call into the news and expose a bunch of "freaks" but who could blame them? The Battle of New York was hardly four years ago and the world had been quiet ever since, largely thanks to S.H.I.E.L.D.

People wanted more evidence of the impossible - evidence that wasn't being taken away by S.H.I.E.L.D., by Stark Industries, or the Department of Damage Control. Seeing news reports about Stark's kid crashing one of the Iron Man suits into the Hudson River just wasn't enough anymore.

"No word from Xavier," Bonnie informed Cassandra as they walked down the halls of the Zephyr, headed towards the lab. Bonnie let out an irritated sigh. She had tried the line at least ten times, but the professor didn't even have a voicemail box set up. There wasn't much point in continuing to call. A more personal visit would need to be made. "You've got this, right? Standard blood work. I'll be back in a minute."

She then smiled a bit at Cassandra, squeezed her on the shoulder, before hurrying to the bridge of the Zephyr. She needed to update Coulson as to the status of the mission, as well as request a team to be sent to the Xavier Institute to alert the professor as to what happened. And of course, additional resources in shutting down news coverage of Saranac Lake would be welcome as well.

October Crypt

Interacting With: @Nallore Carolina and Cassandra Reed, Bonnie Chase
Location: the Zephyr

October nodded at Carolina, feeling a bit relieved when the other S.H.I.E.L.D. agent hurried off to take care of something else. Having only one S.H.I.E.L.D. agent to deal with made the improvised plan process a bit easier to undergo, but still a painful and risky endeavor. Had Cassandra not been Carolina's sister, October would've suggested setting the plane on fire, grabbing two parachutes, and then making a run for it. It would have been messy but simple.

"What would you do, Agent Reed, if your sister were to be tested as gifted?" October asked bluntly, attempting to size the woman up. There was a chance that she would indeed do the right thing - that she wouldn't tag them like animals and stick them on some list. October hoped that it would be the case, as having someone else on the inside to help them out would definitely aid in a non-violent escape.

The Zephyr shook slightly and October raised an eyebrow, surprised at what could have been turbulence, but also could have been something more. A few of the test tubes in the lab rattled against their containers, but nothing seemed to be damaged. Must have been turbulence, then. Normal and to be expected.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Interacting With: Carolina Reed & @Morose October Crypt
Location: Saranac Lake

"Yep I got it, contact Coulson and give him an update whats been going on." Cassandra said giving her partner a friendly smile as she squeezed her shoulder and watched her walk off towards the cockpit of the Zephyr. Her attention went to her sister and her friend as they got to the lab, opening the door motioning for them to enter the room first. Once they were inside Cassandra closed the door making her way over towards some cabinets, pulling out a blood testing kit and two syringes. As she went to get things set up, Cassandra turned her attention over towards October surprised by the sudden blunt question what if her sister was gifted in some way shape or form.

The rules were pretty clear, mark them down put a tracker in them and put them onto the gifted list biting her bottom lip for a moment, for her it was a grey area if there was a member of her family like Carolina that if they were gifted. "I'd make sure to keep close tabs on her, but I wouldn't put them on the gifted list or a tracker on her. But she would be my responsibility." Cassandra answered.

Cassandra then felt the plane shake momentarily looking over her shoulder as some equipment rattled, though it was probably common turbulence but the Zephyr was a fairly smooth ride and for it to suddenly rattle like that was slightly off. "That was just turbulence right Bonnie?" Cassandra asked over the intercom, as she approached Carolina first looking at her sister. "It's okay." Cassandra said reassuring her sister.

Interacting With: @Morose October Crypt & Cassandra Reed
Location: Saranac Lake

Carolina looked towards October when they got to the lab, it was a sudden shocking and surprising question to even ask her attention went to Cassandra as she answered her friend's question. It was to her an alright answer, though having close tabs on her would most likely bother her quiet a bit. But she remained fairly quiet as her sister went to get the blood testing kit out, then the turbulence started looking around as somethings rattled but other then that nothing else happened.

Carolina sat down at a small chair that was in the room as her sister went to ask to make sure that it was just simple turbulence, she ran a hand through her hair nervously and then looked towards October. She was getting more and more nervous as her sister got the syringe asking her for a blood sample. "Yeah, sure." Carolina said softly as she held out her arm, she winced slightly as her sister took a small bit of blood, then giving it a wipe and moved over to the testing kit. Cassandra then ran the blood through, and then moved over towards October, asking for the same thing from her as well.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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Bonnie Chase

Interacting With: @Nallore Carolina and Cassandra Reed, October Crypt
Location: the Zephyr (Cockpit)

Bonnie was up in the cockpit with Agents May and Coulson when what appeared to look like turbulence hit. Biting her lip, she stepped aside for a moment after hearing Cassandra radio up to her. She had already reported their findings to Coulson, with the update being relatively quick. They had found an unknown object, an 0-8-4, and two teenage girls were the only ones able to see it. There were enhanced kids laying siege to a small town in Upstate New York. It was just another day for S.H.I.E.L.D.

"I don't think so, Cass," Bonnie grimaced, replying on the comms. The Zephyr was incredibly smooth as a craft, dealing with the most common kind of turbulence quite effectively. Movements in air caused turbulence and things were relatively clear. None of their instruments could pick up any changes in wind, no changes in air streams, nothing. Bonnie tapped her foot a bit. No other rumblings were coming up in the plane, but Coulson asked Bonnie to grab Cassandra and take a look at the engines, to make sure that nothing was compromised.

"Systems may be compromised, but they seem to be holding steady at the moment," Bonnie explained as she hurried back to the labs. She might have been part of the Science and Tech division, but Bonnie was more of an expert on biochemistry than she was engineering. Cassandra was the one who spoke the language of machines, practically.

October Crypt

Interacting With: @Nallore Carolina and Cassandra Reed, Bonnie Chase
Location: the Zephyr (Lab)

October was still wary of Cassandra's answer. Hypotheticals were still easier to answer than real conundrums. Just because Cassandra said she wouldn't put any sort of tracker in Carolina, that didn't mean October trusted her. October reluctantly held out her arm as well, her body temperature approximately thirty degrees higher than that of a normal human being. October didn't wince at the needle, her eyes locked with Cassandra's throughout the process.

"I hope you mean that, Agent Reed," October said quietly, hearing Bonnie's footsteps approaching the lab. She dropped her arm once the blood work was complete, glancing over at the blood testing kit. The reaction mixture would test both girls as positive for the mutant X-gene. October locked eyes with Cassandra, curious to see what the agent would say.

"Cass, they good?" Bonnie asked, entering the lab. Another shake rocked the plane, the test vials with Carolina and October's blood nearly smashing in the process. "Coulson needs us to check out the systems--make sure the Zephyr doesn't shut down completely..." There was an unsaid end to Bonnie's sentence, a look in her eye that her partner would recognize. Bonnie was nervous. This wasn't turbulence--this was something else. And with the Zephyr's state of the art system, engines didn't just get compromised by accident. Someone on the Zephyr had sabotaged them.

There was a traitor in their midst.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Interacting With: Carolina Reed & @Morose October Crypt
Location: Saranac Lake

Cassandra took October's blood sample her eyes locking with the girl's as well, she did have a feeling that October was a mutant already, the handshake was abnormally hot when they first met. She held the syringe also noticing the heat, was a lot warmer then it should have been. Unlike her sister's which was normal body temperature, she heard Bonnie's reply over the intercom hearing the systems being comprised was bad news. "I do mean it." Cassandra said, when she usually said that she truly did mean it, looking at October as she moved over towards the blood testing kit, and ran the girl's samples through.

A few seconds later Cassandra looked at them seeing that both were positive for having the X-gene, she looked over towards her sister seeing that nervous look in her eyes. Carolina did know that she had powers for awhile it seemed, though Cassandra probably couldn't blame her either for keeping it a secret from her. Cassandra was a SHIELD agent and she had kept that away from her for quiet awhile now as well, then another rumble of the plane nearly knocking over the testing equipment, which Cassandra quickly caught before they could fall.

"How long did you know?" Cassandra asked, Carolina met her sister's gaze and held it for awhile before letting out a slight sigh and replying to her. "I don't know, maybe a year or two." Carolina answered, just as Bonnie came through Cassandra asking if they were good and also to check up on the Zephyr's systems something she was an expert with. "I'll be back I have to check the systems." Cassandra told both girls, as she excused herself spotting a nearby guard Cass made sure to close the door and locked the lab.

It wasn't that she didn't trust the two of them, it was mostly for their own safety and protection Cassandra motioned for the guard to watch over the door. "Make sure that door stays locked, and they aren't allowed to leave." Cassandra ordered, then her attention turned towards Bonnie. "Both my sister and her friend were tested positive for the X-Gene." Cassandra answered as she started to make her way towards the engine room of the Zephyr, drawing out her handgun as she moved forward.

Interacting With: @Morose October Crypt & Cassandra Reed
Location: Saranac Lake

Carolina looked towards her sister seeing that look in her eyes, she bit her bottom lip as her sister and Bonnie left the room telling them to stay put. She slowly stood up looking at the window as she watched the two leave down the hallway, and one of the guards moving towards the door and standing guard. She looked towards October slightly stressed out as she started to pace around the room, Carolina knew that she would most likely end up being put onto the list now that they had their blood samples.

Carolina knew that her sister would keep her word, but she wasn't sure if the others who her sister worked with would follow that order, she moved over to see the test samples as it said that they were positive. She looked back towards October, Carolina was pretty sure that her friend wouldn't like or want to be put on a whole list and being tracked.

"What do we do now? I know that Cass wouldn't put us on the list, but i'm sure whoever her boss is probably will." Carolina said running a hand through her hair sighing as she tried to open the door but noticed that it was locked.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Bonnie Chase

Interacting With: @Nallore Carolina and Cassandra Reed, October Crypt
Location: the Zephyr (Engine Room)

"Shit," Bonnie said, sighing a bit at the news. She grimaced as she glanced back towards the guard stationed, before pulling out her icer and heading with Cassandra to the engine room. Her husband had been killed because of an enhanced individual, causing Bonnie to be a bit wary around them. But that wasn't why she swore. She knew how much pain and heartache this entire process could take. It could tear a family apart, if Cassandra put Carolina on the gifted index and tagged her.

Had Cassandra not been her friend, Bonnie may not have done what she said next. "I'll report a negative result. That test never happened and neither did this conversation," Bonnie said quietly, as they reached the engine room.

The place was, to say the very least, a mess. Wires had been cut, levers thrown into the incorrect position, and smoke hung in the air, making it hard to see. The machinery was sparking, bits of electricity flying left and right. Bonnie bit her lip before looking over towards Cassandra. She then turned on her radio, changing the frequency to Coulson's private channel, as to not advertise her words to the entire plane.

"The Zephyr is compromised," Bonnie said quietly. "There's a mole onboard."

October Crypt

Interacting With: @Nallore Carolina and Cassandra Reed, Bonnie Chase
Location: the Zephyr (Locked Area)

October nodded, crouching down on the floor for a moment. She closed her eyes as she visualized where in the aircraft they were. The Zephyr, from what she could recall, had the labs placed practically in the holding bay area, meaning that it wasn't too deep inside of the aircraft itself. Conjuring up a ball of flame in her hand, October began to shake and tremble as the flame became brighter and hotter, quickly turning blue and then white.

Sweat poured down October's forehead, but she was smiling all the same. The ground in front of her had begun to melt slowly, with October's flame reaching a temperature of approximately eight thousand degrees Fahrenheit. She then stood up and approached the door, holding her hand over the knob. It took everything she had to maintain, attempting to burn the titanium that composed the craft and thus the door, causing it to melt away. She was panting heavily by the time she stopped, entirely drained out. But the knob itself was a melted mess, the lock in the door entirely useless.

"We escape," October said simply, staggering a bit to the ground. It was clear that it had taken everything she had to maintain that flame, with October entirely drenched in sweat. "Carolina...Is there any water in here? Water sounds...nice..."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Interacting With: Carolina Reed & @Morose October Crypt
Location: The Zephyr

Cassandra looked towards Bonnie for a moment with a somewhat surprised look on her face that her friend would actually stick her neck out for her like this, Bonnie was more by the books kind of person for as long as they have known one another. "I could make out with you right now, thank you." Cassandra said softly as they made their way towards the engine room of the Zephyr, putting anyone that she knew family or friend on the index if they had powers or not was always a bad thing and usually did tear them apart.

When they made it to the engine room Cassandra stood there seeing everything was either destroyed or pulled into the wrong position, biting her lower lip for a moment as she watched some of the sparks flying across the room and some smoke. "I can fix this." Cassandra said to herself, as she quickly grabbed a nearby fire extinguisher putting out the smoke that was building up that would most likely cause a fire.

Then that's when she heard her radio going off, it was the guard that she had personally assigned to guard her sister and friend. "Uh Agents Reed and Chase we got a problem, our guests just started to set the whole lab on fire and melted the door." He said, Cassandra looked more annoyed and stressed more then anything she turned her attention towards Bonnie. "Fuck, okay Bonnie I got this, go and secure my sister and her friend. Ice them if you need to, cant have them running around the plane use Coulson to get them under control. Do not kill them put them in a containment unit if you have to." Cassandra ordered as she quickly then went to work on getting the repairs to the engine room, at least a temporary fix or something would do. This would most likely end up having them being put onto the index by now, there was most likely no other way getting around that now.

Interacting With: @Morose October Crypt & Cassandra Reed
Location: The Zephyr

Carolina stood back as October started to produce a ball of flame into her hand as she watched the ball go from orange, to blue and then pure white. She wished that she had October's power to her it was way more useful then just fainting and using her spirit to go around and simply scouting out areas. Or going through walls and opening doors, as Carolina noticed the floor starting to melt from the amount of heat she could feel the heat building up within the room as well.

Once the flame was at a very toasty and warm temperature she watched as October got up and started to melt away the doorknob to the lab as the door started to open somewhat. Then the guard started to radio in her sister and Bonnie to tell them what was happening, Carolina quickly moved towards October with a concerned look on her face. She could easily see a bright shine of sweat over her face and clothes, Carolina quickly nodded as she got up and made her way to a nearby sink. Carolina grabbed a nearby empty beaker and started to fill it up to the top with cold water, then made her way back towards October. "Here take it easy now." Carolina said softly gently laying a hand onto her back looking at her with a worried look on her face.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Bonnie Chase

Interacting With: @Nallore Carolina and Cassandra Reed, October Crypt
Location: the Zephyr (Hallway)

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Bonnie murmured with a bit of a smirk as she glanced back at Cassandra, referencing her earlier instruction that the conversation about Carolina and Toby never happened. Bonnie then nodded, though she was still biting her lip. Someone had sabotaged the Zephyr and they'd be lucky if Cassandra could sort through the entire mess. At the sound of the guard radioing in, Bonnie swore and stamped her foot slightly. So much for keeping the teenagers' abilities a secret.

"Is one of them a pyro, by any chance?" Bonnie asked, before quickly leaving the engine room with her icer drawn. Besides the two mutants on the plane, there was, of course, a friendly neighborhood HYDRA traitor as well to deal with. She peeked down a hallway to give it a once over, before making her way down it. It was one of the quickest ways to the lab. But of course, the guards stationed outside for October and Carolina hadn't used a private channel. Everyone on the plane heard the message.

"Bonnie? Shouldn't you be helping Cass?"

Bonnie kept her grip tight on her icer, with the barrel pointed towards Ward. He had been good friends with her husband, what with both of them coming up through operations. Bonnie lowered her pistol slightly, though no smile graced her face. "She sent me to check on the lab," Bonnie said tersely. "What're you doing down here, Ward? You don't usually sulk here..."

"We're under attack, aren't we?" Ward pointed out, raising his eyebrow at the fact that Bonnie had only lowered the icer and not put it away entirely. "You said it yourself. There's a mole. Come on, put that thing down. Leave it to operations."

Bonnie nodded. "You're right," Bonnie said with a bit of a sigh, before pulling her icer up rapidly and squeezing the trigger. "Leave it to operations to produce a traitor."

October Crypt

Interacting With: @Nallore Carolina and Cassandra Reed, Bonnie Chase
Location: the Zephyr (Locked Area)

October gratefully gulped down practically the entire beaker full of water in an instant. "Got to hope there wasn't anything poisonous left as residue in there," October joked, managing to sit up and wipe some of the sweat off of her forehead. The flame had taken a lot out of her, but the water was already doing wonders for her. She smiled at her friend, before scratching her brain for the next part in their plan. They still needed to find a way to escape the plane itself, meaning that they would need knowledge of the plane and its interior, such as where they might find a pair of parachutes.

"Perhaps you could possess our lovely guard and figure out how to get off of this bird?" October suggested. She still felt like she'd need a few minutes before she could produce a proper flame again. When Carolina had rested her hand on October's back, October's back felt like the temperature of a normal human being--perhaps even slightly cooler. But then October frowned, hearing the sounds of Bonnie's icer firing not too far away, followed by the noise of return fire.

"Coulson, we've got gunfire in the corridor between engineering and the lab!" the agent guarding Carolina and October radioed, before sprinting in that direction. It wasn't long before even more noises were added to the fire fight.

"How peculiar..." October muttered, tilting her head. "I believe they're under attack...Do you suppose the Institute sent someone for us, Carolina?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Interacting With: Carolina Reed & @Morose October Crypt
Location: The Zephyr

Cassandra would continued to do her best to try and repair the Zephyr's engines as she went to cut some wire in order to rewire it into another system Cassandra yelped slightly getting a slight shock from one of the wires. She would put out some of the smoke that was building up in the room, whoever sabotaged the plane did a really good job at it Cassandra would occasionally swear to herself when something didn't work. She wasn't sure if Bonnie was alright or not, they were pretty close friends and they always worked really well with one another.

Then she heard an icer going off, then gunfire drawing out her own sidearm she couldn't help but be worried that Bonnie, and her sister were in some sort of trouble out there. Then she heard the same agent going over the radio reporting the gunfire, they were really close to the lab and engineering. She quickly got up and started to make her way leaving her post for now, hoping at least some of the rewiring she had done at least fixed some of the problems. "It's Agent Reed i'm coming over to help out." Cassandra said as she left the engine room.

Interacting With: @Morose October Crypt
Location: The Zephyr

"Well you can haunt me for the rest of my life if it ends up having some residue." Carolina said jokingly as she could tell that her friend was a lot cooler then she had been before. She looked over towards the guard who looked like he was still shocked at what he had seen what October had done to the door. Then Carolina turned her attention back towards her friend as she made a suggestion to possess their guard to see where they were. "Just watch over my body okay?" Carolina asked, then she heard the gun fire from an icer then return fire as well.

"I don't think anyone from the institute would use a gun." Carolina said, seeing that some of the kids abilities some could probably be used for combat, while others probably did very little if nothing at all. "I'll scout ahead and find out whats going on." Carolina suggested as she rested her head back up against the wall and closed her eyes, letting her spirit quickly follow behind their guard towards the gunfire.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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October Crypt

Interacting With: @Nallore Carolina Reed
Location: the Zephyr (Locked Area)

"Of course," October nodded, as Carolina leaned back and allowed her spirit to wander. October raised her hand, her fingers trembling as she stared at them, concentrating to the best of her abilities. The smallest flame appeared and she sighed, stopping her efforts. She was still weak and in need of more water, which was disappointing to say the very least. She'd need to practice producing higher temperature flames more often. It felt silly, allowing Carolina to go off and scout ahead during an attack, while she was left just sitting there.

But Carolina was right--it was unlikely that this attack had been coordinated from the Institute. October couldn't help but muse about who would attack S.H.I.E.L.D., especially after the Incident. She couldn't think of anyone who would use guns, a matter that troubled her slightly. Was the attack really as mundane as normals attacking normals?

October staggered to her feet, clutching the beaker as she filled it again with water, gulping it all instantly down. She repeated this process a few more times until she no longer felt parched, grateful that she seemed to be a bit steadier on her feet as well. Her body temperature had risen a few degrees with each thing of water she gulped down, with the Crypt girl smiling a bit. Hopefully, if anything started to happen to Carolina's body, she'd be able to protect her friend.

Bonnie Chase

Interacting With: @Nallore Carolina and Cassandra Reed, Agent Ward, Others
Location: the Zephyr (Hallway)

Bonnie's icer just barely missed the mark as Ward ducked out of the way. But rather than packing an icer, the HYDRA agent was wielding an actual pistol, loaded with real and quite lethal bullets. The first bullet missed Bonnie completely, hitting the wall behind the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. Bonnie took a bit of cover behind a corner in the hallway, peeking out and firing her icer at Ward, as the man continued to send a hailstorm of bullets back at her.

"He trusted you!" Bonnie shouted at Ward. "James trusted you!"

She kept on firing her icer, incredibly lucky that none of the bullets nicked her each time she peeked out from her hiding spot to send fire towards Ward. She heard Cassandra radio that she was coming on her way to help and Bonnie took a moment to breath, speaking into her radio. "Ward is HYDRA. I repeat: Ward is HYDRA. Subject is hostile." And out of bullets. Ward tossed aside the gun, having used his full clip, pulling out another weapon. In the brief pause, Bonnie left her little bit of cover entirely and rapidly fired off her icer as much as she could.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Interacting With: @Morose Bonnie Chase & Grant Ward
Location: The Zephyr

As Cassandra left the engineering room, she heard Bonnie over the radio as she confirmed that Ward was a HYDRA Agent she never did trust the man at all, to her he was always just really shady Cassandra heard the gunfire getting closer and closer. When she did catch up to Bonnie Cassandra took cover behind the wall next to her, as the agent that was suppose to guard her sister and her friend emerged. The agent ended up taking a bullet to the chest as he fell down to the ground. "Man down! I got your back Bonnie." Cassandra said as she drew out her handgun, when she heard Grant stop firing Cassandra used that chance as well.

Coming out of the cover Cassandra started to fire her icer directly at Ward firing as many shots as she could, when there wasn't any ammo left Cassandra quickly pulled back behind her cover. Ocasionally she would stick her head back out as she reloaded, unsure if her shots actually did hit him or not.

Interacting With: @Morose October Crypt
Location: The Zephyr

As Carolina followed behind the agent that was guarding them, she decided to possess him, as she took over his body she stopped looking down at her new body for a moment. It was actually the first time she had really tested it, Cassandra took a moment to get adjusted and acquainted with the new body. Carolina quickly moved the body forward towards the gunfire, when she did get to the room Carolina was about to take a shot at Ward when he fired at the body she possessed.

Suddenly Carolina shot back up back into her real body taking a deep gasp of air, and looked down at her chest and started to pat it down sighing deeply as she rested her head back up against the wall that she was using. Carolina looked over at her friend seeing her there and smiled ever so slightly. "I saw their mole, hes attacking my sister and Agent Chase." Carolina said as she slowly stood up stumbling forward slightly as she caught her footing. "We need to go and help them." Carolina said softly.
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