Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 28 days ago


Alexi Georgas has had a long few days, what with reports of the army of Karum becoming larger and larger to stand up to Oslad and Seronans, what with 180,000 active soldiers. There were already a few nations with rather large armies bordering Itherae, but they could not allow another. So there he stood, over a crowd of people, his people. It had been ten long minutes of silence as he looked over his script once more, a sullen expression on his face.

“As of late, we of the Republic of Itherae have been lightly militarizing ourselves. As I have stated before, this is not a time for nationalism or defense, but rather a time for strength. We must show strength in the face of a growing threat, we must stand together to maintain the balance of the region. Oslad and Zellonia are already at war and let us hope that another mustn't start. However, if the Karumi refuse to stop their militarization then I am afraid that we will have no choice but to force them to stop,” Alexi stated, with the crowd letting out mixed feelings on the proclamation. Some would praise him, others would urge him to rethink what he has done, but the deed was already done.

“I want you all to remember, that us few Itherae must stick together. We are all one people here, and we shall not suffer to have the Karumi threaten our unity!,” Alexi ended before retreating back inside of the capitol building and allowing the crowd to converse with itself. For now, it was time to prepare.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LordZell
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LordZell The Zellonian

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The Empire of Zellonia

Oslandian War Declaration

“Once again congratulations gentleman to a victorious battle. I’d like to especially thank Minister Vern and Admiral Helg for appointing Admiral Bock. Cheers gentlemen” Head of Council Travis Norington said with drink in hand celebrating the victory with his fellow ministers and the high command of the military. It was upon that moment that the chamber’s door opened and Jared Reginald entered. Norington stood up and smiled “Ah, Mr.Reginald. I do apologize but this is a closed meeting amongst the leaders of the country.” Mr. Reginald nodded and stood aside as King James entered with cane in hand and reginald helping him remain steady. “Mr.Norington, I was unaware the man who appointed you all wasn’t allowed to this what, gathering?” Upon seeing their leader all the men stood up at attention at which point Mr.Norington addressed him directly “We’re merely celebrating your majesty over this victorious occasion. We won our first battle against the damned oslandians.” The king waddled forward taking a seat at the far end from the councilor all the men followed his lead and took a seat. The king chuckled “You call that a battle. We lost 2 ships and another which will be out of commission till the drydock is completed. No gentleman that was a skirmish one which we could have easily lost had it not been for Admiral Bock. We were lucky this time however next time I want plans laid out in front of me. During this state of emergency I shall take command of this kingdom and lead us through victory and fall with defeat. Now gentlemen listen closely to my plan.”

King Zeel’s Speech

As King Zeel stood out on his palace balcony on the 18th of July, he look below to see the crowd below him. All the men,women and children in the capital had come to see this rare occasion of the King’s speech. He wobbled up to the microphone being met with cheers of his people before he quieted them down. “Men and Women of Zellonia, We have won our first victory against the oslandian dogs. However, there will be many more battle that will have the be fought. I have great admiration for our military commander and believe that we shall come out of this on top. For this is a new golden era for Zellonia. HAIL THE RISING PHOENIX!” House Zeel’s personal banners unrolled and showed a bright gold phoenix flying up along a blue background. The crowd below cheered as the military began marching off and the band playing the National Anthem

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The World as We Know It

[Turn 3 -- July, 1899 to September, 1899.]


August 1st
The Special Security Agency (SSA) of the Republic of Itherae begin the clandestine Operation Foresworn.

August 2nd
The Tyro-Redanian Empire finishes a production run of 400 M1899 Prager machine guns.

August 5th
In the Kingdom of Zellonia the fledgling armaments company Guntherson & Co. finishes 16,800 Z.88 rifles. The Z.88 is one of the older rifles in the world, an 1888 breech loading rifle.

Officers of the Zellonian Royal Army, circa 1890s

August 6th
The Bitter Sea Trading Company in the Empire of Tara starts selling it's first shipments to its citizens of opium from the Empire of Hiron. Within weeks, it's a hit. Those affluent enough to purchase it began using it at nearby parties, those poor enough to seek it find themselves committing crime to acquire it. Opium demand from Hiron increases. A medical use for refined opium is found to be an important treatment for pain management.
[Event: +$2,000,000 to Hiron, Tara discovers Morphine [1].]

August 7th
The Tsardom of Karum condemns the Principality of Serona. Michel I gives a speech calling for the freedom of oppressed Karumi citizens in Seronan land who yearn for Itheraen oppression and orders the Partial Mobilization of the 5th Karumi Army (155,000 soldiers, 190 Field Guns) under General Anton Kasparov.

Similarly, Michel I sends Foreign Minister Lukas Tylov to Aetoria, Tyro-Redania again asking for military assistance.

August 8th
Preliminary information from the Hironese agents abroad comes trickling back, code named Operation Sa-To.

Settumu, 1899

Less diverse than The Continent, Settumu and the Eastern Sea was still home a privy of varied cultures and nation states. Most prominent among them was the Dominion of Meung. Easily the largest nation in the world with a population of 413,000,000--dwarfing even the Tarantese Empire's colonial population of 291,000,000, Meung was a dynastic empire steeped in history. With a navy comprised of 2 armored cruiser and a dozen destroyers, her primary focus was not as a seaborne power but as a land based one. The Meung Army however was in dire straits. With a peacetime form of 750,000 men to police half a continent, it was estimated only 70% of them were equipped and ready to fight. Similarly, their training was estimated to be of low quality as well.

Sessauan Settumu was a semi-autonomous colony. A dense island chain, it had belonged to Sessau since the 1600's. The native islanders were called the Kikitomi. The Kikitomi Army was estimated to be around 80,000 with an additional Sessauan colonial guard present. The Sessauan Kikitomi Squadron was comprised of 4 armored cruisers and 6 light cruisers.

Settumese Tara was a strip of land south of Meung, which formerly belonged to the Meung and made up the majority of the Tarantese presence in Settumu, besides the naval port of Taicao in the North. Tarantese naval strength here is well guarded, but it is believed that at least 2 Pre-Dreadnoughts lay anchored there.

Most notable were the various island chains also present, of which no nations had yet laid claim.

August 9th
A production order, marred in delays, of 10,000 Mawka II rifles is finished in the Tyro-Redanian Empire.

August 10th-17th
The Royal Zellonian Army is ordered to Full Mobilization, but due to lack of infrastructure as well as a General Stuff that was not informed of potential mobilization, is delayed. 22,800 men of the RZA are sent south, one division to the Zellic Peninsula and another to the Frange Peninsula. There, they entrenched themselves, along with their field guns.

Platoon C, Zek Company, 2nd Regiment, 4th Zellonian Infantry Division, 1899

August 18th
The Zellonian 8th Fleet under Admiral George Tuster, espousing the Pre-Dreadnought ZRN Kingdom Come, 3 armored cruisers, 5 light cruisers and 3 destroyers heads south from the port of Vorl. They have orders to perform coastal raids and ".. If engaged the fleet is to retreat back across to the strait."

The sinking of the ZRN Gathering Storm, 1899

With only 3 destroyers in a basic vanguard, observers aboard the armored cruiser ZRN Gathering Storm fail to see the wake of the torpedo fired from the OIN Kuguar. The hit immediately caused the destruction of the No. 2 gun battery magazine and in 17 minutes the ZRN Gathering Storm founded. Unaware of where the submarine was, General Tuster immediately ordered signals for a general retreat. The 8th Fleet turned and sailed back toward Vorl, while Zellonian sailors of the ZRN Gathering Storm cried for help in the calm waters.

August 19th-23rd
The Inner Sea--claimed by Zellonia--is opened to trade once again as Zellonia releases the Kalpian and Radenan trade ships that were interned and promises not to target those ships further. 24 nautical miles off the Western Shores of Zellonia, the 1st Light Fleet under Kapitan Miro Kirilov completes his mission successfully and returns to Oslograd only four days later, submitting a completed report to the Ministry of War.

August 30th
While war raged in the West, the Radenan Tsardom passes the Settumu Resettlement Act, hoping to relocate citizens from the West to the East to spur industrial growth there by tapping into otherwise unused resources. Cities like Seosong, Kutbor and Tougata are among the cities chosen.

[End of August]
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Ascendant
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Ascendant No One In Particular

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Dragon Imperium of Hiron

July 15th 1899, Senryu, Hiron

The Dragon Emperor sat sipping tea with his ministers around a small table in the tiny Palace, peering at a map of Settumu, "Which of these nations is the easiest for us to conquer and has the most resources?"

There was an uncomfortable silence in the room, until the Minister of Foreign Policy spoke up, "My Lord, we're not entirely sure. It would obviously be one of the island states, preferably one without allies and with plenty of resources and people as well as a small navy, but the Imperium simply lacks too much information for me to give you a decisive answer. As it stands, it is unlikely we can defeat the Dominion though, I'm fairly certain."

Ryugo became annoyed with the Minister of Foreign Policy and ordered him simply, "Then tell the damn Hidden Arm to conduct a survey of all coastal nations within Settumu. I want to know Army sizes, logistics, equipment, composition, Navy sizes, logistics, equipment, composition, resources, population, internal economic and political issues and so on. And find out as possible, damn it. The Imperium is aching for more lands, resources, and markets."

The Minister of Foreign Policy nodded solemnly, "It will be done."

A short period of time passed as the Emperor peered into his tea, before he looked at the ministers, "I've heard some unsettling rumors about the various ministries. Tales of corruption, officials taking bribes under the table. There's also the issue of employers trying to avoid taxation. I want that to end. All of you are to find and root out the corrupt officials. If I find you yourselves to be corrupt, I will have you executed. I want to ensure that we squeeze the black market and make it smaller. There will be no corruption in Hiron or below table dealings, understood? The government must receive all funds it is due."

The Ministers collectively nodded, with the meeting being adjourned not long after that after further discussions of future plans took place.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Murtox


Member Seen 18 days ago

The Kalpian Republic L1899

The Kalpian Deparment of Military Police

It didn't took much for the General Staff to set up the Department of Military Police, it was an idea long ago crafted by the General Tadeusz Seweryn Budny to serve as a tool of the army to make sure that no foreign country had influence over the republic and therefore could interfere with the protection of Kalpia and all its citizens, but both the General Staff and the civilian government didn't believe that it was needed, after all, it was a period of peace and stability, and most of the Kalpian resources were put into the Grand Kalpian Railway system. Now it seems like a necessity as tensions rise, first from the south and then on the North, as such, the general staff thinks that it would be best to put the department in action now rather than wait for later.

The whole affair wasn't very public as one would expect of a department which intention was to undermine foreign influence over the country, the officers and agents of the department were chosen directly by the top staff of the Army, as such, only people who could really be trusted were assigned to the department. Much effort was put into keeping the DMP low from the public and foreign eye, such as registering it as a branch of the police under the name of "Department of Internal Security".

Not much activity from the Department of Military police is expected for the first years, as tensions are still low and the general staff only wants to be ready, if for any reason a foreign power wanted to lurk within the bureaucracy of the Republic

The Roads of Tarist

Tarist has always been an old city, one of the oldest in the entirety of Kalpia and as such it is also the cultural heart of the Republic, as it was there where democracy was born for Kalpia, Tarist is a symbol of unity and strength for the Kalpians, whom once they overthrew their king on a bloody revolution, they were free to thrive and prosper unlike no other nation in the continent or at least that's what the typical guide will say to you if ever go there.

On the other hand, Tarist is also a city that has fallen behind in terms of technology and infrastructure in comparison to the rest of the Republic cities and towns, as only recently the Grand Kalpian Railway was able to give Tarist the push it needed to join back the standard in the republic, but it is still on need of new and improved infrasctructure, in order to cover for its growing population and to keep the city pretty, in order to keep the masses of the Kalpians appeased and content. Not for nothing the government ordered more roads to be built and to get the existing roads renovated. All of this assigned to the new company of Metropolitan Heavy Industries.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The World as We Know It

[Turn 3 -- July, 1899 to September, 1899.]

Zello-Osladian theater of war, 1899


September 1st
The Republic of Itherae begins a campaign of propaganda against the Tsardom of Karum, citing their expansionist nature and militarization as a threat to "Continental peace." Surrounded on all sides by Great Powers, Karum's saber rattling has since had little effect on anyone but the otherwise placid Seronan politicians to the Southeast. With the Zello-Osladian War raging in the Zellian and Smaragd Sea's, few see the rhetoric of Itheraen President Alexei Georgas. The people however, are united and rally behind him, ushering in huge rallies in Napeze, Diopolis and the Capital.
[Event: The Republic of Itherae gains +1 Stability.]

September 2nd
The coronation of Empress Tsirina went on, some say, despite 'The War' that raged less than 500 kilometers to the east. Taking place not in the Palace but at the Golden Pavilion where some of the greatest painters and architects of the Revival lay. While the Osladian Tsar and the Zellonian King were extended invites, both of whom refused, the most important guest, Tsar Pyotr II of Radena, was in attendance. An over the top affair that lasted well into the tonight, the coronation was an exercise in Veletian politics: flash and spectacle. The entire trip home, Pyotr II--speaking Veletian, no less--spoke excitedly of the event, reciting in particular detail every one of his favorite moments.
[Event: The Veletian Empire gains +1 Relation with the Tsardom of Radena]

La Pavilion d'Or, Veletia, 1899

September 3rd
The Kalpian Republic sets up the Department of Military Police. Funded to establish the control of potential dissidents, the DMP employs nearly 5,500 agents across the entire nation with their sights set on controlling the borders to ensure that potential wrongdoers are not granted entrance into the nation.

September 4th
The Tsardom of Karum submits the Salaz Ultimatum. A political manifesto requesting that the Principality of Serona immediately cede it's territories harboring at least 10% Karumi citizens or face immediate war. The Seronan government, hoping to avoid both war and potentially losing a third of its territories, have asked the government of Kalpia to arbitrate these demands.

September 5th
The Osladian Empire immediately sends a delegation to refute the Kalpian's insistence of Karumi aggression in the area. Given that they were tenuous allies in the Zello-Osladian War, the Kalpians managed to stall Oslad during negotiations in Salaz long enough for the Tsardom of Karum to send an official declaration of war to the Principality of Serona.

The Karumi War of Aggression had just started, and both Osladian and Kalpian diplomats left Salaz feeling as if they had accomplished too little.
[Event: Kalpian Republic and Osladian Empire suffer -1 Relations]

September 6th
In Lieubeth, Kalpia, President Reimund Braun addresses a 1,000 men assembly of the Kalpian Republican Navy, hours before they set sail in their war against the Kingdom of Zellonia. He speaks of resistance against oppression, and strength in the face of adversity. "I salute you, brave soldiers of the Republican Navy, for the swift victory you are about to bring."
[Event: Kalpian Republican Navy gains +15% Morale]

September 7th
The KRN Grunewalde, a Kalpian submarine, leaves Karp harbor. Approximately 11 hours later it surfaces 44 nautical miles off the coast of Zeel in the Smaragd Sea and torpedoes the ZRN Danielson, a 12,000-ton merchant freighter carrying spices to Veletia. The survivors are left in the water.

The KRN Grunewalde on it's way out of Karp, 1899

Two hours later the same submarine surfaces, at about dusk, and attacks the ZRN Halloway, a 9,000-ton merchant ship carrying foodstuffs back from Tyro-Redania. She sinks in 44 minutes, with the Grunewalde's wake disappearing in the distance.

[Event: Kingdom of Zellonia's Army suffers -1% Morale]

September 8th
While war raged in the Zellian Sea, the Kalpian Republic ordered it's first sortie in the neighboring Smaragd Sea on the 8th of September. The 1st Kalpian Fleet under Admiral Walenty Norbert Sobol departed Lieubeth before sunrise with 4 armored cruisers, 5 light cruisers and 10 destroyers. They sallied across the Smaragd Sea and arrived first at the coastal city of Kenlth. For four and a half hours the city endured a nefarious waiting game while the ships sat half a mile off shore.

And did nothing.

They moved later to the coastal metropolis of Jovington, where the firepower of the Kalpian fleet trained their guns on the shipyard there, destroying a destroyer keel that had just been laid. It took over 700 shells from Kalpian guns. With the sun near it's apex, the ships loitered for a while longer--the Kalpian sailors close enough to see the beleaguered citizens of Zellonia, who could do nothing. Then the Kalpian fleet sailed back home to Liubeth.

September 9th
The Veletian Gendarmerie Colonel Edouart Larousse and 160 officers arrive in Xuefeng, Meung after nearly four and a half weeks at sea aboard the ship Lefeuvre. They are on a diplomatic mission to help the dilapidated and otherwise underfunded and under trained officer corps of the Meung Dominion. The training, expected to take nearly eighteen months is an attempt to increase relations between the Dominion and Violette. The Veletian Empire hopes to benefit from increased trade relations with Meung in the near future.
[Event: [Veletian Gendarmerie receives +4% Morale and +1 Relations with Meung Dominion]

A Meung Dominion Army Brigade, 1899

September 10th
The Tyro-Redanian Empire and the Republic of Itherae sign a Trade Pact agreeing for the former to sell 2,000 tons of chromium a year in exchange for a similar amount of oil.

September 11
The Tsardom of Radena sends Maslov Yamelyarovich to the Imperium of Hiron and quickly sorts out a deal for over 10,000 tons of grain and fish in exchange for $10,000,000. For $10,000,000 the Tsardom will supply 10,000 tons for a duration of 5 years, totally over 50,000 tons in duration.

September 12th
The Second Battle of the Zeelian Sea occurs. With orders to hunt one another down, it was a mere inevitability that the fleets of Zellonia and Oslad were to clash. The 12th of September was sunny, without much a cloud in the sky. Visibility was disgustingly high and it took little time for the two fleets to locate one another. The Zellonians, who had orders to: "launch an attack against the city of across from the Zellic peninsula. Their target once more is any industrial base and shipyards. If/When engaged the fleet shall if possible aim for the larger ships such as pre-dreadnoughts and armored cruisers and submarines. If not engaged continue firing on the city before returning for resupplying," first had to maneuver past the less stellar fleet of the Osladian Empire.

While the Persevet repaired, the Imperator Nikolas II was helmed by Grushanin, perhaps the singular most important mistake of the war. As a man whom had suffered a rather egregious defeat, he was now shaken--fearful of losing a command he knew didn't belong to him. The Zellonians on the other hand sailed with a full complement. Their coastal defense ships were not suited away from the terrestrially brown waters and only minutes before combat engagements both coastal defense ships ZRN Vile Waves and ZRN Widow Maker had their boilers overworked while crossing the Zellian Sea and were effectively immobile, too far out of range to make a difference in the coming engagement.

The Zellonian Fleet, upon spotting the Osladian squadrons in bound, ordered a full turn about in accordance with it's orders: " If engaged the fleet is to retreat back across to the strait where they'll gain covering fight from the artillery. Should thing turn dire the fleet should flee if they can to the closest city of Vorl if not to open waters on course to the Taranese empire."

While the Zellonian soldiers were eager to fight--as they outnumbered their Osladian counterparts in quality and firepower--Rear Admiral Jefferson Boch gave the order to turn about north. The Second Battle of the Zeelian Sea was less the decisive engagement that the Royal Zellonian Navy could have made it and more a pursuing action by the Osladian fleet. For six hours the Osladians pursued a zig-zagging Zellonian fleet: damaging the Zellonian coastal defense ship ZRN Beowolf, striking and putting dead in the water the coastal defense ship ZRN Iron Hand and sinking outright in a single salvo from the Osladian Imperator Nikolas II the Zellonian light cruiser ZRN Victory.

The Osladians, with a Zellonian coast in sight, turned away and let the Zellonian 3rd Fleet sulk into harbor.

September 13th
The Metropolitan Industries company in the Kalpian Republic begins work on roads and rails in and around the city of Tairist, expected to take up to six months.

September 14th-21st
The Wauwanti War continues, with a heavy hand of autonomy for Lieutenant Colonel Harvick, who has returned to Argentine in the west, leaving only light garrisons in the East while his soldiers refit and rearm. In his journals, he describes the seven day march back to Argentine as the Walk through the Eleven Hells and More, as they encounter Wauwanti raiders, lack of rations and even mutiny. Over 740 soldiers perish in the walk, and Harvick's battered force of 2,100 (that set out in August with nearly 5,000 men) finally reach Argentine.

September 22nd
A campaign by the Tyro-Redanian Empire begins with the Itheraens in mind. It begs for the collectivism of Empire over Culture, citing that the Itheraens are not a minority but the bread and butter of an intricate web that makes up the Dual Monarchy. The campaign costs nearly $3,700,000 but local observers report that Itheraens appear in.. better spirits.
[Tyro-Redanian Empire: Itheraen Cultural Minority gains +1 Happiness]

September 25th
Only four weeks after her coronation, the Empress Tsirine of the Veletian Empire arrives in Sindao, Veletian Settumu on a humanitarian mission. There, she meets with Governor Droulez, a grizzled war veteran who acts as both Military Administrator of the Veletian National Garrison as well as it's acting political administrator. While there, a native Settumu reporter makes contact with the Empress' guard, who reveals information of a potential scandal. It's revealed in that same week that Governor Droulez has been reallocating funds from the National Garrison into a vicious sex trafficking operation; taking girls from Meung, Hiron and Kikitomi for use as service girls for the soldiery of the National Garrison.

The scandal's publicity is brought to a close with Empress Tsirine leaving without her expected tour of the islands, but it's expected that in the coming weeks the fate of Governor Droulez, currently on house arrest in Sindao, will be delivered. His competence as both an administrator and leader of military men cannot be understated, but many--especially the native Kikitomi--now see him as more villain than hero.
- [Event: Effect dependent on IC Response from Veletian Empire]

September 29th
While the Itheraen's turn their head back to Karum, the Imperial Diplomat Corps of the Tyro-Redanian Empire dispatch Philip Krier to Itherae. There, he immediately requests the Itherae's government's formal, public and official denouncement of insurgent movements such as the Triple I.
- [Event: Effect dependent on IC Response from Republic of Itherae]

[End of September]
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LordZell
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LordZell The Zellonian

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Empire of Zellonia

Weapons of War

Smoke from Guntherson’s cigarette blew into the wind as he stood looking out at the sea. “So you wish for me to provide for the entire military of Zellonia?” He chuckled “Do you not see how small my factory is, if I take this contract it will take a year at least. That’s assuming everything goes to plan. Assuming the navy holds it own and can keep winning. They can can’t they?” Guntherson turned around to face Mr.Frankson an official from the Zellonian war department. Mr.Frankson took a moment before finally standing up. “The Zellonian navy has already proven itself capable, however the army on the other hand desperately needs the arms before it can even begin to think about combat. That is where you come in, not only can we not rely on supplies from other countries making it to us if they wanted to, many dislike our display of force over the straits.” Guntherson took a long breathe from his cigarette and nodded slowly before bending down to sign the documents “Very well we’ll begin the operations, though when Zellonia is victorious don’t forget who helped you. An increase in this factory’s operating value would do well not only for me but for Zellonia as well especially in future endeavors.” Mr.Frankson smiled as he shook the man’s hand before collecting the papers and hurrying back to the war office to help the mobilization effort.

King Zeel’s Cabinet

“And that gentlemen I believe is how we can and will win this war.” Admiral Vern said as he turned from the map of the inland ocean to the other ministers and king. While the ministers all seemed fine the king shook his head though he was in no position to judge having never been in the military nor had prior military experience. He could only hold his tongue till the military failed. Mr. Norington the head councilor jumped in “Well done admiral, should this strategy work which I do fully believe it will what will be terms for victory?” All them took a moment and thought before Norington continued “Well aside from our current control and taxation of the straits I believe reparations are in order from oslad as well as dismantling their navy or transfer of ownership and a demilitarized land along their side of the straits.” The men clapped at his proposal and the king nodded but kept his true thoughts to himself. Right as the men were about to leave a messenger ran into the room with an important slip, upon Norington’s command he read it aloud. “On this day September 6th, the Kalpian Republic will join forces with the Osladian Empire and declare war on the kingdom of Zellonia.” All the men looked shocked and no idea what to do. Finally the king stood to give an answer “The Kalpian whores have sold themselves to the Osladians. Well, if they want a war so be it. I suggest we implement our plan against oslad now, and our next meeting we shall tackle both issues at once. Gentlemen I want only the best suggestions now good day.” The king turned around and with reginald at his side he walked away slowly thinking how dark this war has become and only how more severe the punishment that will be put upon zellonia should they lose.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 28 days ago


There was warmth in the air, even at night along the hills of Itherae, soldiers moved about in more a patrol than any sort of desperate movement to invade. In fact, this was more of a vacation away from their home towns, granted with a more strict schedule since some of the boys decided to go AWOL. Though, that didn't stop Damen Loris from having a good time with some of the others. They huddled around a small table playing cards, smoking, drinking; just doing what they liked to do.

That was when the General walked into their tent, stress on his face from having to deal with the burden of the government shamelessly attacking him for managing to lose nearly four thousand men due to their own incompetence. “Hello lads,” the general greeted before taking a seat with them all, pouring himself a shot of whiskey, “Deal me in. I need a game.” It was the start of a great night for them all, continuing to drink and laugh with one another.

“So, General, what's the news from back home. Other than the government busting your bollocks, that is,” Damen asked nonchalantly, looking at the others with a neutral face as he desperately concealed his excitement of having a good hand. To be specific, he had a royal flush, a definite when for the young man.

“Well, the government seems to be exciting the people for a war against our neighbors over there. Heavens forbid, they actually declare war. That would be utter madness,” the general commented before raising the amount of money in the pot, “I raise twenty.”

“They are seriously considering a war? I know that Karum has been militarizing, but to be fair the Seronans had this coming to them. No doubt Oslad will end up dealing with this mess but why should we get involved? Not like they have been bother us much,” another soldier commented getting murmurs of agreement from the others as he folded his hand, seeing as how it was absolute rubbish.

Two others went all in.

“Trust the president boys, we elected him for a reason. I wouldn't want to go to war for no reason either, but surely the government is just gettin’ itself the support of the people without doing much,” Damen stated, a light smile coming to his face at the notion of the government just saber rattling as much as Karum was. “By the by, royal flush. I win!” The others let out groans of defeat while Damen laughed and took his winnings. Yet, the night was young, he might just lose it all.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Chairman Stein
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Chairman Stein Some Sorta Seminarian

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The War of 1867

The War of 1867, known in Karum as the Osladian War and in Oslad as The Karumi War, was the final nail in the coffin of 'Great Karum' and the end of Karumi dominion over the Seronans and Tangarians, and it was the rise of Oslad as a great power. However, the history of this conflict stretches much farther back then the 1860s. 30 years prior Tsar Dominik I had just finished his conquest of the Tangarian horse lords and quelled the last unrest south in Serona, beheading the upstart Prince Valeriev, thus fulfilling his ambition of 'The Greater Karumi Empire'. With his quest fulfilled, Dominik gave himself the title of 'Tsar-Domnitor' and declared a new age for the Karumi people. In the following years the Karumi state would begin resettlement programs in Tangary and Serona, attempting to colonize the regions and thus expand their cultural influence over the continent. The results of these programs were likely not what the Tsar-Domnitor had expected, and instead of a steady resettlement of Karumi colonists with little resistance, any ethnic-Karumi that attempted to settle in either Tangary or Serona was met with fierce resistance.

Artist's rendition of Karumi colonists in Tangary, circa 1842.

These attempts at colonization came to a head in 1856, 20 years after the original conquest of Tangary and Serona, when an entire colonist caravan was slaughtered by Tangarian cossacks while the colonists rested. The Karumi government immediately reacted and martial law was implemented in the towns of Tangary, with the royal constabulary arresting and outright executing anyone who protested. In 1857 a Tangarian delegation of horse lords and refugees journeyed to Oslograd and pleaded with then Tsar Aleksandr II to support the Tangarians for their independence. At the time the Tsar rejected the Tangarian request, citing the Osladian friendship with Karum and the history of Tangarian 'brutality', thus the Tangarian host returned to their occupied homeland with little faith in the future. However, the tides of turn in favor of the Seronans and Tangarians in an event known as 'Dominik's folly'. A letter sent by the Tsar-Domnitor himself meant for the regional govenor of Tangary was stolen in a raid on the royal carriage by Tangarian bandits in 1865. In the letter, the Tsar-Domnitor expresses disdain with their alliance to the 'weak Osladians' and instead a growing interest in the Osladian province of Loren and a 'Karumi navy'. The letter made it's way to Oslograd and the new tsar, Tsar Nikolas III, was outraged at Karum's treachery. In a public statement spread throughout the continent, the young Tsar declared Tsar-Domnitor Dominik to be a 'treacherous lech' and officially cut all ties with Greater Karum. A year later, likely with under the table Osladian support, the Tangarian horse lords made their move.

On the morning of the 16th of February, as the snow still fell across the steppe, a Tangarian host under chief Kazymyr Tarasyuk rallied the town of Nevidny into a revolt against the Karumi constabulary. The mayoral house was raided and looted of goods and the Karumi police in the town were killed in a vicious attack. In the town square Tarasyuk read a declaration of independence from the Karum Empire to a patriotic crowd. Hours after, the Osladian Imperial Army crossed the border and a declaration of war was sent to Salaz, the Osladians were marching into Tangary.

Artist's depiction of a young Tsar Nikolas III at the battle of Buraclia, circa 1869.

Over the following months the Osladian Imperial Army, under the leadership of Tsar Nikolas III and Field Marshal Viktor Todorov, fought a hard campaign against the Imperial Karumi Army. Starting at the crossing of the River Lus and the siege of Buraclia fifty thousand Osladian soldiers faced off against thirty thousand Karumi within the city. Over the course of five days the Osladian forces managed to cross the river after countless skirmishes with Karumi skirmishers and begin a hard pressed siege of the city, costing thousands of Osladian lives. However the city did fall and with it opened a road to Luska and Fallum. Meanwhile, far to the south-east of the Osladian theater, a revolt in Serona grew to become a rebellion against the overstretched Karumi army, and the declaration of a Seronan principality came in June of 1867.

Seeing defeat as inevitable as the Imperial Karumi Army fled over the Tangary border into Karum, and the Seronan's beginning to push them from their own province, Tsar-Domnitor Dominik watched the empire he had forged only 30 years prior begin to collapse around him. In a final act of defiance to his enemies, the elderly Tsar-Domnitor threw himself from the Spring Palace in Salaz and ended his life, leaving his son of 26 Michel in control as Tsar-Domnitor Michel I. Shortly after Dominik's death, the young Michel was forced by his deceased father's council to wave the white flag and seek peace with the Osladians. The demands were brutal, but had the war lasted any longer there may not had been a Tsardom of Karum to rule over at all. So, in January of 1868 Michel I, Nikolas III, and then Prince-Elector Oksanen signed the Treaty of Salaz, marking the official independence of the Principality of Serona and the Tangarian Hetmanate, though the Tangarian state was little more than a Osladian protectorate. Thus came an end to Greater Karum, and the dreams of the Tsar-Domnitor Dominik. Though of course, Michel I would go on to attempt to follow in his father's footsteps...

Oslad at War

As war raged on in the north, life remained much the same in Oslograd for the average citizen. While the already enlisted and deployed soldiers marched to the northern coast, the reservists and high ranking general staff remained in their stations, continuing the ever-lengthening Osladian military bureaucracy that came with a multicultural empire. Musicians still wrote songs, poets still wrote poems, and lovers still quarreled. However, outside the industrialized capital of the Empire, things had changed rather suddenly. Once quiet fishing towns had suddenly been given the task of providing for sometimes hundreds of soldiers, and cities like Voskreya, Shurga, Dukovsta, and even Kurakka began to fill in the weekends with soldiers off duty coming to gamble and enjoy their free time. Indeed, life for the northern Boletarians and Osladians had changed.

But while the soldiers drilled, gambled, and mobilized the navy was busy at work. After their humiliation in the Zeelian strait both the Imperial Navy and the Selidov government had become the butt of many jokes within the military and political right, with Grushanin especially receiving perhaps unworthy hatred by many patriots. However critics were silenced when the second battle came and Grushanin once again proved his honor and integrity as an officer of the Imperial Navy. Three vessels, two of which being miniture pre-dreadnoughts in themselves, being sunk to the bottom was an honor and Grushanin returned to Oslograd's harbor as a hero. Reporters demanded photos of the Admiral and his vessel, artists sent requests for portraits, and sailors told jokes of Grushanin 'spending more time chasing Zellonian ships than sinking them'. Selidov and his twilight government could breathe a sigh of relief for now, their legitimacy was secure for a time a time... Until the alliance.

Rear Admiral Aleksandr Grushanin, circa 1900.

In early September the Republic of Kalpia requested permission to join the Osladian side of the Zellonian conflict. Selidov, seeing no real trouble in allowing a fellow nation affected by the northern King's banditry to join the Empire's struggle, accepted the request and orders were sent from the Duma to the Military Academies and Offices informing the general staff and the admiralty that they were to plan to meet with and plan in coalition with the Kalpian armed forces. Needless to say, Selidov was unprepared for the storm he had brought upon himself.

In a public statement Union traditonalist Count Yegorov lambasted the Prime Minister as 'weak' and 'requiring the aid of a weaker nation to take on a second rate kingdom'. In the Duma mocking names for Selidov continued, and the image of Selidov as old and weak were widespread. However within the moderate camp of the Union party, Palkowski was quick to defend Selidov and remind his own party that it was a Union prime minister that called upon the aid of Tyro-Redania during the unrest of '36, when the liberal revolutions of the Continent were in full swing and the young Tsardom was on the verge of civil war. However the voice of reason within the party was outspoken by the Yegorov camp and his military allies. It seemed as each day passed and victory was not achieved, the military lost more and more faith in Selidov and his supporters.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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Empire of Violette

Le Patriote

Zeelian Crisis Hits Close to Home

The escalating bloodshed of the Zeelian Crisis reached Violette last Thursday, as a Zellonian merchant vessel en-route to Confluence was fired upon and sank by a Kalpian submarine, sources report. The submarine, identified by foreign authorities as the KRN Grunewalde, engaged the ZRN Danielson in the evening of September 7th, launching a torpedo at the civilian trade-ship in an act of commerce raiding that signaled an intensification of the already blazing conflict. Eight Veletian citizens were on board the vessel at the time of the attack, of whom six were safely evacuated from the Smaragd Sea by Zellonian fishermen. Two sailors, brothers Pierre and Philippe Lefèvre, remain missing and are presumed dead. They represent the first Veletian casualties of the unraveling war, but are among the dozens of civilians from various nations whose lives have already been ended by the war.

Foreign Minister Augustin Batteux has insisted that redress will be sought from Arsech for the sailor's deaths, but warned that direct Veletian intervention in the crisis would only cause greater loss of life for the people of Violette. In a press release early this morning, Mr. Batteux stated firmly, "Many of the decisions made by all parties involved in the Zeelian Crisis are questionable, even reprehensible. All citizens of Violette understand, however, that direct Veletian involvement in the sorties would lead only to greater loss of life for the citizens of Violette. I am in talks with Minister Marcelet Gavreau of the Trade Office and our contemporaries in the Kalpian Republic, and I can assure each and every citizen of our proud nation that the lives of the Lefèvre brothers will not be allowed to be forgotten. We will work for you to ensure that civilian casualties and impact to international commerce as a result of this conflict in the Smaragd Sea is limited, as much as humanly possible—so that this internecine conflict does not drag the rest of The Continent down with it. Cargo ships exporting dried herbs to neutral nations are not prime military targets."

Palais Violette, Confluence, Empire of Violette,

The newly crowned Empress of Violette was not new to the imperial palace. She had been born there, actually—in the nursery, some twenty-two years ago. The elegant (some might say gaudy) literally gilded halls of the palace certainly gave off the impression of wealth and privilege, but despite this the young Tsirine had never been a happy child. Her father and mother had become estranged some years after Tsirine was born, a state of affairs that the now-Empress had not understood at the time was a result of her mother's apparent inability to give her husband another child. The trappings of fame and fortune had done the shy and timid girl few favors, intensifying the social isolation incurred by her feuding parents to leave her completely alone. Tsirine's father, Edouard, was apparently drawn to drink from his wife's infertility, and Victoria, her mother, became a woman scorned.

Edouard's death, when Tsirine was a mere twelve, did not help things. The unsavory rumors circulating his demise and her mother's alleged involvement left Tsirine both insulted and despondent: Victoria could never have done such a thing, and those peddling the conspiracy did nothing to assuage her grief. Nonetheless, the lies were widely enough believed to lead to rebellion two years later, when Tsirine's grandfather Emperor Frank XII passed, leaving Victoria the Empress of Violette. A coup was attempted, the infamous Victorian Mutiny, supported by nearly the whole of the Veletian Marine and major elements of the Gendarmerie. Tsirine, just emerging from her social cocoon and making friends with the other young inhabitants of the palace, found herself locked away for nearly a year as Victoria vanquished the rebels. Her justifiably punitive response, including the liquidation of the entirety of the Marine's admiralty, left Violette both weakened and with an unpopular ruler. Her mother's reign had been doomed from the start.

Tsirine's ascension, therefore, was gleefully accepted by Violette's ministers and people alike. The young Empress, the most junior monarch since the proclamation of the empire, was seen optimistically by the Veletians. The officials within the government expected autonomy—for the still-learning monarch to defer much of her authority—and the people were simply happy to have someone young and beautiful and whom they didn't believe to be a murderer in charge. Her reign's first actions, building relations with the mighty giants of the east, the Tsardom of Radena and Dominion Meung, seemed to the Empress to have have been successful. Both she and her whole country were hopeful that continued successes would follow. God willing, the daughter would undo the sins of the mother.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Ascendant
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The Imperium of Hiron

October 5th, 1899, Yufutsu, Hiron

The Diplomat Hiri Ishiki stepped aboard TES Kazemono. $400,000 was stored in a briefcase he was caring, having been given orders to sail to the Tyro-Redanian Empire to acquire 400 of their new machineguns in exchange for the money. The implications of this were obvious, and Ishiki's mission was kept tightly under wraps in order to avoid piracy or conflict, but who the machineguns were to be used on, Ishiki had no idea. It was not his place to question, only to follow orders. The man stepped aboard the ship, possibly never to return to Hiron again if things went badly.

October 6th, 1899, Senryu, Hiron

The Head of Design of Imperials Arms, the only real provider of Small Arms in Hiron, Mazuki Sunichiro, was sitting quietly at his desk when a secretary politely entered, bowed, and presented to him a set of papers. On them was a direct order from the Imperium government itself, "Hmm? They wish to have an up-to-date rifle? Well, it's about damn time. The last one was designed eleven years ago. Lazy bastards finally got around to this. I'll get right on it, tell them I'll have the prototype in... say... August, 1900. Alright?" The secretary bowed once more and left the room as Mazuki set to work on the rifle, muttering to himself, "Hmm, their specifications are very specific, they're aiming quite high with this one... I'll do my best for the Emperor..."

October 7th 1899, Senryu, Hiron

Shipyards and Drydocks across Hiron received orders for new ships from the Imperium, with each Drydock being informed to build an 1894 Class Pre-Dreadnought, and the shipyards told to build a current-gen submarine each. Revitalized finally by having new business, the naval construction workers got to work as soon as they could, drawing up plans and allocating resources.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

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“Sir, we cannot denounce the Triple I, that would be against what Itherae stands for!,” Menoeceus Zacharias, Minister of Economics cried after the Tyro-Redanian diplomat left to return to his chambers. He firmly stood for support of the rebellious movement, still holding a grudge against the man who had slaughtered eleven of the Itheraen populace months ago when others have moved on. The man failed to see the repercussions of not giving into the Tyro-Redanian demands, a complete shut out of their northern neighbors; allowing a new threat to the country’s independence to quickly rise quickly.

“With all due respect, Mister Zacharias, we must, lest we face invasion from the north and have them engulf all the Itheraen population. We are few, they are of millions upon millions. We cannot face such a threat from any of the great powers,” Alexi Georgas stated, with a nod from approval from the Minister of the Army. The president sighed before looking at his cabinet, “Men, I fear we have no choice but to agree to the Tyro-Redanian demands. We cannot risk them becoming unhappy and attacking us. No doubt, this will foster good relations between us.” Nods of solemn approval came from the others, agreeing that this would be the best course of action.

“Then let us make it official,” the president continued, “Gather the people.”

An hour or so later with a crowd gathered, Alexi stood over them once more, this time without any threats of war. “My fellow Itheraens, you have elected me to represent our interests and keep the flame of democracy alive. Hence, officially, Itherae shall denounce any insurgent movements such as the Triple I. It may come to shock many of you, but this is for the best interests of the nation. Make the news spread and may the heavens bless you all!” With that said, Alexi allowed the crowd to converse with itself, wondering how exactly to react to this announcement. On one hand it did not affect them, on the other it affect their brothers and sisters who sought independence from the Tyro-Redanians.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Boop_Im_A_Dragon


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The Tsardom of Radena


Eastern Opportunity

After much discussion among the Tsar and his advisors, the Imperial Palace had officially announce the “Settumu Resettlement Act”. Offering a year long housing subsidy to any willing to brave the journey to the the Eastern lands of Settumu, Economic Minister Grishin Gennadiyevich made a statement that the law had hoped to achieve “new found economic opportunity” within the more barren territories of Radena. Many speculate that more initiatives to improve upon the Settumu territories could vastly improve the economic potential of Radena as a whole.

A week after the initiative had begun, nearly one hundred families had been reported to have begun an almost year long journey to Settumu. Reports show that many of these men and women are poor farmers hoping to capitalize on the cheap and abundant land. This trip however is not expected to be easy. Most of Radena’s Eastern territories consist of vast amounts of untapped and untamed tundra, with few if any settlements within the vast expanse of emptiness. Officials had advised any who wish to take the journey to be prepared to rely mostly on whatever rations and foodstuff brought with you for several days and to pack for intense cold, especially during the winter season.

More families are expected to attempt the journey once winter comes to an end, in hopes of a far easier journey during the initial trip. Fifteen Radenan families are reported to even be taking the journey by sea, some of which is an even more dangerous journey than by land. Estimated to take only a few months to reach the Eastern shores of Settumu, it comes with dangers of intense and uncontrolled waters of the southern oceans.

Family of 8 traveling to Kutbor (circa 1899)

Zellonian-Osladian War

With the most recent addition of Kalpia into the war against Zellonia’s claim to the western straits and Zellonian Sea, many among the population fear an official declaration of war from the Imperial Palace. These tensions carried over several days, until Tsar Pyotr II made an official statement to address the concern over the issue of Radena’s stance on the war.

“The Kingdom of Zellonia and the Tsardom have had strained relations over the past months due to the acquisition of a Radenan merchant vessel at the hands of the Zellonian Fleet. However, due to the reasonability of King James, the merchants alongside their vessel and cargo were quickly returned home once more, without any issue or incident between our country and theirs. As such, the Tsardom of Radena will remain staunch neutrality towards the war happening so close to home, so long as the people of Radena remain unharmed and both the integrity and honor of this mighty Tsardom is maintained.”

Artist rendition of Tsar Pyotr II later that year (circa 1899)

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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Empire of Violette

Le Patriote

Governor Droulez to Stand Trial under Military Court

Scandal has struck Sandao as the governor of Veletian Settumu has been temporarily relieved of office and is scheduled to stand before a court-martial. The long-time administrator of Veletian Settumu, Governor Droulez has been under house arrest since he was implicated in a human trafficking operation in which it is alleged he took part in efforts to transport women from various countries in Settumu to Violette's colony in the region, that the young women would serve as prostitutes for members of the guard. The allegations were unearthed by a Kikitomi reporter, and were considered to be of serious enough merit to warrant both Droulez's immediate suspension and now his subsequent court-martial. Awaiting the completion of proceedings, preliminary administration of the colony's senior affairs has been placed under administration of adjacent offices of the governorship, whilst minor duties have been entrusted to municipal authorities.

A respected veteran who served the Crown loyally under the Victorian Mutiny, helping to maintain order in Veletian Settumu, questions have been raised by some of those concerned by the heinousness of the allegations against Droulez that the officers presiding over the court-martial may offer Governor Droulez considerable sympathy, owing to his record of distinguished service. Care has been taken, however, to select officers whom have never served with Droulez directly, and who are not at all affiliated with his administration or implicated in any of the same charges levied against the governor. Judiciary officials in Confluence have insisted that the truth of the allegations against Governor Droulez will be determined exactly as is legally mandated by the Gendarmerie's code of ethics. Efforts have been taken to ensure that women alleged to have been victims of the trafficking ring may step forward and have their testimony heard, that it might be made entirely clear both the validity of the allegations and the precise nature of who was and was not involved. Neither Her Majesty Empress Tsirine nor General Hebert Féret of the Gendarmerie have made any comment.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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The World as We Know It

[Turn 3 -- July, 1899 to September, 1899.]


October 1st
Operation Sa-To finishes in the Imperium of Hiron. Operators of the Hironese security agency return from deep within Meung, the Continental colonies and the less reputable Warlord settlements. Sa-To's strategic objectives were met with resounding success.
[Event: Please see PM entitled Operation Sa-To]

October 2nd
The Radenan Navy goes on maneuvers, though they are limited in scope as the Radenan Navy is a bureaucratic and underfunded mess. A destroyer Idrik, is lost during maneuvers when her boilers foul completely. Instead of towing her back, her sailors simply disembark and give a half handed salute from aboard a neighboring ship. The gunnery practice they receive is mediocre at best.
[Event: Tsardom of Radena gains +6% Training, -1 Destroyer]

October 3rd
The Osladian Empire appoints Renzi Luchi Carrano to the post of Minister of the Navy. Carrano, a former captain turned politician of sorts, understands the power of a well funded Imperial Navy. His first act as Naval Minister is a charismatic open letter to the Imperial Diet, pleading for additional shells and fuel.

October 4th
The Zellonian Royal Army enacts Operation Redoubt, following the complete mobilization of their troops. With the weather cooling rapidly, the Zellonian troops understand that time is on their side.

October 5th
The first hostilities of the Karumi War break out as 150,000 Karumi soldiers pour over the border into Serona, lighting the sky up in an orange and purple haze of continuous artillery fire. Within hours the first Seronan refugee enters Itherae.

October 6th

The Tsardom of Radena orders it's design bureaus to find a replacement for their ailing, 1888 model rifle. Those two companies interested are Yevstingey International, a fledgling small arms company that drew the attention of Tsar Pyotr II and Suchkov Rifles, the original pioneer of the Tsardom's current rifle. The specifications are simple. They want a rifle that is simple and easy to use.

October 7th

In the Osladian Empire, Count Rusak and Tyro-Redanian Imperial Ambassador Edgar Bain meet. Bain promises their neutrality in a war that is potentially turning against the Oslads, while Rusak more carefully navigates the conversation and promises huge victories in the coming future, a feat that impresses Bain.
[Event: Osladian Empire has +1 Relations with Tyro-Redanian Empire]

October 8th

News hits the Continental stage from the Kalpian Free Press that an arms deal has just been concluded between the Kalpian Republic and the Republic of Serona, a target of the belligerent Tsardom of Karum. This front page story alleges that the Kalpians are selling over 50,000 KR.99 rifles and a hundred 77mm field guns.

Protests start up in Liubeth, Karp and Tarist, with one such movement leader citing: "Self-determination is not a business opportunity!"
[Event: The Kalpian Republic loses 1 Stability. The Kalpian Republic sells 57,200 KR.99 rifles and 100 R98 7.7cm Field Guns to the Republic of Serona for +$1,837,000.]

October 9th

The Tyro-Antarian Empire begins Operation Flintlock, inserting tactical intelligence operatives into the neighboring Survian Republic under Monarch Louis Castignon and the Kingdom of Thecia.

October 10th

In the Republic of Itherae, the Minister of Economics Menoeceus Zacharias finalizes the Zacharias-Puthia Agreement with the Survian Republic. Itherae, who has held claims to the Northwestern Highlands in Serranthia since 1717 but no plans (or capabilities) to colonize it, sell the land to the Survian Republic, dutifully negotiated by Foreign Minister José Puthia for a sum of $62,000,000.
[Event: Republic of Itherae gains +$62,000,000.]

October 11th

The Imperium of Hiron sends a request to Imperial Arms for a new rifle specification. The Imperial Arms bureau promises a protyotype to be delivered in around a years time.

October 12th

In the Grand Kingdom of Meung, Crown Prince Hu Shihuang immediately orders that the dysfunctional and largely inept postal delivery system be destroyed and reformed. While he and his Ministers Council implore that this decision will ensure the lives of everyday citizens will be improved, the genuine cause for this is to ensure that a functional military infrastructure for transporting orders between the districts is in place. Slated to take nearly 2 years, after it's completed, much of coastal Meung will be linked by "Postal Roads," which are hastily drawn but easily navigable tracts of land.

October 13th

To pull attention away from the pending military trial of Commander Droulez, a parade of some considerable prestige in the Empire of Violette] is held. Per usual, thousands turn out from all over the country to get a glimpse of marching soldiers of the Gendarmerie and the monarch and her carriage.
[Event: Empire of Violette gains 1 Stability]

October 14th-27th

October 28th

The Veletian Gendarmerie undergoes yearly renovations, with new gear being sent in large quantities. This overhaul is absolutely crucial for ensuring the primacy of a standing force comparable only to the Kalpian Republics.
[Event: Veletian Gendarmerie gains +12% Supply & Logistics]

October 29th

The Tyro-Redanian Empire finishes a production run of 16,000 Mawka II bolt action rifles.
[Event: Tyro-Redanian Empire gains +16% Supply & Logistics]

October 30th

The Tyro-Redanian Empire finishes a production run of 600 Prager M1899 machine guns.
The Republic of Itherae issues the Freemen's Edict, which allows any man who is willing a spot in the Seronan Volunteer Corps. Over 28,000 men sign up and by the end of the month are headed out--on foot--to Serona for training and outfitting. While it may not be Itherae's war, she was going to try and fight it.

October 31st
The Imperium of Hiron officially lays down the keels of three pre-dreadnoughts, the Asai, Furu and Eiyuu. They are slated to be completed in approximately fifteen months.

[End of October]
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Lauder The Tired One

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A new company has arrived to the forces of the Itheraen army, opted by many to the officers within the armed forces, the Logistics Company has been introduced to help organize and keep track of the supplies and munitions of their respective divisions. While some say it adds unneeded bureaucracy to the army, it will play a key role in furthering the abilities of the army and being sure that every piece of equipment is present and accounted for. Of course it will create a higher demand for soldiers to supplement this new addition to the army but that will come in time as the plans for this new addition come into play.

Currently, division leaders are announcing this addition to the rest of their respective units as to prepare them for the change that is about to come. One such division leader is Anastasius Soulis, a gruff old man who expects only the best out of the men that follow him, as well as expecting them to be prepared at all times. “Alright men, a new segment of our armed forces is being added! It is a logistics company and its purpose is to make sure that you boys get the necessary supplies you need for the missions, no more, no less. That does not mean you get to slack off on the care of your weapon! Your weapons will stay in the same condition that you received it in,” he stated, men being sure to listen well as he would not repeat himself.

“Now, I want you all to remember that this logistics company will not care if you had too little to eat or not enough rum to give you a buzz! They care only about what is necessary for you all! Dismissed!” the company leader ordered before going off to file his reports on the status of his men, no time for rest or games, only time to be preparing for any sudden changes. That was his line of thinking and he instilled it in the rest of his division as well, orders could come from anywhere at any time and it was their duty to execute them to the letter.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

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The World as We Know It

[Turn 4 -- October, 1899 to December, 1899.]

The Continent, November, 1899


November 1st

In the Republic of Itherae, the insurgency and intelligence gathering Operation Forsworn has come to a fruitful conclusion in the Tsardom of Karum. While moderately poor, the Tsardom has managed to mobilize a great swathe of it's available reserve forces into an army numbering nearly 200,000. The fully mobilized Seronan Army however is a meager 120,000 men. Interestingly enough, the Seronan Army--following a monetary transaction with the Kalpian Republic--is extremely well equipped, though it will take some time for these shipments to reach the front.

November 2nd
In the Grand Kingdom of Meung, the Crown Prince Hu Shihuang follows up with the Shihuang Edict, which has a single--and terrible governmental change. It forcibly criminalizes any political or military agent from accepting a government bribe. On the first day of it's enactment, Chief Foreign Financial Minister Mao Huyuan and Minister of Taxation Cui Hong are both arrested, taken outside and summarily executed for taking underhanded payments from warlords in the South.
[Event: Grand Kingdom of Meung loses -$11,850,000. Gains 3 Stability.]

November 5th
In Sindao, the military tribunal of Commander Droulez begins in earnest. Droulez is loved among the native Veletian population as well as the garrison there. He is detested among the Kikitomi population for his efforts to dehumanize them in support of a sex trafficking ring. His trial, taking place over 11,000 miles away, remain front page news in the Empire of Violette. His trial will be conducted expeditiously and is expected to finish before the year is up. The result however, is anyone's guess.
[Event: Trial of Commander Droulez can be decided in favor of the Kikitomi or Veletians. IC response required.]

November 6th
In Rigour, the capital of the Empire of Tara, a private security meeting goes over the details of Operation Halder. [Please see PM entitled Operation Halder.]

November 7th
A single delegate from the Imperium of Hiron arrives in Aetoria from Hiron after nearly three weeks of sea travel. There, he covertly buys 376 M1899 Prager machine guns. A deal originally for 400, it was discovered that some two dozen had become unusable after poor maintenance. Furthermore, the Tyro-Redanian diplomat squeezed several "customs fees" onto the docket, engorging the price to $650,000. While an exorbitant price, the Hironese delegated understood that returning without the weapons would be a death sentence.
[Event: Imperium of Hiron purchases 374 M1899 Prager machine guns for $650,000 from the Tyro-Redanian Empire.]

November 10th
In the Republic of Itherae, the institution of a logistics company attached to existing infantry units seeks to raise the supply capacity for the Itheraen Republican Army.
[Event: Republic of Itherae gains +4% Supply & Logistics].

November 14th
The Tsardom of Radena sends a diplomat to the Marnish Kingdom, north of Zellonia. The diplomat returns heavy handed, as the Marnish Kingdom's diplomats are fiercely neutral in their political ideology and wish to keep it that way.

November 18th
The Veletian Empire has a handful of boats, escorted by a single destroyer the VX Rapport, arrive at Cap Émeraude in Masilia. The tropical coast line is a paradise, but the men understand the hard work ahead of them. Expectations for the completion of the colony to a livable standard are about 12-15 months.

November 20th
The Kalpian Republic passes legislation to help with tax reform and close bureaucratic loopholes in their mixed market economy. Tariff reforms helps standardize trade laws.
[Event: The Kalpian Republic income increases +$760,000/Year.]

November 26th
Kalpian Republic asks the Leikarp Co. to design a bicycle capable of military service. The manufacturer promises a prototype design in the next 6 months.

November 28th
Only two days after passing the Tariff Reform Act, the Kalpian Republic passes the Market Deregulation Act, which seeks to promote growth in private industry. This however does not seem to have the same overarching promise that the Tariff Reform Act held.
[-1 for Global Economy Roll in 1900.]

[End of November]
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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The Nexerus Sui generis

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Empire of Violette

Le Patriote

(Front Page)

Imperial Parade Resounding Success!

The sun shined proudly on newly crowned Empress Tsirine as she waved to adoring onlookers as the centrepiece of the Imperial Parade in Confluence. The procession began with the ceremonial swearing of allegiance of both General Hebert Féret and Admiral Lambertus Joubert, primary officers of the Gendarmerie and Marine respectively, to Her Majesty. With crowds coming from all over Violette and her empire, the streets of Confluence were packed, tens of thousands of smiling faces and purple flags celebrating Veletian nationhood in a grand display of patriotism. This year's parade was recorded to have been the largest since the inaugural parade of Emperor Frank XII, Her Majesty's illustrious grandfather, and much of the might of the Gendarmerie was put on display as armed and uniformed soldiers marched down the boulevards of the city of violets. A detachment of the garrisons of each of the empire's overseas sister-nations joined in the ceremonies as well, marching into formation with the parade at the point of the Golden Pavilion, with hundreds of Cotê d'Oriennes and Kikitomi proudly standing alongside their Veletian brothers-in-arms and singing the praises of our great empire.

The parade ended on the steps of the Pont d'Aspiration, leading over the River Jamais to the Île-de-Violette, namesake of the whole nation and birthplace of both the ancient kingdom of Violette and Her Majesty herself. Waving with a wide smile to the jubilant crowds, Empress Tsirine gave a speech extolling the virtues of the Veletians, describing her empire as the home of love and justice, birthplace of the proud. Against the backdrop of the Palais Violette behind her, Her Majesty picked up and proudly waved the Veletian flag, a ceremonial sailing vessel of the Marine passing beneath her as the crowds erupted in a chorus of patriotic anthems. As the ceremonies ended, and Empress Tsirine retired to the palace, all drinking establishments in Confluence offered half-price on all Veletian wines and liqueurs, in honour of the festivities. Many a votre santé was wished to the Empress and the nation, as the people of Confluence and her visitors drank and sang together long into the night.

Le Patriote

(Subsection 4, Page 17/23, Small Print)

Governor Droulez Found Guilty

The former administrator of Veletian Settumu, Commander Droulez, has been found guilty of negligence unbecoming of an officer by a military tribunal in Sindao. The divisive 6-5 judgement in the prosecution's favour condemned Droulez for his lack of initiative in responding to the sex trafficking ring organized by his inferiors, but did not find evidence that Droulez himself was personally involved in either the conceptualization or actualization of the plot. Droulez was formally dismissed from his offices as both Governor of Veletian Settumu and Commander of the National Garrison, but in recognition of his decades of distinguished service prior to the so-called Droulez Affair, remained an officer of the Gendarmerie. Following his dismissal, however, Commander Droulez announced his early retirement from the armed service, and made known his plans to relocate from Sandao back to his family's estate in the outskirts of Confluence. Mr. Droulez will now serve as civilian liaison to the Académie Militaire de Confluence, training new officers in grand strategy and effective administration. Neither he nor anyone connected to the tribunal was available for comment.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Empress
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 28 days ago


The ships sat in the dock yard, overlooking the sea that sat in front of Itherae, the Inner Sea, the only sea that ancient Itheraens have sailed. A bountiful sea that gave life to the sparse Itheraen population, a way of trade and a source of food, a magnificent sea with deep cultural roots to the Republic. A calm and tame ocean when the heavens wanted or a violent and malevolent beast when the heavens were angered. The Inner Sea basked with radiance, great and powerful, malevolent and benevolent.

Yet, the republic has turned a blind eye to the navy that would allow them to dominate the area, instead focusing on the land. Finding that the armies of the nations around it to be more important than its own cultural roots, a reasonable decision given the nations that surrounded the sparsely populated republic. However, the Inner Sea yearned for an Itheraen touch, beckoning for them to return to their maritime roots once more. Though, Alexi ignored the call, it just was not the time for Itheraen naval domination, instead for strength of the Itheraen people.
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